HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 9/18/2008 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Plat Partition, Subdivision PRE-Sf !QMITTAl REC'O SEP 1 8 2008 Partition Plat Pre-Submittal: Partition Plat Submittal: Subdivision Plat Pre-Submittal: Subdivision Plat Submittal: . -. _. . . a . . . . - - Applicant Name: Harold & Earlene Berry Icompany: Country Manor No. 3, LLC IAddress: 2815 Lane, ~;{;;r!v,;. :~'."',"."~"'1,,"'lTH"''''__".<W=",'''''''' "";""'~ IAPPlicant's Rep.: Aaron Grimes Icompany: Olson & Morris IAddress: 3809 Street, Suite 200, S"ringfield, OR 97477 I ,;;.,,_ y~_"" -,:-=-; ;:LJ!:__' .,,~. ~~.~__;~::;;'- "i'=~:'-.-~$..';' :ffi-;:;_.t""""'~' ,,~~. "';;,,A. ..~."*,,J.,.; -='" ~\=:l.,;:::~,^"'",, ~"_'!'r.J_ ~'''''7''''j Phone (541) 968-0317 OR 97477 ,,*,i>~,",,"-_-_4,,r7.;S"T.,, ~""cm:V::.....;-H";.., ,~~- I J I I I , I I Fax: Phone (541) 302-9790 (541) 485-3253 Fax: ,;-Li -'_W~1:l<.._-=~'" ,-,1J//:> .. ."~- '~'." ", '...:A,.1K..~ I Property Owner: Country Manor No, 3, LLC Icompany: IAddress: 2815 Wayside Lane, Seringfield, OR 97477 I~ ""'''~_'_''~':' '''';~'''_"=''..,7?>.,.--:::._.i.'_._.._' ~;; ~."'"",' .."'........'" ~:,-;;~-,:-.,-" ;#. ..~ IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-15-4 I !.~,~T I Property Address: 255 Deadmond Ferry Rd I Size of Prooerty: '1 Proposed Name of Subdivision: I, -..,~ '>"~"-""'."'." '~";"4""".--'."""'''-'''''=.''''~'",,",,,~_d';.:;-_,' 0ii'",:",,~"""'.=.l-._.'~,. _~...,~,..<::;:= ""''''''fl. '--~,. .;.r~,.~. ~ -.::-....."'- ."'-,.A..."'........".~,,.. - I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application, Proposal: Partition one leqallot into 2 leqallots IExistinq Use: Sinqle Family Residential I Tentative Case #: 2008-00005 1# f L t /P I. 2 I Avg. Lot/Parcel 7592 s I Density 5 7 d / o 0 s arce s. ...,__. < _ . u acre ISiCllnatures: Please siqn and print your name and date in the a ro riate box on the next . I . -. Phone (541) 968-0317 Fax: -c'~"=_.. '.":.io;';' -,:-:;, ."""'. .. 1500 Acres D Sauare Feet D . . . . Associated Applications: 1M..J'lJloVD" t5lJOC6 (1~V{. -Put') - , Pre-Sub Case No.: ~UO&'~b Date: a./r:t!rJt. Reviewed by:'\11l{f1 I l '"' Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: IAPplication Fee: $ ~\{.{n dU I Technical Fee: $ I Postaqe Fee: $0 ITOTAL FEES: $ , 3~~d;n " .1 PROJECT NUMBER: p~ ~'O~ j ~0C'"""'",,,,,=,,,,,,,,,~.w'l-Ml'i,,","0"""1'&~~"0,~"""'~~,,,'_'0-""'''W'..'',-,,I,"";"'Jf::=;~,""";;0'''''-''''!t"s.-;-J'~''-~_~J'7'-'__"="=",,,,,,,",.--:.,n'W~~,,'~,",,,,,,,=LT"""",~,",,,-,,,-,,,,"""'=j;30i*-.',,,,,-,-,,,,-_,,-,,_~,",,,,,,,,,,t:'",,,'~"M'0-' oM"'''';;;;;-'''''''''''. Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 6 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application. process. An application without the Owner's I?riginal signature will not be accepted. X Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting;' Owner: , ~ J CD, ~ature VV ,~ L-:> Date: 9/'/Y-CJf Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City, Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the inFormation identiFied by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.1-78 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Date: Signature Print PRE.SUBMITTAl RECIO SEP 1 8 2008 T ~ ,_-- Revised 1/1{08 Molly Markarian 2 of 6 , Land Division Plat Pre~Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. [XJ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees, are collected at the'pre-submittal and submittal stages. [XJ land Division Plat Application Form [XJ letter Addressing Conditions of Approval - lists and addresses each condition of approval, detailing the actions taken and current status of each item. [XJ Nine (9) Paper Copies of the Plat stamped and signed by the surveyor. [XJ Two (2) Copies of Closure Sheets for the boundary and each lot or parcel and all common areas, dedicated areas, and easement areas that are not simple parallel offsets.. ~ , [XJ Two (2) Copies of Title Report or Subdivision Guarantee for the parcel being divided. The title report must be dated within 30 days of submittal at the time of the final submittal. An older report is OK at the pre-submittal stage. [XJ Two (2) Copies of Each of the Reference Documents and Plats listed on the plat. [XJ Two (2) Copies of Each of the Supporting Documents - the vesting deed (must vest title to the owner listed on the plat), existing easement deeds, and documents listed as exceptions in the title report, etc, o Two (2) Draft Copies of any street dedications. [XJ Two (2) Draft Copies of Any New Easements or Restrictions being created by separate document, improvement agreements, maintenance agreements, joint use ingress/egress ,and utility easements, sewer hook up in lieu of assessment, and any other documents that will be recorded together with the plat or that are required by the Conditions of Approval. . [XJ Two (2) Copies of a Consent Statement (Concurrence) on the plat (to be signed by the lender prior to final approval) OR Two (2) Copies of an Affidavit of Consent by separate document is required from all Trust Deed,. mortgage, or other secured loan interest holders against the property to be recorded simultaneously with the plat IF any public dedications or easements are being made and/or any other interests are, being transferred to the public per ORS 92.075 (2-4). o Copies of Wetland Documents as required. o Copies of ODOT Access Permits as required. o Draft Copy of Bargain and Sale Deed for Reserve Strips - City Survey Section has a template. o Verification that Street Tree Agreement is in Progress as required. o Draft CO~y of the Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions (CC&Re~~"$IIRMITTA[ REC'O required. . SEP 1 8 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian --.50f6 o Post Monumentation Deposit as required for subdivisions only. City Survey Section has current fee schedule and templates. o Location of Any Floodways in accordance with SDC 3.3-400: [g] Existing Easements Clearly Identified with Their Recorded Reference. [g] New'Easements and Reserve Strips Referenced in Owner Certificates of Dedication and Purposes of Easements Identified on Plat. NOTE: When, as part of the approval process, the application has been conditioned so that the recordation of a document is required, the applicant shall be,responsible for paying the Lane County recording fee for any such required document. Documents which may require recordation include, but are not limited to: Development Agreements; Improvement Agreements; Deed Restrictions; Future Development Plans; Easements; Joint Use Access/ Maintenance Agreements; and Dedications of Right-of-Way. Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. o Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The application, technology, and postage fees, where applicable, are colle.cted at the time of complete appiication submittal. o Land Division Plat Application Form o Two (2) Copies of the Deed o Two (2) Copies of a Title Report issued within 30 days of the date Lane County will record the plat, . o Original Plat on Mylar with notarized owner(s) signature(s) and signed surveyor stamp. o Copy of the Mylar on Bond Paper o Original and Copy of all Required Documents with signatures where appropriate, PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O SEP 1 8 2008 . -- Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 6 of 6 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 54]-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number PRE2008-00066 Payments: Type of Payment Check cRcceintl RECEIPT #: Description CTY Partition Plat Paid By HAROLD BERRY 8PRINQVlItLD, . ~~! y of Springfield Official Receipt . , uevelopment Services Department Public Works Department 3200800000000000666 Date: 09/]8/2008 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received ddk 4091 In Person Payment Total: PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O SEP 1 8 2008 .-- Page I of I I :4S:49PM Amount Due 346,00 $346.00 Amount Paid $346.00 $346.00 9/18/2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00066 255 Deadmond Ferry Road I D FERRY RD "J PRE-SUBMIlTAl REC'O SEP 1 8 2008 SITE Map 17-03-1540 Tax Lot 1500, North + 380 Q Street, Suite 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 302-9790 (541) 485-3253 Fax pamra>olsonandmorris. com Olson & Morris A sUbsidiary of L.B. Olson & Associates, inc. Consulting Engineers & Surveyors LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: September 18, 2008 Re: 3953 Berry SUB2008-00005 TO: Steve Hopkins City of Springfield . Development Services Dept. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3649 From: Aaron Grimes '. WE ARE SENDING YOU... ( x ) Attached (x) Copies (x) Plans '1 QTY DESCRIPTION .1 1 Pre-Submittal Application fee of $346.00 I 1 Land Division Plat Application I 1 Written Statement 9 I Partition Plat 2 I Closure Sheets 2 I Title Report by First American Title dated * 0<\ - OC\ -C>8 2 I Reference documents listed on the Plat 2 I Supporting documents (deed, title report exceptions) 2 I Concurrence (draft) 2 Declaration of a Variable Width Private Joint-Use Access and Utility Easement & Mail)tenance Agreement (draft) I I I J I I ( x ) For your use ( x ) For approval & Filing ( x ) For review & comment PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O; $EP 1 8 2008 Signature: " Il~d )L__~ l Aaron Grime( Land Survey T'~Chnician * ..1 Z;\PROJECTS\3953 RIVER BEND MANOR\Corrcspondencc\Trans.Springlield.FinaI.PrcSu~.doc L.B.OLSON & ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors Urban Planners 380 Q Street Suite 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 302-9790 Fax: (541) 485-3253 FINAL PARTITION PLAT E'OR RIVER BEND MANOR SUB2008-0000S Dated: p'roperty Owner/Applicant: Applicant's Representative: Assessor's Map: Area of R~quest: Existing Zoning: Site Address: Background September 18,2008 COi)litry Man~r No, 3, LLC 2815 Wayside Lane Spr,ingfield, OR 97477 Aaron Grimes Olson & Morris 380.'Q Street, Suite 20.0. Springfield, OR 97477 Tel,541-302-9790 17-03-15-4 TL 150.0. 15, I 84 square feet MD' (Medium Density Residential) 255 Deadmond Ferry Road Springfield, OR 97477 Property is.loeated on Dead;nond Ferry Road near Baldy View Drive and is currently vacant. Owner desires to build 2 duplexes on the property and therefore reqllests to partition the one lot into'2 parcels to allow for the development. The following lists the Conditions of Approval for planning number SUB200.8- in (italics)'followed by information on how each condition was met. ,i , ' Z:\PROJL:CTS\3953 RIY[R BEND M^NOR\Corre~nondcnce\Fi)\al.p(lft.\Vrittcn.doc ., PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O , SEP 1 8 2008 ,,-- P<lge lof3 , PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O SEP 18 2008 CONDITIONS OF.APPROV AL SUB2008-00005 .- _A Condition oj Approval #1:' Prior to final plat approval, Parcel 2 must be revised to con~ain. ilt leas', 45 Jeet of frontage to DeadlJ~ond Ferry Road Parccl2 has been revised to 'cQntain 45 feet' of frontage as shown on the,Paliition Plat included with this application. Condition of Approva/.#2: Prior to final plat, the applicant shaff o~tain necessary plumbing permits and construct all iJ/pe . work proposed on the private property area, /n addition, prior to final plat, an encroachment permit ).vil! be required Jor connecting to the existing 6 inch wastewater lateral located within the public nght-ofwa/and within the 7' public utility easement. permit numbers 2008-00892 and 2008-009]'5 arc submitted as part of this packet' and sholdd satisfY this condition. Condition 'of Approval #3: Prior to Final Plat approval, the applicant shall obtain necessary encroachment permit for all new storm pipe and riprap work lo~ated in the existingpublic drainage ditch lo.cated along the west side of property. Permit numbers 2008-00892 and 2008-00915 are submitted as part of\his packet and should satisfY this condition. Condition of Approval #4: Prior to Final Plat approval, 'identifY the seed mix fr;;r the-water quality swale. The seed mix shal! meet the'requirements of the City's interim design jtandards as required in Section 3.02 of the EDSPM Tlie City of Portland storm water management manual may be referencedfor design. Attached with this packet is a copy ofthe seed mix for the water quality swale, Coudilionoj Approval #5: The water quaiity swale shail be fidly vegetclted Wit.!1 al! vegetation species establis"hed prior to approvalof Final Plat. Alternnlive~v, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall pl'ovide and miiintain additional interim erosion control/water quahty measures acceptable if? the Public Works Depdrtment that wi!! suffice until' slIch time as .the swate vege{atio..n becom'es fidly established. . The water quality swalehas been seeded and an erosion control.;blanket has been added, Pending addition of some rock arou~dan inlet, this condition is satisfied to Todd Singleton. , COIidilion of Apprm'al #6: Prior to approval afthe final plat, the common drivelvay must be constructed to support an 80,000 lb. imposed load per 2007 SPriogfield Fire Code 503.2.3 and SFC Appendix D /02, /, . Attached is a statement from Durbin Excavating confirming that the driveway was constructed with the, materials that support an 80,000 Ib load. Z:\PROJECTS\3953 Rlvmz BEND M^NOR\Correspondcnce\FinaLPint,Written.doc Page 2;of3 . Condition of Approval #7: Prior to approval ofthejinal phit, (he plat shall be revised to include: . A jOfoot access easement centered on th'e common lot line of parcels 1 and 2, to a//o'w the city to access the&ainage ease~nellf jar maintenance, and An Easement Relocation Agreement was recorded August 25, 2008, Reception No. 2008-048623 which includes the 10 foot access easement centered on Parcels I and 2, A copy of said agreement is included with this application, . A 25 foot maintenance/access easement at the NW comer of the site, to allow the city to maintain the p~b'icdrainage 'way, and . An Easement Relocation Agreement was recorded August 25,2008, Reception No, 2008-048623 which inelucJes the 25 foot access easement at the NW corner of Parcel I. A copy of said agreement is included with this application, " . .Both easements shall preclude tfle constn,(ction of any roojlines and/or overh~~gs that , encroach into the easements. Applicant understands that both easements preclude the construction of any rooflines and/or over!mngs thatmay encroach in the easements, Conditio" of Approval #8: The public maintenance access easement (instrument #2005.:096563, recorded December 5, 2005) . shall be vacated. prior to approval of the final plat. Aaron Grimes Olson & Morris 380 Q Street, Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 Tel: 541-302-9790 Th~ Public Maintenance Access Easement was relocated by Easement Relocation Agreement, recorded August 25, 2008, Reception No, 2008-048623. A copy of said agreement is included with,this application. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O SEP 1 8 2008 Z:\PROJECTS\3953 RIVER BEND M^,N0R\Corrcspondence\Final.Part. Writtcli.doc Page 3 of3 .... f'" Parcel name: PARENT - RIVER BEND MANOR North:" 9907,2173 East: 10201.8593 Line Course: S 89-56-00 W Length: 122.62 . North:. 9907.0746 East: 10079.2394 Line Course: S 26-39-56 E Length: 166.45 North: 9758,3280 , East: 10153,9391 Line Course: N 89-56-00 E Length: 8 1.42 North: 9758.4228 East: 10235.3591 . Line Course:N 12-41-22,W Length: 152,52 North: 9907,2175 East: 10201.8555 Perimeter:'523,OO Area: 15,184 SF 0.35 AC Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0038 Course: N 87-30-47. Vi Error North: 0.00016 East: -0,00376 Precision 1: 137,634,21 Parcel name: PARCEL 1 North: 9907,1649 East: 10156.8593 Line Course: S 89-56-00 W Length: 77,62 North: 9907.0746 East: 10079.2394 Line Course: S 26-39-56 E Length: 108.32 . North: 9810,2754 East: 10127.8514 Line Course' N 49-42-26 E Length: 84,78 'North: 9865,102\ East: 10192,5174, Line Course:N'40-17-34 W Length: 55.15 North: 9907.1677' East: 10156.8522 Perimeter: 325,86 Area: 6,096' SF 0,14 AC Mapchcck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) . Error Closure: 0,0076 Course: N 68-33-34 W Error North: 0,00280 East: -0,00712 Precision I: 42,877,63 Parcel name: PARCEL 2 . North: 9907,2173 . East: 10201.8593 Line Course: S 89-56-00 W Length: 45,00 North: 9907,1649 . East: 10156.8593 . Line Course: S 40-17-34' E Length: 55.15 North: 9865,0993 East: 10192,5245 Line Course: S 49-42-26 W Length: 84.78 North: 9810,2726 East: 10127.8585 Line Course: S 26-39-56 E Length: 58.13 North: 97.58.3252 East: 10153,9462 Line Course: N 89-56-00 E Length: 81.42 North: 9758.4200 East: 10235.3662 Line' Course:,N 12-41-22 W Length: 152,52 North: 9907,2147 East: 10201.8626 Perimeter: 476,99 Area: 9,087 SF 0.21 AC Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii;and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0043 Course: S 51-52-48 E Error North: -0.00263 East: 0.00335 Precision I: 110,930,23 Z:\PROJI.::CTS\3953 RIVER. BEND M^NOR\CorrcspolldcI1CC\Closllrcs.Doc . " PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O SEP 1 8 Z008 P~ge I or2 ':' ',~. .. Parcel name: PRIVATE ACCESS & UTILITY EASEMENT also MAINTENANCE ACCESS EASEMENT North: 9907.2173 East: 10201.8593 Line Course: S 89~56-00 W Length: 57,79 North: 9907. I SOl East: 10144,0'693 Line Course: S 40-17-34 E Length: 63.4 I North: 9858,7841 East: 10185.0762 Line Course: N 49-42-26 E Length: 24.00 North' 9874,3047 East: 10203.3822, Line Course: N 77-18-38 E Length: 5,75 North: 9875.5678 East: 10208,991,7 Line Course: N 12-41-22 W Length: 32:44 North: 9907.2155 East: 10201.8657 . Perimeter: 183.39 Area: 1,805 SF 0.04 AC Mapcheck-Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0067 Course: S 74-12-09 E . Error North: -0.00183 East: 0.00646 Precision 1: 27,371.64' Parcel name: STORM WATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT NOlih: 9875.5687 East: 10208.9855 Line Course: S 77-18-38 W Length: 5,75 North: 9874,3056 East: 10203.3759 Line Course: S 49-42-26 iN Length: 24,00 North: 9858,7849 East: 10185.0699 Line Course: S 40-17-34 E Length: 47,52 North: 9822.5391 East: 10215.8008 Line Course: S 12-41-22E Length: 27.88 North: 9795,3400 East: 10221.9251 Line Course: S 08-56-13 W Length: 22, IS North: 9773.4589 East: 10218.4842 Line Course: S 12_44-41 E Length: 5,02 North: 9768.5626 East: 10219.5916 Line Course: N 77-18-38E Length: ]3,16 North: 9771.4534 East: 10232.4302' Line Course: N 12-41 ~22 W Length: 106,72 ,North: 9875.5668 East: 10208.9874 Perimeter: 252,19 Area: 1,249 SF 0.03 AC Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0,0027 Course: S 45-20-41 E Error North: -0,00187 East: 0.00190 Precision 1: 93,407.41 Z:\PROJECTS\3953 RIVER BEND MANqR\Corrcspondcnce\Closures.Doc . Page 2 of2 '. PRE-SlIBMITTAl RECID' . SEP 1 8 2008 " Subdivision Guarantee Guarantee No.: 7199-1159913 Page 1 of4 , ,. III <f ,/, ~ , -~~t#' ~'l(_. . First American Firs.t American Title Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phn '(541)484'2900 Fax - (541 )484-7321 SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE For the Proposed Plat of: Country Manor No.3, L.LC.. GUARANTEE NO,: 7199-1159913 FEE $ 200.00 ~9UR REF.: First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon reports to The Oregon Real Estate Commission, and any C04nty or .City within which said subdivision or proposed subdivision is.located. ' That, according to the publicrecords which impart constructive, notice or matters affecting tjtle to the' premises.hereinafter referred to, we find: ' That the last deed of record runs to: Country Manor No.3, L.L.C., an Ore9on limited liability company We also find the following apparent encumbrances, which includes "Blanket Encumbrances" .as 'defined by ORS 92,305 (1), and also easements, restrictive covenants and rights of way prior to the effective date hereof:' " 1. Taxes for the fiscal year 2008-2009 a lien due, but not yet payable, 2. The rights of the public in and to that portion of the premises herein described lying within 'the .limits of.streets, roads and highways, . - 3. , Easement, including terms and' provisions contained therein::, Recording Information: December 05, 2005, Reception No. 2005-096563 ~ '.:_ In Favor of: City of Springfield '. . PRE-5URMllTAl RECID For:. public maintenance access easement ' 'i SEP 1 8 2008 4, Easement, including terms and provisions. contained therein: Recording Information: December 05,2005, Reception No, 2005-096564 In Favor of: City of Springfield For: public maintenance access easement First American Title i' Subdivision Guarantee' Guarantee-No.: 7199~1159913 P~ge 2 of4 5, Easement Relocation Agreement and the terms and, conditions thereof:' B.etween: Country Manor No.3, L.L,C., an Oregon limited liability company And: The City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon Recording Information: August 25, 2008, reception No. 2008-048623 6. Line of Credit Trust. Deed, including the terms and provisions thereof, given to secure an indebtedness of up to' $125,000,00 Grantor: HEB Investment, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company' Beneficiary: Umpqua B,ank Trustee: First American Title Insurance Company Dated: June 01, 2007 Recorded: June 06,2007 Recording Information: 2007-038409 Modification and/or amendment by instrument: Recording Information: October 8, 2007, Reception:t<o, 2007-069273 Modification and/or amendment by instrument: Recording Information: June 24, 2008, Reception No. 2.008-035340 . NOTE: Taxes for the year 2007-2008 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount: $587.33 'Map No,: 1703154001500 Property ID: 150597 Tax Code No.: 4-78 We have also searched our General Index for Judgments and State and Federal liens against the Grantee named above and find: ' , -NONE- The premises are in Lane County and are described as follgws: " The iand referred to in this report is described in Exhibit A attached hereto. THIS IS NOT A TITLE GUARANTEE since no examination has been made of the title to the above described property, Our search for apparent encumbrances was limited to our Tract Indices and therefore .above listings do not include additionai matters' which might have been disclosed by an examination of the record titie. We assume no liability in connection with this Subdivision Report and will not be responsible for errors or omissions therein, . Dated: September 09, 2008 . PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O . SEP 1 8 Z008 First American Title ; Subdivision Guarante:e Guarantee No.: 1199.:.1159913 Page.) of 4' First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon, By: Jan Anderson, Authorized Signatory lNJA ; PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D SEP 1 8 2008 '---~ A'rst Amerii:an Title ~ , Subdivision Guarantee Exhibit "A" Real property in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows: Guarantee No: 7199w1159913 page4of4 BEGINNiNG AT A POINT 195 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OFTHE WILLIAM M, STEVENS DONATION LAND CLAIM NO, 46, NOTIFICATION NO, 3224, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN; THENCE SOUTH 260 38' EAST PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF. SAID CLAIM 200 FEET; THENCE WEST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID CLAIM 191 FEET; THENCE NORTH 260 38' WEST 200 FEET TO THE.NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM; THENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM, 191 FEET TO THE pLACE OF BEGINNING, ALL IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON, SAVE AND EXCEPT THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND: BEGINNING ATA POINT 195 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE WILLIAM M. STEVE,NS . DONATION LAND CLAIM NO, 46, NOTIFICATION NO, 3224, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF TI:IE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN; THENCE SOUTH 26038' EAST PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM 200 FEET; THENCE WEST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM 109,50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 12039' 35" WEST 183,23 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM; THENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM 60,00 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, ALL IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON, ' THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION WAS CREATED PRIORTO JANUARY 1, 2008, . . Tax Parcel Number: 150597 ) Arst American Title PRE-SUBM\11AL REC'D SEP 1 8 2008 .-" ,"!.," :. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD I Building/Combination Permit ., 225 Fifth Street, SI)I)nglleld, OR 541-726-3753 Phone' , - 541-726-3676 Fax' '. " 541-726-3769 [nspectlon Line~ ., ,PERMIT NO: COM2008-00892 \-:--/ ISSUED: 06/18/2008 APP'LIED: . 06/18/2008 EXPIRES: 12/18/2008 VALUE: Status Issued SITE ADDRF:SS: 255 DEADMOND FERRY RD ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1703154001500 Springllcld TYPE OF WORK: Curbeut TYPE OF USE: Alteratiun Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Encroaehineut & curbeut Owner: Address: COUNTRY MANOR NO 3 LLC 2815 WA YSIDE LN SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 I CO~T~Cro~INFO~M~T.ION , Contractor TYIJe General Contractor License CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS LTD INC 120549 . BY~~D.ING"rNF<?,RM~T~?~ ~. Expiration D,ate 02/24/2010 Phone 54 1-688-1907 # of Units: ~,rirnary Occupancy Grollp: Secon.dary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: # of Stories: Height of Structure Type of Heat:' Water Type: ' Range Type: ~;nergy Path: Sprinkled Building: . , Lot Size: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: S'q.Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Occupant Load: "n/a I DE':'E[~?PI\1ENT!N,FORMA!I?N.. Front yard Setback:' Side I Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Overlay Dlst: # Street Trees Rqd: Paved Drive Rqd: 0/0 of Lot Coverage: . REQUIRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact: I PUBLIC IMPROV~l\1ENTS I Stred Improyemcnts.: Storm Sewer A vail.ablc: Special Instruction:. Sidew:ilk Type: Downspouts/Dr:8J1E-SUBMITTAl REC'D SEP 1 8 2008 Notes: ", I Valuation Description I, Description TVI}C of Construction $ Per Sq Ft , or multiplier Square Footage: or Bid Amoun( V.lIue Date Calculated Page r 01'2 -.. ,~ , Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Fcc Description + 50/0 Technology Fce Curbcut Pcrmit Encroachmcnt Pcrmit Amount Paid $11.00 $85.00 $135.00 Total Amount Paid $231.00 Total Value of Project Fee~ Paid' Date Paid 6118/08 6118/08 6118/08 I Plan Reviews .1 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-00892 ISSUED: 06/18/2008 APPLIED: 06/18/2008 EXPIRES: 12/18/2008 VALUE: Rcceipt NlImb~r 2200800000000000923 2200800000000000923 2200800000000000923 To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00. a.m'. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. I . Reoui~'ed I nsu,:ctinns i Curbcut - Standard: After forms are erccted but prior to placement of concrete. Encroachment: Afteritem(s).have been removed to inspect condition of public right of way. By signature, I stale and agree, that I have carcflilly cxnmined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hcreon is true and correct, und I further certify flUft any and,all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances nf Ihe City of Springfield and the Laws of the Sfate of Oregon pertaining fo fhe worl, described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any strnctnre without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify lhat Dilly contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I furlher agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at lhe proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remuin on the site :Jl all times during construction. Owner" or Contractors Signature Page 2 of 2 Date PRE-SUBMllTAL REC'O SEP 1 8 2008 J CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Status Issued Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-0091S ISSUED: 06/2312008 APPLIED: 06/23/2008 EXPIRES: 12/2312008 VALUE: 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753I'holle 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 r nspection Line SITE ADDRICSS: 255 DEADMOND FERRY RD ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO,: 1703154001500 Springlidd TYPE OF WORK: Site Work Only TYPE OF USE: New Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Sanitary and'-water for partition approval Owner: Add rcss: COUNTRY MANOR NO 3 LLC 2815 WAYSlDE LN SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 I ,CONTRACTORINFORMA.T10N' . Contractor Type GencrHI Plumbing Contractor License CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS LTD INC 120549 CHAPIN ENTERPRISES INC 81994 BUILDING INF01~MATlON I Expiration Date 02124/20 I 0 05/06/2010 Phone 541-688-1907 541-485-1146 # of Units: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Group: Prim:l"Y Construction Type Secondary COlI.'.;tructioll '('ype: # of Iledrooms: # of Stories: Height of Structure Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: , Sprinkled Iluilding: Lot Size: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft I3asemcnt: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other:. Occupant Lo.d: nta I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION, Front yard Setback: Side 1 Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rea,'yard Setback: Sola,' Sctbacks: Overlay Dist: . # Street Trees Rqd: Paved Drive Rqd: % of Lot Coverage: REQUIRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact: ,PUIlLlC IMPROVEMENTS, Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Spccblllnstruclion: Sidewalk Type: IJOWIISPO u {siD rains: Notes: ' PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'D SEP 1 8 2008 Page I of3 -~'i"~.:"::,L ,:tij." . ."'.: ,.' r.. ' .- . . - '., CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Status' Issued 'Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-0091S ISSUED: 06/23/2008 APPLIED: 06/23/2008 EXPIRES: 1212312008 VALUE: 225 Fifth SIr'cct, Springlicld, OR 541-726-3753Phonc 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 [nspcelion Linc I Valu:!don Descri~tionl Descril>tion Type or Construction $ PCI' Sq Ft or multiplier Square Footage or Bid Amonnt Value Date Calculated Total Valne of Project ~ Fcc Description + tO% Administrative Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technology Fcc Sanitary Sewer - 1st 50 Feet Sanitary Sewer Each AddtllOO' Water Line - 1st 50 Feet. WaleI' Line - Each AddtllOO' Amount Paid Date Paid ReceiptNumbcr $22.80 6/23/08 1200800000000000678 $27.36 6/23/08 1200800000000000678 $11040 6/23/08 1200800000000000678 $50.00 6/23/08 1200800000000000678 $48.00 6/23/08 1200800000000000678 $50.00 6/23/08 1200800000000000678 $80.00 6/23/08 1200800000000000678 Total Amount Paid $289.56 I PhlllReviews J To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. . ~pirt~rI Tnsnections I Sanitary Sewer" Line: Prior to liIling trench and including required testi~g. Water Line: Pdor to filling trench and including required testing. PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'D SEP 1 8 200B Pa~e 2 01'3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD I Status Issued , , ,Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-0091S . ISSUED: . 06/23/2008 APPLIED: 06/23/2008 EXPIRES: 12/23/2008 VALUE: 225 Fifth Street, Springlield, 0'1{' , 541-726-3753 Phone . 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 lospection Line By signatu re, I shttc and agree, that I have carefull:v' examined the completed iln"plication and do hereby eel"tify that all information hereon is true and correct, andJ further certify that any ~nd all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield flnd (he Laws of the State of Oregon p'ertaini.ng to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made oCany structure without permissiori of thcCommunity Services Divisioo, Building Safety. I further certify tlJ:lt only COli tractors alld employees who are in compliance with ORS701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all req~ired inspections afC requested aU!lc proper ti~e, that each address is,rc;ldable from thc\' street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. Owner or Cun.tractors Signature Da'te , . PRE-SUBMITTAL REC~1D SEP 1 8 2008 Paue30f3 After recording to: Olson & Morris 380 Q Street, Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 CONCURRENCE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Umpqua Bank is.the lender in the amount of $165,000.00 to property referred to in a ccrtain Line of Credit Instrument, recorded June 6, 2007, Reception No. 2007-038409; as modified by instrument recorded October 8, 2007, Reception No. 2007-069273; and modified by instrument recorded June 24, 2008, Reception No, 2008-035340, all Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon. FURTHER, said property is being partitioned according to Orego~ Revised Statutes, NOW THEREFORE, Umpqua Bank, hereby gives its consent and concurrence to the partitioning of said property. Dated this day of .2008, UMPQUA BANK By: Title: State of ) )ss ) County of Personally appeared before me on this day of 2008, . as of and acknowledged this instrument to be his/her voluntary act and Umpqua Bank. Umoaua Bank deed on behalf of PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D SEP 1 8 ZOOB Notary Public of Oregon My commission expires: C:\Docul11cnts.and Sctlings\^aron Grilllcs\My Documcnts\My Rt:ceiwd Filcs\CONc'l~RRENCE.2007.038409.doc . . .- / \~ / IQ / II ., 7/qq-/iO/l'1&3-<- After RccotdingReturD To First American Title POBox 10146 .p.gdI~~7~ ~ ~~ ~ '\ (' Division of Chief Oepuly Clerk ~~~1.~6J1~~ Lane County Deeds and Records 1111111 \1111111 \11\\ 1\11\\\ I \\\\11111111111\ II 1\\ $31,00 00942642200700637880020021 09/13/200110:31:00 AM RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=B CRSHIER 01 $10,00 $11.00 $10.00 Arter recording return to: Country Manor No.3, L.L.c. clo Harold and Earlene Berry. I81S Wayside Lane . Springfield, OR 97477 Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address. Country Manor No.3, L.L.c. do Harold and Earlene Berry 2815 Wayside Lane Springfield, OR 97477 PRE.SUBMITTAl RECIO SEP 1 8 2008 STATUTORY BARGAIN AND SALE DEED HEB INVESTMENT, LLC. an Oregon limited liability company, Grantor, conveys to COUNTRY MANOR NO.3, L.L.c., an Oregon limited liability company, Grantee, the following described real property: . See Exllibit "A" attached THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRlATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LlM1TS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. The true consideratioll for this conveyanc;:e is PART OF ^. REVERSE 1031 EXCHANGE OF LIKE-KIND PROPERTY. Dated this 7th day of September, 2007 STATE County of Oregon Multnomah ss: I certifY that I know or bave satisfactory evidence that Louise Hottel is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledge it as the Senior Exchange Officer of First Amer:c.l.."l Exch:mge Ccmpany, LLC to b~ the free 3.n.d \'oluntiry ::.ct of s<lch party fer l1e uses 3!).d' :':S~:::::;2:~7i"strumenl C\" ~~\]Jv-' ~' " AN~F~.I~~~~'i::-ON Not~ Public in~~\d f"Or th~e orOrcgon NOTAAY PUBUC-GAEGON Rcsldmg al1>I:1\:V\~ 0 COMMISSION NO. 400600 . My appointment expires: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OEC, 30, 2009 ,. EXHIBIT A . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEGINNING AT A POINT 195 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE WILLIAM M. STEVENS DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 46, NOTIHCATION NO: 3224, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMmi: MERIDIAN; THENCE SOUTH 260 38' EAST PARALLEL TO THE EAST' LINE OF SAID CLAIM 200 FEET; TH~NCE WEST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID CLAIM 191 FEET; THENCE NORTH 260 38' WEST 200 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM; . THENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATIOf:J LAND CLAIM, 191 FEET TO THE PLACE OF 'BEGINNING, ALL IN .LANE COUNTY, OREGON.' SAVE AND EXCEPT THEREFROM,THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND: ( i BEGINNING AT A POINT 195 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE WILLIAM M, STEVENS ~ DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 46, NOTIFICATION NO. 3224, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF , THE WILLA'MmEMERIDIAN; THENCE SOUTH 260 38~ EAST PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID' DONATION LAND CLAIM 200 FEET; THENCE WEST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID , DONATION LAND CLAIM 109.50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 12039' 35"WEST 183.23 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM;'THENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM 60.00 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, ALL IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. '- PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O SEP 1 8. ZOOB ...._,. .:._ ..._.. ___o.._.._ p-.- (([j> LANE COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE DEPARTI>\ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS :INlJEX NO: 12677 N \ PAGE 2 OF 2 FILE NO: 17-03-45 ESE SECTION DIAGRAM GRID T17S R3W " Sl: 4J 'J. '{ .~ ~ .~ , C45 '. -- ..1.0. . l '....'.\.,y. ..':-:. :.-... /\c ~ ,-- .-. ,", I;> .'. 1:J .' T 10 N I.... {J !"\.: '(),"\:q . '. IfUl;z5J .' .. 'I A"~1- ,c<t:'1"V A'~ fY~~_ " ~ .' 'f. ~ \ , , ." ~ N .D~J.H,d.IIfd Sd Br<(,r,r C"r ' _ ^>I'fi. Ou",/" . r/?s IlJlw ' C45/ Cf4' C~ /9'94 ' '<< - f\t-. of, 537"53'08-'" 48."1>' . " REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR " PRE.SIIP.M\TTAI. RECIO SEP 1 8 Z008 j(". 120 ~ C:y.L.( A... 1.1'.1" 5 OREGON JULY 15. 1971 . KENNETH ROBERT EZEll 952 / , "' , - " LANE LUurn:{ SURVEYORS OFFICE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INDEX NO. 12677 PAGE 1 OF 2" FILE NO: 17-03-45 ESE -, .~ '~'" CORNER REPORT ,. : .:~. ,EAST-SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE A. STEVENS DLC #45, T17S, R3W, S15, :W~M_ FOR A ,HISTORY OF THIS CORNER SEE RE-ESTABLISHMENT #12098 ,'- , ' , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,- - ..., - - - - - ..,. - - - - - - - -,- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ..., - - - - ,... .,... - - - - -, - - - ..., - - CORNER EVIDENCE EVIDENCE RECOVERED: 1940 [8] NORTHEAST CORNER OF HOUSE FOUNDATION BRS S39 046' 04 "W , @58.94' (N400W @ 59.0'). 1994, [21]5/8 ", IRON ROD WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP MARKED PLS #655 BRS S55 049' 53 "E @ 78.24' (RECORD). 1994 [22] 5/8" IRON ROD WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP MARKED PLS #655 BRS S37053'08"W @ 48.60' (RECORD)'. MONUMENT SET: AT THE CORNER POSITION SET A 2-3/4" LANE COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE BRASS STEM CAP IN CONCRETE FLUSH WITH,ASPHALT ROAD SURFACE. ACCESSORIES ESTABLISHED: 1994 [23] RP3: SET 1-1/4" BRASS DISK IN CURB BRS, N18048'25"E @ 59.49', MARKED "RP3 1994". 1994 [24] RP4: SET 1-1/4" BRASS DISKIN CURB BRS S87030'02'"W @' 96.79', MARKED 'RP4 1994". 1994 [25], RP5: SET 1-1/4' BRASS DISK IN CURB BRS N54036'52"W @ 96.18', MARKED ,"RP5 1994"'. NOTES AND VUll>.1<_ JJ:u'v=-!:ATION: ,DUE TO THE SONY CORPORATION'S NEW PLANT THERE WAS ROAD , RECONSTRUCTION AT THE AREA OF THE DEADWOOD FERRY ROAD AND BALDY VIEW DRIVE INTERSECTION. THE BRASS CAP SET IN 1992 WAS FIRST REFERENCED BY 1994 [21] AND 1994 [22], THEN REMOVED. UPON COMPLETION OF TIrE-ROAD RECONSTRUCTION, A NEW BRASS CAP WAS POSITIONED,'AS DESCRIBED ABOVE,' USING SAID REFERENCES. EQUIPMENT USED: WILD TC 1000 TOTAL STATION, TOB 48GX DATA COLLECTOR. BASIS OF BEARING: N13038'30"W - DLC CORNER TO 1992 [18]. DATE: NOVEMBER 15, 1994 BY: DENNIS BRYANT EA ,g, t3. - PRESENT: GEORGE GRESHAM ET I ~ , . . . -'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - - - - -- , PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'O SEP 1 8 2008 . . I UHF NO. '" '" IL2(1) I lJ ILJf1J Iti l4(J) " 1..5{2J " 1.5(.5) 1,7 7.N:;) LINE TABLE BEARING I N 89'56-00- r N f19"5ti"DO- F:I S 89"5J"OO- E: N 26"J9'fj$- WI N Z6"J8'O(r WI Z ~::it::;~ : I N 26'J9.56- Wi N <6'J8.oo- W' S89.!>6-00 II' Wc,r S 89'56-00- II' WEST LEGEND BASIS OF BEARINGS N 89'56'00" E 4285,J8' N 8~.56'OO" E 4285.:J8' NE CORNER OF 11',.41, STrVCNS ~ OLC NO. 46. FOUNO " 1/2" / LANE COUNTY BRASS CAP- 1994 I""' CO""., '"'''f'' ;"'''j C.S.ntENO,~ rTLlNGO"'TE~ r~ ~ ~ ~ "~ ~,~ v~, ';,\1., ,~ ~~ ~~ 'Ot, ro 5/8" IRON ROO PO? (7) _______ S 84'58'56" II' 0.42' ) ./ ~_L_ _ I I -1 ~C!!..UNTY'ROAONO!!E II ;. If U _!''1:t~''------.;~ ~ II) '\R/W"-r- 505.~8' ( ro 5/8" IRON ROD PeR (7)J 7 ~FOUND J/4" IRON 20' S05.56' (I) N8709'2~1tf 0.54' \ PIPE AS" NOTED 'IN ' f(W CORNER OF WM STFVE:NS "Z."Z.~ \f/!:;':;~' OR/CIN\ OLC NO, 4(;, FOUND lANE ~,'i;."Z.~ "Z. \ \~" COUNTY BRASS CAP- 1971 \1, i "'..;. ~;.. ""..;. ~..~ "'i~ \CI'i ~.... .,;,~ . ....~ ~ ~\ \' -o"t:. '5",\ '& .<'..;" '?:.,'&:-,"Z. \~. .::. o"<b~"Z. ~ 0, s \~..;.~ V- ~ 0 ~.~ \ ,v "'~ \ "Z. -;:,%_ ~,.~.~ '" , v ~ TO 5/8" IRON f<<)D PER (J) N 26'4J'44" W 0,54' HELD FOR ALIGNMENT OF Wf"ST LINE ~ ro 5/8" IRON ROD PER (7)-'~ N 2IJ8'18" II' 4 19' N 89'5600" E J130J' . N 89'S6'OO" E J07.6J. \ N 89'55'00" II' JOB.60' (2) r. rD 1/2" IRON PIPE UNKNOWN ORIGIN ~' 5 74'58'48" II' I.JJ' FRO" mUE POINT, rmUE POINT LANDS IN TREE, sa' WlTNCSS CORNER S 25'J9'56" E 0.99' FROM ",UE POINT ~ 89'56'00" II' 2J940' "s 89'5~~OO"-W-14~.:~' N 8~ SJ DO" II' 2J940 (I) ,\ WEST 146.60' (I) SHED 'Z,. ro 5/8" IRON\ !, ENCROACHMENT ROO PER (5) FD 5/8" IRON ~ NORTH 02" \ ROD PER (5) " ~j \0"''' 0,'" TO I/Z" IRON PIPE \ UNKNOWN ORIGIN ~g~'/;~';R~/;io~ "Z-.,"Z.\ ~," y"Js,\ o.~~ ~~\ 't-~\ ...'~ ;.z\ \ \ \ \ '\ N 89'56-00. \r \: ~.: - N 89'56.oo"n07,4j' -- 5 89'55'00" E J08.60. (7) ~\ ~, \ "''1" \ ~~ ~..;.';}., ~. i~.;. .~ ~<r.. -~~ 0_-;', . ~~ -~-~1 ~~ ::-~\ ..~ " "'\ \ \ \ \.\ S 89'5.)'00' E 3[)8.96' (I) N 8!1'56'OO" E J58.96' DlSTANC[1 16.00 119_56 /1_9.'>61 12';.6"0l 'n~'" H0.74 /40.66 /40.fiIl 1~0.66 106.91 107.03 28.;'2 27,97 12.50 ACRES 1~ .. 80' ~ 40 80 SCALE: ~--- 80 o rD 5/8" IRON (ROO PER (J) ~ HELD 5 N8~~;'~~F /8Ja'J:;,(1) N 89'56'00" E 992.70. N 89'56'00" ( 992.70. (3) REFERENCES/NOTES o sa 5/8" ~ 3D" IRON ROD WITH rTUOW PLASTIC CAP MARKED "SKINNeR 4t ASSOC, INC.' ~ roUND 2 1/2" lANE COUNTY BRASS CAP AS orSCR/BED FOUND MONUMENT,AS OESCRI8CD ,. CALCULATCD POINT, NOTHINC FOUND DR sa XXK IJEASUReD DR CALCULAtED l:V.TA, rRUE POINT TO TRUe POINT xx(l) RECORD INf"QRMAnoN PER REFERENCE NO. - FfNCC LINE . -~ FORESHORTWCD LINE {lJ RECORO INFORMATION P[R DEED NO, 2002-006923 (2) RECORD INFORMATION PER {)[ED NO. 2002-02J408 (J) RECORD INFORMATION PER csr NO, J7211 (4) RECORD INFORMATION PER CSF NO. ';2J08 (5) RECOf?D INrORMAnON PER CSF NO, 16523 (6) RECORD INrORMA:TlON PER csr NO. J7I60 (7) RECORD INFORMATION PCR CSF NO. 26998 ( Rtc:tST'ERED '\ .~~ Vt<OS\lllYOtlR . ;::'--."",~,':<--r'" l 0" . ~ u " ) ..01.11.> ".IIU SITV[N(,WOOOS ,~, .u.r-.... ""'E:I/JJ:l/O' Tu 101: 11~r:iJ--ii-it.-'oo;.r!7!lO ""'JD.COi'I'IJo1{N'A.l.JI'C-''''',.1NXJrrSr6'ao. NARRA TlVE THE PURPOSC OF THIS SURvcY WAS. TO SUR\ICY AND MONUMENT Tl-le EXTeRIOR BOUNw.RIES OF THE PROpeRTY DESCRIBCD IN mose WARRANTY DEeDS RECOR{)[D ON JANUARY 28, 2002, INSTRUM[NT NO, 2002-006!12J AND MARCH 26, 2002. INSTRUMENT NO, 2oo2-02J408. LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED ReCORDS. mE BASIS OF BEARINCS rOR THIS SURY('( IS THE MONUMENTCO NORTH UNE OF THE W..M, SrfVf:NS OONAnoN LAND CVJM NO. 46. THE EAST UNE Of' SAID DLC 46 WAS HELD TO THe liNE ESTABLISHED BY THIS FIRM IN esr J7160. THE oero CALLS IN TH[SE OE[DS.AS WELL AS" AOJOINERS, ARE BASED ON THE NORTH AND EAST LiNes OF SAID OLC NO ~6, THe SOUTH UNE OF COUNTY ROAD NO, 90, AND TI FOUND 3/4" IRON PIp[ INDICATeD HEREON AS "A~ FOR THE [)[ros rw.T REn:RENCe ';.l~ orED CALLS I'IESTERtY AND SOUTHERLY WERE HELD. IT APPt:/<RS THAT MONUMENT "" WAS INTENDED TO Be ON me SOUTH UNE OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 90, BUT ISIB.60. SOUTH OF THE DLC LINE. THE PANHANDLE PORTION Of' THIS PROPERTY IS BASED ON CAl.LS FROM -A" AND THEN f:XT[ND[O NORTHWCSTERLY TO INTERSECT WITH THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY UNE OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 90. THE SOUII-I RICHT OF WAY LINE OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 90 WAS HilD TO A UNE PARAUU WlrH AND OFFSa 15.00 FEa SOUTHERL Y FROM THE NORTH liNE OF OLC ND_ .~6. ~ 7-..;g.~ ";;.\1.:-' "''-''c i"'q... ~-:<''''~n 'g.Jv~ .'6~;"~ '" PRE-SUBMITIA~ REC'D, SEP 1 8 2008 . \/"146_60' (I) . :~~~~ FO 5/8" IRON ROD PER (4) HUD FOR AllCNMENT OF SOUo'H UNC SKINNER &: ASSOCIATES, INC. I ~ ~'''~~. ~~~ .~~ ~U..YtT '->' RECORD OF SURVEY :;U"""'"u.O" ARLIE & COMPANY ~ I lOCM~I,1Jr SW 1/.4 SEe 14, St 1/4 see 15. ::: :2~:7~:y 51 NE 1/,', S,',Cs2,,2'R,"J' (/" 'w~,ce 2.1, JUNCTION crTY, 011 ~7"~ W.. '" :~') 998-2'~j r... 9~8-'5'6 'I'M ',ANF,r:nUNTY QRfr.nN OAlt:~1 DR"_ ElY:~lc"~[DII'I':_SCW 1.S><((lNO:~11 ntf:1!l;>:9,^'CS1)wC; N.W. CORNER OF w,\/' STn'CNS OLe NO. 4-5. FOUND 2 1/2" ('E COUNTY BRASS C4P - 1971 ~ POIHT OF INrrRSCCTION OF COUNTY ROAD NO. '5 J k 90 N 0'04'00. If 5.00' k 5 8fT55'OO. If /8.14.85' FRO, M ~ LANt: COUNTY BRASS CAP MARKING rHE HE CORNeR OF . r OLe 46 PER CSf" JJ8~ X \, - 'y-" -'\..,---- N 89'89'''- E ""'" ~ N 89"56'00. E 675./8'(5) CALCUu,rro POINT OF /NrCRSECnoN OF THE' CENTfRLiNE OF COUNTY ROAD NO. J wrrH mE NORTH LINE: OF OLe 46 PER (2)(.1)(5) N 89'59'16- E 24.55..17' N 89'52' [ 2455.7' (2) N 89"56' E 2455.7' (J){S) ~ "7 "t-'0,'\~ ~",:,~'b "" S" v 10 Po.CEHEALTH AND weSTeRN nnr AND eSCROW COMPANY: THIS IS TO comFY THAT THIS MAP OR PlAT AND THE SURVCr" ON WHICH. If IS BASCO WfRC MADE IN ACCORDANCE wrTH THE "I.IIN/UUIJ sr.wOARO DaAIL REOUI(?[lIENTS FOR ALTA/ACSJ./ LAND rlrLE: SUR\ID"S' JOINrLY rsrASUSHITi AND AOQPrED SY ALIA, ACS/J AND NSPS IN 1999. MID iNCWOES IrEMS I. .1, 8. 10. /5. AND /5 OF !ABU:.... THEREOF. PURSUAHr ro THE ACCURACY STANDARDS AS ADona; BY ALTA NSPS. ),NO ACSI.! AND IN [FTCC! ON THE aut OF THIS CERTIFICATION. UNOeRSIGNCO FURmCR CeRTIFIES THAT PROPCR FIELD PROC<OURES, INSTRU/JENr.A.TlON, AND ADEOUAIT SURVO' PERSONNEL WCRE EJiPLOrrD IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE RESUlTS COIJPARABLE TO THOSE OUTUNED IN mE "'MINIIJUM ANGLE, OISTANCE AND CLOSURE REQUIREJiENTS FOR SURl/fY MEASUREJiENTS WHICH CONTROl. WID BOUNQI,RIES FOR AoLTA/ACSM WID finE SUR'.'n'S.. OATE: APRIL 11,2002 BASIS OF BEARINGS IoIONUUEHTflJ NOI?TH UNE OF OLC 46 II 89'56'00# E 4285..38' N 89'56'00" E 4285,.)8' (I) 20' .J /\,T lLA~E COUNTY SUlfVEYORS ~rncEI c.s, nu l'l0,.3.:1..5..tl..z nu~c DATE~ r__ '" I eCNTERUNE OF COy!!"TY ROAD NO. 90 PIlRA.LLfl-WlTft k 5.00' NORTH OF UONUMENTEO OLC.UNC ~\ N 89'56'00" E 170.77' '"l NORTH UNE OLe 46, PER (2XJX6) \.... -S 89'55'E 169:878)- r(- "\ - - - sOUfH ii1w tJNC PO? (2)(J)(ii - - - ~ - , N 89'59'16' E 488.4()' . N B9'59'16" E 489.00'(8) ;., 1: rAX LOr 2200 ~ ~ " ~~ U)B ACRES ;:;-~ ~ , , ," ( ~, ~ ~ , , ,~ RECISlUl[D ~'l: . . , ~ " . " -~ " , , /;~ ," ~~ --~ "'~ ~~. ~ ~ 8 " 8~ l ...."..,... ) " SIv.ll<,f.;.W00D5 . . . . .~. l>Ott,'/JI.>/IJ' roUND J/4" IRON PIPE PER (5), HEW FOR AliGNJiENT OF W(ST UNE \~ ) "e" FOUND J/4# IRON PIPE \ PER (7), 50'05'''''" [ D.4J' ) HEW FOR ,4JJCNM[/fl OF Q,ST UNE SCALE: 1 # .. SO' 50 50 EAST 168.8'(8) 1'189'59'16# e 170.69' roUND 5/8" IRON ROD "- PER (I), HnD J~ C "-'.-<- ReCIS7RArlON NO. 2J65, OREGON DESCRIPTION BeGINNINC AT A 5/8 INCH IRON ROO ON THe SOUTH UNE OF COVNTY ROAD NO. 90, SAID POINT BElNC SOUTH /19'59'16" WfST. 4B8.4-0 FEET AND NORTH 0'05'44-" WEST. J.14 FrrT FROM AN IRON PIPE, WHICH ACCORDlHe TO RECORDS IS 16.8 FEET SOUTH 20)8' EAST AND 57.J4 OWNS SOUTH 89'55' EAST FROM THE NORTflWEST CORNER OF THE WlI.1JAJ.I Ji. STEVCNS DONATION /..AND CUJu NO. 461N TOWNSHIP /1 SOlITH, RANGE J ltf'ST. WlL/.AJ.iETTC MERIOM, $AID BEGINNING POINT A.l.SO BEING NORTI-I 89'56'00# Q.ST. JJOO.81 na ALONG rHE NORTH LINE OF SAiD WILLIAN M. SrEVf:NS DONArJDN LAND ClAiM NO. 4-6 AND SOUTH 0'04'00" EAST; 15.00 FEO FROM THE LANE COUNTY BRASS CAP /.lARKING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF S410 WlLW,Ji M. STBI!:NS DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. .46: THENCE SOUTH 89'56'00" WEST PARALLEl. TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAiD ClAJM NO. 46. 170.21 FEET. MORE OR LESS, TO THE EAST UNE OF THAT CCRT,AJN TRACT CONVCYCD Bt' JOHN HAXBt' TO Q.RL H. BROWN AND tv)! L. BROWN: rHENeC SOUrH (jO()'J7" EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINE, 277.06 FEET TO A 5/8 INCH IRON ROO; THENCE NORTH 89'59'16" EAST, 170.69 FEU TO THE WEST LINE OF THE TRACT CONVCYCO 8'1' JOHN HAXBY AND ESlER H.A.XEIY TO OPAL IRENE AUEN: THENCE NORTH 0'05'44" WEST ALONG SA./D wesT LlNC. 271.2J n:IT TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL IN SEcnON 15, TOWNSHIP /1 SOUTH, RAJ!GE J WES1, W1LlAJ,JETTC MER/OWl, LANE COUNTY, ORECON. '..;,.' lAX tot: 1I-0J-I~-'-'O_12GO HP '.\0. CONrr"[NfAJ. .1>>1>''''', I!oIK,!O ~r5'ao N 89'59'16" E J08.00' N 89'59'16" E JOB,OO'O) NARRA nVE THE PURPOSE OF THIS SURYO' ,WAS TO SURYO' AND MONUMENT THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARIES AND 'PERFORU,AN ALTA,/)!CSM SURVO' OF THAT PROPERTY OWNED BY PQ.CEHEALTH AS OESCRIBm IN STATUTORY WARRANTY DCED RECORDED DECEJiBER JI, 2001, DOCUMENT NO. 2001~088$10, LANE COUNTY OREGON ocm RECORDS. THE BA.SIS OF BEARINGS OF THIS SURYO' IS THE JiONUAJENTEO NORTH LINE OF THE WlLLWtI M. STnICNS OON.4T1ON lAND CUJAJ NO. 46. SUR'.'n'S OF ADJOINING AND N[.ARBY PROPERTIES OAnNG BACK TO THE MID 194O'S)l/>pf,A,R TO HoI\If HnD AN IRON PIPE NOTED AS FOUND IN CSF 61.3J ANO IDENnFlCD HEReON AS MONUMENT 'A#, AS BEING 15.00 FEa SOUTH OF THE NORm LINE OF OLe 4-6. NONE OF THESE EARLY SUR\If"rS POSII1\IfLY IOENnPl' THM 80m THE NORTHQ.ST AND NORmwr:ST CORNERS OF OLe 45 WERE FOUND. CSF 4-195, CSF 6560 AND CSF 20182 REPORlfD FINDING me NORTHweST CORNER OF OLC 46 AND CAoLLEO mE NORTH LINe OF OLC '16 AS A LINE BETWEEN THE NDRTHWfST CORNER AND A POINT 15 FEET NORTH OF "A: PINS FOUND AND.nED FROM mESE SURYfYS AND CSF 12095 WoTCH waL WITH mls AliGNMENT OF THE NORTH LINE OF OLC' 46. COUNTY RaKJ NO, 90 HAS BCEN CONSTRUCTED WITH mE CENrERUNE BDNG 5.00 freT NORTH OF ,wD P,lIRALLfl WITH THE MONUMENTEO NORTH UNE OF OLe 46 AND FOR THIS SURVn:. mE SOUTH RIGHT or WAY LINe WAS HaD TO A UNE PARALtfl WITH AND OFFSET 15.00 FEIT SOUTH FRO!tI THE MONUUE/flED . DLC UNE, THE. NDRTHQ.ST CORNER WAS eSTABLISHED BY PROJECTING A LINE FROM "B" ON ReCORD BEARING PER csr 12095. ROTATED TO THE: BASIS OF BEARINGS OF THIS SURVEY, TO THE: SOUTH LINE OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 90. THE NORTHWEST CORNER WAS ESTABLISHED 8'1' PROJE:cnNG A LINE FROM THe FOUND IRON ROD AT THC SOUTHWEST CORNER THROUGH THE FOUND IRON PIPE sa IN CSF 5560 TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE. OF OLC 46 AS IJSED IN CSF 6560 AT RECORD DiSTANCE CASITRLY OF TffE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTERLINE OF CO/JNT'f ROAD NO. J WITH niE CSF 6560 OLC LINe.. THE SOVTHEAST CORNER WAS E:STA$USHED 8Y 1NTU?Sa:nNG THE NORTH UNE or CSF J1211 WITH THE W("ST LINE OF CSF 1209:5. _ ___~ >,5' "AJ , N,E, CORN,; OF "M ""'EN: j DLC NO. 46, FOUND 2 1/2" WlE COUNTY BRASS ~P - 1994 roUND J/4" IRON PIPE AS NOTED IN (2)(J)(6), OR/GJ/'I UNKNOWN REFERENCES/NOTES 'l 2} J} ;1 !~ RECORD INFORW.T/ON PER CSF NO. J12/1 RECORD _INFORWoT7ON PER CSF NO, 20782 RECORD INFORW.TlON PER CSF NO. 4-795 RECORD INFDRWoTION PER CSF NO. JJ855 RECORD INFORMATION PER CSF NO. '5560 RECORD INFORI.lA.TION PER CSF NO. 61JJ RECORD INFORMAnON PER CSF NO. 12095 DEED DOCUMENT 200 1-088570 o 25 PRf..~~8Mt1r1A1:'REt1) SEP 1 8 2008 LEGEND .J o sa :>/8" x JO" IRON ROD WlTI-/ YELLOW PLASTIC C4P UARKED "sKINNER '* ASSOC. INC." ., FOUND 2 1/2' /..ANE COUNTY BRASS CAP AS OESCR/BED FOUND MONUMEN7 AS DCSCRIBED ., CALCULATFO POINT; NOTHING rouND OR SET XXX MEASURED ORCALCULATCO a4T.... TRUE POINT TO TRUE POINT xx(l) RECORD INFORWonON PeR REFERENCE NO. ~'roRESHORTENED LINE: C/I- CENICRUNC R/W RIGHr OF WAY SKlNNERollASSQCLO.ITS, INC.! ~"--~ ==-'1 $l.IlICWIS>:J. a COHS1'll\.<:11OH .- I lOVll0'N P. ~.Ifr~J~j-,3'd..7:-}~~S1" SC 1/4- sce 15, r 17 S,. R .J W, I~':l g9~_"~ ',,1,)[ 998-'648 WN/, l.ANC COUNTY. OR~GON o.o.T!:'~ 1 DAAW>I BY: sew 1 CHKUI BY, S[I<_I s><((] NO'~2 ALTA7A'cSM LAND TITLE SURVEY W~YUI'O~ PEACEHEALTH flIC:{)O.D"0N0A.L14DWG ,~ - , N 89':55"00' F: 4285.38' I 2f CU~8 UHF: ,?/W-{JNt C/L COUNTY ROAD NO. 90 (OEADMOND FERRY ROAD) :JRBC~ '-, ,,-"ClJR8 CU~ " " , N. w. CORNER OF WM $TfVfNS OLe .1'10.'<15. rOUND.; 1/2" /.AN[ COUNTY BRASS CAP _ 197/ NOTES (He mnRf PARCEL REPREseNTED HeRtON 1$ ENT7RUY WITHIN ZONE X, PER FLOOD INSURANce RATE: w,p (nRM) NUMBER 410J9ClI.H-, Emcnw:: DAlE JUNE2. 1999. NO EVlWNCE WAS OBSE/rVCO DURING THE COURSE OF THIS SURVCr' ro INDiCATE /HAT THIS 'PROPERTYIS USEO AS A SaUD WASTE DUMP OR SANlTAAY'/..,;WDFlLL THERE ARE NO KNOWN PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY PLANS . WHICH WOULD IMPACT THIS PROPERTY. HOVfflltR, "AT SUCH r/I,i[ AS THIS PROPERTY /5 DIVIDED OR REDnTLOpm, OED/CAr/ON 'OF ADomONAL RIGHT OF WAY .w,y BE REDUIRED. FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD PCR CSF 37211 ,.j 1.ulOr,-,ll-<l.J-15.,..O.,.UOO H,:<JO,COI'/rIN(NIAJ.JPC_4"J,INKJfT516<a. 1\ 'I....""" . Q , , , > " ~ ? 8 < --;-"0.42' . T..4.T L.or 2.200 1,08 ACRES -J rt..,,; ( _ DCCK3 U, POR' N 89'5''-'0' E 170;69' , I I 1.70' BUILDING PRE.SUBMITIAl REC'O SEP 1 B 2008 ~ I;::: , . A '_ -:---SIDE:wAU< . ~ 8 ~ '0.62' -0.65' FOUND J/4" IRON PIPE PER CSF 12095 S 0'05'44" E 0.4.;' FROM' TRUE POIIfT r R'EGtSITREll ,~- ......osu~ __f.L=-c,v_<,: ) l 0" . ~ 0 " JUL"....3Il SIT\fEJ'I,~,W'OOOS !I()<(WAlC><lt:6/JO/Ol I :>..uu I "- , f(/W--.{JN.~ .F SCALE: f" =30'. J~ a {5' 30' LEGEND LOH( CQ.Mry SURVEYORS 0f'I<CI c.a I"U:NO. --:;7#j1}'?~ r:;-- FUNQ~T'E VlA-Pt?//)z.. I 0; ~ N.E. CORNER OF WM STEVeNS DLC-NO. 46, -rOUND 2 1/2" lANE COUNTY 8F?A$S co.p - 1994 o SET 5/8" J( JO. IRON ROO wm; l"!"LLOW PLASnCCAP MARKED "SKINNER k A5S0C. INC." o FOUND 2' 1/2" LANE COUNTY BRASS CAP A5 OESCR/BED . FOUND MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED XXX I.I[ASURED OR CAlCULArITJ DATA. TRUE POINT TO TRU[ POINT xx(IJ RECORD INFORlJAnON PER - RIT!:RENCE Nr:.. ~** FENCE UNE ~FORESHORTEN[o UNf: -0- POWER POLE _SK1NNER&~OC1ATES'INC'1 ;;.1 s~..c~ ""~ 1 LOCAllU," (:~,fu~~~~g~n~:*1te;h::a S[ :t4 ~%~ ~~u~~: gR~~O~ W, ll.I.Tr 4/11/02 I OflAW"El'(~ I O<KUI El'(,~ I SHrl;1 w.J:_UL2 FlU:.-O&\lJIJONQAJ..I...o.. ~ TELEPHONE RISER o . WATER MITER R/W RIGffT OF WAY C/L CENTERUN[,' ~ ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY ~...'-N;:f~iJ 'UW PEACEHEAL TH .,., AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: , Olson & Morris 380 Q Street, Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 PRE-SUBMllTAl REC'O SEP 1 8 2008 " ,+ , DECLARA nON OF A VARIABLE WIDTH I'RIV ATE JOINT-USE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT TI.IIS DECLARATION made and entered into this day of ,2008,' by, CountrY Manor No, 3. LLC. an OreQon limited liabilitv comoanv ,hereinafter called the Declarant, WHEREAS, the declarant is the record owner of the following described real property: Parcles] &'2 of LAND PARTITION PLAT No. recorded . 2008, Reception No. Official Records, Lane County, Oregon, as platted and _ Lane County FURTHER, the Declarant will create a variable width private joint-use access and utility easement and enter into a maintenance agreement. Said easement is for ingress and egrcss 'and for storm water drainage across a portiOll of said Parcels'] & 2 for thc benefit of said Parcels I & 2, as shown on Exhibit "A" and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Parcel 2 of LAND PARTITION PLAT No. as platted and recorded , 2008, Reception No. , Lane County Official Records, Lane County; Oregon; thence South 89056'00" West 57.79 feet; thence South 40017'34" East 63,4 I feet; thence North 49042'26"'East 24,00 feet; thence North 770] 8'38" East 5,75 ' feet to the East line of said Parcel2; thence along said East line, North 12041 '22" West 32,44 feet to the Point of Beginning, all being in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, - Said easement contains 1,805 square feet, more or less.. The Owners of said Parcels 1&2 shall h~ve all rights of ingress'and egress to and from the real estate, including thc right, from time to time, to cut, trim and remove trees, brush, overhanging branches and other obstructions, , necessary for their use, enjoyment, operation and maintenance of the easement hereby granted and all rights and privileges incident thereto, Each Owner shall agree to save and hold the other Owner harmless, from any and all claims of third parties arising from their use of the rights herein granted, During the existence of this easement, mailitenance of the easement and costs of repair of the easement, if damaged by natural disasters or other events for which all holders of an interest in the easement are blameless, shall be the responsibility of both parties to share and share alike. During'the existence of this eascmcnt, holders of an interest in the eascment who arc responsible for damages to the easement bccause of negligence or abnormal use shall repair the damage at their sole expense, Z:\PROJECTS\3953 RIVER BEND MANOR\Corrcspondencc\EsmI.Access.Ulilily.doc Page I 0[2 ~~ .' (t This agrcement shall bind and inure 10 thc benefit of, as circumstances may requirc, not only the parties hereto but also their respective heirs, executors, admillistrators, assigns, and slIccessors in interest. Declarant: COUNTRY MANOR No, 3, LLC an Oregon limited liability company Harold L. Beny, President STATE OF OREGON ) }ss County of Lanc } This instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of , 2008, by Harold L, Berrv , as President of CountrY Manor No, 3. LLC. an Oregon limited liabilitv comoanv , to be his voluntary act and decd, on bchalfofthe company, Notary Public My commission expires: PRE-~! I i') \\ A. I1TAL REC'O' , , SEP 1 8 2008 .~ Z:\PROJECTS\3953 RIVER BEND MANOR\Corrcspondcnce\Esmt.Acccss.Utilily,doc Page 2 of2 ,-: ~ , :~<.., ..,1 i-. ~:.:- PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT , , KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Summer Development,Inc, an Oregon Corporation, is the Owner of thai certain rear Property further,described in Statutory Warranty Deed recorded March 30, 2004, Rccorders Reception No. 2004"022213, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, said Property is situated in the City of Springfield, County of Lane and State of Oregon. NOW THEREFORE, said Owner does hereby reserVe a variable ~jdth Public Draiange Easement across aforementioned Property as ,further described 'in Exhibit A, , :i The true and actual consideration of this declaration is $ 0.00,' Granted and declared this ()fJ -- day of ocltJ8!f/f ,2005, k~ Scott Le:..tham, Registered Agent, Summer Development, Inc, PRE-SUBMIT(AL RECIO, SEP 1 8 2008 State of Oregon County of Lane) " " .d ' . ~' This instrument was acknowledged before me on .2;? day 0[' ,- ,2005 by Scott Leatham, Registered Agent of Summer Development; Inc, '. ,! ~~~~~~ My Commission Expires:' /13 fl/.o.:5 '" OFFICIAL SEAL , :"I": LORE.TTA 5 CHAPMAN , NciTAfW PU6~IC-OME,GON . COMMISSION NO..350558 MY COMMISSION EXPiRoS NOV 30, 2005 r-01vi'slon or Chler Depuly CJerk~ 1M: Mew." Lane Coun~y Deeds and Records UUw.V~gwg, "I" 111111111111111 III1II1 ""111111111111"" $41. 00 , 007620332005009;56400400'2 12/05/2005 03:00:26 PM RPR-ES~T 'Cnl=l Sln=7 CASHIER 06 S20.00 S10.00 S1'l.00 Cpuu ,,,,wnliAp-~I~~<:,p r~rllm tr" OlfQ"'S' ~181li.),1416 0dl '3'" S'_',:'''w :230, I;:!Jg~Re OR. 9140L REYL>IC'" 10: C try ';r ?f~,,,jG,rll,LP, Pu8L1c l<Io~K' Depr, I Z 2., FIFTH 5r.'1 )PI?,,j'FII::L,lJ, OR. 174-77 Summer Development,Public Drainage'Easement - Ditch" Pagel :-'; ;... ;:;' }, " t'~ This conveyance set forth in this instrument conveying title or interest to the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, is hereby approved, and the title or interest conveyed therein is hereby accepted, By:, JJ~M j~o/ f)Pf" I }OCJ5 / Date ,0rN>lI< P, E;UJ~r (Name) J:..J. T~ .S't.K..J.nf....'roR (Title) !-,* PRE-51 \RMITIAl REC'O SEP 1 8 2008 , ' '- .f_.'r~" ..,,~...L~6 .:.:.1. S:. ~d':..::. t:30,-Cu16cue-OR. 9740L- Summer Development Public Drainage Easement -Ditch Page 2 . ~.' ,}~ -,' ~ _!.... . .:: , ". Exhibit A Public Drainage Easement Beginning at a point that is 251.00 feet South 89058'23'" West on the Northeast Comer of the William M, Stevens Donation Land Claim No, 46, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; run thence South ]2043'36" East 30,75 feet; thence South 89058'23" West '119,79 feet to the True Point of Beginning; run thence South 89058'23" \Vest 2.90 feet; thence South 26042'01" East 166,44 feet; thence N 89055'59" East 47.80 feet; thence North 42024' 11" West 26,63 feet; thence North 48056'31" West 64,33 feet; thence North 35028'01" West 31.04 feet; ,,thence North 30046'07" West 37.23 feet; thence North 28045'36" West33;59 feet to the True Point of Beginning, in Springfleld, Lane County, Oregon, ' "- PRE-S\lRMITTALREC'O' SEP 1 8 2008 . '~:_; -11-' ). " .:'. . , S"89"58'23' W 2.90 . S 89'58'23' W 122.69 . % ~... t> to. S~. ,. .' 47,eo' . " PRE-SUBMI1TAL RECIO SEP 1 8 2008. __. ..._n__'__.. ...,. . _'._'.~._~~.._._'~.,'._"..___________________._M"_~ ., ;;,;. -";i~ I "J)" f' Division of Chi ~epLlty Clerk Lane County Deeds and Reeords l~~~'~~~oiJ ASSESSOR'S MAP 170415 40TL 1500 111111/111111111111111111111111111111111111111//1 01021400200800486230030030 , 08/25/2008 03:05:30 PM CASHIER 96 $36,00 RPR-ESMT Cnl~l Sln=15 $15.00 $10,'00 $11.00 EASEMENT RELOCATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT IS TO relocate an existing easement on one parcel; 'owned'by Country Manor No. 3, L'.L.C."an Oregon limited liability company, hereinafter referred to as the Grantor, gra'nted to THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a'municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon, hereinafter refer~e-d to as . . the Grantee. '. WHEREAS, it is the intent ofth_e Grantor.to, relqcate the existing access easement to two separate location.s; the.Northeastcctncrand the middle of their property, as shown in Exhibit "A", to allow' building in the existing casement vicinity. . Now therefore the parties agree as foHows: 1.) Country Manor No.3, L.L.C., an Oregon limited liability company, is the owner of the parcel as . menti~ned above as evidenced by the following deed: DEED A:.A Warranty Deed from HEB INVESTMENT, LLC, a!n Oregon limited liability company,.to COll~try Manor No.3, L.L.C., an Oregon limited liability company, recorded September 13, 2007, Reception No: 2007-063788; Lane Countypeeds and Records, Lane County; Oregon. \ . . DEED B: A Warranty Deed from Summer Development,rn~., a Oregon Corporati~n to HEB INVESTMENT, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, recorded June 6, 2007, Reception No. 2007-038408, L~ne County Deeds ~d Records, Lane County, Oregon. 2,) .The e"isting easement owned by the City of Springfield is a Public Maintenance Access Easerrient,re~orded December 5, 2005, Recepti;n No. 2005~096563, Lane County Deeds and Records, La:neCounty, Oregon; granted by Summer Development; rn~., an Oregon Corporation. 3.) The party wishes to relocate said easement recorded December '5; 2005, Reception No. 2005- 0965?3, Lane County Deeds and Records, Lane County, oregon. 4,) The existing easement described in paragraph (3), shall be relocated to two separate locations; the Northeast cori1~r and the middle of Grantor's property, being shown in E~hibit "A" and more particularly described as follows; Begi.nning at a point that is West 37(1.90 feet and South 30.43 feet from the Northeast corner of the William M. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the 'Willamette Meridian; thence South 26039'56" East 28.06 feet; thence North 49042'26';EaSt 27.97 feet; t~ence North 0004'00" West 7.03 feet~ thence South 86056'00" West33~92 feet to tbe point of beginning, in Lane:County, Oregon; And; Beginning at a point that is West 370.90 feet; South 30.43,feet; North 89056'00" E~. 64.87 feet' , and South 400 17'34" East 58.34 feet from the Northeast corner of the William M. Stevens' Donation Land Claim No. 46, Township .17 South, 'Range"3 Wes\'ofthe Willamette Meridian; . thence SouthAool7'~34" East (0.00 feet; thence South 49042'26" West 61.58 feet; thence North 48057'34" West 7.90 feet; thence North 35029'04" West 2.20 feet; thence North 49042'26" E~t 62.58.feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; 5:) The GRANTEE shall relinquish all. claims to that portion of the existing. easement described. in paragraph (~). 6.) The Grantor does hereby give and grant unto tlie City. of Springfield the relocatedpublic maintenanceaccess,easement as described'inparagraph (4) to hav~ and to hold the public maint~nance access casement to the said Grantee; its successors 3I!'d assigns forever. RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIElD- PUBLIC WORKS DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, BREGON 97477 PRE-SUBMIlTAl REC'D SEP 1 8 2008 '- . :;:.. ---'- 'IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor above named,havehereunto set her hand and seals this 'dayof iZ A~~p./c;+ _2008' \; , Country Manor No..3, L.L.c., ~~,Oregon,Limited-~ity Company )-r:,o,JIJ. iJ (d;_ '- W' . h "" }JA~o/1;j 4, 2"o'~i2f ~&1.!!I'J"J'/~ (signature) (print) (title) STATE OF OREGON) SS COUNTY, OF LANE) ~E,rT REMEMBERED, ~hat on this !Z-!.Zday of ,.4 u'_rlvS -f ,2008, befo're me, the u~derSigneJd a Notary P~bHc in and for said. County and1'tate, personally appeared the within named H.:y ,-<> 1 L. ()~JrrY ,as Pr-e<\d~+ 'ofCountry Manor No.3, L.L.c.,an Oregon limited liability company, known to me to be the identical individual described in and who 'executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same freely and voluntarily. " IN TESTIMONY Wf.IE~E9F, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed myofficial seal the day andyear lastabovc,,,HI)"'," ,'" " ,-. 'OF!"C'Al SEAL ' : MATTHEWDFllZER. 14 " "NOTARYPUBUC'.OAEGOM 'r //4" ~o 'COMMISSIONNO.405075 ,C/C-U,:, / /t~c' MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 19, 2OtO' ~otary Public for 6<< gor{/' --- My ComI1}ission, Expires: la.A;:;:"r~ I ~OlO cr7t~ Gino Grimaldi, City' Nfanager HE~ltWHj g:~~PRG~jED ~RM ,,'I L '" \ DATE: 't.l'2~1l OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY STATEOFOREOON) SS COUNTY OF LANE) BE 1'r REMEMBERED, THAT on this 2~ day of ,4/..U1 u..sr ,2008, befcre me, the undersigned, a Notary Public inan4 for said County and state, person#lly appea.red the within named Ginn Gr;mHlrli, 'and acknov.:ledged to ITle that he i~ the City Manager ofth'e City of Sp~ingfield"Oregon, and that the foregoing instrument was executed by him volul1!arily for and on behalf of the City of Springfield for the uses and purposes therein named. - , , OFFICIAL SEAL '8 AMY LSOWA NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON \ ./ COMMISSION NO. 397942 , .' MYCO.M~ISSIONEXPIRESNOV.22,20Q9 ~"?)~iL- Nota!)' PUbiic (pr Oregon . My Commission;,Expires: I (..:.-;:t,;....dtlO'lj PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO SEP 1 8 2008 RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PuBLIC WORKS DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 .. (/) rn -0 .... <:XJ "" = = ex> -0 :;:c rT'1 . c.n = c;:J s:: s;! .-- :;:c rT'1 n d ,I ,,', " EXHIBIT ':4" 0 , , DEADMOND .FERRY. ROAD ,~_ ,_...'__ It(Sr Jl().90" _ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - :::,:.-s:::~~.7 t'I \~. NB:Y~'OOT '122.62' ~~. ,L$if\;:~7.0~,;,:;: '1.,9 \rEXrST'flKjPU8UC "b ~-"~"::' \ l/AlNTEIWiCt '\{. -_,~.~ ,l,CC!$S CASOlfHr -"~ \ roocmOCATrD ~' ",(. fm~TfO PIJ8tX ~TfNIINCE _ \ (\" ACa:SStASCUEHrARfA. \ ,.' (oomo'H4TDf) \ , , \ \ ....-0. , X........:o. \, .'~\:>\A \ ~ ~::<:::::y\ 0\' \ ~"l.~ '/:....".. I \ ~~::::::::_::~+ . ~- \. - ::'/1H8'.snnr 7.90' ~ . , , , " , , , , , , .. \....---..J SroRIJW,1,/FR{)RNNI.(;CJ E:A5MNr """ .~~ \, 58!r"'(J(J~ . " <. ~. ~..t " ~. 81.42' .~: D:U:'RB,IN. czg~LLC 30020 Kaiser Ave Eugene, OR 97402 HIGHWAY and GRADING CONTRACTOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT RENTAL Sep(cmber 17, 2008 Steve Hopkins City of Springfield Re: Project at River Bend Manor, Steve, Per the request of Leon Berry, this is a letter certifying that She private drive structure A River Bend Manor was installed per plan A "] AC paving on 10" crushed rock. '. , Aaron.R Durbin Durbin Excavating PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O SWI82008 PHONp41-688-3970 . FAX 541-688-3613 . . 45,31 36.41 . 1L79 1.93 1.98 0,05 0,08, VIS' 100,00, o !. SUNMARK SEEDS INTERNATIONAL, lNG, . . 17116 NE Sandy Blvd, . Portland,' Oregon 97230 SUllll1ark Nativc Watcr Quality Mixturc Lot No.' NWQ-0808-SS1 Test Date: 08/19/08 AMS 3724 . ,,-:.'- '-'.>,,;>,- Bag: 1 of I Weight: 1 lbs Blue Wi/dryc Native Red Fescue Tufted Hair Grass Western Mannagrass American SIoughgrass WA WA CN OR, OR . WEED OTHER CROP INERT MA ITER Noxious Weed: None Found PRE-S! IRMITTAl REC'O SEP 1 8 2008 ;;". 92,00 89.00 95,00 85,00 63,00 , 90,50 < ,; . .'" i' 0;'1' . (r.;;::::... ...: .t':i..,...:.."..-'~.. 'oO " PUBLIC MAINTENANCE ACCESS EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Summer Development, Inc, an Oregon Corporation, is the Owner of that certain real Property further described in Statutory Warranty Deed recorded March 30, 2004, Recorders Reception No, 2004-022213, with the tenements, heredita'ments and appurtenances, said Property is situated in the City of Springfield, County of , Line and State of Oregon. NOW THEREFORE, said Owner does hereby reserve a variable width Public Maintenance Access Easement across aforementioned Property as further described in Exhibit A. The true and actual consideration of this declaration is $ 0;00. Granted and declared this 'I R ~ day of ()C / ,2005. ~~' h~ ' .' Sco t Leatham; Registered Agent Summer Development, Inc. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O SEPl8)008 State of Oregon County of Lane ) ) J This instrument was'acknowledged before me on /8'z:1ay of;ail~_, 2005 by Scott Leatham, Registered Agent of Summer Development, Inc. - ~;;%~,j/!L ~ ~,.".' Notary Public for Oregon ~ My Conunission Expires:)!/ ..3 ~~ ' I) OFFICIAL SEAL .;~:~".~ LORETtA S CHAPMAN ~;/ NOTARY FU8LiC-OREGON "~'. COMMISSION NO. 350558 MY COMM!SS~O,'\ EX~I~=S NOV 30. 20CS , Division of Chief Deputy Clerk L~ne Counly D~eds ~nd Records l~~~.~~o~oJ , "1111111 1111 IIIII "1111111 , II I"" III/I" 1111 $41. 00 0'762031200500965630'4'046 > 12/05/2005 03:00:26 PM RPR-ESMTCnl=l, Stn=7 CASHIER 06 $20,00 $10.00 '$11.00 , l:JpmHe('nrA~ng pl~J.E'i: r~t..,... 'v. :1.,.."'8.... tAorriE, 1410 "'~1, c. 5Hit~ 290, ElIg..n.. (Ill 97401 Re/ult/J 10 (,.,.-'( o~ '5pJl.,pCs,rict...D I pu6'-1c:. WOILtZ., Zz.r;- r,p"(J1 Sr. J 'S p~/jvc..F/C5"t./) J OR C'f7477 Summer Development public Maintenance Access Easement -Driveway & Parking Lot Page I __..._. _._.." ~.._._,._~~ _._..~._.. .___.._.....".........._.._._ _."., ...._....~._._L > . i' " f' ';i.. .. . ~ .-,. This conveyance set forth in this instrument conveying title or interest to the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, is hereby approved, and the title or interest conveyed therein is hereby accepted. ' . By: Lw~ D,.;c J. ?oo'l' Date , n"'NNI5 P. uNsr (Name) .L ITV ~ )uJ(:l.Jer"ofl (Title) PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO SEP 1 8 2008 ,; UPOn-recurJ:"b t-'I~........ ....'-'~Lv" u.. ;~-IUllj";, J4JU Vu;"~.. J...;n; ~,ro,-J;u6cm; ,:.;--.... :; 7--,,~t Summer Development Public',Maintenance Access Easement -'Driveway & Parking Lot Page 2 ' . . .. , , ' 'f =:.., :~. ExHibit A Public Maintenance Access Easement Beginning at a point ihat is 25 I ,00 feet South 89058'23" West on the Northeast Comer of the William M, Stevens Donation Land Claim No, 46, Township 17 South, Range 3 West 'of the Willamette Meridian; run thence South 12043'36" East 30,75Jeet; thence South 89058'23" West 43.05 feet to' the True Poinr of Beginning; run thence South 89058'23" West 41.01 feet; thence South 12043'36" East 99,48 feet; thence N 77016'24" East 19.D3 feet; thence South 57"40'49" East 9,87 feet; thence South 12043'36" East 16,13 feet; thence North 77016'24" East 14,00 feet; thence North 12043'36" West 113.58 feet to the' True Point of Beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O SEP I 8 2008 . , ..... ....-," -- ,. S 89'58'23" W 122,69' \. S 89'58'23" W ' I . I I ,41.01'" I I I , I I I \20 cJl I~ '~I r-'! ~\ It. 'jl Ii ""\ I~ ~I I~ '7>1 10 '/P.I I~. I I I I S :5740'49" E \ ~9.87' '- - - -..../ \ \ I., I -L'.) , , ~N 7716'24' E 14.00' S 89'58'23" W 43.05' N 89'55'59. E 81.50' -:z ~ r-'! .... "'. '" "'. ,~ ~ ~ '10_ PRE-SUBMITTAL RECI D SEP 1 8 2008 URBIN. 93~LLC 30020 Kaiser Ave Eugene, OR97402 HIGHWAY and GRADING CONTRACTOR HEAVY EOUIPMENT RENTAL , September 17,20,08' Steve Hopkins City of Springfield', , ; Re: Project at River Bend Manor Steve, Pe~ the request of Leon Berry, tl~isis a letter certifying thatthe private drive structure A River Bend Manor was installed per plan A "J AC paving on 10" crushed rock, $ 2/1 Aaron R Durbin Durbin Excavating :: :J .:L Sf lDOS " PHONE 541-688.3970 FAX 5'11-688.3613 ", ..... ._'.'-:>>- SUN MARK SEEDS'INTERNATIONAl, INC, 1,7116 NE'Sandy Blvd, . Portland, Orog'on.g7230 Sunmark Native Water Quality Mixture Lol No. NWQ-0808-SSI Tesl Dale: 08/19/08' AMS 3724 Bag: I oj 1 Weigh!.: '1 lbs I SEED%' ,',. VI\BlETY " :::::-::-q/igi0_ " 45,31 Blue Wildrye WA 92.00 36AI Native Red Fescue WA 89,00 11,79 'Tufted Hair Grass CN 95,00 1.93 '0'estern Mannagrass. OR 85,00 1.98 American'Sloughgrass OR 63,00 0,05 WEED 90,50 0,08 OTHER CROP 2A5 INERT MATTER Noxious Weed: None Found 100,00 t ,. ;~' ~~ ".: ;')