HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 10/3/2008 " _. I \Q / ,1/ II 7/ qc,,;,.,'\OIJ :; U 3 - "- After Rtc6S_~t,g Return To Fim American Title PO Box 10146 ,p.gtlleI<X< flJtIY ~ ~$ .. ~ Division of Chief~~\~ulY Clerk Lane Counlv Deeds and Records 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\ 11\11 00942642200100631880020021 09/1312007 RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=B CASHIER 01 $10,00 $11.00 $10.00 l~~Hbmi '\ $31.00 10:37:00 AM After recording return to: Country Manor No.3, L.L.c. do Harold and Earlene Berry 2815 Wayside Lane Springfield, OR 97477 Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be sent (0 the following add,ress. Country Manor No. J, L.L.C. do Harold and Earlene Berry 2815 Waysid~ Lane Springfield, OR 97477 STATUTORY BARGAIN AND SALE DEED HED INVESTMENT, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, Grantor, conveys to COUNTRY MANOR NO. J, L.L.c., an Oregon limited liability company, Grantee, the following described real property: See Exhibit "A" attached THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNlNG DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMlNE ANY LIMlTS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930, TIle true consideration for this conveyance is PART OF A REVERSE 1031 EXCHANGE OF LIKE-KIND PROPERTY. Dated this 7th day of September, 2007 Date Received: OCT - 3 2008 Original Submittal STATE Coulltyof Oregon Mllltnolllah ~ SS, I certity that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Louise Hottel is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he is authoriz_eO, to execute tile- instrument and acknowledge it as the Senior Exchange Officer of First AIr.eric::'"l Exch:mge Ccmpaay, LLC to be the fret' :l.Jlc! ,,,,llln!:.uJ' ~ct of !::Jch party fer the uses 8!!d' purposes mentioned in this instrument. -, ; Dated: September 7, 2007 ill~G?~v-- . Notary Public in~~d for tile State of Oregon Residing at 1)I1\:Vkv-J oR--- My appointment expires: , I'~.. - ., " 'ir'OFFICIAlSEAt. --- . '.. ANN J.M. BURTON NOTARY PU8UC.oAEGON COMMISSION NO 400600 MY COMMISSION WIRES DEC. 30, 2009 . "._._ ,.,."..",,_ .,~.~~....___ " .._....... n ,'.._...... ._~._ ,. .' '~ APN:0150597 Dated this ~ day of U~-"'-o Statutory Special Warranty Deed - continued , 206'7 . Summer Development, Inc" an Oregon . Corporation ~~ By: Scott Leatham, President \11,'''_ LA By: Lisa Leatham, Secretary STATE OF Oregon County of Lane ) )ss. ) File No.: 7191-1047595 (CGF) , Date: 06/01/2007 This instrument was acknowledged before me on thl5 ts- day of ~ .200 by Scott Leatham, President, and Lisa Leatham as Secretaiy of sum~evelopment, Inc., on behalf of the Corporation. . ", ,_.. ~ \. e '_'~ f ,.... ,- . ------~- '~-~-===) ~' ,~ OFFICIAL SEAL r lt~ > f" MARll WJ V Me KERN I '1' :i\~!!J NOT "RY PUBLIC OREGON I I ~I C()ltMIS~ ION NO. 396458 . ~OMM:.s~ION E~~IRES SEPT.2B, 200 . ,I/hl-, '!. ," IVI~r-~. ~ ~\A~ ...S J.~l~, Notary Public fO~On . My commission expires: Page 2 of 3 Date Received: OCT '" 3 2008 Original submittal ,,, . "l ~ J,., '. ,'On EXHIBIT A . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEGINNING AT A POINT 195 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE WILUAM M. STEVENS DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 46, NOTIFICATION NO. 3224, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAM8TE MERIDIAN; THENCE SOUTH 260 38' EAST PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID CLAIM 200 FEET; THENCE WEST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAiD CLAIM 191 FEET; THENCE NORTH 260 38' WEST ioo FEET TO THE.NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM; THENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM, 191 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, ALL IN LANE COUN1Y, OREGON. . SAVE AND EXCEPT THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACf OF LAND: 1 BEGINNING AT A POINT 19S FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE WILLIAM M. STEVENS . DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 46, NOTIFICATION NO. 3224, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF . THE WILLAM8TEMERIDIAN; THENCE SOUTH 260 38' EAST PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM 200 FEET; HIENCE WEST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM 109.50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 120 39' 35" WEST 183.23 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM; THENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM 60.00 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, ALL IN LANE COUN1Y, OREGON. Date Received: OCT -: 3 2008 Original Submittal 1'-