HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 6/9/2004 (2) " '..; :~ .. . <1. " L ..... .<~~~~~~~,:~~{'~~tJ~i~~~: ~llll.~~ /;.~;t:COMMISSIONERS~~~:::; ., :[)~scrlpt!~n,..:,., ~!~\, ):.J~_e, /NOTICE;,.)S:::HE~.EBY,'. ,Request,',',"";';;.:,'7",:",." "~ie,'; -;_G~IY~N:'~thali?l! :;.Tue~~y,,> '~_;l~,e.'.;~I~~.t.'.l~,"Rro.POlt_~. :,;June'2272004,:at.7:00~.m;, sing' ,to',;mo(llij:d~,~..."m~.~~~ :li",:ulE(" Libr8ry:;:~Meeiln'g! ;';Metfo~P-lan:;to:'mote_~ac~~~ '~R?6rli\g!:':'.SPiingfl.~,ld::,:qtx~ :~ra.t~ly~::desc~be;_irt~~:~le:9f:: :Hall,:'~~225,_/:FI~ht',lStrElel,,; .::theMW~C; t?]~~1~9~;1e:.ca!- --_SPfrrigfif;ildi';.:;:;'!9.f,',':~:i:'s.tt!~,; ;\~plt~rl~'plpJelJ!~.t1J~pI~.( ;'.Sprlngfiel~ ::.and .';I:,I.~.9~!l~} }as:::a:mea~;;!O:lmprEl~E!~t~ '~g~:~~F~~t~~@~~;rq!.f /~~~~~1~~o:~.'t~~;;:,:~g.;. '.Commis_sion,ers!'iwi1l :':c;of!~,~ /M:<ips\lden~fylng.\MWP\1q~ 7~",Ct:"ii' rOiri.(-P.u~Mt~~_~,~ng;, .:',':praieCtsi".';'~~d,'[-t faC(lltle_s;:- :'ari;!!',~.f6!1.l?~~g ~~~s_:.:,: expan~' the ~~f!nJtI?n af :.';Amendments~~':~to~;;-~e": Wastewater;,. ~evlse ~ E!l','g',~:~~e:.:.~'p,'i(~'_'gfl,~ I ~;' de~rip_ti~n. ,a!, ,~ast~water ,~;Metropoli~~'~rea'~ G~~em.!' -::,Sy~t~.rn ~:/: ~:;.:~'-;::;<:i.c;~ndl~J~I1: " Plan,.: Chapter;i III, ; ~ ~ecti,on! /As:se.ss""e~ ,:_al'l~-' ~~d.f~g ",~,: G:"Public, 'Facilities" and, ~',i18w~chapter/,that':gove~; 'Servlces"': Elem~nt;~:;.and_ ' 3amerid-mentS))'th9i~-FSP:'. , yhapter y Glo~ary: \\;-:~ ,;~ ;~(See~t~~.~ltlori_~I.,:.:,.d~~c.i'ip~;: '- ,~o:(;Utxlng ~he ln~f?du.ct~ry: ':: tfons:8bov9'for:pagei:tabJe :text" page$,.III~.~' ~~~',III.,;; i:an~.~'a-p'_~4mb_erS.b;'U~::.:;~_:'" '(i-2; ~ f!lOdlfying: P,9~!C?Y- '"G,~i ~',;:. Crtfe'r1;i'of 'AoofO'ial ::.:~: ~':<:.'; '.:'at pag~::.II!~~;;moolfy!lJ9; !:S_Crtteria_to ~'Usel:l,tO~ev~1 i Finding."; 6,,~pag~.:illl~,~;~ tuS:t,e,ra'{Meti'6'~-Flill':~Te)(t _~':rn~d'fYjrig:j,:poncY":;_(3:3/,~,~: ;:Ame'fidment',':ls':':f(juili:l,:,'fn" ~'pa!f~ ~Ii !~2k. il.1sei!t~g~ neW':i ~ Sp'ririgfil31~ !~,; Rev'~lo~pment: "headirig:1-1S,~rvlces-<-,tc?',: ',Code ,;.;:; ",:!,j;:'~:-(____~:Sect/on~ ',: _D~y~!op~e~t: V'IlftlJ~~~t!ie": ~h .030'(3)(8&6 };'~;~~:~ Eugene' :-_.U.rb!ln;~'~I'?~,;;~~ur:1d~i.; l~,Coae'>_::':":I~\':,:t-:.;/_SecUon -.;'!211~~lrig::>;)~911.CY~:2~..a,,~;.~t, 19.12a(3)(a&b};:~ amf:, La~_e' ~: page ,'.~ 1I1~G~~; :;..a~ding:~n~ ,! :," COde~':',' '~_:'.~ .:'\': ~,~;; ,:~: S~tl_on: :: R!1dhigS::11~,~d ~j 2;~a~er~! ,.;: 12.225(2)(a&b};: and :reads -:,PolicY;(3:~~at page;III':G.5;~ ':as fOlI6ws:;i;!:':~'::t;::~ti :'':~ "-~;ai:fdlng'!,new.XP.ol!cy?G.a;___~v ~:,. 'The":_cim~iidment- must'."t:ig, ?psge:: IlI~G~;::s'~~~~~~[I!t ,: rons/ste'nt 'Wittitl:ierel~vMt ::~nu~~~~~g'pf', ~e~~i~!ng~ ~:stB:tewlde :;pla~ning:',g9als~ ;: poUcle,s :,:~ and~l-, nr:1_~,lng~_t i~ t ' ;: ai::lopte_d ,F' by ,.:" ttie'~ ;". ~and, ;_.c~apt_err~\~!!I~G;n~~~jfyq ;:Conserva~on::,;;;'/5_X,~' ;and, : c;hapter:o:V<<3'o~S:8ry;\'_~y.: ~[)ev~lopmeiifCOrriffijsslon;: mOdifying' i the,: deflnitl~n;:_!,~' ~ ,aiid'",';:,~i 'i,.; :;:t:t,:::,::;,:.~~/ t, ::<:!.' :. P~.bl!c;Facf.'W~s~ProJ~!S .~!:' ~)"~'~d,op~(;n,';'~(,{fr.i,~~,::1rry~nd< page ';:V-,4: ;.',)Wa~~~atef.:; ';'mern ;,must ",not..ma_ke: ,tt:le. 9.h~ptei. Y',9~ry:{?Jfor :MetiO'P1an. intem.SJlYln~~ " ~~ct:j'~~lIage:;?>.ntai!led.; ~slsferit)::r-2.;::~5:~!;;::;{~~:; 'j~.~: :In':,ml~: Pro.P:'?~;S!3!J)~~~h W,~'~qrlffi.n:~Al'lnfri~tlrir'_:';:, :::' tfon~.'lnfcJ,!'fT1ati~~:,.!nC!u~Eid- '1-;::.Shiff,~:Report;',:;Provld[ng ';:~:~~~h,~~~),};\~'~~(j~.~1 :i~~~~4fJ~f~1.:;~r~~'_ Eugene-Spnngfleld_,Publfc. ';.~n.~iS_ri1~~r ~ay?o.~ ll"!.' Facilities and ~lVices Plan "~,rson"'ln'_!iritlng',:ar.;both (PFSP)::' :~~'_: :'\.~\'J-~1.J,-'. ;:"~'~':, ~'by appeart~g 'atth~. he.'anri"g :~. MOd,Jf)i), text....;: prElcedlng: 1~t;_'s~md_!ilg,',\i,irittenXcOrTe-::_ :~x)stlng'1"a,ble ~ ~q~age 2~;;:sp'ondenCe;:7,~,in~fiJd}ri9\.{e~" irl5f!rt:,!1ew-:'Ta,I;l,I~",4a ,'8J1!:I; ~m8lI~~tO::-the~;OevelOpnieiit ~. at, page .2a:.'Fc~}'!1,~P,: 'iS~~~il:,:Dep'art,jle~~,\' Clo: ',2 ~~_~,' pagC! '" 35, ).n~_e:rt. "new: ~Greg;i;';<~ott,,,{,~\<,p;~anf'!,ln~_: '_:~ap :',_?;~:/}lfter:,:,pa~~. ;t.35;, ~'Man.ag~r.'::~5':F:1:fth-.Sti~f)t;" ; m~dlfy,':':'.',~R~.~.~t,~r..:,_:"_I.v,,. ?Spnngfletd.: OR-",9~47?; ~or, -,:WasteY!li~er:l'):;~-:X.i'~y.st~!!','_ ,; -mallto:gmottOcLspring- :_'~,rl.dltlo!1,;,~~~SSrTle~t.:-c~.r; ~ffeld,cir.Us.:;,:';'},:::3?i )\;;./: .: page ,a2;,,~~,l~. t9:~.l~o,n,g~; ~}.Jhe,:,application::;_siJPpor:t7; ,Jerm~:,~erv!c~:,~".all:ab.lhty:: \~lng:;dOcument~f. 's'ub'mitted: .: yvi~h,l~ ':~,UrbarllZci.bJe;: .i\reas,' 'by' the'- applicant.. ana:- the ' ;..at"page:.~?;:?d.d]able;!~sa~ : staffriOtes WIll'be available: ::fOJfOwl~g:,~?Cisting- T~~~., '~-~":Jci'r, vieWing'or;purchase'. bY: 'at'~,page'- :1C!~;:.,a~,d;'.n~V': . 3:00:p.m:;.'on Frid,ay,<Jlirie; Chapter IV. ~~,~dry1en~ t?' :; t1,:'20l}4;:iri~tti6: Sptin9ffeld,~ ,the'f1J81l:!Thts ne~.chapter: ~.Dev'eJopri'ie'rit':';-;';Seivices;: . !~Iude.s ,'. d~S~r1p~lon~;,,~.~. :': Oepar1mElnt'i <,?.':~:\;,.':~:~':'''':;, ~odlflcatlon~..to' eXI~tl~g,.: ::, Thfioilit'electea:6.fficlals' "ld,entlffed proJects'~wh!~h ;wfll conduct a Worn session' ,fe.qulra. or '~o'.not. reqUIre,: ":dJscussjon':'cif',;,tti~~~:" pro~ am.end~~n~\_to the,,,f'ubl_Ic, :,posed.ainendmimts'at 5:30. ,Fa~!lltles: '.,an.~ ,:.~ervl.~l!ls" ~p:m:'in'the:Ubra;Y,Meetlng' , ~!~:.,~(~~r<exa~_I~r]gu~ge,c:: Room:tIie-same evening as: ~ap~..~~,t~l~s,.l?O!,,~~n~,~ :;.t!}~ip~_~II~.~tiEi~_r1~g:~,,,:~':l]1e: ,,In:,thIS Prop9~.,sae,.~dd.I", .~wor~:',sasslon; meetlng'flst . ti~n_al, Inforn:'~tion. lnclud~~. ,~'open:to the, publlc,'"but:no'A ~lth this ,!O_tl~);,.,',: ,~.:,::, ~pli~1.19::~le~tl.m.ony\w.l!!;;ti~.} ',_a~ptlld/.unlll;, .the ':'Pll~llc.:i ::.heari_ng begins at 7:00 p.rn:_', ':1: 9,;')'J.'.';."'i,(>/i(1160li Affidavit of Publication State of Oregon, County ofLane-ss I Be]inda DuBe]j being duly sworn, depose , And say that I am the legal clerk of the Springfield News a newspaper of general circulation, as defined by ORS 193,010 and 193.020; printed and published at Springfield in the aforesaid county and state, . that the legal publication re: Notice of Joint Public Hearing in Springfield and Eugene City Councils and the Lane Co. Board of Commissioners. A printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was Published in the entire issue of said newspaper one successive and consecutive weeks in the following issues:. . June 09, 2004. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS bY:~~'l:1u~Li Subscribed and sworn to me this lIth day ofJune, 2004 by: Belinda DuBell /--j . Cr~.Mtr /. ..Y?;L,~ . fNotaryPublii:fo~gon ___ ---i~'--.-'~'-- -:~-~-.-. - - . . - OFFICIAL SEAl. i ~ ROSEMARY E UUA '.11>;" j NOTARYpUBUC,OAEGON I R~,"../ COMMISSION f:I1l~ D. ~ . d i ~~. ~'LC~~:I~E/P!R~CeIVe JUN 09 I cx.f Planner: BJ J~L-07-2004 16:45 SPRINGFIELD NEWS -" Nonce O~ JOINT . PUBUC HEARING.&' SPRINGFIELD, EUGENE AND LANE COUNTY" PLANNING ' . COMMISSIONS:. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhal on Tl,le8day, Apol 20, 200', al 7:00 p.rn. In the L.ibrary M9Cllio\) ,Room of Springfield Clly ~laU, 225 Rflh Strecl, SpringllelC1, OR, the Pj~nnlng Commissions ' . or Sprlngtield, Eugene and Lane Counry will cooduat a joinl. public Maring ',on thl;t 'ollowing proposals: . "mendmants 10 .the" e ugene-SprlngfiEd.d MeU'opolilan Area GenQ-r<l1 . Plan, ChaplElr III, Section G. Public f:aeitit~ and Services Element and Ch8Dler V ' Glossarv: Modifying Ihe Introductory tWel, pBgeB 11I.G'1 and 111. . G.2; modifying Poficy 'G:2 81 page IJI-G-4; modilylng Find~ 6, page III'<H; modifYing 'Policy", G.3 al., ~ge 111-6-4; "Inserting naw headIng -Services 10 'Covelopmenl' Whhln..IM Urban Growth BouMSry- fOIlQwing" Policy :~.e al. pa~. III,G,S: adding new. FindIngs 11 and '2 ar~er Ptllicy G.B at pagCl IIl-G-S;' :adding new Polity- G.~ at 'page:III-G-6: subsequer:n renumbering or ramaining polidEl5 and f1ndings~ In Chapter III,G;. Modlly , Chaplw V qlossa'Y, by . rnedifying Ihe delinilklO of PubUc Faclllllas' Projeots . al. .' page. ! V,-:4: Wastewaler Chapter V Glossary. .. ... . Al'1'lendmenls to lhe. 'Eugene-SprIngfield Public', Fadlllle$" and' Se/'Vlceu" Plan (PFSP); 'ModifYla,'" preceding Q~ TablG 3: 81 page 28; IFlsorl: new.' ! :Tables 48 and 4;b al PtJ!ile' '.28; modlly Map 2 at page . 3S;..lnsert new M3D"2a. Silter . page:' 35: ~ modify . Ch~Plcr IV, W'~Hewaler_ I'" '--. -... .'. . .. :"'J';' ~--: ' . ,Sys.tem ,. :,. . . ~o~dlilQ" Assessment al' page 82; modilY'\'te~f' Long~uirm" . Serviee' Availabauy Within I' 'Urbar1i~atsI9..:'Ar03$'.' or . page 1:17;:'add T~"'l6a!' .folloWing exholing'Table 16':. 'at 'page"1D1;add .l'Iew" ChaptlH"IV.: Amendrnenl3 ' It) lha :"Plan.: ,'This. new :' ,chapler ir1cludeB .desCrip.- lions or :modiflCdllons:'lo' ezlslh1g;"ldentllled 'P~()oo:; lads whIch teQulre,;or do : nol require, amendmenf 10 1M PUblic Fe.clltlios. (\F1d Servl~s Pia". :. ' ~', Applicant ." ....."'.": . The ' '. MalropoUlan" Wut9w8rer'MElr1$!'Jement.. Cammi&$ion '(M~MC),' under the al.l$pieea of ,ll1e , CUy of Springfield (lnilistor . 01 the amBnd'mcnt). ., '. Oescriplion of the, Requesl . ": .. . The applicanl is propos- ing 10 modlly lew' in lhe Metro Plan to more accu- ralely dascriba lhe role 01 lhe MWMC; 10 Include kx:aI capital improvemenl plans 'as 3 means to implement policy in the PFSP: add il'lforms!ic:ln to Tables arid Map::; idsnllly- ing MWMC prolGelS and 'fadlllies: G~pancllhe defi- nition 01 WSSlewater; revise dascriplion 01 Waslewator Syslem Condilion Assessmenl; ; and adding a new d1aptar lhat governs amonclmonls IQ lhe PFS~. (SEla addi- donal dosc:ripUons. above lor page, Iable end map numbers.) Criteria 01 Appro~ar Crlleria 10 be used 10 ~valuale . a Mouo Plan Text Amendmonl is lound In . Springfield Development Code, Sec:iion 7.03D(3)(a&b). Eugene Coda Section 9.128(3)(.&b), and Lan. 'Code Secllon 12,225(2)(a&b) and reads as follows: (.a) The a~endm~n( must b9 COnsistonl With tha relevant slaleWide planning goals adopted by 1M land Conservation .aFld ' Developmen! Commission: .and (b) 'Adoption 0' '11'10 amel'llUnGnt musl not make ''''e M9Ito Plan Inler~ nally Inconsistenl. Additional Inlol1T1allon '" 'Sian Repon. Providing Testimony, . Anyone wiShing to IOSII'y on this matter may do so in pe(son. in writing, or boll1 by appearing al lhe hoaring or aendlng wrlllcn, eorrespondenca.lncluding a,-mail;. - to the Development . Services Department; c/o Greg Motl.. Planning Manager, 225 Rfth SUCCI, SpringfiEtkl, OR 97477. Or gmob@d.springlield.ot.u, The applicalion. auppor1- Ing documents sl.lbmlllcd by the applicant and tha stafl nola:;; will be avail- able. for viewing or pur- chase by 3:00 p.m.. on FridaY. April 2, 2004 in the Sp"ngfi~d DavelQPmenl Servicos Depar1menf. The Joinl planning corn- rnl$Slons, .wiU..oo.ndUGL,Q work : GQSa:ion dl&w&S!on ol.these r;u'Clposed IImand". menls .~! 5:30 p.m. in IhEt ljbrary Meeting ROOm the " same evening as tho ~ .lie healitlo.:The work ses- a10h .m(l:cling is open 10 thl;t publie, bul no opponu. nilY (er pUblic lesUmony . wlIi bel pl'Ollidad. '.. m.31 . (960) 1 541 746 0633 P.02 Date Received JUNO 9,04- Planner: BJ TOTAL P.02 '. j~ lR?;1J;O"O I ' I o-u 0 ')-M GUARD PUBLISHiNG COMPANY P,O, BOX 10188 PHONE (541) 48:;-1234 . EUGENE. OREGON 97440 ' " Legal Notice Advertising CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ATTN:BRENDA 225 5TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477' # AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE, } ,ss, I, Kelly Gant , ' being first duly affirmed, depose and say that I am the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register:Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; .thatthe Notice of Public Meeting/Hearing, printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for one successive and consecutive day(s) in the following issues: March 31, 2004 "/ 1 /t(' /'\/ .- J"'V ' !: , " 1\ I' < \ .' I ;: Vt::1) \-j ~I Subscribed and a -. m\e~befo~e ,~ej~j1fr-J004 . :d7//~ ,.. .f'~#~ / - t:~~'PUbliC of Oregon My commission expires: July 24', 2006 ' Leg~r 2714156 NotIce " I' NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC Descr!pth:in of the Request.' HEARING _ SPRINGAElD, The applicanfls proposing to EUGENE AND lANE COUNTY ,m~ify text In the Metro Plan to PLANNING COMMISSIONS ,more accurately deSl:rlbe the role NonCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that of ~he MWMC; to include local on Tuesday Apnl 20 2004 at capItal Improvement pl!W as a. 7:00 p.rn. ln'the Ubrafy M~ting means to Implement policy In the Room of Springfield City Hall. 225 PFSP; add l'lformatlon to Tables Fifth Street, Sprin?field, OR. the an~ Maps lde!l.tl.fylng MWMC Planning CommiSSIOns of Spring- proJe~tsandfacllltles;expandt,be field. Eugene and lane county definl.l1on of Wastewater; revise will cnnduct a Joint pub6c hearing descl'lptlll'!s.of WasteYfater 5ys- ; on the following proposals: . tern COndition Assessment; and . Amendments to the Eugene- adding II new chapter that gov- Springfield Metropolitan Area ems amendl!lents to thri PfSP~ . General Plan, Chapter Ill. Section (See additIOnal desc...PtlOn G.Pubnc Facilities and Services above for page, table., "d map Element and Chapter V Glossary: num~ers.)' . Modifying the Introductory text, 1 Ct!teria of App~oval Fn:,es 111..0.1 and 1lI..o.2' modify- ~ Cnteria.to be used t9 evalua~e . . .:a Metro Plan Text Amendment IS n9 .Po.hey G,~ at page IJI-G-4:.. found in Springfield Development mod!fy!ng Fin~mg 6. page IIl-G-4" Code Section 7 ,030(3)(a&b). m~lfYmg?oilcYG.3atpage III-~Eugene Code Section G.-4. mserting new headl;tg. "Ser-Ig 128(3)(a&b), and lane' Code VIces to Development Within the I S~ctlon 12.225(2)(a&b) and read:s Urban Growth Boundary" follow-, f [lows' , -. '. ing . Policy G.8 ~t page III.G-5;' as (~) The amendment must, be adding n~w findings 11 and l~ consistent with the relevant afterPohcyG.8atpagell1-Q-5, statewide planning goals adopted ad~ng new Policy G.9 at page III- b the land Conservation and G-6. ~~bsequen,t renumbe~ng ~f D~ve[opment Commission; and remammg poliCies ~ findmgs In (b) Adoption of the amendment Chapter Ill.G; M~d~fy Chapter V must not make the Metro plan ~lossary.bymodif~I!I~thedefinl- internally Inconsistent. tion of Public FaCIlities Projects AdditlonaFlnformation - Staff at page V....: "Wastewater- Chap-- Report. Providing Testimony ter V Glossary. i Anyone wishing to testify on A,mendments .to the. ~ugene-: this matter may do so in person,: Springfield Pubhc Facllltl~s and in writing, or both by appearing I Servfce,s Plan(P~5P):Modlfytextl at the hearing or sending written preceding' existing Table 3 atl correspondence. including e-mail, page 28: Insert new 1ables 4a and I'to the Development' Services 4b at pllQe 28; modify Map 2 at Department, c/o Greg Mott. page 35; Insert ~ew Map 2a after I Planning Manager, 225 Fifth page 35; modIfy Chapter ,IV, : Street, Sprln~field, OR 974TI, or Wastewater System condltl!,nj gmott~cl.spnngfleld.or,us Asse;sment at page 82; ",!OdlfY i The application, supporting !ext long-term~rvIceAvallabll-i documents submitted' by.,the lty Within Urbanlzable Areas. at' ,applicant and the staff notes will pa.ge.97; add TaDle lGa follOWing be available for viewing or put- eXisting Table 16 at page 101; add chase by 3:00 p.rn.. on Friday; new Chapter II{. Amendments to April 2. 2004 in the Springfield' ~he Plan. T~ls. new chapter Development .Servlces I~cludes descnpt!of15 of modlfr.ca- Department. ho~s to ~xlstlng! Identified The joint planning commissions Prol~cts which require. or do n~t will conduct a work session dls- req~!re. amendme~t to the Public cussion of these proposed Faclhti~s and Setvlces Plan. amendments at 5:30 p.m. in the Apphcant . Ubrary Meeting Room the same The Me~opohtan. W~tewater evening as the public hearing. Management CommiSSIOn (MW- The work $i'!ssion meeting is open ~;t~t)?n~:+~);.~,tu;.P!f!J.~!lf~!he to.the public,-but no opp~unity 'Cit\'GiSprl!'.g:field'(lJli~li1nr,\.t't:.-for 'publlc testimony Will be "-m-(~ndment), prOVided. Date Raemvea2004. JUN 0 9/)1 Planner: BJ -- _.--~~-.:;;:~'~_. ~ ,-' OF':ICIALSEAL ~. ,(J;,,,,<,, CARel\.. ~ JOHNSON I '.,ir, ',. NOTARY PU9UC-OR\;O,':N . ~ 1,- -~.tif: C~""l';:C:\ON NO. 359.:;9 c. ~ . --......-.. ,..H'll "I..... I 'LY 2.i -"CC", I ,l M'f COMMISSION 2X?IR5.S,! ~..~-- ~::::=='=>~........,._._- Account #: INVOICE Case: Amt Due: 110787. 2714156 Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan and PFSP $260,69 ,.,# 8't./(p , ~~oo I.,. (()~ A~.J-Ci) ~i'11qq- Leg.al 2750475 Notice : . GUARD PUBLISHING COMPANY P.O. BOX 10188 PHONE (541) 485-1234 EUGENE, OREGON 97440 Legal Notice Advertising CITY OF SPRINGFIELD KAREN 225 N 5TH SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 # . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE. } ss. I, Kelly Gant , being first duly affirmed, depose and say that I am the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as defined in.ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Joint Public Hearing printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for one successive and consecutive day(s) in the following issues: June 9,2004 J !6") 8, 2004 ~MI1J1t1 ~ry Public of Oregon My commission expires: July 24, 2006 NonCE OF JOINT PUBUC HEARING - SPRINGFIELD AND EUGENE CITY COUNCILS AND' T.HE LANE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that - on Tuesday,lune 22,2tl04,at 7:00 p.m.l~theLJbraryMeetin!lAoom otSpnngfieJd City Hall 225 Fifth Street,-' Springfield 'OR the Sprln~fJeld and Eu'gene' Cfty CtIunals and ;he. lane County Board ~t. CommISSIoners willCtln- d,uctaJomthearlngonthefOlJow_ ngproposa!s: ' Afllendments to the Eugene- Springfield Metropolitan Area GeneraJ Plan., Chapter 11/ Secti G. Public Facilities and 'servi~ . Element and Chapter V Glossary' ModifyJng the Introductory ten; frayes I{Hi-! and III-G-2; modify- ng Polley G.2 at page 1II-G-4' mod~ng Finding 6. page 1II-G-4: modl!ylng ,Poflcy G.3 at page III: G-4;lnsertingnewheading':'Ser_ vfces to Development Within the rrban ~rowth Boundary" fol/ow- mg Policy G.B at page 1II-G-5' adding n~w Findings 11" and Ii after Pohey G.S at page III-G-S' adding new Polley G.9 at page III: G-6; s~bSequen,t renumbering of remaining poliCies and findings In Chapter.lII-G; Modify Chapter V Glossary,b)'modifyin~thedellni. ' tlon of Public FacilitIes Projects at page V-4: ~Wastewater" Chap- ter V Glossary. (FQr exact lan- guage contained in this proposal see addJ.tion~1 Information Included wfth thIS notice) . ~mendments of the-Eu ene-' Springfield Public Facilitie; and Servlce.sPlan (PFSP):Modlfytext precedln~ existing Table l at page 28; insert new Tables 4a and - "b at page 28; modify Map 2 at pagel5; Insert new Map 2a atter/ page 35; 'modffy Chapter IV Wastewater System Condition I Assessment at page 82' modIfy I ~ext "lon9":term Servlce Availabif. It)' Within Utbanizable Areasat[ pa e 97; add Table 16a following e:?stlng Table 16at page 101;add. new Chapter IV. Amendments tc I the Plan. This new chapter If.1dudes descriptions of modifjca- : tlons to ~xlstlng. Identified proJ~whlchrequire,ordonot req~!r~. amendment to the Public FaCIlities and Services Plan. (For exact.langu,age. maps and tables amtained ~n this proposal see a~dltIo~ I~formation included Wlth thIS notice.) , . . ~pJjcant e Metropofftan WaStewater: Management Commisslorl (MW-' M9. The Springfield City Council IllltJated these amendments Febru~ry,l?2004. on No. 2750475-June 9. 2004 ~~:= '-"1 , :~BJ l~~'; I \"1;~0 NOTARYPU8L1C-ORcGON' ; - 'J:lW COMMISSION NO. 359759 Y '. _ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 24 2006~ ~-:- ~~-~~~'~-~'-::'~-'-=-"~"-=-.~''"::'s..: Account #: INVOICE Case:. Amt Due: 11p787 2750475 Springfield & Eugene City Council & Lane Co, - June 22, 2004 $278.60 JUL-07-2004 ::;:,~::.. "',' ~;~i(" , ;"!?\:' ~'?[.;.. .' ~~~tr~; " :~f~?;.. ....if.... .,.,...... ,~r. .':.:~.:.... ~,:~~{ '.' ., I: ~:_:i. . I ..~.. ",' .j.~\:... .~~<r .~~.:~~\:.. ~ j:.I;.~" ' ~<:,.: .'.... it ';:,~.,' : .' ';~:~~W:, " ...\'~/(; ~.~(~~.::.;':;. ~:l:" ~:.;;, .' . :J@?:.,~::..:. Ntl}: tj.i\~:" .:,::;},.. ii!J1ik ,,]? . ..~',', ;'-','\>, .' ,"', :;}J. '. ..',,~' ,'\F. ~Iic f 10:32 SPRINGFIELD NEWS I "UI:IU~: Nt.n"INli . .~~ ~FlE1D ANP ":.': ~;:;}.;: ~:~,,~'<'.ELiGENE':,:;~:':, .::;:',' ~l;;l~t:I:T.;~u...CIpJ:"'~J,: . 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