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Permit Correction Notice 2008-10-3
V"T r. . . ---', ~.,/"""-~"'''-~~~\i''''1'"'ll~''f~._~_.~..,,~..........:~":r:' ~ ~. , :. ! ,.' .. . . /'i-.1 " . - i 1;- ,,17 . '~:.~ ~ / If' J ,I' City ~f spri.ngfie~~; Deyelop~ent Ser:..ices . .;1) BUIlding Safety f / ,( . / 225' Fifth Street . ) , ...._-. '~ .. ". :" s~ Date: );J i ~"_I '2C05 . ',~ ftoo, - .1 j~-~If// Q - f'50~,S\~1 I .Address:. Z ? z ~ .":?3 M ..s r .\ \ TO: . /Vi 12-.5 1= I'D r:. 1.1 SO.v Inspection Type:_ ,/' " ~'...fj,/r;r-, '2 Jt), 17~1) 12:1(' ,r; t:JI.$.17 _ r? tJ J J-k:- I_AJt:....,TIM)', A AR..r.:.,.' r:-Cl-,)[,T (,~U?f.u;;-f I1JffA) f(iJ>RNJM C~~ ~ t. " ~I' - _' ..... ---- .1-'---/ -.- '. " . Corrections and reo ins..e.e,rtion request shall be mad.!'!, within. "'<;' () - calendar days.. 1.7 .A.;( . Call for rein'spection [U'yes DNo Inspector .f ~J.-V .D7XOJJ . I Date: to-...;>-ut/ '.' : ~~~";~~~~~~'~"""Call for inspeCtion 726-3769~1v~"';"~~~;"~NQLiestions 7i6-3759~~~~~~~~": . t .:. .' ~':-'!f~ ~,'., 1"" ..:.......~...,. "" "., - " . "..' : " ..' .//.;i:::~':} . /'....~~ -.-. . . ,I,..