HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 4/19/2006 ..----- -"-- ,........------._------ . :-'~,.f '_...l :;': '. :'<I~~lt , 'l~':"<;;. .- - "--~. !\'v, -- ,. -''1 ; , , ,;l ~1'J.~' . f '1 ,~ . \ ':t:~;f.1 '- ! :,-,c', COL~!!P .~, ' : . ~":fl ,:,t'q . ! ~'.I Or&:, No, ROOK\ . ;:Hi5 !'1\G'il1J1J Warranty Deed THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That ooSS. H. 'COLAllJJl 1p1<1 IXlRIB huSband and wirs the Grantoe . for a.ndio,'COMIderatlon oCthe 8umoo. TlDl (.10.06) ...--_oo_oo_-..noI..L.ARs to t,~~~r::: pa,id, do hereby, bargain, sell and convey unto Wallace G. Linn and Nora R. Linn, hulband and w1rl ~he follo~.i,ng deilc'ribed pre~isea. to-!wit: the ,inntee D , . , BEq1.llliINO AT.A POINT 420 FEE! NORTH 00 10' WEST OJ 1'HR . SOUTH'NEST CORl>Jm OJ! THE J1l',SSE II. JoUJIll IXlNAT!ON LAND CLJ.Dl fi74 IlrO'i/J~SHlP 17 SOUTH RANOE2 WEST OJ! TIlE WlLL.AlLETTI llERiDI AN. RUJ1lilNa' THENCE NORTJi 00 lR1i JIllET. THllliCE lWlT . , . 511 FEET, THENCE. SOU.T!: 00 10' lUST 190 FEET, THENCE WESr 511 FEET TO THE PLACE OJ! BEGINlIIIlO IN LJJiJI COUNTY. OREGON. SUBJECT TO LATERAL WATER DITCH rorADJOlNI~Q PRPOERTIEB ACROSS EJ.6rEllD OJ ASO){l. DEB~RIPTIOJl, PROVlDlNG pm IS tf~ FOR BAID PURPOSR. I . F~STRICTION8;'UO REBID&NCE SHALL iR CONSTRUCTED AT A coar OJ! LESS THAJl '~GOO.OO f~>~':j::~,:>.;:..~f!~.~~j .; ~~~):N~ '''"itl''''", ,'.: I ->_<f"~, _ :~l~ ~-'<,:;,::, ~ ~, ~.- F ,j .,tA, I. !: ~~;~: >::~"~:~;''"'_:J~,-' ;~~ - '<.>\~;:/:~ _\~ 'o~' ~''',,,' " '<;"l~:1i,~~'; " ~ ~::~t,~:~;,.,."~~}~~~~~~: .. ,-, ro HA VE AND TO HOLD th....id prem'-. wIth their appurt.nanCel. untoth. ..Id Grantee:. , the1:- hcint 'a.nd a58~ forever. And the said Grantorf! li.~ do hereby covena.nt to and with the aaJd Grantee. ...., theY :,are the ownez8 In tee s1rnpl~ of saJd prem.1.ees; aad' ..f _ '; heir!! and aBslVls that that they a,re tr~ from 'all tnc:nmbnncc:'l ".\ -.. ...._;...,.. '1 '~1'- .. /. . t--; I L,:;. a!j(1"tll.~, -t~~ will ~t and defend th~ iame trom all IN WrrNE&s;wnEREO~OY haTe hereuntolel, .. J.~",- I. t r '. v...nln:l~'.~.',. t:,/,'I~.:J." .>< ;~f./.:~/day.O .~_;... .....,.... ....rn.tJ,t~""qf. .,:,~.,..;".,... .".:: "l'.~oi"'f!..(.::~~';?: ~ :(~.~:-:. .-. ,. .' ,.. .h?<.....,=~"'......""."'-""..f..~.'-.!!!:R.. ~-......,,:, ~ .... -~ ------~ ~ 6"""'- - --:- ';.!"~'I . STATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OF LANE - ~~.. ,m 313,mGt1f}7 ;4 }~, "" Be it ~membered that un thia 4th day'o( lLARCH per80naUy came before me. " Notary Public In and (or said county. the wlt,hlo Damed , ~. . .i9; '6,:' .... ..'~. . \ .1 "'~"r , . ~ . ; " . de!crlbed in and who executed the WithIn. ;.. '. executed the ~ freely aDd voluntarily ~.';, ..';.T '{~ i ROBS H. COLAHAll JJ;D IXlRIS.COLAHAll known to be the Identical penon e ackDowlcdJled to me that they . , therein named. _: ,d and seal thla day and year last ah~ove writt.n, 1" 1t'Exll~re~ _ . _ : for tile $tar. 01 O"t"'_ Notary Public for Oreson. kl1.I~. " ~.-. '_:;l;.'... lJI , ~. " ~c, ~ uu- 1j~~ oS j iI !i ~ '" f\. ~ >-- ... 51 C "'0 ;:a 'Ill! ro a.!. 0 i: m L- a.! e: ... L- a 'In ro' ; ~ .. 11 / ... . '---..-.----.-- \ ,/"t\. ....'. .... .... " . " '_-"':'f' '-,.' .,";', DES,162005 1:46PM NO, 4827 "'- .....: i.~ CORLEEN LEITZEL e Dlvl.'.n of Chlof D.pu~y 'Clork ~MC.~~1JOO LAn. County O..d5 and R.ca~ds 'UVW ~lml~~rnmllljmm~Jml~11!!~1!II5 02: 48 ~:: ': RPR-DEED Cnlo1 Sln:5 CASHIeR 04 $10,00 $11.00 $10;00 , Grlll\t~r'lI NlUnt. ~ Adllrw DAVlOE, DUKES 2955 YOLANDA SPIUNGFIELD, OR 91471 CnJ1tCI:'S NlIJUl! IU'Id AddNU M~rr~orll.lJl.lltt.lurnto: EVERGREJ';N l.AND TITLE COMPANY 2509 WlLLAMI!l"l'E EUGENE, OR 91401 LlnUI a d1~e 1J 'nqwsh:d. llU t&:r rtll.tQUUlts d\All be BEJ\l(OUlllfll~~~ftdllr.llii. SAM!< AS GRANTEE TITJ..1j: NO. BLT-4f17"'" EscROW NO, EUOH2121' TAX ACCT, i\"O, 01~4443 MAf'I'JO, l7n1.J'310Q300 WARRANT'\' DEED -STATUTORYFORM (t ,_.le ~JAL OR CORPORATION) a ~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, T11IJJ CaRLEEN LEITZEL f= lm'ei/la/ter taU,d grantor, for 'M.consirIerr1tiop, IIenfllajttr 5tated. to grotiJot paid by 9 DA VlD E, DUKES aod LAURIE S, DUKES , :5 4eretJuift6rcall~d grrmlce, doss hueb} grant, barCtli'lJ sell and comBY unJOthesaJd grantee and grtJl~t~/J'r lleinJ ...... succcMorJ and tungnSJ t1lat &t!nain Ttal proput]~ wilh 1M t81Jements~ lleredlJamnl', a"d applIrtenahCB$ thereUllto be.lonemg fg or appsrtai/ri"c. sttrzllle4 in the County of LANE lUId StaU ()J Ort!grmJ des&ribed 4r lo1ltJW3~ to..wtr: f.a <. ~-=;! "' ) , . SEE "'ADll>'" A W1UCH IS MAD)!: A PART HEREOI' BY THIS REFERENCE e T() Havs aml to Hold ths JaniS unto tlJesatd lrawee arr.d grrmJlts'.r lleirJJ 6Ur,essors and lUsi'gnsfonver. M,., And sajd fra1ttor hereby Covenants to 01/4 ll>iJfJ JQz'd gnmtto (Jha grontee's Ildn, !lJCc/uJ:ors and assigra. "lflt granlol' is 2, lawfully seized in jee simple oj th, above "wlted prtmi.rI!~J free from tJl S"CumbTances tXt~pl lei 2005.2006 REAL PROPJiRTY TAXES A LJ1JN, NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE 0; Subjecl 10 cny.rmd all eaSemBYlts, restri,lions mu! COVSntlntS of record QJ}d that grantor will warralll and J01'fver defend th4 ~aid pnJJlisu tmd every pan and ]JtlJ'cel ~lzereoJ against tlislaltlful daims and df!mand~ of all person; whoJnJoevcr, t~CBpt t/rose daimine Imaer rhe abov, described encumlmmcss. The trut fllId actu.al cORsiderort6n paiJ/ortllu'rra.nsjerJ ~<<~ed in term! oJ dollars. is $ 150,000.00, *However, t/u adlial consideration umsistt of or Il1dUde:r other property Or value gj'ven or pTD11Ii~ed which is (t/J, l~hole/po.rt a/the) corJsiJfItanDn (iIll1icau. wl.kh)." (The lienteltCe hetween ths symboI1"'. i!rlol ttpplicabll1 rh(JUld ht: d,ret,d, S.. OM 91.030.) . r" constfYling this deed al!dlvh8n the CDIUext so l"tQmrl!J. tire sincwtJi' inclu.destlu! p/U1't11 told all gTammatitnl c/umgus shall be implied to l1IiJkl1 rl,e provisions hereof appt~ cqru:lly to corporations flhd ~d"ivtclual.r. _ A, I ~ III Witness Wlurlof, the grrmlor has e:ncu.ted this instrument tltis __cVa.- day of ~ c;LJl. '})I' . , 20.0'\" : if (J. corpOtfJ.t8 gran.co.,. it has uU/sed its ntll/l' 10 be siglJed Qlut .rUlI affired by its offlurs, 4lJ.lyr6lJ/Ju;ri::4d rh,rero by onJl!r oj US Doard oj airectors. . TIllS lNSTB.UM.Ei"IT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF T~ PROPRRTY IlESCRJllEDIN TIn91NSl'RUMiNI' IN'VIOI..\.nON OJo' APPUCADLK f-AND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONs. DEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEP'l'lNG TmS lNSTRUME.,l\l'r, THE PBRSON ACQUlR1NG FEE TrrLE TO THE",VROPlZRIT SUOULD CHEcK. MtH THE APP.R.Ol'RlAT& CITY On CODN'rY PLANl'I.-'ING DEPARTMENT TO VlWiY .Afi'ROVJID uSFSAfIDrOD:BTERMINiANY LIMlT5QN LAW80lTB AGAIN8I' FARMING ORFORESTl'RACI'ICJlS,ASDEF1NED INOltS ,0-!)30, GYIIp,-, t(",~~ /! CORLmtNl.EITzPt--'K- " -~';"r, STATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OP f..JAJ..p IN, T1ll'~:W:'II'WASACKNOWLllDG'P"FORllM'ON 8' 6fo ."QL.,BYCORLEENLl!tTZI!l. '\ ~ \h 0 My"m,_",upW'.;l-o..o9 NQtllry~ rOt Ot~Glln -- /8) OFF'OlAL9"". j . SHELL V COAL , . ~lAAYPUElUO.OFlEGo'" 1.1.'1' COIJ"'tSS/ON NO. 38ln!Gg . COMMlssIo~ ~11IF;:S FfBAUAA.'ft, -W17iI p, 2 " ,;Dt,;, 16, 2005- 1 :47P~', NO, 4827 P 3- - ...' ~" .;] . EL T - 48744 Page I of I I.egal Dcl5criplion Exhibit A .... Hcll\inniJl~ alU p,;illt 420 feeL North 0010' WeSl of the SoUlhwesl corner oflhe Jesse Mann Donaliun Land Cluim No, 74, in Tuwnship 17 Suuth, Ihlllli.:2 W.:sl oflbe Willamette Meridian; running Ihence North 00 10' West 100 feet; !hence EaSI 511 feet; thence South 0010' East 100 tcel; thence. West 511 tcetlo the Place of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, EXCEPT: Beginning at a poinl 420 feel North of lhe Southwest comer of the Jesse MaM Donalion Land Claim No, 7-l, in Township 17 Soulh, Ral.ge 2 Wesl oflhe Willamelte !vkridiun,said poi'lt also bdng the Northwest corner ofl.016, Block I, UBBY PARK TRACT, as platted an~ n:corded ill Hook 63, Page I, I.ane County Oregon Plat Records; thence North 00 10' West Ill'lIlg said Wesllintl of said Jesse Mllnll Donation Land Claim No. 74, 100 teet.lo Ihe'Nonh line oflhe Deed 10 Clarence W. I.eHzel, eL ai, R.:corded June 22,1971, HecepLi'lIl No. 51853, Lane Counly Oregon Plat Records; thence East along 'said North line 83 feel; lh.:nce Soulh 00 10' Easl 100 t""tlu the Norlheasl comer'of said Lot 6, Block], LIBBY SUBDIVISION; thence West along Ihe Norlh boundary line of said LIBBY SUBDIVISION, 83 f.:et 10 Ihll Poilll of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, ALSO EXCEPT: 13egilininll at a poinl420 teel North and 83 feel Easlofthe Southwest comer of the lesse MaUll Donation Land Claim No, 74, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WilIamelL.: Meridian, said pointlllso being the Northwest corner ofLol 5, Block I, LIBBY PARK TRACT, Book 63, Page I, Lune County Oregon Plat Records; thence North 0010' West purull.:J with said W.:slliile of said DonaLion Land Claim 100 feel 10 the Norlh line of the Deed 10 Clurel1ce W, l.eiL",,,I, "L.ul, Recorded June 22,1971, Receplion No. 51853, Lane County Oregon Recon.b; Ihence Easl along said North line 83' feel; thence Sonth 0010' East 100 feet to the Nonheast corner ofuforcsaid Lot 5, Block I, LIBBY PARK SUBDIVISION; thence West along the Nonh bOl1ndary line of said LIBBY PARK SUBDIVISION, 83 feel to the Point of Beginning, ill I.unc County, Oregon, Al.St) EXCEI'T: Be~innillg,alll poinl 420 feeL North 00 10' West orthe Southwest corner of lhe Jesse Mann Donatillnl.anrJ Claim No, 74, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WillamelLdVtel'idiulI; thence East 166 feel to the True Poinl of Beginning; thence North 00 10' We.l 100 t;:elj Ihcnc<lEu.l.l54.0 l<:eL; thence South 100 02' 35" Wesl 101.56 feel to a point that is 136,0 Icet 8".101' the True Point of Beginning; thence West 136,0 feel to the True Point of Beginning, in L.une COllllly, Oregon: ._ ALSO EXCEPT lhat p!lrliou conveyed to the City ofSpringtield by Deeds Recorded August 10, t917, R.:cepliou No. 77-50143, and Recorded February 22, ] 978, Reception No, 78-12100, Lane County Oregon Ot1icial Records. .. " .. , II II