HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2008-10-9 J CertainTeed III Builders Statement InsulSafe@ SP Fiber CI3lss Blowing Insulation f\ ~~/ S\J - (l!n~am~1 L'i~: 5~ ~ /,Z& Home Address l p/)/Ja t? ~Contractor (sign) 0; /7./~/ f.I r[JM I~fL ~ It}/y / /Jf{? 7f (/:-l. -t:- Company Name Date 7 ~ Builder (sJgn) Company Name Date Inspected By (sign if required) Date OPEN ATTIC APPLICATION MINIMUM MAXIMUM NET sa, IT. MINIMUM WEIGHT- MINIMUM MINIMUM A-VALUE BAGS PER 1000 SQ. FT. PER BAG COVERAGE POUNDS PER sa. FT. INSTALLED THICKNESS SETTLED THICKNESS To obtain a Bags per Conlenls of bag Weightpersq,tt.of Installed insulation MinimlJmsellledinsulalion thermal resistance 1000 sq. It shallnolcover installed insulation shall shall not be less than: shall not be less than: (Rlof: of net area: more than: (sq. ft.) not be less than: (Ibs.) (in.) (in.) 60 31.4 31.9 0,972 22.00 22.00 49 25.2 39.7 0.780 I 18.50 18.50 44 22.4 44,6 0.695 I 16.75 16.75 38 19.1 52.5 0.591 I 14.50 14.50 30 14.9 67,1 0.462 I 11.75 11.75 26 12.8 n.9 0.398 I 10.25 10.25 22 10.8 92.9 0.334 I 8.75 8.75 19 9.3 107.4 0.289 I 7.75 7.75 13 6.2 161.7 0.192 I 5.25 5,25 11 53 190.5 0.163 I 4.50 4.50 WALLS A-VALUE THICKNESS NET AREA (SQ. FT.) INSULSAFE SP (v) BAGS USED BATTS/ROLLS (v) 3R /4% ft;qO t./ 34- ... ( ~ "3f;> 1':2 1~:J6-. ;( ,- / 5% J) ~t"'l..-J ~ ~<.. I - .. ~o (0 '2 f168 V CEILINGS FLOORS THERMAL PERFORMANCE-ATTIC BLOWING APPLICATION . In accordance with the chart above, you must install the minimum number of bags per 1,000 sq. ft. of net area for each R-Value listed. . The maximum net coverage must not exceed that specified for each R-Value. . The insulation must be installed at or above the specified installed thickness for each R-Value. Failure to install the required minimum weight per sq. ft. of insulation at or above the initial installed thickness will result in reduced R-Value. . This product should not be mixed with other blown insulations or the thermal claims will become invalid. DANGER: RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES-TO PREVENT OVERHEATING, DO NOT INSULATE ON TOP OR WITHIN 3" OF SUCH DEVICES. THIS WARNING DOES NOT APPLY TO TYPE IC LIGHT FIXTURES OR TO FLUORESCENT FIXTURES WITH THERMALLY PROTECTED BALLASTS. @2007 CertainTeed Corporation A Saint-Gobain Company 30-24-298 Builders Statement 2107 Manufacturer Insulation Fact Sheet This is CertainTeed Corporation InsulSafe@ SP Fiber Glass Blowing Insulation CertainTeed Corporation PO. Box 860 Valley Forge, PA 19482 CertainTeed EI COVERAGE CHART-OPEN ATTIC APPLICATION The following thermal performances are achieved at the thicknesses, weights and coverages specified when insulation is installed with pneumatic equipment in a horizontal open blow application. MINIMUM MAXIMUM NET sa. FT. MINIMUM WEIGHT- MINIMUM MINIMUM R-IlALUE BA.GS PER 1000 sa. FT. PER BA.G COVERA.GE POUNDS PER sa, FT. INSTA\..LEO THICKNESS SETTLED THICKNESS To obtain a Bags per Contents of bag Weighl per sq. ft. of Installedinsulalion Minimum sellledinsulation thermal resistance 1000 sq. ft. shall notCQver installed insulation shall shall not be lesslhan: shall not be less than; (R) of: of nel area: morelhan: (sq, ft.) not be less than: (Ibs.) (in.) (in.) 60 31.4 31.9 0,972 22.00 22.00 49 25.2 39.7 0.780 18.50 18.50 44 22.4 44.6 0,595 16.75 16.75 38 19.1 52.5 0.591 14.50 . 14.50 30 14.9 67.1 0.462 11.75 11.75 26 12.8 77.9 0.398 10.25 10.25 22 10.8 92.9 0.334 8.75 8.75 19 9.3 107.4 0.289 7.75 7.75 13 6.2 161.7 0.192 5.25 5.25 11 5.3 190.5 0.163 4.50 4.50 R-Values are determined in accordance with ASTM C687 and C518. Complies with ASTM C764 as Type 1 pneumatic Application. Initial installed thickness testing per ASTM C1374 using Unisul VoluMatic III; 4th gear; 15-inch gate opening; 150 ft. x 4-inch diameter internally corrugated blowing hose. COVERAGE CHART-CLOSED CAVITY RETROFIT (WAllS, flOORS, CEILINGS) APPLICATIONS The following thermal performances are achieved at the thicknesses, weights and coverages specified when insulation is installed with pneumatic equipment in sidewalls. Based on a design density of 1.6 pcf/25.6 Kg/m3 . REQUIRED OR MINIMUM MAXIMUM NET SQ. FT. MINIMUM WEIGHT- INSTAllED R-\lA.lUE BA.GS PER 1000 sa. FT. PER BAG CO\lERAGE POUNDS PER SQ. FT. THICKNESS To obtain a Bags per Conlenls 01 bag Weightpersq.ft,of Installed insulation thermal resistance 1000 sq. ft. shall not cover inslalled insulation shall shall not be less than: (R) of: 01 net area: more than: (sq. ft.) not be less than: (Ibs.) (in.) 29 31.2 321 0.967 7.25 22 23.7 42.3 0.733 5.50 16 17.2 58.1 0.533 4.00 15 16.1 62.0 0.500 3.75 14 15.1 66.4 0.467 3.50 READ THIS BEFORE YOU BUY What you should know about R-Values. The chart shows the R-Value of this insulation. R means resistance to heat flow. The higher the R-Value, the greater the insulating power. Compare insulation R-Values before you buy. There are other factors to consider. The amount of insulation you need depends mainly on the climate you live in. Also, your fuel savings from insulation will depend upon the climate, the type and size of your house, the amount of insulation already in your house, and your fuel use patterns and family size If you buy too much insulation, it will cost you more than what you'll save on fuel To get the marked R-Value, it is essential that this insulation be installed properly. @Zoo7 CertairlTeecl Corporation . A Sairlt.Gobain Company 30-24-29B Manulacturer Fact Insulat'lon Sheet 2107 SHERWIN WILLIAMS. CHARACTERISTICS Interior Latex Moisture Vapor Barrier Primer/Finish is a coating designed to reduce the loss of moisture through wails and ceil(ngs. Moisture Vapor Barrier Primer/Finish compines a primer and finish in a single, fast drying coat. Moisture Vapor Barrier Primer/Finish. is specially formulated for manufactured housing facilities, Upon field installation of the home, this product can be top coated with any Sherwin-Williams' interior latex or alkyd product. Color: White Coverage: 200 - 250 sq fUgal @ 6.0 - 8.0 mils wet; 1.8 - 2.4 mils dry Drying Time @ 7rF 50% RH (temperature and humidity dependant) To touch: 1 hour To topcoat: 4 hours Finish: 0 - 10 units @ 85" Flash Point: N/A SolventfReducer: Water Tinting with Blend-A-Color: Base ozlgal Wh ite OA Vehicle Type: Vinyl Acrylic/Styrene Butadiene VOC (less exempt solvents): 73 g/L; 0.61 Ib/gal 26:t2% Strength 75%. Volume Solids: Water Vapor Permeance ASTM E96 A less than 1.0 perm Weight Solids: 40 ~ 2% Weight per Gallon: 10.3 Ib OTC Compiiant 1/2008 . ! i I~'I'P!I~I~ .), 108.17 r'I. -tt: . 5 'JI INTERIOR LATEX MOISTURE VAPOR BARRIER 872W1 SPECIFICATION~ Drywall System 1: 1-2 cts. Moisture Vapor Barrier Primer/ Finish System 2: 1 ct. Moisture Vapor Barrier Primer! Finish 2cts. Sherwin-Williams Interior, Latex or Alkyd, Architectural Topcoat. APPLICATION Do not thin. Reduction will adversely affect the perm rating. Apply at temperatures above 50"F, Brush - Use nylon/polyester brush Roller - Use 3/8" - 3/4" nap cover Spray - Airless Pressure ..........,..................... 2000 psi Tip .................................... .017"-.019" www.sherwin-williams.com , "r SURFACE PREPARATION WARNING! Removal of old paint by sand- ing, scraping or other means may gener- ate dust or fumes that contain lead. Expo- sure to lead dust or fumes may cause brain damage or other adverse health effects, especially in children or pregnant women. Controlling exposure to lead or,otherhaz- ardous substances requires the use of proper protective equipment, such as a propeny fitted respirator (NIOSH approved) and proper containment and cleanup. For more information, call the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD (in US) or contact your local health authority. Remove all surface contamination by washing with ProClean Professional@ Prep Wash Concentrated Cleaner or other appropriate cleaner, rinse thor- oughiy and allow to dry. Scrape and sand peeled or checked paint to a sound sur- face. Sand glossy surfaces dull. Seal stains from water, smoke, ink, pencil, grease, etc. with PrepRite@ ProBlock@ Primer Sealer. Drywall . Fill cracks and holes with patching pastel .spackle arid san.d smooth. Joint com- pounds must be cured and sanded smooth. Remove all sanding dust. CLEANUP INFORMATION Clean. spills, .spatters, hands and tools immediately after use with soap and warm water.'l,\ffer cleaning, flush spray equip- men'. with mineral spirits to prevent rust- ing of the equipment. Follow manufacturer's safety recommendations when using mineral spirits: continued on back 108..17 I NTERIOR LATEX MOISTURE VAPOR BARRIER 872W1 SHERWIN WILLIAMS. CAUTIONS For'interior use only. Protect from freezing. CAUTION contains CRYSTALLINE SILICA. Use only with adequate ventilation. To avoid overexposure, open windows and doors or use other means to ensure fresh air entry during application and drying. If you experience eye watering, headaches, or dizzi- ness, increase fresh air, or wear respiratory protection (NIOSH approved) or leave the area. Adequate ven- tilation required when sanding or abrading the dried film. If adequate ventilation cannot be provided wear an approved particulate respirator (NIOSH approved). Follow respirator manufacturer's directions for respi- rator use. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wash hands after using. Keep container closed when not in use. Do not transfer contents to other containers for storage. FIRST AID: In case of eye contact, flush thoroughly with iarge amounts of water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. If swallowed, call Poison Control Center, hospital emergency room, or physi- cian immediately. DELAYED EFFECTS FROM LONG TERM OVEREXPOSURE. Abrading or sanding of the dry film may release crystalline silica which has been shown to cause lung damage and cahcer under long term exposure. WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CH ILDREN. FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY: . HOTW 02/01/2008 872W00001 0600 The information and recommendations set forth in fhis Product Data Sheet are based upon tests conducted by or on behalf of The Sherwin-Williams Com- pany. Such information. and recomrnen- dations set forth herein are sUbject to change and pertain fo the product offered at the time of publication. Consult your Sherwin-Williams representative to obtain the most recent Product Data Sheet. SHERWIN WILLIAMS. CHARACTERISTICS Interior Latex Moisture Vapor Barrier Primer/Finish is a coating designed to reduce the loss of moisture throu"gh walls and ceilings. Moisture Vapor Barrier Primer/Finish combines a primer and finish in a single, fast drying coat. Moisture Vapor Barrier Primer/Finish is specially formulated for manufactured housing facilities. Upon field installation of the home, this product can be top coated with any Sherwin-Williams' interior iatex or alkyd product. Color: White Coverage: 200 - 250 sq fVgal @ 6.0 - 8.0 mils wet; 1.8 - 2.4 mils dry Drying Time @ 77"F 50% RH (temperature and humidity dependant) To touch: 1 hour To topcoat: 4 hou rs Finish: 0 - 10 units @ 85" Flash Point: N/A Solvent/Reducer: Water Tinting with Blend-A-Color: Base oz/gal White 0-4 Vehicle Type: Vinyl Acrylic/Styrene Butadiene VOC (less exempt solvents): 73 g1L; 0.61 Ib/gal 26:t2% Strength , 75% Volume Solids: Water Vapor Permeance ASTM E96 A less than 1.0 perm Weight Solids: 40 '" 2% Weight per Galton: 1 0.3 Ib OTC Compliant 1/2008 " 108.17 I NTERIOR LATEX MOISTURE VAPOR BARRIER B72W1 SPECIFICATIONS Drywalt System 1 : 1-2 cts. Mois!ure Vapor Barrier Primer/ finish System 2: tet. Moisture Vapor Barrier Primer/ Finish . 2 cts. Sherwin-Williams Interior, Latex or Alkyd, Archi'tectural Topcoat APPLICATION Do not thin. Reduction wilt adversely affect the perm rating. Apply at. temperatures above 50"F: Brush - Use nylon/polyester brush Rolter - Use 3/8" - 3/4" nap cover Spray - Airless Pressure ....::...................:...... 2000 psi Tip .................................... .017"-.019" " www.sherwln-williams.com SURFACE PREPARATION WARNING! Removal of old paint by sand- ing, scraping or other means may gener- ate dust or fumes that contain lead. Expo- sure to lead dust or fumes may cause brain damage or other adverse health effects, especially in children or pregnant women. Controlling exposure to lead or other haz- ardous substances requires the use of proper protective equipment, such as a properly fitted respirator (NIOSH approved) and p'roper containment and cleanup. For . more information, call the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD (in US) or contact your local health authority. Remove all surface contamination by washing with ProClean Professional@ Prep Wash Concentrated Cleaner or other appropriate cleaner, rinse thor- oughly and allow to dry. Scrape and sand peeled or checked paint to a sound sur- face. Sand glossy surfaces dull. Seal stains from water, smoke, ink; pencil, grease, etc. with PrepRite<ID ProBlock@ Primer Sealer. Drywall Fill cracks and holes with patching paste/ spackle and sand smooth.. Joint com- pounds must be cured and sanded smooth. Remove all sanding dust. CLEANUP INFORMATION Clean spills, spatters, hands and tools immediately after use with soap and warm water. After cleaning, flush spray equip- ment with mineral spirits to prevent rust- ing of the equipment. Follow manufacturer's safety recommendations when using mineral spirits. . continued on back