HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting Miscellaneous 6/22/2004
Public Hearing on Ordinance to Amend Chapter III, Section G,
Public Utilities and Services Element, and Chapter IV Glossary of the Metro Pl\lIl,
and amend the Public Facilities and Services Plan. .
(Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission, file MA 04-01). /
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Meeting Date: June 22, 2004
Department: Planning and Development
Agenda Iten;t Number: A
StaffContac,f: Kurt Yeiter
Contact Telephone NUlJIber: 682-8379
The Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC) requests amendments to the Eugene-
Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) and Public Facilities Services Plan (PFSP) so
that policies will be consistent with their plans for future service improvement~. This meeting will be a
joint public hearing with Lane County and City of Springfield elected officials.
A more detailed explanation of the proposed amendments and issues raised during the Planning
Commissions' hearings is provided in the attached meJIlorandum, .
MWMC provides for all operations, maintenance, administration, and capital project management for
the Eugene/Springfield Water Pollution Control Facility, Biosolids Management Facility, Biocycle
. Fann, Seasonal Industrial Waste Facility, and the regional wastewater pump stations. These proposed
land use actions are but one of several separate actions the MWMC is taking to update its services.
Council Action History
MWMc was fanned by intergovernmental agreement in 1977 to provide wastewater collection and
treatment services for the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area. The City Council annually reviews the
MWMC budget and capital improvement plan, most recelltly.at its May 24 and June 14, 2004 meetings.
Councilor Poling is Eugene's elected official representative to the MWMC.
Policy Issues
The proposed amendments would add policies to the Metro Plan and PFSP in support ofMWMC's
updated capital improvement program. An issue was raised at earlier hearings regarding the relationship
between MWMC's other planning and budgeting actions and these land use policies. As described in
the attached memoranda, these proposed Metro Plan and PFSP policy amendments are the only land use
decisions in all the MWMC program decisions before the Council.
. Council Goal Action Priority ";'.;;:. Date Received
The proposed actions relate directly to the following CounCil' 2003-2004 goals: '4
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A community that retains a high quality of life and a healthy economy, effectively links land use and
transportation planning, and successfully manages growth and change in the urban environment
A community that conserves and enhances the natural environment and provides an attractive and
healthy place to live
The following Growth Management Study policy applies:
Policy 17 Protect aild improve air and water quality and protect natural areas of good habitat value
through a variety of means such as better enlv, ~...went of existing regulations, new or
revised regulations, or other practices.
Financial and/or Resource Considerations
None directly. The cost implications of these policies will be decided through separate budget and
capital improvement (non-land use) processes.
Other Background Information
Please see attached materials. Publications entered into the record during the Planning Commission
open record period will be available in the Council office at Eugene City Hall.
Timing ,
MWMC wants to begin construction of treatment facility improvements this summer. Delays in policy
approval would delay construction, likely increasing the long-term capital costs and probability of
permit violations, fmes, and penalties.
I. Move to adopt ordinance.
2. Take no action on night of hearing.
2. Request more information prior to action.
The Eugene Planning Commission recommends approval.
Move to adopt attached ordinance, Attachment 6.,
A. Memorandum from Gregory Mott, City of Springfield, with the following attachments:
Attachment I - Planning Commission staff report, findings and proposed amendments
Attachment 2 -Public Hearing Testimony and Staff Response
Attachment 3 - Table of Contents of Joint Planning Commission Record
Attachment 4 - Public Testimony Submitted After Hearing Close and Staff Response
Attachment 5 - Oregon Administrative Rule Chapter 660 Division 11 \lltblit Faflijili~l'l~Pi
Attachment 6 - Ordinances Amending the ,Metro Plan and PFSP Uale ntR';~ V~U
, C:\Documents andSeltings\jone5996\Local senJ.Wt.,gp~9~o62204.dOC
Planner: BJ
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Attachment 7 - Findings
Staff Contact: Kurt Yeiter, Principal Planner
Telephone: 682-8379
Staff E-Mail: Kurt.M.Yeiter@ci.eugene.or.us
Date Received
JUN 2~ 6f
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