HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 10/1/2008 I ' CASCADE TI1'LE I ' I ' r1 I 'I '. i RE'rURNTO CASCADETITlECa., Dlv.l.lon ,0', :Chl.r D.p". ty C.l e.k 20iLMil66 'c;.~ ~.n.' Ca'Jr,t.'y O..ds ;I."Q\ RilC:Qr-d:. U.rv~ A1L,TAX STAT:;JFfJfBE jJj$lI08 ~wliJml~l~l~l!lllW~J~l~llll'I,II/J!I. $3i~0'o' STATE OF DRJlGON MILITARY DEPT. '.11 ;; I111I1 j III i 'I! III: 0.912612003 09:12:42 All PO BOX 14350 R~R,DEED Cnt=l Sln05CRSHI!R01 SAL~, OR 97309 '10.00' 511'.00' '$10.00 : . c.J.'l I" t. ,llll'I!I' .,' " ',If, t1 t I j NJ{GAIN. AND ,SALD. DE:eD, 'i 1 ! . "I !. 09/26/2003 09:28 FAX 54 OJ07 I€002 ALLAN IIILLAR. PnlR,CE ANtl NORMl'oN J. LI:iCO~'I'E, ,J'?. as. iC~i-:;~,i,~~tee~ I ,purJ:J\o1..lmt to the Last ",ill and 'l'a.=:itamtmt 0: ELIZJ.1J:Bm C. PIlmO, a dQcee~sed p.rson, l\LLAN Jil;tt.LAR PIi::RCE ANI> NORMAN J. LZCOlO~.i;, om. all.' co~rr. I ua'e'oo. :pu~ln~an1; to the w~8f. tll\ '; lli will a.t.Id -ra5tam.ent of .R.ALFJi: H. PIDCJ:, fL d..t:.~~.d P~'O=-, Grantor, I': .. " i. ' I: S'1'.lTi: 0' ORilGOlil' .by a.:I.d through its J.Ulitary Oapa::rtmi,mt, ~;r&J;l,biiul I ' I - ~ here1n~fter calle~gran~ee, and unto graneee.'s h~ir~~ s~qcesso~~ ~nd assign~ all of thac cert~in real property with the t~neme~~~~ h~~edita~~~B and appUrtenance~ thereunto belonging or 1n a~ywi!e,~ppertaining, situated in the County of LANE, State ot Oreson, describe~ ~s taliows; t6~wtt; l' . .ij, [ , S!:E tXH1BIT A WH'rCH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THtS RE:FEltENCE: 'I' ) , _ d:' I , I 't"X!S mS'f~tJK2NT W'n.L NOT ALLOW trn OIl' 'I'RXPROPERTY DESCRrrl.!:D IN 'rffIS INS'I'RDKi:NI' :or nOt.AT!ON OP APPLICABLE ~ .USi:l uvfs ANI? , ~G~~~6N~,.; '6Er'?~, SI~G O~ ACClDTING TRIS !NS......................., nm PQSON ACQUIR.:tNG FEI!: 'l'l;'l'I.E TO- TlIE PROPE~'l"I' SHOULD CHJ:t% N:'1'X THE . ,APPRQP2IA'nl CITY OR C'Ot1Nn" PLAmrDl"GI D2f~' TO m~ry APPROVED USES ANtI TO P1ml:RHINE ANY Lna:TS ON L.AWS1.fZrs AGAINST' PAWN-G' OR FO-R-KST PRAC'l':ICES AS DRll'INZD IN ORS 30.930. ' . ' , ~orrveYB to The true consideration Eor tnis conveyance ia ~ccommodator pursuanr to IRG 1031. Oat=d this alP...... day of~"-m'tu.- ELI~ c. PI;a.t:li.JESlloy TRUST BY, r-WfrvJt ~,{, C~;') A!UN HILtAR PIERCE M BY. ..L0.A404A.. {it/,,!! " NORMAN J, LECOMi'TE, JR. AALP;:;;J~CE n~~NT~ST BY, ()!flaPr ~_ r;i:"L ALLAN HILlAA PI?)CE rI /1 BY, ~Jf.q/l:1py-tjJAi~, /ILl tfORMA.."1 J. -LECOMPTE, Ji STATE OF OREGON, County of 0, ..t--O Sl,423/950,OO.a.S.tJi3.1d by an ,2bcO Date Received: C:O~TRl.TSTEE OCT - 1 2008 CQhTRUSTEE Original Submitt~1 CO-TRUSTEE C:O~TRUSTEE ,I j, '_...... :tH~~~RT . , NOlARI'PUIllJC.ORtGON ! t;nMMlSSlON NO. 341345 ~ f ,.'" IIfctlMM;lIi8l0MEXfft5DS:e.mm~XlO4, J ':!' .. ,20~. , .' i. I :[ I! I I. 1:11 II ~. !, I .\ f' i i i I .1 [; :1 ,I. " " p I , , i' I' Ii' I I II . 1:1 I, i I: ,II i ~ I : " Ii 14J003 ' \ '1Jcr~~~D1" ;f/c;u.L{. ",', I "I I I I III I i I II I ! II 09/26/2003 09:29 FAX 541 4, CASCADE TITLE J307 ,,, i ,r-'">. .--. :. .'1 , , , i " EXIIIIlIT "A" I ~ , " . I.. ' . I, Be9~nn~ng at a po~nt which is 158S_47' feet South and 1327.33 feet East of the '~~ut~~eet corner of.Section 19, 'Township 17' South, Rango 2 West, willamette: ~eri~an, Lane County, O~egon, said poiDt ~lpo being oppo$ite and 20 fee~ ~~5t~tly from Station 39+59.43 F.G.S.T., said Station being in the ceneer l+~e of che old route of County Road No. 142-5 (formerly No- 753); thenc~ South " Ot . l' OU 111 West, IS3.75 feet to the intersection with the Northerly Railroad Right of W9Y line; thence South 940 45' West, ~17.33 feet; thence Sou~h 79D 301 . W~5tfJ '4B~J7 feet to the intersection of said Railroad Right of Way liI1e wiel?- ~~e ~outherly Right of Way line of the relocated .a~d County Road No. 742-5; thence along the arc of a 310.48 foot radiu~ curVe left (the chord of which hears North 39" 03' 35" East, 261_83 feet) a distance of 269.94 feet to the place 'of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; ALSO, Beginning at a point on the Northerly right of way line of the Wendling Branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad Co. 10S9.4 feet Easterly of the cent~r line of County road No. 153, in Section 30, Townsh~p 17 South, Range 2 W~st of'the Willamette Meridian; and running thence following the righe of way line of said railraod North SSo 51' East, 46.56 feet; North 790 58' East, 190.04 feet, North 660 081 East, 261.01 feet, North 590 501 ~as~. $e3_~4 feet to the center of an irrigatioD ditch; thence traversing the c~nter'of sa1d ditch North 300 39' West, 12Q.72 teet, North 730 091 West, 124.16 feet, North 720 441 West, 100.52 feec, No.th 486 OS' West. ~04.9G feee, North 65Q 47' West, ~9S.92 feet, North B3D 4l' West, 373.94 feet, No~th 710 ~O" We$t, 69.05 feet; thence leaving said ditch, South :00 16' west, 821.45 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, oregon; ALSO, Beginning at a point on the center line of county Road No. 753, 3712_04 feet South 00 16' West of tbe beginning point of said County Road, said beginning point also being 1368.32 teet South and 4079.45 feet West of the corner of Sections 19. 20, 29 and 30, in TownShip 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; and Duxaing tlrence South 00 lb' West, 430.49 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way line of w~ndling Branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad Co.; thence following eaiQ righc or w~y line, North B9G oal East, 139.77 feet, South a9~ 571 East, BOO.52 feet, Norch eeo 511 East, 149.03 feet; thence leaving said line of railroad North 00 IGI Ea6t, 42~.59 feetj thence North 890 44' West ~oe9.40 feec to ~he place of beginning, in Lane County, OregoTIj EXCEPT that portiOn conveyed to Lane County, Oregon, by instrument recorded October ~~, 1955/ Reception No. 6S852, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: OCT - 1 2008 Original Submittal 'i , r i, 'i . I II " ! , i I I . . '1 , ,I, i- il