HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 4/6/2006 " TillS Warranty Deed INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That !lOSS H. COLAllJJi ,.nd DORlS husband and w1r. '-~{r .":;;'I~,.i- 4;t~ --- -~... ' .~. f '~'l{ , :;'-<1 COL~ - ~ _ . i~<l1 .:t"q Ordn No. - 1 ROOl\ ;)1;5 f'j\G{lOO the Grantoe . tor and in coMiders.Uon ot the 8um of. TEN ($10.06) ---.......-....-DoLLARs to f;.;:er::: paid. do hereby, bargain. sell and eonvey unto Wallace Q. Linn an4 Nora R. L'1nn. husband and wH. the following de~cribed premise&., to1wit: the wrantee. . ." BEGlliU!W AT.J. POWT 420 FEE'r 1l0RTH 00 10' WEST OJ 1'Illl . SOUTlfIlEST COlUiER OF THE J1!B6l! II. KANN DOEAT"IOII LAND CL.UII 674 I1yOVII16HlP 17 SOUTH RAEOE2 WEBT OF THE 'liILLAIlETTI llERIDl All. ROlIlilNG ~HEliCE 1I0RTH 00 l~O FllET. TllRIiCE EA6~ 511 FEET. TIIEllCE 60U.T;: 00 10' EAST 100 FEET. TImCE WE6~ . 511 FEET TO THE PLACE OF llEGIhlllNO IN LAli3 COUBTY. ORl!GOII. SUBJECT TO LATERAL WATER DITCH FOrADJOINI~G PRPOERTIES ACR06S EABT ElID OF ABO'I$ DE8~RlPTIOJ1, PROVlDll.:G PlPil 18 U@BD FOR SAID PURP0611. F36TRlCTI0H6;NO REBIDRbCE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTBD AT A COST OF LESS THAJ1 '~OOO.OO .1 .. ,-, TO HAVE ANp TO HOLD the aald premlsee, with their appurtenaneee. unto the aatd Grantel: ~ , th.1r heirs and as.r,n. forever. ':., Ancllhe .!lAid Granlore do hereby covenant to and with the aaJd Grantee' ,,' .., heirs and as~I~& that the Y .. are that they arc' tree from"all incumbranCt"... the ownex" In fee simple. of uJd prern1aee; aad:. .l _ ", . '.\ .. ...~...., . / ........:-:;. a~\d.~HI~. ~~~ wiU ~an'&Dt and defend tM AD1.e trom All IN WrrNEgSWHEREO~O;Y haTe _~toOot f d':, ....j-.:/. . )... .,. ..~.' . . 4~...-/ dAyot -,' '1lARCH . '. ,-"j - '~~rj~;,;~~~,.:~E.?~,~>,;,:" ..... :,:'1 "'-'-""" ~'~'._~-.~'~"-: ,":,' -r.,-',~-;':,:,' ~ ,._--_.~ ---'-------'--" ~~,:, ~!"; : STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF' LAl.]! )IlXl! 313 "i;1fl'(, , .. ''';':':' J ",. }.., Be it ~membered that on thiA ~ th day of lURCH' peuonaUy came before me, A Notary Public In and fOT said county, the wlt,hln named ,19: 411.:: i <"I ~il ",~":' ~ '''.' ~ r :t?; 1 ,. .~. . \ .1 ROSS H. COLAllAII Ab'D DORI6 COLAllJJl ""<"r .... . . . ,.' de!crlbed In and who execated the WIthhl ;,.' .executed the B8lIle freely &Ild voluntarily ror.;-. i!. known to be the iden,tieal penon e acknowledged to me that they . , therein named. ;, ,d and BellI thIB dBYBnd yur l88t BbdJOV' writun, , Jt'Explres _ _ _ _ : _tilt StmotO,.,M. Notary Public for Orea-on. o.e.U,I!J-U. " t: , .:~_. ";.:::;., Ii. '!lI1 iii .. 'frl ; C'- .. !1 l~ i~ l ~ "d z ~ ~~ ~ c, .' '" .-< " ~ I \ ~;~'\ '.:~ 't. ., .' -=- - DES, 16,2005 1 :46PM If' i' . NO, 4827 p, 2 (0RLEEN LEITZItL Dlvlo'o, of Chl.r D..u~y CI_k "MC.061100 Lan. County Da.d~ and R.ca~ds 'YV~ ~ u~t~lt~tl!lli~J~Am~!I!!~!!~t 02:~:: ': RPR-DEED C.ld 5t.:5 CASHIEll'04 '10.00 '11.00 $10,00 Grantor" NlU:nlllUJd Adttr~ DA,VlDE. DUKES 2955 YOLANDA SPRl'NGFlELD, OR 97477 C-1"Sh!"-"-'SNDfll"lIJIdAlldJ'M.!: AJl'"r rKOI'1l.lJI,t tdurn tD: EVERGRE)!;N LAND TITLE COMPANY 1509 WlLLAME17E EUGENE. OR 9740\ Vnr.u 11 c.lI.~.1! ~qiustt:d; ~]nu fiatemtillS IlhaIl tu..-" BElltCOthllfa~~~fl.ddn!lll. . SAM>: AS GRANTEE nn.:Ij:NO. X(,T-4117of4 EscROW NO, EUOS-12121 Ti\Jl ACCT. 1"0, 0154443 MAP NO. 17 02 39 31 0Q300 WARRANTY DEED . STATUTORY FORM t... '.....I.i' wlJAL OR CORPORATION) 8 ~ KNOw ALL MEN EfTHES8 PlIESliNTS. rruu CORLEeN LEITZEL ~ hereinafter called grantprJ for Jlle tonsidBrotiolllunf7Uifttr 5tated. to'grohJot' paid by . . 8 DA VlD E. DUKES and LaURIE S, DUKES . . :5 fterctlltifter called grantee, d06s huell} grant, brul;tUIIJ Sfrt and COhVllJ' unlO tile saJd tnmtee aM gmUtt's hnr,J -- ~ce6S0rs and asngnsJ tllat &t!nain J'tCrl plY)pe'l1y~ with tlu ttl1U!ment5~ llendUan'lnrls lmd app"rt~na"cSJ t!,frelmto fJtllOlJfb2g r~ Or appsrtail,i,tg. s/J'tdlU4 in the COJlPlty oj LANE lJ1Id StQt~ oj OregrmJ dcs~n1Jt4 a.r JoIUr,vsJ t(}own:. ,< ,~ ;j StE""uunu A. wmCHISMADl!: ^,PARTHEREOl'lIYTHISRllFERENCE ~~ e TOllal's 4r1d to Hold ths .f1U/1S,unt" t1,~ raItI grotrtee Q1UJ gl'Dl/Jtt'slrsiI1J SUCtCl!ors and anfgtls/Onl'er. Anti said rrD.1(tor lrtreby Covenants to muI I~ifn Raid grrmt,r: (ind grnntee's hdn, .ruCCli'.f.rors QlJd a.sIign~ tlltlt granJQr;s ~~ ~, lawfully seizEd in lee simph o/the cWOl'B grwitr:dprembuJfreefrolll Dll encumbrances exc,IPI [;; 2005.2006 REAL PROPERTY TAXES A LlBN. NOT roT DUEOR PAYABLE .4; Su1ijcct to any alld all ease,it~ilts, rtltrictions wid COlJ8lltmls o!retord "'Jd that iranior wm wa17allt and fOm'er defend Illtl Jnid pl'tRliJes ,and ~U1 part and P(Jh;f![ ~hereof a.gainst UliJ lawful claims and aemands CJf oIl pcrsom whom.roeva, ,t:l:CBpr tAwe claiming WWiIl' tIle abopli' dflSCrihsd elJcumbNnces. TIle tl1J~ ahd D.cJII.Q/ con.ridcrolil>>t, pllidfCJr.tlliJ.",m.~fer, R/11ed in ItTJ1JJ.l1/dfJllars.. is $ - ,150,000.00. "'HO')1eVt!T, tlr. tullia' consideration C01Uisf$ of or illdudu olW ]JTOPB'ttj Or value gi1Jtn or prom4Rd 'Ift/dcA iJ (/hI 1JIhoT~/part a/the) COllSWB1'iJtion (i",licau wl,kh).. (1'he fBnJ~e he1l'leen. th, symbols"7 ifm>> ttppIicab/e ihoutd hi a.r",d, Set 011S P3.03~.) . [" constrtdng llah deed Clnd wluln: ,hI! C01Uext .so n~1dreJ. t~ singrda:r includeJ the plural and all grilJtlmatical uumgss shall be impti~d to lJl/1ks rl,t pro"Pisions here()f apply equaUy 10 corporations tmIlliP~ imlividuals. AI . c- In Witness W1w'tof, the grantor 1145 e.tBcuted tllisfnstrumem tMs , ~ht .ra- day of ~ C;<. Jb" 11' . 20 0\ : ifa. C(J1p~I'QJ' grtDlEor, it lias u:used its Mme UJ be sigm:d and 1ealaJiued h} its o/flurs, dllly~tJlOri:.cd mereEO by"Orclffr oJ ~ board 01 dirBctor.f, . . . THISINSTB.UMENT WILL NOT A.LLQWUSEOli'TImPF.OPBRTYDESCRlllEDINTmSlN5TRUMENT IN'VIOLATION OJ!' APPLICA:DlE f..A.)\:U USE U:W'S ^ND REffi!L\TIONS. DEFORE 8IGNll'fG OR ACCEPrlNG THIS ~VMR.""r, THE PERSON ACQ'OIlll1"lG FEE TI'TI..E TO nm~ROPlZRTY SBOULD CHEcK WIl'H TBEAPPROl'RlA'l'BCITY ottco'ONl'Y PLANlSING DEPA'R'l'MENT TO V~ AWROVlID USESA.tIDroDlmm.'WNJl,ANY LlMlT50N LAWSOl'rs AGAlNSl' FAWiNG ORFORESil'RACrICls ASDEFINEn .INORS '0..930, I'M I~ ,., "t( ~'. PJ; '-d? CORLeKNLEITZEt--J.t, --1--'-'"0--. STATE OF OIrnGON. COUl\1l'Y OF f.J.Jv..p... JlIl. 'TlU5'mR~~WASACKNOW~:&:VBBFORR. MIl0N. 8' 6t" .",QLBYcORLEENLlllTW. '\If-.!x ~ 0_ . MY"................,.;L-,.+,oq Nutery~rOrOtt&an - , PRt.SU~M\TIA\. RECIO ~?R 6 2.00n ....;; '! (I) Of-p/OIA.L.SE.\I. SIjEl,L Y COAL . ~7AAYPUIilJO-OAEGoN .M., CoIIutSalON NO.3892", ~"'tl(pJ~fEMUAA"'l',2Otl8 'D"tG, 16, 2005- .1: 47P1II, NO, 4827 p, 3- ~ J . EL T " 48744 Page I of I Legal Dclscription . Exhibit A '~ Beginning al a.point 420 feel Nonh 00 IO'West of the Soulhwest comer of the Jesse Mann Donatiun Lund Claim No, 74, in Township 17 Suulh, Range 2 West of the Willwnette Meridian; mnningthence NorIh 00 10' WesllOO feetj thence Eust511feetj thence South 00 JO' East 100 leet; th~ncc West 511 leetto the Place of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, EXCEPT: Beginning at U poillt 420 feel North of the Southwest comer oflhe Jesse Mann . Donation Land Cluim No, 74, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said point also being lhe Northwest corner ofLol6, Block I, UBBY PARK TRACT, as plultell ami recorded in Hook 6], Puge I, l.ane County Oregon Plat Records; thence North 00 10' West ul'lllgsaid West line of sajd Jesse Munn Donation Land Clllim No. 74, 100 feel to ille Nonh line oflhe Deed to Clurence W.l.eilzel, et ai, Recorded June 22,1971, Reception No. 5185], Lune County Oregon Plat Records; thence East along said North line 83 li:ct; IhcnCd South 00 10' Bast 100 felll /u the NorlheaslCOl11er of said Lot 6, Block J, LIBBY SUBDIVISION; lhenee West alting the North boundary line of said LIBBY SUBDIVISION, 83 feet 10 llle Poilll ofbeginnillg, in Lane County, Oregon. A LSO EXCEPT: 13eginning ala point 420 teel North and 83 feel Easl of the Southwest comer . uf the Jesse Munn Donation Lund Claim No, 74, in Township 17 Soulh, Range 2 West of the WilIumelle Meridian, said point also being the Northwest corner of Lot 5, Block I, LIBBY PARK TRACT, Book 63, Puge I, LUlie County Oregon Plat Rdcords; thence North 00 10' West pUl'ulleJ with ,;aid West line of said nonulion Land Claim 100 feel 10 the North line of the Deed 10 Clurence W.l.eilzcll, eL ai, Recorded JUlle 22,1971, Reception No. 51853, Lane County Oregon Recurd.; lhence Easl ulong suid North line 83 Ieet; thence South 00 10' East 100 feel to the NOl'lheast cumer ofuforesuid LotS, Block I, LIBBY PARK SUBDIVISION; thence West along lhe NOl'lh bonndary line ofsuid LIBBY PARK SUBDIVISION, 83 feel to the Point of Begiuniug, inl.ane County, Oregon. AI.SO EXCEI'T: Beginning al u point 420 feet North 00 10' West oflhe Southwest corner of the Jesse Maun Donulilln I.and Claim No. 74, ill Towl1~hip 17 South, Range 2 West oflhe Willumelle Meridiun; thence East 166 feel to Ihe True Point of Beginning; thence North 00 10' West 100 Jeel; thellCe cusL 154.0 tdel; thence Soulh 100 1l2' ]5" Wes( 101.56 feel to a poinl thaI j~ 136.0 leet Bust of the True Poinl of Beginning; thence Wesl 136.0 feet to Ihe True Point of .Beginning, in Une Coullty, Oregon. " . ALSO EXCEI'Tlhut p\lrlion conveyed 10 the City ofSpringtield by Deeds Recorded Augu:;t 10, 1977, Reception No. 77-50143, and Recorded Febl'Uary 22, ] 978, Reception No. 18-12100, l.une COllnty Oregon Ofllcial Records. .. ',l "I I ".1 II '"