HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2008-10-2 ...~;J Information 1~~~IToBuildOn 1I!1t.,jll d ,., '.j,' ;JtfI _. ,~ . 'II . '0,.1. ',JI Client: Address: Springfield School District 525 Mill Street Springfieid, OR 97477 Placem~nt Data: Tilt up panels # 39, 40, 41 and 58 COMPRESSION REPORT Project No.: 722-80174-82 Proj. Name: Maple ElemE!ntary School Location: Material: ConcretEf' location Sampled At: Tilt up panel #58 . Date Cast: 09/18/08 Ti~~~~~;; IM~~~~~OFM - Date Rec'd: 09/19/08 VVeather: Overcast Desi\1n Stren~th (osil: Cylinder No. 08-2742 08-2743 08-2744 08-2745 reouired 6,000 Test Date Field Cure (days) Lab Cure (days) Age (days) 9/25/2008 10/16/2008 10/16/2008 Hold 7 28 28 H H f:-Cone (both ends) 2 - ton~Nertical Cracks (one'end) Remarks: c: 3- - Columnar koad: Yardage 2 83/4 KPFF - ugo.costa@kpff.com Hyland Construction - jeffdurmaj@jhconst.com Milstead & Associates - doug@milstead.us Mahlum - rberndt@mahlum.com Robertson/Sherwood Architects - d9uadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Springfield Schooi District - jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Yolanda Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu City of Springfield . Total: Supplier: Kn'ife River Date: B.P. No.: P.O. No.: P0271-255-0809 /.... ., .noa<YCast By: Gle!)n"Meeks <..o'/1rt "f7TI' /I - & G II :5 ~ Field Test Data 43/4" 3/4" :2.199 J Street Springfield, OR Slump (in.): ASTM C143 Max. Aggr. Size: A.ir Content': ASTM C231. Ai,r Temperature (F): Material Temp. (F): ASTM C1064 Max Temp (F): Min Temp iF): Specimen Size: Unit Weight (pct): ASTM C138 Time Cast: 9:00 AM A.dditives: Results Reported To: Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 olaced ,6,000 Diameteror . Dimensions (ii1~hesl Cross Sect. Area (sJ,) Cylinder WT. (Ibs.) SPRINGFIELD OFFICE 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield. Oregon 97~77 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax October 2, 2008CCB#176269 2.2% 55" 680 4x8 144.74 . Curing Conditions: ASTM Contractor Camp. Strength Max: Lo~d (Ibs.) (psi) FraCture Type *. C1231'03 ... Test Time Capping Method 6 27 27 H f2.51 8.6 63,165 CG17'03 5,050 ;> x 3.99 4 - Diagonalw no craking-al en( s 11:19AM. 5 - Side fractures (at topof bott~rn) 6 --top fractures'(same as J-5 bu1 end of cylinder is pointed) Respectfully Submitted, P'1'feSSi~LJ Serxices Industries, Inc. Kc4-jP ,ct~tC\ . Raymond Aliperti ')'-1 Project Manager THIS REPORT /s PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMA nON OF THE CLIENT ONL Y. mE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY. BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN f:ULL, IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESS/ONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES l' ,," .L, , lInFonnation ... tJI:!!!1. Y'- . . ~'!!:!"~ .70 Build On Il!ng,,, " ''', ~fIg . ~ 0 1MtIIIog Client: Address: Springfield School District 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 Placement Data: . Tilt up panels 10,12,15,19,20,21, 22A and 228 location Sampled At: Panel #2 Date Cast: Ticket No.: 3223378 - 09/17/08 IM~~~;~OFM Desi!Jn Stren(jth (psi): " Cylinder No. Test Date 08-2718 9/24/2008 08-2719 10/15/2008 08-2720 10/15/2008 08-2721 Hold Date Rec'd: 09/18/08. VVeather: Clear COMPRESSION REPORT SPRINGFIELD OFFICE 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163fax October 2, 2008 . CCB#176269 :,:,'proi!'ct No;: :(22-80174-80 Pr.oj. Name: Maple Elementary School Date: B.P, No.: P,Q. No.: Cast By: P0271-255-0809 Verlyn Bearden 'Location: . 2109 J Street.. Springfield,OR Field Test Data (; 3/4" Material: Co"ilcrete" required 6,000 Age (days) Field,Cure (days) 7 28 28 H 1 ** 1 - COne (both ends) 2 - ConeNertical Cracks (one end) Remarks: c: KPFF - ugo.costa@kpff.com Hyland Construction - jeffdurmaj@jhconsLcom Milstead & Associaies - doug@milstead.us Mahlum - rberndt@mahlum.com . Robertson/Sherwood Architects _ dguadagni@robertsonshe'rwood.com,' . Springfield School District -.jsaracen@sps.lane.edu . Yolanda Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu City of Springfield . Lab Cure" (days) 3 ~ Columnar .', Slump (in.): AS7M C143. Max. Aggr. Size: A.ir Content: -ASTM C231 A.ir Temperature (F):. Material Temp. (F): ASTM C1064 Max Temp (F): Min Temp (F): 'Specimen Size: Unit Weight (pel): ASTM C138 Time Cast; 8:40 AM A.dditives: Results Reported To: Contractor 57' 71' ILoad: Total: Supplier: . "Knife River 4x8 Yardage 3 8,75/90 Curing Conditions: 1 day field cure, remainder ASTM Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 ,placed 6,000 6 27 27 H Diameter or Cross Sect. Area .Cyli~derWT. Co".1P. Strength Capping Me_thod Dimensions (5.1.) (Ibs.) Mai. Load (Ibs.) (psi) Fracture Type .. lesiTime (In~hes) C617~03' G1231-03 4.00 12.57 8.4, 62,230 4,950 2 1:38 PM X .' 4~ l?iagonaJ w.no'9raking,C'!t.e~d.s 5 - Sidefraclures (~t top' of boi om) - 6'- Top fractures (same as#5 but end of cylinder is pointed) . . Respectfully Submitted, Pr;::;iOvafi:l!Z,ndustries, Inc. Raymond AIiP~~ ~ Project Manager ~ J ~, ',' THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMA r/ON OF THE CLlENTONL Y. THE REPRODUCTlo'N OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TOA THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FULL, IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE.,WRITTEN . . PERMISSION OF PRO':ESSIONAL SERI(ICE INDUSTRIES ljj;iJ.~ SilInj"ormation J't!". .~.....". To Build On &lfltnaering .. ew.untng . J100rifng Client: Address: Springfield School District 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 SPRINGFIELD OFFICE COMPRESSION REPORT 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax October 1, 20.0.8 CC8#176269 .'.. .Pr9jecl N",.: 722-80.174-79 Proj: Name: Maple Elementary School . Location: 2109 J Street Springfield, OR 'Dale: B.P. No.: P:O. No.: Cast By: P0271-255-o.809 Glenn Meek Jr Yardage' load: 3 , Total: 54 IsuPPlier:. . . . Knife River Slump (In.): ASTM C143 Max. Aggr. Size: Air Content: ASTMC231 Air Temperature (F): Material Temp. (F): ASTM C1064 Max Temp (F): Min Temp (F): Specimen Size: UniLWeight (pef): ASTM G138 Time Cast: 10:45 AM Additives: Results Reported To: Field TestData 51/4" 3/4" N/A 73" 77" Placement Data: Till up wall panels 49, 29 and 3D Material: 'Concrete"- location Sampled At: Till up wall panel # 29 Date Cast: 0.9/11/08 . Ticket No.: !MiX No.: 315940.1 3159442 Dale Rec'd: 0.9/12/08 Weather: Clear Desiqn Strenqlh (psi): , Cylinder,No. 0.8-2595 0.8-2596 0.8-2557 0.8-2598 re9uired 6,0.0.0. j TestDate . Fie~d Cure (da.ys) Lab Cure (days) Age (days) 9/18/20.08 10./9/2008 10./9/200.8 7 28 28 H 2 - ConeNerlical Cracks (one end) 6 27 27 u 1 ~-Cone (both ends) Remarks: c: 3 - Columnar 4x8 Curing Conditions': 1 day field cure, remainder ASTM Contractor "- Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 olaced 60.0.0. .. ,Diameter or Dimensions' (!nc.h_es) , Cylinder WI, (lb5.) Cross Sect. Area (s.i,) Camp. Strength Fracture Ty-pe-.' '(psi) Test Time ~ Capping Method Max. Load (Ibs.) - C617-03;" C1231-0J-- 4.00. . 12.57 8.5 60.,685 4,830. 2 2:0.3 AM x 4 - .oi,ag6nal. IN ~o cra~ing at ends. '5 - Side fractures. (at top of bot oill) 6 - -Top fractures (same a5#5 but end of cylinder is pointed) Respectfully Submitted, . k;:;l!t1ervlces Industr/es, Inc. Raymond AIiPe~ Project Manager KPFF - ugo.costa@kpff.com Hyland Construction - jeffdurmaj@jhconst.com Milstead & Associates - doug@milstead.us Mahlum - rberndt@mahlum.com Robertson/Sherwood Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com :'ipringfield School District.. jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Yolanda Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu City of Springfield . .'; THIS REFORT IS PF3~VIDEDfOR THEINFORMATlON OF TH~c.PENTONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FULL. IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMIS.S/ON OF PROFESSI~NAL SERVICE /~DUSTRIES. ljls: li:1J;:::l:~n Ii! "., ,;,', , ., ,g ,,,j, .J~ . ~ . "III.., Client: Address: Springfield School District 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 '.. .' .., .COMPRESSION REPORT . SPRINGFIELD OFFICE 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax October 2, 2008 'CCB#176269 ", Pr';ject No.: 722-80174-72 . Proj. Name: Maple Elementary School. Location: 2109 J Street Springfield, OR Date: B.P, No.: P.O. No,: Cast By:' P0271-255-0809 . Glenn Meeks Jr koad: I Total: 8 3/4 ISUPPlier: --- -- . Knife Ji(lver Slump (in.): ASTM C143 Max. Aggr. Size: Air Content: ASTM C231 Air Temperature (F): Material Temp, (F): ASTM C1064 Max Temp (F): Min Terna (F): Specimen Size: . UnitWeight (pef): ASTM C138 Time Cast: 8:15 AM Additives: Results Reporte'd To: Field Test Data 43/4" 3/4" Placement Data: . Mate~ial: Conc;rete Tilt-up wall panels #33,32,18,17,.16,4,5,8 and 2 Location Sampled At: Tilt up wall panel #32 Dale Cast: 09/03/08 Ti~~~~~~~ I M~~~~~OFM Design Strength (Dsi): , Cylinder No. 08-2447 08-2448 08'2449 08-2450 Test Date 9/10/2008 . 10/1/2008 10/1/2008 Hold Date Ree'd: 09/04/08 Weather: Clear reouired 6000 Age (days) Fi,eld Cure (days) 7 28 28 H 1 Lab Cure (days) 6 27 27 H. 3 - C-olumnar Remarks: c: ~1--co~-e (bo'thends) '2 ~ Cori~Nertical CracKs(one end) Set1 KPFF .. ugo.costa@kpff.com Hyland Construction - jeffdurmaj@jhconst.com' Milstead & Associates - doug@milstead.us Mahlum.. rberndt@mahlum.com . Robertson/Sherwood Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Springfield School District - jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Yolanda Bird - yoianda.bird@sps.lane.edu City of Springfield 45" 69" Yardage 3 4x8 Curing Conditions: ASTM Contractor C01T!pressiile Strength Data ASTMC39 ol8ced 6000 Diameter or .Dlmensions (inches) , Cross Sect. Area Cy'linder WT. '(s.L) (Ibs.) Max. Load (Ibs.) Compo S!rength Fracture Type .. Test Time (psi) --- 72,195 . 5,770 2 12:10 PM 96,150 7,650 2' 11:26AM 94,260 7,500 3 11:30AM C~pping Method_ . C617.03 ,=,C1231-03 3.99 '4.00 4.00 12.51 8.5 12:57 ,.. 8.5 ' x X X 12.57 8.5 . '., 4 - Dragon.al wino craking at em s 5:- ,Slde--fractures (al top of b6'flom) 6 - TopfraciuresJsam-e as #5 but end 'at' cylirider' is pointed) Respectfully Submitted, k:Pm~ces Industries, Inc. Raymond AliP:rt~ . Project Manager ';"" THIS R~PORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORM.4T10N OF THE CLIENT ONLY. THE REPFWDUGTlON OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FULL. IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMiSSION or: PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES. l~$ilfo~;::;:;tnn Ilf.nsi,lnserilllllJ .. ~ . n..tIntI SPRINGFIELD OFFICE COMPRESSION REPORT " 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax Sept. 18,2008 CCB#176269 Client: Address: Springfield School District 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 . Project No.:722~80174-71 Proj. Name: Maple Elementary School Location: '2109 J Street :Springfield, OR Date: B.P. No.: P.O. No.: Cast By: P0211-255-0809 Gienn Meeks Jr Clear. Load: Total: Supplier: Knife River Yardage 11 83/4 Slump (in.): ASTM C143 .". Max. Aggr. Size: Air Content: ASTM C231 Air Temperature (F): Material Temp. (F): ASTM C106.4 Max Temp (F): Min Temo CFt Spec.imen Size: Unit Weight (pcf): ASTM C138 Time Cast: 10:50 AM 'A.dditives: Results Reported To: Field Test Data 51/4" 3/4" Placement Data': Tilt-up wall panels #33,32,18,17,16,4,5,8 and 2 M-;,I!e'rial:'Conc'rE3te ." 73' 77' Location Sampled At: Tilt up wallpanei #8 Date Cast: 09/03/08 Ticket No.: IMiX No.: 3159280 60W5AOFM 4x8 Date Rec'd: 09/04/08 Weather: Curing Conditions: ASTM Contractor Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 Desh:!" Stren!'lth (psi): reauired 6.000 olaced 6,000 - Field Cure Lab Cure Diameter or Cross~ Sect. Area _, Cytind~r 'NT,. Camp. Strength Cylinder No. Test Date Age (days) Dime,:"!sions Max. Load (Ibs.) Fracture Type *. Test Time (days) (days) '(inches) (s.i.) (lb5.) (psi) 0.8-2451 9/10/2008 7 1 6 3.99. 12.51 8.4 64,325 5,140 3 12:14 PM 08-2452 10/1/2008 28 1 27 3,99 12.51 8.5 84,865 6,780 3 11:11 AM 08-2453 10/1/2008 28 1 27 3.99 12.51 8.5 84,370 6,740 2 11:16AM 08-2454 Hold H H - C'apping M~thod C617-03,~ C1231-03 . x X x' ... 1. ~ Cone (both ends) 2 ~ ConeNertical Cracks (one end) 3 - Columnar 4 - qiagonal w_no ,cr~kin9 at en~ s . 5 -.Si~e fractures (at top albo-I om) Remarks: Set 2 - c: KPFF - ugo.costa@kpff.com Hyland Co'nstruction - jeffdurmaj@jhconst.com Milstead & Associates - doug@milstead.us Malllum - rberndt@mahlum.com Robertson/Sherwood Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com . Springfield School District - jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Yolanda Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu City of Springfieid . " 6: Tap fraclures (same as tiS but end of cylinder is pointed) Respectfully Submitted, p;ffU!tJc~es Industries, Inc. Raymond ~ Project Manager ..". . . THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CLIENT ONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FULL. IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES , l rtA~;l lriformation ,.,..,. .To Build On Engineering . Consulting . Testing DAILY FIELD REPORT " Date Performed: September 29, 2008 Report Number: 722-80174-87 Client: Springfield School District Project Name: Maple Elementary School 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 Project Location: 2109 J Street Springfield, OR . Contractor: John Hyland P,O. No: P0271-255-0809 Fabricator: tv1etalSome Shopl Field: Shop. Type of Inspection: . Welding Weather: Inside Field Observations and Comments Performed periodic visual inspection of the following items: Multiple pass fillet weldmehts of A706 (#8) rebar to embed". plates mark # 3H-M (4 piece). Fit-u'p of weld joints were' inspected for workmanship. In-progcess welding was, ~onitored to' the fabricators FCAW welding procedure specifications. Also . performed periodic visual inspection of stud : weldments to embeds mark # 3K-M, 6A-M (3 piece), 6D-M (2 piece) and 5B-M (2 pi~ce). Stud weldments at exhibit . 3600 flash.. Bend. tests were performed. Weldments were inspected forsize, length, profile and locations. T.o the best of our knowledge, the work inspected is in conformance with approved, drawings, specifications and .appli~able 01.1 and 01.4 codes. Fabricator was asked to notifx our office when additional servicves were needed. Inspector: Chris Thomason, Certification #04-070351 CBB #176269 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649. Respectfully Submitted, P:1'. essssiioo~n.alrervice Industries, .Inc. \PJ{JtJ~ .' Raymond Aliperti: Project Manager c: Springfield School District - jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Milstead & Associates - doug@milstead.us Hyland Construction - jeffdurmaj@jhconsLcom Robertson/Sherwood Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com. Yolanda Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu . KPFF - ugo.costa@kpff.com Mahlum - rberndt@mahlum City of Springfield THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMATJON'Oi= THE.CLlENT ONLY. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS R~PORT, BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY, .BY ANY MEANS. EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMlssrON OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, IS PROHIBITED. Professional Service Industries,' Inc. . 1040-A Shelley Street ~ Springfield, OR 9747'7 . Phone 541/746-9649 . Fax 541 n 46-7163 l... ~;r Infol71J.l1tion *,~.l1b Build On Engineering. Consulting . Testing ,. DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed: September 23, '2008 Springfield School District 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 Report Number: 722-80174-84 Client: Project Location: Maple Elementary School 2109 J Street Springfield, OR Project Name: B.P. No.: Type of Inspection: COM 2008-00438 Reinforcing, Steel P.O. No.: Weather: P0271-255-0809 Clear Field Observations and Comments I Performed visual inspection of reinforcing steel and embeds at the following locations: tilt up wall panel reinforcing in panel #42,56,34,25,24,23, 7.and 28. Reinforcing'steel was checked for 'grade, size, lap, placement and clearances where.'applicable: Reinf6rCihff steel was" secured using tie' wire and supported on plastic. chairs Reinforcing steel was' placed in accordance with.apPcDved design drawings and, specifications latest revisions dated 5/1/08. Contractor. was asked to notify our office when.additional services are needed. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected above was in accordance .with the building department approved design drawings, specifi~ations and applicable workmanship , ,provisions of the International Building Code. . Inspector: Glenn Meeks Ice #5071538-49 eCB #176269 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649. . . . Respectfully Sub'mitled, Professional Servicefndustries, Inc. .~Cl~ Raymond Aliperti Project Manager c: Springfield.School District- jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Milstead & Associates - doug@miistead.us Hyland Construction - jeffdurmaj@jhconst.com Robertson/Sherwood Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com YolandaBird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu ' KPFF- ugo.costa@kpff.com Mahlum - rberndt@mahlum.com City of Springfield THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE'CLlENT ONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANYMETHQD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY, BY ANY MEANS, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAl: SERVICE INDUSTRIES, IS PROHIBITED. Professional Service Industries, Inc.. 1 040-AShelley Street. Springfield, OR 97477 . Phone 541/746-9649 . ~ax 541/746-7163 l...~;' lnfonnation ,.,~. .To Build On' Engineering . Consulting . Testi"g . DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed: Client> September 22, 2008 Springfield School District. 525 Mill Street . Springfield, OR 97477 Report Number: 722-80174-83 Project Name: Map~e Elementary School 2109 J Street Springfield, OR Project Location: Contractor: Fabricator: Type of Inspection: John Hyland MetalSome Welding P.O. No: Shop/ Field: Weather: P0271-255-0809 Shop Inside , Field Observations and Comments Performed periodic visual inspection of the following items: weldments of headedstuds to embed plates mark numbers' . . 'ID (2 piece), 6C (i piece),and'6D (2'piece) 360' flash was verified: Also verified test plate was welded.in accordance.' . with AWS D1.1. Weldments 'were inspected for size, length,'profile and locations: To the best of our knowledge, the work inspecteois in' conformance with approved drawings, specifications. and applicable D1.1 codes. Fabricator was. asked' to notify our. office when aad itional servicves were needed. Inspector: Chris Thomason, Certification #04-070351 CBB #176269 If you have any questions' regarding this 'report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649, Respectfully Submitted, f)feSSi~~0~ervice/ndustrieS' inc. ~AIiPe~ Project Manager 'c: Springfield School District - jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Milstead & Associates -,doug@milstead.us Hyland Construction - jeffdurmaj@jhconst.com Robertson/Sherwood Architects -'dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Yolanda Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu KPFF - ugo,costa@kpff:com Mahlum - rberndt@mahlum City of Springfield I THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMA TION OF THE CLIENT ONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT,. BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY, BY ANY MEANS, EXCEPT IN FULL WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFES~IONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, IS PROHISrTED. Professional Service Industries, Inc.. 1 04Q-A Shelley Street - Spririgfield, OR 97477,- -Phone 541/7 46~9649 . Fax 541 n 46-7163 l...~;l Information ",~. .To Build On Engineering . Consulting. Testing DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed: September 17, 2008 Report Number: 722-80174-81 Client: Springfield School District Project Name: Maple Elementary School. 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 Project Location: 2109 J Street Springfield, OR Contractor: John Hyland. P,O, No: P0271-255-0809 Fabricator: MetalSome . Shop/ Field: Shop Type of Inspection: Welding Weather: Inside Field Observations and Comments ". Performed periodic visuallnspection of the following items: Nelson Studs for embeds - part. numbers 4DM.(6), 4BM (4); and D.4M (2). WeJdments were inspected for size, length, profile and :locations: To the best of our, knowledge, the work inspected is in'conformance.with approved.drawings, specifications.andapplicabie D1 :1,codes. Fabricator'was asked to ' notify our office when additional servicves were needed: . Inspector:. Chris McDonald, Certification #5298238-52. '.' . CBB #176269 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649. c: Springfield School District - jsaracen@spsJane.edu Milstead & Associates.- doug@milstead.us Hyland Construction - jeffdurmaj@jhconsLcom Robertson/Sherwood Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Yolanda Bird - yolanda,bird@sps.iane,edu' KPFF - ugo.costa@kpff,com Mahlum' rberndt@mahlum City of Springfield THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE fNFORMA TION OF THE CLIENT ONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD, 'AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY, BY ANY MEANS, EXCEPT IN FULL. WfTHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, IS PROHIBITED. Professional Service Industries; Inc. . 1040-A Shelley Street. Springfield, OR 97 477~. Phone 541 n 46-9649 . Fax 541/746-7163 I / l ~~;1 lrifofmation ",~. .To Build On . Engineering. Consulting . Testing DA!L Y FIELD REPORT Date Performed: September 11, 2008 Report Number: 722-.80174-66 Client: Springfield School District Proje.ct Name: Maple Elementary School 525 M ill Street SPringfield. OR 97477 Project Locaiion: 2109 J Street Springfield, OR B,P. No.: COM 2008-00438 P,Q. No.: P0271-255-0809 Type of Inspection: Reinforced Concrete Weather: Clear Field Observations and .Comments Performed visual inspection of reinforCing steel and embeds at the following locations: re-inspected tilt-up wall panel #30: Also inspected tilt-up wall pan~ls # 29 and 49 reinforcing steel was checked for size, lap, grade, placement, and c1earence where applicable. Reinforcing steel was secured using tie wire ana suppqrted using plastic chairs. ReHlforcing steel was' placed .In accordance with the approved drawings and specifications latest revisions dated 5-01-08. Performed visual inspection during' placement of concrete at the above listed locations. Concrete was placed by boom pump and mechanically consolidated. Cast one (1 ) set of four (4) (4x8) concrete test cylinders. Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected above was in accordance with the building department approved design drawings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the International Building Code. b!ne of M~t"ri~1 Suppl.ier Mix# Slump Air Content Ambient Temperature Material Temperature Time Placed Design Strength (psi) Number of Samples Total Yardaqe Placed Inspector: Glenn Meek Jr., ICC# 5071538-49 CCB #176269 Set #1 Knife River 60W5AOFM 51/4" 2.2% 730 770. 1 0:45 AM 6000 4 54 i, If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649. Respectfully Submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. R4~Icg]~ . " Raymond Aliperti Project Manager . c: Springfield School District - jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Milstead & Associates - doug@milstead.us Hyland Construction - jeffdurmaj@jhconstcom Robertson/Sherwood Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Yolanda Bird'- yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu . , THIS REPORT!S PROVIDED FOR THE fNFORMAT}ON OF THE CLIENT aNL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPOF1T, BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD ..."", '. '-', "'IV' '"1'-''''''-'>, LJ'."''-'-' .., ru,-,-. ..." ,'-''-', Ii ,,_ '" .,-,-.-~". ,-::RMfSS;::: =.- .-.-:=,-:::::~:'^L' J;~q"I(:~ "Inl IC:TQ''-'<- '" ooru.,JIQITJ:Cr\ ProfessionarService Industries, In"c.. 1040.A Shelley Street. Springfield, OR 97477,. Phone 541 n 46.9649 . Fax 541/746.7163