HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 4/6/2006 . -' April 6, 2006 M' D",;dS~," ClfV~iio~to Dr) Oregon Industrial Lumber Products ~ I P.O. Box 1442 ' t,/ ((p 100 f.t, . Springfield, OR 97477, ' , ..',.." , .J.-- to S tevL /tctAhYlf- Re: 3950 Marcola.~oad Canopy Building and Parking Lot Paving Project ~~V (~(!, Dear Mr. Spies: Thank you for the submittal of the Minor'Site Plan Modification application which was received on Wednesday, AprilS, 2006. Below is a list of additional items or information needed for review of the application: , A~Plication sh~et with Orig'inal sih'llature of the owner ofM~p & Tax Lot 1}-02- 19-00 3500 (Oregon I~dustrial Lumber) , 2. If Weyerhauser is still the owner of the parcel of property which shows the parking lot paving, we will need an application with the property Map & Tax Lot Number and description of the proposed improvements signed by Weyerhauser. If the property has been transferred~ a current deed showing transfer of the property from Weyerhauser to Oregon Industrial Lumber (SDC3.050 (3). (b)). 3. The notes on Sheet A\.0 of the plan set do not match the plans.. Please revise these to give cOlTect information (i.e. - gives 28,500 square feetof new roof area, 8,000 of new paving, 65 parking spaces - plan shows approximately 5,000 new 'roof area, 17,000 new paving, 40 parking spaces) ,4. Is the note on the plan regarding the number of employees of the largest shift still 50? no {{ill 'rt btlft.,- torn(.': .5. There are no handicap spaces or access aisles shown, no wheel stops and no bicycle parking spaces. ' " . . 6. Minor Site Plan ModIfication review time is normally four to six weeks. Asssuming the building permit for the canopy is issued after this time, does the . applicant still wish to delay the paving for up to six months using a letter of credit? 1~SI Date Reoelved: ~ \ ~ \~ L Planner: LM '.'- 7. Location of property lines for the Weyerhauser property. ' 8. For both parcels, show any, easements contained on the property . 9. . Is there any lighting to be installed? ' 10. Date Recelvec/' Planner: LM ' o MEMORANDUM CitY of Springfield To: Eric W allers ~ Engineering Liz Miller ~ Planni!)g April 6, 2006, Minor Site Plan Modification D~C2006-00031. From: Date: Subject: . Atlached is an applicalion for a Minor Site Pla'n Modification to add a canopy building 10 housere- saw equipmenl and 10 pave a parking area, wh,ich was a requirement from a 1989 Site Pla~l Review. Our Minor Site Plan Modificalion application does not require much information arall, juSI 5 . copies ofthe modified plan. I will be sending oul a lel1er wilh items I need in order to review the plan (such as the correct numbers for new roofarea,'-whetherlhe parking lot area is still owned by by Weyerhauser and ifit is that they be one of the signers on Ihe application). Could you look at this plan and let me know if you need additional items in order to review. Would you be able to lei . meknow by Friday, April14lh, I'll send out the incomplete letler and then send out the revised plan .' at a later date for!,omment.. " . " .. ", .... ; , D~te Received: Y \ ~ \ tW . Planner: LM. .