HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 11/21/2006 ,- .,-~-;, ,;' ,.' ,e," '.~ .; UMPQUA.: B.A'N.t< '>. .'~ , . STANDBY IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT '. '", Lud\.es oind (~C:lll'l~mel1',. '23200595 $128,00000. . November 20, 2006 December 05.2007' . Umpqua Bank ~ -Oregon Industrial Lumbe~ Products. Inc. City of Springfield .225 Srll Street ~Springfield. OR 97477- .. . Ir~nprovements on Property'. . Parking L6t Improvements 3950 Marcola Road ." DRe .2006-00031"',".. . :'V)\i~.~. .; .NUMB,:R: AMOUNT: DAlE: . EXPIR.ATIOI\ DATE: . .ISS1'ER:. . . CL:STO:V1ER: . BENEFICIARY:':' :~=~......\:. j.. \,<tA:~_. ,', ,~\ '2 '""1 \ os,. . .;'j 'rOr'~NEY REFERENCE: '. Umpqua Bank hereby issues its n'revocable stundby Letter ~fCredit In favo"r of City of Springfield, for the account" of the.above.named Customer In the amount of One Hundred Twenty.Eight Thousand DoUars: $128,000.00 (V,S.)' available by vou'; dratipayable at SIght. Presentment,i, to be made at Umpqua Bank 250 NE Garden Valley Blvd, Suite"12. Roseburg OR 97470.' .' . . Tllls' I ,etter of Credit Issued w"cQv,erimpl:o\'ement on property. r!n.dis ,3re I<Yb:: JCl'ompanied by:e (. (\ swtemr:ntsiened by an" authorized officer of Benefic(ary certifying that Customer is in default under the terms . . ~ - , . ~ of your agreement \~:ith \:ustomer; and . . . . . '2. ,~\ true' c'opy'or'the invoict's{s) to the CusIt5pler, INhich support the draft. 'vVe hereby il'~I"t:t' \,vith 'the' drawer. t-l~dor~e{s' and bona fide holders of drafts'dra~n under and in cornpliance witl;th~ 'terms of this Lc'n~r of Credit that such drafts will be duly honored upon ,presentation and delivery to.us of the ~pecitjed documents. if drawn and presented for negotiation on or be'tore the Expiration Dare stated ab~ve. J[ which flllll: this Lener orCredit expil:ts. - . ' . '. All,dratts drawn on this Letter of Credit must be marked:. "Drawn Under Umpqua Bank Letter or Credit No. 232(0)95.dated NOl,'ember 20. 200~ for the account of Oregon Industnal Lumber Products, Inc. ". Partial d~'a\Vings' are perrnined. ' ' F..\(tpl as Dthtl"\vis\:' staled'. tbis-LetterofCredit 'is subject tu the lncemacional.Standby'Practices 1998, Ulternational Clumbt:rofCummen:epublic3.tionnLlITI_ber590. ";" '~'.I '. . Sincerely 'bate Received: I )..{ . . Planner: LM' . UMPQLA B 'i-1 f: ' . By j L, j3hnMlei h. Cred<t M~;;;ger tor Lane Cou;;-ty .,',,', .Added per with John 3:40 p.m. telephone conversatiot Raleigh on 11/27/06 ~O>~\:". -'> \....,"""""'1.