HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 10/31/2008 ~ .' Date Received: SPRINGFIELD ..:'.1.. ,...~, City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 OCT 3 1 2008 Original Submittal Development Issues Meeting (DIM) ~'Irl'<"'~"~ e- J+;' . Y' -. 'Q~ 'It ~ '-.'~-',,,~.~ ",J. ",'" '" "~ .,.t_"'J' ..... '.,' I ...._~_'" j -b ...!.,' ~. RequiredJ~rOJect:lnformaticin ," V", .,.' dAppliciint:"complete'this:sectionJ -:;~.~_.~,....", "k ~_.~.~. ,~; '.' '.~. .' __J._~. _.... _ '. -l. ...... ,.. _' ., ..~ ~.!_. .... Prospective Applicant Name: Icompany: IAddress: I I Prospective Applicant's Rep.: ICompany: IAddress: I IPropertvowner: !company: IAddress: I Shaun Hyland Phone: 726.8081 Hyland Business Park, LLC Fax: 741.0896 PO Box 7867, Eugene, Oregon 97401.0033 Kristen Tavlor Phone: 687.1010 ex 15 TBG Architects & Planners/lne Fax: 687-0625 132 East Broadway, Suite 200. Eugene, Oregon 9740 I Phone: Alice L'{nette Wdght Revoc Live Trust Fax: 660 Level Lane, Springlield, Oregon 97477 IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03.27-10 ITAX LOT NO(S): 3900 I Propertv Address: Existing Addresses 1863 LaurH.street, 110 West Q Street and 120 West 0 Sh'eet ISize of Property: 0.92 Acres [><J Sauare Feet D Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Community Commercial retail/restaurant multi-tenant buiJdin.g develooment I Existinq Use: New/used ear and truck retail sales use and one single family rental home 1# of Lots/Parcels: N/A lAva. Lot/Parcel Size:, N/A sf IDensity: N/A I du/acre Prospective Applicant: ~~ y/--- Shaun Hyland Print Date: \O-~\-O't '. . , - - - . . . Case No.: '}yGV\2rc<t-z.,- 615D40 Date: iZ/3I/0t6 Reviewed by: ~ Application Fee: $ 5'1.1 DO ITechnical Fee: $0 Ipostaqe Fee: $0 I 5"\ 00 I TOTAL FEES: $ '-- PROJECT NUMBER: I Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian J I I I I I J I I I J I J I , I j I ___J 1 of 3 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone iii~! Cir 'f Springfield Official Receipt De, _topment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 2200800000000001586 Date: 10/3112008 to:48:30AM Paid By HYLAND CONSTRUCTION Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 521.00 $52 I. UO Job/Journal Number ZON2008;00040 Description CTY Development Issues Mtg Payments: Type of Payment Check Amount Paid tj 61045 In Person Payment Total: $521.00 $521.00 Date Received: OCT 3 1 2008 Original Submittal cReccintl Page 1 of I 10/3 1/2008 October 30, 2008 TBG ~~2L.:~ '" '" :~~>t City of Springfield Developillent Services Planning Division 225 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 ARCHITECTS & I'I.ANNERS/lNC RE: Prospective laura and West Q Street Redevelopment Development Issues Meeting (200829/1,3) I J2 l'il5, Bro;idw;w Suil':20lJ . Lugrcoe, Ore~~(ll\ ~i;' .10 t 5.;1-66;:"101() 5.11.6117.[lhl5 r"l\ Project Address: Exisling Addresses - -11)63 Laura Street,'J'J 0 West Q Street and 120 West Q Street Assessor's Map & Tax Lot: Applicant: E-mail Address: '17.03.27,10 Tax Lot 3900 Hyland Business Park LLC Shaun Hybnd 541-726-80S'1 PO 130x 7867 Eugene, Oregon 9740'1 shaltn@jhconsl.com Daytime Phone: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: TBe Architeels &: Plan'ners/lne Kristen Taylor 541-687-'10'10 '132 East Broadway, 'Su;'te 200 Eugene, Oregon 9740'1 ktaylor@tbg'ilrch,com Date Received: Applicant's Representative: Daytime Phone: Mailing Address: OCT 3 1 2008 Original Submitt'" E-mail Add ress: Branch Engineering, Inc. Lane 13ranch, P,E, Oamien Gilbert, P,E. 54'1.746-0637 3 HJ 5'h Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 lane@brilncltengineering,com . \ Civilrrraffic Engineer: Daytime Phone: Mailing Address: PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is requesling an initial Ol,y\ for this plospectlve projccI to better understand the general opportunities and challenges of this site and the proposed design, lhe proposed project involves the c1'cvelopment of ' an approximately 7,000 to 8,525 .square foot multiple tenant CO,ill~lercial building including retail sales and eating anrl drinking establishment uses with associatqd site infr,lslruclure, parking and l,ulrlscalJing, There are two prolJosed Conn:IJluallJli1l1s attacherl, Conccptu,ll Plan B acids (\ pOlential drive-through eaLing and drinking establishment use and reduces the )llhnL l.awr'~s~,AII\ building area to approximately 7,000 sql!~re fccllO accommodate the drive-through, .""';",,, I;Hni!" F. ,\lh'.~I~U:l Ill, AlA Prin,;ipill D.lr,e!1 L Smiih, :\C..\1\8, r.\lA I'dnl:ip;;[ City of Springfield October 30, 2008 Page 2 of 3 SITE CONTEXT AND INFORMATION The subject site is relatively flat totaling alJIJroximalely 092 acres located on the northeast side of the West Q and taura Streel intersection, The site is currently developed with a new/used car and truck retail sales use and one single family rental home with associated large asphalt parking areas dnd minimal landscaping, The existing site buildings, parking lots and infrastructure will be removed and redeveloped, The subject site is located within the Springfield City Limits and Urban Growth Boundary, The subject site is zoned Light.Medium Industrial (LMIl/Community Commercial (CC) Mixed.Use, The properties located 10 the east, west and north of Ihe subject site are also zoned LMI/CC Mixed. Use, The property located to the south is in the Public Land and Open Space ZUlling District. West Q and Laura Streets are collector streets, There are two existing driveways to the site, The existing driveway on Laura Street is not currently aligned ,with the driveway across the street and is not in use, There is also a full access driveway located off of West Q Street that serves buth the subject Tax Lot as well as Tax Lot 3600, We request that at a mtnlmum, staff members frolll planning, transportation and engineerillg allend the conference, If aplJlicable, it might also be helpful to invite a key ODOT representiltive to discuss the property located between the subject properly and West Q Street. Please do not hesitate to invite additional staff members to attend the conference in order to adequately address the questions, In addition to the questions, we have ellclosed two possible Conceptual Plans for reference only, DIM QUESTIONS (Specific Queslions in bold) 1, The subject site is zoned LMVCC. Based on the Gateway Refinement Pliln, a tot<11 of 14 <leres within this zoning district can be developed ilS Community Commerciill. After preliminary collversations with staff, it is our understanding thill this 0,92 acre property is currently developed with a commercial use so the redevelopment will continue to fall lindeI' the allowed 14 aeres of Comlllunity Commerciill. Is this interpretation accurate? How much of the total acreage within this LMJ/CC Zoning District is developed with Community Commercial . or how much of tlte allowed possible 14 acres of Community Commercial remains? Date Received: OCT 3 t 2008 Original submittal City of Springfield October 30, 2008 Page 3 of 3 2. There is currently undeveloped property located between the subject parcel and West Q Street. Who owns this property? What are the existing public facilities/utilities located on this property? If this property is owned by the City of Springfield or ODOT, is there a willingness to vacate this unused right-of-way while maintaining an easement as needed for any existing public facilities/utilities so that the developer can purchase and develop as part of the larger proposed development (with the understanding that vision clearance requirements will be met)? 3, The site is currently served via a full access to West Q Street at the southeastern , corner of the site, It is probable that a future tenant on the site would want/nced access to Q Street as well as Laura Strect. We have reviewed sight distillKe rcquirements for the Laura Street access and have found the necded sight distancc could be obtained by restricting obstructions on the southwest part of the site, Assuming safe sight distance requirements can be obtained, is it likely that two full accesses to the site could be granted? If so, does ODOT need to be invulved with access permitting? 4, The City of Springfield has just recently completed stormwater and wastewater master plans. Is there water, stormwater and wastewater infrastructure to the site with adequate capacity to accommodate full build out of the site? 5. Referencing the two prospective Conceptual Plans and the relevant code requirements, does the planning, fire and/or building department have any concerns or helpful information regarding the proposed design.! Will a Site Plan Review application be required for this proposed development? Thank you for your time and effort in clarifying these questions 50 that wc can proceed smoothly with the dcvelopment of this proposcd project. s'"~( Kristen T ayloT ( ^ -.~ V ---- -~-c.. Date Received: OCT 3 1 2008 JC Original Submittal Enclosure: City of Springfield DIM Application Form. .1 copy DIM Qucslions - 10 copies Conceptual Plans A and B daled October 30, 2008 - 10 copil's cc: ShaUll Hyland, john Hyland Construction, fne. Lane Branch, Branch Engineering, fne. Z:\PROJ\200R19 IHC Q & Laur" Slreelj\Cnrr(:sp'Agl~n(\,;2C,OR:!9.0l:\-elllpment b~p.s Mtg.doc 'I i . . i 'I:. ::: 'r:~')' ~~N~' 87'.::" ~:. I.: ..'TERM .,',.,: U . "BICYCLE :->:- -0' f :-:-. PARKING .. - BASIS OF DESIGN . . . . . ........... -:.:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: -:'.'J. . ,))-. ~ .... ,- ", . (. ,:.1 . .,~ 1:> 1:>",- in b~~ I :1 i ", ",- ....,..... /Fl\..< .. ~ I I ~i: I I I I I ~ I ~ I I <? 15.0"19'.0"0',0'1. 38 TOTAL PARKlNG SPACES ~,~ I: c;,"iYP' TYPi @.ccTfIJII18 ~~/>> .. "~<;) III " l- V') <( 0.::: :::J <( -' 1:> " ~ RfLOCATE (E) DRJVEWAY TO ALIGN WI DRIVEWAY TO PROPERTY ACROSS LAURA STREET ".'.... '-,",' ~ Vy Q 51. 155'-0" BUILDING AREA 8,525 SQ. FT. :. -::>.\~~(4j SHORT TER~; .. ......". ." .' " BI0'CLE F'ARF,IN~ ,,',:, :~.:. . ., :1 :1 -'. ~:-' .~. .",: .. " 12,. 'TRASH ~: : I ENCLOSURE > 1 c -:j~-7'-O' _':-1 MIN .. TYP 'd~~ 'i $~."""';:... ~" .......:.. .0- if I ,.1 1 .....'.. ~ .....:.. RELOCATED (E) DRIVEWAY CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN A "=30'-0' N @ A55E550R'5 MAP: TAX Lor: TOTAL SITE AF-fA'; LAND USE DISTRICT, DESCRIPTION: SYMBOLS I I I.....,.,.....' ...1 ::. ,..... 1 -+- 6.1 ~I C2J 17-03.27.10 3900 0.92 ACRES LIGHT-MEDIUM II~DUSTRlAL (LMI)! COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) MULTIPLE TENANT COMMERCIAL BUILDING INCLUDING RETAil SALES AND EATING AND DPJNIJNG ESTABLISHMENT USES WlrH AS50CIATED SITE INfRA5TRUCTUR.E, PNWNG AND lANDSCArING (E) BUILDING fOOTPRINT NEW WALf.-WAYS, PATIOS.. PORCHES I l.JlNDSCAPf f>.:R.fA (SEE LANDSCAPE STANDARDS fOR CITY CODE REOUIREMENTS) fROP'fRTY LINE ADA PAR.KJNG STALL COMPLETE WITH PAINTED SYMBOL" STRIPING, SIGN, AND DETECTABLE WARNING f SnORT TERM BICYCLE PARKING (3) SHORT fEW, PARKING SPACES REQUIRED LONG TERM BICYCLE PArnNG (I ) LONG TERM fARKJNG SPJLES REQUIRED Date Received: OCT 3 1 2008 Original Submittal TBG ARfHITl<:T5" PLANNCR~ liNe ,,,,..-.0, ~~ h.....;,<:.i:,?;.::'~ '~'I><I""?~~" CHECK SET PREi:j~:^RY INCOMf'Ul [ "'''-'''!i~,,~,,"~~r'".. Vl I- l.J.J l.J.Ju ~--' 1---' Vl ~' O'~ Cl... I-V') VlV') l.J.J w.J S~ o<l~ <(0 ~Z :::J:S <(>- ....JI ~ to ~ ~z 08 ~w ~~ ~o 6g- zw <" <u ~Z ~~ :5&. CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN .....'.1. ",",,,,, .<< , 1 , j ~.~~ ~ ...,,"'" s ~ Al i '" BASIS OF DESIGN I '~' ,....,.,..........!-SINGLE-lM; I.: .... ..... DRIVE .; ',~: THROUGH . . TBG AArHI1[CTS ~ PV.NNERSIINC <? ASSESSOR.'S Mf>J': TAX lOT: TOTAL SITE AREA: LAND USE DISTRICT: /7-03-27-10 3900 0.92 ACRES LIGHT-MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL (LMllI COMMUNITY COMMERCiAl (eel I> I..' '"...~:: '"-t<~7~~-:;'~ F~""]'"'''''' /: U Illli .'~--T:'.- ...,'- -D- -U- RELOCATE lEI '-.. Y DRIVEWAY TO --""""1 ALIGN WI DRIVEWAY I ~ TO PROPERTY ACROSS LAURA STREET 55'-0' ,;:,0--'--llllONG 1:C.. "," . TERM ", .'-,~ '-- (4) SHORT TERM ," BICYCLE --, BICYCLE FARf-JNG5 ".":,:' : I PARKING -I CHECK SET 1 PRElIMINARY INCO.::'irUT[ DESCRIPTION: MULTIPLE TENANT COMMERCIAL BUILDING INCLUDING RETAIL SALES AND EATING AND DRINKJNG ESTABLISHMENT USES WITH ASSOCIATED SITE INfRASTRUCTURE. PAfWNG AND LANDSCAPING 32 TOTAL PARKJNG SPACES /. - Q ~ /1 u b ,16'-0' I~ f--'nf'-';; . I .' ". -" -U- !-:r~ I' 24'-0 12'-0' . ~ .......5'-0' MIN ". '-,[.;. '-TYP ' BUILDING AREA 7,005 SQ, fT. MIN TYf -D- "if ,- 1?i!c <1), .'_ f~ 1>- (, ~ ~..'~_C: ,: ~b~~,~~~A)Y'- ~I\~: > ~'itl "".. ~ 1 ..,f ~~J. ;:~ ~~ ..........~ ':~ ~ ~ ~ TRASH \4 ~ S:) ENCLOSURE .' SYMBOLS -D- "if Vl I- u.J u.Ju CC-' 1--' Vl >L- C1C<: if: I-v-. Vlv-. u.J u.J S~ o<lii:; <Co ccz :J<( <C~ -1I I I ---V....! 1':1 "..' ~ <J) <( C>:: ::J <( -' (E) BUILDING fOOTPRINT ..', ,<. ,. . :1 J 55'-0' NEW WALJ.WAYS, PATIOS t PORCHES "if 17 LANDSCAPE AREA (SEE LANDSCAPE STANDARDS FOR CITY CODE REQUIREMENTS) 1 ,I <? c:> ~ Bz "0 t;;8 0" c:;c:. ~o >~ -~ ~~ &~ ~~ 58; -+- PROPERTY LINE 1 I II e. ~ ADA PARKING STALL COMPLETE Vv'lTN PAINTED SYMBOl t STRIPING. SIGN, AND DETECTABLE WARNING 1 -.1 .~.:. CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN SHORT TER/l..1 BICYCLE PARKING (3) SHORT TERM PARKING SPACES REQUIRED lZl LONG 1 EP-M BICYCLE PAf'.,KJNG (I) LONG TERM PARKING SPACES REQUIRED I I ! 'I h I' Ii ~ , , . , , < >.(.1"", :i ~ N Vy Q 57: r~",,(T , O"~ ".""" ~" Date Received: N @ CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN B , A2 ~ .9 OCT 3 1 2008 1'=30'-0' Original Submittal LII t OF~.: .I.JNl.~u~,.LD "J.LJ.1~.l.l t'MAP ZON2008-00040 1863 Laura/110 & 120 West Q Streets I SHEblE+-ST SITE Map 17-03-27-10 Tax Lot 3900 North t \E ~ i Date Received: OCT 3 1 2008 Original Submittal