HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 12/22/2006 ." ~. .~~ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON) ) ss. County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1, I state that I am aprogram Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared and caused to be. mailed copies of 'SUF',.~~-=G.'i 300' rvuu..O--au:t-IJ~- ;~.j.,.d- -8.-1.4 ~ I, ""- (See 'attachment nAn) on 12..J 7.7 . 2006 addressed to (see ' Attachment Bn), by causing said letters to be placed in a U,S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. ~~~R d(d~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane -')it f fI1Jt JrJ?{)--, . 2006. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Program Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: " , ~h/ ,",..., "1A""~-, -_..' /"".' "...,zl~,____ ~~ - ':-- - omcI~t SEAl. ~dES , !Iil01W<'llYi>.illBlJIC--nnmellIN '~I~1ilIC9lllI1ll0,.1l1.1Il'II1\ (~~,(41SSlililli'!;>lI!lR!lSiIII!I!I'm, . ' ..: '. -.--,~- -=--~~-'t.;.-.:::.... . ..... - -. My Commission Expires: ~ '1, }CV~ Date Received' /~j.;i Jc06 Planner: AL SPRING ..D I i I 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726--3689 wWw.ci.sprinqfield.or.us 300-FOOT PUBLIC NOTICE PENDING PARTITION TENTATIVE PLAN APPLICATION. Date of Notice: December 22, 2006 Case Number: SUB2006-00069 Annlicant: Daniel Fischer Nature ofthe Annlication: The applicant is proposing to partition one lot into two parcels. Location: The property involved in this request is located at 285 S 37th Street in Springfield; Assessor's Map No, 17-02-31-42, Tax Lot(s) 7800, Aoolicable Criteria: The criteria of approval found at Section 34,050 ofthi: Springfield Development, Code (SDC) apply to this application, The criteria are available at Springfield City Hall weekdays '. between,8:00 a,m. 'and 5:00 p,m. at the Development Services Department or on the City's website at www.ci.sorinlrfield.or.us under Springfield Development Code. Your Ril!ht to Provide Written Comment: Prior to the City making any decision on the application, you are provided a fourteen (14) day period for the submission of written comments. Your written comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on January 8, 2007. Send comments to the attention of the staff contact listed below. You may review the record of this application at City Hall and purchase copies at a reasonable cost. ' Failure to Raise Issue: Issues which may provide the basis for an appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals shall be raised in writing prior to the expiration of the comment period. Issues shall be raised with sufficient specificity to enable the decision maker to respond to the issue, Staff Contact: Andy Limbird City of Springfield Urban Planning Division E-mail: alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us Phone: (541) 726~3784 If you would like to meet directly with the planner, please call and make an aDDointment. Date Recei~ed' If/MOb Planner: AL I I ,I " ," '- I :r: ..1 ~ ~~ 2600 !.!__...:.::. I ; 114 ~~ . 4B\~!' lj 11';';'~;~' W 1100"'~oOOO :;:'l;:~'o"~' ~~1'!~~ 1 ' ~ ., ..~~~""' " 46'- \ ~.:~;; "'" Y, 's._'''',o''' ../ :~HiGHWAY o' .~- ,.,,4.44' II, '2"40'~3-" t' 1202 I ~"'\ if "1"- ~! Ii ':~..c l...........~...- - '" '" I~I"""..>.... 1201 : 240!S ~ o,~ "c, 1 i 027 J.C ~ f'. t I ;>1_.:11"" :I City of Springfield t-'~'~ "'1fo'.~ , ~'!!r j , ~ . I , ~ ~~ .~ ~ ~",,(rii; . '. 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Z.r--- " I , ..-i ,', ' '; lV:JeUUBld , 9()trC J -cr; :pa^le:)a~ alBG " 1702314300301 ARMSTRONG JOSEPH R 3789 OREGON ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702314300302, TIPLER MARKUS M 37830REGON,ST SPRINGFIELD. OR 97478 1702314300303 INGRAM DEBBIE L 329 S 37TH PL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314300303 SMART ERNESTINE L 329 S 37TH PL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314300304 RUIZ BEA TRIZ CASTILLO 351 S 37TH PL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314300305 RAMIREZ MERCEDES 365 S37TH PL . Te.do" SPRINGFIELD. ()R 97478 1702314300305 RAMI ODORO 365 7TH PL RINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314300308 WEDDLE LARRY L 1301 ALDER ST SAN LUIS OBISPO. CA 93401 1702314300309, '5.0 BEMETZ JEFFREY M 3725 OREGON AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR '97478 1702314300310 YOUNG ALAN & MABLE 2685 MARCOLA Ro SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702314300311 BOLLENBAUGH TERRY &M A 3535 OREGON AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314300600 NICHOLS RONALD E & RUTH D PO BOX 735 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702314300601 ORDSTRAND AARON M 343 S 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702314300700 STUART RAYMOND L & JANICE C 385 S 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314302100 TOBAR RENE A & TRINA P 3633 OREGON ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314302102 HARLAN WILFRED L 3685 OREGON AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314302103 BARROWCLIFF PARTNERSHIP L TD 37151 PARSONS CREEK RD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 '- 1702314302104 GILLISS JOHN D 3643 OREGON ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702314302105 ARCHEY ELLEN K 330 S 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314302106 LEMUS JUAN C 374 S 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478' 1702314302500 STUART RAYMOND L'& JANICE C 385 S 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 5c<:>tt f't,.o-<t'l c;, , Ol~oV\" M.a.-it':> 3'il'0~' s+ 5-k. 200' ~.-,~"'~ iJ., O~ "li,"n\? Date Received" /f..?.z/~6 Planner: AL Cllict~ b r~l ' '6'] 1702314205200 DEFL YER JOHANNA H ' 3635 S A ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314205200 ,MCNA[R WILLIAM R a IilM-j 3635 SA ST SPRINGF[ELD, OR 97478 1702314205400 KRUSE GEORGE 210 S 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314205500 MCNAIR Y JANE 3650 ST SP. GFIELD, OR 97478 [7023[4205601 CHASE JONNY R & CHARlCE M 280 S 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD. OR 97478 [702314205602 PETERS JEANETfE 240 S 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314205605 THOMAS DANIEL T ~ ~ 3680 OREGON AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314205605 THOMAS JE 36800 NAVE 'SP. GFIELD, OR 97478 1702314207400 MELENDEZ JOSE 3755 GEM AVE SPR[NGFIELD. OR 97478 1702314207500 MCG[NN[S THOMAS M 3751 GEM AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314207501 CITY OF SP 225 N 5T SP IELD, OR 97477 1702314207600 MILLER VALLEY L TD PTRSHP 3330 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702314207800 FISCHER DANIEL 325 S 43RD PL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314207801 ALMEIDA GRACE B 3716 OREGON AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702314207902 _ VAUGHN CLAUDIA E 3760 OREGON AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314207903 GILL JACKL YN J 3732 OREGON ST SPRINGFIELD. OR 97478 1702314208000 HARRISON DUANE R & ARMINDA 3780 OREGON AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702314208100 FORD DlANN FAYE 220 S 38TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314208400 PROFILET JUDY F 3718SAST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 GET 1702314205300 , TERRY SHERMAN DOUGLAS 1594 MISTC~T EUGENE, OR 97402 1702314205600, ' MILLER RAYMOND J &SUSAN A 3638 OREGON AVE SPRINGF[ELD, OR 97478 1702314205604 CONTRERAS~NDO 3622 OREGON AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702314206700 MILLER VALLEY L TD PTRSHP 3330 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702314207 CITY L 2 5TH ST PR[NGFlELD, OR 97477 1702314207700 KEGLEY GARY A & CAROLYN S 245 SOUTH 37TH SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702314207901 BOUTION ADR[AN <moo RIVER RD JUNCTION CITY, OR 97448 1702314207903 GILL J JUNE 37 REGON AVE RlNGFlELD, OR 97478 1702314208201 PARKER LARRY P & CARMEN L 3786 OREGON AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702~14208500,~,",O TRA VESS GEORGE T 1495 CHEEK ST SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 Dat~ Received:~h7~' ' Planner: AL 1702314205200 Resident 3635 S A ST Springfield, OR 97478 1702314205300 1702314205400 Resident Resident 200 S-37TH ST 210 S 37TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1702314205600 1702314205601 Resident Resident 3638 OREGON AVE 280 S 37TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 I 1702314205602 1702314205604 Resident Resident 240 S 37TH ST 3622 OREGON AVE Springfield, QR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 ,1702314207500 1702314207600 ,Resident Resident 3751 GEM AVE 225 S 37TH ST \ . Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 , 1702314207800 1702314207801 Resident, Resident 285 S 37TH sf 3716 OREGON AVE Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1702314207902 1702314207903 , Resident Resident 3760 OREGON AVE 3732 OREGON AVE Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1702314208100 1702314208201 Resident Resident 220 S 38TH ST 3786 OREGON AVE Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1702314208500 1702314300301 Resident Resident 3726 S A ST 3789 OREGON AVE Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1702314300303 1702314300304 Resident Resident 329 S 37TH PL 351 S 37TH PL Springfield, OR 97478 ' Springfield, OR 97478 1702314205500 Resident , 3650 S A ST Springfield, OR 97478 1702314205601 Resident 2801/2 S 37TH ST APT 1 Springfield, OR 97478 1702314207400 Resident 3755 GEM AVE Springfield"OR 97478 1702314207700 Resident 245 S 37TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 1702314207901 Resident 3768 OREGON AVE Springfield, OR 97478 1702314208000 Resident 3780 OREGON AVE Springfield, OR 97478 1702314208400 Resident 3718 S,A ST Springfield, OR 97478 1702314300302 Resident 3783 OREGON AVE Springfield,OR97478 --' 1702314300305 Resident 365 S 37TH PL Springfield, OR 97478 1702314300308 1702314300310 Resident Resident 398 S 37TH PL 344 S 37TH PL' Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 IOate Received: 1J;4:/;z..06 Planner: AL , . 1702314300311 1702314300500 1702314300600, Resident ' Resident Resident 3735 OREGON AVE 3725 OREGON AVE 325 S 37TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1702314300601 1702314300700 1702314302100 Resident Resident Resident 343 S 37TH ST 385 S 37TH ST 3633 OREGON AVE Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1702314302102 1702314302103 1702314302104 Resident Resident Resident 3685 OREGON AVE 352 S 37TH ST 3643 OREGON AVE Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR, 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1702314302105 1702314302106 1702314302500 Resident Resident Resident 330 S 37TH ST 374 S 37TH ST 390 S 37TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Date Received: /1>> ~6 Planner: AL 7 ' S_U.B2006-00069 Partition Tentative - Fischer 17-02-31-42 TL 7800 Abc Street Names - Visible up to 1 :10000 Springfield Streets - Tooltlp Is Street Name Springfield Addresses - Tooltlp Is Address - Vis... Buffer layer Tax Lots - Tooltip Is Maplot '-I SI1rlngfield City Limits --,"'0.- __"",PR !]!illl El,!SIene City Limils !j]EUG Springfield UGB @ . o 1-' -- Uillm~ lnl i,;,i;,i=:.;;.;. N SCALE 1 : 3,471 ....-.... - , /.... 200 0 200 400 600 FEET http://spintranetlm9_mwf/spr_main_tide,mwf Date Received' /~7~6 Planner: AL Thursday, December 21, 2006 1 :53 PM