HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2008-2-28 l. ......-~...~:-;'1 Information ~~!!.lTb Build On ~~"~~__.J:J"lSi" ~r~'" l~tini1 COMPRESSION REPORT V lI'/; '.' l /()f' I I Russ Pierson Bineham Construction 4171 West 1st Ave Eugene, OR 97402 Client: Address: SPRINGFIELD OFF'IC E 1040 -.A Shelley Stre~t . Springfieid, Oregon 974F (541)746-9649: (541)746-7163 f~x February 28,. 2008 CC8#1762;9 Project No.: 722-70329.5 Proj, Name: Midtown Center ".-'," Date: . B.P. No,: P,O. No.: Cast By: Michael Wright ! location: f30.S 32nd street; 'Springfieid,.Q;;gon '--~~ Field Test Data Material: Cor.crele 'Placement 9ata: Thickened slab footings from grid lines A to K and 1 to 3 Locallon Sampled At: Gridlines 2 - K Dale Cast: 01/24108 Ti;b~~~;~ 1~;;OO~:15000 Design Strength (pSi): Cyllndar No. Test Date 08-0121 1/31/2008 08-0122 21~1/2008 08.01 ~3 2/~1/~008 08.0124 Hold Dale Rec'd: 01/25/08 Weather; Cold 6" 314" Slump (in.); ASTM C143 Max. Aggr. Size: Air Content: ASTM C231 Air Temperature (F): Material Temp. (F): ASTM CJ064 Max Temp (F): Min Temo (F~: Specimen Size: Unil Weight (pet): ASTM C13B 'Time Cast: 12:08 PM Additives: WRDA64 Results Reported To: (Steve) Concrete forman with BCI 34,5" 50. 64. 52,5" 4x8 koad: I I I I I. Yardage 2 20 1 day F.e. remainder ASTM Total: Supplier: Knife River Curing Conditions: required 3,000 Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 placed 3,000 . Age (days) Field Cure (days) 7 1 28 1 ~8 1 H 1 Lab Cure Diameter or Cross Sect. Area Cylinder wr. Compo Strength Capping MettlOd I Cim~nstons MllX. Load (Ibs.) Fracture'Type .. Test Time [days) (inches) (:!I.i.) (Ibs.) (psi) C617-C13 C1231.()JI : ---.-- r .6 4.00 12.57 8.4 44,120 3,510 2 12:05 PM X --- 27 4.00 1~.57 8.4 58.800 4,680 3 1:09 PM X 27 4.00 1~.57 8.4 59,665. 4,750 3 1:13PM 'X H .. 1 - Cone (bo.h ends) 2 - CcneNertical Cracks (one end) ; . Columnar 4. Diagonal wIno craking at ends 5 - Side fractures (al top of boUoo I 'Remarks: c: Robert Castile - rcasUle@cLspringfield.or.us Charles McGlade, MD - ctm@rapc.com . Bineham Construction - nuss@binehamconstrucUon.com 6 - Top fractures (same as #5 but end of cylinder is pointed) . Re'f. lctfully Submitted, Pre r lsional Srllice;.!,ndustries, Inc. J J tv fcAl'l/' . Stet'en E, Wilder Laboratory Supervisor THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORUAnON OP THE eL/ENTONl Y. THE REPRODUCTJON OF'TH1S REPORT BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FULL,IS PROHIi3JTED WITHOUT THE WR1TTE/I PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSffiIES. . . li;i~ilf.;~:~;r:ltj;:~ E."'f)i.-...-rlr.-g . ~ng . l-e.n:Jng Client: Address: Russ Pierson Bineham Construction 4171 West 1st Ave Eugene, OR 97402 COMPRESSION REPORT -Placement Data: M.aterla/:" Concrete Thickened siab'footings from 9ridlines A to K and 1lo 3 (Field Cures) Location Sampled At: Gridlines 2 - K Date Cast: 01/24/08 Ti~~~t9~~'~ IM~:3NOO~:15000 DesiRn StrenRth (psi):. Cylinder No. 08-0125 08-0126 08-0127 08-0128 Test Date 1/31/2008 2/21/2008 2/21/2008 Hold Date Rec'd: Weather: 01/25/08 Clear required.2,500 Age (days) Field Cure (days) 7 7 28 28 28 28 H Lab Cure (dllYS) I j 3 - Columnar ~* 1 - Cone (buill ends) 2 ~ ConeNertical Cracks (one end) Remarks: c: Project No.: ~22c70329-6 Proj, Name: Midtown Center Location: 130 S 32nd Street Springfield, Oregon koad: ITotai: 20 I Supplier: - Knife River Yardage 2 SlulllP (in.): ASTM C143 . Max. Aggr. Size: , Air Contel1t: ASTM C231 Air Temperature (F): Material Temp. (F): A$TM 01Q64 Max Temp (F): Min Temp IF): SpecImen Size: Unit Weight {pef}: ASTMC138 Time Cast: 12:08 PM . Additives: WRDA64 Results Reported To: Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 placed 3,000 Diameler or Dimensions (inches) o o 4.00' 4.01 4.01 o H Cross See!. Area' Cylindf!f WT. (s.~.l (lbs.) 12.57 12.63 12.63 Date: B.P. No.: P.O. No.: Cast By: Field Test Data 6" 3/4" 34,5" , 50' 4x8 Curing Co~dltions: (Steve) Concrete Forman with Bel Compo Strength Max. Load (Ibs.) (psi}"" Fr~Gture Type" 8.4 ' 26,130 8.4 55.625 8.4 .53,105 4 - Diagonal wino crakfng at ends 5 - Side (raclures{at lop 01 ballam) Robert Castile - rcastile@ci.springfield.or,us Charies McGlade, MD - ctm@rapc.com Bineham Construction c russ@binehamconslruction.com 2,080 4,400 4.200 5 2 2 SPRINGFIELD OFH:E 1040 - A Shelley Stnat Springfield, Oregon 97 477 (541)746-9649 - (54'1)746-7163 l,x February 28, 2008 CCB#176: 69 Michael Wright 7, 28 & 28 day Field Cures I . ~ I I I .1 I i I I I 1 ! Test Time Capping Method CG17..{ll C1231-o:. 10:43 AM 1:53 PM 1:57 PM x I X I X I ! " 6 -TOp fractures (same"as #5 but end of c:ylinder is poinLed) R~{s~~UIIY S'iPmitled, . .' p r~t!:J~s Industries. I~C,. Steven E. Wilder Laboratory Supervisor THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CLIENT ONLY. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD; AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FUl.l., IS PROHIBITl;D WITHOUT mE WRITTEI PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES. ' ~~=l' ~:t .... 11~'llflrf;41~."I:l;'.IUIUIIU. Geotechnical & ConstnJc:ti:)n Servires Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services Weldina/Hiah-Strenath Boltina . Client: Mr. Russ Pierson BCI 4171 West 1st Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 Project: Mid-Town Court 130 South 320d SI. Springfield, Oregon Date: Project No.: Report No.: Inspector: ID No.: Inspection of: Fabricator or Erector: Contractor: High Strength Bolts BCI BCI Shop: 0 Weather: BPNo.: 04-30-08 2087059 E-19844 K..Green/D. Webber 1033346,85 ICC Field: ftI. Inside COM2006-01622 .Arrived on-site to verify the 2" and 3" x 3/4" A325 high strength bolts were tensioned at beam to beam and beam to'column connections using the previously established torque value. Checked 10% of the bolts at each connection using a calibrated torque wrench set at 330 ft./lbs. bolts checked will meet and/or exceed the minimum requirements +5%, per A.I.S.C. manual. Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed. To the best of our knowledge, the work checked is in conformance with drawings dated 08-16-07 and applicable A.I.S.C, manual, except if noted above, Reviewed By: ~LI{# Structural Steel Supervisor c: City of Springfield DAW:jw This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written authorization. 7fIJ MN Comell Avenue. eorvams, Oregon 97330 . phone (541) 757-4698 . fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road . Eugene, Onegon 97402. phone (541)6B4-3849. fax (541) 684-3851 630fIJ Corporate Place, Suite 2 . Bend, Oregon 97701 . phone (541) 382-4844 . fax (541) 382-4646 ... .... .p" ......'..)... "'. -- - .. . __. -,_.... . ',' .....:. :.. ,'.. .- --..... . .::: ...:f:.-.: ~ "-, .;.~ .... ..n' . Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services WeldinQ/HiQh-StrenQth Boltino ..~'mlrw;"I~"1l1~'UlI\'.I~I. Geoted1nica1 & Construction Serviaas Client: Mr. Russ Pierson BCI 4171 West 1st Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 ..., Date: Project No.: Report No.: Inspector: : 10 No.: Project: Mid-Town Court 1 30 South 32"" SI. Springfield, Oregon Inspection of: Fabricator or Erector: Contractor: High Strength Bolts BCI BCI Shop: 0 Weather: BPNo.: 04-04-08 2087059 E-19556 L. Postier . 5232606-85 ICC Field: Ii1I Overcast COM2006-01622 Met on-site with erector to establish job torque values for the 3/4" x 2" and 3" A325 high strength bolts. Three bolts of each size were installed and tightened in a Skidmore-Wilhelm tension indicator. A job torque value was established at 330 ft./lbs., coinciding with the minimum tension value of 28 kips +5% per AI.S.C. manual. Erector was asked t6 notify our office when additional services are needed. Reviewed By: k /;//i Dale A. Webber Structural Steel Supervisor c: City of Springfield DAW:jw This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom It is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc. 's written authorization. 750 NW .Comell Avenue. Corvallis, Oregon 97330 . phone (541) 7574698 . fax (541) 757 -2991 29540 B Airport Road . Eugene, Oregon 97402 'phone (541)684-384g. fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, Suite 2 . Bend, Oregon 97701 . phone (541) 382-4644 . fax (541) 382-4646