HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2008-10-10 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD,OR97477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 ELECTRIC~ERMIT APPLICATION, City Job Number )(" - en 11::I1 .-. - - , m[:T:~'~,~}m~,"__''''t''>':~'''''''Y'0'''''''''''''-'",,04'~"",:-1t'""'''''~''''..,,,,,,,,,...,.3&JiJi!!m!!"W!'lt":!' 1. fEOGA:fFIONiOEi1NST~ON: '''j , I'" ~~~;lO'44'PMV<'5",fhl1,,,,~p*~"""1>_-=0""t'"~40>''' m' I t~Qq D3ISfTl~ (lJrld JORDESCRIPTlON: j- 7~(') ~ ~Wl Permits are non-transferable and expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is Suspended for 180 days. 1.-6i'fili1'WtWl,' iIilm,":Bwrwzw }!WfllAA: Y1'>>"."!'1I1%!'If,:?i! /t~ "'!ffi1ISn!1~r'iM&llJI1#@,rnM&"',iliRi!Jmmw~.QJ, :,(3!ON!lJR;,tGTORi1NST~~1JlONiONbYJi 2. -~&F;~;liJiiID'Jti_0Jdit!h.ti:ttiiiHr*0b&iaOO~!'1:%;ii;wil0;JiG~;P~ Electrica] Contractor . / ' / Ad~S City ~ L ~ '~ Signature of Supervising Electrician Owners NameJ'b illd LA)o ~J\n~ Address \ ~ ,~)3, 'i- City\,Wrl . Pbone 77Jog~2~ OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property] own which is no ed'for-s~] lease r rent. Inspection Request: 726"3769 'Date 3. ~90.m>:t;;;b;J;-"SCHE.Df:.iil;)IBEWW: :..m,,,._,",,,,,~,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~~,,E1"'P""""i'l'i#'i";';;"A>&i''''' ,,,,c' <M' , , A.'~i~ml;tfit'l~h~~l~mmrB.im!mlrmi~{!lli~ Service Included 1000 sq. ft. or less Each additional 5.00 sq. ft. or portion !hereof . Each Manufact'd Home or Modu]ar Dwelling Service or Feeder $]21.00 $ 22.00 $57.00 B. 200 Amps or less 20] Amps to 400 Amps ' 40 I Amps to 600"'Amps 60 I Amps to ] 000 Amps Over 1000 AmpsN oIts Reconnect Only $ 73.00 $ 86.00 . $]43.00 $]86.00 $426.00 $ 57.00 c. ~JOTlCE', ' . , l"Jnstallatlpn.AJt~ration or Relocation 111.) I"'tKIVIII_~HALL EXPIRE IF THE WOD,v. AgOQJAmnScOl:I~ 1\')\)7.00 . I' llT1'f1LIL~CU '{ll THIS PERIVIII I~' NO" cg~lrvfflreE'b s. ~ 79.00 AI\J4Jl~~It1A~ . &BANDONtU ~UR $114.00 Over 600 Amps or 1000 Volts see "B" above. v"""4IW11$l'11N''''%J''''''''''''i;F''\t;,<;;,;.~''''J~0~F;mn]fl~a9b)j~it"')B\i1_" ... -.-.. .. '%htm"...-t&!Ki"-~----~~-"'- D. '~Branch~€itcuiiSiIi;&@i~"ill!~i!18~:KFZsnv:mg:~RJPg . ---8'" b!Z4IT:s&$%'nffi?WP' i'MriEF1 ~._'~__,.._m_"_~""-;,,,".._,,_"."'''''ro"_,,":JRilli'!llliS~W.L_1h,,,=.%li)ji;ifI~''''J>,,%$t_ - \i3h"",'0% New Alteration or Extension Per Panel . One Circuit $ 50.00 Each Additional Circuit or wi!h '. Service,t;rF~.!'dI}(jI~egon law requires li~:'o19 follow rules adopted by tne ureyun Utility , rC~:~:~!l]'!!!il-.,,,,,je~.,,,_~-l!ilhs'''''''~~'lilil J!:. Ei\1i~~~1!'~1j~!fff.~<i~_lx~.!;l!)~~~.!;,IJl~~I}at!\!~1 gp\l..Q,~You may obtain copies of the rules by . Pump n.~MIi\~a'Wie center. (NDt". tho tole~WhQO SignlO~t!d_l'l1e Oregon Utility NDti~IOO. Limited Energy.4lilli\lilrntm~ -800:332.:2344)'$ 29.00 .Limited Energy/Commercia] $ 52.00 Minimum Electric Pe~mit Inspection Fee is $52.00 + Surcharges 4. ] 2% State Surcharge , ] 0% Administrative Fee , 5% Technology Fee TOTAL Shared Drive(T:)/Building ForinslElectrica1 Permit Application 7~8.doc C:nstruction .Contractors BO'~t.d.i '. Permit#: ex- --'cx)s S l 700 Summer St NE Suite 300 Address: /22'Cj 'i 3, rs. -r' . PO Box 14140.- ", " Ji-.: "/ I. Salem OR 97309-5052. ]ssu~(WM' ':. - Date:/())/ iJ jOr Pho!'e: 503-378-4621 / L\' Web Address: www.ccb.state.or.us Statement: Information .Noticl to: roperty owners. I. . . '. _" . About Construction. Responsibilities . ~. ." ~r --:. .;. .' " . Note: Oregon Law, DRS 701.055(4) requires residential constructionpermii applicants who are '!ot . licens~d with the Coniltructio,{Contractors Board to sign the/ill/owing statement be/orea b~ilding penizit can be issued. .This statementis'required/or:resideniial building, elecirical, mechanical and . plitfnbing permits. LicenseiJ.architect and engineerapplicanis, exempt from licensing under :,ORS701.010(7), neednots'ubmit this, statement.. This stateme1Jt.w,ill,be filed with the permit. -, ~ .... ' . . Fill}nth~ ap~ropriilte blanks and initial boxes I and.2,andeither,box 3A or 3B, . '~'I.; I own, reside ill, or .~ill reside inthtrcompleted:structure. . .. ,-. :0 :2. Iunderstartqthat I must become licensed as a construction contractor'ifthestructure is sold or offered for sale before' or on completion. ' !~ - " ;, O. 3A. My general contractor is " (Name) (CCB #) ., . I will instruct my gemiral contractor that.all subcontractors whO work on the stnicture must be licensed with the Construction Contractors B~ard_' . ' . , . OR - &' .3B. I will bemyoWJ1 general ~ontraCtor.' ,( ~tC~iY2U'~L): In-hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors licensed ~iththe Construction Contractors Board.. If I change mymind and hire a general contractor, I will contract with a ,contractor who is . licensed with.the CCB and will immediately notifythe office issuing this building permit of the. name of the contractor. . >, ' ...", J.'.. . - I herebx ertify that the abo e information is correct imdthat I haye reail and do understand the Information. bout Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this'form. , I' - . ~: ,> " ~~ . . '. . . '10- / () --OS> . (Signature of permit applicant) ,.:, :,(Date) (White (:opy to issuing agency permit file,pink:copy to ajiplic~nt.) , " -, "1. . - ~ t' . '1 ~roperty_owneLdoc 06-01-04 .' "-. ~ ,~ . 225 Fifjl} Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2008-0095I COM2008-0095I COM2008-00951 COM2008-00951 Paymerits: Type of Payment Check cReceintl RECEIPT #: Description Pelm Serv/Fdr 200 amps ,or less + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge , + 10% Administrative Fee Paid By LORI M. WEINHOLD , City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department 2200800000000001492 Date: 10/10/2008 , -. , ., 6 I - . . Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number. 'Number How Received NJM 991 In Person Payment Total: Page I of I 8:11:32AM Amount Due 73.00 3.65 8.76 7,30 $92.71 Amount Paid $92,71 $92.71 / 10/10/2008