HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2008-8-25 ~ 08/26/2008 09:31 5416877038 . DALEKAST, PAGE, 01/02 Kast Construction, Inc. , 2660 Marttnlque A1Ie. . e"gen~, Oregon 9740!! Office (541) 465-2655 . /'ax (541) 667-70;,a CCB #52575 , City of Springfield Building Division 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 8-25-08 Attention: Donald Moore I, Dale Kast owner ofKast Construction, Inc. and DJS Investments, LLC request to change from item nwnber 5 to item, nillnber 1for the energy efficiency requirement for the four building permits listed" below. , ',,' ' At.;,I!pI..~'f fA p,4T/f- " 840 South 31" Place - Permit nwnber 08-00970 -- . ,~ 848 South 31" Place - Permit number 08-00%9 ] (3153 Dou~~})r!v:.-:Pfufiit nunioor 08=OHn08- - J 3161 Douglas Drive - Permit numlier 08=00<Jl85- , Thank Yon, g DaleKast ~, >--. \ c~/Vft TO PApf LA F~ 'p/f-T/f 5"" f, ! 08/26/2008 09:31 PAGE 02/0,f Zoria! electric, ductles, furnace or ductl..s heat pomps: 75 percent of permanently installed ,lighting fixtu.tes as CFL or linear fluorescent or a min efficacy of 40 lumens per watt, or Window, - U..o.32, or Flat ociling. - U'O.025/ R49 and vaulted ceiling, - U..o.033/ R'30A or Exteriorwalls-U..o.047/R-24 High efficiency ceilings & windows/ljghting; , ( ~ /' J Replace com:sponding Table Nil 01.1 (I) components with all of the following: N ^ / 5 Vaulted ceiling, - U-0.Q33/ R-30A"', and, ' , U ' Flat ceilings - U..o,02S / R49. IUld ' , 'Windows - U..o,32, and '. '~l - 75 pe<cent of permanently installed lillhtingfixtures as CFL or linear fluorescent or a min efficacv of 40 lumen, oer watt High ,efficiency ceiling, & windows / water heating: 'Replace cO""ponding Table NlIOLl(I) components with an of the followi1lg: 'Vaulted ceilings - U-Q,033I R-30A"'. and Flat ceiJings - U-0.025 I R-49, IUld Window, - U-0.3Z, and Nalunlll/ll'/DroDane, on-demand water heatin. with min BP of 0,80 High efficiency water heating I lighting: Natural gas/p.ropane, on..deinand ...ator heating with min EF of 0.80 75 percent of permanently installed lighting fixtnres as CFL or linear fluorescent or a min. efficaCY of 40 lumens Der watt Solar phorovoltaic: . j Minimum 1 watt I SQ ft CQnditioned flool' macet _ Solar water heating: J Minimum of 40 tt2 of .R;r066 collector areal PorSI: 1 square foot =:t 0.093 ."t, 1 w~ttpersquarefoot= 10.8 W/rrr. a. PumaCCl: located within t.b.& building envelope :,hs.1l hxve sealed combustion air installed, Combustion sir shall be ducted directIy frOm the outdoors. b. Documentation ofPerfotmariceThstcd Ductwork shall be submitted to the Builciini OffidalllPO/1 completion ofwor.k. This ~ork maD be p.exfotmed by acontrac-'I . tortbatis cenified by the Oregon t .~...... ..........- ofBnergy's (ODQE) &sid6.'DualEne:rgyTax Credit}m1gram and.documentation shall be provided that work demon- SQ:B.le8 confonnance to ODO~ duct peffimnlUlce standanh;. c.' A=advanced fnune CCIlltnlcti.on, wllich shall provide full required ct:iling insulation, value tQ ~ outside of e:xteri,Dr waJ.h:. d. The lnaximwn vaulted ceiling swface arta shall not be greatetthan 50 pcr.cent of me tQtal beated space floanrea wileu vaulted ateah.u a U-factot 0.0 grem:ertlwl, U-o.026. . '. " e. Solar electric' .system size sball include documentation indicating that lbtaJ SQW Resource Fraction is not lCSli than 75%. i. SoiBrw_b.eatil!gpanels sball be SoloiRating and Certification Corpor.ti.. (SRCC) Sblodan! OG'300cer1i1ied and illbdcd. with docwnentatio.indicatiogthat Total So~ ReSQu;('l::eFractioa is not less ~ 75%. I ':\\ Av01 f- n ~~ LY ~.. . 7 I' I 8 9 5416877038 DALEKAST ENERGY EFFICI~NCY TABU! N1101.1(2) AOOmONAL MEASURES (..'eat one)' Measure . I ! J J Z 1Jj~ AC system; ,r----------..... ( O..-fired furnac""1:br boiler with minimon\..e.!1UE of 90o/~or AJi-sou;:<:e beat pump with minimum llSrr or .., OJ Closed-loop wund SOu;:<:e heat DUmp with lltiniJnum COP of 3,0 IJjgh effieiency duct sealing, Certified peITotIIlJlllce tested duct sYStems' or All ducts and air handler.... .ontainedwitbin building eovelo~' . High efficiency building euvelope: Replace corresponding Table NlIOLl (1) compOReuta withall oftm: following: Wall insulation-above grade - U..(>-D47 I R-24. and Vaulted .eiling, - U.O,033/ R-30A"', and Flat ceilings - U-Q,025/ R-49. and Windows - U-<l.32 3 4 6 200\1 ORE:GON R~S'DENTlAL SPECIAL TV CODE 11-3