HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 3/4/2008 I . , , r ' AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON } } ss. County of Lane } I, Brenda Jones, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Secretary for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Secretary, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of DLCD Notice of Proposed Amendment; LRP2008- 00007; Updates of the PFSP for Public Works; Mott (See attachment "A") on March 4, 2008 addressed to (see Attachment "B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U,S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon, Brenda Jones Planning Secretary STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane C1n IM~ 4 , 2008 Personally appeared the above named Brenda Jones, Secretary, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: r--~----OF~ClA~;;L-----~ , ..-, SANDRA MARX I . \. ,/ NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON j j , COMMISSION NO, 385725 j j MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV, 12, 2008 . '-::--=-~~~-:- = ::-~.'------- ~ 'onMlt , /, My Commission Expires: ~ceived , MAR 0 4 I o~ Planner: BJ , in p~;s~n 'tj ~lectr~n;~D~~ii~d[:r 5 1 DLCD ,Notice of Proposed Ainendment THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY DLCD AT LEAST 45 DAYS PRIOR TO THE FIRST EVIDENTIARY HEARING , PER ORS 197,610, OAR CHAPTER 660, DIVISION 18 f ~', .. t?~,_?~~g,.'!.~:_l?I.~Y_.._~_,_.__..___~_.. Jurisdiction: City of Springfield Local file number: LRP2008-00007 Date First Evidentiary hearing: 5/6/2008 , Date of Final Hearing: 6/26/2008 Is this a revision to a previously submitted proposal? DYes '~No Date submitted: ~ Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment ' ~ Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment D Land Use Regulation Amendment D Zoning Map Amendment D New Land Use Regulation D Other: - - , Briefly Summarize Proposal. Do' not use technical terms, ,Do not write "See, Attached" (limit of 500 characters):, . '. , The City's Public Works Department has updated the-wastewater master pIau, including projects that must be included in the City's Public Facilities and Services Plan CPFS.\?) project list and project maps. The PFSP is II functional-plan element of the City'sacknowleged comprehensive phm. All of the projects will be located in public right of way and will not require plan designldion amendments or zone, changes. Has sufficient information been included to advise DLCD of the effect of proposal? Select one , , . Plan map changed from: To: Zone map changed from: To: Location of property (do not use Tax Lot): Previous density: New density: Acres involved: Applicable statewide planning goals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 '1011, 12 13, 1415 16 17' 18 '19 DDDDDD'DDDD~DODDDDOD , Is an exception to a statewide planning goal pr6posed?D YES ~ NO GO~ls:' Affected state orf~deral agencies, local Q.overnmerits or special districts (It is jurisdiction's responsibility to notify these agencies. DLeD only reports this information,): DEQ Local Contact: Gregory Mott', ' Address: 225 Fifth Street , l!'<C1ty:;s'p~ii1gfiiIil::; Zip: 97477- Phone:,(541) 'Z26~3774 Fax Number: 5,41-726-3689 E-mail Address: Extension: 3774 '0. . " rl.,li'\," gmott~ate~ived MAR 0 4 , elf , ,DLCD file No. ~:d:'~~.. ;'t.:;i";;>j;,.,~:~i~~:...: Planner: BJ SUnMITTAL REQUIREME~S This form must be received bv DLCD at least 45'davs Driorto the first evidcntiarv hearin~ per ORS 197.610 and OAR Chapter 660, Division 18 ' 1. This form must be submitted by local jUrisdictions only (not by an applicant), 2. When submitting, please print this form on light green paper, ," 3. Send this Form and TWO COPIES of the proposed amendment to: ATTENTION: PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST DEPARTMENT OF LAND CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT' 635 CAPITOL STREET ~, SUITE 150 , SALEM, OREGON 97301-2540 4. Electronic Sub~itta1s: At lea~t one hard copy must be simt by mail or ~ person; but you may also submit an electronic copy, by either email or FTP., You may connect ,to this address to FTP proposals and adoptions: webservedcd;state.or.us. To obtain our Username and password for FTP, call Mara Ulloa at 503-373-0050 extension 238, or by emailing mara.ulloa@state.or.lis~ , ' . , . 5. tJnless exempt by ORS,l97 .61 0(2), proposed amendments must be received at the DLCD's Salem office at least 45 days before the first evidentiary heirring on the proposal. (The clock begins 'on the'day DLCD receives your proposal.) The first evidentiary hearing is usually the first public hearingheJd by the jurisdiction's planning commission on the proposal. . . - , 6, Submittal 'of a proposed amendment to the text of a comprehensive plan or land use' regulation; must include the text of the amendment and anv other information the locallloveinment believes is necessarv to advise DLCD of the effect of the oroDosal. "Text" means the specific language being added to or deleted fromthe acknowledged plan or)and use regulations. A general description of the proposal is not adequate. ' 7. Submittal of aproposed map amendment must also include a map of the affected area showing existing and proposed plan and zone designations. The map should be legible and 'on 8Y:, x 11 inch paper. Please provide the specific location of property, such its an address and/or tax lot number. Include textreeardinll backlITound !Uld/or the iustifIcation for the chanlle, such as the application accepted by the local government. ' 8. Submittal of proposed amendments that involve a goal exception must include the proposed language of the exception. 9. Do not'submit this form without supporting documentation. 10. Need More Copies? You can ~ow access these forms online athttp://www.lcd.state.or;lisi. Please , print on 8"lilxllllrecn paper onlv, You may aiso call the PLCD, Office at (503) 373-0050; or Fax your request to: (503) 378-5518; or En;{ail your request tomara.ulloa@state.or.us - ATTENTION: PLAN A,MENDMENT SPECIALIST. .' .:"" Date Received "'iC'. 11.-;)......' \',1'& ""~i: -', ;'~'~J~ ;';;'-'_lI.l~.!N-l; ..:;J.\~"~.\ . ',~ /\ Fb' ",' hlip:/ /wwW..lcd.state.or.us/LCD/fonns.shtml MAR 04, ol{ Updated November 27, 2006 Planner: ~J tj ,,' ~ t'~"-::: . ,.;:,. '.0\,/ ,..., ...... '.t~ .If:''''~* '1 ~ '. ~"",!{ "1 '1 :",7 ..... "": j' . , W'CH2MHILL -.~~ CH2M HILL 2020 SW Fourth A venue Third Floor Portland, Oregon 97201 Tel 503.235.5000 ' Fax 503.736.2000 Wastewater Master Plan Prepared for City of Springfield, Oregon 1'00 FedEx. USAirbill Express T'::k1~ 8 6,31 ~umb.r 0757 9608 Fromf1c".primJltldpnl"'_ Date March 4. Sender's FedEx Account Number 1054--6085--6 2008 Sender's Name Gre2: Mott Pho" ( 541 I 726-3774 ComoanvCT':'f"Y DF SPRINGFLD/DEV E:~VCS = ~ ~ ~ M m 7 cO o '" Address e!25 1'-.1 ;;)TH ST OeplJRoorlSuttolRoon; Citvf;PR I NGF I ELD State 01={, ZIP 97477-'.(l671 'X W TI W ~ o '" cO o = 2 Your Internal Billing Reference Rr>:Z4 d,.raClenlMll.pp...rOll """"ce. " '1,::'i;O~f':.l 3 To ~~~ent'sPlan Amendment Specialist 'Pho,,(503 I 373~0050 E o u x CD '0 CD ~ Comoanv Denartment of Land 'Conservation & Development ~~dt~:~t'S635 Ca.T?itol Street NE. W...nnold.rc""LaP.O,boxo.o,EO.ZIPcodes. 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