HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 6/9/2006 ,'~ ~1~~:::~:s~R~~'NE~R'N~~t~, I. .--~ ISPRINGFIELD - OREGON . 974771 - .1 PHONE 541.726"9995 FAX 541-726-9996 1 - ~ -~ email:. keatinQenQCCIlmsn.com I PROJEcfl OREGON INDUSTRIAL::"~lBER ADDRESS 13950 MARCOLA ROAD - SPRI~~~IELD SCOPE 1 STORMWATER ANALYSIS I DISPOSAL , DESIGNER STEVE KEATING I I I DATE 2/13/20061 1 PROJECT NO I I I I I STORMWATER CALCULATIONS I PROJECT DESCRIPTION DISPOSAL OF WATER FROM SITE USING EXISTING METHOOS AND FLOW REGIMES, FOR POST-DEVELOPMENT USING INCREAS DETENTION SEAL RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2006 BY: ._r."" Date Received: W I. q /1 ( I Planner: lM -~ " KEATING ENGINEERING L L C 188 WEST B ST, - 91.06 P SPlUNGFIB.D, OR 97477 VOICE (541) 726.9995 FAX (541) 726.9996 email keatingeng@msn.com ~ ,) September 16, 2005 Liz Miller' City of Springfield , Development Services 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Re: 3950 Marcola Road ca 10pyBuilding and Paving Project The following items respon I top your letter of April 28, 2006: I, Oregon Industrial Lumber is concluding the purchase of the Weyerhauser property for locati6n of this parking area and stormwater pre-treatment basin, 2, These notes have bb modified, Please also refer to response to item 3, 3, The c1inet respond&! with the maximum number of employees on our querry, but on reflection, Jivised us that there were 10 to 12 employees woring other shifts, and this woJld return a value of about 40 workers. The parking Jot typically has 20 to 130 cars in it at this time, 4, Handicapped spaces are shown 'in. front of the business office, This is logical as this is the most likely point-of-entry for a disabled user in a mill ' environment. ',I., ' 5, This is the client's lintent., ' 6, The propery lines are indicated on the ~ite plan, however it will be staked,at the time of construbtion to ensure that there is no encroachment on the right- of-way, I ' , . 7, The plan is taken from arie! mapping ans is accurate for the level of work intended, The ma~ping in the City as-builts appears to generally agree with the mapping, and donstruction staking will resolve setback issues, There is enough room on thb plans for adjustment of the design if actual dimensions are I . not as called out on the drawings.. 8, This will be resolvlxi with a preliminary title report a the time of property transference, I . 9, Building security lighting is existing and is considered sufficient for the parking area, I 10, We have discussed the with Steve Barnes are we are re-submitting a slooted weir design for thJ outlet, with a stonnwater evaluation to support it . I . : If you have any questions, please feel free to call, Sincerely, I D . I. Plate Received: U' anner: LM cc: David Spies - Oregon Industrial Lumber \ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR STOI MW ATER SYSTEM i< Oregon Indu8trial Lumber, ("the owner") is planning a new parking area to conform to an , agreement executed previously with the Oity of Springfield. This is for the use of an existing lumber re-manufacturing facilitya and a nJw project to add a canopy to protect the existing re- saw equipment. It is intended. that this p~oject resolve stormwater issues using an on-site extended dry basin with infiltration, and h~ve a minimal impact on public systems, , I, , ' As the off-site flow's, and any calculated design conditions for high-intensity events (the 10-year recurrence interval event ,in this case) mu~ not negatively affect adjoining properties, an overland flow route has been considered, allowing the parking lot to flood over curbs to the nearby streets, without impacting any building areas, Published data for the area indicates soils to be relatively impervious ("Nekia" type CL) with a low infiltration rate, After site excavatiori the'soils at the basin site may be evaluated more " , . carefully and an'actual value can,be established, however, given the observed soils on this site and on its direct adjoiner, 0,21" per hour is seen as reasonably conservative for planning purposes, Stormwater management will be characterized by the following practices: I '. ' , 1, Enactment of Best Management f1ractices (BMP's). This identifies events which can, contribute stormwater. contamination, and prescribes practices which minimize their impact, It is of preferable to prevebt contamination th~ to treat it, , 2, Installa/ion of s/ormwa/er pretredtment facilities in dn ex/eiuJed dry basin. The potential exists to construct biofiltration sy! temswhich will use natural processes to pre-treat. The stormwater design uses I a-year events, The effect of the peak run-off rates for the design lO-year storm event will be marginally hi~er'than present conditions, according to the ' stormwater models submitted, but the conveyances are very close to the McKenzie river, and capacity at these locations does not appeJr to be constrained, ' " , HYDRAULICS This stormwater hydrology study analyzes the current peak run-off from the site, Due to the impervious nature of the soils and its presbnt relation to the storm conveyances on Marcola Road (the available connections) a slight increJ in peak flows does not appear to be significat. , I , ' " ' ' , The stormwater system is modeled using HydroCAD 8, It is based largely on the hydrology techniques developed by the Soil Conse~ation Service (SCS/NRCS), combined with other hydrology and hydraulics calculations, For a given rainfall event, these techniques are used to Keating Engineering LLC - 188 West B Street - ~pringfield, OR 97477 - (541) 726-9995 (' nq I f'fge 1 of 3 OceanPines S/ormwater Study - 25 May, '006 I')ate ReCeived:u1.. ..1{-fJllI , ':Planner: LM " generate hydrographs throughout a water"hed: Typically, this allows the engineer to verity that a given drainage system is adequate for the Irrea:under consideration, or to predict where flooding or erosion is'likely to occur." ' The modeling design uses the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph method (SBUH)m, which is the City standard, and which was developed by the Santa Barbara County (California) Flood Control and Water Conservation District. The SBUH method has many similarities to the SCS Unit Hydrograph procedure, Both techniques employ the same SCS curve nJmbers, runoff equation, and rainfall distributions, , . 1_ However, the SBUH method does not utilize a unit hydrograph or the convolution process, (Note that the "UH" stands for Urban Hydrograph, not Unit Hydrograph,) The basic SBUH runoff procedure is as fJllowS: 1, Compute the instantaneous hYdrolaPh: The stonn is divided into equal time increments (dt), At each increment, the SCS RunofrEquation is used to determine the precipitation excess, The difference between tHe successive values represents the instantaneous runoff at that point in time, " , 2, Compute the runoffhydrograph: rhe runoffhydrograph is obtained by routing the instantaneous hydrograph through: an imaginary reservoir with a time delay equal to the , time of concentration, The following equation is used to estimate the routed flow at each point in time: Q2 = QI + w [II + I2 - 2 QI ], where w = dtJ(2 Tc + dt) Ql, Q2 = Runoff at beginning and end of interval dt [CFS] 11,12 = Instantaneous runoff at beginnibg and end of interval dt [CFS] dt = Calculation time increment [minut~s] Tc = Time of concentration [minutes] w = Routing Coefficient The hydrograph represents the flow of Wiater past a certain point over a given period of time, For calculation purposes, each hydrograph consists offlow values (ordinates) that occur at a given time increment throughout a certairi time span, Each hydrograph has a peak flow and a total volume, SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND CURVE NUMBERS , Soils are classified into hydrologic soil grLps to indicate the minimum rate of infiltration obtained for bare soil after prolonged w1ing- The HSG's, which are A, B, C, and D, are one Keating Engineering LLC - /88 West B Street. Springfield, OR 97477 - (54/) 726"9995 I. !JI 1J~age 2 of 3 OceanPines StormwaterStudy - 25 May 2006 Date Received:J!L:!.. _ Planner: LM \ 1 ~, element used in determining runoff curve number. The infiltration rate is th~ rate at which wLer enters the soil at the soil surface. It is controlled by surface conditions. HSG also indicates thb transmission rate - the rate at which the water moves through the soil, This rate is controlled b~ the soil profile, The soil group used for this study is Group D for pre-development conditions, I. HSG D has very low infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted, and consist chiefly of clay soils with a high swelling potential, soils with a , permanent high' water table, soils with a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and dense compacted soils, These soils have a very low rate of water transmission (0-0,05 in/hr), CONCLUSIONS. The post-development analysis indicates a n increase from 6,72 CFS to 7,02 CFS for a drainage basin of5,73 acres, Maximum parking 10, flood elevations are less than 0,5 ft in the event of system faillire . The model was altered from the previous oubmittal at City request to provide for a6" slotted weir. A narrower weir can be provided fo reduced flows, but the effect seems to be minimal in any case, Date R . PI ecelVecJ. anner: LM . ~.;Y l. ~'. ,", ~ " "'. .~, Keating Engineering LLC - 188 West B Street - ~'lrlngfie1d, OR 97477.:(541) 726'9995-"""- ",' - .Page-3013 OceanPines Stormwater Study - 25 May >006 ''':''. '. '. '" ' ;;:~,:t2:.:?: Reach :(::;;~;';/;}2 ~' ,iil' Lwg~ . ~- -- -.- ~ - -. ~_.. - - -- _. -...... - - -. - ---". ;POST -CONSTRUCT AN~AYSIS 10-YEAR RECURREN.C.E. IN..TERVAL ill ,7\.iIIl SBUH METHOD Date Received:~ UL ' ~C- - ~~~ln~ge~lag~":~~~ ~~~S~L LUMBER- REVIS;~~O: LtZ:J Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC - 188 W 8 St, - Springfield - OR 97477 HydroCADlD 8,00 sin 002262 @2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER REVISED 10YR . ' Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC - 188 W B St c Springfield - OR 97477 HvdroCAOO 6.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Area Listing (all nodes) Area t acres\. eN Deseriotion (subeats) 2.525 88 OPEN LAND (S85) 1,791 91 Gravel roads, HSG D (S84) 1.728 98 MIXED ROOFS AND PAVING (SB3) 0.464 98 PARKING LOT (SB6) 1,837 98 PAVED AREAS (S81) 0,689 98 Paved parking & roofs (S85) 0.482 98 ROOF (S82) 0,574 98 ROOFS (SB1) 10,089 Page 2 Pate Received- ~ q 6//1 Planner: lM . ({.J OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER REVISED 10YR, Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC - 188 W B St - Springfield - OR 97477 HvdroCAOO 8,00 sin 002262 @2006 HvdroCAD,Software Solutions LLC Time span=O.00-24,OO hrs, dt=O.05 hrs, 481 points Runoff by SBUH method, Split Perviousllmperv. Reach routing by Stor-Ind+ Trans method . Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Thurston 24-hr 10-yr Rainfal/=4,35" Page 3 Subcatchment SB1: SB1 Runoff Area=l 06,000 sl Runoff Depth>4,09" TC=15,O min CN=OI98 Runoff=2,84 cis 0,822 al Subcatchment SB2: MILL ROOF AT EAST Runoff Area=21 ,000 sl Runoff Depth>4,l 0" Tc=10,Omin CN=OI98 Runoff=O,84cls 0.165al Subcatchment SB3: UPPER MILL Runoff Area=75,260 sl Runoff Depth>4.09" Tc=15,O min CN=OI98 Runoff=2.03 cis 0,569 al Subcatchment SB4: UPPER STORAGE AREAS Runoll Area=78,000 sl Runoff Depth>3.31" Tc=30,O min CN=9110 Runoff=1.34 cis 0,494 al Subcatchment SB5: UPPER SITE Runoff Area=140,000 sl RunoffDepth>3,25" _ Tc=25,O min CN=88198 Runoff=2.51 cis 0,870 al ~.%(.. \'7 '1l-\f 'O~L;1 Subcatchment SB6: PARKING AREA MQl)tYIW - $J1';,((~l\ M \:~ , Runoff Area=2O,230 sl Runoff Depth>4,09" " - Tc=15,Omin CN=OI98 Runoff=O,55cls O.l58al ---~ Reach 1 R: PIPING Avg, Deptl,=O,49' Max Vel=15,08 Ips Inflow=5,85 cis 1,954 al D=12.0" n=O,011 L=200,Q' S=O,08OO'f Capacily=11.91 cis Outflow=5,84cls 1,953al Reach 2R: UPPER PIPING Avg. Depth=0.31' Max Vel=15,53 Ips Inflow=2,51 cis 0,870 al D=8,O" n=O,011 L=250,Q' S=O,152O.'f' Capacily=5,57 cis Outflow=2.50 cis 0,870 al Pond 1P: SWALE AND PARKING LOT POND .~ Peak Elev=465.39' Storage=8,800 cl Inflow=7,oo cis 2,m al Discard<!d=O,03cls O,04Oal Primary=7.02cls 2.189al Outflow=7,Q4cls 2,229al..,~ l(N\L.~ f-~'" ~-'~I"") Inflow=7,02cls 2,189al't', '. Primary=7.02 cis 2,189 al (401?t1-\ l!1t,Ll!t1Ui ~&1' ~) Inflow=2,84 cfs 0,822 al Primary=2.84 cis 0,822 al Pond 2P: EXISTING DITCH COMPLEX Pond 3P: EXISTING DITCH COMPLEX Total Runoff Area = 10.089 ac Runoff Volume = 3.100 af Average Runoff Depth = 3.69" 42.78% Pervious Area = 4.316 ac 57.22% Impervious Area = 5.773 ac , Date Received: "Planner: LM w Cf 00 , OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER REVISED 10YR ' Prepared by Kealing Engineering LLC . 188 W B St - Springfield - OR ,97477 HvdroCAOO 8,00 sin 002262 @2006 HvdroCAD Soflware Solutions LlC Runoff = Thurston 24-hr to-yr. Rainfall=4,35" , Page 4 Subcatchment SB1: SB1 2,84 efs @ 7,89 hrs, Volume= , 0,822 ai, Depth> 4,09" Runoff by SBUH method, Split Perviousllmperv" Time Span= 0,00-24,00 hrs,dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 10-yr Rainlall=4,35" Area Csl) 80,000 25,000 105,000 105,000 CN Description 98 PAVED AREAS 98 ROOFS 98 Weighted Average 98 Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity. Description (min) (Ieet) (llIlt) (fllsec) (cis) 15,0 Direct EntrY, PAVING AREA Runoff = Subcatchment 5B2: MILL ROOF AT EA5T' 0,64 efs @ 7,86 hrs, Volume= ,0:165 ai, Depth> 4,10" Runoff by SBUH method, Split Perviousllmperv., Time Span= 0.00-24,00 hrs, dt= 0,05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 10-yr Rainlall=4,35" Area (51) 21,000 21,000 CN Description 98 ROOF 98 Impeivious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description, (min) (Ieet) (ftIft) (flIsec) (efs) 5,0 Direct Entry, ROOF 5,0 0 Total, Increased to minimum Tc = 10.0 min Runoff = Subcatchment 5B3:. UPPER MILL 2.03 efs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= . 0,589 ai, Depth> 4.09" 1:' Runoff by SBUH method, Split PerviousllmpelV" Time Span= 0,00-24,00 hrs, dt= 0,05 hrs ii ThurSton 24-hr 10-yr Rainlall=4,35" ,~ Area (~I) 75,260 75,260 T c Length (min) (Ieell 15,0 Runoff. = CN 98 98 Description MIXED ROOFS AND PAVING Impervious Area 'I . ~I ~) Slope Velocity Capacity Description (ftIft) (flIsec) (efs) , Direct Entry, MIXED ROOF AND PAVING Subcatchment SB4: UPPER STORAGE AREAS 1,34 efs@ 7.94 hrs, Volume= 0.494 at, Depth> '3.31" Runoff by SBUH method, Split Perviousnmperv., Time Span,; 0,00-24.00 hrs, dt= 0,05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 10-yr Rainfall=4,35" Area(sl) 78,000 78,000 CN Description 91 Gravel roads, HSG D 91 Pervious Area r 'I I I ~ I Date Received: to I tot 11lI/J Planner: lM ~ OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER REVISED 10YR Prepared by Keating Engineering ~LC - 188 W B SI - Springfield - OR 97477 HvdroCAOO 8,00 sin 002262 @2OO6 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 10-yr Rainfal/=4,35" Page 5 Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (flIlt) (flIsecl (cfs) 30.0 Direct Entry, GRAVEL AREA FLAT Runoff = Subcatchment SB5: UPPER S,ITE 2,51 efs @ 7,93 hrs, Volume= " 0.870 af, Depth> 3,25" Runoff by SBUH method, Spirt Perviousllmperv" Time Span= 0,00-24,00 hrs, dt=o 0,05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 10.yr Rainfall=4.35" Area (sf) 30,000 110,000 140,000 110,000 30,000 CN Description 98 Paved parking & roofs B8 OPEN LAND 90 Weighted Average 88 Pervious Area 98 Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (flIlt) (ftlsecl (efs) , 5,0 Direct Entry, MILL 20,0 Direct Entry, OPEN AREA 25.0 0 Total Runoff = Subcatchment SB6: PARKING AREA 0,55 efs @ 7,89 hrs, Volume= " 0,158 af, Depth> 4,09" Runoff by SBUH method, Split Perviousllmperv" Time Span= 0.00-24,00 hrs,.dt=o 0,05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 10-yr Rainfall=4,35" Area (sf) 20,230 20,230 CN Description 98 PARKING LOT 98 Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (flIlt) (flIsec) (cis) 15,0 Direct Entry, PAVING AREA Reach 1R:PIPING [52] Hint Inlet conditions not evaluated [61J Hint Submerged 1% of Reach 2R bottom Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = 6,732 ac, Inflow Depth >3,48" 5,85 cfs @ 7,92 hrs, Volume= 5,84 efs @ 7,93 hrs, Volume= 1.954 af 1,953 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.4 min Routing by Stor-Ind+ Trans method, Time Span= 0,00-24,00 hrs, dt= 0,05 hrn Max, Velocity= 15.08 fps, Min, Travel Time= 0,2 min Avg, Velocity = 8.63 Ips, Avg. Travel Time= 0.4 min Peak Storage= 78 cf@ 7,92 hrs, Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.49' Bank.Full Depth= 1.00', Capacity at Bank-Full= 11,91 efs 12,0" Diameter Pipe, n= 0,011 Length= 200,0' Slope= 0.0800 " Inlet Invert= 506,00', Outlet Invert= 490,00' , ~ ,Date ReCeiVed:1o.. ,Planner: LM ' , 'OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER REVISED 10YR , Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC - 188 W B SI - Springfield - OR 97477 'HvdroCA[)@ 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 10-yr Rainfal/=4,35" Page 6 Reach 2R: UPPER PIPING [52] Hint Inlet conditions n~1 evaluated ' Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = 3,214ac, Inflow Depth> 3,25" 2,51 cfs @ 7,93 hrs, Volume= 2,50 cfs @ 7.94 hrs, Volume= . 0,870 at , 0.870 af, Allen= 0%, Lag= 0.5 min Routing by Stor-Ind+ Trans method, Time Span= 0,00-24,00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max, Velocrty= 15,53 ips, Min, Travel Time= 0,3 min Avg, Velocity = 8,88 fps, Avg, Travel Time= 0.5 min Peak Storage= 40 cf@ 7,93 hrs, Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0,31' Bank-Full Depth= 0.67', Capacity at Bank-Full= 5,57 cfs 8,O"DiameterPipe, n= 0,011 Length= 250.0' Slope= 0,1520 " Inlet Invert: 544,00', Outlet Invert: 506.00' Pond 1 P: SWALE AND PARKING LOT POND [93J Warning: Storage range exceeded' by 0.39' [88] Warning: Qout>Qin may require Finer Routing> 1 Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = Discarded = Primary = 7.679 ac, Inflow Depth> 3,56" 7,00 cis @ 7,92 hrs, Volume= 7.04 cfs@ 8.10 hrs, Volume= 0,03 cis @ 8.08 hrS, Volume= 7,02 cfs @ 8.10 hrs, Volume= , 2.277 at :: 2,229 at, Allen= 0%, Lag= 11.1 min , 0,040 at 2.189at ' Routlng by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0,00-24.00 hrs, ~ 0,05 hrs Peak Elev= 485,39' @8,10 hrs Surf,Area= 5,000 si Storage= 8,800 cf , Plug-Flow detention time= 42.9 mincalculated for 2.229 af (98% of inflow) Center-of-Mass del. time= 27.4 rnin (707,9 - 680,5 ) Volume #1 Elevation ffeet) 483,00 484,00 485.00 Device #1 #2 Routina Discarded Primary Invert 483,00' Avail,Storaae Storaae Descrilltion 8,800 cf Custom Stage Data (Prlsmalic)Listed below Surf,Area (sa:ft) 3,800 4,400 5,000 Inc. Store (cubic-feet) o 4,100 4,700 Cum.Store (cubic-feet) o 4,100 8,800 Date Received' ,Planner: LM Invert 0,00' . 483.00' Outlet Devices 0.216 Inlhr Exfiltralion over Surface area Custom Weir/Orifice, C=2.62 .- OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER REVISED 10YR ' Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC - 188 W B St - Springfield - OR 97477 HvdroCADill> 8,00 sin 002262 @2OO6 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 10-yr Rainfal/=4,35" Page 7 Head (feet) 0,00 2,00 2.10 4.00 Width (feet) 0,50 0,50 2,00 2.00 Discarded OutFlow Max=0:03 cfs @ 8,08 hrs HW=485,20', (Free Discharge) L1=Exflltrallon (Exfi~ration Controls 0,03 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=7,OO cfs @ 8,10 hrs HW=485, 39' (Free Discharge)' L2=Custom Weir/Orifice (Weir Controls 7.00 cfs@4,12fpS) Pond 2P: EXISTING DITCH COMPLEX [40) Hint Not Described (Outfiow=lnflow) Inflow Area = Inflow = Primary = 7.679 ac, Inflow Depth> 3.42" 7,02 cfs@ 8,10 hrs, Volume= 7.02 cfs @ 8.10 hrs, Volume= 2,189af , 2.189 aI, Allen= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span=0.00-24.00 hrs, dtc' 0,05 hrs Pond 3P: EXISTING DITCH COMPLEX [40] Hint: Not Described (Outflow=lnflow) Inflow Area = Inflow = Primary = 2.410 ac, Inflow Depth> 4,09" 2,84 cfs @ 7,89 hrs, Volume= 2.84 cfs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume: 0,822 al 0.822 ai, Allen= 0%, Lag= 0,0 min Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0,00-24,00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Dale Rec~,,"( Q (f{ ( [XJ Planner: lM l 'uo .' .. . < '''7> i 1 (r-" '->-.,..\",)~/ .[ 180 ~ ~- "'-- ~~~'g~ ~ :;:'t~~~t<;':, .&~,a<!\ . --- ..._._~- _. ~. ---- -.. --.-'-- - '-,' I , / / Drainage Diagram for OREGON INDUS1RIAL LUMBER PREDEV 10YR Prepared by Keatirig Engineering LLC -188 W B Sf- Sp~field - OR 97477 HydroCA[)@8.oo sin 002262 @2006 Hydroqllp ~ofl,w<{ref~utions LLC , Date Received: Ui \ q I YW Planner: LM Ii ' PRE-CONSTRUCT CONDITIONS 1 b YR STORM ,OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER PREDEV 10YR ' Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC - 188 W B St - Springfield - OR 97477 HvdroCAOO 8,00 sin 002262 @2OO6 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC , Page 9 Area Listing (all nodes) Area (acres) CN Descnotion(subcaffi' 0.464 75 GRAVEL (S86) 2,525 88 OPEN LAND (S85) 1.791 91 Gravel roads, HSG D (S84) 0.459 96: ROOFS (S81) 1,728 98 MIXED ROOFS AND PAVING (S83) 1,837 98 PAVED AREAS (S81) 0,689' 98 Paved parking & roofs (S85) 0.482 98 ROOF (S82), 9.975 Date Received: Planner: LM OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER PREDEV 10YR Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC - 188 W B St - Springfield - OR 97477 HvdroCAD<I!l8.00 sin 002262 @2006 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC PRE"CONSTRUCTCONDITIONS 10 YR STORM Thurston 24-hr 10-yr Rainfall~4,35" Page 1 0 Time span~0.00-24,OO hrs, dl=O,05 hrs, 481 points Runoff by SBUH method Reach routing by Stor-Ind+ Trans method - Pond rou1ing by Stor"lnd method Subcatchment SB1: SBl Runoff Area~100,000 51 Runoff Depth>4,09" Tc~15.0 min CN=98 Runoff=2,70 cis 0,783 al Subcatchment SB2: MILL ROOF AT EAST Runoff Area=21 ,000 51 Runoff Depth>4.11" Tc=5.0min CN=98 Runoff=O,74cls O,165al Subcatchment SB3: UPPER MILL Runoff Area=75,260 51 Runoff Depth>4,09" Tc=15,O min CN=98 Runoff=2,Q3 cIs 0,589 al Subcatchment SB4: UPPER STORAGE AREAS Runoff Area=78,000 sl Runoff Depth>3,31" Tc=30,O min CN=91 Runoff=1.34 cfs 0,494 al Subcatchrnent SB5: UPPER SITE Runoff Area=l40,ooo 51 Runoff Depth>3,22" Tc=25.0 min CN=90 Runoff=2.52 cIs 0.862 al Subcatchment SB6: PARKING AREA Runoff Area=20,230 sl Runoff Depth> 1 ,92" Tc=15.0 min CN=75 Runoff=O.22 cIs 0,074 af Reach 1 R: PIPING Avg, Depth=O,50' Max Vel=15,09 fps Inftow=5,67 cIs 1,946 af D=12,O" n=O,011 L=200,O' 8=0,0800 " Capacity=11 ,91 cIs Outflow=5,86 cfs 1.945 af Reach 2R: UPPER PIPING Avg. Depth=O,31' Max Vel=15.55 fps Inftow=2,52 cis 0,862 al D=8,O" n=0.011 L=250.O' S=O.1520 " Capacity=5,57 cis Outflow=2,52 cis 0,862 af Pond 2P: EXISTING DITCH COMPLEX Inftow=6,72cls 2,l85af Prlmary=6,72 cfs 2,185 al Pond 3P: EXISTING DITCH COMPLEX Inftow=2,70 cis 0.783 af Prlmary=2,70 cIs 0,783 af Total Runoff Area = 9.975 ac Runoff Volume = 2.968 at Average Runoff Depth = 3.57" 52.53% Pervious Area = 5.239 ac 47.47% Impervious Area = 4.735 ac , pl;lte Received: 0 { Cl / 0 ~ Planner: LM ~ \' , OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER PREDEV 10YR Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC - 186 W B St - Springfield - OR 97477 HvdroCAOO 8,00 sin 002262 @2006 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC PRE-CONSTRUCT CONDITIONS 10 YR STORM Thurston 24-hr 10-yr Rainfal/=4.35" Page 11 Runoff Subcatchment SB1 : SB1 = 2.70 cls@ 7.89,hrs, Volume= 0,783 at, Depth> 4,09" Runoff by SBUH method, Time Span= 0.00-24,00 hrs, dt= 0,05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 10-yr Raintall=4.35" Area (sf) 80,000 20,000 100,000 20,000 80,000 CN Description 98 PAVED AREAS 96 ROOFS 98 Weighted Average Pervious Area Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (minI (feetl (ftffll (fl/secl (clsl 15.0 Direct Entry; PAVING AREA Subcatchment SB2: MILL ROOF AT EAST Runoff = [49J Hint Tc<2dl may require smaller dl 0,74 cIs@ 7,83 hrs, Volume= . 0.165 at, Depth> 4,11" Runoff by SBUH method, .Time Span= 0,00-24,00 hrs, dt= 0,05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 10-yr Raintall=4,35" Area (sf) 21,900 21,000 CN Description 98 ROOF' Impervious Area Tc Length' Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feetl (ftIft) (flIsec) (cis) 5,0 Direct Entry, ROOF Runoff = Subcatchme'1t SB3: UPPER MILL 2.03 cis @ 7,89 hrs, Volume= 0,589 at" Depth> 4.09" Runoff by SBUH method. Time Span= 0,00-24,00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24.hr 10-yr Rainfall=4,35'.' ' Area ~sf) 75.260 75,260 CN Descriotion 98 MIXED ROOFS AND PAVING Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity. Capacity Description (minI (feet) (ftffl) (flIsecl (cis) 15.0 Direct Entry, MIXED ROOF AND PAVING Runoff = Subcatchment SB4: UPPER STORAGE AREAS 1.34 cIs@ 7,94 hrs, Volume= 0.494 at, Depth> 3,31" Runoff bySBUH method, Time Span= 0,00-24.00 hrs, dt= 0,05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 10-yr Rainfall=4,35" Date R Plannet:ect: '. OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER PREDEV 10YR Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC - 188 W B St" Springfield - OR 97477 HvdroCAOO 8,00 sin 002262 @2006HvdroCAD Software SolutionS lLC ' PRE-CONSTRUCT CONDITIONS 10 YR STORM Thurston 24-hr 10-yr Rainfal/;4.35" Page 12 Area IsO 78,000 78,000 CN Descriotion 91 Gravel roads, HSG D Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (teet) (ftJfl) (llIsec) (cfs) 30.0 Direct Entry, GRAVEL AREA FI,;AT Runoff ; , , Subcatchment SB5: UPPER SITE , 2,52 cts @ 7.93 hrs, Volume; , 0,862 at, Depth> 3.22" Runoff by SBUH method, Time Span; 0,00-24,00 hrs, dt-= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 10-yr Raintall;4.35" Area esO ' CN 30,000 98 110,000 88 140,000 90 110,000 30,000 Descriotion Paved parking & rools OPEN LAND Weighted Average Pervious Area Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity' Description' Imin) (feet) (ftJfl) (llIsec) (cis) 5.0 Direct EntrY, MILL 20,0 Direct Entry, OPEN AREA 25.0 0 Total Runoff ; Subcatchment SB6:PARKING AREA 0.22 cls@ 7,92,hrs, Volume; 0,074 at, Depth> 1.92" Runoff by SBUH method, Time Span; 0.00-24.00 hrs, dt-= 0,05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 10-yr Raintall;4.35" Area IsO 20,;230 20,230 CN Descriotion 75 GRAVEL Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description Imin) (teet) fftJfl) ffl/sec) (cis) 15.0 Direct Entry, PAVING AREA Reach 1 R: PIPING [52J Hint: Inlet conditions not evaluated [61] Hint: Submerged 1% of Reach 2R bollom Inflow Area; Inflow ; .Outflow - 6,732 ac, Inflow Depth> 3.47" 5.87 cis @ 7,92 hrs. Volume; 5.86 cts@ 7.93 hrs, Volume; 1.946 af 1.945 at, Allen; 00/0, Lag; 0.4 min Routing by Stor-Ind+ Trans method, Time Span; 0.00-24.00 hrs, dt-= 0,05 hrs Max, Velocity; 15,09 fps, Min, Travel Time; 0,2 min ' Avg. Velocity; 8,58 tps, Avg, Travel Time; 0,4 min Peak Storage; 78 cf @ 7,92 hrs, Average Depth at Peak Storage; 0,50' Bank-Full Depth; 1,00', Capacity at Bank-Full; 11,91 cis DCIl'e R P1ann' eCeill1'W er: LNt.,. OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER PREDEV 10YR Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC - 188 W B 5t - Springfield - OR 97477 HvdroCAOO 8.00 sin 002262 @2006 HvdroCAD Software Solutions'LLC i PRE-CONSTRUCT CONDITIONS 10 YR STORM Thurston 24-hr 100yr RfJinfall=4,3S" Page 13 12.0" Diameter Pipe, n= 0,011 Length= 200.0' Slope= 0,0800 " Inlet Invert= S06,OO', Outlet Invert= 490,00' [52] Hint Inlet conditions not evaluated Reach 2R: UPPER PIPING " Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = 3,214 ac, Inflow Depth> 3,22" 2,52 cls@ 7.93 hrs, Volume= 2,52 cis @ 7,94 hrs, Volume= " 0,862 at ' ; 0,862 at, Allen= 0%, Lag='O,5 min Routing by Stor-Ind+ Trans method, Tiine Span= 0.00-24,00 hrs, dt= 0,05 hrs Max, Velocity= 15,55 tps, Min, Travel Time= 0.3 min ., Avg, Velocity = 9,17 tps. Avg. Travel Time= 0,5 min Peak Storage= 41 cf@ 7,93 hrs, Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0,31' Bank-Full Depth= 0,67', Capacity at Bank-Full= 5,57 cis 8,0" Diameter Pipe, n= 0.011 Length= 250.0' Slope= 0,1520 " Inlet Irwert= 544,00', Outtet Invert= 506.00' Pond 2P: EXISTING DITCH COMPLEX [40] Hint Not Described (Outflow=lnflow) Inflow Area = Inflow = Primary = 7,679 ac, Inflow Depth> 3.41" 6.72 cfs @ 7.91 hrs, Volume= 6.72cfs @ 7,91 hrs, Volume= 2,185 at 2,185 at, Allen= 0%, Lag= 0,0 min Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-24,00 hrs, dt=:O,05 hrs , , Pond 3P: EXISTING DITCH COMPLEX [40J Hint: Not Described (Outflow=lnflow) Inflow Area = Inflow = Primary = 2,296 ac, Inflow Depth> 4,09" 2,70 cfs@ 7,89 hrs, Volume= 2,70 cfs @ 7,89 hrs, Volume= "0,783 at 0.783 at, Allen= 0%, Lag= 0,0 min Routing by Stor.lnd method, Time Span= 0;00-24,00 hrs, dt= 0,05 hrs Date Re~ived' 'Planner: LM v '~( 6~ , IC:EATING ENGINEERIN, ...CI 188 WEST B STREET ' - SUITE '1 ;PRINGFIELD - OREGON - 9747 'HONE 541-726-9995 FAX 541-726"9996 !mail: keatingeng@msn.cor:n' 1 ,""- - - -=====--= -. :~ PROJECT I ADDRESS I SCOPE I DESIGNER I OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER MARCO LA ROAD - SPRINGFIELD, OR STORMWATER PRETREATMENT BASil DATE I PROJECT NO . Steve Keating I REVISED 3120/2006 ISEDIMENTATlON CALCULATIONS FOR STORMWATER PRETREATMENT DETENTION BASIN EXTENDED DRY BASIN DESIGN USES EPA APPROACHES RELATING SIZES OF SUP ENDED SOLIDS TO REMOVAL EFFICEINCIES OF TREATMENT SYSTEMS EQUATION VALUES 1 DRAINAGE AREA]' RUNOFF COEFFICIENT DESIGN PEAK FLOW (Q) BASIN WIDTH BASIN DEPTH BASIN LENGTH POND EFF. PARAMETER L 'TYPICAL VALUE OF I DESCRIPTION 'I STORM EVENTS I ANUAL NUMBER OF STORMS I DURATION (HOURS) I INTENSITY (IN/HR) 1 VOLUME (IN) 1 STORM SEPARATION (HRS) 1 PARTICLE SIZES (From City of Portland) Stormwater Management Manual rev. 9/02) PARTICLE DIAM'ETER (MICRm 1000 707 595 420 297 177 88 44 16 8 500000l'SQ FT I' 0,90 1 14583 CFH 50.00 FT 3.00 FT 100,00 FT 31 GOOD AVG 71 15,9 0,35 0,51 123 %(WT) 100 100 95 90 85 80 75 50 25 o CV 0,15 0,8 0.73/ 1091 1.51 %ITTLL 1 5 5 5 5 5 25 25 25 '0 Cd 2,20 2,18 2,62 5.74 9,67 21,98 82,54 336,60 2393,72 0,00 I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 9 1 0,34 SURFACE OVERFLOW RATE! REMOVAL RATES Re Idvnamic puiescenl D+C I VOL 1 52.001 -0,1681 0,06 -0,11 -0.00111 35,35 -0,1691 0,06 -0,11/ -0,00551 28,56 -0,1561 0,05 -0101 -0,00511 13.44 -0,1101 0,04 -0,07'1 -0,00371 7.431 -0,0871 0,03 -0,06 -0.00291 3,011 -0,0591 0,02 -0,041 -0.00201 0.79 -0,0311 0,01 'O,02! -0,00541 0,19 -0,016 0,00 '-0.011 -0,00271 0,03 -0,0061 0,00 -0,001 -0,0010 I 0,00 0,0001 0 000 I 0.0000 TOTAL VOLUME REMOVED I .0,02951 DYNi\MIC REMOVAL '1-(1+(1/n)"(Vp/(Q/A)))'" QUIESCENT REMOVAL (Vs'A'TIE)Np , TIE (interevent time) A (pond surface,area) pool volume Vb mean.annual"storm vol Vr 123 HRS 5000 sq ft 15000 GU FT 816750000 CU FT Vp 5,2101 5,2327 4.7754 3,2246 2.4856 1.6487 , 0.8507 0.4213 0,1580 0,0000 shape factor kinematic viscosity (v) ps ::: particle density::: o ::: density of water ::: basin ratio nOIA OIA 2,65 0.000328 ft2/sec 150 pet 62,5 pet STOKES SETTLING VELOCITIES ITERATIONS particle size (microns)::: 1000 iteration V= -fpm 5.2 Re=DVIv= for V 1 521 Cd=24/Re+3/0,5Re+O,34= 1 2,20051 Vp=(49(PS-p)l(3)(Cd)(p))'= 1 5.21011= 0,08683 fps lsmall pool volume limits usefulness of Quiescent settlement particle size (microns)::: 707 iteration V= fpm 5 Re=DVIv' for vi' 35,351. Cd=24/Re+3/0,5Re+O,34= 1 2,18161 Vp=(4g(ps-p)/(3)(Cd)(p))'= 1 5,23271= 0,08721 fps particle size (microns)::: 595 iteration V= fp,m '4,8 Re=DV/v= for vi. 28,561 Cd=24/Re+31O.5Re+O,34= I 2,6194/ Vp=(4g(ps-p)/(~)(Cd)(p))'= 1 4,77541= 0,07959 f~s particle size (microns):::: 420 iteration V= fpm 3,,2 Re=DVIv= torV I 13.441 Cd=24/Re+3/0,5Re+O,34= 1 5,74481 VD=(40(DS-D)/(3)(C:~:: ~::::e~:~\qD$ 0(0_ ,Planner: LM exPlRl$ &-30-~