HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 7/28/2006
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emoil keatingeng@msn.com
July 2,8.. 2006
Liz Miller
City of Springfield
Public Works Department
225 5'h Street
Springfield. OR 97477
Re: LDP2005-00205, 3950 Marcola Rd, ML 1702190003500
TillS submittal constitutes a Modified Final Site plan. This overall drawing set
has been revised to accord with the conditions of approval as expressed in the
June 20, 2006 City of Springfield Notice of Decision - Limited Land Use Site
Plan Modification - Tvpe I (Journal Number: DRC2006-00031). These
modifications include:
I. An area has been indicated on the final site plan for an additional 41
parking spaces (AI.O).
2, The area proposed handicapped parking is shown as paved, Further
\Ye have added a detail to explicitly indicate how this is happen (2/AI,O).
Additionally, the parking detail as shown on Sheet C2.1 has been revised to
account for the installation of the H. C. parking stalls.
3. A note indicating that the property line abutting the Marcola Rd. right
of way must be staked prior the commencement of the Phase II site work has been
4, A letter expressing the intent ofWeyerhaeuser to sell the property in
question to Murray M. McDowelL the mmer of Oregon Industrial Lumber, has
been included with this submittal,
5. The parking lot of phase II has been modified to allow for a parking
lot turnaround that meets the requirements of 2004 City of Springfield Fire Code.
, The turnaround and corresponding fire lane have been indicated in the parking lot
6, The parking lot is to paved with 3" AC paving over 12" of compacted
cn1shed rock:. This design is sufficient to support 80.000 lb. load. and so meets
the requirements of the 2004 City of Springfield Fire Code.'
Attached with tlllS letter are tllfee (3) sets of drawings and related materials.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (541) 726-9995
Date Received: 1 ' 1 0 I n&J
Planner: LM ..c.lf
Ctu-is Scott
Keating Engineering. LLC
JUL 2 8 Z006
~{ ,""',
" 188 WEST B ST, n BLDG P
VOICE (541) 726-9995
FAX (541) 726.9996
emoil ke.~ingen9@msn.com
Liz Miller
City of Springfield
- ,
Public Works Department'
225 5'" Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Re LDP2005-00205_ 3950 Marcola Rd_ ML 1702190003500
Dear Liz:
This submittal constitutes. a Modified Final Site plan. This overall drawing set.
has been revised to accord with the conditions of approval as e"pressed in the
June 20: 2006 City of Springfield Notice of Decision - Limited Land Use Site
Plan Modification - T\"pe I (Journal Number: DRC2006-0003 j) These
modifications include:
,1, An area has been indicated on the final site plan for an additional 41
parking spaces (A10). . .
2. The area proposed handic:lpped parking iS'shown as paved, F1l11her
we have added a detail to explicitly indicate hm\" tlus is' happen (2/A10)
Additionally_ the parking detail as shown 0n Sheet C2 ,I has been revised to
account for the installation of the H. C. parking stallS".
3, A note indicating that the property line abutting the Marcola Rd. right
of way must be staked prior the conunencement of the Phase II site work has been
added: '
4, A letter expressing the intent of Weyerhaeuser to sell the property in
question' to Murray M. McDowelL the owner of Oregon Industrial Lumber. has
been included with this subnuttaL
5. The parking lot of phase II has been modified to allow for a parking'
lot turnaround that meets the requirements of 2004 City of Springfield Fire Code
The turnaround and corresponding.fLre Lane have beetl indicated in the parking lot
, design,
6 The parking lot is to paved with 31! AC paving overf,2!! of compacted
crushed rock. T1us design is sufficient to support 80.000 lb. load, and so,meets
the requirements of the 2004 City of Springfield Fire Code,
Attached with t1us letter are t11ree (3) sets of drawings and related materials,
If you have any questions, please feel free 10 contact me at (5,41) 726-9995.
"~lateReceived: 1/) ul , { n
anner: LM ~
. Cluis Scott
.Keating Engineerillg, LLC
JUL '2 B 2006
.' . ~ -
5. Physical features, including but not limited tc, significant clusters of tress and
shrubs; watercourses shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map and
their associated riparian areas, wetlands, rock butcroppings and historic features
, have been evaluated and protected as specjfi~d in this Code or other applicable
regulations.' '
Finding 14: The Marcola/Oxobow Ditch is shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse
Map encompassing a portion of Map & Tax ,Lot' 170230-2400 on the south side of the railroad
~~~~~~g 15: Thi~ ~~telWay is' lodged betwee~ the rO~d! the railroad and an existing parking
area. The application is proposing a detention pond between the ditch and parking lot, planted
'with a native seed mixture. Stormwater man?gement, co~veyance and water quality have been
addressed in the accepted stormwater plan and calculatiolls. .
The applicant shall provide' three (3) c6'pies of the Modifie'd Final Site plan and required
documents within 90 days of the date of this letter inco'rporating the following conditions:
1. Show an are~'on the Final Site Plan which will acdommodate an additional pa;king area
containing 41 parking spaces. This area shall be held in reserve for fuiure use.
2. After the Final $ite Plan is approved and prior to Isigning the Development Agreement,
submit, a written estimate (per SDC 31.110 (2)) from a construction firm' and a
, landscaping firm stating the cost of the materials ~nd labor to install the parking lot and
lands'caping based on the approved Final Site pl~n. Provide a Letter of Credit which
approv~s funds equal to 110 percent of this cost. IThiS letter of credit must be approved
by the City Attorney. The improvements to the parking lot must be completed six
months after the building inspector issues the Terr'porary Occupancy inspection allowing
use of the re-saw building. If the installation of the improvements is not completed within
the period stipulated or if the improvements have been improperly installed the security. '
may be used by the City to complete the installatiop.
'3. ,On the Final Site Plan, show the area accessing the disabled parking spaces as paved.
Show an eight foot access aisle, with required sigriage .for.the disabled spaces.
4. The property line abutting the right-of-way on Ta~ Lot 17023000-2400 must be staked
and marked at the time of construction so that th~ pi_anted setback area and parking lot
surfacing does not encroach upon the public right-of-way except where approved 'for
access. ' " , I ' ' . ,
5. Submit written permission from the Weyerhaeuser Corporation that, the proposed
improvements to property under their owners~ip have been approved or submit
evidence that the property has been transferred to the exclusive ownership of Oregon
Industrial Lumber. This permission or eviderice must be submitted before the
Development Agreement can be signed andbefo[e issuan,ce of imybuilding permits. .
6. Show a parking lot turnaround 01) the Final Site R1lan which meets the 2004 Springfield
Fire Code requirements. . ' . . . '
7. Provide a statement verifying that the constructi,on of the access into the parking lot
including the turnaround will support an 80,000 Ib.)oad per the 2004 Springfield Fire
Code. Date R . 1 '
'Plan ace/Veer 1 ( 7\( n
, ner: LM .~
'Minor Site Plan Modification