HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 10/1/2008 (3) !City of Springfield Development Services Department :n 5 Fifth Street ngfield, OR 97477 Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Development .. . Applicant Name: Icompany: IAddress: I IAPPlicant's Rep.: !companv: IAddress: I I Property Owner: Icompanv: IAddress: I Jim Willeford Phone: 503-584-386 t Fax: 503-584-3584 ~ I ~ ""'.. .,.1,....'" Iphone: 503-507-t376 IFax: 503-584-3584 The Oregon Military DeparlmenJ PO BOX t4350 Salem, OR 97309 Joe Gill The Oregon Military Department PO Box 14350 Salem, OR 97309 COL Rendell Chillon I Phone: IFax: 503-584-3584 503-584-3530 The Oregon Military Dcoartment 1776 Militia Way SE Salem, OR 97309 17-02-30-00 ITAX LOT NO(S): 1000 P--'ESSOR'S MAP NO: 1>, vperty Address: ISize of Property: I IZoning: I Existing Use: I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this appiication, Proposal: See attached 3110 Pierce Parkway, Springfield, OR 97477 22.4 Acres ~ Square Feet D Liqht Medium Industrial (LM!) Lighl medium Industrial (LM!), Miliiary use Associated Cases: 1)( C 7 o~,'::t - f.lb2.C" Icase No.: \j)(2.C2-GM ~ CEo::} I Date: 10/1 Ida Reviewed bv:~ IAPPlication Fee: $ / djn~'()() ITechnical Fee: $ (~:n. aD I Postage Fee: $0 ITOTAL FEES: $ /0::1-1. () .5) I PROJECT NUMBER: r.f.. ,) ~ (>- m'.t~ It' _' ;.._..::-- ::::~ -::.~oq;;,'L;: :":':-:;~".J'.7 .lh.~'7~O,C--;<--~~<':::J,"rr"':';:. ~~">;'_ ~-.".::.::".z: '-.'.1: ...' :......:;:;r..':!'" :::;~~'::a.t.-1'('1;':'7:l:'~.&:;:~4.~ ~.;g,!.;'''':;;:.;;:(;';,.:!'':o(f'''"~;..'.::.t:-:_''':::":-,'f'f~l' .>:, ~'''1V:n':li.:;;':...~ ;0 Date Received: OCT - 1 2008 Original submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 5 Signatures The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Applicant: ~^<-O f: ~ature ::Si'rMf.-'> Print ^~ Date: '- \.=> ":>if '0& P Lou 3--LL lZFolLD Owner: If t~apPllc:nt IS not the ~wner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act In his/her behalf. ~tf~ ~~ -vlKEQD/l Of W5T1/WlTl0r7 Date: i OCTtJt3Ek Zd:l8 Signature U R{j1JIJE..u. Gf,6RGE CHIf.-TDIJ Print Date Received: OCT - 1 2008 Original Submittal ~\'~- .,. ... ., '. Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 5 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/JournalNumher DRC2008-0007! DRC2008-00071 Payments: Type of Payment Check cReceintl ' 'Item Total: Check Number Authorization Receh'ed By Batch Number Number How Received RECEIPT #: 1200800000000001025 Description CTY Drinking Water Protection " 5% Technology Fee Paid By STATE OF OREGON - MILITARY DEPT tj (. . Page I of ! 0868379 'y of Springfield Official Receipt lJevelopmerit Services Department Public Works Department Date: 10/0112008 1:36:02PM Amount Due 1,020.00 51.00 $1,071.00 Amount Paid tn Person $1,071,00 Payment Total: $1,071.00 ,Date Received: OCT - 1 2008 Original Submitt") 10/1/2008 Lane County Armed Forces Reserve Center Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Application Submitted to City of Springfield In Support of Occupancy Permit Conditional Approval Condition 13 ~ ~A.TION4< (>0 - 00- ~ 7,p o ~ Competence. Confidence. Courage. Commitment Prepared by Oregon Military Department October 1 , 2008 Date Received: OCT - f 2008 Original Submittal OREGON MILITARY DEPARTMENT JOINT FORCE HEADQUARTERS, OREGON NATIONAL GUARD INSTALLATIONS DIVISION 1776 MILITIA WAY P,O. BOX 14350 SALEM, OREGON 97309-5047 October 1, 2008 Mr., Andy Limbird Planner II City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Re: Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Application Dear Mr, Limbird: Enclosed is the information requested per the Drinking Wate'r Protection Overlay District Application (DWPODA). This information is submitted to satisfy Condition 13 of the City of Springfield's May 2007 Type II Major Site Plan Modification, Staff Reportc& Decision for the lane County Armed Forces Reserve Center (LCAFRC). The enclosed Information should address all the applicable requirements of the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Application, including but not limited to: . Application Form (Attachment 1) . Narrative (Attachment 2) . Copy of Deed (Attachment 3) . Copy of Preliminaiy Title Report (Attachment4) . Copy of a plot plan reduced to 8 y,' by 11' (Attachment 5) . Copy of the Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service Hazardous Materiallnventoiy Statements (Attachment 6) . Copy of Bureau of land Management and Forest Service MSDS sheets for respective inventoiy statements (Attachment 7) . Copy of the Hazardous Materials Management Plan'forBLM, FS, and Oregon Militaiy Department (OMD) which describe the procedures for inspection and maintenance, disposition of unused hazardous materials and hazardous material waste products (Attachment 8) You may contact Mr. Charles (Joe) Gill, the construction project manager, at (503) 507-1376, or me, at (503) 584-3852, if you have any questions about the enclosed materials or if you require additional information about the facility. OCT - 1 2008 ~;iVL ~ ,~~ Howard E~vironmental Compliance Manager Date Received: Original Submittal NARRATIVE Hazardous Materials Use and Storage Information Phase 2, Lane County Armed Forces Reserve Center Complex Bureau of Land Management Warehouse Submitted in Support of City of Springfield Site Plan Modification, Staff Report & Decision Condition 13 " The City of Springfield issued its Staff Report & Decision for development of Phase 2 of the Oregon Military Department's'Lane County Armed Forces Reserve Center Complex (LCAFRCC). The LCARRCC has been constructed in two phases. Phase 1 consisted of the construction of a Field Maintenance Shop (SMS) and associated equipment storage and support structures. Phase 2 of this project consists of the development of a 152,702 SF main administrative office building, the BLM warehouse consisting of 26,266 SF (original 13,456 SF building and 12,810 SF add-on), and a 10' by 12' hazardous materials building located adjacent to the warehouse. Condition 13 of the Decision requires the submittal of specified hazardous materials use and storage inforrnation for the. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) warehouse to the City as part of the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Application (DWPODA). The application package is submitted to satisfy the requirements of the DWPODA for the BLM warehouse portion of Phase 2 of this project. The BLM warehouse will house the BLM and Forest Service personnel only and will only contain the respective operations for; both tenants. The warehouse, to include the addition, will have two floors that will be cornprised of class I admin space, high density storage, conference room, workshop and caged storage for both BLM and FS operations. .. The DWPODA requires the submittal of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) 'or all materials.to be used within the BLM warehouse. The material inventories and MSDSs for the materials planned for use in tt~e BLM warehouse by the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service are provided in Attachment 6 and 7 respectively. The Oregon Military Department (OMD) and its tenants, understands the City's prohibition on the use:of products containing dense non- aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) and will work with all facility users, prior to and after the facility begins operations, to ensure that products containing DNAPLs are not used or stored on the property. Attachment 8 contains the Hazardous Materials Management Plan for the BLM, FS, and the Oregon Military Department. BLM and FS are tenants on OMD property and will be integrated into OMD procedures and process regarding hazardous materials and hazardous waste when necessary. 1Jgfe'tR~~J1~~a~e OCT - 1 2008 Original Submitta' NARRATIVE to continue operations as normal for hazardous materials and hazardous waste management except for when procedures oriJperations by tenants are less stringent than OMD regulation all operations will de'ault under ORARNG 420-47, Hazardous Material, Waste, and Spill Management Plan. Each respective Hazardous Materials Management Plan describes the procedures for inspection and maintenance for BLM, FS, and OMD. These plans outline the procedures followed by each agency for disposition of unused hazardous materials or hazardous waste. A copy of Oregon Army National Guard Regulation 420-47 is located in attachment 8 (see note below). Hazardous materials will be stored in the BLM warehouse in flammable storage lockers and in the hazardous materials building located adjacent to the main warehouse building. All materials will be managed with proper secondary. containrnent measures as required by the U~iform Fire Code and City Code requirements. Materials that are considered "in use" will also be managed properly for secondary containment while on work b~nches. The 10' X 12' hazardous materials building is a pre-fabricated heavy gauge steel structure that is two hour fire rated noncombustible weatherproof construction that meets or exceeds respective UL ratings for the separate components of the building. The floor system is comprised of grating and Leak Proof Spill- Containment Sump Assembly. The building is equipped with explosion proof incandescent light fixtures and will be labeled with all appropriate safety placards. All fuels', chain saws, and weed eaters or other gasoline powered tools will be housed in the hazardous materials storage building. Other information required per application that do not apply to OMD or this specific application request · The DWOPDA requires a description of hazardous materials which pose a risk to groundwater that existed on the property prior to May 15, 2000. To our knowledge there is no prior hazardous material use to report o There are no chemicals that will be monitored through the analysis of groundwater samples are anticipated or required at this time *****The Oregon Army National Guard Regulation 420-47, Hazardous Material, Waste, and Spill Management Plan is approved but is currently undergoing revision for formatting. Date Received: OCT - 1 2008 Original Submittal , , ' I' i 09/26/200309:28 FAX 54: ,OJ07 CASCADE TITLE, ,', I:!:; :\! _ !!i,. ~002, REtuRN TO CASCAOETITl!CO~. D!~J.I.n :.', IChl.' D.p"~y Cl..k 2MlJIJl/j66 . . . .("...-~ I..an..: Ca'Jr,t.'v 0... ~hd\ R.c.ords ' VUv-v~ TITI..ENO. 238/272. IIU:fllllll!tll"lllllt~Jl::j, )" ALL TAX STAT:::JF!1}:BE ;JJ}~~:8 iIDH!mtJl~l!1l~I~Jm~llll'II!U11 $31.0:0 STATE OF OREGON MILITARY nEPT. 'i i : i; III1III11I1 'I! III' 09/26/200309:12:42 All PO BOX 14350 RP,R:;DEEp C~.4',I: .Stn.~CRS~I!JI D7 SALEM OR 97309 SIOIOOI,Gll\OD S10.0D : ' \'1"11 il'lll' -j j . . I. .\11: L I' UBGAIN AmJ $ALII DE2D: l t ",."1 ' .ALLAN RILl..AR. FrnRCB },lm NORMAN J. tlii'CONPn, JJC a" C~-'Ti~6tee~, pur.s:\1ADt. to tb. . ,. .1/1-'['1" II Lalt ~~ll and ~GstamAnt of ~LI~~ETH C..PISR.ca~ a,~~p~~~~~d p~~~on, ~LAN R:tLLAR PIi:RC'E AND NORMAN J. LZCOMJoT.iO', JR. iloll' CO.'r;'1f}.;t~roa;~ P\1.:iI"I~~-C 1;.Q !;he T"ast will a.nd '1'aatament of RALPK H. P.~CI:, & 6"'eil.l:I.d P~'O~I G:'iUlotor, I'" '1 I ~ . .\: . I .' , S'1'.ATi: OJ' OUGON by ~d through its Military D.p..r~nt, C:rllJ:l.tae. ~ I ' , i I, I h~reinafter calle~ grantee, an~ unto grantee'sJneir!; successors ~nd aasign& all of th~c certain real prop~rty with ~he Len~ments~ hareditam~~B and < :-,,-r, -,- ,- I,' .ppUrten.nce~ thereunto belonging or intan~f~~ ap~~r~a~~ing. Sltuated in the County of LANE, St$te of OregQn, des::cribed e.s tallows, to-wit-: \'-' '. Ii.! {; S!E ~XIUBIT A W1i'!CH IS MADE A, PART HeREOF BY nus RE'F'ERENCE' . ' .Ii ,.: , '1"HIS INS'rItmmrr W:rLL NO~ ALLOW 0Si: 01' 'Im:. t>ROPERT"l I1ESCRJ:~:m IN THJ:S IN"STROHi:N'l' Dl' nOt.A'1'!ON OF APPLICABLE LANI:I USE LAWS ~ -AEG1.TLA'lIONS'.' 5B-FOR.!: SI~G OR A...__.......,... TR;rs INs.A.......,......., nm :PE~SON ACQUiRING 'vi,!: 'TITLE 'To, 'Tn PRO PERri SHOULD CHSCIC W%'1'Jl' ~ AP.PRO,p~.u'rE CITY OR COtTNn" 'pLAmmiG D'e.p~' TO wp.:n Ai'PROVXD USI:S .AND '1'0 DEiT.ZRMlNE ANY L:rMJ:TS ON twvS\.fJ::rs AG1.INST' P'ARM:iNi:i1' oa l"OR'KST PRAC'l'%CES AS DR!'Dm) IN ORS 30.930. ,.. , . eorrveya to The true consideration for this conveyanc~ ia ~ccommod.tor pursuant to IRCl031. Oatoc this oUp"'" _ cay Of'S....d'..."'Iu... ::~t.;::rSm:~ TRUST All.AN HIl.l:AA PI~~CE pt{? B~, 'rtt;1~./1l c&11),;, NORMAN J. LECOMPTE, JR. 't' r=P';;;;J"nCE T~fNT~ST a~, ()JlIuA ~_ r;i;~ BY, ~:::f'~1'/~/ NORMAN J. - LECOMPTE. JP/: ---- / $1",423/:~50,OO,aa.pa.ld by an , t bc:i:> Date Received: CO-TRUSTEE OCT - 1 2008 co - TRUSTEE Original Submitta' CO-TRUSTEE , j '! - '-'. 1: CFFlcw.SEA1. '_' '. CHIllSTIE D SHORT . _ "'OiARYPUBUC-OREl'iON . / I;OMMlSSlON NO. :J.41a.t5 2004 I.) ',_.-.,UYto~~DttfXFftSns:eA&:R2D, I:!- I. CO-T~USriE STATE OF OREGON. County of U' k1J This ~nBtrumen~ waa acknowledged before me an I' " I, , I , I " " :1 ,I, il Ii , I' 11: ;,1 , '.1 'I I:: 1 'I II d ! ':1 " li,,@m~i:: \ ...... (J~'/) D""" ~ 0Jl..! ' 'r It,'; "I 111' I.! '1' , if, ii' I:; ;.11 !:, ' I ; I I 0~/26/2003 09:29 FAX 5414, )307 CASCADE TITLE ,.--.. ,-. ,:. ,I , I EXlIIlIIT BA" , , I , &e9i~ins a~ a poin~ which is 1589.17 feet South and 1327.33 feet East of t~e Southwest corner of .Section 19, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette: M~ridian, Lane County, Oregon, said point ~lso being oppo~it~ and 20 feet i~st~tly from Station 39+59.43 P.O.S.T., said ~tation being in the eeneet l+ne of the old route of County Road No. 142-5 {formerly No. 753); thence sou~h 00 lii West, 183.75 feet to the intersection with the" Northerly Railroad Right of Way ~inei thence South 940 45' West, lJ.7.33'::feet; thence Sou'Ch 791l 30' W:est" . 46.37 feet to the intersection of said R~ilroad Right of way lille wit.1?- the Southerly Right 'of Way line of the relocated sa~d County Road No. 742-S, then~e along the arc of a 310.4B foot radiu5 curVe left (the chord of which bear" North 39" 03' 35" Ea"t, 201.83 feet) a distance of 269.94 feet to ~he pYa~e'of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; , , ! 1 ALSO, Beginning at a point on the Northerly right of 'way line of the wendling Branch of the Southern Pacific ~ailroad Co. 10S9.4 feet Easterly of the c~ntei line' of County road No. 753, in section 30t Township 17 South, Range 2 W~st of the willarnecte Meridian; and running thence following the right of way line of said railraod North SS" 51' Baat, 46.56 feet; North 79" 58' Ea"t, 190.04 feet, North 660 08' Ea5t, 261.01 feet, North 590 ~Ol East. Se3_~4 feet to the center of an irrigation ditch; thence ~raversing the center of said ditch North 300 39' West, 126.72 teet, North 730 091 West, ~24.16 feet, North 7;Zo 441 West., 100.52 feet.. NoX'th 48" OS, West, '~04.9Q feet:, NQrth 65<:1 47' West, ~SS_92 feet, North B3a 42' West, 373.94 feet, North 71~ ~Q' West, 69.05 feet; thence leaving said ditch, South 00 16' west, 821.45 feet to the place ot beginning, in Lane County, oregon; ALSO: Beginning at a point 011 the center line ,of county Road No. 753, 3712.04 feet South O. 10' Wes~ of the beginning point of said County Road, said besinnin9 point also bein9 1J6a.3~ feet south and 4079.45 feet West of the corner of Sections 19, 20, 29 and 30, in T6wnsbip .17 So~thl Range 2 West 6f th~ Willamette Meridian; and running thence Soutb ,~o 2~' weee, 130-1a feet to a point on the Northerly right of way line of wendling Branch of the Southern Pacific Railr~ad Co.; thence following said righc of w~y line, North 690 OSI East, 139.77 feet, South 69G 571 East, !'600.52 feet, Norch eao 511 East, 149.03 feet; thence leaving said line of railroad North OD lGr East, 421.59 feeti thence North 890 44' West ],oa~.40; fee~ to t:he place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon! EXCEPT that por~ion conveyed to Lane County, Oregon, by instrument recorded October ~~~ 19551 Reception No. 68852, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lan~ county, Oregon. Date Received: OCT - 1 2008 Original Submittal d i , , I i l' I i J 1: I " I 'Id "1 'ii' , 'I I,. ," ,! " I I I I I '1 ! I' :1 ' OREGON DEPT OF JU; ~E Fax:503-378-4740 Sep 29 _003 13:~5 P.03 CERTIFICATE OF TITLE STATBOFOREGON PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Lane Connty Armed Forces Reserve Center Comple: : PROJECT LOCATION: SpriDgfIeld, OR 1 ~BY CERTIFY that the State of Oregon is hereby in. possession of a fei !$pIe title in the hereinafter dc:scr:ibed real property as evidenced by bargain and sale deed, r =tded on Microfilm 2003-094166 on September 26, 2003 at 9: 12 a.m. official records ofllie Co mr of Lane; that such title or interest in said property has been insured by a policy of title in; urance issued by CUtade Title CompabY; is free of restrictions to Natiohai Guard or Reserv e u~e for construction, administration and training, or to U.S. Government use in time of war or national emergency and is goo. II; valid, and sufficient, and subject to no liens or encumbratices Javr' and except the following: , 01. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the reco: ds. of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments 00 rea! propert: ' 0': by the public records. . b. . Proceedings bya public agency which may result ill taxes or ass~ssmeIJ :S, ~r notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of SUI .h agency or by the public records. a. 02. a. Easements, liens, encumbranoes, interests o.fr claims thereofwbich are lot.shown by the public records. b. Any facts, rigllts, interests or claims which are not shown by the public reC,ords but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by makh g fuquiriy of persons in possession thereof. . 03. Discrepancies, conflicts in boU1ldary Mcs, shortage in area, 6IlcroMhm mts. or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are n< t shown b,y the publio records. . 04. a. Unpatented mining claims; . , Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuanc a ulereof; , . I Water rights, claims or title to water; b. c. Whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b), or (c) are shown by the public reoo :ds~ . . Date Received: OCT - 1 2008 Original Submittal OREGON DEPT OF JU:'"CE Fax:503-378-04D Sep 29 .003 13:56 P.04 OS. Any lien or right to a lien, for services, labor or materials heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed, by law and not shown by the public records. . SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 06. Taxes for the year 2003-2004, a lien not yet payable. , i I 07. As disclosed by the tax rolls, the premises herein describe(! have been zone(! or clJssified for fann use. At any time that said land is disqualified for such use, the property will ~ e f")cct to additional taxes or penalties and interest. ' I ;. 08. Any adverse claim based upon the asser1ion that said land OT 8lly pomon therec f hi now, or at any time has been below high water mark of the unnamed slough as shown on the Att .. Oregon Land Surveying Survey dated April 21, 2003. : i 09. Right of way easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted eit r of Eugene. recorded August 17, 1927, in Book 154, Page 414, l.,ane'County Oregon Dee( Records. , 10. Right of way, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Mountain Su tesi'Power Company, recorded March 8, 1929, in Book 161, Page 238, Lane County Oregon D~ R!:Cords. I 11. Right of way, including terms and provisions thereof, granted Mountain States 'ower Company, recorded March 8, 1929, in Book 162, Page 215, Lane. County Oregon Dee< Records. 12. Right of way, including terms and provisions thereof, granted to the City ofEu. ;en:e, by instrument recorded December 30. 1924, in Book 14:i, Page 276,Lane County Oregon D6ed Records. 13. Right of way, including terms and provisions th~~ot; granted to the City ofBu:et\e. by instrument .~~..led April 27 , 1929, in Book 165, Page 109, Lane County Oregon Dee I Records. 14. Existing powerline of the Springfield Utility Board as shOwn OD the All CregO! . 4nd Surveying Survey dated April 21, 2003. . I FURTHER CERTIFY that the interest ofth~ State of Oregon in and to said r:al; propcrtyis adequate to justify the expenditure of public funds of the State of Oregon i 1 the. improvement thereoffor Anny National Guard purposes and subject to the limitations ;et,forth OD Title 10, D.S.C. Chapter 1803, as amended, and that the wtended use of said lands l ndi improvements by the Oregon Army National Guard is in compliance with all applicab)C statutes, loca11aws, and ordinances. . ; Legal Description: Beginning at II. pomt which is 1589.47 feet S~Uth and 1327.33 feet aJt of the Southwest comer of Section 19, ToWD8bip 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette M 1ridian, Lane County, Oregon, said point also being opposite and 20 feet Easterly from Station 39'+59.43 P.O.S.T., said Station being in the center line of the old route of County Road No. :142.5 : I D! Ita Received: I , OCT - 1 2008 Original Submittal OREGON DEPT OF JUSTICE Fax:503-378-4740 Sep 29 2003 13:56 P.05 (formerly No. 753); thence South 0"11.' West, 183.75 feet to the intersection with tb NI'rtherly Railroad Right of Way line with the Southerly Right of Way line of the relooated slud t'.-ounty Road No. 742-5; thence along the arc of a 316.48 foot radius curve left (the chord ~fw rich bears North 390 03' 35" East, 261.83 feet) a distance of 269.94 feet to the place ofbegin:!ring, in Lane County, Oregon; . . .' i ALSO: Beginning at a point on the Northerly rightofway /ine oCthe WendlingBJmc I of the Southern Pacific Railroad Co. 1089.4 feet Easterly of the center line of County ro4dN). 753, in Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; and rupniJ g tIlence following the right of way line of said railroad North 880 51' East, 46.56 feet; Notlh. 90.58' East, 190.04 feet, North 66' 08' East, 261.01 feet, North 590 50' East, 583.94 feet 0 It e ckter of an irrigation ditch; thence trllVersing the center of said ditch North 300 39' Wes; 126.72 feet, North 73.09' West, 124.16 feet, North 72044' West, 100.52 feet, North 480 08' West 104.96 feet, North 65. 47' West, 195,92 feet, North 830 41' West, 373,94 feet, North 71. ,\0' . 'fest. . 69.05 feet; thence leaving said ditch, South 00 16' West, 821.45 feet to the place 0 fbe ~g, in Lane County, Oregon; . " 'I ALSO: Beginning at a point on the center line of County Road No. 753, 3712.04 JFe,i: !oJth 00 16' West of the beginning point ofsaid County Road, said beginning point also being : 36~.32 feet South and 4079.45 feet west of the comer of Sections 19,20,,29, and 30, in tb: To ~ 17 South, Range 2 West oflhe Willamette Meridian; and J'lIQning thence South 00 16' 'Y,,gt,;,430.48 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way line ofWed1ing Branch oftbe Soutbel n fl cifi,c . Railroad Co.; thence following said right of way line, North 890'08' East, 139.77 'e<:it, SO\lth 890 57' East, 800.52 feet, North 88. 51' East, 149.03 feet; thence I~ving said line of1~ lad:Norlh 00 16' East, 421.59 feet; thence North 89044' West 1089.40feet'to the place ofb,.gin ling, in Lane County, Oregon; . " EXCEPT that portion conveyed to Lane County, Oregon, by instrw lehl reCorded October 19, 1955, Reception No. 68852, Lane CoilIlty Oregon Dee<. ~e ;oros. in Lane County, Oregon. i . BEING THE LANDS referred to in Agreement No, NGB 35-97-H.9101. BETWI! tlllr rHE State of Oregon and the United States of America, for constrUCtion ofilrid Armed FOr'\':Ii iReserve ' ClII)teI' facility at the above named site, . . . . (-~9<2-fJo'3 Date' M-/1l~ Keith jrkJks Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General Date Receivec:: :OCT - 1 2008 Original Submittal MC!Canlle ",,~ c '. BRIDGE ...-'/, -.. , , '. '~~;!m~ '" " YOlN-!.~A AVE !e. L" .. :.: '!::; ; ; .!"' , ~lll~~~i:L:;,,; l.i.l-l.tll!.t.t.t.....l.l~,1 ....::::::.t~:::~:l:::::::::~. . DR ...1........,'.1' ........ ,". AMBlES1DE ::::11iW:' .:;:li: ;/O!"" , :1:;. " ;:6,:"; ROAD ~ ; . ~h:i; " 1 lit '=IJ. 0. .;:; 0.'1 t1*! Ir.;:~ii:.; ~~ l:!i \;' : ~~~ Ii' :;~~H: il: LANE COUNTY ARMED FORCES RESERVE CE~ UK PLOT PLAN WI. IUl i TOTZ '-,~. ~t "\.I.l r'I",~ IJ -2y~.rlll1CotTRWl _ .sVt.rlllWofTIWWl 10 Yur T~orr~1 _ :!OY_Timto(Tnul - ~O(C_lnlionl"yrTOTl urce: City of Springfield website for GIS ..://www.ci.springfield.or.uslPubworkslGIS_Web yagellmageslimg_srd _map _ wellheads.pdJ Lane County AFRC site (.__,.n~I.~eived: OCT - 1 2008 Original Submittal