HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance CMO 7/5/2004 ." :-: . ORDINANCE NO. 6093 . ~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN TEXT, CHAPTER ill, SECTION G. PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES ELEMENT AND CHAPTER V GLOSSARY; AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, Chapter N of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) sets forth procedures for amendment ofthe Metro Plan, which for Springfield are implemented by the provisions of Article 7 of the Springfield Development Code; and WHEREAS, on February 17,2004, the Springfield City Council initiated proceedings for a Metro Plan amendment; and, WHEREAS, following an April 20, 2004 joint public hearing with the Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions, the Springfield Planning Commission, on June 1,2004, recommended Metro Plan amendments to Chapter III, Section G. Public Facilities and Services Element to include "wastewater" as a subcategory of service within the UGB; to amend Finding #6 and Policy #3 to recognize the addition of Map 2a tothe Public Facilities and Services Plan (PFSP); to amend Policy #2 to include local capital improvement plans as a means to implement policy in the PFSP; to insert two new findings regarding local and regional wastewater services to development within the UGB; to add a new Policy #G,9 that commits the wastewater conveyance and treatment systems for this area to accommodate proj ected, growth and regulatory requirements; and to modify definition #36 in Chapter V Glossary to include Treatment Facilities System, the exact language for each of the preceding amendments being contained in Appendix A attached and adopted as part of this Ordinance;"imd WHEREAS, text, maps and tables set forth in Appendix B at pages I and 2 also amend Chapter IIl-G of the Metro Plan as amended in Chapter II of the PFSP; and WHEREAS, on May 24,2004, the Eugene Planning Commission, and on June 1, 2004, the Lane County Planning Commission recommended Public Facilities and Services Plan and Metro pran amendments; and . 'r;;t ,~.. WHEREAS, the City Council conducted ajoint public hearing on this amendment on lune22, 2004, with the Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of '; V.','i;:;"i.l;.~/<=C?n,1'lIissioners, and is now ready to take action based upon the above recommendations , , . and eVidence and testImony already Ill'the record as well as the eVIdence and testImony '. ' tjpresented at the joint elected officials public hearing; and . \ i r, f:'. .-;"\\WHEREAS, substantial evidence exists within the record demonstrating that the , :lljJiop'oial rheets the requirements of the Metro Plan, Springfield Development Code, and applicable state and local law as described in findings attached as Exhibit I, and which are adopted in support of this Ordinance. Date Received JUl 0 5 100 Planner: BJ ll"~" " Ordinance No. 6093 NOW, THEREFORE, the Common Council of the City of Springfield does ordain as follows: Section I: The Metro Plan Chapter III Section G. Public Facilities and Services Element, and Chapter V Glossary, are'hereby amended as described in Appendix A attached and adopted as part of this Ordinance. The text amendments in Appendix A shall apply to that version of the Metropolitan Plan i~ effect at the time of the effective date of this Ordinance. .section 2: The text, maps and project lists in Appendix B at pages I and 2 are adopted as amendments to the Metro Plan. Section 3: Although not part of this Ordinance, the City Council adopts the findings set forth in the attached Exhibit I in support of this action. Section 4: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. Section 4: Notwithstanding the effective date of ordinances as provided by Section 2,110 of the Springfield Municipal Code 1997, this Ordinance shall become effective upon the date that all ofthe following have occurred: (a) the ordinance has been acknowledged as provided by ORS 197.625; (b) at least 30 days have passed since the date the ordinance was approved; and (c) both the Eugene City Council and the Lane County Board of Commissioners have adopted ordinances containing substantively identical provisions to those described in Sections I and 2 of this Ordinance. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 19th day of July, 2004 by a vote of 5 in favor and 0 against. Approved by the Mayor of the City of ~~ this .19t7i~ of July, 2004. - \.. q.J v:#' . Mayor / V ATTEST: !l~ Date Received CityRec~~d~ ., JUl 0 51D~ Planner: BJ REVIEWED & APPROVED ry~. / . . --77' G... !;r\;:;=:'E-OF~MT;;ZE~ '. L{ r.l'~~( ,I beVle09n ,:JJp.,,,, G \l JUL . ('11 ~ .t.=~,; ,q;'t:~"'~'116h\ &~L-.. .. ~Ol~ .j~ ..J \" " APPENDIX Aa PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE METRO PLAN (Current version of the Metro Plan) G. Public Facilities and Services Element This Public Facilities and Services Element provides direction for the future provision of urban facilities and services to planned land uses within the Metro Plan Plan Boundary (Plan Boundary). The availability of public facilities and services is a key factor influencing the location and density offuture development. The public's investment in, and scheduling of, public facilities and services are a major means of implementing the Metro Plan. As the population of the Eugene-Springfield area increases and land development patterns change over time, the demand for. urban services also increases and changes. These changes require that service providers, both public and private, plan for the provision of services in a coordinated manner, using consistent assumptions and projections for population and land use. The policies in this element complement Metro Plan Chapter II-A, Fundamental Principles, and Chapter II-C, Growth Management. Consistent with the principle of compact urban growth prescribed in Chapter II, the policies in this element call for future urban water and wastewater services to be provided exclusively within the urban growth boundary. This policy direction is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal II : Public Facilities and Services, "To plan and develop a ti,mely, orderly and efficient arrangement of public facilities and services to serve as a framework for urban and rural ' development." On urban lands, new development must be served by at least the minimum level of key urban services and facilities at the time development is completed and, ultimately, by a full range of key urban services and facilities. On rural lands within the Plan Boundary, development must be served by rural levels of service.' Users of facilities and services in rural areas are spread out geographically, resulting in a higher per-user cost for some services and, often, in an inadequate revenue base to support a higher level of service in the future. Some urban facilities may be located or managed outside the urban growth boundary, as allowed by state law, but only to serve development within the urban growth boundary. Urban facilities and services within the urban growth boundary are provided by the City of Eugene, the City of Springfield, Lane County, Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB), the Springfield Utility Boar<! (SUB), the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC), electric cooperatives, and special service districts. Special service districts provide schools and bus service, and, in some areas outside the cities, they provide water, electric, fire service or parks and recreation service. This element provides guidelines for special service districts in line with the compact urban " ';~illi~~~~~;.~~;~~~~ndamental principle of the Metro Plan. Date Received JUL 0 5,01 ..i:~ t., .; ~ ' . ". . :11: \;r"'11ft":t;,,- \ll~'> , "'.I :',.';."1. I Appendix Aa, Page I Planner: BJ This element incorporates the findings and policies in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Public Facilities and Services Plan (Public Facilities and Services Plan), adopted as a refinement to the Metro Plan. The Public Facilities and Services Plan provides guidance for public facilities and services, including planned water, wastewater, stormwater, and electrical facilities. As required by Goal II , the Public Facilities and Services Plan identifies and shows the general location' of the water, wastewater, and stormwater projects needed to serve land within the urban growth boundary.' The Public Facilities and Services Plan also contains this information for electrical facilities, although not required to by law. The project lists and maps in the Public Facilities and Services Plan are adopted as part of the Metro Plan. Information in the Public Facilities and Services Plan on project phasing and costs, and decisions on timing and fmancing of projects are not part of the Metro Plan and are controlled solely by the capital improvement programming and budget processes of individual service providers. . This element of the Metro Plan is organized by the following topics related to the provision of urban facilities and services. Policy direction for the full range of services, ifl.c;uJ:'.g waste?;llter serviee, may be found under any of these topics, although the first . topic, Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary, is further broken down into sub-categories. Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary . . Planning and Coordination o Water . Wastewater . Stormwater o Electricity . Schools o Solid Waste . Services to Areas Outside the Urban Growth Boundary . Locating and Managing Public Facilities Outside the Urban Growth Boundary . Financing The applicable findings and policies are contained under each of these topic headings, below. The policies listed provide direction for public and private developmental and program decision-making regarding urban facilities and services. Development should be coordinated with the planning, financing, and construction of key urban facilities and services to ensure the efficient use and expansion of these facilities. .J t..... I.J)~':"1 I The exact location of the projects shown on the Public Facilities and Services Plan planned facilities )'\::N'fi ''1' .~!IP~.i~,~,te~inedthrough local ~rocess.e~.. . . . . .. . . "- . ,~,",9.>1 Goalp.ha1so requITes transportatIOn fac,htles to be Included III pubhc faclhtles plans..J\1!?ls~~pohtan. d . area;'tralisp6itation facilities are addressed in Metro Plan Chapter III-F and in the Eug1j~eCeIVe . '. iJ ilTrarjsportation System Plan (frons Plan). JUL 0 5 I 6~ Planner: BJ ~ .! ~S) Ihl>'I <<~I r~~ ~Qi . .. :1 JIlj ,~.J1!1 " Appendix Aa Page 2 '. Goals I. Provide and maintain public facilities and services in an efficient and environmentally responsible manner. . 2. Provide public facilities and services in a manner that encourages orderly and sequential growth. Findinf!s and Policies Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary: Planning and Coordination . , Findinl!s I. Urban expansion within the urban.growth boundary is accomplished through in- fill, redevelopment, and annexation of territory which can be served with a minimum level of key urhan services and facilities. This permits new development to use existing facilities and services, or those which can be easily extended, minimizing the public cost of extending urban facilities and services. 2. In accordance with Statewide Planning Goal II and OAR 660, the Public Facilities and Services Plan identifies jurisdictional responsibility for the provision of water, wastewater and stormwater, describes respective service areas and existing and planned water, wastewater, and Stormwater facilities, and contains planned facilities maps for these services. Electric syStem information and improvements are included in the Public Facilities and Services Plan, although not required by state law. Local facility master plans and refmement plans provide more specific project infonnation. 3. Urbim services within the metropolitan urban growth boundary are provided by the City of Eugene, the City of Springfield, Lane County, EWEB, SUB, the MWMC, electric' cooperatives, and special service districts. 4. The Public Facilities and Services Plan finds that almost all areas within the city limits of Eugene and Springfield are served or can be served in the short-term (0-5 years) witIi water, wastewater, stormwater, and electric service. Exceptions to this are stormwater service to portions of the Willow Creek area and southeast Springfield and full water service at some higher elevations in Eugene's South Hills. Service to these areas will be available in the long-term. Service to all areas within city limits are either in a capital improvement plan or can be extended with development. 5. ...With tht< improvements specified in the Public Facilities and Services Plan . . I. . .""pr~je.jSt'~s~s, ~~ urbanizable areas within the Eugene-Springfield urban ~ Received "~I6:I'\ll' '1- Y,,~,r.~ :..../,'(':', . '~1 - ~::J~ ~)Ift1f - i J~:-1\' . JUL 0 5 IO( Planner: BJ ~.': \ f~ t h;:, Appendix Aa Page 3 . : ..;). 'I \ -; ~, I-'~ ;0. -.:. I~. ), , ".1. ". '.\.~' boundary can be served with water, wastewater, stormwater, and electric service at the time those areas are developed. In general, areas outside city limits serviceable in the long-term are located near the urban growth boundary and in urban reserves, primarily in River Road, Santa Clara, west Eugene's Willow Creek area, south Springfield, and the Thurston and Jasper-Natron areas in east Springfield. 6. OAR 660-0ll-0005 defines projects that must be included in public facility plan project lists for water, wastewater, and stormwater. These definitions are shown in the keys of planned facilities Maps 1,2, 2!!, and 3 in the Public Facilities and Services Plan. 7. In accordance with ORS 195.020 to 080, Eugene, Springfield, Lane County and special service districts are required to enter into coordination agreements that def~e how planning coordination and urban services (water, wastewater, fire, parks, open space and recreation, and streets, roads and mass transit) will be provided within the urban growth boundary. 8. Large institutional uses, such as universities and hospitals, present complex planning problems for the metropolitan area due to their location, facility expansion plans, and continuing housing and parking needs. 9. Duplication of services prevents the most economical distribution of public facilities and services. 10. As discussed in the Public Facilities and Services Plan, a majority of nodal development areas proposed in TransPlan are serviceable now or in the short- term. The City of Eugene's adopted Growth Management Policy #15 states, "Target publicly-financed infrastructure extensions to support development for higher densities, in-fill, mixed uses, and nodal development." Policies G.I Extend the minimum level and full range of key urban facilities and services in an orderly and efficient manner consistent with the growth management policies in Chapter II-C, relevant policies in this chapter, and other Metro Plan policies: G.2 Use the planned facilities maps of the Public Facilities and Services Plan-to guide the general location of water, wastewater, stormwater, and electrical projects in the metropolitan area.. Use local facility master plans, refinement plans, caoital imorovement olans, and ordinances as the guide for detailed planning and project implementation. G.3 Modifications and additions to or deletions from the project lists in the Public , Facilities and Services Plan for water, wastewater, and stormwater public facility \ll~11;i;...1,.....t(~;}1 ,:,'~~pr~jects or significant cbanges to. project location, from that described in the, '. ~-,,', 1'_f~.;JW.ij ".1.,.,'. . = :\ '\ II iJ' . Date Received to . . -'" . ,. "?l0>,i(\ : Appendix Aa Page 4JUL 05 / o~ '; j~ ~ '.l--.J1; 1,.,1, 4f--~~ ~~, ~..""h' _' ..... . PI~nnAr. R.I Public Facilities and Services Pkm planned facilities Maps 1,2, Zlh and 3, . requires amending the Pubic Facilities and Services Plan and the Metro Plan, except for the following: ' a. Modifications to a public facility project which are minor in nature and do not significantly impact the project's general descript~on, location, sizing, capacity, or other general characteristic of the project; or b.. Technical and environmental modifications to a public facility which are made pursuant to final engineering on a project; or . c. Modifications to a public facility project which are made pursuant to fmdings of an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement conducted under regulations implementing the procedural provisions of the national Environmental Policy Act of 1969 or any federal or State of Oregon agency project development regulations consistent with that act and its regulations 0.4 The cjties and Lane County shall coordinate with EWEB, SUB, and special service districts operating in the metropolitan area, to provide the opportunity to " revie:w and comment on proposed public facilities,' plans, programs, and public improvement projects or changes thereto that may affect one another's area of responsibility. . 0.5 The cities shall continue joint planning coordination with major institutions, such as universities and hospitals, due to their relatively large impact on local facilities . and services. . . 0.6 Efforts shall be made to reduce the number of unnecessary special service districts and to revise confusing or illogical service. boundaries, including those that result in a duplication of effort or overlap of service. When possible, these efforts shall be pursued in cooperation with the affected jurisdictions. 0.7 Service providers shall coordinate the provision of facilities and services to areas targeted by the cities. for higher densities, infill, mixed uses, and nodal development. ' 0.8 The cities and county shall coordinate with cities surrounding the metropolitan area to develop a growth management strategy. This strategy will address regional public facility needs. Services to Develooment Withio the Urban Growth Boundary: Wastewater Findin!!s L<:,.; . ~~l,_:';'(i~-;:;~.f:f_'i Appendix Aa Page 5 Date Received JUL 05 t o~ Planner: BJ '1.,1, _\ ,-~. .f' '(_)\'.1 ,-,'l~/f" (,<-.l'/"-j; ~"79:f'i .)1~'l" . 1 ,~ .\:\ '" ~ "', I \. . II. Sorin!!field and Eu!!ene relv on a combination of re!!ional and local services for the orovision of wastewater services. Within each Citv. the local iurisdiction orovides collection of wastewater throu!!h a svstem of sanitarY sewers and oumoin!! svsterns. These co llection facilities connect to a reQional svstem of similar sewer collection facilities owned and ooerated bv the Metrooolitan Wastewater ManMeIDent Commission ("MWMC"). an entitv formed under an inter!!overnmental alITeeIDent created OUfSuant to ORS 190. To!!ether. these collection facilities (which exclude orivate laterals which convev wastewater from individual residential or commercial/industrial connections) constitute the orimarv collection svstem. ] 2. The nrimarv collection svstem convevs wastewater to a treatment facilities svstem' owned and ooerated bv MWMC. This system consists of an interconnected Water Pollution Control Facilitv ("WPCF"t a biosolids facilitv. and a beneficial reuse facilitv. ,Policies G.9 Wastewater convevance and treatment shall be orovided to meet the needs of proiected !!rowth inside the urban !!rowth boundarY that are caoable of comnlvin!! with rel!Ulatorv reouirements !!overnin!! beneficial reuse or dischar!!e of effiuent and beneficial reuse' or disnosal of residuals. . Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary: Water Findinl!s, 1+3. Springfield relies on groundwater for its sole source of water. EWEB water source is the McKenzie River arid EWEB is developing groundwater sources. The identification of projects on the Public Facilities and Services Plan planned facilities map does not confer rights to a groundwater source. Policies G.9l0 Eugene and Springfield and their respective utility branches, EWEB and Springfield Utility Board (SUB), shall ultimately be the water service providers within the urban growth boundary. ~ .t"' l'" ~ .:' .ft~~-l G.lOl Continue to take positive steps to protect groundwater supplies. The cities, county, and other service providers shall manage land use and public facilities for groundwater-related benefits through the implementation of the Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan and other wellhead protection plans. Management practices instituted to protect groundwater shall be coordinated . among the City of Springfield, City of Eugene, and Lane County. . ':)i!lf~G:J~1h: o:['p,t) Date Received JUL 0 5{ D~ Planner: BJ ;1 (i I: I! . - -, .. {- ......~... ..., I" , 1 " ",...,.,'\.,..' ,: 'Ii.:.~ijL'~ ;:.~)'-=:i.t '}l Appendix Aa Page 6 .,.,. G.1+2 Ensure that water main extensions within the urban growth boundary include adequate consideration of fife flo~s. . G.I;!3 SUB, EWEB, and Rainbow Wateri,oistrict, the water providers that currently control a water source, shall examine the need for a metropolitan-wide water master program, recognizing that a metropolitan-wide system will require establishing standards, as well as c?ordinated source and delivery systems. Services to Development Within the Ur~an Growth Boundary: Stormwater . Findings 1;!4. Historically, stormwater systems iI} Eugene and Springfield were designed primarily to control floods. The 1987 re-authorization of the federal Clean Water Act required, fouhe first time, loc;tl communities to reduce stormwater pollution within their municipal storm drainage systems. These requirements applied initially to the City of Eugene and ,subsequent amendments to the Act extended these requirements to Springfield and Lane County. B5. Administration and enforcement of the Clean Water Act stormwater provisions occur at the s~ate leve~ through National Pollutan(Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting requirements. Applicable jurisdictions are required to obtain an NPDES stormwater permit froIp. the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), and prepare a wat~r quality plan outlining the Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be taken over a five-year permit period for reducing stormwater pollutants to "the maxfmum extent practicable." . " 146. Stormwater quality improvement facilities are most efficient and effective at intercepting and removing pollutaf1ts when they are close to the source of the pollutants and treat relatively small volumes of runoff. , , 1~7. The,Clean Water Act requires states to assess the quality of their surface waters every three years, and to list those: waters which do not meet adopted water quality standards. The Willamettt? River and other water bodies have been listed as not meeting the standards for t~,mperature and bacteria. This will require the development of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for these pollutants, and an allocation to point and non-pornt sources. . ". I 68. The listing of Spring Chinook SaIp10n as a threat~~ed species in the Upper Willamette River requires the application of Endangered Species Act (ESA) provisions to the salmon's habitat' in the McKenzie and Willamette Rivers. The decline in the Chinook Salmon has been attributed to such factors as destruction of habitat through channelization and. revetment of river banks, non-point source pollution, alterations of natural hydro graph by increased impervious surfaces in the basin, and degradation of natural functions of riparian lands due to removal or ;-':b;\lig;')8~ltef~Vp.\1of indigenous vegetation. Date Received '. ,1 ~ flji JUL 0 5 I 01' i ~,?> It .}(r"~~'-~~l~",\II'.I.fJ11 .........,(;._'1 - A" ';!~ :,_ "~.ll Appendix Aa Page 7 Planner: BJ I +9. There are many advantages to keeping channels open, including, at a minimum, natural biofiltration of stormwater pollutants; greater ability to attenuate effects of peak stormwater flows; retention of wetland, habitat, and open space functions;' and reduced capital costs for stormwater facilities. +S20. An increase in impervious surfaces, without mitigation, results in higher flows during peak storm events, less opportunity for recharging ofthe aquifer, and a decrease in water quality. +921. Stormwater systems tend to be gravity-based systems that followthe slope of the land rather than politic,al boundaries. In many cases, the natural drainageways such as streams serve as an integral part of the stormwater conveyance system. 2G2. In general, there are no programs for stormwater maintenance outside th~ Eugene and Springfield city limits, except for the Lane County roads program. State law limits county road funds for stormwater projects to those located within the public right-of-way. 2+). Filling in designated floodplain areas can increase flood elevations abOve the elevations predicted by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) models, because the FEMA models are typically based only on the extent of development at the time the modeling was conducted and do not take into account, the ultimate buildout of the drainage area. This poses risks to other properties in or adjacent to floodplains and can change the hydrograph of the river.- Policies G.l M Improve surface and ground water quality and quantity in the metropolitan area by developing regulationS or instituting programs for stormwater to: a. Increase public awareness of techniques and practices private individuals can employ to help correct water quality and quantity problems; b. Improve management of industrial and commercial operations to reduce negative water quality and quantity impacts; , c. Regulate site planning for new development and construction to better manage pre- and post-construction storm runoff, including erosion, velocity, pollutant loading, and drainage; d. Increase storage and retention and natural filtration of storm runoff to lower and delay peak storm flows and to settle out pollutants prior to discharge into regulated waterways; \"l~ """"\t,.\.'l~':k'f I :t 'I'l':t!~i~~d;i~! t.;1,lfCit', 'j a;1l iif=~: 1,-, '(',_", ' "C'''''.iI'\1 I;;!'" '~li _"~ _ " "t_.'f it "II 'IJ> .,~, I Appendix Aa Page 8 Date Received JUL 0 5 ( o~ Planner: BJ " ~ ('\ JII', ' - ! '(f" ~': ,./'. ~. e. Require on-site controls and development standards, as practica~ to reduce off-site impacts from stormwater runoff; 'f. Use natural and simple mechanical treatment systems to provide treatment for potentially contaminated runoff waters; , g, Reduce street-related water quality and quantity problems; h. Regulate use and require containment and/or pretreatment of toxic substances; 1. Include containment measures in site review standards to minimize the effects of chemical and petroleum spills; and j.-:' - Consider impacts to ground water quality in the design and location of dry wells. G.145 Implement changes to stormwater facilities and management practices to reduce the presence of pollutants regulated under the Clean Water Act and to address the requirements ofthe Endangered Species Act. G.l $6 Consider wellhead protection areas and surface water supplies when plaruling stormwater facilities. G .167 Manage or enhance waterways and open stormwatef systems to reduce water quality impacts from runoff and to improve stormwater conveyance. . G.l +8 Include measures in local land development regulations that minimize the amount of impervious surface in new development in a manner that reduces stormwater pollution, reduces the ,negative affects from increases in runoff, and is compatible with Metro Plan policies. G. I &9 The cities and Lane County shall adopt a strategy for the unincorporated area of the urban growth boundary to: reduce the negative effects of filling in floodplains and prevent the filling of natural drainage channels except as necessary to ensure public operations and mainteuance of these channels in a manner that preserves and/or enhances floodwater conveyance capacity and biological function. G.!920Maintain flood storage capacity within the floodplain, to the maximum extent practical, through measures that may include reducing impervious surface in the floodplain and adjacent areas. Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary: > .,' ,...." .,; f. ," ":f"'"\""';'\1 ~~;: . .~. ' " I' '.\ V. 1. Appendix Aa Page 9 ElectriCoate ReCe\vad . JUL 0 5 I u<< P\anner: BJ " Findines ," ',,~' .'... ' .r~(" J't-- ".x...:.. ~>,_"I1-.~ f.-..rt'" '. . , ~ t ".;.~, ~ ' ' ,.. '. I! I. 224. According to local municipal utilities, efficient electrical service is often accomplished through mutual back-up agreements and inter-connected systems are more efficient than isolat~ systems. Policies G.2QI The electric service providers will agree which provider will serve areas about to be annexed and inform the cities who the service provider will be and how the transition of services, if any, will occur. Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary: Schools Findinl!s 2;;5. ORS 195.110 requires cities and counties to include, as an element of their comprehensive plan, a school facility plan for high growth districts prepared by . the district in cooperation with the city or county; and for the city or county to initiate the planning activity. The law defines high growth districts as those that have an enrollment of over 5,000 students and an increase in enrollment of six percent or more during the three most recent school years, At present, there are no high growth school districts in the urban growth boundary. 246. ORS 197.296(4)(a) states that when the urban growth boundary is amended to provide needed housing, "As part of this process, the amendment shall include sufficient land reasonably necessary to accommodate the siting of new public school facilities. The need and inclusion oflandsJor new public school facilities shall be a coordinated process between the affected public school districts and the local government that has the authority to approve the urban growth boundary." 2~7. Enrollment projections for the five public school districts in the metropolitan area and the University of Oregon and Lane,Community College (LCC) are not consistent. Bethel School District and the University of Oregon expect increases while Springfield and Eugene School Districts and LCC are experiencing nearly flat or declining enrollments. Enrollment is increasing fastest in the elementary , I and high school attendance areas near new development. I.i:r} L..'1,_'1 ;!{i8. Short-term,fluctUations in school attendance are addressed through the use of adjusted attendance area boundaries, double shifting, use of portable classrooms, and busing. School funding from the state is based on student enrollment for school districts in the State of Oregon. This funding pattern affects the willingness of districts to allow out -of-district transfers and to adjust district boundaries. Adjustments in district boundaries may be feasible where there is no 'l"', ff'(' ,net loss or gain in student enrollments between districts. ";""'.iI'f:"u .~;~JS)p..l;; t 'JI:'t:tr," . '\...l'. .~. '\f , ' , 2.+9. Creating or retaining small, neighborhood schools reduces the needrf\l~1i.~~w~ . , ,\ fj (i "II !I.'provides more opportunity for students to walk or bike to school. ~~~elvec.; JUL 0 5 I o~ Planner: 81 . -:: { , ,-. ;4. _. '"';r: "c';, '.r i.hl:"Jl " Appendix Aa Page 10 '.."'" , ' schools may allow more parents to stay in established neighborhoods and to avoid moving out to new subdivisions on the urban fringe or to bedroom communities, However, growth patterns do not always respect school district boundaries. For example, natural cycles of growth and neighborhood maturation result in uneven geographic growth patterns in the metropolitan area, causing a disparity between the location of some schools and school children. This results in some fringe area schools exceeding capacity, while.some central city schools are under capacity. ~30. Long-range enrollment-forecasts determine the need to either, build new schools, expand existing facilities, or close existing schools. Funding restrictions imposed by state law and some provisions in local codes may discourage the retention and redevelopment of neighborhood schools. Limits imposed by state law on the use of bond funds foroperations and maintenance make the construction of new, lower maintenance buildings preferable to remodeling existing school buildings. In addition, if existing schools were expanded, some school sites may not meet current local parking, and other code requirements, ~3l. Combining educational facilities with local park and recreation facilities provides fmancial benefits to the schools while enhancing benefits to the community. The Meadow View School and adjacent City of Eugene community park is an example of shared facilities, Policies G.212 The cities shall initiate a process with school dif?tricts Within the urban growth boundary for coordinating land use imd school planning activities. The cities and school districts shall examine the following in their coordination efforts: " , a. The need for new public school facilities and sufficient land to site them; b. How open enrollment policies affect school location; , ' c.. The impact of school building height and site size on the buildable land supply; d. The use of school facilities for non-school activities and appropriate reimbursement for this use; e. The impact of building and land use codes on the development and redevelopment of school facilities; f. Systems development charge adjustments related to neighborhood schools; and, ....... ...l ' ,'. ~ " " I, Appendix Aa Page II Date Received JUL 05 oL( I Planner: B~.I --.- ,.., ~ ....., l- ~," :,' ~ ,~,...~.:..i;(:Z> t f \..:-HiQt:\-"t<":;,.",,j ,.,.1A/(",1 f. :' ~ '1T'-Y" ~yJl ' ,":'t.~~:'11, 1 'I <C.4 ~ ....r I .' ';,.-'~ if a,.;~ ;:.' ~Il:' j l' ~', ;1'1 li.~.')l; ! g. The possibility of adjusting boundaries, when practical and when total enrollment will not be affected, where a single, otherwise internally cohesive area is divided into more than one school district. G.2~3 Support fmancial and other efforts to keep neighborhood schools open and to retain schools sites in public ownership following school closure. G.2~ Support the retention of University of Oregon and LCC facilities in central city areas to increase opportunities for public transit and housing and to retain these , schools' attractiveness to Students and faculty. Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary: Solid Waste Findinl!! 3G2. Statewide Planning Goal II requires that, "To meet current and 10ng-rWlge needs, a provision for solid waste disposal sites, including sites for inert waste, shall be included in each plan." Policies G:245 The Lane County Solid Waste Management Plan, as updated, shall serve as the guide for the location of solid waste sites, including sites,for inert waste, to serve the metropolitan area. Industries that make significant use ofthe resources recovered from the Glenwood sOlid waste transfer facility should be encouraged to'locate in that vicinity. Services to Areas Outside the Urban Growth Boundary Findings 3+3. Providing key urban services, such as water, to areas outside the urban growth boundary increases pressure for urban development in rural areas. This can encourage premature development outside the urban growth boundary at rural densities, increasing the cost of public facilities and services to all users of the systems. 3;M. Land application ofbiosolids, treated wastewater, or cannery waste on agricultural sites outside the urban growth boundary for beneficial reuse of treated wastewater byproducts generated within the urban growth boundary is more efficient and environmentally beneficial than IWld filling or other means of disposal. 3~5. Lane County land use data show that, outside the urban growth boundary, land "I" .;, ;" \,....(.,.".:.:1 (use.s. \"tbnsist of: : ':.':'P"!Ii':"A'" ":..,1jJ " '\A:I!'.1; ." 1 r.... '~'. I 1,~'~ '" L)'['''; 4'1 ""\ir'~'11 . r;,,-',I i :!.....:. H llij ~.r.;~::~ .} Appendix Aa Page 12 Date Received JUL-O 5 I o~ Planner: B~I .\ ,! Ilii . , ~ .. ,,' I) Those which are primarily intended forresource management; and 2) Those where development has occurred and are committed to rural development as established through the exceptions process specified in Statewide Planning Goal 2., Policies 'G.2$6 Wastewater and water service shall not be provideq outside the urban growth , boundary except to the following areas, ,and the cities may require consent to annex agreements as a prerequisite'to providing these services in 'any instance: , a. The area of the Eugene AirPort designated Government.and Education on the Metro Plan Diagram, the Seasonal InduStrial Waste Facility, the Regional Wastewater Biosolids ManagementFacili~y, and agricultural sites used for land application ofbiosolids and cannery byproducts. These sites serve the entire metropolitan area. b. An existing development outside the urban growth boundary when it has been determined that it poses an immediate threat of public health or safety to the citizens within the Eugene-Springfield urban growth boundary that can only be remedied by extension of the service. In addition, under prior obligation~, water service shall be provided to land within the dissolved water districts of Hillcrest, College Crest, Bethel, and Oakway. G.267 The Eugene Airport shall be served with the necessary urban services required to operate the airport as an urban facility. Development outside the urban growth ' boundary in the vicinity ofthe airport, outside the portion of the airport boundary designated Government and Education in the Metro Plan diagram, shall not be provided with urban services. I G.218 Plan for the following levels of service for rural designations outside the urban growth boun~ within the Plan Boundary: a. Allficulture. Forest Land. Sand and Gravel. and Parks and Ooen Soace. No minimum level of service is establishec:i. b. Rural Residential. Rural Commercial. Rural Industrial. and Government and Education, On-site sewage disposal, individual water systems, rural level of fire and police protection, electric and communication service, schools, and reasonable access to solid waste disposal facility. , Locating and Managing Public Facilities Outside the Urban Growth Boundary '~C;\f;:~~'fi!\H: (~.r,I~t ii '.FIDdID~ ,- h ' . ~.o , "" !'. ~::I;jt. I' '. Date Received . ~".~, ., .. ,(.,' '",' "'",\1,.1, :.rG.-c... ';.','~ '11 ~""':;b ~-:' JUL 0 516~ Appenqix Aa Page 13 Planner: BJ 346. In accordance with statewide planning goals and administrative rules, urban water, wastewater, and stormwater facilities may be located on agricultural land and urban water and wastewater facilities may be located on forest land outside the urban growth boundary when the facilities exclusively serve land within the urban growth boundary; pursuant to OAR 660-006 and 660-033. 3~7. In accordance with statewide planriing goals and administrative rules, water, and wastewater facilities are allowed in the public right-of-way of public roads and highways, ' 368., The Public Facilities and Services Plan planned facilities maps show the location of some planned public facilities outside the urban growth boundary and Plan Boundary, exclusively to serve land within the urban growth boundary. The ultimate construction of these facilities will require close coordination with and permitting by Lane County and possible Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan amendments. 3+9. ,Statewide Planning GoalS and OAR 660-023-0090 require state and local jurisdictions to identifY and protect riparian corridors. ~O. In accordance with OAR 660-033-0090,660-033-0130(2), and 660-033-0120, building schools on high value farm land outside the urban growth boundary is prohibited. Statewide planning goals prohibit locating school buildings on farm or forest land within three miles outside the urban growth boundary. Policies G.2&9 Consistent with local regulations, locate new urban water, wastewater, and stormwater facilities on farm land and urban water and wastewater facilities on forest land outside the urban growth boundary only when the facilities exclusively serve land inside the urban growth boundary and there is no reasonable alternative. ' ' G.~30Locate urban water and wastewater facilities in the public right-of-way of public roads and highways outside the urban growth boundary, as needed to serve land within the urban growth boundary. G.3iH Facility providers shall coordinate with Lane, County and other local jurisdictions and obtain the necessary county land use approvals to amend the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan, or the Metro Plan, as needed and consistent with state law, to ,"l'l'.v~.:ately designate land for urban facilities located outside the urban growth boundary or the Plan Boundary. I ;/'\': ..,;1\' ..:: . .1" ".'" .'," ' , - t,~ t.; ',' !It--,jl' )'1 "'\ i~"""ll ~':-l . ".,'I j " ' 'i." ,',l.!. ' Appendix Aa Page 14 Date Received JUL 05 ,01 Planner: BJ 'J6vicl'~n1.~J , 'rl<:-i,' ". .\ -.~ :',.:.,111......'1'01,....1 <..:~ :.,~". . ~ f'"i ';/:, . ,."H I ~,., G.3+2 The.cities shall coordinate with Lane County on,responsibility and authority to. address stormwater-related issues 9utside the Plan Boundary, including outfalls 'outside the Springfield portion of the urban groWth boundary. , 0.323 Measuresto'protect, enhance, or alter Class FStreams outside the urban growth boundary, within the Plan Boundary shall, at a minimum, be consistent with Lane County's riparian standards., 0.3M New schools within the Plan Boundary shall be built inside the urban growth boundary. Financing Findinl!s ;w41.0RS 197.712(2)(e) states that the project timing and fmancing provisions of public facility plans shall not be considered land use decisions, . 402. ORS 223,297 and ORS 223.229(1) do not permit the collection oflocal systems development charges (SDCs) for fVe and emergency medical service facilities and schools, limiting revenue options for these services. Past attempts to change this law have been unsuccessful. 4+3. Service providers inthe metropolitan ,area use SDCs to'help fund the following facilities: . o Springfield: stormwater, wastewater, and transportation; . Willamalane Park and Recreation District: parks; , . SUB, Rainbow Water District: water; o Eugene: stormwater, ~astewater, parks, and tmnsportation; and, o ,EWEB: water. 4;M. 'Oregon and California timber receipt revenues, 'a federally-funded source of county road funds, have declined over the years and their continued decline is expected. ' 4;5. Regular maintenance reduces long.term-infrastructure costs by preventing the need for frequent replacement and:rehabilitation. ORS 223.297 to 223.314 do not allow use of SDCs to fund operations and maintenance. 446. The assessment rates of Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County are each different; creating inequitable fmancing of some infrastructure improvements in the metropolitan area. " Policies 'f-~F:A't:~~t}8)~r'"1 ~~:~.'ft;.:~ 1 ...:=.~' ...(C:,I '.{ "f"'1':-'" ,;if; . ;~ !,'.....4: ~;I';: .t/, . Appendix Aa Page 15 Date Received JUL 0 5, DL{ Planner: BJ f\.' li.,._ G.345 Changes to Public Faciliiies and Services Plan project phasing schedules or anticipated costs and'financing shallbe made in accordance with budgeting and capital improvement program procedures of the affected jurisdiction(s). . . . .. . G.3M Service providers will update capital improvement programming (planning, programming, and budgeting for service extension) regularly for those portions of the urban growth boundary where the full range of key urban services and facilities is not available. G.367 Require development to pay the cost, as determined by the local jurisdiction, of extending urban services and facilities. This does not preclude subsidy, where a development will fulfill goals and recommendations of the Metro Plan and other applicable plans determined by the local jurisdiction to be of particular importance or concern. G.318 Continue to implement a syStem of user charges, SDCs, and other public financing tools, where appropriate, to fund operations, maintenance, and improvement or replacement of obsolete facilities or system expansion. G.3&9 Explore other funding mechanisms at the local level to finance operations and maintenance of public facilities. ' G.3940Set wastewater and stormwater fees at a level commensurate with the level of impact on, or use of, the wastewater or stormwater service. G.3940The cities and Lane County will continue to cooperate in developmg assessment practices for inter-jurisdictional projects that provide for equitable treatment of properties, regardless of jurisdiction. Chapter V Glossary 36. Public facilitv Droiects: Public facility project lists and maps adopted as part of the Metro Plan are defined as follows: a. Water: Source, reservoirs, pump stations, and primary distribution 'systems. Primary distribution systems are transmission lines 12 inches or larger for SUBan4 24 inches or larger for EWEB. b. Wastewater: Primarv Collection Svstem: Pump stations and wastewater lines 24 inches or larger. . h~lldfl""~:-"''''\ -1::.)*"[,: .,.J 4 I r"J)",,:!V;{~'1 ~ .;!,',\ Treatment Facilities Svstem: Water Pollution Control Facilitv (WPCF) oroiect. beneficial reuse oroiect and residuals oroiect necessarvto meet wastewater treatment facilities svstem design caoacities for aVerage~CeiVel J flow. hiochemical oxwen demand and total s~dnt1 f1 ~~ If It, - , , " .! . ::.:~, :..; ! '. "I 1',,"--' 'i;L~.";.r"'" ,:-., l~{i . :,;.~. . ';, ..I:t ~. r " I Appendix Aa Page 16 JUL 0 5 , o~ Planner: 8,J ," $olids so ~s to orovide service within the urban crowth boundarY (uGB) for a oroiected oooulation in 2025 consistent with the oooulation assumed in this Plan. in comoliance with MWMC's dischar2:e oermit. MWMC's Caoital lmorovements Plan. as amended from time to time. shall be used as the 2:Uide for detailed ulannin2: and jmolementation of the WPCF oroiect. the beneficial reuse oroiect and the residuals oroiect. c. Stormwater: Drainage/channel improvements and/or piping systems 36 inches or larger; proposed detention ponds; outfalls; water quality projects; andwateTWays and open systems. d. Specific projects adopted as part of the Metro Plan itredescribed in the project lists and their general location is identified in the planned facilities maps in Chapter II oftheE~gene-Springfield Metropolitan Public Facilities and Seryices Pla& (Public Facilities and Services Plan). .:~ - \.: > -.,. , . "; '. :'ir :"~"" ; ~,~'~;'~QI~~1::{f,J -l:'~~1f:.C~~ , '1 "';' '.~ 11~ 1fT' 8(...1,,' "'."",.::,'f, 1\,_ 1 (::: L!1:"-' . tL.~..1!f~'"'litr'~J\--:'~W~~~: .'. ',:.... ,} 'I ',~! ~.: ,\, . . Appendix AaPage 17 Date Received JUL 051o{ Planner: BJ .\,..... "\i', 'Ii' ~ ~ . ' ".(~.: I. t. APPENDIX Ab PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE METRO PLAN , (Version currently before the elected officials as a part of Periodic Review) G. Public Facilities and Services Element This Public Facilities and Services Element provides direction for the future provision of urban facilities and services to plarmed land uses within the Metro Plan Plan Boundary (Plan Boundary). The availability of public facilities and services is a key factor influencing the location and density offuture development. The public's investment in, and scheduling of, public facilities and services are a major means of implementing the Metro Plan. As the population of the Eugene-Springfield area increases and land development patterns change over time, the demand for urban services also increases and changes. These changes require that service providers, both public and private, plan for the provision of services in a coordinated manner, using consistent assumptions and projections for population and land use. The policies in this element complement Metro Plan Chapter II-A, Fundamental Principles, and Chapter II-C, Growth Management. Consistent with the principle of compact urban growth prescribed in Chapter II, the policies in this element call for future urban water and wastewater services to, be provided exclusively within the urban growth boundary (UGB). This policy direction is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal II : Public Facilities and Services, "To p1aD. and develop a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement cifpublic facilities and services to serve as a framework for urban and,rural development." On urban lands, new development must be served by at least the ' minimum level of key- urban services and facilities at the time development is completed , and, ultimately, by a full range of key urban services and facilities. On rural lands within the Plan Boundary, development muSt be served by rural levels of service. Users of facilities and services in rural areas are spread out geographically, resulting in a higher per-user cost' for some services and, often, in an inadequate revenue base to support a higher level of service in the future. Some urban facilities may be located or managed outside the urhan growth boundary, as allowed by state law, but only to serve development within the UGB. Urban facilities and services within the UGB are provided by the City of Eugene, the City of Springfield, Lane County, Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB), the Springfield Utility Board (SUB),.the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC), electric cooperatives, and special service districts. Special service districts provide schools and bus service, and, in some areas outside the cities, they provide water, electric, fIre service or parks and recreation service. This element provides guidelines for special ~~'Nl;Ji~~W~~8:~~Rictsin line with the compact urban development fundamental principle ofthe , Metro Plan. ' ' . Date Received JUL 0 5 ,01 ,1;":. Illf J-., " . ;;~_. ;i~ t.,lf'~" ~';:' ~.'-)j. ' , ~ I.. ::1'.'. Appendix Ab Pagel Planner: BJ This element incorporates the findings and policies in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Public Facilities and Services Plan (Public Facilities and Services Plan), adopted as a refmemeut to the Metro Plan. The Public Facilities and Services Plan provides guidance for public facilities and services, including planned water, wastewater'Stormwater, and electrical facilities. As required by Goal 11, the Public Facilities and Services Plan identifies and':shows the geuerallocation' of the water, wastewater, .and stormwater projects needed to serve land within the UGB.' The Public Facilities and Services Plan also contains this information for electrical facilities, although not required to by law. The project lists and maps in the Public Facilities and Services Plan are adopted as part ofthe Metro Plan. Information in the Public Facilities and Services Plan on project phasing and costs, and decisions on timing; and fmancing of projects are not part of the Metro Plan and are controlled solely by the capital ,improvement programming and ~udget processes of individual service providers. The policies listed provide direction for public and private developmental and program decision-making regarding urban facilities and services. DeveloPillent should be coordinated with the planning, fmancing, and construction of key urban facilities and services to ensure the efficient use and expansion of these facilities. Goals I. Provide and maintain public facilities and services in an efficient. and environmentally responsible rnann'er. " 2, Provide public facilities and services in a Inanner that encourages orderly and sequential growth. Findings and Policies The findings and policies in'this element are orgairized by the following four topics related to the provision ofurbanfacilities',and services. Policy direction for the full range of urban facilities and services, incluaiHg\vastev;aterservice, may be found under any of these topics, although the first topic, Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary, is further broken down into sub-categories. .' ' o Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary . Planning and Coordination . Water I The exact location of the ,projects shown on the Public Facilities and Services Plan planned facilities maps is determined through local processes, 1"\...010' :'1"\\ '!y..~diQ.n~I\V,,~\~o!equires ,n:a~sportation facili~ies to be included in public facilities plans, In th!UU'tQ,Received " ' I . , 'area, transportatIOn faCilIties are addressed III Metro Plan Chapter llI-F and m the Eugene-Springfie7'd , J{ansp'ortation System Plan (frons Plan), . JUL 0 r (;,1 ,;.~ /l,ll . fJ I '''{ Planner: B,J . ' ." .1...,"- ~,r), It? .(,. ~ 1:t~1 , 1...,. I ,~ " Appendix Ab Page2 1 .(~,! ~JTL. '-.~ . Wastewater Treatment o Stormwater o Electricity o Schools o Solid Waste rreatment '. Services to Areas Outside the Urban Gi-owth Boundary o Locating and Managing Public Facilities Outside the Urban Growth Boundary, . Financing Services to Develooment Within the Urban Growth Boundarv: Planninl! and Coordination Findings I. Urban expansion within the UGB is accomplished through in-fill, redevelopment, and annexation of territory which can be served with a minimum level of key urban services and facilities. This permits new development to use existing facilities and services, or those which can be easily extended, minimizing the , public cost of extending urban facilities and services, 2. In accordance with Statewide Planning Goal II and OAR 660, the Public Facilities and Services Plan identities jurisdictional responsibility for the provision of water, wastewater and stormwater, describes respective service areas and existing and planned water, wastewater, and stormwater facilities, and contains planned facilities maps for these services. Electric system information and improvements are included in the Public Facilities and Services Plan, although not required by state law. Local facility master plans and refinement plans provide more specific project information. . 3. Urban services within the metropolitan UGB are provided by the City of Eugene, the City of Springfield, Lane County, EWEB, SUB, the MWMC, electric cooperatives, and special service districts. 4. The Public Facilities and Services Plan finds that almost all areas within the city limits of Eugene and Springfield are served or can be served in the short-term (0-5 years) with water, wastewater, stormwater, and electric service. Exceptions to this are stormwater service to portions of the Willow Creek area and southeast Springfield and full water service at some higher elevations in Eugene's South Hills. Service to these areas will be available in the long-term. Service to all areas within city limits are either in a capital improvement plan or can be extended with development. 5. With the improvements specified in the Public Facilities and Services Plan : ':l>CYHUi, "]o\,."l ,;:~'p'~6ject lists, all urbanizable areas within the Eugene-Springfield UGB can be . 'k'.' ~,j" ,,;, " ,,:A"'sei'ved with water, wastewater, stormwater, and electric service atth~~ecelvet , 4 i' "Ii.' areas are developed. In general, areas outside city limits serviceable h(~~Jg~ ,/.' " 'JUL 05{01 ..,r ,unfu,itl API''''''~ A,Pog" Planner: ~J term are located near the UGB and~in urban reserves, primarily in River Road, Santa Clara, west Eugene's Willow Creek area, south Springfield, and the Thurstonand Jasper"Natron areas in east Springfield. ' 6. OAR 660-0Il-0005 defmes projects that muSt be included in public facility plan project lists for water, wastewater, and stormwater. These defmitions are shown in the keys of planned facilities Maps 1,2, &and 3 in the Public Facilities and Services Plan, 7. In accordance with ORS 195.020 to 080, Eugene, Springfield, Lane County and special service districts are required to enter into coordination agreements that defme how planning coordination and urban services (water, wastewater, fire, parks, open space and recreation, and streets, roads and mass transit) will be provided within the UGB.' 8. Large institutional uses, such as universities and hospitals, present complex planning problems for the metropolitan area due to their location, facility expansion plans, and continuing housing and parking needs. 9. Duplication of services prevents the most economical distribution of public facilities and services. 10. As discussed in the Public Facilities and Services Plan, a majority of nodal development areas proposed in TransPlan, are serviceable now or in the s)1ort- term. The City of Eugene's adopted Growth Management Policy #15 states, "Target publicly-financed infrastructure extensions to support development for higher densities, in-fill, mixed uses, and nodal development. " Policies G.l Extend the minimum level and full range of key urban facilities and services in all orderly and efficient'manner consiStent with the growth management policies in Chapter II-C, relevant policies in this chapter, and other Metro Plan policies. G.2 Use the planned facilities maps of the Public Facilities and Services Plan to guide the general location of water, wast!,water, stormwater, and electrical projects in the metropolitan area. Use local facility master plans, refulement plans, canital imnrovement nlans, and ordinances as the guide for detailed planning and project implementation. :;"~, , Ii G.3 Modifications and additions to or deletions from the project lists in the Public, Facilities and Services Plan for water, wastewater, and stormwater public facility , projects or significant changes to project location, from that described in the Public Facilities and Services Plan planned facilities Maps I, 2, ~ arid 3, ,_ ',' p;qujres amending the Pubic Facilities and Services Plan and the Metro Plan, , ,C\\fl'I.,";}'L~!L;;e)(cekt!for the following: Date Rece,"ved .".~ t. . ,;.~. \.'11' I bftl')\ ~ JUL 0 5, a { Planner: B~,ij :;.. Ji" ,", f;,l' . ',1'. , t" . :&>1 j! - , . ,!'"H. " li~'1; , 1'~'.i(l1r, ,;J~~ 1~ Appendix Ab Page4 a. Modifications to a public facility project which are minor in nature and do not significantly impact the project's general description, location, sizing, capacity, or other general characteristic of the project; or b. , Technical and environmental modifications to a public facility which are made pursuant to final engineering on a project; or c. Modifications to a public facility project which are made pursuant to findings of an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement conducted under regulations implementing the procedural provisions of the national Environmental Policy Act of 1969 or any federal or State of Oregon agency project development regulations consistent with that act and its regulations; or d. Public facility projects inCluded iri the PFSP to serve land designated Urban Reserve prior to the removal of the Urban Reserve designation, which projects shall be removed from the PFSP at the time of the next Periodic Review of the Metro Plan. G.4 The cities and Lane County shall coordinate with EWEB, SUB, and special service districts operating in the metropolitan area, to provide the opportunity to review and comment on proposed public facilities, plans, programs, and public improvement projects or changes thereto that may affect one another's area of responsibility. G.5 The cities shall continue joint planning coordination with major institutions, such as universities and hospitals, due to their relatively large impact on local facilities and services. G.6 Efforts shall be made to reduce the number of unnecessary special service districts and to revise collfusing or illogical service boundaries, including those that result in a duplication of effort or overlap of service. When possible, these efforts shall be pursued in cooperation with the affected jurisdictions. G.? 'Service providers shall coordinate the provision offacilities and services to areas targeted by the cities for higher densities, infill, mixed uses, and nodal development. G.B The cities and county shall coordinate with cities surrounding the metropolitan area to develop a growth management strategy. This strategy will address regional public facility needs. , Services to Develooment Within the Urban Growth Bouodarv: Wastewate~ ''i">. ~~.l'ti~~\~Fiii~fui~t~C iiJ....- , n....". ., -.=; ~~3 .. . ' , r- ....." . "1(-- . ,o,t! ,'-'" ('I,. (" '.' :r'~ ;'Q. "'J J_.., ~ . ,. I' , .:.:~ tl I' l' ~., ~. Appendix Ab PageS Date Received JUL 05,l'f Planner: BJ .~,(; Ii:; II. Sorin2:field and EU2:ene rei" on a combination of re\!ional and local services for the Drovision of wastewater services. Within each Citv. the local iurisdiction, provides collection ofwa~tewater throu2:h a svstem of sanitaf" sewers and DumDin\! svstems. These collection' facilities connect to a re'!ional svstem of similar sewer collection facilities oWned and ooerated blf the Metrooolitan Wastewater Mana\!ement Commission ("MWMC"1. an entitv formed under an inter2:overnmental a2:reement created oursuant to ORB 190. To\!ether. these collection facilities (which exclude'orivate laterals which convev wastewater from individual residential or commercial/industrial connections' constitute the orimarv ~ollection svstem. 12. The orimarv collection svStem convevs wastewater to a treatment facilities svstem owned and ooerated 'bv MWMC. This svstem consists of an interconnected Water, Pollution Control Facilitv ("WPCF"t a biosolids facilitv. and a beneficial reuse, facility. Policies 0.9 Wastewater convevance and treatment shall be orovided to meet the needs of. proiected lITOwth inside the UGB that are caoable of comolvin2: with re'!ulatorv reauirements 2:overnin2: beneficial reuse or discharqe of effluent and beneficial reuse or disocisal of residuals. SUBSEQUENT FINDINGS AND POLICIES SHALL BE RENUMBERED ACCORDINGLY WITHIN THIS CHAPTER Chapter V Glossary 37. public facility oroiects: Public facility project lists and maps adopted as part of ' the Metro Plan are defined as follows: a. Water: Source, reservoirs".pump stations, and primary distribution systems. Primary distribution systems are transmission lines 12 inches or larger for Springfield Utility Board (SUB) and 24 inches or larger for Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB). b. ,Wastewater: Primarv Collection Svstem: Pump stations and wastewater lines 24 inches or larger. :; ~ I ,_il~",'\ ~0 ''-\'{,''f.'W"c.;; ~! R...;>>,l Iift,J,J', , Treatment Facilities Svstem: Water Pollution Control Facilitv (WPCF) oroiect. beneficial reuse oroiect and residuals oroiect necessary to meet wastewater treatment facilities svstem desi2:n caDacities for avera2:e flow. Deak . d flow. biochemical OXV2:en demand and total susoeilEl~.e ReceNa solids so as to orovide service within the urban 2:r~L jUL 0 5 I O'~ Appendix AbPage6 p\anner: BJ ,~~wi!~t)9H ~Jt~G jl (; JilL " , 1/..::..,~- 4 '"'"\.. -, -,." ,.~. . " ....;. rJ'I,c.;,:~t?lf1. ~':}n..';.:.~.,(,. :-:-1 , . ,,'.l'q{r1! ,,,:/jr,.:CI .Jr. ,!, ~ . , : <I.!>~~ ',ii. fill , , ~'::-".1(.~~' ~"r~"p.tJ . "'," ., boundarY (UGH) for a oroiected oooulation in 2025 consistent with the lJOoulation assumed in this Plan. in. comoliance with MWMC's dischar'le nermit. MWMC's ~aoital Imorovements Plan. as amended from time to time. , shall be used as the Quide for detailed nlanninq and jmnlementation ofthe WPCF nroiect. the beneficial reuse proiect and the residuals oroiect> c. Stormwater: Drainage/channel improvements and/or piping systems 36 inches or larger; proposed detention ponds; outfalls; water quality projects; and waterways and open systems. d. Specific projects adopted as part of the Metro Plan are described in the project lists and their general location is identified in the planned facilities maps in Chapter II ofthe Eugene.Springfield Metropolitan Public Facilities and Services Plan (Public Facilities and Services Plan). Appendix Ab Page? Date Receive JUL 05,ot Planner: BJ APPENDIX B PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE PUBLIC FACILITIES, AND SERVICES PLAN (PFSP) 1. Modify the text preceding existing Table 3 to read as follows: Planned Wastewater System Improvements Planned short anrllong term'wastewater system improvement projects are liSted in tables3;.=aOO 4, 4a and 4b. The generallocatiori of these facilities is shown in Map 2: Planned Wastewater Facilities, and Map 2a: Existing Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems. [NOTE: This map presently exists as Map 6 in the Technical Background Report: Existing Conditions and Alternatives and should be incorporated without change.] 2. Insert, following Table 4, Tables'4a and 4b, as follows: , 3. ~ Modify Map 2 to show Projects 300 through 305, and insert Map 2a. ,"~)fMB!t)HIHI n-.t~r ' ' Date Received JUL 0 5/611 Planner: BJ Project Number 300 301 302 I I I I Proj ect Number 303 ' 304 305 ., 'J' ~.J ,1l ~..:'. .JI. I.. '~ It,!) tg~ -~: '.1;':\"'<"(i"\j"..,,,II'<1.3 , ~'t '"(","'I~' '" "~ .c). " Table 4a MWMC Wastewater Treatment System Improvement Projects Project Name/Description , . WPCF Treatment-Project ResidUals Treatment Project Beneficial Reuse Project Table 4b ' MWMC Primary Collection System Improvement Projects Project Name/Description Willakenzie Pump Station I Screw Pump Station I GlenwoodPump Station AppendixB Page I I,'. '. > i ~, :.- -- ...._--_._~-....... ...1....--...."".-............ --....-....--- -~. 4. Modify Chapter IV. Of the Public Facilities and Services Plan, by modifying the subdivision entitled "Wastewater System condition Assessment" :\-h1)\fiB:J8121 (:f~r&sently on page 82) to read as follows: Date Received '" ,~ t Itii JUL 0 51 O~ "~/I ';1 ./, "1( ~irf l"'~! ;,-: '.1.1" ,'" '., t' Appendix B Page 2 Planner: BJ , f " ~ ..... ", Wastewater System Condition Assessment Coo'/eyaBee eapaeity aBd iBftti,v and iBtiltr..~;".. ~) llItiosareimportaBt eriteria by wkiek to assess the perfl.~::_;:=2: Jf ~~,,,,,,,~.er eolleetioB system. COBveyaBee eapaeity is a fUBetioB of adequate pipe suiBg aBd measures a system's ability to moye efAuenteffi.:...t:j. Inl10w and iBfiltllltion llItios express the amount of stormWl.t:llBt::~llg a sewer system through defeeth'e pipes and pipe joiBts, or through the ero.:.:, d...,:.tioB ofstormwater liBes, eombiBed sewers, eateh basiBs, or maBkole eO-/ers. Sueh extlllBeous storm,,'ater "'...,;'~;ng the waste\.....~...' JJ".;tem- tHHleeessarily bllrdeBs both eOB-:eyaBee 'aBd treatmeBt facilities. ' " Treatment: MWMC Wastewater Treatment System . . . I MWMC existing: infrastructure is monitored for problems that need to be addressed. durin" ouerational and maintenance activities. MWMC has omroinz OrOlITamS to helo olan for and im1Jlement eouinment reolacement and maior rehabilitation of existinz svstems. With these on <win!! orolITams used to detect existing Droblems. the infrastructure can be maintained and Dreserved to helo extend its useful life for future. vears. " In March of2003. MWMC hired CH2M HILL to evaluate and olan for re!!ional wastewater caoital imDrovements that will, serve the Emene/Sorin!!field urban !!rowth boundary into year 2025, MWMC will need to imolement the recommended, imDrovements to meet re<mlatorv reouirerrlents based on oroiected oollution loads and, :flows, CB2M HILL as nart of its work to, evaluate and olan for reqional wastewater imorovements has Dreoared a technical memo relate'd to "Flow and Load Projections" , dated Anril12, 2004, This historical and proiected information is bein!! used to plan for. needed MWMC caoital imorovements based on engineerin!! evaluation methods and b'! comoarinl! technolo!!v ontions. It is estimated that aoproximatelv $160 million dollars, (in 2004 dollars) are needed for MWMC oroiects to address re!!ulatorv reauirements and lITowth throu!!h vear 2025. " Convevance: " Conveyance caoacitv and inflow and infiltration am ratios are imoortant criteria bv which to assess the oerformance of Ii wastewater collection s"stem, Convevance canacitv is a function of adeouate nioe sizinq and measures a system's abiIitv to move effluent efficiently, Inflow and infiltration ratios exoress the, amount of stormwater enterinz a sewer svstem throUl!h defective oioes andpioe ioints. or tIirou<!h the cross connection of stormwater lines. combined sewers. catch basins. or manhole covers. Such extraneous. stormwater enterinl! the wastewater system unnecessarily burdens both convevance and treatment facilities, S. Modify Chapter IV. Ofthe Public Facilities and Services Plan, by modifying . the di~cussion of wastewater, in the subdivision entitled "Long-Term Service I',' l~J'~rirt~;&)hl t\.ya!\!Ihility Witbin Urbanizable Areas" (presently on page 97) to read as _ ,:i ~:lf~1I0WS: Date Received JUL 05 idt( Planner.: B~,~ I . " A.";' 1 't. "'I-lill"':I. ;,illC,' ,1',';, '. :...~,I,n;. Appe~dix B Page 3 , I. There are no areas within the metropolitan UGB that will be difficult to serve with wastewater facilities over the long-term (six to 20 years) assuming that nublic infrastructure snecifications and reouirements of the develonin!!: area can be' addressed. Annronriate en!!:ineerin!!: desirrn nractices must be used durin!!: the develoDment and eXDansion into sensitive areas that are annroved for, develonment (ex. - hillside construction. etc.). ; ho'.vever, explHlsion Expansion of the existing collection system will be necessary to meet demands of growth over this time period. 2. Based on 2003 analysis, the Eu!!:ene-Snrin!!:field metrooolitan area treatment facilities will reauire facilitv imnrovements to address both drv and .wet weather, rel1Ulatorv reouirements relatinrr to oollutant loads and wastewater flows. Re!!:ional and local wastewater imnrovements to the collection and treatment , svsteIDS are beinrr nlanned for and will be imnlemerited to allow for l!fowth within the UGB and for rell1llatorv comnliance. The Eageoo Springfield metropelitlHl area Re",:"""l '.Va5tev/ater Treatment PI1li'd: h::s :;ufficient d~~:5r. ;;aflacity to , accommodate fspr!ation increases and 'serve all new de'lel"p,...~;lt at Imildoat. However, peak wet weather conditielY.llimitthe treatment plaRt from achie'/ing its designed eapaeity. Wet, weather related impr{J'lelfients are oo;;;:;;a a~ the pllHlt ca -.-:it!;':!. tae reg;;;;-.&! z3lbd:n Sj'st&:1 t2 E;rtend the flllfl~'S wet weather eapacity :'cy"r.J the year 2007. ' 6. Add Table 16a following Table 16, as follows: Table 16a MWMC Wastewater Treatment and Collection System Improvements, Rough Cost , Estimate, and Timing Estimate 300 WPCF Treatment Project 301 Residuals Treatment Project 302 Beneficial Reuse Proiect 303 Willakenzie Pump Station,. 304 I Screw Pump Station I 305 Glenwood Pump Station *Cost estimated in 2004 dollars ) $120,500,000 $6,000,000 $25,000,000 . $6,000,000 $2,000,000 $500,000 7. Add a new chapter to the Public Facilities and Services Plan, to be Chapter VI., reading as follows: "'.--: .~ ,. :", ." I .~: .;.-~ ;~': .,"~.. HI{ ~'. ." '....J; !~',~:~ t r .f..'~'\~ Appendix B Page 4 Date Received JUL 0 5( of Planner: BJ . ' , VI. Amendments to the Plan .. '" It:l.'~ ',"; ':I; '. 'i ,. ~ - ~ \., "to _ \ , ,!~ ~,ilk,l,J1;-:J, ' '''~' i"'- '..- :..i ~~ : t .1: i:' This chapter describes the method to be used in the event it becomes necessary or appropriate to modify the text, tables or th~: maps contained in the Public Facilities and Services Plan ("the Plan"). . Flexibility,ofthe Plan . II Certain public fllcility project descriptions, location or service area designations will necessarily change as a result of subsequen,t design studies, capital improvement , programs, environmental impact studies and changes in potential sources of funding. The Plan'is not designed to either prohibit projects not included in the plan for which unanticipated funding has been obtained, preclude project specification and location decisions made according to the National Environmental Policy Act, or subject administrative and technical changes to the plan to post-acknowledgement review or review by the Land Use Board of Appeals.:: For the purposes of this Plan, two types oNnodifications are identified. A. Modifications requiring amendment of the Plan. The following I1lodifications requite amendment of the Plan: . .' I' " i. Amendments, which include those modifications or changes (as represented by Table l6a) to the location or provider of public facility , projects which significantly' impact a public facility project identified in the cvmp."hensive plan, an~ which do not qualifY as administrative or technical and environmental changes, as defmed below. Amendments are subject to the administrative procedures and review and appeal procedures applicable to land use decisions. , 2.' Adoption .of capital iinprovement program project lists by any service , provider do not require modification of this Plan unless the requirements of subparagraph I above ar~ met. ' B. Modifications permitted without afuendment of the Plan.' The following modifications do not require amendnient of this Plan: , !, Administrative changes are those modifications to a public facility project which are minor in nature iind do not significantly impact the project's general description; location, sizing; capacity or other general characteristic of the projecf, Technical and environmental changes are those modifications to a public facility project which are made pursuant to "final engineering" on a project or those which result from the fmdings of an Environmental Assessment , or Environmental Impact Statement conducted under regulations implementing the procedural provisions ofthe National Environmental , Policy Act of 1969 or any federal or state agency project development :~ ;,Ii. ,\,,!]r;:n':'A~I' "":)f"r~gulations consiStent with that Act and its regulations. ..r.>f, ~l)'..." '~7~l t4,11,._ 1'~. ' I. 2. " 'i.1? ;; i; Date Received JUL05ID{ ,I .~ ,- h' -;tUj'''{' J!~.,\ .Yl, .....tI!; ;',: 1..', ,""l:, .~I Appendix B' Page 5 Planner: BJ Process for, making Changes A. Administrative and Technical or Environmental Changes. Any jurisdiction may make an administrative or technical and environmental change, as defined herein, by forwarding to each jurisdiction covered by this Plan, and to the Lane Council of Governments a copy .ofthe resolution or other final action of the governing board ofthe jurisdiction authorizing the cbange. B: Amendments For purposes of processing amendments, as defmed herein, such amendments are divided into two classes. a. Type I Amendments include amendments to the text of the Plan, or to a list, location orprovider of public facility projects which significantly impact a public facility project iden,tified herein, which project serves more than one jurisdiction. ' b. Type II amendments include amendJ11entsto a list, location or provider of public facility projects which significantly impact apublic facility project identified herein, which project serves only the jurisdiction proposing the amendment. C. Processing Amendments Any of the adopting agencies (Lane County, Eugene, or Springfield) may initiate an amendment to this plan at any time on their own motion or on behalf of a citizen. a. Type I amendments shall be forwarded tothe planning commissions of the respective agencies and, following their recommendation, shall be considered by the governing boards of all agencies. If a Type I amendment is not adopted by all agencies, the amendment shall be referred to MPC for conflict resolution. Subsequent failure by agencies to adopt an, MPC-negotiated proposal shall defeat the proposed amendment. If an amendment is adopted, all agencies shall adopt substantively identical ordinances b. Type II amendments shall be forwarded to the Planning Commission of the initiating agency and, following their recommendation, shall be considered by the governing board of the initiating agency. " 'll~~i .-1.',., "~.J"" -.".... t:. 'lk.~n-',; r"i' ,,~~;;,U:.~. '. '. - jjf~ /'.~!l' j, Appendix B Page 6 Date Received JUL 0 5 (D~ Planner: BJ h;>"~g~"" . ' .,,p)"llfSl; jnt.{ ,,''''Jff.'>(;'', . - .- ~:.:1!tr. ~~il ~il~"'" " .r.', :/'.~, ,,'J fl. j' ~~'" J~ '-I. . Exhibit I - 1-- " v Staff Report and Findings ofComplhmce with the Metro Plan and Statewide Goals and Administrative Rules File LRP 2004-0001 Amendments to the Metro Plan, and Public Facilities and Services Plan Applicant: : City of Spriugfield on behalf ofthe Metropolitan Wastewater Mariagement Commission (MWMC) , Nature of the Application: The applicant proposes to amend the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) and the Public Facilities. and Services Plan (PFSP)! to (I) more adequately reflect the impact that new discharge permit restrictions will have had on the capacity,ofthe regional wastewater treatment system, (2) to clarifY the relationship between the PFSP project list and locally adopted capital improvement plans, and (3) to' modifY (streamline) the adminiStrative and legislative processes that govern the implementation and amendment of 1. he PF~P projects list. Background: MWMC's regional wastewater treatment facilities were designed and constructed in the late 1970's with a 20-year life expectancy, Slower that expected population growth in the 1980's extended this life expectancy. In 1996-97 MWMC developed a Master Plan to evaluate the performance of its facilities, to ascertain areas of constraints within the existing permit conditions, to identifY short-term improvements (e.g. how to address seismic hazards), and to address other major issues that needed to be studied further. In May of2002 the Oregon Department ofEnvirolunental Quality (DEQ) imposed new and more stringent discharge permit standards on the regional wastewater treatment facilities, particularly in regard to the treatment of ammonia and thermal loading. As MWMC staff began to evaluate design needs for its wastewater facilities, it became apparent to them that the existing facilities could not meet the demands imposed by the ' new discharge permit restrictions. , , Recognizing that a thorough assessment of wastewater collection, treatment and disposal/reuse needs for the next 20 yearswas essential, the MWMC began work on the 2004 Wastewater Facilities Plan, a comprehensive facilities plan update. The objectives of the 2004 Wastewater Facilities Plan are twofold. First, it is intended to provide for adequate community growth capacity through 2025, considering policies in the' Metro Plan and current planning assessments for population and development. Second, the 2004 Wastewater Facilities Plan is intended t{) protect community health and safety by addressing sanitary sewer overflows, river safety, permit compliance and the cost- effective use of existing facilities and the efficient design of new facilities. I -.-- .... ., ,if," "'J"^ .,< .,.....'lil,;"i' , '-- '\' _,I 'k:J~ ~;~ It:~~;'l -;! , Staff Report aDd Findings Page I Date Received JUL 05 r 61( Planner: BJ :~~i~I\\1i~~Ji!~...,p~(:A 1"'')'~'~tF.1.( t~ . t' ~ f"'l '.~"..'I~'I! I; ~...,JI,liA:)\, I 1 See appendices A & B, respectively. " '1" Ilit. f:.- '':: , " Exhibit I -2- The 2004 Wastewater Facilities Plan recognizes and addresses the fact that the regional wastewater system for the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area does not have the capacity to meet all of the discharge standards imposed by state and federal law. Neither the Metro Plan nor the PFSP currently reflect this situation. Statewide Planning Goal 2 requires that the city, county and special district plans be consistent. in large part, the amendments proposed by this application address the issue of consiStency between the Metro Plan and the PFSP and consistency of the 2004 Wastewater Facilities Plan with the former documents. The proposed amendments provide information that should have been included in the PFSP when it was adopted and present a more accurate description of wastewater services that will be available after certain capital improvement projects are completed. Phasing objectives ofthe 2004 Wastewater Facilities Plan necessitate that construction of several key facility components begin by June of 2005 in order to meet federal standards that require that peak wet weather events be managed by 201 O. In order to meet this rigorous construction schedule, MWMC must have released Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for ,engineering design'for by October of2004. Prior to this date, the 2004 Wastewater Facilities Plan must be adopted by the three m,,~.vyvlitanjurisdictions and the Metro Plan and the PFSP should be updated to reflect current information. In summary, the application proposes the following changes: Metro Plan I. Specifically recognizes "wastewater" as a subcategory of service within the Urban Growth Boundary. [Chapter III-G] 2. Amends Finding #6 and Policy #3 to 'recognize the addition of Map 2a "Existing Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems" to the PFSP. [Chapter III-G] , 3. Amends Policy #2 to include local capital improvement plans as a means to implement policy in the PFSP. [Chapter III-G] 4. Inserts two findings regarding local and regional wastewater services to development within the urban growth boundary. [Chapter III-G] 5. Adds a new policy G.9 that makes a commitment to providing the conveyance' , and treatment of wastewater to meet the needs of projected growth within the urban growth boundary and that meets regulatory requirements. [Chapter III-G] 6. Modifies definition 37. Wastewater: Public Facilities Projects. [Chapter V Glossary] PFSP l()I~\Ak.I""dLj '3l)';(i}t'li . '>~. , ~ !,~;,"~,/It...,!J11 I; ",,:Ji .rt.-lf\.~'~ '.., ~;i . ;,,-.{Lil . . "'..;", ~ , ~. ';;::UI'-4"--fi il\~~n~ ~bJ"':l! Staff Report and Findings Page 2 Date Received JUL 0 5/ tt~ Planner: BJ ii \JHJt Exhibit I -'3'''' I. Modifies the text on page 28, preceding Table 3, and adds Tables 4a and 4b that identifY MWMC Wastewater Treatment and Primary Collection System improvements, respectively. 2. Modifies Map 2, which shows Planned 'Wastewater Facilities, and adds Map 2a that concerns Existing Wastewater Facilities. 3. Modifies the exiSting narrative on "Wastewater System Condition Assessment" in Chapter IV. (Page 82) 4. ,Modifies existing paragraphs #1 and #2 under the discussion of "Wastewater" in the subdivision entitled "Long-Term Service Availability Within Urbanizable Areas" in Chapter IV. (Page 97). 5. Adds new Table 16a (following Table 16) entitled "MWMC Wastewater Treatment and Collection System Improvements, Rough CoSt Estimate, and Timing Estimate." (Page 101) 6. Adds new Chapter VI regarding amendments to the PFSP. Metropolitan Area General Plan Amendment Criteria The proposed amendments are considered to be Type I Metro Plan amendments because they are non-site specific amendments to the Plan text. Amendments to the Plan text, which include changes to functional plans,Such as TransPlan and the PFSP, and that are non-site specific require approval by all three governing bodies to become effective.2 Springfield, Eugene and Lane County each adopted identical Metro Plan amendment criteria into their respective implementing ordinances and codes. Springfield Code Section 7.070(3) (a & b), Eugene Code 9.128(3) (a & b), and Lane Code 12.225(2) (a& b) require that the amendment be consistent with relevant statewide planning goals and ' that the amendment will not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. These criteria are addressed as follows: ' (a) The amendment must be consistent with the relevant statewide planning goals adopted by the Land Conservation and Development Commission; Goall - Citizen Involvement To develop a citizen involvement program that insures the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process, The two cities and the county have acknowledged land use codes that are intended to serve as the principal impleme.qting ordinances for the Metro Plan. SDC Article 7 METRO PLAN AMENDMENTS and SDC Article 14 PUBLIC HEARINGS prescribe the manner in which a Type I Metro ,Plan amendment must be noticed. Citizen involvement for a Type I Metro 'Plan amendment not related to an urban "It::\e"r,,(' , . ."IJ...('growth boundary amendment requires: 1) Notice to interested parties;2) Notice /,,.,)If)!,trI! to., \" ' . ' uate Received ...: i:S,ee SDC 7,070(l)(a), EC 9,7730(IXa), and LC 12,225(l)(aXi). ' , \. ", JUL 0 5) o{ ~ J~' . ,. ( .~ f.' ~ lifl"\' , I' ""-"''::I'~ - _ ( ~; - y,. : Staff Report and Findings Page 3 Planner: BJ Exhibit I - 4- shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation; 3) Notice shall be provided to the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) at least 45 days before the initial evidentiary hearing (planning commission). Notice of the joint planning commission hearing was published in the Springfield News and in the Register-Guard on March 31,2004. Notice to interested parties was mailed on April I, 2004. Notice of the first evidentiary hearing was provided to DLCD on March 4,2004. The notice to DLCD identified the City of Eugene, Lane County, DEQ and EPA as affected agencies. Requirements under Goal I are met by adherence to the citizen involvement processes required by the Metro Plan and implemented by the Springfield Development Code, Articles 7 and 14; the Eugene Code, Sections 9.7735 and 9.7520; Lane Code Sections 12.025 and 12.240. Goal 2 - Land Use Planning - To establish a land use planning process and policy framework as a basis for all decisions and actions related to use of land and to assure an adequate factual base for such decisions and actions. All land-use plans and implementation ordinances shall be adopted by the governing body after public hearing and shall be reviewed and, as needed, revised on a periodic cycle to take into account changing public policies and circumstances, in accord with a schedule set forth in the plan. Opportunities shall be provided for review and comment by citizens and affected governmental units during preparation, review and revision of plans and implementation ordinances. Implementation Measures - are the means used to carry out the plan. These are of two general types: (I) management implementation measures such as ordinances, regulations or project plans, and (2) site or area specific implementation measures such as permits and grants for construction, construction of public facilities or provision of services. The most recent version of the Metro Plan is being considered on May 17, 2004 for final adoption by Springfield (Ordinance No. --->, by Eugene (Council Bill No. 4860) and by Lane County (Ordinance No. 1197) after numerous public meetings, public workshops and joint hearings of the Springfield; Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions and Elected Officials. The Metro Plan is the "land use" or comprehensive plan required by this goal; the Springfield Development Code, the Eugene Code and the Lane Code are the . "implementation measures" required by this goal. Comprehensive plans, as defined by ORS 197.0l5(5i, must be coordinated with affected governmental , , ' units.4 Coordination means that comments from affected governmental units are :" , . ',,,f'" -,.':' " D t R " J': M~n;1bJ'''' ""',g,[ " " - 3Inccirporated by reference into Goal 2, a e ecell , :' ,'Se,e DLCD v, Douglas County, 33 Or LUBA 216, 221 (1997), ;, " 1 ~J. ,.11 .. . 1'.-' , \~t ." r' (".,;,~,~ -:.14, . t; ~.t . Staff Report and Findings Page 4 JUL 0 5) 6Cf Planner: BJ '., ~ Exhibit I ~'5'~' , . solicited and considered. In this regard, DLCD's Notice of Proposed Amendment form was sent to the City of Eugene, Lane County, DEQ and EPA. . '. - , . . . . ' One aspect of the Goal 2 coordination requirement concerns population projections. In this respect, the proposed amendment to the PFSP Glossary , concerning Wastewater incorporates a projected year 2025 population for the Eugene-Springfield Urban GrowthBoundary 0(297,585.5 This projection is consistent with the most recent (1997) [mal forecasts provided to Lane County by the Oregon Office of Economic Analysis and the Year 2000 Census. The adoption of this modification to the PFSP will effectively "coordinate" this population assumption. Goal 3 - Agricultural Lands This goal does not apply within adopted, acknowledged urban growth boundaries. Goal 4 - ForestLands This goal does not. apply within adopted, acknowledged urban grpwth boundaries. GoalS - Open Spaces, Sc~nic and Historic Areas, and Natural'Resources ,}his goal is not applicable to the proposed amendments. Goal 6 - Air, Water and Land Resources Quality -'To maintain and improve the quality of the air, water and land resources of the state. This goal is primarily concerned with compliance with federal and State environmental quality statutes, anq how this compliance is achieved as development proceeds in relationship to air sheds, river basins and land resources. The Federal Water 'Pollution Control Act, P.L. 92-500, as amended in 1977, became known as the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C.1251 et seq.). The goal ofthis , Act was to eliminate the discharge:ofpollutants into the navigable waterS. ORS 468B.035 requires the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) to implement the Federal Water Polltltion Control Act. The primary method of implementation of this Act is through the issuance of a National Pollutant " Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit prior to the discharge of any wastes into the waters of the state. (ORS 468B.050) Among the "pollutants" regulated by the EQC are temperature (OAR 340-041-0028) and toxic substances (OAR 340-041-0033). ' One purpose of the proposed amendments is to ensure that the Metro Plan and the PFSP accurately reflect regional wastewater system needs as imposed by Federal and State regulation. Currently, the PFSP states that "... the Regional Wastewater' Treatment Plant has sufficient design capacity to ~commodate population e', 'Table 3 oflechnical meniorandum entitled "Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commit\Gte Rece\ved v I8IVi.r.!lopulation Projections for Wastewater Facilities Plan," prepared by Matt Noesen, CH2M Hil~~~(April , " "9; i004)1 ~rfj(i JUL 0 5 / D~ ~" I'" .r; .,1 ,fl Staff Report and Findings Page 5 Planner: BJ 'I . t I'~J . ,. ~ p,~~t~t("f:';~;;!r""",; 1.../. ~. .~;;~. Exhibit I -- 6- increases and serve all new development at buildout." Recent analyses have determined that facility improvements are now required to address both dry and wet weather requirements rehlting to pollutant loads and wastewater flows. The section in Chapter IV of the PFSP entitled "Long-Term Service Availability Within Urbanizable Areas" is proposed to be modified to reflect the need for, facility improvements necessary to address dry and wet weather regulatory requirements. Goal 7 - Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards This goal is not applicable to the proposed amendments. GoalS - Recreational Needs This goal is hot applicable to the proposed amendments. Goal 9 - Economic Development - Goal 9 provides, in part, that it is intended to: "Provide for at least an adequate supply of sites of suitable sizes, types, locations, and service levels for a variety of industrial and commercial uses consistent with plan policies." The proposed amendments are consistent with this objective in that the Metro Plan, the PFSP and the 2004 Wastewater Facilities Plan must be consistent in order to comply with State discharge permit conditions that will determine the improvements to the Regional Wastewater System that are necessary,to address new regulatory standards.' The improvements are necessary to allow adequate service and conveyance, treatment, reuse and disposal capacity to serve new and existing industrial and commercial uses. GoallO - Housing - To provide for the housing needs of citizens of the state, Goal 10 Planning Guideline 3 states that "[P]lans should provide for the appropriate type, location and phasing of pubic facilities and services sufficient to support housing development in areas presently developed or undergoing development or redevelopment. " ' OAR 660-008-0010 requires that "[S]ufficient buildable land shall be designated on the comprehensive plan map to satisJy housing needs by type and density range as determined in the housing needs projection." Goal I 0 defines buildable lands as ".. .lands in urban and urbani'lable areas that are suitable, available and necessary for residential use." 660-008-O005(13), in part, defmes land that is "suitable and available" as land "for which public facilities are planned or to which public facilities can be made available." Similar to Goal 9, adequate public facilities are necessary to accomplish the , objectives of this goal and applicable administrative rules (OAR Chapter 660, c;~uS~lf,f;,,'~V::: ./,\!i}?,iy!sion OO~). The p~ose of the propOsed amend~ents is to provide the . , ': ' ".; '7 ''-,,.,In, i-i'N<:QmprehensIve plannmg framework to allow for the lIDprovements to the regIonal Date Rece\\fed jUL 0 G I Df Planner: BJ ~~ 0 /U '1 \. 1 ':..;:',~~l A.iff \. ; ....'I, {, 'I" !hi; , ' ,"",.' '~!i !'irs,. ',' Staff Report and Findings Page 6 Exhibit I .'Tc wastewater system that support the housing needs of the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area. Goal 11 - Public Facilities and Services - To plan and develop a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement of public facilities and services to serve as a framework for urban and rural development, OAR Chapter 660, Division 011, implements goal II. OAR 660--011--0030(1) requires that the public facility plan identify the general location of public facilities projects. In regard to the Metro Plan, the reference to Public Facilities and Services Plan Map 2a in Finding 6 and Policy G.3 in the proposed amendments addresses this requirement. In regard to the PFSP, the lnodification ofthe introductory narrative under "Planned Wastewater System Improvements (Page 28)," the insertion of new Tables 4a and 4b (page 28), and the modification of Map 2 and the insertion of new Map 2a, also address this requirement. OAR 660--011--0035(1) requires that the public facility plan include a rough cost estimate for sewer public facility projects identified in the facility plan. In conformity with this requirement, it is proposed that the PFSP be amended by the insertion of Table l6a (Inserted following Page 101), which addresses rough cost estimates and a timing eStimate for MWMC Wastewater Treatment and Collection System Improvements. The rough cost estimates in Table l6a are based on costs set forth in the MwMC 2004 Facilities Plan and Project list. This 2004 Plan was the result ofan exhaustive study that examined alternatives ranging from $144M to $233M (See Attachment 3). The preferred alternative, found in Table l6a, was selected because, among other reasons, it provides the least expensive means to comply with federal requirements and maximizes MWMC's existing investments. , ,OAR 660--011--0045(3) provides that modifications to projects listed within a public facility plan may be made without amendment to the public facility plan. This application proposes to add a new chapter to the PFSP regarding amendments to that plan. Proposed Chapter VI incorporates the standards for amending a public facility plan allowed by OAR 660--011--0045(3) and adopts an amendment process. Goal 12 - Transportation This goal is not applicable to the proposed amendments. Goal 13 - Energy Conservation This goal is not applicable to the proposed amendments. ;. i\i,,~J.;. ~~ ,,(..; \ , C:iy~~1 ~4 - Urbanization - To provide for an orderly and efficient trantttritJAtJ:.oRe""el'Ved ,,1;jI q Ll. Jr>, "'rura/.to urban land use. U(1U:1 .1_",. ';.: ... L." ""J-Cf,(::'."4Jj ~< ) l~t...,I~ tt r/,~;.,U 1_ Staff Report and Findings Page 7 JUL 0 5, o~ Planner: BJ ,J .! ') JU:' ' Date ReceiveC: JUL 05,af Planner: 81 '," . Exhibit I - 8 - This goal is not applicable to the proposed amendments, as they do not affect the existing urban growth boundary. Goal 15 - WilIamette River Greenway This goal is not applicable to the proposed amendments. Goal 16 Estuarine Resources, Goal 17 Coastal Shorelands, Goal 18 Beaches and Dunes, and Goal 19 Ocean Resources These goals do not apply to the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area. (b) Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. The proposed cbanges to the Metro Plan are essentially of a "housekeeping" nature. They essentially recognize the role of wastewater service provision within , the urban growth boundary by the addition or modification of applicable findings and add or modifY policy language to clarifY the relationship between the Metro Plan and the PFSP in regard to capital improvement plans and the commitment to comply with regulatory requirements. The proposed changes, as presented, will not create internal inconsistencies within the Metro Plan. The proposed cbanges also amend the PFSP to more accurately reflect MWMC's planned improvement projects for its wastewater treatment system and primary collection system, to provide rough cost and timiilg estimates for those improvements, update narrative information regarding necessary improvements to the wastewater treatment system and primary collection system, and more clearly implement the plan modification standards contained in OAR 66()'-()ll-0045(3). The proposed cbanges to the PFSP do not create any inconsistencies within the PFSP nor do they create any inconsistencies between the PFSP and the Metro Plan. """"~.t.(""",,,~;\- \ jVhh ; l~".rf<'I.l~ > . !~.r ::,/,'If.--.lct .1 (\ I;; ~ 1:.- -\ ,.h'..~. , ,,~,,' ,hG Hd~j '.I\fl~ " Staff Report and Findings Page 8 , ~ ~~."., ., ~: h_ " ORDIN~CE NO. 6094 I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES PLAN (PFSP) BY ADDING NEW TABLES AND MAPS IDENTIFYING WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES AND CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS IN CHAPTER II; AMENDING CHAPTER IV W ASTEW A TER SYSTEM CONDITIONASSESSMENT AND ADOPTING TABLE l6a; ADDING A NEW CHAPTER VI AMENDMENTS TO THE PFSP; AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, WHEREAS, Chapter IV of the Eugene-Springfield.Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) sets forth procedures for amendment of the Metro Plan, and by extension, amendment of refinement and functional plans that supplement the Metro Plan, which for Springfield are implemented by. the provisions of Article 7 of the Springfield Development Code; and WHEREAS, on February 17, 2004~ the Springfield City Council initiated proceedirigs for a Public Facilities and' Seivices,Plan amendment and related Metro Plan text amendments; and , WHEREAS, following an April 20, 2004 joint public hearing with the Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions, the Springfield Planning Commission, on June 1,2004, recommended the related Metro Plan text amendments and Public Facilities and Services Plan amendments to include new'tables identifying wastewater treatment system and primary collection system improvemel1t'projects as identified in Appendix B; to include new maps showing existing wastewater treatment systems and plalmed wastewater project sites; to revise the wastewater system condition assessment by describing and distinguishing treatment system and conveyance; to include an expanded discussion of wastewater service within the urbanizable area; to include project titles, rough cost estimates and completion dates for the wastewater treatment and, collection system improvements; and to add a.new Public Facilities and Services Plan amendment pro~ess, the exact language for each of the preceding amendments being contained in Appendix A and B attached and adopted ~k pari of this Ordi]1ance; and WHEREAS, on May 24,2004, the'iEugene Planning Commission and on June I, 2004, the Lane County Planning Commission recommended the Metro Plan text amendments and Public Facilities and Services Plan amendments; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted ajoint public hearing on this anlendment on June 22, 2004, with thc Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners, and is now ready to take action based upon the above recommendations and evidence and testimony already in therecord as well as the evidence and testimony presented at the joint elected officials public hearing; and, WHEREAS, substantial evidence exists within the record demonstrating tW.t\l.e_ . proposal meets the requirements of the Metro Plan, Springfield Development cocfa(,~ ReceIved h~vil~ilC\H e:,'h-.(.'! JUl 05/01/' .".... . ,,~~, ,"~rl, {~,-,l~ '1 Planner:BJ , " '-\:: '.- ,!" ~ r.; , I~ (::.11 , ~ G JUt jj;':.-,- , , Ordinance No. 6094 applicable state and local law as described in findings attached as Exhibit I, and which are adopted in support of this Ordinance, . NOW, THEREFORE, the Common Council of the City of Springfield does ordain as follows: Section I ~ The Public Facilities and Services Plan is hereby amended as follows: a) Chapter II is amended to include the text, tables and maps set forth in Appendix B at pages 1 and 2, attached hereto; b) Chapter IV is amended to reflect the text and tables set forth in Appendix B at pages 3 and 4; and c) Chapter VI is added and shall consist of the text set forth in Appendix B at pages 5 and 6, Appendix B is adopted as part of this Ordinance. Section 2: Chapter II of the Public Facilities and Services Plan is further amended to reflect tlle changes to Chapter III-G, Public Facilities and Services Element imd Chapter V, Glossary of the Metro Plan as set forth in Appendix A, attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, Section 3: Although not part of this Ordinance, the City Council adopts the findings set forth in the attached Exhibit I in support of this action, Section 4: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. Section 5: Notwithstanding the effective date of ordinances as provided by Section 2.110 of the Springfield Municipal Code 1997, this Ordinance shall become effective upon the date that all ofthe following have occurred: (a) the ordinance has been acknowledged as provided by ORS 197,625; (b) at least 30 days have passed since the date the ordinance was approved; and (c) both the Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners have adopted ordinances containing identical provisions to . those described in Section I oftllis Ordinance, ' Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 19th day of July, 2004 by a vote of 5 ,in favor and 0 against. ., ~.. 'I tr'l Uh:... '_ ?.-..~ ';1-.1lt~~ "\C~\f1 ," '\'11->.,1", ' "...!I:' lla '...._. l Date Received JUL 05161 6J ....1______. I:) ft (D~ Mayor '( ~1JUIZL. City Recorder' V ~'.,,' :'j_.r\~r::~.,~ J\PD~~"r:O , "' -,'-..1. ~ .. ,---.'{t' ('%Q U ',. '] S!::'-t,: . '. ," . ;.. :"', ~ ~. :." '. . . I, : ",;.;' ,. " I.. 19thday of July, 2004 .f Approved by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this . ATtEST: , ~. ~ i\.:"":i'~"-Y)\'"f, ~W(Sx ' ...1.....ifW';....IJ..~. ....',,t"... .. , jUI , ,r.. t " ..... J APPENDIX Aa ' PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE METRO PLA~ (Current version of the Metro Plan) G. Public Facilities and Services Element This Public Facilities and Services Element provides direction for the future provision of urban facilities and services to planned land uses within the Metro Plan Plan Boundary (Plan Boundary). ' " The availability of public facilities and services is a key fuctor influencing the location and density of future development. The public's investment in, and scheduling of; public facilities and services are a major means of implementing the Metro Plan. As the population of the Eugene-Springfield area increases and land development patterns ' change over time, the demand for urban services also increases and changes. These changes require that service providers, both public and private, plan for the provision of services in a coordinated manner, using consistent assumptions and projections for population and land use. The policies in this element complement Metro Plan Chapter II-A, Fundainental Principles, and Chapter II-C, Growth Management. ConsiStent with the principle of compact urban growth prescribed in Chapter II, the policies in this element call for future urban water and wastewater services to be provided exclusively within the urban growth boundary. This policy direction is consis!ent with Statewide Planning Goal II: Public Facilities and Services, "To plan and develop a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement of public facilities and services to serve as a framework for urban and rural ' development." On urban lands, new development must be served by at least the -minimum level of key urban services and facilities at the time development is coinpleted , and, ultimately, by a full range of key urban services and facilities. On rural lands within the Plan Boundary, development must be served by rural levels 'of service., Users of facilities and services in rural areas are spread out geographically, resulting in a higher per-user cost for some services and, often, in an inadequate revenue base.ro support a higher level of service in the future. Some urban facilities may be located or managed outside the urban growth boundary, as allowed by state law, but only to serve development within the urban growth boundary. Urban facilities and services within the urban growth boundary are provided by the City of Eugene, the City of Springfield, Lane County, Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB), the Springfield Utility Board (SUB), the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC), electric cooperatives, and special service districts. Special service districts provide schools ~d bus service, and, in some areas'outside the cities, they provide water, electric, fire service or parks and recreation service. This element provides guidelines for special service districts in line with the compact urban , , , . ~ev~lop~ent fundamental principle ofth~ Metro Plan. Date Received. h,'~;,o~o,,",. f:JI,.;\ , "'1':.':1: ; \p1'l'.fp~!\.A"-:;(/l! ': .....Y,'.'". . ,.> . _--'J. . ~ I ~" t .; l""~'" \. - . . ..... J . . , Appel)dix Aa Page 1 JUL 05 I Or ,Planner: B B, '. This element incorporates the findings and policies in the Eugene-Springfield " Metropolitan Area Public Facilities and Services Plan (Public Facilities and Services Plan), adopted as a refinement to the Metro Plan. The Public Facilities and Services Plan provides guidance for public facilities and services, including planned water, wastewater, stormwater, and electrical facilities. As required by Goal II, the Public Facilities and Services Plan identifies and shows the generallocationl of the water, wastewater, and stormwater projects needed to serve land within the urban growth boundary.' The Public Facilities and Services Plan also contains this information for electrical facilities, although not required to by law. The project lists and maps in the Public Facilities and Services Plan are adopted as part of the Metro Plan. Information in the Public Facilities and Services Plan on project phasing and, costs, and decisions on timing and fmancing of projects are not part of the Metro Plan and are controlled solely by the capital improvement programming and budget processes of individual service providers. ' This element of the Metro Plan is organized by the following topics related to the provision of urban facilities and services. Policy direction for the full range of services, ~'-;; 7:.i.Jt:V:::rt:, 3:!\~iee, may be found under any of these topics, although the first, topic, Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary, is further broken down into sub-categories. ' Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary . Planning and Coordination . Water . Wastewater . Stormwater o Electricity o Schools o Solid Waste . Services to Areas Outside the Urban Growth Boundary . Locating and Managing Public Facilities Outside the Urban Growth Boundary . Financing The applicable findings and policies are contained under each of these topic headings, below. The policies liSted provide direction for public and private developmental and program decision-making regarding urban facilities and services. Development should be coordinated with the planning, financing, and construction of key urban facilities and serVices to ensure the efficient use and expansion of these facilities. 1 The exact location of the projects shown on the Public Facilities and Services Plan planned facilities '. " ,~ap'sjs.4ete1'!ll!n~d through local processes: ' .. ,}:' ',h' "Goal'} 6di'qifequires transportation facilities to be included in public facilities plans. In this metropolitan area,tr~s.p~rtation facilities are addressed in Metro. Plan Chapter llI-F and in the Eugene-9'ate/'Receivec I , TransportqtlOn System Plan (frons Plan). , JUL 05 { 6f Planner: R. ~ - ' , ;I, , ,.~.. ", ,~['r" 'tt.;'.. r. ,"". ,~~ j.. ,'~.I~~l l' , Appendix Aa Page 2 " Goals I. Provide and maintain public facilities and services in an efficient and 'environmentally responsible manner. 2. Provide public facilities and services in a manner that encourages orderly and sequential growth. Findinf!s and Policies Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary: Planning and Coordination Findinl!s I. Urban expansion within the urban'growth boundary is accomplished through in- fIll, redevelopment, and annexation of territory which can be served with a minimum level of key urban services and facilities. This permits new development to use existing facilities and services, or those which can be easily extended, minimizing the public cost of extendirig urban facilities and services. 2. In accordance with Statewide Planning Goal II and OAR 660, the Public Facilities and Services Plan identifies jurisdictional responsibility for the provision of water, wastewater and stormwater, describes respective service areas and exiSting and planned water, wastewater, and stormwater facilities,. and contains planned facilities maps for these services. Electric system information and improvements are included in the Public Facilities and Services Plan, although not required by state law. Local facility master plans and refinement plans provide more specific project infonnation. 3. Urban services within the metropolitan urban growth boundary are provided by the City of Eugene, the City of Springfield, Lane County; EWEB, SUB, the MWMC, electric cooperatives, and special service districts. The Public Facilities and Services Plim fmds that almost aU areas within the city limits of Eugene and Springfield are served or can be served in the short-term (0-5 years) witli water, wastewater, stormwater, and electric service. Exceptions to this are stormwater service to portions of the Willow Creek area and southeast Springfield and fuU water service at some higher elevations in Eugene's South Hills. Service to these areas will be available in the long-term. Service to all areas within city limits are either in a capital improvement plan or can be extended with development. , "P\i,i~:)9~5n~~('With the improvements specified in the Public Facilities and ServiceOate Received ',' .' I "'project lists, aU urbanizable areas within the Eugene-Springfield urban growth ,t , ,~Il it' ' JUL O~o\ Planner: BJ 4. ';",' ;J:'C -, ( '~" ',' ,,~ti..: ,.. ". II ~. ,),.. , ,." , . Appendix Aa Page 3 boundary can be served with water, wastewater, stormwater, and electric service at the time those areas are developed: In general, areas outside city limits serviceable in the long-term are located near the urhan growth boundary and in . urban reserves, primarily in River Road, Santa Clar!J., west Eugene's Willow Creek area, south Springfield, and the Thurston and Jasper-Natron areas in east Springfield. 6. OAR 660-0ll-0005 defines projects that must be included in public facility plan project lists for water, wastewater, and stormwater. These definitions are shown in the keys ofp1im.ned facilities Maps I, 2, 2.lh and 3 in the Public Facilities and Services Plan. 7. In accordance with ORS 195.020 to 080, Eugene, Springfield, Lane County and special service districts are required to enter into coordination agreements that defme how planning coordination and urban services (water, wastewater, fire, parks, open space and recreation, and streets, roads and mass transit) will be provided within the urban growth boundary. 8. Large institutional uses, such as universities and hospitals, present complex planning problems for the metropolitan area due to their location, facility expansion plans, and continuing housing and parking needs. 9. Duplication of services prevents the most economical distribution of public facilities and services. 10. As discussed in the Public Facilities and Services Plan, a majority of nodal development areas proposed in TransPlan are serviceable now or in the short- term. The City of Eugene's adopted Growth Management Policy #15 states, "Target publicly-fii1anced infrastructure extensions to support development for higher densities, in-fill, mixed uses, and nodal development." Policies G.! Extend the minimum level and full range of key urban facilities and services in an orderly and efficient marIDer consistent with the growth management policies in ' Chapter II-C, relevant policies in this chapter, and other Metro Plan policies: G.2 Use the planned facilities maps of the Public Facilities and Services Plan to guide the general location of water, wastewater, stormwater, and electrical projects in' the metropolitan area. Use local facility master plans, refinement plans, caoital imnrovement olans, and ordinances as the guide for detailed planning and project implementation. " G.3 _..' Modifications and additions to or deletions from the project lists in the Public . ''':f;;'~;'~H:l!:-)ln' nnF~~ilities and Services Plan for water, wastewater, and stormwater Pu!:JtfttM;j.litRece' , " : ,\ i' projects or significant changes to project location, from that described ilr-{gl~ . '" aU , 'f" JUL 051CL( ',):-: '\~;:'''l,!:(5,!, 1: Appendix Aa Page 4 Planner: ~J Public Facilities arid Services Plan planned facilities Maps I, 2; ~ and 3, requires amending the Pubic Facilities and Services Plan and the Metro Plan, except for the following: a. Modifications to a public facility project which are mmor in nature and do not significantly impact the project's general description, location, sizing, capacity, or other general characteriStic of the project; or b. Technical and environmental modifications to a public facility which are made pursuant to final engineering on a project; or c. , Modifications to a public facility project which are made pursuant to' , fmdings of an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement conducted under regulations implementing the procedural provisions of the national Environmental f'olicy Act of 1969 or any federal or State of Oregon agency project development regulations consistent with that act and its regulations GA The cities and Lane County shall coordinate with EWEB, SUB, and special service districts operating in the lI)etropolitan area; to provide the opportunity to review and comment on proposed public facilities, plans, programs, and public improvement projects or chai:Jges thereto that may affect one another's area of responsibility.,' , G.5, 'The cities shall continue joint planning coordination with major institutions, such as universities and hospitals, due to their relatively large impact on local facilities and services. ' G.6 Efforts 'shall be made to reduce the number of unnecessary special service districts and to revise confusing or illogical service boundaries, including those that result in a duplication of effort or overlap of service. When possible, these efforts shall , be pursued in cooperation with the affected jurisdictions. G.7 Service providers shall coordinate the provision offacilities and services to areas targeted by the cities for higher densities, infill, mixed uses, and nodal development. ' G.8 The cities and county shall coordinate with cities surrounding the metropolitan area to develop a growth management strategy. This strategy ,will address regional public facility needs. Services to Develooment Within the Urban Growth Boundarv: Wastewater J .' Findinl!s - . C" 1')~':l".'II:;;'l." '~"i L,"'~""! , ,\.}1. .,,,,. P, I eil.PI""" _ " . =( .~J.... ,;:"1" . \, '" r "';{i;ln .~ . '. . r ,." . .' . ': k' ""'(.'-" '1" "',~i;I(J .1" .\ . ",,~tJr; d' ~ ~_",\I 1 Appendix Aa Page 5 Date Received JUL O~{O~ Planner: 8~J II. Snrinl!field and EUl!ene relv on a combination of re\!:ional and local services for the nrovision of wastewater services. Within each Citv. the local jurisdiction nrovides collection of wastewater throUlzh a system ofsanitarv sewers and numnim! svsterns. These collection facilities connect to a re\!:ional svstem of similar sewer collection facilities owiled and ooerated bv the Metrooolitan Wastewater Mana\!:ement Commission ("MWMC"). an entitv formed under an intergovernmental agreement created nursuant to ORS 190. Together. these collection facilities (which exclude orivate laterals which convev wastewater from individual residential or commercial/industrial connections) conStitute the orimarv collection svstem. 12, The nrimarv collection svstem convevs wa<;tewater to a treatment facilities system owned and ooerated bv MWMC. This system consists of an interconnected Water Pollution Control Facilitv ("wPCF"). a biosolids facilitv. and a beneficial reuse facilitv, Policies G: 9 WaStewater conveyance and treatment shall be nrovided to meet the needs of nroiected growth inside the urban growth boundarv that are caoable of comolving with rellUlatorv reouirements governing beneficial reuse or discharqe of effluent and beneficial reuse or disnosal of residuals. ' Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary: Water Findin~ lB. Springfield relies on groundwater for its sole source of water. EWEB water source is the McKenzie River and EWEB is developing groundwater sources. The identification of projects on the Public Facilities and Services Plan planned facilities map does not confer rights to a groundwater source. Policies G.9l0 Eugene and Springfield and their respective utility branches, EWEB and Springfield Utility Board (SUB), shall ultimately be the water service providers within the urban growth boundary. \'~ .,....~. ~.'~: .",1;:., J' I G.lGl Continue to take positive steps to protect groundwater supplies. The cities, county, and other service providers shall manage land use and public facilities for groundwater-related benefits through the implementation of the Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan and other wellhead protection plans. Management practices instituted to protect groundwater shall be coordinated ;~..",[amo~g the City of Springfield, City of Eugene, and Lane County. Date Received -I. J ,'~'. ~ - JUL 0 5 ( 04 . ),1;, .J"' ""i\ "..' ',,,... ,,', ."',: 1.>,:1:..'" 1, Planner: BJ' Appendix Aa Page 6 , " G.l-l-2 Ensure that water main extensions within the urban growth b01!-Ildary include adequate conSideration of fire flows. ' G.l~3 SUB, EWEB, and Rainbow Water District, the water providers that currently control a water source, shall examine the need for a metropolitan-wide water master program, recognizing that a metropolitan-wide system will require establishing standards, as well as coordinated source and delivery systems. Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary: Stormwater , Findings 1;M. Historically, Stormwater systems in Eugene and Springfield were designed primarily to control floods. The 1987 re-authorization of the federal Clean Water Act required, for the first time, local communities to reduce stormwater pollution within their municipal storm drainage systems. These requirements applied 'initially to the City of Eugene and subsequent amendments to the Act extended these requirements to Springfield and Lane County. B5. Administration and enforcement of the Clean Water Act stormwater provisions occur at the state level, through National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting requirements. Applicable jurisdictions are required to obtain an NPDES stormwater permit from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), and prepare a water quality pllin outlining the Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be taken over a five-year permit period forreducing stormwater pollutants to "the maximum extent practicable." " 146. Stormwater quality improvemen~ facilities are most efficient and effective at intercepting and removing pollutants when they are close to the source of the pollutants and treat relatively small volumes of runoff. 1$7. The Clean Water Act requires states to assess the quality of their surface waters' every three years, and to list those waters which do not meet adopted water ' quality standards. The WilIamette River and other water bodies have been listed as not meeting the standards for temperature and bacteria. This will require the development of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for these pollutants, and an allocation to point and non-point sources. 168. The listing of Spring Chinook Salmon as a threatened species in the Upper Willamette River requires the application of Endangered Species Act (ESA) provisions to the salmon's habitat in the McKenzie and WilIamette Rivers. The decline in the Chinook Salmon has been attributed to such factors as destruction of habitat through channelization and revetment of river banks, non-point source pollution, alterations of natural hydro graph by increased impervious surfaces in ~_\~I~ '/',;- c- ~il.,)h~~~~, an~ d~gradation ofna~ural functions of riparian lands due tD~va~r . 'M !48,)joq'alteratlOn ofmdlgen~us vegetatIOn. ,ale Necelved --j.~ "'1' y<;'(-. '1'.III'L' ~. -f ~. ~,i II' I'-..\~_ ~ Appendix Aa Page 7 JUL 05101 Planner: B",~ \.:' r; (~ j. I 119. There are many advantages to keeping channels open, including, at a minimum, , natural biofiltration of stormwater pollutants; greater ability to attenuate effects of peak stormwater flows; retention of wetland, habitat; and open space functions; and reduced capital costs for stormwater facilities. +&20. An increase in impervious surfaces, without mitigation, results in higher flows during peak storm events, less opportunity for recharging of the aquifer, and a decrease in water quality. ' -l921. Stormwater systems tend to be gravity-based systems that followthe slope of the land rather than political boundaries. In many cases, the natural drainageways such'as ,streams serve as an integral part of the stormwater conveyance system. 2G2. In general, there are no programs for stormwater maintenance outside the Eugene and Springfield city limits, except for the Lane County roads program. State law limits county road funds for stormwater projects to those located within the public right-of-way. ' 2+3. Filling in designated floodplain areas can increase flood elevations above the elevations predicted by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) models, because the FEMA models are typically based only on the extent of development at the time the modeling was conducted and do not take into account, .the ultimate buildout of the drainage area. This poses risks to other properties in or adjacent to floodplains and can change the hydrograph of the river.- ;policies G.134 Improve surface and ground water quality and quantity in the metropolitan area by developing regulations or instituting programs for stormwater to: a. Increase public awareness of techniques and practices private individuals can employ to help correct water quality and quantity problems; b. Improve management of industrial and commercial operations to reduce negativ~ water quality and quantity impacts; c. Regulate site planning for new development and construction to better manage pre- and post-construction storm runoff, including erosion, velocity, pollutant loading, and drainage; d. Increase storage and retention and natural filtration of storm runoff to lower and delay peak storm flows and to settle out pollutants prior to discharge into regulated waterways; , ' '-,,-1'. \: ",,: (':-\'.;' !"\i:'~( \ , ".:....,'."1-..... t'jJ"l} {'''.';.'' '-.! ,., -, . _l' _. :-....t<" l' ;. '.L ",i-"f I, .j !...~"J' 1 .~. I ",-' h j ... _ Appendix Aa Page 8 Date Received JUL 0 5 6~ r Planner: BJ . ~ :' 1 i ,I e. Require on-site controls and development standards, as,practical, to reduce' off-site impacts from stormwater runoff; f. Use natural and simple mecbanical treatment systems to provide treatment for potentially contaminated runoff waters; , g, Reduce street-related water quality and quantity problems; h. Regulate use and require ccmtainment and/or pretreatment of toxic substances; i. Include containment measures in site review Standards to minimize the effects of chemical and petroleum spills; and J. Consider impacts to ground water quality in the design and location of dry ,wells.. I ' G.l45 Implement changes to stormwatedacilities and management practices to reduce the presence of pollutants regulated under the Clean Water Act and to address the requirements of the Endangered Species Act. G.I ${) Consider wellhead protection areas and surface water supplies when planning stormwater facilities. G.167 Manage or enhance waterways and open stormwater systems to reduce water qllality impacts from runoff and to improve stormwater conveyance. G.l+8 Include measures in local land development regulations that minimize the amount of impervious surface in new development in a manner that reduces stormwater pollution, reduces the negative affects from increases in runoff, and is compatible with Metro Plan policies. G.IS9 The cities and Lane County shall adopt a strategy for the unincorporated area of the urban growth boundary to: reduce the negative effects offilling in floodplains and prevent the filling ,of natural drainage channels except as necessary to ensure, public operations and maintenance of these channels in a manner that preserves and/or enhances floodwater conveyance capacity and biological function. GJ-920Maintain flood storage capacity within the floodplain, to the maximum extent practical, .through measures that may include reducing impervious surface in the floodplain and adjacent areas. Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary: Electricity '" ~,,:l:..:< '( Iff ",',~cl'~-:' " 'f' " i'i ", I ~ - " Appendix Aa Page 9 Date Received JUL 0 5 I o~ Planner: 8\0' Findinl!s : .i~~'l\i~,~'..r~~~;';~ "~\'~IN"~( 1 ,- . ,-' 7. JI~~J: r ~~'.I.r. 'h . . \ ~ ;J :;- :1.. 2;14. According to local muriicipal utilities, efficient electrical service is often accomplished through mutual'b3ck-up agreements and inter-connected systems are more efficient than isolated systems. Policies G.2GI The electric service providers will agree which provider will serve areas about to be annexed and inform the cities who the service provider will be and how the transition of services, if any, will occur. Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary: Schools FindiDl.!s 2~5. ORS 195.11O requires cities and counties to include, as an element of their comprehensive plan, a school facility plan for high growth districts prepared by , the district in cooperation with the city or county; and for the city or county to initiate the planning activity. The law defines high growth districts as those that have an enrollment of over 5,000 students and an increase in enrollment of six percent or.more during the thfee moSt recent school years. At present, there are no high growth school districts in the Urban growth boundary. 246. ORS 197.296(4)(a) States that when the urban growth boundary is amended to provide Deeded housing, "As part ofihis process, the amendment shall include sufficient land reasonably necessary to accommodate the siting of new public. school facilities. The need and inclusion oflandsJor new public school facilities shall be a coordinated process between,the affected public school districts and the local government that has the authority to approve the urban growth boundary." 2~7. Enrollment projections for the five public school districts in the metropolitan area and the University of Oregon and Lane Community College (LCC) are not consistent. Bethel School District and the University of Oregon expect increases while Springfield and Eugene School Districts and LCC are ""p".:encing nearly flat or declining enrollments. Enrollment is increasing fastest in the elementary and high school attendance areas near new development. 2.68. Short-term fluctuations in school attendance are addressed through the use of adjusted attendance area boundaries, double shifting, use of portable classrooms, and busing. School funding from the state is based on student enrollment for school districts in the State of Oregon. This funding pattern affects the willingness of districts to allow out -of-district transfers and to adjust district boundaries. Adjustments in district boundaries may be feasible where there is no net loss or gain in student enrollments between districts. ib. VhJ:)r;)ji19:;;'nt~~ating or retaining small, neighborhood schools reduces the need for busing and " , .' t, ,,!I. provides more opportunity for students to walk or bike to sCllf)afetftt:;l;:;;dtved , ': . ,!, t",~,r,;V;'} JUL 05( O~ .f.h ' , ,.,. , I' , I Appendix Aa Page 10 Planner: BJ schools m;Iy allow more parents to stay in established neighborhoods and to avoid moving out to new subdivisions on the urban fringe or to bedroom communities. However, growth patterns do not always respect school district boundaries. For' exmn.ple, natural cycles of growth .and neighborhood maturation result in uneven geographic growth patterns in the metropolitan area, causing a disparity between the location of some schools and school children. This results in some fringe area schools exceeding capacity, while some central city schools are under capacity. ' 2-&30. , ' Long-range emollment forecasts determine the need to either build new schools, expand existing facilities, or close existing schools. Funding restrictions imposed by state law and some provisions ill local codes may discourage the retention and redevelopment of neighborhood schools. Limits imposed by state law on the use of bond funds for operations and n'mintenance make the construction of new, lower maintenance buildings preferable to remodeling existing school buildings. In addition, if existing schools were expanded, some'school sites may not meet current local parking and other code requirements. ;W31. " , Combining educational facilities with 10caLpark and recreation facilities provides fmandal benefits to the schools while enhancing benefrts to the community.. The Meadow View School and adjacent City of Eugene community park is an example ,of shared facilities. ' Policies, 0.2+2 The cities shall initiate a process 'Yith school districts within the urban growth boundary for coordinating land use and school planning activities. The cities and school districts shall examine the following in their coordination efforts: a. The need for new public school facilities and sufficient land to site them; , b. How open emollment policies affect school location; c. The impact of school building height and site size on the buildable land supply; " d. The use of school facilities for non-school activities and appropriate reimbursement for this use; e. The impact ilfbuilding and land use codes on the development and redevelopment of school facilities; , t: Systems development charge adjustments related to neighborhood schools; and, ~, I " ,.,','.. ' , " 'I ~ "~I' "" ~:J' . 'l;~:~f I;!, ,j.;:r:' -1~ Appendix Aa Page II, Date Received , JUL 0 5 ( o~ Planner: BJ I,,,,. ,,'" 4f'A''''' ,",.I.' '.! ,~,f'''''(f''-I.' I:' . ~~\, .- 'n't.:,:..~~ (....... ~d~':, __ f- " l;: ~;;::'~',~::l~."t \":.It~.~!:j\.:!.~. ,.:>-,~. . " -:.J"' . .' , "J 11' j~: '" I,. II . ...,~ t - . g. The possibility of adjusting bouridaries, when practical and when total enrollment will not be affected, where a single, otherwise internally cohesive,area is divided into more than one,school district. G.2;?'3 Support financial and other efforts to keep neighborhood schools open and to retain schools sites in public ownership' following school closure. G.2M Support the retention of University of Oregon and LCC facilities in central city areas to increase opportunities for public transit and housing and to retain these schools' attractiveness to students and faculty. ' Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary: Solid Waste Findiil!!~ 3G2~ Statewide Planning Goal II requires that, "To meet current and long-range needs, a provision for solid waste disposal sites, including sites for inert waste, shall be included in each plan;" Policies G.245 The Lane County Solid Waste Management Plan, as updated, shall serve as the guide for the location of solid waste sites, includingsites,fot inert waste, to serve the metropolitan area. Industries that make significant uSe of the resources recovered from the Glenwood solid waste transfer facility should be encouraged to locate in that vicinity. Services to Areas Outside the Urban Growth Boundary Findings 3+3. Providing key urban services, such as water, to areas outside the urban growth boundary increases pressure for urban development in rural areas. This can encourage premature development outside the urban growth boundary at rural densities, increasing the cost of public facilities and services to all users of the systems. 3;M, Land application ofbiosolids, treated waStewater, or cannery waste on agricultural sites outside the urban growth boundary for beneficial reuse of treated wastewater byproducts generated within the urban growth boundary is more efficient and environmentally beneficial than land fIlling or other means of disposal. Appendix Aa Page 12 ''''.' ,~ I) Those which are primarily intended for resource management; and 2) Those where development has occurred and are committed to rural development as established ,through the exceptions process specified in . ' Statewide Planning Goal 2. Policies G.2~ WaStewater and water service shall not be provided outside the urban groWth . boundary except to the following areas, and the cities may require ~onsent to ' annex agreements as a prerequisite'to providing these services in any instance: " a. The area of the Eugene AirPort designated Government and Education on the Metro Plan Diagram, t1).e Seasonal InduStrial Waste Facility, the Regional Wastewater Biosolids Management Facility, and agricultural sites used for land application ofbiosolids and cannery byproducts. These sites serve the entire metropolitan area. b. An existing development outside the urban growth boundary when it has been determined that it poses an immediate threat of public health or safety to the citizens within 'the Eugene-Springfield urban growth boundary that can only be remedied by extension ofthe service. In addition, under prior obligatio~, water service shall be provided to land within ' the dissolved water districts of Hillcrest, College Crest, Bethel, and Oakway. ' G.267 The Eugene Airport shall be served withthe necessary urban services required to operate the airport as an urban facility. Development outside the urban growth boundary in the vicinity of the airport, outside the portion of the airport boundary , designated Government and Education in the Metro Plan diagram, shall not be provided with urban services. G.2+8 Plan for the following levels of service for rural de,signations outside the urban growth boundary within the Plan Boundary: a. M:ricultur~, :F0~~~ Laryd, Sand and GraveL and Parks and oUen Snace" . . No minimum level of service is established. b. Rural Residential. Rural Commercial: Rural industriaL and Government and Education. On-site sewage disposal"individual water syStems, rural level of tire and police protection, electric and communication service, schools, and reasonable a~cess to solid waste disposal facility. 1 ' . Locating and Managing Public Facilities Outside the Urban Growth Boundary '10V1!L\""!:"'hl :Tm,~~ 1 ' , ... . ....,.)t ~,,:}-. IJ...:I.J '\ 1->_"~~' .... ',Findi.~l!~ II Date Recel'ved \11. ~ IL.. JUL 0.5( D~ Planner: BJ .1, .1._'1 ,- , l...1,<.,_" ,'lkl t~ ru')!\ t::;j Appendix Aa Page 13 346. In accordance with statewide planning goals and administrative rules, urban water, wastewater, arid '~UHllrlater facilitiesIDay be located on agricultural land . and urban water and wastewater facilities may be located on forest land outside the urban growth boundary when the facilities exclusively serve land within the urban growth boundary, pursuant to OAR 660-006 and 660-033. 3~7. In accordance with statewide plarining goals and administrative rules, water, and' wastewater facilities are allowed in the public right-of-way of public roads and highways. ' 368. The Public Facilities and Services Plan planned facilities maps show the location of some plarmed public facilities outside the urban growth boundary and Plan Boundary, exclusively to serve land within the urban growth boUl1dary. The ultimate construction of these facilities will require close coordination with and p<:.w';;;illg by Lane Courity and possible Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan amendments. 3-79. Statewide Planning Goal 5 and OAR 660-023-0090 require state and local jurisdictions to identify and protect riparian corridors. 3-840. In accordance with OAR 660-033-0090, 660-033-0130(2), and 660-033-0120, building schools on high value farm land outside the urban growth boundary is prohibited. Statewide planning goals prohibit locating school buildings on farm or forest land within three miles outside the urban growth boundary. Policies G.2&9 Consistent with local regulations, locate new urban water, waStewater, and stormwater facilities on farm land and urban water and wastewater facilities on forest land outside the urban growth boundary only when the facilities exclusively. serve land inside the urban growth boundary and there is no reasonable alternative. G.;W30Locate urban water and wastewater facilities in the public right-of-way of public , roads and highways outside the urban growth boundary, as needed to serve land within the urban growth boundary. ' G.3G) Facility providers shall coordinate with Lane County and other local jurisdictions and obtain the necessary county land use approvals to amend the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan, or the Metro Plan, as needed and consistent with state law, to appwp,;ately designate land for urban facilities located outside the urban growth boundary or the Plan Boundary. ' , >> ~-9" ,;'. ,~.~r...~\;'I(J~" . ;1.-'1' ll' llt--'--if! I. . . ".. . Appendix Aa Page 14 Date Received JUL 0 5, 01 Planner: BJ \ "",.,' ,"I '":1''' '11 ' r"",r>',", "l't<,.1 I\.,. '_.. ..\. I,,", h-.I; (lJ~'il;,....../; 'I i'll,ljJ\':\~ -. \ "'1 '! \" 'l t " G.3.J.2 The cities shall coordinate with Lape County on responsibilitY,and authority to address stormwater-related issues outside the Plan Boundary, including outfalls' , outside the Springfield portion of the urban growthm;undary. ' G.3~3 . MeasUres to protect, enhance, or alter Class F Streams outside the urban growth boundary, within the Plan Boundary shall, at aminimuni, be consistent with Lane County's riparian standards. G.3~ New schools within the Plan Boundary shall be built inside the urban growth boundary. Financing Findint1~ 3941. ORS 197. 712(2X e). states that the project timing and fmancing provisions of public facility plans shall not be considered land use decisions. <W2. ORS 223.297 and ORS 223.229(1) do not permit the collection oflocal systems development charges (SDCs) for fire and emergency medical service facilities and schools, limiting revenue options for these services. Past attelppts to change this law have been unsuccessful. 4+3. Service providers in the metropolitan area use SDCs to help fund the following facilities: ,. ' . Springfield:' stormwater, wastewater, and transportation; . Willamalane Park and Recreation District: parks; . SUB, Rainbow Water District: water; . Eugene: stormwater, wastewater, parks, and transportation; and, .EWEB: water. ~. Oregon and California timber receipt revenues, a federally-funded source of county road funds, have declined over the years arid their continued decline is , expected. 4;5. Regular maintenance reduces long term infrastructure costs by preventing the need for frequent replacement and rehabilitation. ORS 223.297 to 223.314 do not allow use ofSDCs to fund operations and mainte~ance. . f' 446. The assessment rates of Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County are each different, creating inequitable fmancing of spme infrastructure improvements in the metropolitan area. , 'L(t~l; < ~~f--~tf1r!:~~-~~j~: Appendix Aa Page 15 ,I Date Received JUL 051 of Planner: H i 'l:e',. , Policies .., .,.~ ",.;i" f' .,. , r*"t.. r.l~A'lI~dHIr>' ":;'.1;,1,., ;;t ,. I'" ,(, t, \J U., G.345 Changes to Public Facilities and Services Plan project phasing schedules or , anticipated coSts and financing shall be made in accordance with budgeting and ' capital improvement program procedures of the affected jurisdiction( s). G.3~ Service providers will update capital improvement programming (planning, programming, and budgeting for service extension) regularly for those portions of the urban growth boundary where the full range of key urban services and facilities is not available. G.367 Require development to pay the cost, as determined by the local jurisdiction, of extending urban services and facilities. This does not preclude subsidy, where a , development will fulfill goals and recommendations of the Metro Plan and other applicable plans determined by the local jurisdiction to be of particular importance or concern. G.3+8 Continue to implement a system of user charges, SDCs, and other public fmancing tools, where appropriate, to fund operations, maintenance, and improvement or replacement of obsolete facilities or system expansion. G.3&9 Explore other funding mechanisms at the local level to finance operations and maintenance of public facilities. G.3940Set wastewater and stormwater fees at a level commensurate with the level of impact on, or use of, the wastewater or stormwater service. G.3940The cities and Lane County will continue to cooperate in developm.g assessment practices for inter-jurisdictional projects that provide for equitable treatment of properties, regardless of jurisdiction. ' Chapter V Glossary 36. Public facilitv oroiects: Public facility project lists and maps adopted as part of the Metro Plan are defmed as follows: a. Water: Source, reservoirs, pump stations, and primary distribution systems. Primary distribution systems are transmission lines 12 inches or larger for SUB and 24 inches or larger for EWEB. b. Wastewater: Primarv Collection Svsten:): Pump stations and wastewater lines 24 inches or larger. :! I :'~ Treatment Facilities Svstem: Water Pollution Control Facilitv (WPCF) oroiect. beneficial reuse oroiect and residuals oro iect necessarY to meet wastewater treatment facilities svstem desiQ:n caoacities for averllQe~ ne~ _ ' . ...I flow. biochemical oxvQ:en demand and total s~dl1t::CeIVe.J JUL05rt)~ Planner: 8,.1 Appendix Aa Page 16 . ',.'! - "'f .._~~.' \.K"""~'~1.:'_I~iL..~V11 ~ 11:B " i: t,. 1- f.": 7,.J'0., .,- - ,.' , ,.....tfJ-: -f,.. .;" 1\~ '-ti _'.!. -.il solids so as to Drovide service withiri the urban 'ITowth boundarv (uGB) for a Droiected nODulation in 2025 consistent with the DODulation assumed in this Plan. in'. comDliance with MWMC's discharg:e Dermit. MWMC's, CaDital Imorovements Plan. as amended from time to time., shaU be used as the 2:Uide for detailed ulanning: and , imDlementation of the WPCF uroiect. the beneficial reuse proiect and the residuals nroiect. '" - c. Stormwater: Drainage/channel improvements and/or piping systems 36 inches or larger; proposed detention ponds; outfalls; water quality projects; and waterways and open systems. ' d. Specific projects adopted as part of the Metro Plan are,described in the project lists and their general location is identified in the planned facilities maps in Chapter II of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Public Facilities and Services Plab (Public Facilities and Services Plan). " I,' 1 ~"'i',\jf~)',i"iir.~l,,..H;JI ,Jj - .~< '- "',~ iI fi~ ~)~\u 1! Append,ix Aa Page 17 Date Received JUL05 'o~ Planner: BJ ~~FN(A.':"'E' ~..':I/;;\~f6r.-i . \-",: ..lJ~:,!f[}", ~:..;9..h:t,\\.. ' ~i.~.;,;L,r.'J:"' "', :~ ~j if I:, APPENDIX Ab PROPOSED CHANGES TOTHE METRO PLAN (Version currently before the elected officials as a part of Periodic Review) G. Public Facilities and Services Element This Public Facilities and Services Element provides direction for the future provision of urban facilities and services to planned land,uses within the Metro Plan Plan Boundary (Plan Boundary). The availability of public facilities and services is a key factor influencing the location and density of future development. The public's investment in, and scheduling of, public facilities and services are a major means of implementing the Metro Plan. As the population ofthe Eugene-Springfield area increases and land development patterns, change over time, the demand for urban services also increases and changes. These changes require that service providers, both public and private, plan for the provision of services in a coordinated manner, using consistent assumptions and projections for population and land use. The policies in this element complement Metro Plan Chapter II-A, Fundamental Principles, and Chapter Il-C, Growth Management. Consistent with the principle of compact urban growth prescribed in Chapter II, the policies in this element call for future urban water and wastewater services to be provided exclusively within the urban growth boundary (UGB). This policy direction is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal II : Public Facilities and Services, "To plan and develop a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement of public facilities and services to serve as a framework for urban and rural development." On urban lands, new development must be served by at least the ' minimum level of key urban services and facilities at the time development is completed , and, ultimately, by a full range of key urban services and facilities. On rural lands within the Plan Boundary, development must be served by rural levels of service. Users of facilities and services in rural areas are spread out geographically, resulting in a higher per-user cost for some services and, often, in an inadequate revenue base to support a higher level of service in the future. Some urban facilities may be located or managed outside the urban growth boundary, as allowed by State law, but only to serve development within the UGB. Urban facilities and services within the UGB are provided by the City of Eugene, the City of Springfield, Lane County, Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB), the Springfield Utility Board (SUB), the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC), electric cooperatives, and special service districts. Special service diStricts provide schools and bus service, and, in some areas outside the cities, they provide water, electric, , . flr~ ~eIY1~.e(or parks and recreation service. This element provides guidelines for special ' , ~ )F:''JHQ.~ew~c~~4.iStficts in line with the compact urban development fundamental prin~le oftped" ", M~tJ;.oA'J(ln. Date,HecelVe ~. 1. ~.' 11 t" . .- JUL 0 5 r 6~ Planner: BJ I '~.1j ~..{I .,' , '"._" I:C', '~', -'l.'("'I~: '\.,'. ..Ii!. - 'I~- F: :l:! '.' 1. Appendix Ab Pagel, This element incorporates the findings and policies in the Eugene-Spl-ingfield Metropolitan Area Public Facilities and Services Plan (public Facilities and Services Plan), adopted as a refinement to the Metro Plan. The Public Facilities and Services, Plan provides guidance for public facilities and services, including planned water, wastewater, stormwater, and electrical facilities. As required by Goal II, the Public Facilities and Services Plan identifies and shows the generallocationl of the water, wastewater, and stormwater projects needed to serve land, within the UGB.' The Public Facilities and Services Plan also contains this information for electrical facilities, although not required to by law. The project lists and maps in the Public Facilities and Services Plan are adopted as part of the Metro Plan. Information in the Public Facilities and Services Plan on project' phasing and costs, and decisions on timing and fmancing qf projects are not part of the }1etro Plan and are controlled solely by the capital improvement programming and budget processes of individual service providers. The policies listed provide direction for public and private developmental and program decision-making regarding urban facilities and services. Development should be coordinated with the planning, financing, and construction of key urban facilities and services to ensure the efficient use and expansion of these facilities. Goals I. Provide and maintain public facilities and services in an efficient and environmentally responsible manner. 2. Provide public facilities and services in a manner that encourages orderly and sequential growth. Findings and Policies The findings and policies in this element are organiZed by the following four topics related to the provision of urban facilities and services. Policy direction for the full range of urban facilities and services, inclllding wastewater seriiee, may be found under any of these topics, although the first topic, Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary, is further broken down into s~b-categories. o Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary . 'Planning and Coordination . Water I The exact locaiion of the projects shown on the Public Facilities and Services Plan planned facilities maps is determined through local processes, , 'Go. al 11 a.ls. 0 re.quires transportation facilities to be included in pubiic facilities plans. In thisj"'t'a"A'ilf'\ ' ~'l~'~f \:...arei\!.ln!9sP.~'1~ti?ri:facilities are addressed in Metro Plan Chapter III-F and in the Eugene-Spr"'tf!AW necelved . , Transportallon System Plan (frons Plan),' ' , JUL 0 5,O~ ' Planner: BJ ;\ l: i: i Appendix Ab Page2 ._,;1:-,'; .' ." ~~ I~l:-Ji. H- ..j h'l . Wastewater Treatment o Stormwater' o Electricity . Schools . Solid Waste Treatment '. Services to Areas Outside the Urban GTowth Boundary . Locating and Managing Public Facilities Outside the Urban Growth Boundary '0 Financing Services to Develooment Withio the Urban Growth Bouodarv: Planoiol! and Coordination Findings' I. Urban expansion within the UGB is accomplished through in-fill, redevelopment, and annexation of territory which can be served with a minimum level of key , urban services and facilities. This permits new,development to use exiSting facilities and services, or those which can be easily extended, minimizing the public cost of extending urban facilities and services. 2. In accordance with Statewide Planning'Goalll and OAR 660, the Public Facilities and Services Plan identifies jurisdictional responsibility for the provision of water, wastewater and stormwater, describes respective service areas and existing and plarmedwater, wastewater, and stormwater facilities, and contains planned facilities maps for these services. Electric system information and improvements are included in the Public Facilities and Services Plan, although not required by state law. Local facility master plans and refinement plans provide more specific project information. 3. Urban services within the metropolitan UGB are provided by the City ofEugeIie, the City of Springfield, Lane County, EWEB, SUB, the MWMC, electric cooperatives, and special service districts. ' 4. The Public Facilities and Services Plan finds that almost all areas within the city limits of Eugene and Springfield are served or can be served in the short-term (0-5 years) with water, wastewater, stormwater, and electric service. Exceptions to . this are stormwater service to portions of the Willow Creek area and southeast Springfield and full water service at some higher elevations in Eugene's South Hills. Service to these areas will be available in the long-term. Service to all areas within city limits are either in a capital improvement plan or can be extended with development. 5. With the improvements specified in the Public Facilities and Services Plan project lists, all urbanizable areas within the Eugene-Springfield UGB can be '+ 't ~;\, ~ :', '.,J; -, ;:\t.~ served with water, wastewater, stormwater, and electric service at the time those. , " areas are developed. In general, areas outside city limits servicQatetf~eGeIVe(j I, ' JUL 0 5 ov/' , . ~<~ ,f .\ .~ - ..., .:- I- .f . 0"' I Appendix Ab Page3 Planner: BJ 'I' term are located near the UGB and:in urban reserves, primarily in River Road, Santa Clara, west Eugene's Willow Creek area, south Springfield, and the Thurston and Jasper-Natron areas in east Springfield. ' 6. OAR 660-0Il-0005 defines projectS that muSt be included u;: public facility plan project lists for water, wastewater, and stormwater. These definitions are shown in the keys of planned-facilities Maps I, 2, 2a. and 3 in the Public Facilities and Services Plan. , , 7. In accordance with ORS 195.020 to 080, Eugene, Springfield, Lane County and special service districts are required to enter into coordination agreements that define how planning coordination and urban services (water, wastewater, fire; parks" open space and recreation, and streets, roads and mass transit) will be provided within the UGB.' , . ' 8. . Large institutional uses, such as universities and hospitals, present complex planning problems for the metropolitan area due to their location, facility expansion plans, and continuing housing and parking needs., ' , 9. Duplication of services prevents the most economical distribution of public facilities and services. .. 10. As discussed in the Public Facilities and Senlices Plan, a majority of nodal deveiopment areas'proposed.in TransPlan are serviceableoow or in the short- term. The City of Eugene's adopted Growth Management Policy #15 states, "Target publicly-financed infrastructure extensions to support development for higher densities, in-fill, mixed use~, and nodal development." Policies G.I Extend the ".,;n;""um level and full range of key urban facilities and services in an orderly and. efficient manner consistent with the growth management policies in , Chapter II-C, relevant policies in this chapter, and other Metro Plan policies. G.2 Use the plallned facilities maps <lfthe PublicPacilities and Services Plan to guide the general location of water, wast.ewater, stormwater, 'and electrical projects in , the metropolitan area. Use local facility master plans, refinement plans, capital ' imorovement Dlans, and ordinances as the guide for detailed planning and project implementation. G.3 Modifications.and additions to or deletions from the project lists in the Public. , Facilities and Services Plan for water, wastewater, and stormwater public facility' projects or significant changes to project location, from that described in the . Public Facilities and Services Plan planned facilities Maps I, 2, ~ and 3; , i-. ''''. '., " feq._u,~e.' S.a.mending th~ Pubic Facilities and Services Plan and the Metp( PIan, " 1~'''''Vi~!pr~~,~x~~~P.~,:~o.t; the followmg: , ", ' Uale Received :> 1;: .Jitr ' JUL 05(01: Planner: BJ, '1 ",.' j i'/" ~ .fl.'~:'. ;. {' .,,', uh, .1.., ~.f/'ld.'"1Igii\\~r ~"'flf Ii,' _ :..,{!...' Appen~ix Ab Page4 , a Modifications to a public facility project which are minor in natur,e and do not significantly impact the project's general description; location, sizing, capacity, or other general characteristic of the p~oject; or b. Technical and environmental modifications to a public facility, which are made pursuant to final engineering on a project;.or c~ Modifications to a public facility project which are made pursuant to fmdings of an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact , Statement conducted under regulations implementing the procedural provisions of the national Environmental Policy Act of 1969 or any' federal or State of Oregon agency project development regulations consistent with that act and its regulations; or d. Public facility projects included in the PFSPto serve land designated Urban Reserve prior to the removal of the Urban Reserve designation, which projects shall be removed from"the PFSP at the time of the next Periodic Review of the Metro Plan. GA The cities and Lane County shall coordinate with EWEB, SUB, and special service districts operating in the metropolitan area, to provide the opportunity to review and comment on p,':'pvsed public facilities, plans, programs, and public improvement projects or changes thereto that may affect one another's area of responsibility. G.5 The cities shall continue joint pla.nning coordination with major inStitutions, such as universities and hospitals, due to their relatively large impact on'local facilities and services. G.6 Efforts shall be'made to reduce the number ofuimecessary special service districts and to revise confusing or illogicai service boundaries, including those that result in a duplication of effort or'overlap of service. When possible, these efforts shall be pursued in cooperation with the affected jurisdictions. ' G.7 Service providers shall coordinate the provision of facilities and services to areas targeted by the cities for' higher densities, infill, mixed uses, and nodal development. ,- ' G.8The cities and county shall coordinate with cities surrounding the metropolitan area to develop a growth management Strategy. This strategy will address regional public facility needs. Sernces to Develonment Within the Urban Growth Boundarv: Wastewate~ ,-. ~. , ~~\I- ,;~ ',t. -...,~.-,~_,! ." .~"r~( ,,'- ." ~ . .,." ,I "", , " " ., " :. "Finditi!!s " , ,. . ~..~l '" , "' " iIC" "," I\~r.'-' I, . ~ \ '. . Appendix Ab Page5 Date Received , , JUL 0 5 I D1 Planner: BJ ,-\ 'I, .J II. Sorinl!field and EUl!ene relv on a combination of regional and iocal services for the orovision of wastewater services. Within each City. the local iurisdiction, orovides collection of wastewater throU\!ha svstem ofsanitarv sewers and numoinl! svstems. These collection facilities connect to a regional svstem of 'similar sewer collection facilities owned and ooerated bv the Metro90litan Wastewater Management Commission ("MWMC"t an entitv formed under an. interl!overnmental agreement created oursuant to ORS 190. TO'Iether. these collection facilities (which excludeorivate laterals wIiich'conve'! wastewater from individual residential or commercial/industrial connections~ conStitute the orimarv ~ollection svstem. 12. The orimarv collection svsteID convevs wastewater to a treatment facilities svstem owned and ooerated bv MWMC. This svstem consists ofan interconnected Water 'pollution Control Facilitv ("WPCF'). a biosolids facilitv. and a beneficial reuse facility. Policies G.9 Wastewater convevance and treatment shall be orovided to meet the needs of. projected growth inside the UGB that are capable of complvin<r _w:ith re~1l111torv_ reouirements 1Z0veming beneficial reuse or discharge of effluent and beneficial, reuse or disnosal of residuals" SUBSEQUENT FINDINGS AND POLICIES SHALL BE RENUMBERED ACCORDINGLY WITHIN THIS CHAPTER Chapter V Glossary 37. Public facilitv oroiects: Public facility project lists and maps adopted as part of ' the Metro Plan are defined as follows: a. Water: Source, reservoirs, pump stations, and primary distribution systems. Primary distribution systems are transmission lines 12 inches or larger for Springfield Utility Board (SUB) and 24 inches or larger for , Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB). , b. ' Wastewater:, Primarv Collection Svstem:Pump stations and wastewater lines 24 inches or larger. .-10.lLll Treatment Facilities Svstem: Water Pollution Control Facilitv (WPCF) oroiect. beneficial reuse oroiect and, residuals oroiect necessarY to meet-wastewater treatment facilities svstem desil!n caoacities for average flow.1ado Race' d flow. biochemical oxygen demand and total SUSDen~ ,Ive , solids so as to orovide service within the urban growth, JUL U F; 101 , , '1 - .~ IL..,I~ '-~ 'J" 1 ~',' ,...., " ,\f ::M;1~3!(l ,-Yf;,( i 'L'f,,'G ".I ,: ~ ~llf ~ I"';' t;:-~" !Q,', , '~l:; '. p ,1;:;11!1 ~ Appendix Ab Page6 Planner; 8~J . . . .'f(" .....'~'At r~'~I':r:di'~_~lrl""'F"':\ ..;-~~ ~. ! f~i '",' '.. ,.; '. .. ~ . \ 'I !t__ " i. .', ..- ~Jr , boundarY (1JGB) for a nroiected nonulation in 2025 consistent with theJlOpulation assumed ill this Plan. in, comnliance with MWMC's discharg:e nermit. MWMC's, ~anitallmnrovements PlaIL as amended from time to time. shaH be used as the wide for detailed olanning: and imnlementation ofthe WPCF nroiect. the beneficial reuse proiect and the residuals nroiect c. Stormwater: Drainage/channel improvements and/or piping systems 36' inches or larger; proposed detention ponds; outfalls; water quality projects; and waterways and open systems. d. Specific projects adopted as part of the Metro Plan are described in the project lists and their general location is identified in the planned facilities maps in Chapter II of the Eugene-Springfiidd Metropolitan Public Facilities and Services Plan (Public Facilities and Services Plan). Appendix Ab Page? , Date Receivecl JUL 05,0~ Planner: '8,,1 APPENDIX Ii PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES PLAN (PFSP) 1. Modify the text preceding existing Table 3 to read ,as follows: Planned Wastewater System Improvements Planned short afla IORg term wastewater system improvement projects are listed in tables3,.afltl4;4a and 4b. The general location of these facilities is shown in Map 2: Planned Wastewater Facilities, 'and Map 2a: Existing Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems. [NOTE: This map presently exists as Map 6 in the Technical Background Report: Existing Conditions and Alternatives and should be - incorporated without change.] 2. Insert, following Table 4, Tables 'lit and 4b, as follows: Table 4a , MWMC Wastewater Treatment SyStem Improvement Projects Project Number Project NarnelDescription 300 301 302 WPCF Treatment Project Residuals Treatment ProjeCt Beneficial Reuse 'project ,Table 4b MWMC Primary Collection System Improvement Projects Proj ect Number 303 304 305 Project Name/Descdption Willakenzie Pump Station I Screw Pump Station GlenwoodPump Station , ,~. ~od~ ~_ap 2 to show Projects 300 through 305, and insert Map 2aDate Received : ~\':')V,'f,j;:jb)~-ij {"j;~t('1, , .., '.. . J .L\ I~ . JUL 0 5 I 01 i! () JUl., Planner: BJ Lb;-;;!S)n f,-~,r-:~~~ APPelloix B Page I I ;, . .". . -' , . ..... . - - . : . . ,;", '-~ -:,_.'., . Eu ~~n. e-"S'prin g1ie ~ ~~bl~ ~,' a~i1iti~s'~~d.S erVlo~~' p_ta'n;-::' '.Plann~d 'MWIlAC'W"astewater PrOj~._ct S~es',,:,,:' .,., .' ""-..,. ,.:::~:~:~.~.,\,,;. .." '''';-';.:~~;"=:;';~:~~~i::_~j":?:..:,:{:\. " 'I \ :';-c;'.'. 1 -....,:.; , ;! ;.//,- ',.. I. .". . I, / , ,-'-r--', -':--'I' ',,' .. :1''- -,-,.,;.;,',,- 3:"" "'-..<.- -" ..,-;>, ~;:'''~-';':';;;-?~:_., ' , .. p, .........:-,...,.'1'.'.... . ,- . r.......__......-.__....-.._ .._.'__vo_-...___ ..~_....;..III.....'....._,:-__ 0'<>0._' -~~_......-...- -. -- r( '",-t-'..~ ", , I .' . _:~' ,.' "'.___........-0.....--.. ....1----- ...._.._.... --..----- " ;'-rF. \. ",+" , \ ~ -;';$< ',' , ~,...,MAP2. -~. , .. ~....:..':- r~,..:~.:LC'\Y.~' 1 . 'I ~ :.' /I' 1/ t. ).1,. I 4. ,Modify Chapter IV. Ofthe Puhlic Facilities and Services Plan, hy modifying ~:!yr!r the subdivision entitled "Wastewater System condition Assessment" , (presently on page 82) to read as foUows: Appendix.B Page 2 Date Received JUL 0 5 ~~ I Planner: BJ I IF., " , ",' ,'..,.i i _ ~ ') rt' ' ~... ~ ' Ji " Wastewater System Condition Assessment , ' G""'Uj"""H~.'f'~dty and inflow and infilt':-..;;,,~"'~ ;.....artant criteria by which to a5sess thc Jlcrf""..."'"d~ of a wastewater collection s-ystem. Connyanee caJlacity is a function of adequate pipe sizing aDd measures a system's ability to mo','e emuent cm~;""!~J' bi10w and infiltration ratios express the amount of . th h d ~ ," '~.. . t staf...""",!~,' ~ntcnng a se'l'l'cr s)'stem roug e ee..,.''" ...f.~:' :iC" (I:;~ JOID s, or through the cross connection of stormwater lines, combined sewers, catch basins, or manhol~':'l:', Such extraDeOHS storm,,'atcr ,,,~,.;ng thc Wllstewater S)'stem ' tIftI}eeeSSlIr.I>J Inrdcns both convC)'ance l!-nd trell,.,......1 facilitics. Treatment: MWMC Wastewater Treatmtllt System . .. ~ MWMC'exiStingjnfrastructure is monitored for problems that need to be addressed during operationa!and maintenance activities. MWMC has 6ngoinl1 ormrrarns to helo , plan for and jmple,ment equipment replacement and maiouehabilitation of existing. ~vstems. Withthese 011 goingorograrns used to detect existinl1 problems, the infrastructure can be maintained and oreserved to help extend its useful life for future vears. In March of:20Q3,.tylWMC hired CH2M HILL to evaluate and plan for regional wastewateJ'callital improvements that will ,serve the Eugene/Snringfield urban llrowth boundarv into yem: 2.025. MWMC will need to implement the recommended irriorovementsJo ;pe.et regulatory requirements based on projected oollution loads and, flows. CH2M HILL as oart of its work to evaluate and olan for regional wastewater , imDfovement$ h<l!lwepareda technical memo related to "Flow and Load Proiections" dated April 12, 2Q04. This historical and oroiected information is being used to olan for needed MWMC'caoital imorovements based on em!ineering evaluation methods and bv comoaring technolQgv options. It is estimated that aoproximatelY $160 million dollars (in 2004 dollars) are needed for MWMC oroiects to address regulatof'rreauirements and JITowth through vear 2025. Convevance: ,Convevance capaCity, a[!djnflow and infiltration (III) ratios are important criteria bv which to assess the oerformance of a wastewater collection svstem, Convevance caoacitv is a function of adeQ!lllte pipe sizing and measures a svstem's ability to move effluent efficiently. Inflow and infiltration ratios eXDfess the amount of stormwater entering a, sewer system through defective oioes andobe ioints. or through the cross connection of, stormwater lines. combined sewers. catch basins. or manhole covers. Such extraneous, stormwater enterinll the wastewater system unnecessarilv burdens both convevance arid treatment facilities. 5. Modify Chapter IV. Of the Public Facilities and Services Plan, by modifying the discussion of wastewater, in the subdivision,entitled "Long-Term SJ!lrA~ :'18"~fjnt4Ati>Il.~~I~~ll!ty Within Urbanizable Areas" (presently on page 97) to read~le Received o ows: ' . r!.:: II;, JUL 0 fi ( llf L,;,w,' . '~i,'fr.~~~~~q. ~ ,,fj,, I, .....or i. Appendix B Page 3 , Planner: 8J 1. There are no areas within the metropolitan UGB that will be difficult to serve with wastewater facilities over the long-term (six to 20 years) assuming that public inrrastructure snecifications and reouirements ofthe developinl!: area can be addre~ed. Appropriate enl!:ineerinl!: desil!:n practices must be used durinq the' , develonment and expansion into sensitive areas that are approved for, develonment (ex. - hillside construction. etc.), ; however, eltpallsion Expansion of the existing collection system will be necessary to meet denlands of growth over this time period. 2. Based on 2003 analysis, the EUl!:ene-SPringfield metrooolitan area, treatment facilities will reouire facilitv imProvements to address both drv and wet weather rel!1llatorv reouirements relatinl!: to nollutant loads and wastewater flows. Re[.jonal and local waStewater imnrovements to the collection and treatment, svstems arebeinl!: nlanned for and,will be imnlemented to allow for l!Towth withiQ the UGB and for rel!lliatorv compliance. The ElIgene Springfield metropolitan area R"5;""": Wastewater Treatment PllHlt has suffieient desiga eapaoity, to ae.,,,mm.Jdate poplllatioa inZ~~f.3~3 f...'1..Hefve f.H fi1'::-devel::fmzRt et iui1~ Ho..ve'lcr, pc";, ....el weather ooooitioll5 limit the treatment plant frzm e::hieviag its designed eapazity. "'Tet, weather related impro'l~mocn~J-are-fl~~;ka .::.: the plant and withintht. rC5;Q{.r.:-eelkz::zn system ta eldeoo the plant's 'mt weather 6!ipa";'~ l;~7zd the year 2907. ' 6. Add Table 16a following Table 16, as follows: Table 16a MWMC Wastewater Treatment and c:ollection System Improvements, Rough Cost Estimate, and Timing Estimate 1'lf~~~~~~4~~ 1~~~l~~~Ia!~~~i~i~~" I I I I I 305 Glenwood Pump Station *Cost estimated in 2004 dollars '" 'fAI~f$~ri (f~f~~f1~~~~~{i!!1 $120,500,000 2025 1 $6,000,000 2018 $25,000,000 2018. $6,000,000 2010 $2,000,000 2010 $500,000 2012 300 301 302 303 304 WPCF Treatment Project Residuals Treatment Project Beneficial Reuse Project Willakenzie Pump Station Screw Pump Station 7. Add a new chapter to the Public Facilities and Services Plan, to be Chapter VI., reading as follows: I, ~'.{I~f.. . :'b:.;('t~,H';f" 'Vi: Amendments to the Plan " .\.' l..-'. \t ~ . '.' "",0 , ,( ")''''\,1= ',' " -j~ ~l _, f .... 1 Appendix B Page 4 Date Received Jill 0 ~rb~ Planner' H Ii " _'. il.\. ,. . , This chapter describes the method to be used in the 'event it becomes necessary or appropriate to modify the text, tables or the maps contained in the Public Facilities and Services Plan ("the Plan"). Flexibility of the Plan Certain public facility project descriptions, location or service area designations will necessarily change as a result of subsequerit design studies, capital improvement ' programs, environmental impact studies imd changes in potential sources of funding. The Plan is not designed to either prohibit projects not included in the plan for which unanticipated funding has been obtained, preclude project specification and location , decisions made according to the National Environmental Policy Act, or subject administrative and technical changes to the plan to post-acknowledgement review or review by the Land Use Board of Appeals. . 1 For the purposes of this Plan, two types of modifications are identified. A. Modifications requiring amendment ofthe Plan. The following modifications require amendment of the Plan: 1. Amendments, which include those modifications or changes (as represented by Table l6a) to the location or provider of public facility , projects which significantly impact a public facility project identified in the comprehensive plan, and which do not qualify as administrative or technical and environmental changes, as defined below. Amendments are subject to the administrative procedures and review and appeal procedures applicable to land use decisions. ' 2. Adoption of capital improvement progiam project lists by any service provider do not require modification of this Plan unless the requirements of subparagraph 1 above ar~ met. " B" Modifications permitted without aInendment of the Plan. The following modifications do not require amendment of this Plan: Administrative cbanges are those modifications to a public facility project which are minor in nature and do not significantly impact the project's ' general description; location, sizing, capacity' or other general characteristic ofthe project: Technical and environmental changes are those modifications to a public facility project which are made pursuant to "final engineering" on a project or those which result from the fmdings of an Environmental Assessinent '! '. .' .' or Environmental Impact Statement conducted under regulations ',)$JViI9~J9N 91,tpplementing the procedural provisions of the National Environmental _ ' . tpolicy Act of 1969 or any federal or state agency project development :, ~ :t . ilH regulations consistent with that Act and its regUlations. 1. 2. .:i' , Appendix B Page 5 Date Received' JUL 0 5, o~ Planner: BJ fl,idi ""iIQp- "'116 ' ""011!1 liJiY.-]' Process for making Changes A Administrative and Technical or Environmental Changes. Any jurisdiction may make an administrative or technical and environmental change, as defined herein, by forwarding to each jurisdiction covered by this Plan, and to the Lane Council of Governments a copy of the resolution or other final action of the governing board of the jurisdiction authorizing the change. B. Amendments For purposes of processing amendments, as defined herein, such amendments are divided into two classes. ' a. ' Type I Amendments include amendments to the text ofthe Plan, or to a liSt, location or provider of public facility projects which significantly impact a public facility project identified herein, which project serves more than one jurisdiction. b. Type II amendments include amendments to a list, location or provider of public facility projects which significantly impact a public facility project identified herein, which project serves only the jurisdiction proposing the amendment. C. Processing ,Amendments Any of the adopting agencies (Lane County, Eugene, or Springfield) may initiate an amendment to this plan at any time on their own motion or on behalf of a citizen. a. Type I amendments shall be forwarded to the planning commissions of the respective agencies and, following their recommendation, shall be considered by the governing boards of all agencies, If a Type I amendment is not adopted by all agencies, the amendment shall be referred to MPC for conflict resolution. Subsequent failure by agencies to , adopt anMPC-negotiated proposal shall defeat the proposed amendment. If an amendment is adopted, all agencies shall adopt substantively identical ordinances b. Type II amendments shall be forwarded to the Planning Commission of the initiating agency and, following their recommendation, shall be considered by the governing board of the initiating agency. , ..... Date Rece\\fed JUL In; lot Planner: BJ ~~9\fi~6~j~11 ~1.A{~' (: 0 JUL ;/ '.':, ~ ~~~~:! . :..', .' ~I. r'l r,;;--:' 1 -) f~ ,,' ",.,..;g. ',\'r-;)n '~t~ ll'~n I': AppendiX B Page 6 Exhibit I ~ I - Staff Report and Findings of Compli~nce with the Metro Plap. and Statewide Goals and Administrative Rules File LRP 2004-0001 Amendments to the Metro Plan and Public FaCilities and Services Plan Applicant: City of Springfield on behalf of the Metropolitan WaStewater Management Commission ~q . Nature ofthe Application: The applicant proposes to amend the Eugene--Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) and the Public Facilities and Services Plan (PFSP)l to (l) more adeqmit~ly reflect the impact that new discharge permit restrictions will have had on the capacity'ofthe regional wastewater treatment system, (2) to clari1)rthe relationship between the PFSP project list and locally adopted capital improvement plans; and (3) to modify (streamline) the administrative and legislative processes that govern the implementation and amendment of the PFSP projects list. , . Background:' MWMC's regional wastewater treatnlent facilities were designed and constructed in the late 1970's with a 20-year life expectancy. Slower that expected population growth in the 1980's extended this life expectancy. In 1996-97 MWMC developed a Master Plan to evaluate the performance of its facilities, to ascertain areas of constraints within the 'existing permit conditions, to identify short'::'term improvements (e.g. how to address , seismic hazards), and to address other major issues that needed to be studied further. In May of2002 the Oregon Department JfEnvirollIDental Quality (DEQ) imposed new and more stringent discharge permit Stanqards on the regionaI'waStewater treatIDent facilities, particularly in regard to the treatment of ammonia and thermal loading. As MWMC staff began to evaluate design needs for its"wastewater facilities, it became apparent to ,them that the existing facilities could not meet the demands imposed by the new discharge permit restrictions. Recognizing that a thorough assessment of wastewater collection, treatment and disposal/reuse needs for the next 20 year~was essentia~ the MWMC began work on the 2004 Wastewater Facilities Plan, a comprehensive facilities plan update. The objectives of the 2004 Wastewater Facilities Plan are twofold. Fifst, ,it is intended to provide for ' , adequate community growth capacity through 2025, conSidering policies in the Metro Plan and current planning assessments for population and development. Second, the 2004 Wastewater Facilities Plan is intended to~protect community health and safety by , addressing sanitary sewer overflows, river safety, permit compliance and the coSt- ; . effective use of existing facilities and the efficient design of new facilities. : ,~i~'i;~f'X)~)f;i i>.,~j,it'(,i, ' ... ~f'O~: . Date Received JUL ()~A ,I Se,/,ippiriJ.fce{l,i!- & B, respectively. 'I ~ t.~~i :1BfWJJj~~ Staff Report and Findings Page I Planner; Sf-A Exhibit I - 2- The 2004 Wastewater Facilities Plan recognizes and addresses the fact that the regional wastewater system for the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area does not have the ,capacity to meet all of the discharge standards imposed by state and federal law. Neither the Metro Plan nor the PFSPcurrently reflect this situation. Statewide Planning ,Goal 2 requires that the city, county and special district plans be consistent. In large part, the amendments proposed by this application address the issue of consistency between the Metro Plan and thePFSP and consistency of the 2004 Wastewater Facilities Plan with the former documents. The proposed amendments provide information that should have been , . included in the PFSP when it was adopted and present a more accurate description of wastewater services that will be available after certain capital improvement projects are completed. Phasing objectives of the 2004 Wastewater Facilities Pliul necessitate that construction of several key facility components begin by June of2005 in order to meet federal standards that require that peak wet weather events be managed by 2010. In order to meetthis rigorous construction schedule, MWMC must have released Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for engineering design for by October. of2004. Prior to this date, the 2004 Wastewater Facilities Plan must be adopted by the three metropolitan jurisdictions and the Metro Plan and the PFSP should be updated to reflect current information. In summary, the application proposes the following changes: Metro. Plan 1. Specifically recognizes "wastewater" as a subcategory of service within the Urban Growth Boundary. [Chapter III-G] , ' 2. Amends Finding #6 and Policy #3 to recognize the addition of Map 2a "Existing Wastewater Collection and Treatment SystemS" to the PFSP. [Chapter III-G] , 3. Amends Policy #2 to inClude local capital imp. v vement plans as a means to ' implement policy in the PFSP. [Chapter IIIc-G] 4. Inserts two findings regardulg local and regional wastewater services,to development within the urban growth boundary. [Chapter III-G] 5. Adds a new policy G.9 that ma!,es a commitment to providing the conveyance and treatment of wastewater to meet the needs of projected growth within the urban growth boundary and that meets regulatory requirements. [Chapter III-G] 6. Modifies definition 37. Wastewater: Public Facilities Projects. [Chapter V Glossary] ; ;. ...~:. - " ., t' 'r', \' i. (\ . , . l~ ... , -,,"\ (' \ ~ ".., i I! Staff Report and Findings Page 2 Date Received JUL 0 5 I o~ Planner: BJ , t~~, ~k.~ ~~: ,PFSP,-!-c_[, ~_",,~~....I .- !-J;~\ Exhibit I !.3 - 1. Modifies the text on page 28, preceging Table 3, and adds Tables 4a and 4b that identify MWMC Wastewater TreatIDent and Primary Collection System ' improvements, respectively, 2. Modifies Map 2, which shows Plarmed Wastewater Facilities, and adds Map 2a that concerns Existing Wastewater Facilities. 3. Modifies the exiSting narrative on "Wastewater System Condition Assessment" in Chapter IV. (Page 82) 4. Modifies existing paragraphs #l and #2 under the discussion of "Wastewater" in the subdivision entitled "Long-Term Service Availability Within Urbanizable Areas" in Chapter IV. (Page 97). 5. Adds new Table 16a (following Table 16) entitled "MWMC Wastewater Treatment and Collection System Improvements, Rough Cost Estimate, and Timing Estimate." (Page I 01) 6. Adds new Chapter VI regarding amendments to the PFSP. Metropolitan Area General Plan Amendment Criteria The proposed amendments are considered ,to be Type I Metro Plan amendments because they are non-site specific amendments to the Plan text. Amendments to the Plan text, which include changes to functional plans such as TransPlan and the PFSP, and that are non-site specific require approval by all three governing bodies to become effective;2 ' Springfield, Eugene and Lane County each adopted identical Metro Plan amendment , criteria into their respective implementing ordinances and codes. Springfield Code ' Section 7.070(3) (a & b), Eugene Code 9.128(3) (a & b), and Lane Code 12.225(2) (a & b) require that the amendment be consistent with relevant statewide planning goals and that the amendment will not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. These criteria are addressed as follows: (a) The amendment must be consistent with the relevant statewide planning goals adopted by the Land Conservation and Development Commission; Goal! - Citizen Involvement To develop a citizen involvement program that insures the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process. The two cities and the county have acknowledged land use codes that are intended to serve as the principal implementing ordinances for the Metro Plan. SDC Article 7 METRO PLAN AMENDMENTS and SDC Article 14 PUBLIC HEARINGS prescribe the manner in which a TyPe I Metro Plan amendment must be noticed.' i ~..:.) l"~ ~'l' \' Citizen involvement for a Type I Metro Plan amendment not related to an urban , '. . "',: "'-.1jl-:-~r6-\,\;th boundary amendment requires: I) Notice to interested parties; 2) Notice , ".r ' ". .,' Date Received , See SDC 7:070(l)(a), EC 9.7730(lXa), and LC 12.225(1)(aXi). Lr." "!(~ri!p .:I;~i!It:): JUL 05,01 Staff Report and Findings Page 3 Planner:' BJ Exhibit I -4- shall be published in,a newspaper of general circulation; 3) Notice shall be provided to the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) at least 45 days before the initial evidentiary hearing (planning commission). Notice of the joint planning commission hearing was published in the Springfield News and in the Register-Guard on March 31, 2004. Notice to interested parties was mailed on April I, 2004. Notice of the first evidentiary hearing was provided' to DLCD on March 4, 2004. The notice to DLCD identified the City of Eugene, Lane County, DEQ and EPA as affected agencies. Requirements under Goal I are met by adherence to the citizen involvement processes required by the Metro Plan and implemented by the Springfield ' Development Code, Articles 7. and 14; the Eugene Code, Sections 9,.7735 and 9.7520; Lane Code Sections 12.025 and 12.240. Goal 2 - Land Use Planning:'" To establish a'land use planning process and policy framework as a basis for all decisions and actions related to use of land and to assure an adequate factual base for such decisions and actions. All land-use plans and implementation ordinances shall be adopted by the governing body after public hearing and shall be reviewed and, as needed, revised on a periodic cycle to take into account changing public policies and circumstances, in accord with a schedule set forth in the plan. Opportunities shall be provided for review and comment by citizens and affected governmental units during preparation, review and revision of plans and implementation ordinances. ' , Implementation Measures - are the means used to carry out the plan. These are of two general types: (1) management implementation measures such as ordinances, regulations or project pli:ms, and (2) site or area specific . implementation measures such as permits and grants for construction, construction of public facilities 'or provision of services. . The most recent version of the Metro Plan is being considered on May 17, 2004 for final adoption by Springfield (Ordinance No. ~, by Eugene (Council Bill No. 4860) and by Lane County (Ordinance No. I 197) after numerous publiC meetings, public workshops and joint hearings of the Springfield, Eugene,and Lane County Planriing Commissions and Elected Officials. The Metro Plan is the "land use" or comprehensive plan required by this goal; the Springfield Development Code, the Eugene Code and the Lane Code are the "implementation measures" required by this goal. Comprehensive plans, as defined by ORS 197.0l5(51, must be coordinated with affected governmental " ' , ' units.4 Coordination meansthat comments from affected govejj~le~eived .; f~":i.d~~. IJ.:,',: :~! ..'.'\' ,I~', - . , ' ''Iricorporated by reference mto Goal 2. JUL 05 ,/ 4 Se~ DLCD v, Douglas County, 33 Or LUBA 216,221 (1997). 10'( . . ~ , J I ' /~ < , " .....) ,~ '. i '_j it "' ' "'.... ;'- Staff Report and Findings Page 4 Planner: BJ Exhibit I ':, 5 - solicited and considered. In this regard, DLCD's Notice of Proposed Amendment form was sent to the City of Eugene, Lane County, DEQ and EP A.' , . One aspect ofthe Goal 2 coordination requirement concerns population projections. In this respect, the proposed amendment to the PFSP Glossary , conceniirig Wastewater incorporates a projected year 2025 population for the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary of297,585.5 This projection is consistent with the moSt recent (1997) final forecasts provided to Lane County by the Oregon Office of Economic Analysis and the Year 2000 Census. The adoption of this modification to the PFSP will effectively "coordinate" this population assumption.' Goal 3 - Agricultural Lands , This goal does not apply within ad?pted, acknowledged urban growth boundaries. Goal 4 - Forest Lands This goal does not apply within adopted, acknowledged urban growth boundaries. GoalS - Open Spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Natural Resources This goal is not applicable to the proposed amendments. Goal 6 - Air, Water and Land Resources' Quality -To maintain and improve the quality of the air, water and land resources of the state. , This goal is prm;.arily concerned with compliance with federal and state environmental quality statutes, and how this compliance is achieved as development proceeds in relationship to air sheds, river basins and land resources. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act, P.L. 92-500, as amended in 1977, became known as the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.). The goal ofthis Act was to elimimite the discharge"ofpollutants into the navigable waters. ORS 468B.035 requires the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) to implement the.Federal Water Pollution Control Act. The primary method of implementation of this Act is throligh the issuance'ofa National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit prior to the discharge of any wastes into the waters of the state. (ORS 468B.050) Among the "pollutants" regulated by the EQC are temperature (OAR 340-041-0028) and toxic substances (OAR 340-041-0033). One purpose ofthe proposed amendments is to ensure that the Metro Plan and the PFSP accurately reflect regional wastewater system needs as imposed by Federal and State regtilation. Currently, the PFSP states that "... the Regional Wastewater ,Treatment Plant has sufficient design capacity to accommodate population " ,","~. .... "':';'.; " . , 'Tab.ie 3 of technical memorandum entitled "Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission~tA Received , ! ' P?plJIati?n, ~pjections for Wastewater Facilities ~lan," prepared by Matt Noesen, CH2M Hill, ei~(X'pn'f . ;,t,..;\f1~t:'W'~rO.04)Jil.l0\,' 'JUL 0 r t&if \'.' ~ '.' .".., I ., {V1 :\ 11 JUI. . ' , - Staff Report arid Findings Page 5 Plannet: P s , , " ~'r-l' "...-"",.:.' If..."\k::~ Exhibit 1 "6- increases, and serve all new development at buildout." Recent analyses have determined that facility improvements are now required to addTess both dry and ' wet weather requirements re1<iting'to pollutant loads and wastewater flows. The section in Chapter IV of the PFSP entitled , "Long-Term Service Availability Within Urbanizable Areas" is proposed to be modified to reflect the need for facility improvements necessary to address dry and wet weather regulatory " ' requirements. Goal 7 - Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards This goal is not applicable to the proposed amendments. Go'alS - Recreational Needs This goal is not applicable to the proposed amendments. Goa19 - Economic Development - Goal 9 provides, in part, that it is intended to: "Provide for at least an adequate supply of sites of suitable sizes, types, locations, and service levels for a variety of industrial and commercial uses consistent with plan policies," The proposed amendments are consistent with this objective in that the Metro Plan, the PFSP and the 2004 Wastewater Facilities Plan must be consistent in order to comply with State discharge permit conditions that will determine the improvements to the Regional Wastewater SyStem that are necessary to I!-ddress new regulatory standards. The improvements are necessary to aUowadequate service and conveyance, treatment, reuse and disposal capacity to serve new and existing industrial and commercial uSes. ' Goal 10 - Housing - To provide for the housing needs of citizens of the state. Goal 10 Planning Guideline 3 states that "[PJlans should provide for the appropriate type, location and phasing of pubic facilities and services sufficient to support housing development in areas presently developed or undergoing development or redevelopment. " OAR 660-008--D01O requires that "[S]ufficient buildable land shall be designated, on the comprehensive plan map to satisfY housing nee4s by type and density , range as determined in the housmg needs projection." Goal I 0 defines buildable , lands as ".. . lands in urban and urbanizable areas that are suitable, available and , necessary for residential use." 660-008--D005(13), in part, defmes land that is "suitable and available" as land "for which public facilities are planned or to which public facilities can be made available." Similar to Goal 9, adequate public facilities are necessary to accomplish the objectives of this goal and applicable administrative rules (OAR Chapter 660, Division 008). The purpose of the proposed amendments is to provide the nf~)\l1(,}(:,tflrl G'f~:{,'?(;9m-prehensive planning framework to allow. for the improvements to the regional .,- . ';:' "~' ,. . .'~ ~ \ '''ji ",-,. ?I','~,,', ,~ '.. ,; Staff Report and Findings Page 6 Date Receivec I JUL 05, d( 101"'.........._. Ii""I> A r'. ;1,' Exhibit I 'I r7- wastewater system that support the'housing needs of the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area. . " Goal 11 - Public Facilities and Se'rvices - To plan and develop a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement of publicfacilities and ser:vices,to se",e as a framework for urban and rural development. .. ' OAR Chapter 660, Division 011, irhplements goal 11. OAR 660-011-0030(1) requires that the public facility plan: identify the general location of public facilities projects. In regard to the MetroPlan, the reference to Public Facilities. and Services Plan Map 2a in Finding 6 and Policy G.3 in the proposed amendments addresses this requireinent. In regard to the PFSP, the modification of the introductory narrative under "Plarmed Wastewater System Improvements (Page 28)," the insertion of new Tables 4a and 4b (page 28); and the modification 'of Map 2 and the insertion of new Map 2a, also address this requirement. " ' OAR 660-011'-0035(1) requires that the public facility plan include a rough coSt estimate for sewer public facility projects identified in the facility plan. In . , conformity with this requirement, it is proposed that the PFSP be amended by the insertion ofTab1e 16a (Inserted followingPage 101), which addresses rough cost estimates and a timing estimate for.,MWMC Wastewater Tr.eatment and Collection System Improvements. The rough cost estimates in Table 16aare based on costs set forth in the MWMC 2004 Facilities Plan,and Project list. 'This 200.4 Plan was the result of an exhaustive study that examined alternatives 'ranging from $144M to $233M(See Attachment 3). The preferred alternative, found in Table l6a, was selected because, among other reasons, it provides the least expensive means to comply with federal requirements and maximizes. MWMC's existing investments. " ,OAR 660-0 I 1-0045(3) provides that modifications to projects listed within a public facility plan may be made without amendment to the public facility plan. This application proposes to add a new chapter to the PFSP regarding amendments to that plan. Proposed Chapter VI incorporates the standards for amending a public facility plan allowed by OAR 660-0ll-0045(3) and adopts an amendment process.' . Goal 12 - Transportation This goal is not applicable to the proposed amendments. Goal 13 - Energy Conservation , " This goal is not applicable to the proposed amendments. ~~~~~vt ':.t'ilQi- ~GoaH4?- Urbanization - To provide for an orderly and efficient Ira~a' ita--OeceivAd- , " '" ,..JI...4fr':riiftbl ib urban land use..., ' 't:I loTI " ':' " 1-" ,. :. : 'I: .. JUL 05 I O~ Planne " f!5J ";,.-".; ',,' .: ';, t <,y~<ir t .:~ Staff Report and Findings Page 7 , , " Exhibit I -8- This goal is not applicable to the proposed amendments, as they do not affect the existing urban growth boundary. Goal 15 - WiUamette River Greenway This goal is not applicable to the proposed amendments. Goal 16 Estuarine Resources, Goal 17 Coastal Sborelands, Goal 18 Beaches and Dunes, and Goal 19 Ocean Resources These goals do not apply to the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area. (b) Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan internally inconsisten~ ' The proposed changes to the Metro Plan are essentially of a "housekeeping" nature. They essentially recognize the role of wastewater service provision within the urban growth boundary by the addition or modification of applicable findings and add or modify policy language to clarify the relationship between the Metro Plan and thePFSP in regard to capital improvement plans and the commitment to comply with regulatory requirements. The proposed changes, as presented, Will not create internal inconsistencies within the Metro Plan. The proposed changes also amend the PFSP to more accurately reflect MWMC's planned improvement projects for its wastewater treatment system and primary collection system, to provide rough cost and timing estimates for those improvements, update narrative information regarding necessary improvements to the wastewater treatment system and primary collection system, and more clearly implement the plan modification standards contained in OAR 660-0ll-D045(3). The proposed changes to the PFSP do not create any inconsiStencies within the PFSP nor do they create any inconsistencies between the PFSP and the Metro , 'Plan. n.: '-...'1 .....:.;:i.j..'.:-.. (\':'I;~-tr. ,-4k ! ,,"<, \'\1' , /", .... ,,' " . ~. Date Received JUL 0 5 l6'f Planner: BJ ':. '~U~:-<:. ,",; .-""',' ,I ", ~f....'" I.(.~, .11' p t:' ~I;~:';T "_ II' .,'. '. Staff Report and Fin,dings Page 8