HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2007-10-3 10/03/2007 07:24 5414511513 . HO~'E~NSULATICN~ lo '\\BJAGE 02/02 "V. l\~_ InsulSafe@4 'IIu~\ Premium Blowing Wool .J CertalnTeed II Builders Statement GY"O-ssko::d-s CCil1.S.-\-r(.(,CT1C.1rj HomllOwner Name I Joosile Name r? , . i~qQ_ K,i-l"lJkV\V'"~ u. -Senr,<fP.-e..(cf, Ot~-/ Homp.A'!dres$ . J I 1 .J. \:::)'~ li.~cl"-'L-. no'M~ 1.l1s<...1 ~-C7L hlallerrContraetor (sign) Company Name Ow auilder (~gn) Comp.ny Name Date Inspected ey (sign if required) Dale HO. ~ BAGS PER "lAXIIIlJ\/ MINIMUll INTlAlI~jAU60 RNALue 1.OMSO. FT. HEr AREA NET COVEIlAGE \II1!1GNT THICKNESS Too~t'\I1--1 Con'~ltodb<1Q Wol~nl ~r 1ICl: _, ,Ill S1~lclMloe 'JllftrmfllA..lIlIne'l ",-,Ie.,. $!xJuldno1O(1Wf ntIIled ll'ul.Ulll;oOaIlOUI1 lenth(ln: r~IOf: mol'tthtn:(Gq,It.1 rnxbOlOttl~":{~.It) (it'I) '" 1 3/l., 27 n,Ms 22.00 .. ~.. :l4 0800 IS,5() << I le.4 ~ 0.71% 1(1,75 3ll I 22.1 -I " 061$ -+--- 14.75 30 'SO ,. Mas 1:1.00 26 I 15.5 I 15 OAle I '0.10 22 r 13.' I 77 0.:l6;J '00 " 11.1 eo 0301 7.75 1. I 7.1 -1 129 O,~Q 5.50 ,J " '.s 111 O.1!9 4.75 R~VALlJa THIC~NESs .... (so. H.) 1No1....' 10'1 I BAGS ~D -381. l4-o/<-t I~'+O v" ~\ CEIliNGS I. ~llfir.lll~SmL.al THICKNESS I $/IrMl ntll be 'c$, 1Iw~: (In,1 I ttoo I 18.!O ,,' 16.75 14.75 laoo _\ .' 10.SO '0.00 .~. 7.75 '.se ':.,,01,:75 ! WAllS I I 1 ./ ) 'I J I. 'AmmOl,S. [0'1 I I I " THERMAL PERFORMANCE-ArnC 8LOWING APPUCATION . In accordance with the chart above, you must install the minimum number of bags per 1,000 ~. ft. Of net arEla for each R-Value listed. . The maximum net coverage must not exceed that specified lor each ANalue. . The Installed in9UIation must be alor above the spocified minimum thicxness for each R-Yalue. . Failure to lostall Iha required minimum weight per sq. fi. of Insulation at or aoova tha minimum thlckna.. will roault.in reduced A.Yalue. . This product shOUld not ba mixed wilh other blown iosulations or the thermal claims will cecame I"valld. . Initial in.tailed thickness testing per ASTM C 1374 using Unisui YoluMalic III; 3rc geal; IS-inch gate opening; 150'fi. x 3.'l2lnch.diametar Intornally corrugated blowing hosa. . R-Values are determined io accordance wltl1 ASTM C fl87 aod C 516..Compiies with ASTM C 764 as Type t insula!ion. "R' meaos resistance to heat flow. The higher the .R.Value, tns greater the inSulallog power. To gat the da.lrad RNalue, it is es...~r.tj.al th~t the Insulation is inslalled properly. . FlOORS I J DANGER, RECESSED LI(lHT FIXTURES-TO PREVENT OVEIlHEATlNG, DO NOT INSULATE ON TOP OR WITHIN 3" OF SUCH DEVICES. DOES NOT APPLYTO TYPE IC UGHl FIXTURES OR TO FLUORIlSCENT FIXTURES WITH THEFlMALLV PRCTEeTEp IlALLASTS. ., tJO..~4"233InsuI5a1~ BuIlders StatemGnt A Salnl.GClbeln CorrIt:Km'J. C200.!'l Centl.JnTNd Corpl>l'Illion 1 l/{lS \ , "", ,. ';.....