HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 8/13/2007 ~. " r- - " , .~ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE. srATE OF OREGON) . ) ss. County of Lane ) I. Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do ~ereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield,Oregon.. 2. I state that in my. capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared and caused to.be' . mailed copies of IJRaD07-000'f.8 ~~ ~ ~ - ~}/{#d ~ . (See attachment . "A") on 8/1 :3 ,2007 addressed t~ (see O"e...::Dvcl L""<h Attachment S"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. '~aA-uL- ~~ KA~l LaFLEUR .' . STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane dr11f:' /4 ,2007. Personally appeared'the above named Karen LaFleur, Progra Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: .--~ -~-- -{" t!- - -" -QffICIALSEAL ,; IlRENDA .!ONES NOTARY pUBLIC - OREGON _ - CQMMIStilON NO 379218 ~~~,~'""'" ,&nh ~/ Comm;',;oo E'P;,1J'-~ 'n, ?1J/J'; My Date Received:1 Jiit Planner: LM ,~ ('\ '(' j' " .... .CITY OF SPRINGFIELD '.. NOTICE OF DECISION'o l:IMITED:L:AND'USE- -;- .. S;TEPLAN MODIFICATION _ TYPE'). _,,:c ," 1:.' .,'. ','" .. '\.. . .:. . ~. ': ! '" .:.... , ---~ __...._4___...--'1 1 " j DATE,O~ pECI~I~.I'l: August r3, 2007 . ; ,\:" _n;'k': f ()\' ;~_., ~ 4 , JOURNAl NUMBER: DRC2007'00048.-:;' ~. . ..-- .. ,- . - -- -~- ~- - --~ ~ - -- _, - - ~.,', :~':': ~"."_,, . 1,- '; f.PPLlCANT/OWNI;~.~ ; :__-:;~,":,,: . . :~PPLlCAI':i't:S"REPRESENTATIVES \ f"'t. I, I' .'1,1 <.....r.. ~'..'--:-, .-'" ~~.. "-" ....-:....) '-':'.- .. ".. ',Oregon Industrial.Lumber Products -~Branch Englneenng 3950 Marcola Road i '_~ . " :l1'0:5'h Street' . . .. . I" ,..._1.'.. l'" t ',", J-. '''.' " Springfield, OR 97478. . ...Springfield:OR.97477 . '. 1 -- ,~._~. --":'.- . "': .~..> BACKGROlJN6 :" ::. :,: " .' ..... <'..:.' .",', A request was~ re'ceiv~d 'to coristrucfTie"s~iwbuilding-:-':"Previbus decisions and current code requires' construction of a paved parking area and associated landscaping arid stormwater,imprpyements..;.,., ." ';" -, 1'-" " .. '" : ;.. ., ". '-.. .,l~. .~~;~J.ti~:~:""~"(H L"~"'f',,~?~~:'~;'~,: "" ;'....:r.~:..~"l,:_.7r4~.'~,.'~.::,,: ',t,. . <' OJ'..' '-', :'. j Theor)ginal s!te,planwa,s 'c::ity'of9pri~{jfield Joyrn,al :.8~IOJ~.51.'~ T~e. original. Site Plan'. . was submittkc"fq< ~herPurp'bse'.'ofccil}strLJcting ar{<;l,dqitib,1~'to'thk. '~xis\ing drylu.mber. ' storage. builcing';ii{.ordJ'r'tci' h6\Jse:'a."sticke/ .stacke~'. '''A~lett~r ;authorizing I Preliminary '. Site Plan ApprovaCwas' issued Ma'rch'-'2 1',1989' subject'lo a list of "Standards to be Met". . Paving of a parking lot find installation of associated landscaping was included in'the' . decision under these standards.' A building permit was issued for the, dry lumber storage building (permit I}umber 89056.0) in June, 1989 and a final 'inspection was approvedo,n February4,1991. To ,date, the parking area'h~s f),~t been paved '~ndlhe landscaping.has,not'been.inst~lIed..;,.:_-.:- ,',. " :.... ~r: ,'" .'~".:'.':..: u":,:; ~ ' "l... _ _....'"~,' _ .....t" .' \\""~""'-.,~ I ,.J..~.3':':~","/);.~ ' _~.." ! '-. l.u.. ,;..... A 'pre~io~~.Mi;;brMcl~ifi~ati1hi bf :Sii~'~fin' R.~vieW~f9/;th~i;ci~sirJ.2!ibri';biJlie' i?~~;(lding,. parking lor ~ncnandsc~lping w.as;ap~r6v'ii~,.:June.20; 2006;(IJ~C20.o6~000;31{'A' building. permit wa(iss'ue'd on'FeDfu~ir:Y'23, 2007 fortfie resawbuilding with'a''Letter of Credit in " place toass~r~,iheccii1stfU(~t!~il'of. ti-ie';'parkl~g Ibt'hc\{tatet'!har' ~j~ 'fTlon!hs'subsequemt tathe b.uildin9.c.o.ns.ti'ucticin'.."......I;:... ';.:," ~'~"'~;J_ :. J ::i'.'~.h ,- \,. ""-./.''- ..j ~_1_~0. j..........>-......).j.1.'-.......,."..~.....'_.h.-f~.fI1~CJ. '..-'l". ,:....-., , '. . The applicant has decided to amend.thedesign associated with this decision and has submitted a second' M'irlO'r.' Modification of ' Site Plan Review. '~This"aecision' aadresses' ' - "',", ' . . '" ., - ' . these uncompleted ;items originating from .the 1989 Site.:Plan .Review and reviews Springfield' Q,€v:etop.I!')Efiit :i:;~~e;Sta68ardiff6(Si\~' Plan' :~eyi~y.i.MOdifi~'!li()r1:":::: . ,. ,~ ,~~ h.........~_ ..,J~-':. -' ~l. . 1:.c...J.41' ....~I'......:l.:; . r ;!'..~...:.t.~._., I -I,-.;J. :__.. ..,..... .i", '; . ':-:. ....., '. l'f. '. :'~ '_ . '" / t F. .r~: ,_-, . "'~' ~ 1.- 'j '. . " PRC?P8~~P MPP.)t\~lt~~9~~ U:. " '2:,H "J ,-;[Y1 r~" "', ,',' '" . ,;,-; , '.' ;.;'t1~:t;.. " "::'.' ,;.4-,,: ~ ,:, ..b".l> .t,',;~'''>-4';., ,,;';' .~. ""', . The application:propose.~.!cireplace aneixi~ting 1, 104,sguar.e'fobrstructure, which' currently houses a sorter, with a 5,040 square foot,structure to house both the sorter and , " .' '__"~'...'(--'-I...),.t~.,~."'" ',;.,.~'r' , --....'f.....":1 .'<'t-' r:~...... '''',- .-.' ".:' '\' .. a new relsa.~.fI.~par~i.lig)ot is'pr9P.bs.~d.to:b~rPa.\ied:aQ~ !ilr.ascapi~g:install~9 as, .. reqyirl\lment~o(aj)rev.ious' .' .. ':.,;:. ~. " . .::~' ,\ ~:~' ':. ':. . decision which' is discus'seidabov~."":; '." ,..' I . .L . , ' ~ ::.~.- ;" .' ':~, /"1"""" ': - , .- ~~ ;-' .;,., . ...... .,~, .:' . __._ ..' 'I.", roO" .", ,." 'r'h....J ... .).... ..' \_~L~ ._"i\ .. . )/.:. <....\,... "'.'~ .)~'<:. .' , ~ -.... .,\ ~.~'...~,_.,.t...J.\ T". _t.,.. ==--~ . " ,,'. ..... .' '_.uU\If' DRC2007i9.o048 'Ci ~ i\1.iJl:or,~itep'Ian Mogjf!ci:!tigfl:. . Date Received' . Planner:LM , -:-- ' . ':1":.:_'\ "I; I <6 l~ Dr , .. .. .~ ,,--j pa'rKing spaces .for 26 te .50. tetalspaces' .inAhe let... In. addition .one. .in. every eight accessible space, but net less than ene, shall be van accessible. A van accessible parking space shall be at least 9 fEiet wide and shall have an adjacent aisle that is at least 8 feet wide.' p\ sign shall oe.pestedfor.eacti:accessible parking space:marKeg.witht the'lnternatibnaISyiiibelef.Access.':r:! .....!:.~ >,. ..- '~", -.0 .;,! .'. ". " c, .;.: ':'':''', 4,1.: . 'i ,''',J ','("4":(': r' ._',,~ '.""1: :~ -t'~'i: Conditien 3: On the Final Site Plan, shew an eight foot access aisle, with required signage fer the disable-d sp~~es. . '. '. . , . I _ '", ,,'..... ". . . I ;. , ".C,:)~ ::. ,., Finding 9: "SDC 32.050 requires street trees to' be planted ih:the:'setback'areilfpr the parking let a minimum ef30 feet apart as specified in the Engineering.Dfii,ign Standards and Procedures Manual. j" "''31 ,rt- < ..' '" ',.... ......'lJ.~. .,...." f' '~"-'''',''i~:) '" ,'~ ; . I _ ,V <0-; ,,_'......,. 111, '4' . " "., . Finding 1 o:.i:ih"a'ddition te treesSDC(31.140 (3) requires planting .areas~fer'parking and, driveway setback areas and interior parking let landscaping to contain;feur"stirubs five : gallons or'linger perever:y'1ob. square'feet 'ef-planting area.. ShrubberY.that'abuts 'public riglit -ef~way"cir tnat. is''in. pla.ces in'the interior..,of, ian"y parking' I.otshall, generally n.et exceed 21/2 feet at irUiturity/ ';-,; ,J1;,~.": :11.,;0 :1',-: .,.. ',:--' :1:"" Finding' 11 : The applicarit nas net submitted a landscaping plan, fer this revisien ofthe' Miner Site Plan Medificatien. ". There'.Is a' ?ifferent cenfiguratlen ot' parking 'Iet planting areas. ',' .It - '.. ;1.1'_ ,I;', ..-- Condition 4:.Subillit1a landscape plan with the FinaL Plan,lo'include lecatiens, type and . sizes fer' all streettrees .and lanascapingte be ,used,inaccerdance with'SDC31.140 and SDC 32.050. Finding12:SElC'32:110"'(5}'states:that".a:oevelepment shall be .required te empley: drainage' management practices apj:froved by. the Public Werks Director and consistent with Metre Plan pelicies and the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, which minimize .the ameunt and rate efsuiiace water run-eff inte receiving streams. , ;,.' '1_ . " " ..... ~ , .. Conditien 5: Provide a v,iater quality'swale design censistentwith. the ,Portland 'BES ' standards that iilcludes ttle:requireclseed mix.' . . "," . ," \ ", .. . . ~. " ' . -:'";.> . ~ . ." . . - '- .,;; . . . Condition 6: All private werk including, but net lirllitea.to,the stormwater pipe will need a plumbing permit'reviewed and issued by the building divisien. .",' '-.'- . ",',--~-:., \.." ._'." "rj"f",. Finding 13:' BicyCle'parking 'is 'required t6 be provided:bySDC'31.190(9). '~This'sectien" states thatthe number shall be determined in sectien'31 :220 and shall meet the~required'. standards set ferth in Section 31.120: Bicycle parking :previdedin'parking lets te' rlleet~ therequiremehts must be itis-able,'accessible:and net cenflict with_pedestrian ways:l :j,'-: i.-"_'-\t;l': t" .~,~~ ::'J!!L~_:'~'J10~b" . Condition 7: A six space bicycle parking rack must be showr) en the Final Plan submittal. ,".,," .,"', ,...:'." .' .,. _',~';, '-01 .-, ',i.- '.', .1" '-, I. t...... ,. '.cu f i" , . .. 4, Parking areas and ingress-egress' peints.have been designed 'to: 'facilitate: vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety te avoid cengestien; provide ". connecti'vity within'the aevelcipmerif a rea- and to adjacerit:residen~ial'areas, . . 'transit stops;' neighberhood'activity centers; and .commercial, industrial. r a'nd public'areas';'m!nimize:curb cuts on arterial;;~ ;~:~:t[l\~\~. ~ ; . ... :1"~~lIi~f)m; r-J:311 Planner: LM - . DRC2007-00gt,8 '1r:>llflnlg Mitior Site Plan Medificatien " specified in this Code or other applicable regulations' and comply with the 'ODOT access management standards for state highways, Finding 14: The revised plan shows an additional driveway approach to remain open, There are currently three driveway approaches, The northern most and southern most driveways will, remain open and, the approach between will be closed with curb and gutter. Condition B: An Encroachment Permit will be required for any work proposed in the right-of-way which includes' curb closure of the existing driveway and any' additional paving in the right-of-way area, ,5, Physical features, including but not limited to, significant clusters of tress and shrubs, watercourses shown on 'the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map and their associated riparian areas, wetlands, rock outcrbppings and historic features have been evaluated and protected as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations, Finding 15: The Marcola/Oxobow Ditch is shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map encompassing a portion ot'Map & Tax Lot on the south ,side of the " railroad tracts, ' Finding 16: This waterway is lodged between the road, the railroad and an existing parking area, The application is proposing a treatment swale between the ditch and parking lot. Stormwater management, conveyance and water quality have, been addressed in the accepted stormwater plan and calculations, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL T.he applicant shall provide three (3) copies 6f the Modified Final Site plan and required documents within 90 days of' ihe date, of this letter incorporating the following conditions: Condition 1: Show an area on the Final Site Plan which will accommodate an additional parking area containing 3) parking spaces, This area shall be held in reserve for future use, ", ' , Condition 2: The improvements to, the parking lot must be completed six months after the building inspector approves the Temporary Occupancy inspection on the re- saw building, If the installation of the improvements is not completed within the p'eriod stipulated or if the improvements have been improperly installed the security ,may be used by the City to complete the installation, The Letter of Credit shall be revised to reflect the current Journal Number. Condition 3: On the Final Site Plan, show an eight foot access aisle, with required signage for the cJ,isalble,d"sp,~<;r,9': ~~._._.._......_'~_. !\'y.._,j .,/.()~... 'Condition 4~ SubrKitla:ia'nd~~~e plan with the Final Plan to include locations, type and sizes for all street trees and landscaping to be used in accordance with SDC 31,140 and SDC 32,050, , ," , ',DRC2007-00048 Minor Site Plan Modification ~at~ Re~;ved;. q ([eS! Or ' P/~lln~r: ~M . . . ~ . , Condition 5: Provide a water,quality swale design consistent with the Portland' BES standards that includes the required seed mix, Condition 6: All private work including, but not limited to, the stormwater pipe will , need a plumbing permit reviewed and issued by the building division, Condition 7: A six space bicycle parking, rack must be shown on the Final Plan submittal. Condition 8: An Encroachment Permit will be required for any work proposed in the 'right-of-way which includes curb closure of the existing driveway and any additional paving in the right-of-way area, ' PREPARED BY: , Liz Miller Planner I Please contact Jesse Jones in Public Works, at 736-1036 to discuss possible' .adjustment of System Development Charges due to ,increased impervious surface. PERMITS THAT MAY BE REQUIRED: Sign Permit - Community Services Division , Encroachment Permit - Engineering Division Land Drainage & Alteration Permit - Engineering Division' Building Permits - Community Services Division I '" \, \~0I. Date ReceJveQ' ~\\')\~ Planner. LM ,..."'\ .,,'. ','... ->, '~', n:!~~.:...."'. _ .......DRC2007~o654~i,j :1'2f.n,,\e'Minor Site Plan Modification . , .. . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES _ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH-STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Oregon Indus trial !J'~ml)~.... ~roduc ts 395.0 Marcola Road , Springfield, OR 97478 ( DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Branch Engineering 310 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 DateR~ceived:?1 r ') . /:.'1- Planner: LM ~ - r'f3 .,