HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2008-8-25 08/26/2008 09:31 5416877038 Ka'st Construction, Inc. DALEKA5T PAGE' 01/02 2860 MartinIque Ave. . eugene, Oregon 97408 Office (541) 485-2655' ftvc (541l 687-7038 CCB #52575 City of Springfield , Building Division 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 8-25-08 Attention: Donald Moore ' I, Dale K:ast owner ofKast Construction, InC. and DJS Investments, lie request to change from item number 5 to item niunher11forthe energy efficiency requiremenffor the four building permits listed below. ,. , " At.,(QI,-~ 'f' I A f A-Tff- . 840 South 31" Place - Permit nUmber 08-00970 -- ~ (84iSouth))" PI~e--=Perm!t numoer 08:()0%9;] 3153 Douglas Drive -' Perrmt number 08-01(108 3161 Douglas Drive --' Pennit number 08~00985 Thilnk YO)l, eL- '- ~---. - Dale Kast \ Cf~/V? TO PATH fA ~~Ar#5"" r 08/26/2008 09:31 , I ':V\A,~" .f?_ ?'\' ~~ L:/ " 2 3 5416877038 DALEKAST PAGE 02/02 ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE NII01,1(2) ADDmONAL MEASURES (eerm 01Hl)" Measure i i j ~Ai::sy.tem: r----..... (. Gas-filed fumac~r boiler with minimunI..@VE of 90%jor AlI'-soUt'Ce beat pump with minimum HSrr Or I).~ ill Clo~-loonfll'Dund SOurce beat pump with m.Wilnum COP of 3,0 High efficieney due' sealing: Certifiodperl'onnance tested duct SYSlemsb Dr All ducts and air handler are eontained within building eOVelOllO- High efficiency building ""v<lope: " ' , Replace corresponding Table NIl 01.1 (I) CompDRenrs wilh all of th~ following: Wall insulition-above grade - U..o,047 1 R.24, and Vaulted ceilings - U-0.0331 R-30A'.d, and Fl.t ceilings - U-o,025 1 R-49, and Windows - U-o.32 Zorial elect.rlc, ductless furnace or ductless hoa'pnmps: , 75 percent ofperrnanendy installodlighting fix,""" .. CFL Dr linear fluorescent Dr a mii1 efficacy of 40 lumens per watt, Dr Windows- u.o.3i, or , Flat oeilings - U-O.0251 R-49 and vaulted ceilings - U-0.033IR-30A Dr Exterior walls - U..o.047 IR-24 , :J High clnciency ceilings &0 windows/lighting: ", ' '. '" ' , , ( Replac, e comosponding Table Nil 01.1 (I) components with all of the fOllowing: N' 1\ . 5 Vaulted, ceilings-U-0.033/R-30A'.d,and ," '. , u ' Flat ceiling. - U-o,025 1 R-49, and , ' Windows - U-o.32, and ' , '~ '- _ 75 DeICen' of pennanendy installed lighting fixtures as Cl'L "rlin";: fluorescent or a nrin efficacv of 40 lumens oer ",att Higheffiejency coilings & windows 1 water hearl.g:' 'Replace correspooding Table NllOl.1(l) components with all of the followillg: . :Vsulted ceillngs - U-Q.0331 R_30AOd, and Flat ceiling, - U-0.0251 R-49. and Wmdows - U-0.32, and Natural gas/propane, on-demand' water heatinQ' with min EFof O~80 4 6 High efficiency ,wate.r heating 1 lighting: 7 . Natutal gas/propane, on-demand water h...ting with nrin BF, of 0,80 , 75 percent of permanendy installed lighting fixtnres as CFL or linear fluc; :".:_; or a nrin. efficaCY of 40 lumens nor watt 8 Solar photovoltaic:', J . Minimum 1 watt J SQ ft CQ'nditioned_f1?or s-oacee '. Solar water hea.ting~ J 9 Minimum of 40 II' of lttO., collector areat For 51: I square foot ~ 0.093,.1-, 1 watt pa- square foot = 10.8 W/rrr-. a. FumacCti located witbin t.be bJildmg ettve10pc ~ha1l have se.aled combuauotl ak installed. Comrostion air aha.U be ducttd d:ireetl.y frOm the lJutdlXl[8; b. Documt!:Dtation OfPetfotmanl;C'Ib&ted Ductwork: shall be submitted to the ~uildiag OfficiaJ upolJ completion of work. Thi.s work ehaD be perl'otmed byacotltrae- . torthatb c~ed by the Oregon D_;............_"'tofEnergy's (OOOS) Resitk.ntie.lEnergyTax Credit pro~ and. fJocumentat:ionshaU beprovided thatworkdemoI1- .stntE.s confonnan.ce to ODOE duCt pcrftinns..nce standards. . c. A=advanced frame cODabuC!ion, which shall provj~e full required ceiling insulation wIlle trJ'the outside of exterior wa.tl$: d. The maximum vauJtEd ceiling surface area shan oct be greate:t thaD 50 pcr-cent of tile total beate-d space floor area unlcas vaulted area ha:; a U..factor Q,O greater than U-l).026. ' , e. Solar electric sy.,rcm size shall- include doc;umcntation indicating that lblBl 'Solar Resource I1aCtion is Dot les6 than 75%. 'n f. So1a:rwaterhl:atingpanels shal1 be Solm: Rating 1U1d Certifi~atiou Co.rpor~on (SR~C) St8l1dard OG-300certified andlabdcd, With documentatioD lndicatingtbat Total So~ ReSQUIt:e Fraction is not lcss than 75%. 2008 OFl"GON RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL TV CODE 11-3