HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWT 1/10/2007 Memorandum City of Springfield Date: .January 10,2007 To: ' Andy Limbird, Planner II From: Gary McKenney, P.E., Transportation Planning Engineer Subject: SUB2006-00069 - Fischer, Partition The Transportation Division hils reviewed the materials provided with the subject application. The recommended 'findings and conditions outlined below are provided for your use in preparing the land-use decision. , General , ,. I .' Finding: The subject property is a 10,411 square-foot parcel located on the northeast comer of South37,h Street and Oregon Avenue (Map 17-02-31A2, Tax Lot #7800). The parcel currently holds one single-family residential unit. Approval ~fthis proposal would partition the property, to create two parcels; the existing residence would remain on Parcel I. :1." ~ Transportation System Impacts '. - ' . .. .' - Finding: Abutting the subject site, both South 37th Street and Oregon Avenue are 36-foot wide 'two-lane local streets within 50-foot wide rights of way. The streets are fully improved with curb, ,[,'Utter, sidewalk and low pressure sodiujn (LPS) street lighting. Average daily traffic on both streets is estimated to be less than 500 vehicle trips per day. 'Finding: Based on ITE Land Use Code 210 (Single-Faniily Detached Housing) full development of the one additional parcel with single-family residential uses would generate 10 additional vehicle trips'per day and I PM peak-hour vehicle trip onto the surrounding street system. In 'addition, assumed development may generate pedestrian and bicycle trips. According to the "Household" survey done by LCOG in 1994, 12.6 percent of household trips are made by , bicycle'or walking and 1.8 percent are by transit bus. These trips may have their' origins or' destinations at a variety of land uses, including this site. Pedestrian and bicycle trip's create the need for sidewalks, pedestrian crossing signals, crosswalks, bicycle parking and bicycle lanes. ' , ", .. Findin!!: Existing transportation facilities would be adequate to accommodate additional , vehicular and pedestrian traffic generated by development on the proposed new parcel in. a safe , and efficient manner. , ' ' " ' ,,' , , Site Access and Circulation ' '. Findin~: 1nstallatio~ of di;ve~ays on a street incre~ses the numberoftraffic 'c~nflict points: The greater number of conflict points i}1creases the probability of tr<)ffic crashes. SDC 32.080( I) (a) stipulates that each parcel is entitled to "an approved acce,ss to .1! public street.", ' , " " " ..' ',' , ;..iinEd{8Celved', Il;l.;co,,' Planner: AL / , ' \.' " ,', c, .' ~ .:, ~ " . . . .... SUB2006-00069 :... Fischer, Partition" January 1 0, 20.07 . ' Page 2 of 2 Finding: Existing access to the property is via a 22-foot wide driveway onto South 37th Street near the northernboundary ofthe site and a 17-foot wide driveway onto Oregon Avenue near the, eastern boundary. The applicant proposes to maintain the South 37th Street driveway'to serve' the existing home on Parcell; and to use the Oregon Avenue driveway to serve Parcel 2. Finding: As conditioned below ingress-egress points will be planned to facilitate traffic and pedestrian safety; avoid congestion and to minimize curb cuts on public streets as specified in SDC Articles 31 arid 32, applicable zoning and or overlay district Articles, and applicable ' refinernent plans. ' ' Recommended Conditions: None. , Please provide a copy of the draft Decision for my revie~ prior to issuing the final decision. '. ,,' <~ , ..1- . ',., :' ," -,' . ': , >, ,; .' " ., l' ... " ' . ' .. . .D~t~Reteived: '/i~7 Planner:Al' , ,'.