HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance CMO 3/17/2008 rl ~ . , Date Receiver!" Planner: BJ ORDINANCE NO. Ii? 1 q (Special) AN ORDINANCE WITHDRAWING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS NEPUTE, LOCATED IN WEST SPRINGFIELD, NORTH OF KELLOG ROAD AND NORTHWEST OF THE INTERSECTION WITH POLTAVA STREET AND INVOLVING APPROXIMATELY 1.03 ACRES IDENTIFIED AS TAX LOT 800, T17S R03W S34 MAP 22; HERETOFORE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FROM THE RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT. WHEREAS, certain real property described below was annexed to the City of Springfield by order of Lane County Local Govemment Boundary Commission under Boundary Commission Number File EC SP 07-35, effective 07/30/07, as recommended in City Planning File No. LRP2007-00017 and supported by City Council Resolution No. 07- 26 (and further described in ,Exhibit A & B), and WHEREAS, the property to be withdrawn is located within the boundaries of the Rainbow Water District, and . WHEREAS, the City. of Springfield Common Council held a public hearing and first reading in the Springfield City Council Chambers on March 10, 2008, and a second reading and adoption on March 17, 2008, in accordance with ORS 222.524, for the purpose of hearing any objections to the withdrawal of the property from the public service district mentioned and there 'having been no objections raised. . NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: . Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby determine that the real property described should be in the best interest of the City of Springfield withdrawn from the ' Rainbow Water Districi in Lane County, Oregon, insofar as the property is located therein. Section 2: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby determine that the following described real property within the boundaries ,of the Rainbow Water District is and shall be withdrawn from the Rainbow Water District in Lane County, Oregon, said property being described as follows: Township 17South, Range 03West, Section 34 Map 22, Tax Lot 800; as more particul,arly described in Exhibit B of this ordinance, Boundary Commission File Number EC SP 07- 35. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 17h day of March 2008, by a vote of 5 for and 0 against. ,~PPROVED by the Mayor of the ,~~ringfieldthi~ay of March 2008. ~~ ~)/ ' rayor .f/ City~ ATTEST: Date Received 3 11 d Planner: BJ ,. ~11>\:r>\."" ~ L\T->I'~ 2.. i ';2. 'i> \i;s----- ~ -: '. Ofilfe t1etEillverl' 0. ~), t1 i fllafltler: BJ ~ ORDINANCE NO. h? 1 q (Special)' AN ORDINANCE WITHDRAWING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS NEPUTE, LOCATED IN WEST SPRINGFIELD, NORTH OF KELLOG ROAD AND NORTHWEST OF THE INTERSECTION WITH POLTAVA STREET AND INVOLVING APPROXIMATELY 1.03 ACRES IDENTIFIED AS TAX LOT 800, T17S R03W S34 MAP 22; HERETOFORE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FROM THE RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT. WHEREAS,. certain real property described below was annexed to the City of Springfield by order of Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission under Boundary Commission Number File EC SP 07-35, effective 07/30/07, as recommended in City Planning File No. LRP2007-00017 and supported by City Council Resolution No. 07- 26 (and further described in ,Exhibit A & B), and WHEREAS, the property to be withdrawn is located within the boundaries of the Rainbow Water District, and WHEREAS, the City of Springfield Common Council held a public hearing and first reading in the Springfield City Council Chambers on March 10, 2008; and a second reading and adoption on March 17, 2008, in accordance with ORS 222.524, for the purpose of hearing any objections to' the withdrawal ,of the property from the public service district mentioned and there having been no objections raised. NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfield 'does hereby determine that the real property described should be in the best interest of the City of Springfield withdrawn from the Rainbow Water Distnct in Lane County, Oregon, insofar as the property is located therein. Section 2: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby determine that the following described real property within the boundaries of the Rainbow Water District is and shall be withdrawn from the Rainbow Water District in Lane County, Oregon, said property being described as follows: Township 17South, Range 03West, Section 34 Map 22, Tax Lot 800; as more particularly described in Exhibit B of this ordinance, Boundary Commission File Number EC SP 07- 35. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 17h day of March 2008, by a vote of 5 for and 0 against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the ~'ty 0 PrinQfieldthzYi[' ay of' March 2008. . . ~ ----.J .........- - yayor f/ der ATTEST: ~13><=r\"'" ~ L\T-'I\~ 2 \:>. 'b' \ c~--~-:::-. - ,II EXHIBIT A-1 Date Received:_:?' ~1.tI g n,' planner: BJ '4 EXHIBIT A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Beginning at a point on the east boundary of Oak Breeze E~tes as platted and recorded on file 75, slides 617 and 618 of the Lane County Oregon plat files, in Lane County Oregon, said point being the southwest comer of lot 13, Oak Tree Subdivision as platted and recorded on file 73, slides 781 and 782, of the Lane County Oregon plat files, in Lane County, Oregon; Thence along the southwesterly boundary of said Oak rree Subdivision, south 89 degrees 57' 45.0" East 173.17 feet to an angle point i.q. the said southwesterly boundary; thence continuing along said southwesterly boundary, and'its north margin of county road No. 307 (Kellogg Street), said point beirig 20.00 feet from, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of Kellogg Street; Thence along said north margin, north 79 degrees 04' 20" .West 167.88 feet to a point on the east boundary of said Oak Breeze Estates; thence leaving said north margin, along the east boundary of said Oak Breeze Estates, north 01 degree 16' 39" east 2436.57 feet to the point of beg;nn;ng, all in Lane County, Oregon. .......'.'11.. . , , ,i B14 B,B I ~ "- t J ,...... I 1_..' 827 B15 B17 '. j \ i -, -..... II,"' ,.t"..:g;"'f,:.. I ~ :# ""T......, 11 I I. 'l! _ ~ /1 f X J !t 'I ~: .Ii iI> :1 ;'-.t> I -"1(~-...~. I .LOG-.t---~ - - ;....;'_.-RD. 4_" , 2 - t. r. Co . . ."". ," . ". I UN; - ......~. .......~ 905 1 1200 ' ;a "r~D' '.~.i.. .~. 11.'," ~ ..... No. %.30"> ' E '10 3400'" . '",". (w ,; -e&+; ~~_..,. as LL......:r. 3500 ~ 44 ".ft. ....'4~ u,~'4t "t 33; ~ E 3600 ~ 3700 3800 ~' -. , j - Ou9~ f. ~- - ~ f- ~ '--"",- !\ '\ 3200 ~ W 5000 4900 . :'j. ~~ ~__.... , , l70.21 AC. ",I W ~ ~~.,.~ fi ~...~ SOB .,: "".~ ..* j ~ '~'''''' ':~ C/)r- ~.~3100 42 . , , ~~-..i! " . " ~. ,. ~. .~: ,,:. \: ........... . ..~,.' "4",,::~rl - - ~~~~-l;"'.t' - - BOO 1.02N:.. j, J~ " . 019-03 Site 83S ~ j ~~~ :;~.l ~..~ ~n~ ( " .~. .. ~- .-oregon .\,.,,; '4 t:VUTRTT R _ P1 LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSlO~, 99 East Broadway Suite 400 Eugene, OR 97401' (54l) 682_ ._j FAX (541) 682-2635 July 18,2007 TO: Boundary Commission Members; Lane County Commissioners; Lane County Land Management Division; Lane County Environmental Health Division; City of 'Springfield; Willamalane Park and Recreation District; Rainbow Water and Fife District District; John Nepute; and Tom Poage at Poage Engineering & Surveying, Inc. FROM: Paula L. Taylor, Executive Officer SUBJECT: EC SP 07 - 35 (Expedited Procedure) ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD (Nepute) Enclosed is a copy of the staff analysis for this proposal. It is sent to you as required by ORS 199.466. Please read the analysis carefully. The proposal is recommended for auoroval without a Dublic hearin!!, or further staff study. There are two alternatives: I. If you agree with this rewu.",,,,endation, yqu need do nothing. 2. If you feel that a public hearing is needed, you must request, in writing by July 30, 2007, that a hearing should be set. The request must be in the commission's office by 5:00 p.m., Julv 301b. You must use the form that is provided at the end , of the staff analysis to request a hearing. For units of government, the form should be signed by the chairman/mayor or other authorized person. If you or your unit of government requests a public hearing, the boundary commission asks that you attend the requested public hearing. If a hearing is requested, it will be set for the next availabie boundary commission public hearing. . IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE PROPOSAL OR PROCEDURE, PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE (541-682-4425). Attachments pI: LCBC: L.:\Jl0E:XP>MEM0\2007>E:CSP0735 MEM.DOC Las, S<zv,d: J.1y J 8, 21Xl7 Date Received' Planner: BJ ;),11,0& / ~ ,. . I . c ....- ~. EXH I B IT B - P2 EJu'.t.UJ1.tJ..J PROCEDURE- STAFF ANALYSIS LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION Annexatian afrerritarv to the Citv .of Surinmeld (Neuute) Date Received: Planner: BJ 7;.?;/oi --'<J 1. BC File EC SP 07 - 35 Initiated by Resalutian No. 07-26 by the City .of Springfield with property owner/electar cansent Actian 'under ORS 199.466 and 199.490(2)(a)(B) of the boundary commission law Received July 3, 2007 . , Public hearing requests by July 30. 2007 Descriutian The annexatian area includes one full tax' lot located in western Springfield, nDrth .of and adjacent tD Kellagg Road, sauth .of Centennial RDad, and west .of Kelly Butte PrDperty .owner: John Nepute (149] Wlffiblcdon Place, Springfield) rax lot: 800. Tl7S R03W S34 Map 22 Acres:-:t 1.02 Estimate .of existing populatian: 1 (.one single family residence) Existing land use: Residential Existing zaning in Lane Caunty: illR/UF- 10, low:density residential with urbanizing fringe .overlay Applicable camprehensive plan: Eugene-Springfield M";'upulitan Area General Plan (acknowledged in August 1982 and has been subseqnently amended) , Existing public services ta the properties: Palice (Oregon State PDlice, Lane Caunty Sheriff), schoals (Springfield SchDal District 19), roads (Lane Caunty. City .of Springfield), fire (Rainbaw Water and Fire District cantracting with the City of Springfield), water (Rainbow Water and Fire District), parks (Willamalane Park and Recreation District) Reason far Annexatian The property .owner submitted an applicatien ta the City of Springfield requesting annexatiDn te prepare this l.ot far residential develDpment. 'The Eugene-Springfield Metropalitan Area General pian requires ywy,-"ies ta annex in .order tD receive urban services. ' This annexatian y' upusal was filed with the baundary cDmmissiDn on July 3, 2007., in accDrdance with ORS I 99.490(2)(a)(B), initiated by the City .of Springfield with the cansent fram the property awner/electDr. Priar te initiating the annexatian, the City of Springfield received written cansent to the annexatiDn from the pwp'-"i .owner (Jehn Nepute) and a majarity .of the eligible electers. At the time the annexatien was initiated by the city cDuncil, there .one electDr '. registered within the annexatiDn area and a written consent was received from the electDr (Jehn Nepute). The statutary provisian to receive cDnsent from owners .of more than ene-half the land LCLGBC Staff Analysis lEe sp rn - 35) - July 18,2007 Page']af9 ' . , ... , " . -~ EXHIBIT B - P3 ," area and a majority of the electors [ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B)] is met. The applicant requested that the provisions of ORS 199 .466 ~ expedited procedure) be used in processing this annexation request. I -- 1,.$>0.. .ORS 199.466 authorizes approval of annexations without a public hearing or adoption of a fmal order if requested by' the principal' petitioner. Under the expedited procedure, the boundary . commission executive officer must prl:Jlare an analysis of the proposal within 15 days from its receipt. If, after 25 days from the filing date (in this case, July 30~, no written objections are received from direct recipients of this staff analysis, the request is approved. However, if any , direct recipient of this staff analysis does object, the proposal is scheduled for .the next regular boundary commission public hearing. The direct recipients of this staff analysis are the individuals eligible to request a public hearing and are listed below under the first boundary I commission standard. The proposed annexation inchides one full tax lot (refer to Maps No. I and 2). The tax lot in the annexation area is currently developed with one residential unit. The annexation was initiated by the City of Springfield after receiving the necessary consents. The annexation area is contiguous to the City of Springfield and is in' an 'area that is totally surrounded by the city limits. It is located within the urban growth boundary (UGB) of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). The Metro Plan designates the tax lotted p.vp".Jes in the annexation area as low-density residential. The tax lot is. zoned lDRIUF-lO, low-density residential with urbanizing fringe overlay, in Lane County. Upon the effective date of.the annexation, the UF overlay will lapse and the p,vp".Jes will be zoned lDR in Springfield. . Resolution No. 07-26, unanimously approved by the Springfield city council on June 4, 2007, indicates that it had been demonstrated that the p.vp".;ies could be provided with key urban services and the city requested approval of the annexation by the boundary commission. Following is a brief analysis of each of the boundary commission standards. Provide an impartial forum for resolution of local jurisdictional questions. Consider the effects of the boundary change on other units of governments. ORS 199.410(1)(b) and 199.410(3)(c) This annexation request was filed in accordance with provisions in ORS 199 and was determined to be a valid filing in accordance with OAR 191-006 (adopted administrative rule on boundary commission filing requirements). . The petitioner requested the proposal be processed using the expedited procedure. This staff analysis was sent to the following direct reCIpIents: Lane County boundary commission members; Lane County commissioners; Lane County Land Management Division; Lane County Environmental Health Division~ Willamalane Park and Recreation District; City of LCLGBC Staff Analysis cEC SP07-35)- July 18,2007 Page 2 of 9 Date Received: ;;.7/.0& Planner: BJ .... EXHIBIT B - P4 Springfield; Rainbow Water and Fire District; John Neptune; and rom Poage of Poage Engineering & Surveying, Inc. The annexation area is within the Rainbow Water and Fue District, which provides water service to properties within its boundaries. After annexation to the City of Springfield, the annexation will be withdrawn from the district by the city in accordance with ORS 222. .The Springfield Utility Board (SUB) is the water provider for the City of Springfield and will be the water provider after annexation to the city occurs. The Rainbow Water and Fire District contracts with the City of Springfield for fIre services to properties within its boundaries. If the annexation is approved, the annexation area will be withdrawn from the district through separate proceedings by the City of Springfield in accordance with ORS 222. The City of Springfield wi!] provide fIre services directly to the annexed area. The annexation area is within the WilIamalane Parle and Recreation District and will remain in the district after the annexation is approved since the city is a part of this special district. The parle district provides park and recreation services and facilities to Springfield residents. Upon the effective date of the annexation, the area will be annexed automatically into the Lane' County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District [ORS 199.51O(2)(c)), which was formed to provide the fInancing for the. regional wastewater treatment plant serving wastewater users within the cities of Eugene and SpringfIeld and other users within the urbanizable area, This request is consistent with this boundary commission standard. Consider the' orderly determination' and adjustment of local government boundaries to best meet the needs of Lane County, and Oregon. Consider alternative solutions where intergovernmental options are identified arid make decisions based on .the most effective long- range option among identified alternatives. ORS 199.410(1), 199.410(2), and 199.410(3)(a) and (e) The area in this annexation Y' vyvsal is located within the acknowledged UGB of the Metro Plan. rerritory within this portion of the UGB ultimately will be within the City of Springfield. The proposed annexation is contiguous to the City of Springfield and is in an area totally surrounded by the city limits, Annexation of ieriitory to the city fulfIlls the policies adopted in the Metro Plan of annexing out to the urban growth boundary. " The incremental process of annexation causes short-term boundaries to be established. The acknowledged comprehensive plan in this area identifies the City of Springfield as the unit of government which will provide urban services to this urbanizable area within the UGB. In the . long term, territory within this geographic area will be annexed to Springfield. LCLGBC Staff Amilysis (ECSP07-35)- July 18,2007 Page 3 of 9!~' ,J' Date Received' ? ? I () Z; P/lJnner: BJ , . . EXHIBIT B - P5 This annexation is consistent with boundary comrmSSlOn administrative rule implementing policies (I), (2), (5), and (7) which recognize annexation to an existing city as the preferred method of servicing urbanizable land. (I) This policy recognizes cities as the logical providers of urban levels of service within urban growth boundaries when it is consistent with the. comprehensive plan. ' (2) This policy expresses the commission's preference for providing urban services through annexation to a city in order to provide urban services to urbanizable lands. (5) This policy encourages provision of urban levels of service ,within urban growth' boundaries. (7) This policy expresses the commission's preference for annexation to an existing city over all other alternatives as a means of extending services to urbanizable lands. Implementing policy (3) recognizeS that in order to meet the long-term objectives of annexing out to an acknowledged urban growth boundary, short-term boundaries are created, which are logical within the context of the future service boundary. Approval of this annexation will eliminate the size of an existing islanded area. This proposal, to annex tenitory to the City of Springfield is consistent with boundary commission policies and this standard. . , Make boundary commission detenninations which are consistent with acknowledged local comprehensive plans. Assure an adequate quality and quantity of public services required in the comprehensive plan to meet existing and future growth. For major boundJzry. changes, there must be assurance that the proposed unit of government is finanCially viable. ORS 199.410(1)(d), 199.410(3)(b) and (d) The proposal area is within the Metro Plan UGB. The Metro Plan was acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Developmi:nt Commission (LCDC) in August 1982 and has been subsequently amended. The Metrd, Plan recognizes annexation as the highest priority for extending the minimum range of urban facilities and services to urbanizable areas (policies #8 and #10, page D-C-5) and recognizes that ultimately, all tenitory within the UGB will be annexed to an existing city (policy #16, page D-C-6). The annexation area is designated low-density residential with urbanizing fringe overlay.in the Metro Plan. If the annexation is approved, the annexation area will be automatically rezoned to . city LDR, low-density residential, upon the annexation effective date. The following services are either available or can be extended to this annexation area. , ,. . Date Received: , '. . Planner: BJ LCLGBC Staff Ami.lYSIs lEe SP 01- 35) - July 18, 2007 Page 4 of 9 g.?/,oz5 .~ . . " . EXHIBIT B - P6 Water - The annexation area is within the Rainbow Water and Fire District. After annexation to the city, the area will be withdrawn from the district through separate proceedings by the City of Springfield in accordance with ORS 222 and SUB will be the water provider to the annexation area. An orderly transition of water service will be made consistent with Oregon law and an existing intergovernmental agreement between the two utility providers. Springfield staff indicates there is an existing 8-inch main line adjacent to the annexation area in Kellogg Road that can provide service to new development within the annexation 'area. Electricitv - Springfield staff indicates that electrical service is available from SUB-the utility provider for territory within the City of Springfield. . Police services - The Springfield police deparunent can provide police protection to the area after annexation without jeopardizing service in other parts of the city. Police protection and response to priority calls can be provided to the annexation area consistent with service protection throughout the city. Fire and emerl!encv services - The annexation area is provided fire and related services by the Rainbow Water and Fire District. The district contracts. with the City of Springfield for fire services within' its boundaries. After annexation to the city, the area will be withdrawn from the district by the City of Springfield in accordance with ORS 222. Fire services will be provided directly by the, city after annexation. Springfield staff indicated that response time to the annexation area is within the 4-rninute response time standard for basic life support services. There is an existing fire hydrant located on Kellogg Road near the intersection of Oak Meadows . Place. 'Emergency medical transport (ambulance) services are provided on a regional basis by Eugene, Springfield, and Lane Rural Fire/Rescue to central Lane County. The annexation area will , continue to receive this service consistent with the adopted ambulance service area (ASA) plan. MutUal aid agreements have been adopted by the three regional ASA providers to provide backup coverage for each other's jurisdictions. Parles and recreation - The annexation area is within the WiIlamalane Parle and Recreation District and will remain in the district after annexation to the city. The City of Springfield is part of the park district and city residents receive park and recreation services from the district. Springfield staff indicated that the diitrict operates two aquatic centers, ,a community center, an adult acti,-;ity center, and 31 parks containing a variety of outdoor recreational amenities. The, closest parks to the annexation area are Menlo Park and Eastgate Woodlands Park. Parks system development charges will be issued for new residential development occurring within the annexation area. Schools - The area of this request is within the Springfield School District] 9. Springfield staff indicated that existing schools serving this neighborhood--Centennial elementary, Hamlin .midd!e, an9 SpringfieJd:!Jigh-wiIl continue to serve the annexation area. \.A' .'l',','" Date Received: 7. ?/." If Planner: 8J LCLGBC Staff Analysis (Ee SF rn - 35) - July 18,2007 Page 5 of 9 EXH I BIT B - P7 ,- Wastewater - The existing residence is not currently connected to the city wastewater system. Springfield staff indicates that two wastewater service lines are extended to the annexation area from the existing 8-inch main in Kellogg Road. Stormwater - Any future development or redevelopment of the annexation area will require al'l'>UI',;ate stormwater management techniques in accordance with city standards. Streets - The annexation area is adjacent to Kellogg Road, a county'road that is already inside the Springfield' city limits. The City of Springfield is recommending acquisition of right-of-way along the annexation area's southerly boundary~ Specifically, the right-of-way line along the southern portion of the annexation area should be extended to coincide with the rightcof-way on the adjacent parcel to the east. This acquisition can be acquired when the annexation area is partitioned or further developed. At that time, curb, gutter, and sidewalk improvements will be required. Solid waste manal!ement - Private finns and individuals collect and transport solid waste to the Lane County administered landfill. Commimication facilities - Various providers offer both wire and wireless communication services in the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area. Existing providers and those entering the mazket will soon have the capability to provide service to future development in this area. Land use controls, - The property is within Springfield's portion of the UGB. lbrough an intergovernmental agreement between Lane County and the City of Springfield, the city already has planning and building jurisdiction for this property. The city will continue to administer land use controls after annexation. The minimum level of key urban facilities and services are either immediately available or can be provided within a reasonable future time frame as needed. This request is consistent with this standard. Consider the comprehensive plan's ,economic, demographic, and sociological trends and projections and its environmental policies, pertinent to the prop"osaL ORS 199.410(3)(d) and 199.462(1) The annexation proposal is consist~nt with the Metro Plan, as it is an incre.mental step in implementing the long-range plan for this area. The urban growth boundary, land uses, and policies in the Metro Plan were developed to meet the future needs' of the metropolitan cotrimunity. The proposed residential use is consistent with the long-range plans for the area. This request is consistent with this boundary conunission standard. . "-.....0=- . ,.,. -,.... _.,,;~- , ,~ J :. '.;,.'-:. 'j Date Received' l' ?I.O b Planner: BJ " LCLGBC Staff Analysis (Ee sp rn - 35) - July 18, 2007 Page 6 of 9 . , EXHIBIT B - PB ~~." # -.....,... . . ~...J1f-";I:i:..,,: -. '.J. ,~.~ ~.:r :--e~,:~~,:' , Recommendation i.t~- ' The boundary commission staff. recommeni:lsthat the proposed annexation to the City of Springfield (EC SP oi- 35) be <41'1"'" led without the hearing and staff report as required by ORS , 199.466. If a public hearing is requested, the' proposal will be heard at the commission's next available public hearing. If none is requested, it will be approved ~d effective July 30, 2007 (ORS 199.466 and ORS 199.519). ' , ### Sign and rerum this form to the boundary commission office ONLY if you desire that a public hearing beheld. Office: 99 East Broadway, Suite 400, Eugene, Oregon 97401-3111 Pursuant to ORS 1,99.466; I REQUEST TIlAT A PUBUC HEARING and STAFF S11JDY be conducted on an annexation of territory to the City of Sprjngfield (EC SP 07 _ 35) as required by ORS 199.461. This form must be filed in the commission office no later than 5:00 .' p.m., Julv 30. 2007. Reason forrequestingpublic hearing: ,-'. Date Signature Title Representing Note: If you or your agency'requests a public hearing, the commission asks that you attend the requested hearing. . , pr LCBC:LCOG: L'IBCV!:XI'I2rxTN::CSPO:135 /iN.DOC Last Simd: July J 8. 2007 ' Date ReceIved; ~,'?/ rJ i Planner: BJ. - -- LCLGBC Staff Ami.lysis (ECSP07-3S) - July 18,2007 'Page 7 of 9 Date Received: ??I. 0 i Planner: BJ .... EXHIBIT B - P9 MAP No.1 VI'-.l1 'U 1 MAP .' Annexation to Springfield (Nepute) ECSP07-35 " L LCLGBC Staff Analysis (Ee SP 07 - 35) - July 18, 2007 ' Page 8 of 9 EXHH!!T g. - 01'1 MAP No. i SITE MAP Annexation 10 Springfield (Nepule) ECSP07-35 i .. 1": ~ -: . ,"::.' ~..~ 'M'" ..~., I . : ; ~ SEE WAF> 17 OJ :n 33 - .! ~ ---:- ---.-. ---~- & h;. ."'10.0 ",_ ____ _ r~ t~~C _sf ~f-.:~::: z,._ - ..---_.10 NAI ..,. . tCa--9ltt ... 1llI1.'!,,~ '~'C \'-l:JI.l iJE"{H! "" ... I \ --j" ,I I p ANNEXATION AREA Includes TL BOO, 17-ffi-34-22; Owned by John Nepute (Ee SF 07 - 35) " --- ~:, zoo .\ " , ... - ..,. ....11. .= '1ClO~ ~J!fI"":tI .~ '~'- , i5. W" ~~ ST 220 " , '" ~ Q ~."3 . ~ ~' '" .......;. ~.J - I..> .......'-.J_. ~' (Was G~~N Jeoo I ....1 f ~~ , . SOD I ! I ~,-.- JJOO JSOO . : : 3800 ': ! . . noo ,~ i .-- ~-:... laJ 5000 4900 UJI 0: Iii -=. .... , - .....-- >100 loe !: 3000 J if 9 . ____ r--~' ----=---1'1: %900 .10 ~ ,1 J l. 2800' I , '" 1 'mo ~ ~ 17 :;:... 10 ~~.:.... "- c.;-'.... ,.",.~....... Date Received' Planner: BJ J; ?(.o1 .J LCLGBC Staff Analysis (Ee SP en - 35) - July 18, 2007 ", ..... ,. . Page 9 of9 EXHIBIT B P11 RESOLUTION NO. 07-26 A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERrAIN TERRlrORY ro THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAr THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION BY EXPEDITED PROCESS. WHEREAS, the City received an application to aimex t03 acres into the City of Springfield on April 19, 2007, said territory being described as follows: rownship l7.South, Range 36 West, Section 34, Map 22, rax Lot 800 and more particularly described in ' Exhibit A of this Resolution. ' . , WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, and is adjacent to the City Limits; and WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) to mitiate annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory proposed to be annexed and written consent from owners of more than half the land in the territory proposed to be annexed; and, , ' WHEREAS, the property owners of the certain territory described in Exhibit A signed a consent to annex (Exhibit B); and, WHEREAS, one registered voter resides within the territory and has signed a consent to annex (Exhibit B); and, , WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by Springfield Development Code 6.030(2)(a) and ORS 222.1 J1 and other applicable Oregon Revised Statutes to. ,initiate annexation when the territory in the annexation proposal can be provided with i:he minimum leVel of key urban facilities and services in an orderly and efficient manner as defIned in Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan Policy 8, page II- B-4; and where there will be a logical area and tim'e within which to deliver urban services and facilities; , 'and WHEREAS, minimiun level key urban facilities and services are defined'in the Eugene-Springfield Metro " Area General Plan, page V-3 as,wastewater service,'stormwater service, solid waste management, water service, fire and emergency medical services, police protection, city-wide parks and recreation programs; electric service, land use controls, cOIll!l1unications facilities and services, and public schools on a district- wide basis; and! WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed can be immediately provided with a minimum level of key urban facilities as described in Attachment 2; and WHEREAS, the City Manager is authorized to forward this resolution supporting the applicant's request for expedited processing to the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission; and WHEREAS, the City supports the applicant's request for expedited Boundary Commission processing. ", I '~iJr.... ~,,-._ u. _-,,--. _.-.,..-,' " -, ~ ,.. ',~;, . ',';._\ ';-..1>- . Date ~eeelved: ? ,?I. () ~ PIiU\f\et: BJ .1- EXHIBIT B - P12 NOW THEREFORE BASED ON THE FOREGOING RECITALS, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CIlY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section ]: The Common CoUncil of the City of Springfield does hereby recommend approval of the annexation of the subject territories to the City by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission, Lane County, Oregon, said territories being described as follows: rownship 17 South, Range 3 West, Section 34, Map 22, rax Lot 800, and more particularly described in Exhibit A of this Resolution. Section 2: This resolution shall take effect upon' adoption by the Common Council of the City of Springfield and approval by the Mayor. Section. 3: The City Council recommends that the Boundary Commission approve the proposed annexation authorized by ORS 199.466 by expedited process without the study, public hearing and adoption of final order required by ORS 199.461. Section 4: The City Manager shall forward this resolution supporting the applicant's request for expedited processing to :the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this .....!L th day of June, 2007 by a vote of ---h. for and --ll against. , Council [resident th APPROYEDb,~_, ili'Ci~'fSP""gfi'ld~Z:~ ~or Council President - ATTEsr: '~J~, City Recorder U ~'. l:~"" ~:'r":'l', ~ o~"""...... J \...\'"...11\"" '<?'h"l I Cl. . _, ..t:.. ~ -,:,,' 'I . Dat~ Reoalved: .13. ~ /. 0 'i> Plannef; BJ .... .:- . '(.:\.': EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B - P13 .. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Beginning at a point on the east boundary of Oak Breeze Estates as platted and recorded on file 75, slides 617 and 618 of the Lane County Oregon plat files, in Lane County Oregon, said point being the southwest comer of lot 13, Oak Tree Subdivision as platted and recorded on file 73, slides 781 and 782, of the Lane County Oregon plat files, in Lane County, Oregon; Thence along the southwesterly boundary of said Oak Tree Subdivision, south 89 degrees 57' 45.0" East 173.17 feet to an angle point in the said southwesterly boundary; thence continuing along said southwesterly boundary; and its north margin of county road No. 307 (Kellogg Street), said point being 20.00 feet from, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of Kellogg Street; Thence along said north margin, north 79 degrees 04' 20" west 1 67.88 feet to a point on the eaSt boundary of said Oak Breeze Estates; thence leaving said north margin, along the east boundary of said Oak Breeze Estates, north 01 degree 16' 39" east 2436.57 feet to the point ofbetnn;n.g, all in Lane County, Oregon. ~.a:~ I ~"""it ~.....-, if I ,. 'il J t ~ % ~ ~ ;1 . :! ,. lI> '1 ;".L....,,,. I .lOG-t---__- ' C - - '-RO - ." -""- _' .4--' , .~.. I '..l', COUNj" ....-~. 'w....., 905 1 1200 ' r~"""o "'- '., . ......,., -NO~ ' 'ii . ,.,.~ '-30;>. . .. .. 3400 ."~ ~ .,.. (Was 4,3u..... __ . -ee+ '..;0:-- ::--- .3500 ~ 44 "'.1\" - 4~ ....~.-4 1 ; 3600, 3700 . 3800 ~ : ' d~9 ~~"'.~. " , '. \ 800 1.02 N:... l; ~ 0'19-03 Site It-l._ial'_ 1 .it, 33~ , ~' I " ",.. t .. Ie.. r I- .41 ~. W ~ . I a:: I- ~ CI) ~ 5000 4900 4800 4700 ~ - J ,,~... ~ _; _n~ ua\e .~ed: Planner: BJ ??l.o~ E.iu:u.I:sIT B CONSENT ro ANNEX' :t..r,.. .;','.. . .' _ 1 "'.10 EXHIBIT B - P14 Date Received: ~ ' ? I. 0 g' 'Planner: BJ - , ... ~ . EXHIBIT B - P15 FORM #1 PETITION ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO: LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION We, the undersigned, constitute the owners of at least one-half of the land area of the property described in the attachment marked "Exhibit A" AND ' We desire to be annexed to the City of Springfield. A map is attached marked "Exhibit B," showing the affected tenitory and its relationship to the present city limit boundaries. The annexation constitutes a minor boundary change under the Boundary Commission Act and should therefore be considered by the Boundary Commission and, after study, a Final Order should be entered by the Boundary Commission. By .~ Date '1..y{'1 By. Date By Date By Date' ~# 17-03-34-22 LOT# 800 . ~# LOT# I'" . ~I.~ With the ab~ve SignWe, i ~ verifying that I have the authority to consent: to the annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my fIrm, agency or trust Date Received: ~. 1;> ,. cJ 'is Planner: BJ .Iio'" .:" . ,. Revised 12128100 5 EXHIBIT B - P16 Office of the 3 --~:"'J of Slate Arthives Division MARY BETII HERKERT Director . ' BILL BRADBURY Seaetuy of Slate 800 Sommer Sl NE Salem, Oregon 97310 (5113) 373-0701 F.c:simi1e (503) 373-0953 September 7, 2007 , Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission Paula L raylor 99 East Broadway, Suite 400 Eugene OR 97401-3111 Dear Ms. raylor: Please be advised that we have received and filed the following Annexation(s): Ordinance Number Our File Number Date EC FL 07-40 (Florence) EC SP 07-35 (Springfield) EC JC 07~25 Gunction City) C EU 06:.69 (Eugene) AN 2007-0292 AN 2007-0293 AN 2007-0294 AN 2007-0295 9/06/2007 9/06/2007 9/06/2007 9/06/2007 Please verify the effective date(s) for these anneXations through the application of ORS 199.519 . Our assigned file number(s) are included with the above information. - Sincerely, d(--~- B~~ Unda Bjornstad , Official Public Documents .. , cc: Lane County Oerk ODOT /Highway Division PRC/Population Research Center Revenue Cartography Section I Date Received' ?,? (,0 g Planner: BJ, .'. . . , . -.- - _..-. , , :~~. ',I~;; .....'J.' WWW Server - http://arcweb.sos.Slate.or.us . Internet E-mail -reference.~te.or.us Oregon Genealogy Listserv - _ .w__"':.lve14.sos.state.or.us . . . . .. , EXHIBIT B - P17 JONES Brenda From: Sent: To: Cc: . Subject: TAYLORPaula L [PTAYLOR@lcog.org] Tuesday, July 31, 2007 9:53 AM SCOLLA Connie J; SCHULZ Stephanie E; HOPKINS Steve; JONES Brenda Michael Kaiser Annexation (Nepule) No public hearing was requested on the Nepute annexation to the City of Springfield (ECSP07-35), so the annexation is approved and effective July 30, 2007, at the end of the day. . If you have any questions, please let me know. Paula Taylor, Exccutivc Officer Lane County Loc.I Govemment Boundaty Commission (541) 682-4425 Fax: (541) 682-2635 ., '.....'~.. :. ...~...t.l. Date Received: ~ .?/o ~ Planner: BJ 1 . . . . 'I Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: March 17, 2008 Regular Meeting , Development Services Jim Donov~ 726-3660 ~ Consent Calendar 'If' . AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: ACTION . REQUESTED: ISSUE SrATEMENT: ATIACBMENTS: DlSCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: RAINBOW WATER DISTRlCr WITIIDRAW AL EC SP 07-35, JOURNAL NUMBER LRP2007-000l7 (NEPUTE) Council is requested to conduct a second reading and adopt/not adopt the attached ordinance: AN ODINANCE WITIIDRA WING CERr AIN REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS NEPUTE, LOCATED IN WEST SPRINGFIELD, NORTII OF KELLOG ROAD AND NORTHWESr OF THE INTERSECTION WITII POLrA VA STREEr AND INVOLVING APPROXIMATELY 1.03 ACRES llJJ::.N 1ll'lliJ.J AS rAX LOr 800, Tl7S R03W S34 MAP 22; HERErOFORE ANNEXED ro THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FROM THE RAINBOW WATER DISTRlCr. Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 222.520) require that territory located in the Rainbow Water District, which is annexed to the City of Springfield, be withdrawn from that district to prevent double taxation. ORS requires withdrawal prior to March 31" of each calendar year. The owner requested annexation in order to develop the property for urban use. The subject property was annexed to the City of Springfield effective on July 30, 2007. Attachment I: Ordinance with Legal Description and Maps, Boundary Commission Staff Report, City Council Resolution and Notices of Annexation Adoption r Legal notice was published in the Springfield News as required by ORS 222.520 and notices were posted in four public places. City Council conducted a public hearing and first re,ading of the ordinance on March 10, 2008. Date Receivet1' ;;:;;.q(oS Planner: BJ / / '. . AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: March 10, 2008 Special Regular Mtg Development Se!,!\ices Jim Donovanc ~ . 726-3660 l~ 5 Minutes SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL IrEM TITLE: ACTION , REQUESrED: ISSUE STATEMENT: ATrACHMENTS: DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: RAINBOW WATER DISTRlCr WIrHDRAWAL EC SP 07-35, CITY PLANNING JOURNAL NUMBER LRP2007-000l7 (NEPUrE) rlie Council is requested to conduct a public hearing and first reading of the attached ordinance: AN ODINANCE WITHDRAWING CERrAlN REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS NEPUTE,LOCA rED IN WEsr SPRINGFIELD, NORTH OF KELLOG ROAD AND NORrHWEST OF THE INTERSECrION WlTHPOLrAVASTREEr AND INVOLVING APPROXIMATELY 1.03 ACRES !DEN IJ.r lJ::.D AS rAX Lor 800, Tl7S R03W S34 MAP 22; HERErOFORE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FROM THE RAINBOW WATER DISTRlCr. Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 222.520) require that territory located in the Rainbow Water District, which is annexed to the City of Springfield, be withdrawn from that district to prevent double taxation. ORS requires withdrawal prior to March 31 ~ of each calendar year. rhe owner requested annexation in order to ,develop the property for urban use. The subject property was annexed to the City of Springfield effective on July 30,2007. Attachment I: Ordinance with Legal Description, Boundary Commission Staff Report with Maps, City Council Resolution and Notices of Adoption Legal notice for tonight' 5 public hearing was published in the Register Guard newspaper as required by ORS 222.520 and notices were posted in four public places. A second reading and adoption is scheduled for March 17, 2008. Date Received' 7,?(.iJ'g Planner: BJ