HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 3/31/2008 . ; 03/31/~008 10:10 FAX 541 682 2635, LCOG WF BLDG , @002 ~ I .. " -oregon LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION 99 Ea.st Broadway '. Suite 400 " .I Eugeuo,OR97401'3111 9lflftH1eeelved: ?? 17/,0 l> (541) 682-4,425 Plai'iflElr:' BJ - - = JAX (541) 682,2635 September 5, 2007 TO: Amy Sowa, Recorder, CllY of Springfield /1 t, 1/ ~ Paula L. Taylor, Executive OffiO~ ~""". BC SP 07 - 35 (Expediled Procedure) , ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD (Nepule) . ) FROM: SUBJECT: By this correspondence, let it be known that; I, A petitiou for annellati6h of territory to the City of Sprin~eld-lo~ted in western Springfield. nonh of and adjacent to Kellogg Road, south of Cenrennial Road, and weSI of Kelly Bune (T17S R03W S34 Map 22 tax lot 8oo)-was filed on July 3, 7007, with the Lane County Local Government BoundarY Commission in accordance with OR~ 199,466 and ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B). 2, An analysis was prepared by the boundary commission staff with a recommendation of approval and was sem, On July 18, 2007. to the Lane boundary ~ommission members; Lane County commissioners; Lane CounlY Land Managemenl Division;;Lane CounlY Environmental Health Division: City of Springfield; Willamalane Park and Recreation Disnict; Rainbow Wale[ and Fire DisDic!; John Nepute; and Tom Poage al Poage Engineering & Surveying. , " 3. No request for public hearing was received by S:oop,m" July 3D, 2007, 4, llris arinexation proposal, descn'bed in anached Exhibit A an,d shown on attached map Exhibit B, ishereby approved and effective July 30, 200? (ORS 199.466 and ORS 199.519). Please acknowledge receipt of this correspondence. NOTE: The annexation area is within the Rainbow Water and Fire DiS'lrict and will remain in the,disnict until withdrawnihrougb separate proceedings by the Cil)' of Springfidd in accordance ,with ORS 222. In acconlance with ORS 199.51O(2)(c), the annexation area is' hereby pan of the Lane County Metropolllall Wastewater Service District and the Willamalane Park and ReCreaIi~n District, Attachments cc: John Nepute Rainbow Water and Fire DistJ:kt Willamalane Park and Recreation District 03/31/2008 10:10 FAX 541 682 2635 " . LCOG WF BLDG @003 ',-" ',-" d tli'l\; Rf3eelved' ~,~/, d 0 filltlflfier: BJ .j pXHffiIT A Beg at a pt on me E bndy of Oak Breeze Estates, as platted and recorded on File 75, Slides 617 and 618 LCOPR, in Lane County Oregon, sd pI being me SW cor of Lot ] 3, Oak Street Subdivision, as plated and recorded on File 73, Slides 781 and 782 LCOPR, in S34, T17S ,R03W WM, in Lane County, Oregon; th alg the SWly bndy sd Oak Tree Subdivision S89057' 45,O"E 173.17 ft'to an angle pt in sd SWly bndy; m contg aIg sd SWly bndy and it Sly projection S02D50'Q4"W280.57 ft to a pl on the N mar of Co Rd No, 307 (Kellogg SlIeet), sd pI being 20.00 ft fr when measured at ri angles to the clli of Kellogg Street; th alg sd N mar N790Q4'20"W 167.88 ft to a pi on Ihe E bndy of sd Oak Breeze Estates; th leaving sd N mar alg the E body of sd Oak Bree7.e Estates N01 0] 6'30"E 248.57 ft to the POB, all in Lane County, Oregon. LCBC:T-COG: L:\BClJ..J::GAL\2007l1"CSf'0735 LGL.J)OC !AS! S""cd: AUGust] J. 2007 EC SP 07 - 35 Page 1 of I .1'0 '.11 ,FAX. 541, ~82 2635 03/31/2008 . LCOG WF BLDG @lo04 ...:./ d g ~/.i?i j;)~t@ REiCelve' ' .....plf1f\f1~r: BJ ' = ..i EXHffirr B, ANNEMTION AREA Includes TL BOO, 17.Q3-34-22; Owned by JOM Nepute , (ECSP07-35/ , , . ' ~ S[( ~ 17 tU 27::J:! . ---..- ------_~ n, _ .___~_____ HAt i,j;-:~'...~m -:;;- ":+'''f' " " :s.l .)<L C'<:"'~. _'. M~P liO.,I, I . . '-.... --""""" -.-."':r. - _.;. !::._ " I 'iJ, ..-t ,~' .. -- - "B-.'~ - - 11008 ';'1' , 'r'''' #~~ 1 ~/{ELL ~:::1"':!-~- --- 'Of-."O:. ItlO;- ~ !l~ ; ! ,l:~~'1 ---1.11! (~ ! '.~l... \.V ROil< ", "- ---., "1", 'n! '" lltS "~lo 1..r.\~~". ,~Rl ~.1. ~..~" 2 ~~~ ;".~~, ~ - ~ Z 1I1~ ,.... ,r; c: ~ '1!m ~t~~. ~ - (~. II. .-....!\ ST \ ~ Cl ",,-.3- :i~ ," !'"u ,/ """ -", ~ ~ ..~" '"" '''" ...- ~l!:'- I 0lI !llOO :ttlOD 4IXD "1ll(J ~ .. .. ~ 11.11' ..c. . "., ".; .-."\ .1l'I.oc. 'f201 ! 5~a l i;; .,l:...,~..l(!l;:.!.: It...,j-Glimll ,.! I J5:.:";:- U:;l~~, .... 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