HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 9/18/2008 ^. .(~~",i' ~."" " PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. that Summer Development, Inc, an Oregon Corporation, is the Owner of that certain real Property further described in Statutory Warranty Deed recorded March 30, 2004, Recorders Reccption No. 2004-022213, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, said Property is situated in the City of Springfield, County of Lane and State of Oregon. NOW THEREFORE, said Owner does hcreby reservc a variable width Public Draiange Eascment across aforementioned Property as .further described in Exhibit A. The true and actual consideration of this declaration is $ 0.00, Granted and declared this J-fJ day of ()iJilJ!j/1 ,2005. k~ Scott Leatham, Registered Agent Summer Devclopmcnt, Inc. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O SEP 1 8 2008 State of Oregon ) County of Lane ) . d ~ -;f- ;J This instrument was acknowledged before me on ..2? day of ~ ,2005 by Scott Leatham, Registered Agent of Summer Dcvel,opment, In~. - J ~~4::J&~ Au.-- Notary Public for Oreg~' My Commission Expires: ///..3 !/of '- . OFFICIAL SEAL ~: LORETTA 5 CHAPMAN '. .. . NOTAny PUBLIC-OREGON .. COMMISSION NO. 350558 MY COMMISSION EXPiReS NOY 30. 2005 r . - --....,....-------,---."""'\ Division of Chief Depuly Cle~k 2nn~ nnmA Lane Counly Deeds and Records UU~.U~g~g, .111"""'1""111111" 11"111111""111111" $41.00 J07620332005009~5_400400~2 12/05/2005 03:00:26 PM RPR-ES~T "Cnl=l Sln=7 CASHIER 06 $20.00 $10.00 $11.00 Lpuu ,.."""'~ ~I..",c,~ "~rl!lTl tn' Q1iQQ 8' ~L,,;.., ;~.:~ ':;"k, S~. 3..;~... ~~geRe OR. S'71OL RETV~oJ To: C rry or SP~I"(,,(j"LP, PV8L'C l<io~~' DePT'. , Zl.f f'rFTH Sr., )PR''''''F,,''l.,OJ DR '17477 Summer Development Public Drainage Easerrtent - Ditch' Pagel :.~ ; ~ ", " This conveyance sct forth in this instrument conveying titlc or interest to the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, is hereby approved, and thc title or interest conveyed therein is hereby accepted. By: ~-~~qL- f)"c..'J. }o05 Date '" OI"N"'< P. Ei'JJ<r (Name) .1:..4 -rr' 511KJ1f't'oR (Title) PRE.SIIRMITIAl RECIO SEP 1 8 2008 '- i:Jptm,,,,,,,,,-,, .:I;,~& p;" , ..3.:.. ::!K, E.b-"~~' ,', Summer Development Public Drainage Easement - Ditch Page 2 . . - _!:..'-:-,. ,- " " < \III. j.. Exhibit A Public Drainage Easement' Bcginning at a point that is 25 I .00 feet South 89058'23" West on the Northeast Corner of the William M. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, Township 17 South, Rangc 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; run thence South 12043'36" East 30.75 feet; thence South 89058'23" West 119.79 feet to the True Point of Beginning; run thence South 89058'23" West 2.90 feet; thence South 26042'01" East ]66.44 feet; thence N 89055'59" East 47.80 feet; thence North 42024'1 I" West 26.63 feet; thencc North 48056'31" West 64.33 feet; thence North 35028'01" West 3 I .04 feet; thence North 30046'07" West 37.23 feet; thcnce North 28045'36" West 33.59 feet to the True Point of Beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. "- PRE-SlJRMIlTAL REC'O SEP 1 8 2008 A , " '. ., '., " ..... PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O SEP 1 8 2008. ~. ..1:...,..__, . _". _. ...~~_.._, ,,,.. "~_~,M_."'"'' , .,...... ...OM' .,. " ;.;- _.~ ""', /, Division of Chi jepuly Clerk Lane County Deeds and Reeords l~~~.~~~olJ ASSESSOR'S MAP 17 041540 TL 1500 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 01021400200800486230030030 RPR-ESMT C~l=1 51"=15 08/25/2008 03:05:30 PM - CASHIER 06 $15.00 $10.00 $11.00 136.00 EASEMENT RELOCATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT IS TO relocate an existing easement on one parcel, 'owJled by Country Manor No. 3, L.L.e., an Oregon limited liability company, hereinafter referred to as the Grantor, granted to THE . crTY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as the Grantee. WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Grantor to relocate the existing access easement to two separate locations; the Northeast corner and the middle cftheir property, as shown in Exhibit "A", to allow building in the existing easement vicinity. Now therefore the parties agree as follows: 1.) Country Manor No.3, L.L.C., an Oregon limited liability company, is the owner of the parcel as mentioned above as evidenced by the following deed: DEED A: A Warranty Deed from HEB INVESTMENT, ~LC, an Oregon limited liability company,.to Country Manor No. 3, L.L.C., an Oregon limited liability company, recorded September 13,2007, Reception No. 2007-063788, Lane County Deeds and Records, Lane County, Oregon. 'I)EED R: A Warranty Deed from Summer Development, lite., a Oregon Corporation to HEB INVESTMENT, LLG, an Oregon limited liability company, recorded June 6, 2007, Reception No. 2007-038408, Lane County Deeds and Records, Lane County, Oregon. 2.) The existing e3sement owned by the City of Springfield is a Public Maintenance Access Easement, recorded December 5, 2005, Reception No. 2005-096563, Lane County Deeds and Records, Lane_County, Oregon; granted by Summer Development; Ins., an Oregon Corporation. 3.) The party wishes to relocate said easement recorded December 5, 2005, Reception No. 2005- 096563, Lane County Deeds and Records, Lane County, Oregon. 4.) The existing easement described in paragraph (3), shall be relocated to two separate locations; the Northeast comer and the middle of Gran lor's property, being shown in Exhibit "'A" and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point that is West 370.90 feet and South 30.43 feet from the Northeast corner of the William M. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence South 26039'56" East 28.06feet; thence North 49042'26" East 27.97 feet; thence North 0004'00" West 7.03 feet;- thence 'South 86056'00" West 33.92 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; And; Beginning at a point that is West 370.90 feet; South 30.43 feet; North 89056'00" East 64.87 feet and South 40017'34" East 58.34 feet from the Northeast corner of the William M. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; . thence South 4001 i34" East 10.00 feet; thence South 49042'26" West 61.58 feet; thence North 48057'34" West 7.90 feet; thence North 35029'04" West 2.20 feet; thence North 49042'26" East 62.58 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; 5.) The-GRANTEE shall relinquish all claims to th~t portion of the existing easement described in paragraph (3). 6.) The 'Grantor does h~reby give and grant unto the City, of Springfield the relocated public maintenance access easement as described in paragraph (4) to have and to hold the public maint~nance access easement to the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGF[ELD- PUBLIC WORKS DEPT SPRINGFIELD, 9REGON . 97477 225 FIFTH STREET - PRE.SUBMITIAl REC'O SEP 1 8 200B '- , ~ ......~ .'~ 'TN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor above named have hereunto set her hand and seals this day of 12 Av.,,,,s+ 2008 . Country Manor No.3, L.L.C., ~:1 Oregon.Limited ~ity com.pany c:a., J& ,1, L:fJ - .- . , P' ElM2;j /." J3,.o'~12f ~I-' (signature) (print) (title) STATE OF OREGON) SS COUNTY OF LANE) . .~ A ' -f BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 12. -day of A .)nv$ ,2008, before ine, the undersigneJd a Notary Public in and for said County and-5tate. personally appeared the within named H.:t.col L.64.rr\.f ,as pf'<"c~d~+ of Country Manor No.3, L.L.C., an o'regan limited liability company, known to me to be the identical individual described in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same freely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY Wf:lEREQF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year lastabovc.....:ll)" ,,' .. .- '.. :OfFrCIAt SEAL .. ~ . MATTHEW D FJ12EA '\ ~. NOTARY PUBUd. OREGON COMMISSION NO. 405075 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APRlt 18, 2lJtO' d4!~,) 4:i~1_ ' Notary Public for ~:~ -- My Commission Expires: 18 Apr~ I -eo I 0 CIT?4SPR~ Gino Grimaldi, City Manager HEVIEwm g, I1f'PRG'IW \SmF:~ C., \ OATE, T, I '2-\" J..,o- OFFICE OF CITY AHOnN,y STATE OF OREGON) SS COUNTY OF LANE) BE IT REMEMBERED, THAT on this 2sC day of ftUtl u.s.r ,2008, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and state, personally appeared the within named Ciilll1.Grimaldi, and acknowledged to me that he is the City Manager of the City of Springfield, Oregon, and that the foregoing instrument was executed by him voluntarily for and on behalf of the City of Springfield for the uses and purposes therein naTed. OFFICIAL SEAL _ AMY LSOWA , NOTARY PUBtIG' OREGON \. . ,/ COMMISSION NO. 397942 . MV COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV.22, 2009 ". - - -;:.-.:::::-:::--.- ~ .~ --=--- - - ~~~~ Notary Public (pr Oregon My Commission Expires: 11.:.-:;.;...d{JO q PRE-SlIBMITTAL REC'O SEP 1 8 2008 RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRTNGFIELD. PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 .. V> rn -0 - QD ......, = = 00 DEADMOND FERRY ROAD . W€:ST JlrJ.90' r-=== - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+ - - - - - - --7 I ' " ~ I ~ HE CORNff1 Of MW4.lI II. SIDf16 OLe 46 ~I~ I EXHIBIT ':4", NlN56'OO'l' 112.62' ""t:J ;::c rn . c.n = CO s: ~ ....- ;::c rn n d .u91':~~\ ::':.. ,a,~'~" \ '.:< " >. ~ I \" ~\'" ':.~ ">":" ;{t.1. \ \::"::<,'-,~_... ~vqi \ WST1M;Pf.t&JC ~~~.;-:: .~, ,.......,:~:;.~...-:,.':..<. \.r~~T ~~-i"":,,,,,~:-:,f.:'_:' \ 10 fJ( RflOCAT!O --- ~ ':0:'( ';~:.::'..::;..:',:,:~::.;:::.. , ~ ...... " . R(l.Q(:ATCO PU8t..X: WoINTfNANCt: -. \ '< ,y': KCESSCASDltHtARfA \.. </. (()()l1(()HATCH) \-7 , , , , ' '\ X:: \ 4. . l - \ ,"'Yt\~ \ ".Y. .)/\ \ ~'\.. ::... . - J.1 \ '..7.....;.;f<j..'- , \ -:-::::)'''~\~~'J, . \ . . .. 1H8~1'J4"W 7.90'. \ , , , , , , , , L__-..J srOR/.(lllATf1i~J EASEUDfl""" ~~ SlW56YXl1t </ ~\\ '< ,{ f'f' f:)\\ f:) ,(J ,'\' <;'v 8/.41' " ," ~tIlJTH.xJINT-/JSCN:CE:SS AHO VllJrr EASD/OIT {SANO H4Ta1} , . '.. I' ... Jf.~ "- f!.~--" PUBLIC MAINTENANCE ACCESS EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Summer Development, Inc, an Oregon Corporation, is the Owner of that certain real Property further described in Statutory Warranty Deed recorded March 30, 2004, Recorders Reception No. 2004-022213, with the tencments, hereditaments and appurtenances, said Property is situated in the City of Springfield, County of , Lane and State of Oregon. NOW THEREFORE, said Owner does hereby reserve a variable width Public Maintenance Access Easement across aforementioned Property as furthcr dcscribed in Exhibit A. The true and actual consideration of this declaration is $ 0.00, Granted and declarcd this '/ R ..--- day of OCf .2005. ~~-. ~;t~am, Registered Agent Summer Development, Inc. PRE.SUBMIlTAl REC'O SEP 1 8.2008 State of Oregon ) County of Lanc ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on /g~ay of~~A_, 2005 by Scon Leatham, Registered Agent of Summer Development, Inc. .! ~;A'_,A ~<S7'-' Notary Public for Oregon . / My Commission Expire~: ) //...3 ~S- . OFFICIAL SEAL .;2"~. LORET1A 5 CHAPMAN ~? NOTARY PU~l1C-OREGON ,~.,. COMMISSION NO. 350558 MY COMM!SS!Q,,\ EXillR.ES NOV 30. 20CS r Division of Chief Depuly Cle~k l~ne Counly Deeds and Records 2~~o.~~DoDJ , '1111111 111111111111111111111" 111111 ""1111 $41.00 11162031210S0196S630'40046 12/05/2005 03:00:26 PM RPR-ES~T Cnl=l, Sln=l CRSHIER 06 $20.00 $10.00 $11.00 , Ur'~" ,....r.rrfing pl':'l!:l: r~t\IFt. ~v. 2L:....~ MSR"ir:, 1,1 IQ I'l"l, Co, SWit0 200, -':"8pn... I'll;) o..,4tH ReruTtN 10 Cl"'rY'o~ SpIt,JoJG.ri5'-D, P\J6c..."- WoP-K.,Z.Z.S-F'f1""'Sr:) 'SplV.vl.f/<fLD,Of? '17477 Summer Development Public Maintenance Access Eascment - Drivcway & Parking Lot Page I . r:: "...., ,,' -';'. " ~ '.,' This conveyance set forth in this instrument convcying title or interesrto the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, is hereby approved, and the title or interest , conveyed therein'is hereby accepted. ' By: ~~ D,.;c.. /.? DO'>' Date n"'-NN'15 P. E:KNsr (Name) C,TY ..5uJf..vc:'t'Dfl (Title) PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O SEP 1 8 2008 Upo.. . """"''':;''b t-':':43' rerurn tg' g;,;,v" u.. ;.Iorrls, IQIU v~,~ 3;.S_::e-2e'::, E_tl-,,- =-;-,. :;';..~:t Summer Dcvelopmcnt Public Maintenance Access Easement -' Driveway & Parking Lot Page 2 ' . . A = .__.1IO . . " , . . 'I. ;.;:::;;:., ll._ , . Exhibit A " . " Public Maintenance Access Easement Beginning at a point ihat.is 251.00 feet South 89058'23" West on the Northeast Corner of the William M. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, Township 17 South, Range 3 West . " . of the Willamettc Meridian; run thence S~lUth 12043'36" sast 30.75 feet; thence South 89058'23" West 43.05 feet to' the True Point of Begiiming; run thence South 89058'23" West 41.01 feet; thence South 12043'36" East 99.48 feet; thcnce N 770l6'24" East 19.03 feet; thence South 57"40'49" East 9.87 feet; thence South J2043'36" East 16.I3 feet; thence North 770.16'24" East 14.00 feet; thence North 12043'36" West 113.58 feet to th'e True Point of Beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. PRE-SUBM/ITAL REC'D SEP 1 8 2008 ~' I " . , - ,."-," .. " 5 89;58'23" W 122,69' \ 5 89'58'23' W \ \ ' \ 4101' , , \ . \ \ \ \ \ \ .\ i: ~ \~ ~\ . N N\ \t;. ... - "'-\ \'" V -a>:s ""\ \::EO m\ \~ . ~ \~ ~\ '" . '-" ~-\ \~- \ ,\, \ . ,\557"40'49"'E \ /\9.87' \ ' \ . ~..:.,--.... \ , , \\" \ .L .J , '~N 77"16'24" E 14,00' 5 89'58'23" W 43.05' N 89:55'59" E 81.50' ,~ ~ N ...' "'. '" "'. % ~ ~ ~~ PRE-SUBMITTAL REG' D SEP 1 8 2008