HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 12/11/2007 --,. 380 Q Street, Suite 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 302-9790 (541) 485-3253' Fax aaron(Q)olsonandmorris. com Olson & Morris. A subsidiary of L.B. Olson & Associates, inc. , Consulting Engineers &'Suiveyors Urban Planners Traffic Engineers ,. ......-.:::'.:::-:::. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: July 23,2007. TO: Andy Limbird Development Services Urban Planning Division 225 Fifth Street ,Springfield, OR 97477' From: Aaron Grimes RE: SUB2006-00069 ;'-' WE ARE SENDING YOU,.. ( x) Attached . (. ) Originals ' (x) Copies ( ) Reports ( ) Plans ( ) Under separate cover via ) Prints ( ) Diskette(s) ) Specifications () Memo . I,QTY I I 6 DESCRIPTION 18x24 Revised Tentative Partition Plans (signed) ( ) For your use ( ) For approval & Filing ( ) For review & comment ( x ) As requested (.) Returned for correction ( x ) For your distribution ) Approved as submitted ) Approved as noted REMARKS: , The comments from ,the Type II Tentative Partition Review, Staff Report & Decision' have been addressed in regard to the partition plans being revised. Items 3 (indicating the size of the waterline to serve Parcel 2 on the plan) and 5 (indicating the change to the proposed electrical serve to serve Parcel 2 on the plan) 9irectly nalate to the revisions. , RECElVED DEe 1 :; Z007 BY: .aL C: , II Signature: . Date, Received' 10?O(J~. Planner: AI,..' . Z:\PROJECTS\3785 Mcdougal\CORRESPONDENCEi3785 TRANScF'LANNING_02.doc 380 Q Street, Suite 200 Springfield, Oregan 97477 (541) 302-9790 (541) 485-3253 Fax aaron@alsanandmarris.cam Olson & Morris A subsidiary of L.B. Olson & Associate, inc. Cansulting Engineers & Surveyars Memorandum To: Andy Limbird, Springfield Planner From: Aaron Grimes cc: Date: 12/7/2007 Re: SUB2006-00069 I've submitted this request an behalf .of my client, Daniel Fischer, wha is the property .owner. On February 7, 2007 a tentative partitian plan was appraved with seven (7) canditians .of approval. We are requesting that c.onditian .of appraval. item 4 be reexamined. Finding 31 states, per SDC 32.120(2), "Wherever passible, utility lines shall be placed underground." The tentative partiti.on plans did nat shaw the existing .overhead electric line serving Parcel 1 ta be relacated, thus canditian .of . appr.oval item 4 was established stating "Priar ta approval .of the Final Plat, the electrical service ta the. existing hause shall be placed undergraund." There are multiple factars that we wauld like yau t.o take int.o consideratian in the reexaminatian. There is a 39" Maple in the frant yard whase critical roat zane cauld be impacted ta such an extent that its remaval wauld be certain. This is a healthy large tree that will be a .one .of a kind at this intersectian pending remaval .of the ather large Maple an the subject praperty. This tree already has an estimated impact .of up ta 19% due ta the installatian .of the raaf drains and wastewater line, with 8% determined from wastewater line installatian alane. The existing .overhead electric service was redane last year. Alsa, per SUB, a cauple .of .optians have been discussed ta relacate the line underground. The first is adding anather pale, at the NW carner .of Parcel 1 , that a new a'verhead line wauld crass aver ta the pale and then ga underground, thraugh the paved driveway, ta the electric meter. In this scenaria the estimated impact far the undergraund line is 17% (plus the 8% from the wastewater line installati.on, tataling 25%, which allawsthe Maple ta remain). Hawever, there wauld still be an .overhead line crassing aver Sauth 37th Street, but the electric line wauld be underground from the pale ta the hause. Alternatively, a line cauld be installed under Sauth 37'" Street and the driveway ta the electric meter, but the cast and feasibility .of such installatian is nat practical, just passible. The secand aptian is ta m.ove the propased pawer pale an Parcel 2 further West and raute a~ underground line ta the electric meter. This cauld passibly be designed nat ta exceed the maximum .of 270' .of bend in the line, hawever the Maple is impacted more than 30%, requiring its remaval. We are requesting that yau allaw the existing .overhead line ta remain as is it, ta ensure the langevity .of the 39" Maple. Please take the abave mentianed factars inta consideratian as yau reexamine canditian .of approval itemA. Thank yau. Sincerely, a~~ L 1. Aaran J Grimes At4P-eE:D 10 ~'N ~r\ E>'Ib T=b""2R- --ro 8<.1<';"A.!G If,n)SG O(JL'-( . fASEl:> 0,", :bIS"",SS',oNS Wl'Tf-j ~ . IL ! A!'>J><-l CA."'-,- .r w,.J'1 nLOOT SV6 bLCLW' DatE'1 P..er:elyed:__/7;<>07_ '. ' Planner: AL . I . . AL.L. 1:2/7)07. , . .' i\, _ )~ y .-../''- <)' " ,', " ' l p\ ". ~ \'(, '-(\ . t:'l rJ '- . ;'1 . ,~..J r',,~;-'-. <1 - V', V" '- r \ l' TENTATIVE PARTITION FOR DANIEL FISCHER SE 1/4, SEe.S1, T.17S., R.2/Y., Jr.M. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON SURVEYED: JUNE 2, 2007 ex $J.JH 1010 n.*,(S).~.J9' R/JJ~71.70' YICINrrY JlAP \\~ t r'l ,,\0 ~W !"il, ..1 .' ~ !::i I ~'j : F '~ 0' .-r i -ti \1...[ :J DOUGlAS' GARfENS F .L-~', ~ ;fi:: i I. I \.J BOOK 1, - PArE 73 ~ + '( - ,5' I Y J S89'J9'.JOt t;l '07.93'': -=~.==:.x_- i ' I;:r: "81--/1 ':t 66.2>' /,7.,,' .; ,.', , . ~ ~~T ~ '"l~ : \I~ POR. 1:01~ .8r-L1!i-q~~(-; j-- -I'-t:),. "" '1'.L..l' ," EXISTING "<110;;;;",,... 1..' ob< \ : .:'Ii........ ,- "7.1; --c; Sl/IC/E-SWI?Y li q-r~ . I " ~ > ,.tr ,I I'" \ HOt.ISE .t ~Cf ~ II. ~'.~ . ':-.,. . ~_~.J.._ NOTES'" RESTRICTIONS ._1,'. _' - ~J6 ."'If'- iO '.". ~:, l!: TO RDJAiN ,ao' ;"-1 (+ ,)'J ~"""l"' ~ , ;:r: ,,~/ '-"- / I" I Ii: I. rmunES ~ EXlSmG AND PROWOfJJ BY 5PRf.VGFlfJ.l) unurr ~,.'". . . I i...::: ~ ffi=-":': __._:tl_~,._ -- / \., I I .--fJUIf..OOlI rooTPRnff EKJARO (suB) , ~ ".. or' .,!, :.:. \ '1.___' I "" 2, NO SO/fE( UCHIS PROPOSBJ. ,j, . I c::::. if , I, JJ , ,/ ':..i~- ,PARCEL 2 i/ e'ill)" J. FIRE Hr1JIWfr IS UJOHID ~PROxrl<<m.Y 85' SOlfTHWr:Sr OF __'_ I V) I ~~,~. ZQ' _ -\- ",' _ _ il') /'~ ~\~ \ .JJifJ4: 4505 SJ: I ;, 7:cR()I.)N() UTllnr.s SHOtr}{ HfRCOH Am: B4SElJ UPON -~"'" .!_.'..! /\ t~ -' f \ // ~... -.., I ~\i C(N;TiM;TlON AND .4$-8UltT ORJ.fIrW(;S AND HUt" NOr BEEN F/l1.J) 1~: / \ ~, ~ :, \ I _ l, J6" Wi'fE I ~. It[ OC fl()T crv.RANTU: THIS WrP 91t'1IS NJ. THE ..:._' . ' t.S -:.Jt; -~' \ P!:fl_csg:-.r.ll_a.~~_'. ~~ ~T ,) .: t UNa:RGRouMJ Ul1t.fllfS. "'I' /"- \..,~_ I. ~:>v<l -' R ...._. '~.l-. __/ I;" 5. 1HlR[ AR( J oroouous 11ifES IH1H DWJETERS Cl/fATER nv.N l '." I (fT"), G 1- ~ S"CWTHCSIlE 1lKl(}f"THflX1SfW(;TRlESNlEf't..I.NNEDro8~ i! /1 ~ t~~...:r. '>= fflOPOS8) r ~ ""01/Ell , I I I ~,~ 1 ~ "'-""--""'""1 6. T1rE PF:OPfRTY rs loNf.D IJJR (LOW fJEN5Jrr~. THE ".1. ~ I ,/ CONNEcr 10 -, 95 1 /WOPOSW I SlrflSltfr1lHMUIO-SPRiN(iFIEl.J)RlF1NEJJENTPWI.4.Ii'f))J.I[J _ / EXiSr5K.. ~___c ____ 1,9B POWfRSlJMa:'" I <::. HAS A PUJI DfS1CNItT1DH OF lOW OfNSIlY RESXJF:NTlA}- 1 ) I "~-----""""--!" 'tr,'f .' :-"-I,---...-_._..J. .4\l] ~.;-, ',.; PROPOSfD 1.00' P.Ull ~ 7. THf 1IfAR{Sr LID IS LOcum J.PPROXJU.uUY.1OO IfBr OF mE \ I" "';o}'--'; j~..JJ!". ~ ~t-';i;:!... _ __~ WTERS(CTIal OF JlTH SlRfU /.NlJ JlAIN. ;:..;: ;:.---\;:~ f..3lf"-;. (:t;' ~'_.l---,b, ~r--"Of; :c.. ""'. t:t; "i'=-_!~"; t-_., ,,~k"'i - -;;;;:-", ..... ...,~..'''':'' IJ. /HE IDT SJDE OF mr PRCPfRrt ABUTS SOOTH JlTJ{ smEET .' I' lr Cl.. .': ..; ,. ~ -.-- --"". - ':'.' ..~..~. AND mE scum SIDE .ABUT! OG[GCN I.IDIUf. 80m ARE CiJ.SS/f7U) __u_____.._..._. '. . i f /lif:fU' ~ _ 21..2g 86.64... . ~. ASiOCALSTREfJ'SK1fHC'C/F?B,GVTTERANDSlJEWJ.U<. ..:'.;. "'_ \ i[J' i:.EEX tfTA/lfQ9900; 1.-', ..... ,..~'J9W.- '07.9J ",I". 9.IJ?fAOFD6f}f.IPUENTISAPPRO.l:1I.(.(lRl'lo.41JSF.lJ()Rf0R ...1. r; '" IH/b" "'-..:...: ,:, . ,'. . "... 4'" u:ss. '. \: \. .'! 78.97", \ PROPOS[D W W'<< PRfY'QS8} WAllR fO. T1-J[Rf ARE NO SUBlJIVfSKm OR l.I.MJ PNWOONS CONllGI.JrJU:i . . \ c} ...... ~ l~ PRfVl.lf urturY ~ fXJs1/NC DWr ~~, :~=~~ ~T ~:W1vAlS ~naL DArou 8'SEO -.--"\...:13" fT.'!.---r---': ?--..-~8~~~~~-.--.1eR :;,..~------:.3~ :-;j!.I.,-~~r.:--]p.~ ONCfTYfYSPRIHCAEllJBmCHJ.WfKATlH{sourH'IfffrCORNF:R 1 ""_ j ilL I,) 1--:. OF JllN PUCE AND 0RfC0N SlRfrr: El.lYAmN .. 479.17: , .L EX 'DuH 11rJ2~j :>. .,.--..{~. 12. sat 1)ff IS $#% IJl9 SALEU-1JI?lWI WID COIJPf.EX ItlTH \ Tn. IN (E)""474..76'~ / . : \ l HIGH lf~ll7i' >6.0: #j X /101 OXfLY-I.IiJW{ wra COUPt.EX wrm ..fl" rk",;'!Fl IN-(SW)-f75.i4:..'"'J-._..:L-'_:~8~\''n.'( ~~ .-;-....-.._'___..._...__._.__.,,_.._..~~- wm }{JCH 1t:4mi' 0.5-1.5: AS w.PPEIJ NKJ SPEJ:Jff[J) IN THE sotS). 1 I 'fJI it W (5$-"5 f6' I:,: \': ' ',~ j~ SlAMYOFt>>IECOlJNlY. 'P A.." . " . :" _/ I]. M PRCJPfRrY IS L0c.47W IN lONE x ON F1RIJ UAPS ~. i'~"~'-:"'-:'~' I~;.;-;, t, \,-......../6. i . r._. ...... ..:'.' ::::frJJ6~ IN NI AR&t 0fJfRUfNB) ro B€ 0iJIr0E THE: _.::'l>>-;Y"'\-'~:lI>" . i \.1 : f~-.~'--.""':_-~--=--:..__.~._. r:oJ::l1NG SHED ro BE RDKMD. IoU omEN STl?IXfURfS ro \ \ 1:. ~/ .\ '1.' r;- ,~ EXlSI1IIG """"'/lR UNE " PI.WC IND PARCll. 2 IIfU. "'''' LEGEND A Ii!\ J A Y COHN[ClJON OfT' THE.: 4-' u"ffRAl. WHtOI SllMCf5 P>>?CEl. I. E'" '0 16. EXISllNC WATER UIC IS PUBtlC )N(J Itll H(~ A NOr ClRHE'CTlON FrJRIWiCEl. 2. fl. PARCF1. 2 It1l1. 8[ ~ Itf1H lJNOEJ?GROI..I/ E/.ECTRlClrr FROY M POWER POl.C ON THE: NORTHtrfST CORNER OF THF: ..'m".x...."....' OF SOUTH J77H STR[f11frrH a?f];()N A\.!M.E 18. SrctlU WATtJ? Jt1lL OIWN INTO EXISTWa CURB AND GUTT[R IN SOtIlH J77H STREU )JID 0RfC0N ~I-O'UE: ROOF. CMNPiPfS WIlL BE CONN!r:mJ TO JfEPHOlES IN TH[ CIJRfJ lIS SHOWN. 19. TJIRfE (J) smm 1'RCB .J.Rf PUJJN[(), 20. mmr IS NO CONTlGUOUS CMO IN m[ SAJJf OWNfRSHfP. 2'. ENnRE PROPiRTY l0C4lU} tnffl/N mE ZONE OF CCNCEN/R,A,fIO}/ ,-tw/ =~:.f7~2-J'-"~ TAX LOT !.."":._.~ [.EGAL DESCRIPTION NTS i)\) t(t ,\,. IS- ~'" ,,~. 0'\/ ~ >..J ,\l>' (i" ~/ \' EJE1N(; A POOl1ON or lOT 8. Bf.OCK l. OOUGJ.).S W?OCNS. IS PCAT7FD IJ{{) Ra:oROEIJ O/i ~Y " I~1' IN BOOK 4, PAGE 7.1; UJIE COUHlY 0RfG0N PlAT R(aJRaS. BEGINNiNG AT A paW( ON THE NOfflHf.Ri.Y RfCHT-OF-If'AY UNf OF ()h[GCW A\,f}J(/[ CQMtflW TO THE CAY OF SPRIHGFlfLO BY OlE) R[COROfI) .AJNE 2. 1960. RER 188D. P.a:lPT1ON NO. 19NU, Dff1CJAJ.. RfCtJROs OF I.ANE CQU{lY, NOlmI 89'J9~. IlfiT 62.50 FrrT fR()U TIE SOUlTfItfS( coRNER OF PN?CEl r OF LAND pl-.Rnf1ON F'tIcT NO. M--P0604 RfCOHDED HO\IDIBER 1. 199/,' SAID POIW( IJ..SO BEJNG 1Hf /NJTW. POUff' )JJ(J THE TRUE POI!ff or BEGlNNJNC: T1-IfNCl: "'-ONe SW NORIHERLY RiGHT-OF-WAY NOKrH 8!TJ9'J8" ItfSr IOl.9J FFET TO m IHTERSfJ;T1ON tnTH TH[ D.STEJrly RIGHT....(JF-W).Y OF SOYTH J7TH STREET PER S4IV DffD; THENCE &ONC SAll W1ER{Y RfCHT-<<-WAY NORTH OUIS'52" roT 96.48 FrrT: ~ WI;1H(; St/D WTUf/.Y RJl;HT-()F-IfJ.Y SOUTH 89"J9'.J8" [)ST 107.93 rEET.. ThfNC[ SOUTH exrt5'52" tf,jT 95.48 fffJ" TO THf rRUf PoINT OF BalINNWC, ~LL Bf1NC IN SPR/NGRflD, lJJJE CWHrY, 0RfCQN. ~ O'~\" v^l .) v' .\ ~: ., jJl c \ ,} " ,.,0 >-- j _--.t.. -' " '" /;" C'- ,.- .._______J '" C:) <0 ~. C\J. Q,' I '-1 '" ~ ~ ~, '-.l R:: C) .~ ~ Q, E-, '~ e:: ~, ~ ~ '-1 t::; k1 E:; \..) R:: ~ "'" 2; ct; EX SJJH/OOl fl. OUT (fj-4li7.2f" ... , RlJb'~~,J~' ~-....." l '_M__C)" I. -....-.Ci, f-~--CH f,"__~1 . , "t-'--~ e.-""'~' iW;--J.-:--" --__'..M.r n..'__ '-- HfW.. PaNT 5' SJt1( ~T'~-M____"~I-B. ';'T,.l____ -!--___.-.~. .,., _ , _ J. _0:.. _ Qr:. f, oJ,,~. ---""--,5 r;T.....,.. --'~r-- OR~G~!!___ 'fi.~lv.'" A~EI!UE__ ~I--~----a' loT'. - - -- l [XO/J/I!'OJ , ~__ _ __ . . ~ tI 'L - ----------- s! I Ff. OIIT (11):""" :" - , . L ..1.... . . . t .. .... ~:' " '. ..... I(fI,I<=479.40 - .. . ,.~. - --...---------------------------------------------------------- ..------- & I!'" .\j l\ - .~O~.~---._,. " - ' 0:: o 6 -----l W ..... U. CJ Z ..... OREGON J 0:: ..Iu...... 10. 111'. 0.. EXlSnNG TRm1C CONlROt SKIN LAWRENCJ5~' OLS9N (JJ . ('YfSllNG POWf1? POJ.E WAT UCHr R;(NrwAllll.TE: 12:Jl-2008 EXlSIfII() """ VAL'" r-: PI/OPOS[J} PC<f(R PC<E ~ f.W/JffIQ/OIJNO SlI/I<(;( UN[ -(/) Date Received:. PROPOSBJ It'A/Dl UflfR .t SfJMCE UN[ I'fNX'OS(O "-SIDV'"" UII[ SHEr:r Ii OF S 0> Planner: AL uLSON & ]'v10RRIS 350 ','..;.' , ~ ,,',',w-_ _)(_1(_ .."'_.....,'\ f l~ , I , , ",..--/ CXISr1NG OfCIfJWUS 1Rff lNff ro BE RDJrM:D -~- J!(JUJ/fW{l'UN!: NJJACENT' lor UNf CDffERLWr tOTUNE: All! (;rISTlNG " r::NfftJuR fJNf DJSTWC CONf'O(JR WOfX [P.}-.---.I'--..-..---,......... -,;;-W.-i'--"--~ EUmvc S' C1WN /JHK FENCE O'ISf1N(; 6' I+'(i(X) fOIC[ fX1SrI~It'A1Di'JI[([1{.tl!H[ exISTING ElECTRIC J.Ifl[R .t t:MJiYo.o i1[(,'fRk:-~ CAB/,[ 1Y EXlSllNG 1El.lPHonE BOX .t lINOfRGROUNC) IJNE j1aSj/NG WASIEWA/D? LA1DW. I.1Yf k WJIHOlL cxrs)wc STORI.I DlWN ~ .t WJlHO{E lXlSl~FTR[JfflJRA.'U ~ Nlr.-........(J. ;i"iT:' -_..-. ((\-___f,:l t_._____. ......---4::;tI'...__.....~ . --------~.....:......- I -e-(> fXlST1NG IJUiI.JJINC ".. . l [XISTWG CONCRfTf . -"\.---..-.--- UM: mr TO SCAlE .....:. .J fflOPOSEJ)ORMWAY .J. @ lM--Jl(' w- -4-"'- '-"'".iE- S!.V....-...fr'_, 4> + C') '\0' PROPOstD S7RfFT ME ~ , I. N t .srALe /".,;10' 20' E-- o 20' 'D' .~, . SHEr:r INDEX Bft~T 1. 1DffAn"f" PARrmoti J SAA1/IWp? J.W.WDJ[}ff PUN , omER . ,_ lWitR F1S'CH(R' J25 SOUnI 4JRO f'tAa: 51"RJNr;1/EW. OR!CON 97178 SITE ADDRESS 285 scum J7TH SlTlfEI sPtoJ./cREUJ, 0RmJN 9147'S DEVELOPER/CUENT SNOW UOUHTAIH RErOl/RCfS P.O. 80X "8 CRf:S1mL ORE.C()N 91128 (541) 95#-1049 SURVEYOR OI.SON.tMORRtS-- J80 Q smrrr. SUITE 200 SPRHKiF1WJ, 0RfC0N 97477 (5H).JOZ-9l9O :;J " , " I N o (l') ~ ~ 'Il' ~ /'- /'- 'l' /'- C'l "~ll~l!:l;) PROFESSIONAL lAND SURVEYOR / 2-/? /)tJO~ I I