HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2008-8-25
08/25/2008 09:31
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Kast Construction, Inc.
2860 Martinique ^"". . eugene. Oregon 97408
Office (541) 485--2655 . I'llx (541) 687-7038
CCB #52575
City of Springfield
Building Division
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, Oregon 97477
Attention: Donald Moore
r, Dale Kast owner ofKast Construction, Inc. and DJS Investments,lLC request to
chimge from item nwnber 5 to item nUmber ifor the energy efficiency requiretl)enffor
the four building permits listed below. , '
" , " ,A&.Q<r~'f !b.. PA-Tff '
r840~South:31 "I'lace. -:- Permitnumber.0~-00970 --- -
848 South 31" Place - Pemutnumber 08-00!l69 ] '. ,
3153 Douglas Drive, -' Permit nlllllber 08-01@08\,
3161 Douglas Drive - Permit nwnber 08-009l85 ' "
, Cf/riit2;IV!t TO PATH fA
F~ ,P/1r# 5'"
Thlink You,
. Dale K.ast
. ~ High dnciency ceilings & windows/ljghbng:
(Replace c_....yv...:!ing Table NIl 01,1 (1) compo.ents with all of the following:
~ ^ 5 Vau!tedcciling.-U.0.033/R-30A'.d,and ' .
, U Fla' ceilings - U-<J.025 I R-49, and ,
Window. - U-<J.32, and
~ ~ 75 ~",~t of pennanontly in.llIlled liRhbng fixtures as CFL Or linear fluorescent or a min effkacy of 40 lumen, oor watt
HIgheflje;ency c;eiling. & windows I water heating:
'Repiace corresponding Table NllOl.l(I) ---Y_""MlS with an of the followiIlg:
Vaulted ceilings - U-<J.033I R-30A" d, and
Flat ceilings - v-oms I R-49, and
Window. - U.032, and
Natural l!ll8/propane, on-domand water be.tin. with min BF of 0,80
High efljciency wator heating I lighting:
Natural gas/propane, on..demand wator heating with min EF of O.gO
75 percent of permanently installed lighting futures as CFL or linear fluorescent or a min, efficacy of 40 lumOll5 oor ';iut
Solar photovoltaic: j
Minimum 1 watt I $0 tt CQoditioned floOr soace.e
~~~. J
Minimum of 40 tt2 of ta'05S collectorareat
ForSI: 1 squate!O<llQO.O~3 "', 1 waU per squate !ool = 10.8 W/rri'.
a. PurnaCC;51ocatcd within the ooUding envelope shall have sealed combustion air installed. COmbustion air ahall be ducted directly frOm the outdlXlrs.
b. DocllDll!:Dtation OfPedotmancc'ICsted Ductwork shall be submitted, to th2 ~uildillg Official upoIl completion of work.. This workehall be penormed byacontrac-
. tonbar.:is ceni:fied by the Oregon DcpanmentofBnergy's (ODOS) Resids,'DtialEtl.exgyTax Credit p{Qgram and.docum.entatioD ahBll beproviCletJ UI8.twork demo11-
maces confonnance to ODOE duct performa.nce standarcb. . .
c. A=a.dvanced fmne COIllitruCtion, which shall plOVi~e full required 'ceiling insulation value to the. outside of =.ttrior walls.
d. The maximurg vaulmd oelling surface area shall Dot be greater than 50 per-cent of the to~ beated space floor area unl~ vaulted area has aU-factor 0.0 greater t1J.Jn
U,,(),026. "
e. Solar electric .\IyStem sJze shall jnclud~ docum~ntation iDdicaflng that lblBJ Solar Resource Fraction is Dot tCS6 than 75%.
f. Solarwaterh<atingpaneJs ,hall be Sol", l\Rting and Certification Corporation (SRCC) Stan~ ~300certified ondlabolcd; with documeatationindicatiagthat
Tota1 Sola.{ Re.\l<)U1t::e Fraction is not 1cs:s than 75%.
08/26/2008 09:31
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PAGE 02/02
TABLE N1101.1(2)
ADDmONAL MEASURES (..r",,1 one)'
. Measure
Hi~effie;""~l!Y..AC system: r~" "
Gas-fin:d ~p>r boi~=r ~~ minimucl..@UE of 90%jor
..source eat pump w,1.th mtmmum HSPF or 0.;] O!
Closed-loOll RlDund 80= heat numn with minimum COP of 3,0
High efficiency duct .ealing:
cmmed ped'OlIIlaGce tested duct system.' or
All ducts and air handl... are contained within puilding envelope'
High cfl1eiency building envdope:
Replace eorre.ponding Table NllOl.1(l) compoRents with all oCthe following:
Wallinsuladon...hove grade - U-<J,047 I R-24. and
Vaulted ceiling. - U-O.033I R-30A'.d, and
flat ceilings - U-o.02S I R-49, and
Windows - U-<J.32
Zoti.al elecl.cic, ductless furnace or dUctIcs,s heat pomps:
75 percent of permanently installed lighting fIxtures as CFL or linear fluorescenl or a min efficacy of 40 lumens per watt,
om ' . .. .
Window. - U-<J.32, or
,Flat ceiling. - U.O,025/ R-49 and vaulted ceiling. - U.O,033 /'R-30A or
Exterior wan.. - U-<J.<l47 I R-24 '