HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2008-8-25 BB/25/2BBB BB:36 541741B544 BB/14/2BBB B9:14 5414B46859 SOLID GROUND \ \ J<\) ~I ~ PAGE B1/B2 PAGE B2/B3 144 I::.. 14" AVI:.. EUGENE. OREGoN 97401 PHONE (541) 484-8080 - FAX (541)684-iS97 rou FREe '-8n~1-9959 -'6\\ T if;;->, /~~~~it~, ~ J..c~'~"::I7'__.'.~ tJ~~!;;~i\~~~~/ \:/.i'~'{""'/ ~ 'I\' er ./ ~....~..:......~ STRucniAAL 8UILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION MORtIER ENGINEERING, P.C. August 13, 2008 ,So6d Ground Foundation Repair 880 S. 45" Springfield, OR 97478 A/Y\ - .' G*.wut-~#~ ../"\'I""1Y"I ~l~ ~p-dm- ";;2 ---~ W.O.#:19073.MJD RE: 320 S C3 Sf. Springfield - Helical Pier Special Inspection ~ "I' 7W-I!"~- --I " 7< A6'r~qtiested; a special inspection was performed to observe the helical pier installation at the . ',' '~dr,e'!S.listed above. The 2 7/Ff by 8'/10" helical piers used have a Fasteel product number of . :..:~_:p'HL:,0o25.. The Fasteel LS bracket kit used has a product number of FfI-0012. The helical :':'"p,~~ .;lnd, bracl<etkilS were installed according to manufacturer's specnicaliOns. The helical .: r.",piers'were.speomed to be installed to a depth of 10' and torque of 1,800ft-lbs. The helical piers ", <;'.: 'were''aCttiil.lly installed to a depth from 6'-5" to 10'.5' with minimum !Orque of 3,OOOfl-lbs. The actual depths and !Orques as installed are within acoepfable tolerances of the plan. The helical ple.rs were Installed will'l a maximum inclination of 5% and bracketed 50 that full surface contact of thll bracket to the foundation was achieved. The drive log providecl by Solid Ground Foul)dation Repair and dated August 13, 2008 was revtewed and used as a reference for this letter.'" . Thank you for this opportunity !O be of service. The enclosed Building Analysis Report and, statQment of Conditions and Limitations is a part of this report. If you have questions regartllng this repo". plea"" contact me at 484-9080. .. Sincerely. , , I I , - ""'1ires: 12-31- f , Bradley R. Myers, P.E. 08/25/2008 08:36 5417410544 SOLID GROUND PAGE 02/02 PAGE 63/63 68/14/2668 69:14 5414846859 MOR 1 'lliR ENGINEERING. P.C.. 144 E. 14" AVE. auoBNI!. 0I<B:l0N 1'740 I PHONE (541) 434-!lQ8(). FAX (SdI)G8WS9'7 S1lt\1Cl1JllA~ BtJR..DINO D1!SKlN .. PlRB ~v ~ 0.... 4 'V'I ~ COOS OONSVL TANT" PU\N....'~~....., I'V TOLL fREE 1-e7NlOI.!>,}~ CONmtUCTlON INSPIlCTION BUILDING ANALYSIS REPoRT Sta.tement of C . ,. :.~,~".. and LimieatiOOs a.1ENT: SolidOmlmd r. ..1:'.:... Ropoir lOCATION OF P1l.0PllRTY ,~"" St. S.".;.gfield. OR. I. Typo of '.ll'OClion and i_ mspectecl is IimilCtl t<>: WOII l'lO'Il_Ml~ .. StN<Omol C<mditiono b. Weathcrproofmg (Exterior~) c. Stonn Drainago (Building. Site) d, Site Conditions (Soils. Geological) .. Plumbing (FIX"re.'!, Pilring) f. _' !fealing (Fumate. fleat Pump. Air Conditionin[!. I'ltoplae<. Sbmo.'!, Olimnoys) g. _ 5lCdrical (S'Met. Wiring. Outlets) h. A. Other: Helical Pi", Inspection . The', ~....._:~- D mr the putpOSeoflllcrtina: ~e c1ient to majordefidcDcit:i in thccondition. oftlx= prvpaty described above and ..~~-"':'..o to !he ..... ..:,:..: .,.. '...,....:..._~ inl:hc rqlOl1; and thb mh:mcnt The', ''',''.''''. " aod R:pOrt :we Ilerfbrmed III1d pn=pared rot the !KJk. c:onRdet1ti~ JIJId exclusive lIRe Iml;I J)We$Sion nfthe CUBNT. No obligation Of ~tn'1lt1 to otftc' parties is assarraL 1'hD L..--..__..:....Is of the n:adily accessible ~ of the blliIding 1114 is limltcd to vbn,.tI11,.'~",,,, I ...~...... of apparent conditions ~ist1na at Iha dma of die iDlI~QI1. ~ and concCl1ed defCCtl and deficiencies arc, ca:1ndod from the in,p:ctioD: equisnncnt,. COJISb'UCtion and ~ wlU not be cr"...nded. - Maintcn.lIlCC and nchc:r iteml may he diSCllssecf. INt tJmy Me ~o( . J:l\Q1: of our inlpaGdm, The report 11'I 'OtIC ;l C:ORq)1i8hcc inspectioll or ocrtiAClat30n for putCl!'pnacnt .... ~.".. '." I ~ or ~'l many kind.. The ~-r-~- .,,4 tqlI1It do !lOt ....... ..", "" not i_dcd to ._ "'" IlOSli~'. _ of ... danp from '"y polaIlially hannfuf JUbstanCC.'lllnd cn\1Mnmcnt:aJ IQ~ includi'Og but l10t limited to tadon prt. tQd pa.\nt, 2tl'Ihcs1oI. 1De6. fcrntllld~~ IInd tDlN!<< Ilnmntll:ble d1cm1c:dS. MY ....\............. made tl) there IdbstmEe l~ outrcpcn. i. made Ibr thcso1e purposea atll'~~ OVl'cticnl to tile postil'bitity cftbclr existcnm. We are making no positive ~OM Q to their ~I ~ u we cIQ. not. do bhoratory lCating. It a.mtn' w1~ any further information '" 1lI.:lC.........,.d1llioru In ttpnf to the. pn:smcc ofthcac fltrhstat~. we rncomrl1C:tllS ,.....__i"6 I.pedalb.cd _.".:........._.1111 """_. The ft:JX'l"C crc.aibc:s t'he ~ oondition ;nd 1ta1us on the date or fnspecdon. The Parpa!lC t. ro aMI! cHants EO prestm d.1J,. S&lb-awlllOC mJ' c:on.dlt-. ml~lible areas and feattD'm. 2pptlaneeo.. ~ bbnM, ~ sptcms, 50111" hcar:ing sys&en1s or p~ sprinkler systeros,. saa:L noms. w::l.ber 5OftcMf'$. eeafnI vmrwrn aytmm(t" ~d tho ~ fir: ablia"il;:f; of rodenbi. termite! CI" odtCf insec:u 8ft! speciRedly 1::lCC:Juc:led. &om die ~ of tbts ~ WI:IiJc +=Ya}"~1c dfort ~ made fo dc:tmniQC Qta prapcrty condition,. no """""'_n_..,. ar1::-.............. or fmpliaJ. NO~ibUity hi lIPUrncd b'BDYtte:rn5 OUtside the scopeoflhts L......~_..". Mrca:n wc.behdd responsible lbt~ r-."..".... by OUleu, LIability Fordamagr;: tlrising CUI 0( eft'M$ hr omiistortt. "ban be: limited t(l the co.1t oftbc: ~ of ifl$pa;.ticm. N'o r-.: . , ,. . I Gr$ made; oan~Cf\carthitecturalQr'ett,g1needn8COOdilion.'l . . Moniet.mB:in~& i!!I ~ A~ ~b, ~me DO liabiHty or~"I' w' ,...:..~lity ~tne COJtt nff1lJairing 01'" replacing any '""l' ..,.1 ~ ... d1:__.._. ...... cunmt.Of WtlIIl m me ra..... '" (or any I""P"flI d.....g<s. ...._,.. domnll" ... ~04ilT iojury of any nature. Tho U1spcdlgn and ~ "t'e not mll:nckd or to be vsed ILs a BllatalttCO m- 'WlIITanty. Clipn::ssed or implied. n:prding the td~uaey. pmftII'mPnQC<< amdition oImy ~Slnx:~ $;:m0l'1plem. . ~MORTIER ENGINIllilUNO. P.c. (? ~J/~ ~ - Sigc.... /" engineer AaA><' U. 2008 Ti~. """'~.