HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 6/9/2006 "f" .' KEATING ENGINEERING C L" C 188 WEST B ST. - BLD6 P SPRl:NGFrECD~ e;"fi-974fi VOICf- -[541j72b:m5 FAX-- -(541) 72":992-"" _~ail ke~~~9_~~~~m:c~ ~ ~...'... '\ -,;;.. ~ RECEnt ~~ JUN 0 9 2006 Liz Millcr City of Springfield Developmcnt Scrvices 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 BY; Rc: 3950 Marcola Road canopy Building and PaVing Project Thc following itcms respond top your letter of April 2&, 2006: I" Orcgon Industrial Lumber is concluding the purchase of the Wcyerhauser propcrty for location of this parking area and stormwatcr prc-treatment basin, 2, Thcse notes have beeh modified" Please also refcr to responsc to itcm 3, 3. Theclinct rcspondedwith,thcmaximum numbcr of employces on our querry, but on rcflection, advised us that there were 10 to 12 employees woring other shifts, and this would return a value of about 40 worKcrs" The parking lot typically has 20 to 30 cats in it at this time" 4" 'Handicapped spaces are shown'in front ofthc'business,office" This is logical as fuis is the most likely point-of-cntry tor a disabled user in a mill environmcnt 5, This is the c1icnt's intent 6. Thc propcry lincs are indicated on thc sitc plan, howcver it will be staked at thc time of construction to cnsure that there is no encroachment on the right- of-way" 7, Theplan-is-taken~fromaiiermappiiigans-is accurate for theleveTofwbiC" il1tended, The mappingintheCity,as-builts appears to generally agree with the mapping, and const.ruction staking will resolve sctback issues, There is enough room on the plans for adjustment of the design if actual dimensions arc not as called out on the drawingsH 8" This will be resolved with a prelimimrry titlc rcport a thc timc of propcrty " transfercnce. 9, Building security lighti!lg is cxisting and is considcred sufficient for the parking area" 10, Wehavediscussed"the ,>lith Steve Barnes are we arere-submittinga slofted _--___.weiLdesign,foLthe,outlet,.with,astormwater_ evaluation -to'~ppport-it - _ __"__ _____ ." lf you have any qucsJions, Pleasefcclfrec to call, ' S inccrcly, {~ en G" Keating P~ cc David Spies - Oregon Industrial Lumbcr , { 'Date Received:~ ~, A (f! Planner: LM ~ .I