HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/4/2006 ... ~ t Cn...' '. '~'"t 1]1..-:", %~4 141002 04/04/06 TUB 14:56 FAX . City If Springfield . . . :Dev~opment Servic~ Departnie1it 225 Fifth Street . ~ . Spruigfield, OR 97477 . .' Photie: (541) 726~3759 . Fax: (541) 726-3689 Sit~ Plan Review Modification - Minor ...~. . . . . . "r7 $PRINGFIELP I ApplicautName ~~(, B-'6-I~\?'(i'Lt....l~ AdJess LIb ~'1" f!;> '1-\ SPt-<...Jc,/1~1) I F.~~~..f Owner Name nil U'f c"... ~ Q\)~E.t.V M1ess 7~~_I'~H~' llLVt~ r".'L" ,I- "1"14:0"5- I . . t . Phone 744 - 44-0-<=; protrty A~S Y'f SO ~c.\.4' U) . sP"'..,e../=-l 8f) &~ 6ff- ""'14.'1.1 7U. -'l"f'1~ Phone Ass ~ssor's Map No. 11-0'l--tCj Tax Lot No. "'\"144:\ ?t.;"OO Jou:mil Number ofDecision to be Modified . 8"1 -'0 tJ - 51 Specific Description of Modification I . . ' I I I I P~l""'C. 'UYS' ( ~6'1 ~Lt.!n.4' l' Tb~ undecsigned IlclmolNl AlIi's' . If cant. 19naru:e If the epplicaat to ather tban the tt the inforinlltioQ In this appli.catloD. h: c:orrect and.aCCdrate. ~. Date 4-~ bb NDer, the owner hereby gI1lnts, permission (or the applicant to Bct in hWher bebalf O\>uer Signature I ~l~I_/d'_" -~- - ~ - /. J Fnr tYfi".. l~nIV: Date 4. I-/: ~ 0 b Journal No. . .. Received By Tax Lot No; uale "eceIVeo: Planner: 'LM . ~\\\\\~ \ Map No. Date Accepted as Complete' ~ 04/04/2006 14:37 FAX 15417464483 _~'u.'uu ~UL ~..~u r~ OREGON INDUSTRIAL LlmBER ~002 ,-,~-, . .' ~. , ..... '''""''If .':-' , ' City oI Springfield .'. .', .' . '. :Dev~opment 5~c,", nepartnieilt. '.: ' 22S Fifth Street ,~ . . sprikfield, OR 97477 . Phor'e: (541) 726~37S9 . Fax: (541) 726-3689 Sit~ Plan Review Modification - Minor " , . . -, ,. , . $PRINGiFBELI;) .. , I Applicant Name Adlss LIb I I . Property OwnerName MIJu,- AdtSll z.~ l~ .....(.._r1Iu..~ , . . ' ,I " Property Address ~,Jl. c9-1G-l,Jl?(?t..t...l' ~ f;; ~' SPt-i...J{..~tS\-f) IJt.. "''1<t'1-7 7U,.J1q"'l.~ Phone c" 'i C-1J\)~et.v cv'r.~ ,~"l-Z<t:Oc; Phone 744 -44~ "Y14.rt ~r;;!lO 2.400 ;,q t;o ~~. t.Q A,ssossor's Map No. 11-C'Z- -.lCII l't-02:-:,O' JOrNuml:>er of Decision to b~ Modified . 8~ - '0 ~ - 51 ( '. Specific Description ofModi:ficm:ion F,q,tc. '-''' ~ \ I .' , I I I, I sP,.,~c. ~I GV) ot- Tax Lot No. . c.4-J.691 f!::irLt.-? I--.J/I . '. . Tb1 UDd~rsig"ed .CknO"'I~ .1 lbe i..(ormatio,; \II. lhis appU~tlo" to comet ....d.~ural.. , . . APfli=t.Si~rn:e*~ " Date 4-~bb . . If Ile appU....al!s other lIl.aD the ~ \'IIer: the OWDer bereby gnlOtol. perm;srioo for the appll~ollo oct in. blslher behalf eft =- Signalure/'7(.t&~..r _/)L..~, .:--' Date 4. J/ ~ 0 b / \ 1=". 6fp~~~~. . joumalNo':~~ ?~(:.,- eJ:'b31 Received By . \ 1- /!l2:-l ~ -o~o Map No. l1-o~">O,-o 0 , . Tax Lot No: ~ .!!>5oo 1-.""00 Date Accepted as Complo<te' I Date Rei-.AivA(l.' ~ \ ~..; ~ ' Planner: .LM -' INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS 7he Plot Plan submitted is a photo copy of the original map on 8~" x 14" paper. 7he scale is 1" = ~'-~ 7he street address: 3950 Marcola Road, Springfield, Oregon 7he mailing ~dd~ess: P.O. Box 1413, Eugene, Oregon 97440 7he assessor's map number: 17-02-19, Tax Lot # 03500 10.93 acres, / and 17-02-19, Tax Lot # 03301 .70 acres. 7he development, an addition to an existing building, is Proposed and existing building are on the photo plan map. 7he~e is one 57' vehicular access point to Oregon Industsrial Lumber products, Inc. The old parking lot will be discontinued. 7he new parking lot will not be visible from Marcola Road and viII be located on the back of the property. There are no existing or proposed public and private streets or sidewalks within or on the boundry of the proposed development area. The on-site drainage system has been well maintained and continues to work without problems. The connection to the City Sewer System is in place. Trees will be planted along MarcolaRoad and any trash receptacles will be screened. Mr. Gregory Mott's recommendations as to Tree Planting and Screening are now part of The Development Plans. I \'!~haceived: ~ ~/i3.!:lher: lM '\:';"_.~,.t,'(>,-,;.). . , " '",~.: \4 blo \ .~~ /qiQ9 AQ?f'~C~~ '.1 .. l,' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 PHONE: (503) 726-3759 TYPE I SITE PLAN REVIEV APPLICATION (PLOT PLAN) LOCATION OF PROPERTY ~3950 Marcola Road. Sorinqfield. Oreqon EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY SECONDARY WOOD PRODUCTS REMANUFACTURING PLANT DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL THE PROPOSAL IS AN ADDITION TO THE EXISTING 80' x 112' DRY LUMBER STORAGE BUILDING FOR THE PURPOSE OF HOUSING A NEW UNIT OF MACHINERY NECESSARY FOR THE SURVIVAL OF THIS SECONDARY WOOD PRODUCTS .REMA~UFACTURING PLANT. APPLICANT NAME OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER PRODUCTS. INC. 3950 Marcola Road. Springfield, Oregon ADDRESS (Mailinq) P.O. Box 1413, EUGENE. OREGON 97440 PHONE: 746-2531 OWNER NAME Murrav G. McDowell ADDRESS ?~l()-11cMTr_r 71~1. Rf1~l<'l\lJ:O'. (YOJ:O'f.'-f")T\l Q7An~ PHONE: 344-4405 THE UNDERSIGNED ACKNOVLEPCES THAT THE CORRECT AND ACCURATE. ~ \ . APPLICANT SIGNATURE I~ lAM~c;, h. ~~_ '_ IF THE APPLICANT IS O;~E) 'THAN ~\ OWNER, IE O~E,R HED- BY FOR THE APPLICANT TO ACT THEIR ~AL?1 l\ 0 OWNER SIGNATURE 1;\;\1 h"1, ~\ . ~ M PLEASE ATTACH THE NAME, ADbRESS, H NE NUMBER ;;-SIG~AT~E PROPERTY OWNER. THIS APPLICATION IS GRANTS PERMISSION "'" OF ANY ADDITIONAL ~ OVER Date Received~ \ ~ \ ~~ Planner: LM "'" N on 0 on 2 t'l H on 2 on Cl 0 ~ on :J: "'" '" z 0 ::t- I~\ I \ f-'>-" -.J'-J I I 00 I~~ I I f-' f-' "'''' :J: t'l ..., " 0 >-" 0'" . . c-' -.J\D"'" OW2 ,Ill n '" ;:!ro ><rn c-' o ..., z o 00 w'w t:tl WUl"," 002 I-'O~ -,_ ~O -,- -t-'":j \-i f-4 ~ '0 t'l c-' H 2 :J: 0 o c on t'l 2 ..., ><: ." <. t'l 0 t'l C " '" 2 "'" "'" H c-' 0 2 0 ';\) ..-2> -~ \ ~ -.. ? --' \~ 100 0> o 0 "'" "'" ..., ..., t'l t'l "'" on Cl C Cl '" t'l :J: '" H ..., ..., t'l ..., o t'l o ~ \ ' UJ"", '\ i ~ =c- cj;'l \ ---0 CO ~, "'" " ,.., '" (-5 0 t'l t'l '" H ..., <: t'l '" O. 0 '" '" ><: ><: 2 IlPJ\'- .~ 10 \, -t- " -1.__ ~ '" H ." ..., Z o 1\ 'l:\-' ~. c. \.)J APPLICATION ~ " ." From: OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER PRODUCTS, INC. THE APPLICATION PACKET A COMPLETE APPLICATION CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING ENCLOSURES:. 1. 15 cbpies pf the Plot ~lan with property additions 2. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The proposal is an addition to the existing 80' x 112' Dry Lumber Storage Building for the purpose of housing a new unit of machinery necessary for the survival of this secondary wood products remanufacturing plant. 3. A check for $100.00 t~ cover the fee for a Type 1 plot plan. 4.. A Copy of Warranty Deed #7712886 which conveys parcel number 03500, 10.93 acres, Lane County Assessors map number.17-02~19 to Oregon Industrial Lumber products, Inc., from Al Clements and Anne M. Clements. A copy of Bargain and Sale Deed #7351991 which conveys parcel 03301, .70 acres, Lan'e County Assessor's map Dumber 17-02-19 to Oregon Industrial Lumber Products, Inc., from the City of Eugene. MINIMUM DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The proposed addition is to an existing building connected to public utilities. Springfield's Building Inspector, Mr. Don Moore, assistant to the Fire Chief Mr. Dennis She~ and registered profe~sional Eng'ineer Mr. Eugene Schaudt, were :inv i ted to view the si te, the proposed addition to the existing building, and advise Oregon Industrial Lumber Products Inc., of ~he necessary improvements to comply with the Springfield- Building Code~ These recommendations are now part and parcel of the development plan. The present parking area will'be discontinued. area will be constructed .in accordance with the set forth in Mr. Gregory Mott's letter of March A new parking conditions 8, 198,9. There will not be any curb cuts~ Mr. Gregory Mott' s let.ter states "Sidewalks are not recommended due to the proximity of the R/R tracks". Mr. Gregory Mott's,letter states "The City would accept a compromise planting of Evergreens (Fir, Cedar, Pine)". This recommendation is part and parc~l of Oregon Industrial's program. \ Street lights were inst'alled about two years ago. Trash receptacles will be screened. Date Received' ~ \ L\ \ OlP . Planner: LM ~ ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVIGES DEPARTMENT DATE OF LETTER March 21, 1989 .. . APPLICANT Doug Orme Oregon Industrial Lumber Products, Inc. 3950 Marcola Road Springfield, Oregon 97478 SUBJECT City Journal Number 89-03~51, Type'I 'Site Plan Appl ication for the purpose of constructing an addition to the existing dry lumber storage building. The addition will be used to house a "sticker stacker'~. The property is located o~ Assessor's Map 17-02-19 Tax Lots 3301 and 3500.. ACT! ON PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN APPROVAL subject to: ..' Requirements under CRITERIA OF APPROVAL AND STANDARDS TO BE MET. o WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO OBTAIN FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL? 1. Submittal of a Final Site' Plan within gO days of the date of this lettec which incorporates 'all required modifications and applicable conditions. 2. Sign a Development A9reement which will be prepared by staff upon receipt of the Final S;'te Plan. . FINDINGS OF FACT CRITERIA OF APPROVAL AND STANDARDS TO BE MET Criteria of Aoorov~l (Springfield Development. Code 31.960)' [Xl DEMONSTRATED COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF THIS CODE. When the applicable Miri~mum Development St~ndards below have be~n met, this application will have demonstrated compliance with the Springfield Development Code. [Xl PARKING AREAS AND INGRESS-EGRESS POINTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNATED SO AS TO FACILITATE TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, .TO AVOID CONGESTION AND TO MINIMIZE CURB CUT~ ON ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREETS. The existing access meets the Standards the d~velopment. is proposed. of Ar,t" icle 32..: NIO\t~1 'access to Dat~ R@llOlvid: '1 4 IlL P!~!]n@f; LM . .,' ..", .'. ~ .; - [Xl A 5 FOOT WIDE'LANDSCAPE PLANTER STRIP WITH PERMANENT IRRIGATION MUST BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE STREET-SIDE PROPERTY LINES AND PARKING AREAS OR STRUCTURES. . IF STREET TREES DO NOT EXIST, THEY MUST BE INSTALLED IN TH'IS . PLANTER STRIP. Parking and building setbacks are required to be landscaped. .1f the parking area remains located on WeyCo property, a five-foot landscape strip must: be installed adjacent to Marcola Road. If the existing parking area is abandoned, the planted building setback is required. However, the different ownerships, the railroad tracks, and the loading dock pose legitimate constraints on the practical implementation of this requirement. The applicant's proposed compromise planting of evergreens (fir, cedar, pine) 6 to 8 feet behind the curb on Marcola Road, will provide a partial visual screen along the south property line. The minimum size of the trees at. planting is 6 feet in height. . A landscape plan. ~hall be submitted as part of the Final Site Plan in accordance with Article 31. [Xl STREET LIGHTS MUST BE INSTALLED. All street lights necessary for this development have been installed. . [Xl TRASH RECEPTACLES AND OUTDOOR STORAGE AREAS SHALL BE SCREENED. The process staging area is not considered "outdoor storage", and therefore screening is riot required. The materials adjacent to the existing smaller parking lot do not need to be screened. APPEAL PROCEDURF Finalitv of the Dpcision. All decisions of the Director are final unless an appeal is filed within 10 calendar days from the date of this decision, in accordance with Section 15.020 of the Springfield Development Code. WHAT NEEDS TO SF DON~? I. You need to submit a Final Site Plan drawn to scale which shows the items listed under STANDARD~ TO BE MET. The Final Site Plan must include a landscape plan. 2. Upon approval of the Final Site Plan, staff will prepare a Development Agreement which will must be signed by the property owner, . 3. Once the Final Site Plan is submitted along with the signed Development Agreement, the Site Pl an Rev i ew proces s wi 11 be complete. OUESTION~ Please call Development Code Administrator Greg Mott at 726-3759 if you have any questions regardi ng .thJs,;prg.9.~2-s. .,. .. -r ,. ",: ;:':"'::.;::~i;t.~'f~--.)~~:. ,I.. d ~-~~- . \,~L '1\,;/,1(-1,"1 ;. ,__nr>~ ~ . .. ) .' .. Standards To 8e Met [Xl THE DEVELOPMENT SHALL CONNECT TO PUBLIC UTILITIES.. The ~roposed building addition will conneci with storm a~d sanitary sewer, water and electricity. The location of all water, storm sewer, sanitary sewer 'an'd electrical lines shall be shown on the Final Site Plan. [Xl THE DEVELOPMENT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY CODES. The proposed structure will be constructed to conform with adopted building and fire and life safety codes for construction Of this class of occupancy. [Xl PARKING AND CIRCULATION AREAS MUST BE PAVED AND'STRIPED, AND WHEEL STOPS MUST BE INSTALLED. . The parking area on Weyerhaeuser Company's property must be paved if parking remains, ownershfp notwithstanding. If this cost exceeds 510,000, installation can be deferred for three years. L The proposed parking arer at the back of the property must be located adjacent to or at the terminus of the existing paved drive to reduce tracking debris onto City streets and to encourage dust abatement. Because the proposed lot is exclusively for employees, is not visible from the street, and will have a lengthy driveway, a crushed rock base that is periodically oiled to control dust will be acceptable. [Xl CURB CUTS WHICH EXCEED THE STANDARDS OF THIS CODE SHALL BE CLOSED AND REPLACED WITH STANDARD CURB AND GUTTER, AND SIDEWALK WHERE NECESSARY. The 57-foot wide driveway shown on the preliminary site plan exceeds the standard for industrial driveways. However, the recent County street improvement project that included this frontage was approved by' the City of Springfield. The proximity of the railroad tracks necessitated the overwide driveway. [Xl SIDEWALKS SHALL BE INSTALLED WHEN THE SITE ABUTS CURB AND GUTTER. A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN THE SITE DOES NOT ABUT CURB AND GUTTER. The applicant's property is separated from Marcola Road by property owned by Weyerhaeuser Company. WeyCo is under no obligation to improve their property because the proposal does not include their property. Marcola Road was fully improved with curb, gutter; street lights, storm and sanitary sewer. No sidewalks were installed because of the proximity of the railroad tracks. The City's position on this matter has not changed; sidewalks are not recommended. Date Received: ~ \ ~\~\D Planner: LM . . . " '~t.''''. " ...... ..' ~ to . PREPARED BY . G Af1^ Yl~~,- t{fV1VG' ~~ . ~, , . . Cynt~ia Pappas .., Business Advocate . cc: ORC Members . ..--,....... -:-..::,,:-:;:-., '. _.._:L9V~6,.J~.~') ;:;s....:..L MJ :1shns!':1 ~;~ -. \~ ;.., CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE OF LETTER March 21, 1989 APPLI CANT , Doug'Orme Oregon Industrial Lumber Products, Inc. . 3950 Marcola Road Springfield, Oregon 97478. SUBJECT City Journal Number 89-03-51, 'Type i Site Plan Application for the purpose of constructing an addition to the existing dry lumber storage building. The addition will be used to house a "sticker stacker".' The 'property is located on Assessor's Map 17-02-19 Tax Lots 3301 and 3500. ACTION PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN APPROVAL subject to: Requirements under CRITERIA OF APPROVAL AND STANDARDS TO BE MET. WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO OBTAIN FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL? I. Submittal of a Final Site Plan within 90 days of ,the date of this letter w.hich incorporates an required modifications and appl icable. conditions. 2.. Sign a Development Agreement which will be prepared by staff upon receipt of the Final Site Plan. FINDINGS OF FACT. CRITERIA OF APPROVAL AND STANDARDS TO BE MET , Criteria of Aooroval (Springfield Development Code 31.060) [Xl DEMONSTRATED COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF-THIS CODE. , - When the applicable Minimum Development Standards below have been met, this application will have demonstrated compliance'with the Springfield Development Code. [Xl PARKING AREAS AND INGRESS-EGRESS POINTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNATED SO AS TO FACILITATE TRAFFIC AND-PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, TO AVOID CONGESTION AND TO MINIMIZE CURB CUTS ON ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREETS. .The existing access meets the Standards of Article 32. the development. is proposed. No new access to Date Received: L\ \ ~ \ ~ Planner; LM - . \: Standards To Be Met [X] THE DEVELOPMENT SHALL CONNECT TO PUBLIC UTILITIES. ,The proposed building addition will connect with storm and sanitary sewer, water and electricity. The location of all water, storm sewer, sanitary sewer and electrical lines shall be shown on the Final Site Plan. [X] THE DEVELOPMENT'SHALL COMPLY WITH THE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY CODES. ,The proposed ,structure will be constructed to conform with adopted bUilding and fire and life safety codes for constructi~n of this class of occupancy. [X] PARKING AND CIRCULATION AREAS MUST BE PAVED AND STRIPED, AND WHEEL STOPS MUST, BE INSTALLED. The parking area on Weyerhaeuser Company's property must be paved if parking remains, ownership notwithstanding. If this cost exceeds $10,000, installation can be deferred for three years., , . The proposed parking area at the back of the property must be located 'adjacent to or at the terminus of the existing paved drive to reduce tracking debris onto City streets and to encourage dust abatement. Because the proposed lot is exclusively ,for employees, is not visible from the street, and will have a lengthy driveway, a crushed rock base that is periodically oiled to control dust will be acceptable. [X] CURB CUTS WHICH EXCEED THE STANDARDS OF THIS CODE SHALL BE CLOSED AND REPLACED WITH STANDARD CURB AND GUTTER, AND SIDEWALK WHERE NECESSARY. The 57-foot wide driveway shown on the preliminary site plan exceeds the standard for industrial driveways. However, the recent County street improvement project that included,this frontag~ was approved by t~e City of Springfield. The proximity of the railroad tracks necessitated the overwide driveway. [X] SIDEWALKS SHALL BE INSTALLED WHEN THE SITE ABUTS CURB AND GUTTER. A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN THE SITE DOES NOT ABUT CURB AND GUTTER. The applicant's property is separated from Marcola Road by property owned by Weyerhaeuser Company. WeyCo is under no obligation'to improve their property because the 'proposal does not include their'property. Marcola Road was fully improved with curb, gutter, street lights, storm and sanitary sewer. ,No sidewalks we're installed because of th'e proximity of the railroad tracks. The City's position on this matter has not changed; sidewal ks are not re(ommended.' , , . 'V...~'-1~'q.:~...')1 ,.:t~;.:.; , ."."'~" - ,.~'J'....'\rl.)..I~I<' ...~-~, ". .~......~~------... ,- , 'i..i'.":o.nr',',,,\'t; ';:'1;12' .1'.' ..." '. [Xl A 5 FOOT WIDE LANDSCAPE PLANTER ,STRI P WITH PERMANENT IRRI GATION MUST BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE STREET-SIDE PROPERTY LINES,AND PARKING AREAS OR STRUCTURES. IF STREET TREES DO NOT EXIST, THEY MUST BE ,INSTALLED IN THIS PLANTER STRIP. Parking and building setbacks are required to be landscaped., 'If the parking area remains located on WeyCo property, a five-foot landscape strip must be installed adjacent to Marcola Road. If the existing parkin.g area is abandoned, the planted building setback is required. However, the , different .ownershi ps, the ra ilroad tracks, and the 1 oadi ng dock' pose , legitimate constraints on the practical implementation of this . requirement. The applicant's proposed compromise planting of evergreens, (fir, cedar, pine) 6 to 8 feet behind the curb on Marcola Road, will provide a partial visual screen along the south property line. ' The minimum size of the trees at planting is 6 feet in height. A landscape plan shall be submitted as part of the Final Site Plan' in accordance with Article 31. [Xl STREET LIGHTS MUST BE INSTALLED. All street lights necessary for, this development have been installed. [Xl TRASH RECEPTACLES AND OUTDOOR STORAGE AREAS SHALL BE SCREENED. The process staging area is not considered "outdoor storage", and therefore screening is not requ~red. The materials adjacent to the existing smaller parking lot do not need to be screened. APPEAL PROCEDURE Finality of the Decision. All decisions of the Director are final unless an appeal is filed within 10 calendar days from the date of this decision, in accordanc~ with Section 15.020 of the Springfield Development Code. WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE? 1. You need to submit a Final Site Plan drawn to scale which shows the items listed under STANDARDS TO BE MET. The Final Site Plan must include a landscape plan. 2. Upon approval ,of the Final Site Plan, staff will prepare a Development Agreement which will must be signed by'the property owner. , , 3. Once the Final Site Plan is submitted along with the signed Development Agreement, the Site Plan Review proces~ will be complete. OUESTlONS Please call Development Code Administrator 'Greg Mott at 726-3759 if you have ~ny questions regarding this process. ' , Date Received' Y Planner: lM' 4\(1.0 , ~ PREPARED BY , .~~.~ .I r Cyntlia Pappas Business Advocate cc: ORC Members' , . . ;~:::_~ .: \Ii. '",.-"; ~J$L. .._""..~_......-".'" "'4'~"""~AJ. ~~~rinR,q -".. ~~-~' SITE PLAN REVIEW DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, hereinafter "Agreement", 'is entered into this 14 day of April , 1989 (the, "Effective Date") by and bet~leen the , CITY OF SPRINtFIELD, hereinafter "City", and OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER PRODUCTS hereinafter "Appl icant", in accordance with Section 31.090, and Section 3.070(3),3.080(3),3.090(3), and 3.100(3). REC ITALS WHEREAS, on the 14' day of April ,1989, the City approved the Final Site Plan Application submitted by the Applicant for the purpose of' allowing: Construction of an addition to the existing dry' lu~ber storage' building. The addition will be used to house a "sticker stacker". (Assessor's Map 17- 02-19 Tax Lots 3301 and 3500). Journal Number 89-03-51.' , WHEREAS, in'consideration for site plan approval, the issuance of a Building Permit, and the issuance of an Occupancy Permit, as specified in the Springfield Development Code Section 31.090, Applicant agrees to comply,with an 'the standards of the Springfield Development Code and Springfield Hunicipal Code which may be applicable to this projectl including, but not limited to, the following: I. The proposed parking area at the back of the property must be located 'adjacent to or at the terminus of the exi~ting'paved drive'to reduce tracking debris onto City streets and to encoujage dust abatement. The crushed rock base parking area must be periodically oiled to control dust. 2. . Evergreens (fir,cedar, pine) shall be planted 6 to 8 feet behind the curb on r.larcola Road. The minimum size of the trees at planting is 6 feet in height. 3. An construction shan be completed in accordance with the Final Site Plan. WHEREAS, in consideration for Site Plan approval, the issuance cif 'a Building Permit, and the issuance of an Occupancy ,.Permit, as specified in the Springfield Development Code.Section 31.090, Applicant agrees to comply with the following specific conditions imposed by the City as part of the Site Plan approva 1 : No conditions required, Minimum Development Standards were used to review this pi'oposal. I Site Plan Development AgreerGate ReceiVed:4 4 1 Planner: lM NJ \ ' A See page 4 . . -, .. ., NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION.OF THE FOREGOING RECITALS WHICH ARE EXPRESSLY MADE A PART OF THIS AGREEMENT, CITY ANb APPLICANT AGREE AS FOLLOWS: AGREEMENT I, FINAL SITE PLAN. The applicant has submitted a Final Site Plan in accordance with Section 31.080 of the Springfield Development Code. 2. STANDARDS. The appl icant agrees to fulfill all appl icable standards specified in the Springfield Development Code and the specific standards listed in RECITALS prior to occupancy~unless certain standards have been deferred to a later date in accordance with Section 31,110 of the Springfield 'Development Code. 3. CONDITIONS. The Applicant agrees to fulfill, all specific conditions of approval required by the City listed in RECITALS prior to occupancy, unless certain conditions have been deferred to a later date in accordance with Section 31.110 of the Springfield Development Code. 4. MODIFICATIONS. The applicant agrees not to modify the approved Final Site, Plan without first notifying the City. Modifications to the Final Site Plan shall be reviewed in a~cordance with Section 31.100 of the Springfield Development Code: 5. MAINTAINING THE USE. The applicant agrees.to the following: (a) The building and site shall be maintained in accordance with.the' provisions of the Springfield Development Code in order to continue the use. (b) It'shall be the continuing obligation of the property owner to maintain the planting required by Section 31.140 of the Springfield Development Code in an attractive manner free of weeds and other invading vegetation. In addition, plantings in the vision clearance shall be trimmed to meet the 2-1/2 foot height standard in accordance with Section 32.070 of the Springfield Development Code. (c) 'Parking lots shall be maintained by the property owner or tenant in a condition free of litter or dust, and deteriorated pavement conditions shall be improved to maintain conformance with these standards.' (d) Undeveloped land within the development area shall be maintained free of trash and stored materials in a mowed and attractive manner. Undeveloped land shall not be used for parking. 6. In addition to all other remedies which may be provided by law or equity (including but not limited to penalties provided by applicable state law or city ordinances) Applicant agrees that City may enforce Applicant's responsibilities by withholding Applicant's Final Occupancy Permit, and terminating any Temporary Occupancy Permit which may have been granted. Site PI an .:t~,~.Ntt..:J~.h); ,1 ~j;:';l-, . MJ :1Br1fIBit:! Development Agreement 2 8 See page 4 7. Any Final Site Plan approved. becomes null and void if construction does not commence within once year of the date of this Agreement. ,IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the.Applicant and ,the City have executed this Agreement as of the date first hereinabove written. 411~89 Date APPLIC\:~, . BY: _i ~^^"-(l(^t~. BY: I J-.K~ ~ STATE OF OREGON, County of L../_I"t../ , 198~. La 17 ~, Personally appeared the above named ,; w~o ack~~wledged the foregoing instrum~nt to Before me: ' be her/his voluntary act.. ~~Z]rla~' . Notary pulfl i c for Oregon ' My Commission expires 1- ~-- ~~ CITY Lf ;\'4/e>Cf bate , ~~I^ BY: '~' V,^ ~\f"\ STATE OF OREGON, County of ~n 'C- '-{- /LJ. ~ ;f?1 , 198 Personally appeared the above named --- ,who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be her/his voluntary act. Before me: --' ~~li~ Notary PuQ1ic for Oregon My Commission expires 1-8- 93 cp-232 Date ReCe;"'~ \ ~ \ IIlI Planner:LM '. \ '. 'The following to be inserted' in the flSite Plan Review Development Agreement" as agreed by, applicant and City of Springfield. See page 1:' A which standards are stated in the findings of fact incorporated in the letter dated March 21, 1989 from City of Springfield to applicant, See page 2: 8 which'standards are stated as findings of fact in the letter dated March 21, 1989 from City of Springfield to applicant, .Copy of referenced letter attached. .,_~ _, __~.~J..VI~:"Jt",; :-ii;:...... , :Vi I :tifll1RICi 4 ~91~lft A_t...;..{ I '-u:i I:'",; 'I J fWD'EN , , '" ',.. ,.' ~ ,..'..... \ '\ ~. ':r-~:;;:.c J. NiI..C '\ I~\ r. ~lr~~ '\ ~~ n. N /2"'/f ~ 1$. NltJll~. , \~ " ~;; ;;~:: "\)\ /'l.e. 16. srr'E \ 17. ~2PE 18. 57.;.r I'. .5/~"E ~ Z.:1.,f"lo.e t.: 2/. ~ Id"70'E ~ ~ 22. S;.r5 "'I 7.7. J ZZ.~ 1. 2.4 .sJ~'E ~ ~ ~~~~ \ ~;. J~/.e: 'tI ~./:I. srJ"E i'- ~1l('1"l"SS"r '\:::5' ' ~. ~, 28'1,"" 1 Ri :;; I- w JJ V~ l- LL LL n: I- CF, J , AAp 0 9-3-1 ~ ~ ~ , " ( , , \J C SEE MAP "'-, ~/, ~ ' . r;;;J . A/,p~~- ~.J L. _ ~ . - ;::}'" 0.1:: I If:...... l' I-FV '"~, AVE-{:-t:==~ S\ . ~. --- ' .../ j --" ~ ~. 1 NB:~'''''''..'{:~L.;'M;h''''' "I'" 3300 7-~ C -, I' /. . ~~f~~i~~!! -,~ MOt ELLO ([J) ~ 9 = ([J) ([J) ;.: :.l::<Il QlC ....C 11lJ!! Qo.. , J4'I'"fir,F. ....J-I.,,'.~..? ~,." fipJ'.rr " ./1,)..1 t'? ft-;l" d , NBS :l T -g \ -N 1<1 , , . , . , tn ~ /.... I "I ~__ , I_--~' 7 :::;.- - -- \. . TED ON 'eJ \', 'OZ"O( l1'to-W ~ 02 3G-- ~\ \ \. 4,b-\'\'?' S -i::i .~~ ~ ~;"'" ,Bc tIllll on: '0 '/ ---- c---: '. - AMBLtSIDE DR, H' . _ ,.. ROAD . . ..;'w.""""" --t /.GI. \. "---TAX L. ~AP I -- '^, 121 "1'.1' See MaIO I ;.:;;;- ~;: ; 24'0 ~.fO "" olOV 2.90 ".. 10'1. 3.66 " ,. 24/.. (1.14 " " ~~J7. /.a.J' "" ~~, ;.7~ 2....4. 7...50 ",. .J9.J r.$i1 ,... +.9$ oJ/fl .... 62 1./7 ". 7'1. 7-75"" ,fit. .$..~o I... :211'. ~.I# .... 141. 4.70" ,. oJ/f.!. 7.54 ". 497 5.9" " " j!/J. 6..16'" " 4.F~ -#.7<1.." jlP 1f.&4 .." leJJ8 "'.T~.... 2"? J.'1'J'....' Z4? ~.S,,.,... Z:1I. 2.$'4 . ~ 165- 11..$0 ,.. 6Z1 5.f" ,,~ J.3 "_9.1".. 61- !f6JS"(!A I i ! ., -'I ':1 ,5;" ",::; .,:~.~ /tl . ;~ ~i~f{{ ,'-.',' .~~~)}t:~~; ,J:i:rd}j "", ..."'-.' ':\;';ifr .,c.,,~. , '; --",;~~_:~~~~~ ";i~1 ..,:,~ 225 Fifth Street .~ ' Springfield, Oregon 97477 "r 541-726-3759 Phone I RECEIPT #: Job/Journal Number Description DRC2006-00031 ,CTY Site Plan - Minor Mod Payments: Type of Payment Paid By Check OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER PRODUCTS INC ., r.', : '-II " ;;i " : !i~ " ,b ,! ~r l: 4/5/2006 8~~~_~,,'!.F1!!!-'.'_ :'-"0:"'--,' ]. i . .... . ':: ~~,I ~~/.}' -<, City of Springfield Official Receipt' Development Services Department , Public Works Department 3200600000000000168 Date: 04/05/2006 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received ~ 11484 In Person Payment Total: Date Received: ~ . ~ Plannef: LM Page I of I 2:24:42PM Amount Due 882,00 $882.00 Amount Paid $882.00 $882.00 Dld . . , r\1:"3pSpring BAse Springfield Streets - Tooltip is Street Name @ Springfield Addresses - Tooltip is Address - Vi... [i Tax Lots - Tooltip is Maplot o Springfield UGB ' ' Hydrology [J ,,0 Major Water Features by Type - Tooltip is F... ~Island : ::'2 - ::..:; ,S~ringfield City Limits , ,:SPR ~~tm!J .. ~lM1l Eugene City Limits "';(iEUG ;?:~'H'.: SCALE 1 : 10,689 --- - I 1,500 500 0 500 ' FEET 1.000 http://spintraneUmg_mwf/spr_main,mwf N, j, , ,', ' ''''C<-I'Ved. ~ . ~ lJP Ut.h.to: I'.... w . . Plannef: LM Wednesday, February 01,2006 10:08 AM ~pS"pr,i,n.g B~se Springfield Streets. Tooltip is Street Name o Tax Lots. Tooltip is Maplot CJ Springfield UGB Hydrology ~. L2!l Major Water Features by Type - Tooltip is F... ~Island Springfield City Limits :H.r:hSPR . .mmmi Eugene City Limits @'i!i!:EUG ' mm~m SCALE 1 : 10,689 r _ _ _ 500 0 1.000 1,500 500 FEET http://spintranetlmg_mwf/spr_main,mwf N J, Date Received: V A DLO Planner: LM / Friday, February 10, 2006 10:26 AM I RLID Detailed Property Rep~rt r.t ~ Page I of.4 LANE COUNTY REGIONAL LAND INFORMATION DATABASE X-Coord: 4270457 Land Use Zoning Zoning Jurisdiction: , Parent Zone 1: Boundary Information General Incorporated City Limits: Urban Growth Boundary: Fire Protection Providers: ' Plan Designation: Node: 2000 Census Tract: 2000 Block Group: 'Year Annexed: Annexation #: 2004 Transportation Analysis 'Zone: Approximate Acreage: , Approximate Square Footage: Environmental Findings Metro Flood Hazards: Metro Wetlands: FEMA Flood Hazard Zones Soecial Interest Code:, Site Address State Plane Coordinates Y-Coord: 883676 Land use information has not been field'verified. Code: Description: Please verify zoning infor~ation with local iyrisdiction. Lane County overlay zones are not currently shown in RUD.' Code: SPR LD Description: , SPRINGFIELD, LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL SPR SPR SPRiNGFIELD SPRINGFIELD Z N 2001 Z 1960 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL Date Received: tf 1 Lj 1 Dv Planner: LM 42 ,11.96 520,978 Please verify environmental informa~ion with local jurisdiction. . Note: Some parcels may extend onto adjacent FIRM maps. Registration between parcel boundaries and . flood hazard zones is approximate. Community numbers are based on the'current city limits and may not reflect boundaries at the date of map publi<=:ation. Consult FIRM maps or appropriate authority. http://www .rlid.org/reports/Main Jeport Jlidstardm?taxlotjd=71052&site _address _id=... 2/1 0/2 006 Emerald People's Utility District: Soil Water Conservation District: Soil Water Conservation District 0 Zone: , Political Districts Election Precinct: County Commissioner District: County Commissioner: State Representative District: State Representative .Name: City Council Ward: City Councilor Name: State Senate District: State Senator: LCC Board Zones: EWEB Commissioner District: Lane County Assessor's Office 1 Account Number: 01141061 Property Owner Owner1 Name: WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY RUDDetailed Property Repo,rt ., FIRM Map Number: ~1039C1153F Code: X Soils Soil Map Unit Number: 119 30 48 113E 89C 100 76 101 113G 118 Schools District: Elementary School: Middle School: High School: , Service Districts L TO Service Area: L TD Ride Source: Ambulance District: Owner Address: PO BOX 9777 Page 2 of 4 Post - FIRM Date: 1985-09-27 Panel Printed? (Y/N): Y Community Number:, 415592 Description: Areas determined to be outside of 500-year flood. Soil Type Description: SALEM-URBAN LAND COMPLEX CLOQUATO-URBAN LAND COMPLEX FLUVENTS, NEARLY LEVEL RITNER COBBLY SILTY CLAY LOAM,12 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES NEKIA SILTY CLAY LOAM, 2 TO 12 PERCENT SLOPES OXLEY GRAVELLY SILT LOAM MALABON-URBAN LAND COMPLEX OXLEY-URBAN LAND COMPLEX RITNER COBBL Y SILTY CLAY LOAM, 30 TO 60 PERCENT SLOPES SALEM GRAVELLY SILT LOAM Percentage of Tax Lot: 45 14 12 8 7 6 6 3 o o Code: 19 372 505 668 Name: SPRINGFIELD YOLANDA' BRIGGS , THURSTON YES YES EC Area: EAST/CENTRAL, P' 'd SPRINGFIELD DEPT OF FIRE & roVI er:L1FE SAFETY ' EAST LANE 102402 2 BILL DWYER 12 E. TERRY BEYER SP4 DAVE RALSTON 6 WILLIAM MORRISETTE 3 SPRINGFIELD , ,J::.lia Heceived: ~1 L/IfXI Planner: LM Map & Tax Lot: 17-02-30-00-02400 http://www .rlid.org/reports/Main Jeport JlidstaLcfln?tax1oUd=71 052&site _address jd=... 2/10/2006 Date Received:H I ~ ) ob Planner: LM RUD Detailed Property Report State Country' UNiTED STATES, City' FEDERAL WAY Taxpayer Taxoaver Name: WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY Taxpayer'Address: PO BOX 9777 WASHINGTON State Country UNITED STATES City FEDERAL WAY . Property legal Description Township: 17 ' Range: 02 Subdivision Type: '. Subdivision Name: lotlTracUUnit Number: n:. 02400 Subdivision Number: Recording 'Number: Property Value and Taxes land Value' Real Market 11,210 11,210 11,210 11,210 11,210 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 WASHINGTON Section: 30 Improvement Value Real Market o o o o o o o o o o '0 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 9,690 Taxable Value o Exemption Amount Regular (EAR) Tax Year , 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 , Page 3 of 4 'Zip Code 98063 Zip Code 98063 Quarter: 00 Division/Phase: Total Value Real Market ' Assessed 11,210 9,690 11,210 9,408 11,210 9,134 11,210 8,868 11,210 8,610 8,500 8,359 8,500 8,116 8,500 7,880 8,500 7,650 8,500 8,500 8,500 ' 8,500 o Frozen Assessed Value (FZNPU) Tax (See Explanation ofTax) 159.33 156.28 151.79 138.68 136.05 129.41 132.22 129.78 129.99 132.51 133.41 Explanation of Tax The tax shown Is the amount certified In October, unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property, The owner either initiates the change, as in the case of appeals, or is nolified by the department, in the case of clerical errors and . omitted property, The amount shown is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing, or previou's years'owing, http://www.r1id.orglreportslMain JeportJlidstar.cfm?taxloUd=71052&site _address jd=... 2/1 0/2006 RLID Detailed Property Report Page 4 of 4 Account Status l!' Active for the 2005 Tax Year New Account Scheduled to be o Active for the 2006 Tax Year Ii; locally Assessed C Pendino Seo/Meroe C Pending Value Change Q Delinquency C Delayed Foreclosure n Bankruptcy (; Code Split Indicator Remarks: Soecial Assessment.Proaram (if applicable) Code: General Information Description: Property Class: Statistical Class: Neighborhood Code: Property Use Type: , Account Type: Category: Mortgage Company Name: Total Acreage for this Account: Fire Acres: , 030 MISCELLANEOUS, INDUSTRIAL, UN BUILDABLE 90201 RP LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS WEYERHAEUSER REAL 2.13 Tax Code Area (Levy Code): 01900 Lane County Assessment and Taxation 2005.2006 Billing Rates CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LANE COUNTY LANE EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT,19 WILLAMALANE PARK"& RECREATION DISTRICT' i'. Sales Information Sales Date: Sales Price: Manufactured Structures Grantor: Grantee: lristrumenf#: 'Analysis Code: Mult Acct?: Search Resulls.INew ProQ.~r!YJ?!l_l'![c;:h IAoolications Menu. Date Received: 4 \ ~ t~ Planner: LM http://www.rlid.orglreports/MainJeport Jlidstar,cfrn?tax]oUd=71 052&site~ address jd=... 2/1 0/2006 RLID Detailed Property Report " Pag~ I of 4 LANE COUNTY REGIONAL LAND INFORMATION DATABASE Sile Address: Map & Tax Lot #: 17-02-19-00-03301 - Soeciallnterest Code: A & T Account #: 1080983 I Tax Map ~ !l't!l]i~yoTaxl~aPk~'.fiII~<~~;q:Ony~rt,i()i!i?[)fQ:O~~.rh!.rotj~~,li;q;I Vicinity Map Detail Map "> . i ) :R~T .ll.D~f:t1fH I I I -' !) " ,). , I.j' '{: /~d~~DA'r~~-'l~o ,i I J: I \ ,--"I' >"":;;L1' ' "I-_=-l:fV91/1" r:, ~I, ~ ~/ 1~05~" " ~. ':C'.~'iE:, l' kit:." "i\:---' . /", L;/ Jif "]\'\' ~~! . ;: itr;{;~~ ':"~:J'\,/",,,' r: ' " ,', Ii':, I'c!'l'1,;:'k..\.~ \ /'/ ,I . " '.. \1 0 ' ';':"C'-"t"""l::F.:'~-J" L 'IS, 1~-, .. ~ ' I ,',.", ~. . :\~, 'i5~~' w: ,.... Ow r-" r n .....' ..... .~ ~1. ""'-1.11 ~ . I' "n""'~4.,'~ . , '~- "., .. -, It:;!, .,.~ ., "lJ';.c: ~r' '~,l'''' ' ~".' ........", - "'eLl!"',.,s- :... ,. 1"7' fi~.J.',,:-'1:~ . "~~f" :fl..;.....'-, ~')- ~ .'17 ,,/y;,.n..J'/f .\~... ~!~::':ri ',j J~Ri~.?t~,hD~TllP::: - 8 g.~ffi .?: D,,,,.. ~x;r,.i-~':i': l>, \-' ~~~,;;,"'~~~P- ~~l~:1i~~'.~/::",/ r Fd ,'Il(~';~~;:\, -.: ~~:,"'.-7;','\,~)0~~:';fr' '-~:~~-:J- -.[ i~-""_,,,,'l.\"'''''' . ,,;:;:;.;.:\;!' "-""~-,'/k.,,t4:,'J' .)11< , ,C,JI'! -/ \ ' ,'cr '\~ ", '~'::' J m\' 'J ,jl) Site Address State Plane Coordinates Y -Coord: 885925 X-Coord: 4272450 Land Use Land Use Code and Description:, Use Code and Description: Zoning Zoning Jurisdiction: Parent Zone 1: Boundary Information General Incorporated City limits: Urban Growth Boundary: Fire Protection Providers: Plan Designation: Node: 2000 Census Tract: 2000, Block Group: Year Annexed: Annexation #: 2004 Transportation Analysis Zo'ne: Approximate Acreage: Approximate Square Footage: Environmental Findings Metro ,Flood Hazards: Metro Wetlands: Land use information has not been field verified. Code: 9100 V Description: . VACANT,UNUSED,UNDEVELOPEDLAND VACANT Please verify zoning information with.local jurisdiction. Lane County overlay zones are not currently , shown in RUD. . Code: SPR PL Description: SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC LAND & OPEN SPACE SPR SPR SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD X N 2001 ~ 1975 GOVERNMENT & EDUCATION DateReceived:.!1Jj) OV_ Planner: LM' 42 0.49 21,344 4' " Please verify environmental information with local jurisdiction. http://www.r1id.org/reports/MainJeport JlidstaLcfm?taxlotjd= I 29764&site _address _id=... 2/10/2006 Emerald People's Utility District: Soil Water Conservation District: Soil Water Conservation District 0 Zone: . Political Districts Election Precinct: , County Commissioner District: County Commissioner: State Representative District: State Representative Name: City Council Ward: City Councilor Name: State Senate District: State Senator: LCC Board Zones: EWEB Commissioner District: Lane County Assessor's Office I Account Number: 10809831 Property Owner , Owner1 Name: OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER Owner Address: PO BOX 1442 RLID Detailed Property Report FEMA Flood Hazard Zones FIRM Map Number: 41039C1154F Code: X Soils, Soil Map Unit Number: 113E 89C 113C , Schools District: Elementary School: Middle School: High School: Service Districts L TD Service Area: , L TD Ride Source: Ambulance District: City SPRINGFIELD Owner2 Name: PRODUCTS INC Page 2 of 4 Note: Some parcels may extend onto adjacent FIRM maps. Registration between parcel boundaries and flood hazard zones is approximate. Community numbers are based on the current city limits and may not reflect boundaries at the date of map publication. Consult FIRM maps or appropriate authority. Community Number: Post - FiRM Date: Panel Printed? (Y/N): 415592 '1985-09-27 Y Description: Areas determined to be outside of 500-year flood. Soil Type Description: RITNER COBBL Y SILTY CLAY LOAM, 12 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES NEKIA SILTY CLAY LOAM, 2 TO 12 PERCENT SLOPES RITNER COBBL Y SILTY CLAY LOAM, 2 TO 12 PERCENT SLOPES Percentage of Tax Lot: 92 6 2 Code: 19 372 5.05 668 Name: SPRINGFIELD YOLANDA BRIGGS THURSTON YES EC Area: EAST/CENTRAL P 'd SPRINGFIELD DEPT OF FIRE &' roVI er: LIFE SAFETY ' EAST LANE 10240? 2 . BILL DWYER 12 E. TERRY BEYER SP4 DAVE RALSTON 6 WILLIAM MORRISETTE 3 SPRINGFIELD Map & Tax Lot: 17-02-19-00-03301 State OREGON Country UNITED STATES Zip Code , 97477 , ( I Date ReceiVed' '1 4 (y /I Planner: LM.- ~ http://www.rlid.org/reportslMainJeport _r1idstaLcfm?taxloUd= 129764&site _address id=... 2/1 0/2006 RLID Detailed Property Repo:r Owner Address: PO BOX 1442 City SPRINGFIELD State OREGON '1 Country UNITED STATES Taxpayer Taxoaver Name: OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER Taxpayer Address: PO BOX 1442 City State SPRINGFIELD OREGON Property Legal Descriptio!) Township: 17 Range: 02 Subdivision Type: Subdivision Name: , Lot/Tract/Unit Number: TL 03301 Subdivision Number: Recording Number: Property Value and Taxes Land Value Real Market 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 ' 500 500 500 590 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 500 , TaxableValue Dat~ R~ceived:~ ~~ Planner:' LM . Country ,: UNITED STATES Section: 19 Improvement Value , . Real Market o o o , o o ,0 0' o o o o o Exemption Amount ReQular (EAR) Tax Year 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 ' 1997 1996 1995, PageJ of 4 Zip Code . 97477 Zip Code 97477 Quarter: 00 Division/Phase: Total Value Real Market Assessed 500 . 500 500 ' 500 500 500 500, 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 590, 590 o Frozen Assessed Value (FZNPU) Tax (See Explanatioh ofTax) 7.98 " 8.07 8.07 , . 7.58 7.66 7.70 8.03 8.03 8.26 7.80 9.26 Explanation of Tax " The tax shown' is the amount certifie,d in October, unless a value change has been processed on the property. ' Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property, The owner either , iniliates,the change, as in the case of appeals, or is notified by the department, in the case of clerical errors and omitted property, The amount shown is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing, or,previous years owing. http://www.rlid.orgireports/Main ...:report Jlidstar.pfm?taxloUd=129764&site _address jd=..., 2/1 0/2006 " RLID Detailed Property Report Page 4 of 4 Account Status (0:. Active for the 2005 Tax Year New Account Scheduled to be C Active for the 2006 Tax Year (!; locally Assessed C Pendina Sea/Merae C Pending Value Change C Delinquency n Delayed Foreclosure C Bankruptcy , n Code Split Indicator Remarks: Soecial Assessment Proaram (if applicable) Code: General Information Description: Property Class: Statistical Class: Neighborhood Code: Property Use Type: Account Type: Category: Mortgage Company Name: Total Acreage for this Account: Fire Acres: 030 MISCEllANEOUS, INDUSTRIAL, UNBUllDABlE 90201 RP LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS 0.70 , , Tax Code Area (Levy Code): 01900 Lane County Assessment and Taxation 2005-2006 Billing Rates CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LANE COUNTY LANE EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT Sales Information Sales Date: Sales Price: Manufactured Structures Grantor: Grantee: Instrument #: Analysis Code: Mull Acct?: ~A::!rr:h RF'!,;lIlt~ INAW PrnpJ~I1Y_~earch. IAnnlications Menu D Plate Received' vi anner: LM. ( http://www.rlid.org/reports/MainJeport _r1idstaLcfin?taxlotjd= 129764&site~ address _id=.., 2/10/2006 RUD Detailed Property Report " .~..'\. Page I of 4 LANE COUNTY REGIONAL LAND INFORMATION DATABASE Site Address: 3950 MARCOLA RD , Map & Tax Lot #: 17-02-19-00-03500 Soeciallnteresl Code: A & T Account #: 0109015 ITax Map [,',,1 r",~ie';;~axMaP"i~l~b+;Jcori,yeiUo.P5FD~otLiF1Emtl.<:T,~~,I Vicinity Map Detail Map ~'" !, ~ 1-1 I tt:'~-. \\'fP~~r-::::::-I I, i' t!\ ) ,." \ I .J ~~, ~~ 12.", r<:'- ~. 1 \ /"" d / ,- 'J-TI~~~~ ~{---"R-~ "{i::/,'1" ;~~:~>..' rL4' , ,~J1mID -~1 Il 1Jl;- -L-" ::'11",1 r, ;l,r":' ,/ :r.r: Jlf1 h"h'nTrl, "f f":~~"'~-I'': l --r /:/ ~~. : , ,1.,:-<":~(~.J'<l ( - "1' ::!..;;-t~"~'i ~,:,-,.'L__ ;<,.::""'1, f- TIi: ?t'r-J':!,'--'7 ",'" \~~ '~I,Ifb-.c\J\r-;::~, ',"~ ief:J~'~.1 =,'_ f~, ~k-_ I'r:n~ -- -:: '..1'.":; '.-;;';--~"" -',- :~~~ I~",,",,[dr't--q I' -','/,' "SPR, ,INGFIELO, ",If'Q-' 0, ,1~l;U} (, I - "'- t'~~J=r-~~in_;-'.lf-~~-'-~:. "T':" ,e~'~t;' '~~',:"_:_ .~ . - ---..- .' >_~ ~'w" E):~A~:,l , ,~ l4': '~N" ~ ',ilo, ";i"",~.".,,, ~'.. "'!~' ,- ........ ,,,*1 '" ,'-~./ J j7':;:;;~ ',f ~~J ' iii. .. ",r~:~~, - ~~. {i~'~ (. . -"Y.:t\~/~'. . ~ , I, i!f.~g.,,,,,, '''''''''..!ll '\ ":'<I~"'=;:=-:--'~, ' , _ \ '$\_~~ T, \"11 . 'r--~;--:-~~~~~~u-J!, -.....-.-:.;;,:--..,.,_1 ... '"--) ~I . '\ /Pt~~- ~ I " , --~ ^~, ' ,'~j " , '\ \,.;."J '~v ~ > ,'" ;\. _ '~'1 0 ',r-. "";,, :-~..../"-- lb::z X-Coord: 4272173 Site Address Information House Suffix Predir. 3950 Mailing Cily : SPRINGFIELD Create Date: 1986-11-01 Land Use Land Use Code and Description: Use Code and Description: Zoning Zoning Jurisdicti.on: Parent Zone 1: Boundary Information, General Incorporated City'Limits: Urban Growth Boundary: Fire Protection Providers: Plan Designation: Node: 2000 Census Tract: 2000 Block Group: Year Annexed: Annexation #: 2004 Transportation Analysis Site Address State Plane Coordinates Y-Coord: 885754 Street Name MARCOLA State PostDir. Street Type RD Zip Code Zip+4 97477 1846 Update Date: 2005-02-25 Unit Type Unit Carrier Route OR C005 Land use information has not been field verified., Code: 2400 I Description: LUMBER & PAPER CO.-MUL TI-PRODUCTS INDUSTRIAL Please verify zoning information with local jurisdiction. Lane County overlay zones are not currently shown in RUD. Code: ' SPR HI Descri ption: SPRINGFIELD HEAVY INDUSTRIAL SPR SPR SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD Z N 2001 ~ 1975 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL 42 Da~R~ved: ~ ~ ~ \ ~I Planner: LM , I ' " f'l". http://www,rlid,org/reports/Main JepOliJlidstar.cfm?taxloUd= I 28633&site _address _id= 1... 2/1 /2006 Emerald People's Utility District: Soil Water Conservation District: Soil Water 'Conservation District 0 Zone: " Political Districts Election Precinct: County Commissioner District: County Commissioner: State Representative District: State Representative Name: City Council Ward: City Councilor Name: Slate Senate District: Slate Senator: LCC Board Zones: EWEB Commissioner District:' Lane County Assessor's Office I Account Number: 0109015 I Property Owner Owner1 Name: OREG IND LUMBER PROD INC RUD Detailed Property Repo~ '"" Zone: Approximate Acreage: Approximate Square Footage: Environmental Findings Metro Flood Hazards: Metro Wetlands:' FEMA Flood Hazard Zones FIRM Map Number: 41039C1154F Code: X Soils Soil Map Unit Number: ,113E 113C 89C Schools District: Elementary School: Middle School: High School: Service Districts L TD Service Area: L TD Ride Source: Ambulance District: Page 2 of 4 10.76 468,706 . Please verify environmental info~mation ~ith local jurisdiction. Note: Some parcels nlay extend onto adjacent FIRM maps. Registration between parcel boundaries and , flood hazard zones IS approxImate Community numbers are based on the current city limits and may nol reflect boundaries at the dfite of map publication. Consult FIRM maps or appropriate authority. Community Number: Post -.FIRM Date: Panel Printed? (Y/N): 415592 1985-09-27 Y Description: Areas determined tp be outside of 500-year flood. Soil Type Description:, RITNER COBBL Y SILTY CLAY LOAM, 12 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES RITNER COBBLY SILTY CLAY LOAM, 2 TO 12 PERCENT SLOPES ' NEKIA SILTY CLAY LOAM, 2 TO 12 PERCENT SLOPES, Percentage of Tax Lot: 54 30 16 Code: 19 372 505 668 Name: SPRINGFIELD YOLANDA BRIGGS THURSTON YES EC Area: EAST/CENTRAL P 'd SPRINGFIELD DEPT OF FIRE & roVI er: LIFE SAFETY EAST LANE , 102402 2 BILL DWYER 12 E. TERRY BEYER SP4 DAVE RALSTON 6 WILLIAM MORRISETTE 3 SPRINGFIELD Map & Tax Lot: 17-0Tl~~-00-~3500 Date Received: '\ \~. \ \\L. Planner: LM " http://www.rlid.org/reports/Main _report _r1idstar:cfm?taxloUd= 128633&site _address_id= I.,. 2/1/2006 RUD Detailed Property I\eport Owner Address: PO BOX 1442 State OREGON City SPRINGFIELD Taxpayer Taxoaver Name: OREG IND lUMBER PROD INC Taxpayer Address: PO BOX 1442 City State SPRINGFIELD OREGON Property legal Description Township: 17 Range: 02 Subdivision Type: Subdivision Name: LoVTracUUnit Number: TL 03500 Subdivision Number: Recording Number: Property Vatue and Taxes Land Value Real Market 725,240 630,640 583,930, 583,930 578,150 496,640 407,080 , 342,080 332,120 304,700 181,600 1,238,321 Taxable Value 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 Cou ntry UNITED STATES Cou ntry UNITED STATES Section: 19 Improvement Value Real Market 883',890 863,080 644,610 626.760 670,480 682,101 570,771 599,420 609,330 548,190 577,120 o Exemption Amount Regular (EAR) Tax Year 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 Pane 3 of 4 b Zip Code 97477. Zip Code 97477 Quarter: 00 Division/Phase: Total Value Real Market 1,609,130 1,493,720 1,228,540 1,210,690 1,248,630 1,178,741 977,851 941,500 941,450 852,890 758,720 Assessed 1,238,321 1,202,253 958,935 931,005 903,888 8.77,561 776,213 753,605 731,655 852,890 758,720 o Frozen Assessed Value (FZNPU) Tax (See Explanation of Tax) 20,361.34 19,970.87 15,935.97 14,559.52 14,282.97 13,937.86 , 12,836.93 12,478.94 12,432.35 , 13,296.55 11,909.24 Explanation of Tax The tax shown is the amount certified in October, unless a value change has been processed on the property, , Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property, The owner either initiates the change, as in the case of appeals, or is notified by the department, in the case of clerical errors and omitted property, The amount shown is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing, or previous years OWing", i II, I ' Account Status .' Date Receivec!:.:t...!-1. Ow , Planner: lM . http://www,r1id.org/reports/Main _report _rlidstar.cfm?taxloUd= I 28633&site _address _id= 1... 2/112006" RLlD Detailed Property Report Page 4 of 4 .;.-. _. (~> Active for the 2005 Tax Year ' (:. New Account Scheduled to be Active for the 2006 Tax Year (!, locally Assessed 0 Pendino Seg/Merg!" C. Pending Value Change C Delinquency C. Delayed Foreclosure C Bankruptcy C Code Split Indicator Remarks: Soecial Assessment ProQram (if applicable) Code: General Information Property Class: Statistical Class: Neighborhood Code: Property Use Type: Account Type: Category: Mortgage Company Name: Total Acreage for this Account: 10.93 Fire Acres: Description: 301 708 90201 INDUSTRIAL, IMPROVED INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING BlDG RP COUNTY INDUSTRIAL - lAND & IMPROVEMENTS Tax Code Area (Levy Code): 01900 Lane County Assessment and Taxation 2005-2006Billing Rates CITY OF SPRINGFIELD lANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE . LANE COUNTY ' LANE EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT, SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT Sales Information Sales Date: Sales Price: Grantor: Grantee: Manufactured Structures Instrument #: , Analysis Code: Mult Acc!?: ~ar~h Resulls INew p~oP.(!.r::tY.-$"~.arch I~onlications Menu I , i\cte Received: ~ ,~ i-'/anner: LM http://www,rlid.org/reports/Main Jeport Jlidstar.cfm?taxlot_id; 128633&site _ address_id= 1,.. 2/1/2006 P['OT P['AN FOR -'{ ~r.cc._.c ,....,..."-.,-.. . . '\.~" '-". ~ '" .0' "'- ", ~ ';,. PROPOSED - ~ I '.- /... DC.. J T 2: on OFC_~O}o._IY'j BUIWING i ----~~ r"'- / / / ..... -, I' ~. /:-~ .--- / A' -- -_.~ - .--- ----. -- ~. ,~:- ' '.1" _ ~ .:~:... '. r: .. .n., ~r~:~:.:~.~'~~~~~~(~'~-::-7- .' r, I ",j I" . '; " i J..'___F ~_.m___~ 'f " . i ! (':::.~"'~j I,.. ! I O"~ :.0. (. . . ~ -'::L.L' )", '. ~ /. // / / t./. ~ - . / / / / / DRY U""ICR SH(" -'r:=r--~ .c. ''',., > '.' ) . r.' " .' "li;~}-~~": !~OR..t(;( , "~- ~;. I .".... , , ., ,. , ,. ,. ". :L~:":; '/ - Proposed Addition ',j>' '," rO(l l.'''' ~"~,, :--.' . ': ,,~<'I ",.~lb r-'J \~ -. __~ _J't: _ ~.- \SOILeR HOllsr ...~, ,..., ','" '60 ~"t..... 0.... . -.r-. I 1'-.' >, f'I./llllNv'" /oJil.L .1' ---~.( LUHC/fPVO.... "--, r L_l~.. H~I ~.~WI:~ ~ -, .~. OREGON INDUSTRIAL .LUMBER PRODUCTS, INC. T----- NOeth '. \. ~ " <;< ..........- Ie""" -'''~' ,r~)/ .......~.,... ," '-v'. f ~ .' '0.// O~;)~~..// ,/...., /' // // , = 32- --::r- -:S=' '0' . (])- >:iE --....I. ~. .... Q)..t;.: ;." '0::: (])'" C. <Ikc.' -<-'to 11l_ ',') a.. cRfGON fHDusrfuA: Cli4(!(,J..I PROGuC;;':. 1"'~I"'C', (l (I . ," ( ~ t .',:, 'cu'(~-:,;,::~~~:~_r-:~:'i~=-(. ::9, .___n._ i '."'.' .~..,.,_ w_.A~."" l...~' /._~~JA.~." c:~r~._';~'-{~:~.-~_'_~~~~~;:~.~ Reduced from 1 " ~ 50'. .125'