HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 2/7/2007 , ',' ~ " AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON) ) ss. County'of Lane ) I. Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as ,follows: 1. I state that I am 'a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development SerVices Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. . ",' 2. I state that in my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared and caused to be. " majled copies of 5lJe'2-o,,~-oO06"1 lJ~o1, ~ Pd~ -dA-4U/<-.....' (See attachment ,"A") on, .:LI-r , 200'1 addressed to (see ' Attachment B"I, by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S, mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon, c''d/~ht1_/~tuJh~ KA~~\aFLEUR (/)' '" " ' , STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane '.J)~7' Program Te@hnic,ian, Before me: .' . , . " 2007. Personally appeared, the above ~amed Karen LaFleur; who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. . ' " . . ",~' -", ~L iw~ ires: '~. n)-aJf , u. ", . - , . '. .:~_.-~.---.--.-:3,-,,4~~-'.~=~-"":"-~f r I, " ' . OFFICIAL SEAL', ' I I ' BRENDA JONES , ,,'NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON , f ,', , COMMISSION NO, 379218 . J '~ ' 'MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 27, 2008G ~>3>-..>--""---:;'?' '.~. ~-'-.----_.' 'My , Commis~ion ":",. . ',' " " '. <'. . Date f,<eceived: .2.,'/' ~ ~7" Planner: AL 7/ . -" .' , ',Ol,_ '~-.' , , , , TYPE II TENTATIVE PARTiTION REVIEW, STAFF' , REPORT & DECISION Project Name: Daniel Fischer Partition Project Proposal: P,!-rtition one residential parcel into two resid~ntial parcels ':: Case Number: SUB2006-00069 Project Location:' 285 South 37'" Street (Map 17-02-31-42, Tax Lot #1800) .' Zoning: Low Density Residential (LDR) Comprehensive Plan Designation: LDR, Pie-Submittal Meeting- Date: September 22, 2006 Application Submitted Date: December 21. 2006 ' , Decision Issued Date: February 7, 2007 Recomme;'dation: Approval wIth COndItIOnS " Appeal Deadline Date: February 22. 2007 Natural Features: None "Density:' Appr~ximately 8Aunits p~r'acre' ,Associated Application~: PRE2006~00078 ..' , .' 1,-: .. ',- , , , , .. .~. .", ' ./ . , ~ . '. ," . ~ (.:".. ,>-- .",.1 - , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PEVELOPMENT REVIEWTEAM'.-____.- '," _.(0." ~ I POSITION ' '" , ProiectManager I Transportation Planning Engineer' .',. '" -_ I Public Works Engineer , >1 Public Works Engineer I Deputy Fire Marshal , .I Community Services Manager' REVIEW OF Planning" ", Transportation Utilities Sanitary & Storm Sewer Fire and.Life Safetv , Building NAME' Andy Limbird Gary McKenney' Eric Walter Eric Walter' ,Gilbert Gordon Dave Puent PHONE 726-3784 726-4585 I 736-.1 034: , I 736-1034 -- -1-::-' . I' I I I, I 726-3661 I -,-, 1 726-3668--l" , "., ., ~. .' APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM Owner/Applicant: .- . . , . , . Engineer: .." '.. " " Daniel Fischer .-: ~ 325 South 43" Pla~e Springfield, OR' 97478 ' ".' '-';' .\ " " ., , .. ,," " Scott Morris Olson & Morris' 380 Q Street, Suite 200 :" Springfield, OR 97477, '" ~' , .' . ,- - . ,"~ ',. " ~. , ' " .' , ' '.- ", , ' -.. 'OateR~ceived;" , ,Planner:' AL", ",'. ..0"'. -- ~Jy.7<>07. . .'; " -, -'."~'~ . ' : ..~., " ", .... " , -.'. '. t.,.;;\\.:'.;.'..~r >. _.' ''';. :., h" .,..,..~..:. ...:.... ". ',', '_," ,~. ..../ '. " ;.ir-:~;." - l:J ". . ," '-':.., h . DECISION: Tentative Approval, ',,'ith conditions, as of the date ofthis letter. The standards of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) applicable to each criterion of Partition 'Approva'l are listed herein and are satisfied by the submitted plans and notes unless specifically noted with findings and conditions necessary for'compliance. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS, AS WELL AS THE FINAL PLAT, MUST CONFORM TO THE SUBMITTED PLANS AS CONDITIONED HEREIN. This is a limited land use decision made according to City code and state statutes. Unless appealed, the decision is final. Please read this document carefully. (See Page 10 for a SUnllnary of the conditions of approvaL) OTHER USES AUTHORIZED BY THE DECISION: None. Future development will be in accorda,nce with the provisions of the SDC, filed easements and agreements, and all applicable local, state and federal regulations, ' REVIEW PROCESS; This appl;~ation is'revieo,yed under Type II procedures listed in SDC 3,080 and the partition criteria of approval, SDC 34,050, Thjs application was accepted as complete on December 21, 2006, This decision is issued on the 4 7l1) day of the 1 20 days mandated by the state. ,,' ' SITE INFORMATION: The subject property is a 96.5'x108' rectangular-shaped lot located at the 'northeasi corner of South 3th Street at Oregon Avenue,' The site comprises approximately 0,24 acres (10,411 ft2) and contains an existing house, Theproperty is zoned and designated LDR in the Metl:o Plan and the Mid Springfield Refinement Plan,,' Adjacent properties are also zoned and designated LDR: The' Assessor's description for tl:Je subject property is Map 17-02-31-42, TL #1800. Approval of the proposed partition would create two irregular-shaped lots: a 5,9,06 ft2 parcel containing the existing house; and a ..: second 4,505.ft2 lot to the rear (east) of the house, .The second lot is proposed to derive access from an existing 17.. foot wide curb cut arid driveway on Oregon Avenue, WRITTEN ,COMMENTS: Procedural Finding: Applications for Limited Land Use Decisions require the ~'?tificati~n of property' owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject property allowing for a 14 day comment period on the'.' - , application (SDC 3,080 and 14,030), The applicant,and parties submitting written comments during ihe': notice period have appeal rights and are mailed a copy of this decision for consideration, '" , . , .'. . . -.". .. ' . , ~", .':-'. -". Procedural Fmding: In ac'cordance with SDC, 3,080 and 14,030, notice, was sent to property' ", ': ,owners/occupants within'300 feet of the subject site OIi December 22, 2006, Staff responded to one.walk- '.. ',ininquiryregardingtheproposalandone,writtencommentwasre~eived, ,..," , ..' "'-'~'~~' ,. -"- ~"~_--.. '.>-, Comment #i .. Peggy Bollenbaugh, 3735 Oreg~n Avenue: "I received a noti,e: regardil;g a)elidirzg' , Partition Tentative Plan Application, Case Number SUB2006-00069, My main concel:n regarding the' ..'~-'" , property is th~t a mobile/modular/manufactured home ~ill be put on the property. ' . ' .-.. :,' '" , ' .. .' " .' '. ~ ' <'...:. ';;.,.-'- ~~ J:..". J_ .' ..-' ',' - " . : - .' . -: ~ . . . "-. : . " .,' . '. , The;e are at least six manufactured homes within a block of this property, and I perso;Jallyfeel that'ihey :' , don'tfit in with the neighborhood, Most of these manufactured homes look like they. are bottom afike line, the least'expense [sic] available to put on a city 10i.Architectural styles' of some of the exisUng , manufactured homes were not considered when they were placed on the lots, Homes are sitting sideways on the lots, sitting close'to the sidewalks and look as though they are just crammed in, Ifee! that:thii::' , ' does not help th~ rest of the 'stick' homes in the neighborhood appreciate.in value, '." ' ' , Overall, j don't mind if the property is divided, it's just how iiwi!l be used th~t I mind, . . '.' , Staff Resnonse: Section 16,020 of the Springfield Development Code lists 'modular).nd manufactured' dwellings as a pennitted use, allowinl\ them to, be placed on lots zoned Low Density" Residential .'.. 'Dati= Received', '" ,Plal1ner:' AL .:':/7!,'2001: ,', " 2, .. . \) . . . \ (including the subject property), ,However, mobile homes are only permitted in Manufactured Dwelling 'Parks and certain lots in Central, Springfield near Industrial A venue and in the vicinity of 30th to 35th Streets (an area known as "Adams Plat"), Upon completion of the partition plat, the owner would be able to apply for a building permit for either a manufactured/modular, home, or a, stick-built home in accordance with provisions of the SDC, The placement of the dwelling would have to meet the SDC , , requirements for building setbacks from front, side and rear property lines. ' CRITERIA OF PARTITION TENTATIVE APPROVAL: ' ,SDC 34,050 states that the DireCtor shall approve or approve with conditions a Partition ,Tentative Plan application upon determining that criteria (I) through (9) of this Section have been satisfied, If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the criteria, the Director shall deny the application, ,,(1) The request conforms to the requiremeuts of this Code pertaining to parcel size and ' dimeusions. , Finding I: Pursuant to SDC Section 16,030(2), lots on ~orth-so~th streets shall have a minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet with 60 feet of street frontage. .. ,~ ' Finding 3: Ptirsuant toSDC Section 16,030(1), lots on east-west 'streets shall have'a minimum lot size of 4,506squarefeet with 45 feet of street frontage, ,:'. ' ;" ' ' . 'Finding 4: Proposed Parcel 2 is 4,505 square feet with 86,6 feet of frontage, yvhich meets the requirements ofSDC 16,030(1),' , ' . :. . 'f . Finding 5: 'The Springfield Development Code does not limit the number of angle points that can ' be used to cre!;te .a common property line between two single family residential (LDR) parcels, - '( .,- j" .' ',..,. .- '." .n. e . . ,__ i::' - , .,' ~"'C, , Findiitg 6' ',The subjeCt'property'is designated Low Density Residential' (LDR) by the Metro Plan' diagrain 'and the Mid Springfield Refinement Plan, The zoriing of the property isLDR, consistent with th~ Metro Plan and adopted Refmement Plan" and no chanll,e to ~e zoning designation ~r " boundaries IS proposed. ,: ':' " ,.,.,l. . "': ' ' , " , . - . .'. ". . _ ". . .. J . ::...'>- ......h ~. :',. .. -. ~. .:;. ','- .: . . Cb~duSiO~: ' This prop~s~ satisfies Crit~ri~~ 'i~' " ' , . ': 'c'," , : :," .,' '. c"" . .'.:' ','. -'--'.' .;. - ".:-.; ,. (3) " , . Capacity 'requirements of public' improvements; including but not limited to water and electricity; sanitary sewer: and storm water management facilities; and streets and traffic ,safety controls shall not be exceeded, and the public improvements shall be available to serve 'the site at the time of development, uniess othenvise provided for by'this Code and other" applicable regulation's. The Public Works Director or a utility, provider shall determine , . capacityissues.:': " .. " , '. ".' .::", , . '.' ,. " '-'. . ~ ,'" t," ." , ",General Finding.7: For all public improvements, the applicant shall'j-efuin a private professional 'civil engineer to design,the partition improvements in conformance with City codes, this decision, , '-' "\>. ';'.", t" :'...., . ~. '!, .:,.,~< \.,' .". . ., . .'.. ,".', , "', ':;:"'D,,;ief~~6~i~ed~:",t/;,:,'X~;;;, ,.': '~" ,d':'E'Ia,~~er:~f.L. ,':-7: /-. " , .,t' ;,-,- ',', "" ' '" ;. ',-:," '" 3 .'c"'_''-' ,.-" .... '.." .,' "" .", '.' :.,- '" .. ',c. _' -' " ." and the current Engil1~ering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). The private civil engineer also shall be required to provide construction inspection services, General Finding 8: The Public Works Director's representatives have reviewed the proposed partition,' City staffs review comments have been incorporated in fIndings and conditions " contained herein, General Finding 9: Criterion 3 contains sub-elements and applicable cod~ standards, The partition application as submitted complies with the code standards listed under each sub-element unless otherwise noted with specifIc fmdings and conclusions, The sub-elements and code standards of Criterion 3 include but are not limited to: Public improvements in accordance with SDC 31 and 32 , 0 Public Streets' and Related Improvements (SDC 32,.02.0-32,.09.0) , o Sanitary Sewer Improvements (SDC 32,1.0.0) , o Storm Water Management (SDC 32,110, 31.24.0) ,0 Water and Electric Improvements (SDC 32,12.0(1)) o Fire and Life Safety Improvements (SDC 32.12.0(3)) o Public and Private Easements (SDC 32.12.0(1) arid (5)) Public Streets and Related Improvements Finding 1.0: . Section 32,D2D(7)(b) of the SpringfIeld Development Code requires that'wh~never a 'proposed land division or'development will increase traffIc on the City street system and that development has any unimproved street frontage abutting a fully improved street, that street 'frontage shall be fully improved to City specifications, Exception (a) notes that in cases of uninlproved streets, an Improvement Agreement shall be required as a condition of Development Approval postponing improvements until 'such time as a City street improvement project is initiated,' ' . .. ,. , ' , , ' .' '. ' '.. . .- -~., . ". Finding II: Abutting the 's~bject site;South 37th Street is a 36-foot wide paved loc'al'st;eet"in a . , 5D-foot wide -right-of-way. It is developed to urban standards with curb, gutter, sidewalk, 'and " , ,low pressure sodium' (LPS) street lighting improvements. Average daily traffic for South 37th ;' 'Street is estirriated to be fewer than 500 vehicle trips per day, In Zq06, a 'new, slurry seal' '. pavement overlay was applied to portions of South, 37th Street adjacent to the subject, site.": ' - ,- " .' " '. ,... ..,' ,- ~.' .. . ' -. . ~ ..,' , '. .':, -'.. ~ -. . -' .. ,Finding 12: Abutting the subject site, Oregon Avenue is a 36-footwide paved.loca(streei'in-a ;=~ 5D-foot wide right-of-way, It is developed to urban standards with curb, gutter, sidewalk and low " pressure sodium (LPS) street lighting, Average daily trafflc for Oregon A venue is, estin:ated to be ,fewerthan 5.0.0 vehicle trips per day. In 2.0.06, a new slurry seal pavement overlay was'applied to ,.'p6rtions'ofOregon Avenue adjacent to the subject site, ,-,,' " ' " , " ' ',: ,~, ,-:~;< :. ~. <,' . .' .... .." - - ,~ , ,"-,-;-,~ :...:" ',-'1 "- , . . ." .. Finding 13: In ~~~ordance with SDC 32..05.0, where street trees cannot be planted in thepublic right-Of-way, they shall be planted in the required front yard setback of private property in ,order, , " to meet street tree requirements, " , , ", Finding 14: ~ There is an existing street tree along the South 371)> Street' front~ge of the pr~perty '7 .- 'that is proposed to reinaili in Parcell of the tentative partition plan, An additional street tree is proposed for the South 37th Street frontage of Parcell in accordance with SDC 32,.05.0,' The 'street trees are located within private property and long-term maintenance will remain' the resP9nsibilityofthe property owner. __ " " " '-.' ,,' .,-; . "O~~E:lReceived:41;"<>1 PI"on'er' AL I ~; - . - , . ~. .." , '" . ,4 \' < "'~'i'; " ~, .. ' .. ' Finding 15: The developer is proposing to install two new street trees within the Oregon Avenue frontage of Parcel 2 in accordance with SDC 32,050. The street t,ees are proposed within private property and long-term maintenance will remain the responsibility of the property owner. The proposed street trees shall be compatible with the existing overhead power lines, in accordance with the EPSPM, " : ' , ' . , Finding 16: The'property is'serVed by two existing driveways: ,a 22-foot wide paved driveway access and curb cut on South 37th Street, and a 17- foot wide driveway and curb cut on Oregon Avenue: The developer is proposing to use the existing curb cuts' and driveways to serve,Parcels" I and 2. , Sanitary Sewer Improvements Finding 17: Section 32.100 o'rtheSDC requires that sanitary sewers shall be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to existmg mains, Additionally, installation of sanitary sewers shall p:ovide sufficient access for maintenance activities, Finding' 18: Sectio~ 2,02,1 of the City's EDSPM'statesthat when land outside a ne;'" development , 'will logically direct flow, to sanitary sewers in the new development, the sewers shall be public sewers and shall normally extend to one o'r mor~ of the property boundaries., ' . -. . . - .' . - . . . . . Finding 19: Section 2,02,8 ofthe City's EDSPM states 'that sewers shall be located in the right-of- , way at street centerline or within 5 feet of the centerline of the stj'eet. Sewers in easements shall be' , allowed only after all reasonable attempts'to place the mains in rights-of-way have been exhausted, ' . '. .. ,- . . . , ,- , Finding 20: There is an exlsting '8-inch public' sanitary sewer line running north-south - parnllel with the property street frontage - within the South 37th Street right of way, The existing house on , proposed Parcell is connected to the 8-inch public sewer line by a 4-inch sewer lateral extended ili - - . - - ," . beneath South 3 7 Street. ' ' , , ' f .'~ .- 'Finding 21:, The.developer i~ proposing to install a 'new' 4-inch s;mi~ sewer lateral with a y_ i , connection ,to the existing 4-inch line serving the existing house, A'1O-foot wide private utility , easement is 'proposed illong the southwest (Oregon Avenue) frontage of Parcel I to accommodate ,the sewer service for Parcel 2, ,-- -- . , " ...:. . " ~ -;. ';, ,', , ;" ,';, ..:<i. .., '~"" .;...., " -- 'Condition'~fApproval::, " ~ ." -' . ' ': ' '-- .. I:' Prior,to app~o~alofih~ Final Plat, theIO-footwid~pri~ate ui;lityease~~'ut'within Parcell and' benefiting Parcel 2 shall be recorded and evidence thereof provided to the City. .. " . . -.. . ~' . . '". ~".I. " . '. '" L;' ., ....,.,'~. ";; '~". " Sto~mwate,.~ Man~ge~~nt (Qnantity)' .,.' , ~ :~~ ,."'" , .:'", :':. ~"" .~. .' ',' , ";., " '.:' '.' -. . , Finding' 22:'Section 32.110(2) of the SDC requires ,that the -Approval 'Authority shall: grant " 'development approvai' oniy where adequate public and/or private stormwater management system ': provisions have been made as determined by the Public Works Director,' consisFent with the ' ", EDSPM.', __ '," .' ',' ':,' ,~,' " " ' r,_.'. , " .1.- ~ ~'".~ . .: '. "~' "., . , ".'. ..... Finding 23:' Section 32,110(3) of the SDC states' that a stormwate~manage~ent system shall accommodate potential rupoff from its entire upstream drainage area, whether inside or outside of the developm~t. " '::' ',' "".' . :,' '", " '.- '..' .. ' '. :,".- .,' - '''"I ',; ", ,,".:.' .... " :,. Finding 24: Section 32,110(4) of the SDC requires that runofffroma development shall be directed t~ an approved stormwater ~lanagement system with sufficient capacity to accept 1l?:e discharge, ,., ".,' '~/ . :"':" :~:'-~'-:~'-::"" -~ .', .~.; /: "'. .i.~ ;'~ r: ".:'~:;;J.:""';;' ~ ",; \' ' . "", {I', ., ':Datef'<e{c~i~~~f:;r2./7~L, 'Planner: At. " 1,/00: < " .... ' .;'., ", ': ,- ... 5-- . ~'. ~.- ~ ' , "." .{- : ...." ,,: , --- ',-' '" <' "' .....,.. ,,"., ~" "- Finding 25: Section 32,110(5) of the SDC requires new developments to employ drainage management practices that minimize the amount and rate of surface runoff into receiving streams, and that promote water quality, Finding 26: The developer is not proposing to change the existing stormwater ,system within Oregon Avenue or South 37"' Street. To comply with Sections 32.110(4) and (5), the developer is proposing to install drainpipes for the existing house downspouts and connect them to the weep holes'on South 37"' Street. Finding 27: To accommodate rooftop drainage from a future house on Parcel 2, a new drain pipe is ,proposed to be installed and connected to an existing weep hole along the Oregon Avenue curb line. From the curb line, drainage would be conveyed by gravity flow into curb inlets and the public stormwater drainage system. ' Condition of Approval: ' 2, Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the existing house gutters and downspouts shall be connected, , "' to the weep holes in the curb along South 37 Street ' Water and Electric System Improvements Finding 28: Section 32,120(3) of the SDC requires each development area to be provided,with a 'water system having sufficiently sized, mains and lesser lines to, furnish adequate s~pply to the ,'development and sufficient access for maintenance, Springfield Utility Board (SUB)' coordinates the design of the water system within Springfield city limits. , ' ' . , . . Finding 29: The Tentative Plan shows the location of the proposed ~ater meter which is served by an existing 6-inch.water main in South 37"' Street. A water line,to serve the future ho.use on 'Parcel 2 is proposed within a private utility easement across the southwest comer of Parcel I.' , However, the size of the water line is not shown, . ' Finding 30: Underground electric service to the ,future' house on Parcel 2 is proposed within the . : private utility easement across Parcel I. Electrical service is proposed to be connected to an , , , existing,powei pole located at the northwest comer of the Oregon A venUe and South 37"' Street 'intersection, 'Proposed installation' of the underground electrical, service for Parcel 2 ,will require' ' " , an open trench'across South 37th Street: Among other things, electrical permits, and a pavement. ~' .". . , deposit for repairs to South 37 Street may be required, -..::.. . . ..' . , , Finding 31:: "SDC, 32.120(2) states, "Wherever possible: utilitY, li~e~ shall be placed underground.''' However, there are no changes proposed'to the overhead power line serving the: existing house on Parcel L " : ,." ". " .' j' , , . , '. ", " ,.: 'Finding 32: Springfield Utility Board (SUB) Electric: advises that underg;.ound electricity could' . : be provided' from the existing overhead power lines along the Oregon Avenue frontage of the , property." A new power pole would have to, be installed along the Parcel 2 frontage approximately 50 feet west of the southeast property comer. The electrical service would be' " taken from this new power pole and run underground to the meter base. This would eliminate the need for open, trenching through South 37th Street to bring an electrical service line across from . ,the west side of the street. It would be the preference of the Citythattrenching across the newly~, . resurfaced South 37th Street is'avoided, '. ' ' " ' :. 'D~te ~~ce'v@~;,d~j~:, Planner: Ak.". " . . . ,... '.. "~" . ,.~ ."'. ~ , . :'~,~: . 6 . ;" ~'. .,' , , . Conditions of Approval: 3, Prior to approv~l 'of !lie Final Plat, the size of the water line, to serve Parcel 2 shall be indicated on the plan," ' 4, Pnor to 'app~ovaJ'ofthe Final Plat, the electrical service to the existing house shall be'placed underground, ' ' . ";1 ,5, Prior to '~pprovaJ of the Final Plat, any changes to the 'proposed electrical service to serve Parcel 2 shall be indicated on the partition plan, Fire,and Life Safety Improvements Finding 33: Springfield Fire and Life Safety advises that water flows are available to serve the proposed partition area, The nearest fire hydrant is'located approximately 8'5 feet from the subject' m ' property atthesouthwest corner of South 37 Street and .oregon Avenue., , , Findmg 34: The Fire and'Life Safety Department advises tJ:i~t sufficientfIre access will be provided for the proposed parcels by virtue of frontage on South 37m Street and Or~gon Avenue, ", ,,:' ',1'-..;, Public and Private Easements , , ",' , :Finding 35: Section 32.120(5) onhe SDC r~quires applicants proposing developme~ts to,make arrangements with the CitY and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to fully service the development or land beyond the development area. The 'minimum , width for public utility easements (PUEs) adjacent to street rights:of-way snail be 7 feet The minimum width for all other public utility easements shall be 14 feet unless o,theiWise specified. . . ,'Finding 36: In accordance with SDC 32.120(5), the applicant is proposing to dedicate a 7-foot' wide PUE along the South 37m Street and Gregori A venue frontages of the development, site,:; . : , " ~,. - ...' ~ '. .. ...' ~ Finding 37: As previously conditioned, the proposed utilities along the frontage ofParcel,1 and " ' , benefiting Pa;cel2 will require a 10-foot wide private easement (Condition I). .. ~'.,__."_: ",. ,": ,.,'." ., Co~clusion;. As conditi(:med herein, this pr~;osal satisfies Crit~rion 3.".': ,,' '" ':r ' " _ , ". ". '. '.. ..... ;, <,',' -, l.... ' ,< . '. . \. . ~'., " , ,,' .....:: "'). -:-- .....~~'. : (~)' Th~proiJOsed development shall comply With all applicable public aud'private deslgi. ,md . construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. ,:; .'.' - , " .. '. . " , . . ',. r" ,,:' -,1" -~ .. .' . '" . .. ,~ .~ , .' ", < '. . 'GeneTIil Finding 38: Criterion 4 contains two elements with sub-dements and applicabltCode ,c." ,"';~, '.' " standards, ',The partitjon application as submitted complies,with the code standards, listed under".-- ',-' '. ',: .',..'.:.each sub-element unless othelWisenoted' with specific [mdings and conclusions'. ,The elements,... 'sub-elements and Code standards of Criterion 4 include but are not limited to: ' . ~ ,:." ~ :' " . . . - .; '. ' , 4a' Conformance with standards of SDC J I:' Site Plan Review, and Article 16,' Residential ' ',Zoning' o'., ", ..:' , '",' ',' '. " ., . o . LOICoverage and Setbacks 63DC 16:040 -)6.050).,:" ,.< ,-' , ;:0' Height, Standards (SDC )6.060]" , " ., '0 ..' ,'. 'o'Gff-StreerParking Standards (SDC 16,070 and 3 Ll70-230) , " '~o ,',Fence Stimdards (SDC 16.090):'. '.' __>, ,>:' __ ; , ' . o.LandscapingStandards (SDC 31.130~150). ,< 0 " Screening and Lighting (SDC 31.160) , , ..':_..... " ." '. . ,_:" ",' .,' . i,'_ .., ". , ,:'< , ~"'" ,',. ....' - '.', , , .' :',l-.1:,(J;:;..>,~, ..!~.?}!f;,~~;;~l~:' ~ " ,',' , b.ate;~eCeiVed:Y/~7 " ;PI,a!1ner:~L. ' " " 7 '. .' '., ,. ,;' "- .... " ....'., ., '. 4b Overlay Districts and Applicable Refinement Plan Requirements, > o The site lies within the 10-20 year time of travel zone (TOTZ) for the Maia cIrillking water well. o The site is within the Mid Springfield Refinement Plan area. 4a Conformance with standards, of SDC 31, Site Plan Review, and SDC 16, Residential Zoning Lot Coverage andSethacks Finding 39: The irregular shape and narrow building envelope of proposed Parcel2,may result in an elongated building form on this lot. The future residential dwelling shall be sited and constructed in accordance with the solar access requirements ofSDC ]6,050(5), Condition of Approval: 6, Prior to approval of a building permit for a dwelling on Parcel 2, the building plans shall ,", .' demmlstrate compliance with the solar setback requirements of SDC 16.050(5). Off Street pa;king Standards 'Finding 40: In accordance with SDC 16.070(5)(d), a minimum of two off-street parking spaces are required for each proposed _parcel:' , The existing driveway and garage is proposed to be retained to serve the house 011 Parcell, A new paved 'driveway and off-street parking area will be , required prior to issuance of occupancy for a house on Parcel 2 in accordance with SDC ] 6,070 and SDC Table32-2, " ,.- ' Finding '41: In accordall~e with SDC T~ble 32~2, ,the futUre driveway to' serve Parcel 2 will be paved from the curb to a point at least 18 feet into the property. ' - -"". Condition of Approval: , " .,," > , '7, ,Prior to issuance of occupancy for a house on Parcel 2, a,paved,driveway.and at least twooff-, street parking spaces shall be installed in accordance with SDC 16,070 and Table 32-2, ' .>' . - '. . . . "... ~ --. - ...... .' , Conclusion: As conditioned herein: this proposal saiisfies Criterion4a:: , , " 4b Overlay DistrictsandApplicable Refi~~m'ent Pla~Require!llents: , ~ ", ,.;..; . t-. >~. ".." :'. " . . . " '+", . .' " _, _ . _, _ " _ ~ w,_' '.... .,.... Finding 42: Development ,Review' staff have reviewed the,'application in r~gai-d to'the' DriIlking' "'. .-', .' Water Protection Overlay Distrlctand Refinement Plan requirem,ents, No policies of the))wp, ::- . ',Overlay Disirict or Mid-Springfield Refinement Pldn apply to the ,partition, , . ~ ". i. ~. ., ~'- . ':'., Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion 40.. .' ," . ~' (5) Pa~king areas and ingress-egress points h~ve been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, ; , , bicycle and pedestrian, safety to ,avoid ,congestion; 'proyide connectivity "ithin, the' ' " development area and to adjacent'residential areas,' transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial ,arid public areas; minimiZe, curb cuts on arterial and ' ;,' collector streets as specified in this Code' or other applicable regulations, and comply with the' , ODOT access'management standards for state highways. " ", , , .:,',>. '.. - - .' '. . "..Q~t~ R~geiv.~d:'~! ~J ~O:/' ,:,' , Planner: AL '. ," . .' . . - ~,' . 8, .'. . "" ',,:, ,",~",' " ."J '}~..i.~ ' ," ,. , ' 1.;-' '. - ' ':"'1 . ...~. . " :':' '.- , " ,.' ." " ~" ; :..... ,'," ,.,: . Findillg 43: The Development Review Committee reviewed ,the proposed 2-lot partition at a meeting on January 9,2007, The proposed parking, driveways and access points are suffici'ent to serve the proposed parcels, . '" ' Transportation System Impacts' " .' Finding 44: Abutting the subjectsite, both South 37th Streetand Oregon Avenue are 36-foot wide two lane local streets within 50-foot rights-of-way, The streets are improved to urban standards and experience fewer than 500 vehicle trips per day, Finding 45:' Based on'ITE Land Use Code 210 (SingleCFamily Detached Housing) the proposed partition and development of Parcel 2 with a single-family residential use would generate 10 additional vehicle trips per day and I PM peak-hour vehicle trip onto the surrounding street system, In addition, assumed development may generate pedestrian and bicycle trips, According to the "Household" survey done by LCOG in 1994,'12,6 percent of household trips are made by bicycle or walking and 1.8 percent are by transit bus, ' Thes.e trips may have their origins or destinations ata variety of land uses, including this site. Pedestrian and bicycle trips create the need for sidewalks" pedestrian crossing signals, crosswalks, bicycle parking and bicycle lanes. .' . ," Finding 46: The existing transportation facilities would be adequate to accommodate the additional vehicular and pedestrian traffic, generated by development of the subject property in a . safe and efficient manner.. " ' " ' Finding 47: The nearest regular transit bus service is provided by LTDRoute #11 (Thurston)'. operating along Main Street.' ' Site Access and Circulation 'or Finding 48:, Insta:llation of driveways on'a street increases the'n~mber oftraffic conflict points. A greater numbero(conflict points incl'eases the probability oftraffic, crashes, , SDC32,080(1)(a) 'stipul~tes,that each parcel is entitled t.o "im approved access to i! pu~lic street.",', ' " .... " ., . " .-", ," . '"-' . Finding 49: Existing a~cesstothe property is via a 22-fool ~ide driveway onto South 37th sireet' , near the northwestern corner 'of the site: There also is an existing 17-foot ~ide'c}lrb cut and., , , , unpaved driveway onto Oregon A venue at the southeastern corner of the subject property, The ' ':: l7-footwide driveway is proposed to be usedfor,Parce1.2, and must.be )Javed upon cOnStruction,~ ' ," ofa,futurehouse on Parcel2:.". ,,', ''. ..: ,.,',':" '." " .,,':r:, " .,,< '," .."', ' ' . ' "., .- . ,'. " "Finding 50: As proposed 'and previously conditioned, ingress.egress points will be' plarnied to.' , ' facilitate traffic , and pedestrian safety, avoid congestion and.to minimize curb cuts .on publie '.,. , streets as'specified in SDC' Articles 31 and 32" applicable zoning and overl?\y district i}rticles, and'. ' ,applicablerefinemeittplans__',: '. '" ,.'..' ',;" ."...'. '.' ,.-. . Conclusion:" This. proposal s~tisfi~s Criterion,5,: . : ~ '. ,.-" ~.., .~ ",., 1'- . , (6) , Physical features, includihg, but not limited to' significant clusters of trees' and shrubs," , . 'watercourses shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse'Map and their 'associated " .. riparian areas, wetlands, rock outcroppings and historic features have been evaluated and.' protected as specifiedinthis Code or other applicable regulation,s.' ' . ;' . " ~. . " , , '.: .~' ,-.,> . . . . . . ~'. . . ' ... - . . .' ~ Finding 51: The Metro' Area General Plan; Water Quality Limited Watercourse 'Map: State Designated Wetlands Map, Hydric Soils Map, Wellhead Protection Zone Map, FEMA Map and the list of Historic Landmark sites have been consulted and there are no features needing to be ' . ," .. ,'. - - . ..... .,' '. '. '.' .T' k.;,'.' .....,:.-:.:;..,~, :_~: ':<,::, ,,:,~"?'<\~i~J v.;.:q~:.. ::. ,- . .:.. < ~f',,-:',.; '-, ,.' , ~. ",Qate,Received: 0, _/',7",';;: .~,.- . Plannei:AL', 1.- . --. " - " '.', ..-,", 9 ., ~ . ~ ':. . . protected or preserved on this site, If any artifacts are found during construction, there are state laws that could apply; ORS 97.740, ORS 358:905,ORS 390.235.. If human remains are discovered during construction, it is a Class "c" felony to proceed under ORS 97,740'. Conclusion: TIils ,proposal satisfies Criterion 6, (7) Development of any' remainder of the property under the same, ownership can be accomplished in accordance with the provisions of this Code. Finding 52: There is no other property under the same ownership that can be further developed, Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion 7; (8) Adjacent land can be developed or is provided access that "ill allow . its development in accordance "ith the provisions of the Springfield Development Code. . ~ . . Fmding 53: Adjacent land is currently developed with residential dwellings and has access' to public streets, ' Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion 8, " ' (9) When no concurrent annexation' application submitted \vith Ii Partition Tentative Pli'n on, property that is outside ofthe city limits but within the City's urbanizable area, the standards, specified below. shall also apply. Finding 54: The property involved in this proposal is located inside the City Limits. ' Therefore, , Criterion 9 is not applicable, , Conclusion:, This proposal satisfies Criterion 9, '. , , , CONCLUs'lON: The tentative partition, as submitted and conditioned, complies "ith'Criteria 1~9 of SDc'34,OSO. Portions_of the proposal approved as submitted may not be substantively changed ,duri~g platting."ithoutan approved modification applicatiouin accordance \vith SDC 34..100. , , ",' . . .. .. .'" . " . What needs to be' done: 'The applicant will have up'to 9ne year from the date 'of this letter to meet the' , " 'applicable conditions of approval or Development Code standards and to submit a Final Partition,Plat. ' THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS AND THE FINAL PLAT MUST :BEIN SUBSTANTIAL COl\'FORMITY WITH THE TENTATIVE PLANS AND THE CONDITIONS , OF APPROVAL. " ' ....,.-..-. ',.', " -. , ., " , The Final Plai is required go through a pre,submittarprocess. 'After fue Final Plat application' is "omplete, <it I?ust be'submitted to the Springfield Development Services Department. A separate application'and , fees will be required, Upon signature by the City Surveyor and the Planning Manager, the Plat may be submitted to Lane, County, Surveyor for signatures prior 'to recording, No indi~idual lots may be transferred until the plat is recorded and three (3) copies of the filed partition are returned to the DeveloP!llent Services D.epl,lrtment by the applicant. - ,;' . '~'. '. ~ . . ,', ,,-. , Conditions of Approval:, ," " , , '. .. -, .. . .." '. 1. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the IO-foot wide private_ utility easement within Parcel I and,' 'benefitmg Parcel 2 shall be recorded and evidence thereof provided to the City, ,-- " , ,- >. . \;" ,.---..-. .. :..... ~ -, ...~, ',.: . .' Oiite ~ecei~ed:-..' 'z /:, ! ~<='1, ' PlanneE'.AL -. -. - ,,: ' 10. ~. . -:. ,,)~ ,; ;;-',.,-' :~~ .' "' , . ,- 2, Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the existing house gutters and downspouts shall be connected to the , weep holes in the curb along South 37th Street. ' , , ' ' 3, Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the size of the water line to serve Parcel 2 shall be indicated on the plan, 4, Prior'to approval of the Final Plat; the electrical service to the existing house shall be placed underground, ' S, Prior to approval of the Fin~I'Plat, any,changes to the proposed electrical serVice to serve Parcel 2' shall be indicated on the partition plan, ' 6, Prior to approval of a building permit fo~a dwellmg on Parcel 2, the bUilding plans shall demonstrate' compliance with the solar setback requirements of SDC 16,OSO(S)" . .. . 7, Prior to issuance of occupancy for a house on Parcel 2, a paved driveway and at lei'st two off-street parking spaces shall be insta!ledin accordance withSDC 16,070 and T!ible 32-2, . .' ~ . Additional Information: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and , the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies ar~ available for a fee at the, " ,~,evelopment Services Department, 225 Fifth street, Springfield, Oregon, ' " . .' . . 'Appeal: ThisType II Tentative Partition 'decision is considered a,decision of the Dir~ctorand as such, may be appealed to the Plamling Commission, The appeal may be filed with the Development Services Department by an affected party, The appeal must be in accordance with SDC, Article 15, Appeals, An Appeals application must be submitted to the City with a fee of $2S0,OO. The fee will be returned to' the appellant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application, '"," ' , , Inaccordan~e with SDC IS.020 which provides for a IS-day' appeal p~riod and Oregon Rules of Ci~i1 ,-,Procedures, Rule lO(c) for service of notice by mail, the appeal period for this decision expires at5:00:, p.m. on ,February 22, ~007.. " . '", . ',' '" ;': ,', , , " " '," .,," ' " "." . .;.' ~ . . . . . , ' > ." 'y L~~~d :, .- ' Planner II ' .... c"' ; " '" ~ '''; ,+,..., " , -" it , ....1 ,'\." ~/ .. .-' . ":~:,~",,,>,:";': -, "'. ,'-.' "'-",!. ~ .' 0, ,~ ' '. ',' .' :,.,. .... . ,'. '''';' ~ '. " , .. . ~: . - . ~ :', " , -." ' ;/::-.:,' .,-. '. , ".', "1 " " .'; "... . ',. . ..,'- ," .'" , "'."-'..;. ,," ',' ~.. " ,"," , ," .l_~_; '\-;' : ,f. . .\ ~ ' " . .' ".~, t ": . . .'. .'~~l'\:..:'..., :;~-. ;'..:~ : b~te R~ceived:~h7 Planner: Al .' . . .. .... " .Ht.... .~}:-;':..' .' ." .' 11'" , ~ ' "-f, ".c. ...r. . ).. . ; Please be advised that the following is provided for information, only and is not a component of the. subdivision decision. FEES Al\'D PERMITS Svstems DeveloDment Char2:es: The applicant must pay applicable Systems Development Charges when building permits are issued for developments within the City limits or within the Springfield Urban Gro"1h Boundary, The cost relates to the amount of increase in impervious surface area, transportation trip rate, and plumbing fixture units (Springfield Code Chapter II, Article II), Some exceptions apply to Springfield Urban Growth areas. Systems Developm,ent Charges (SDCs) will apply to the construction of buildings and ,site improvements within the subject site, The Charges will be'based upon the rates in effect at the time of permit submittal for buildings or site improvements on each portion or phase ofthe development. Among other charges, SDCs for park and recreation improvements will be collected at time of building permit issuance for future houses on Parcels I and 2, and would be based on the SDC policy in effect at that time. Willamalane Park and Recreation District advises that the SDC for park and recreation improvements is presently $2,303 for each new single-family dwelling, , Sanitarv Sewer In-Lieu-Of-Assessment:, Pay a Sanitary Sewer In-Lieu-Of-Assessment charge.in addition to the regular connection fees if the " property or portions of the property bt;\ng developed have not previously been assessed or otherwise participated in the cost of a public sanitary sewer. Contact the Engineering.Division to determine if In- Lieu-Of-As~essment charge is applicable, [Ord.5584] " Public Infrastructure Fees: It is the responsibility of the private developer to, fund the public infrastructure required to provide utilities to the property, ' " Other Citv Permits: , ..,' .', Encroachment Permit or Sewer Hookup Permit'~ Required for, working withili 'a right'of-way or public easement. Example: a new tap to the public storm or sanitary sewer, or adjusting a manhole., The current 'rate is $130 for processing plus applicable fees and deposits. .' .' ,,' '.' . ;',Land& DrainageAiterati~n Permit(LDAP)':'An LDAP will be ieC]uired fofnew home'~onstruction, , . ,Contact , the Springfield Public ,Works Department at 726-5849 . for appropriate applicaiion , : requireme~ts: " " " ' ' , -. .: ' ',' ,,' ,Adciiti~nal oermits/aoorovalsthat mav be necess;m:: .', . Plumbing Permit to connect the existing house .to the , stormwater drain pipes,' , ' ' ' -,' d, '1 ,"" ' stormwater system and to install new:,' ",;,'. . Electrical Permit , , , . ',. ,Division of State Lands (stormwaterdischarge, wetlands) , .. , . , :' Department of Environmental Quality '(erosion control, stoimwater discharge, wetlands) , ',' ,. US Army Corps of Engineers'(stormwater discharge; wetlands)' ," " .-' '...: .' '" :".~,'J:\.;, :', -,' ~.:" " - " ',f) l~- : : :~:)M ' Datet~eceiveq:2,;'1 ;;,~, Planner:,AL, ',', ,/ _ - '" , 12 .';' . ;'" . .~. . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES "225 FIFTH STREET' St;'RINGFIELD, OR 97477,;, ..' ": , '.... " :'. ')" , ' --Daniell'ischer 325 So 43rd Place Springfield. OR 97478' t., ,'~' . ','; ,".". : \:,. ': '1-';" .:".. ....'. ", ,. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 225-FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD,OR 97477 ' Scott Morris Olson & Morris 380 Q Street, Ste200 Springfield,- OR 97477 DatE' Receiv~d: -vI,:"", tJ7, Planner: AL :.... 1,' ,. ." o~~~ ",{3 , " -- ,-