HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting Miscellaneous 6/14/2004 L .' j, " ,',.0 :" S U 1\1 MAR Y Mi Nl:J T E"S " " " -~ Regular Public Meetilig, Eugene Planning Commission' , SaiJIR~om~Th~ Atrium Building-99 West lOth Avenue June 14, 2004 11:30a.m. .,' . .. I" .. 0 r ,. Charles Rusch, President; Mitzi Colbath, Rick Duncan,AiuJe Marie Levis, Adell . McMilla'n, members; TomCoyle,'Ex officio rilember; Denny Braud, Sue Cutsgeorge, Susan Muir, Mike Sullivan, Richi~ Weinina'n,Kurt.yeiier, Planning:and Developmenf Department staff; Greg Matt: City of Springfield staff; Susie Smith; Lariy[th..<?IR, Met- ~opolitanWastewater Managemel)t Commission staf(Dave Jewett, Metropolitan '. Wastewater Management Commission attorney; Charles Biggs, Terry Connolly, guests. :.. r, 110 " ',. , PRESENT: ABSENT: Jon Belcher, John Lawless, members. I. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON"AGENDA ITEMS , ' It DISCUSSION/ACTION: METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT . , , ,.. '0, '" ~ ' COMMISSION METRO PLAN/PUBLIC FACILITIES PLAN AMENDMENTS Ms. McMillan, moved, seconcled by Ms.Levis, to recommend' to the City Coun- ~. - ' " . ".' cil.theamendments to the Metro'P'lan to include the,waste water elements in Chapter 9. a~d th~, Giossary for Definitions', The 1l10tionpassed unanimously, (' .r " ' . , i 5~ _ .,' ..\ ' ,Ms. McMillan, moved, seconded by Ms. Levis, torecop1ll1end to the City Coun- '1 . ~ " cil the amendments to the Public Facilitie~ Plan inch;ding the amendment proc- . ess. The motion passed unanimously, 5:0.' IlL WORK SESSION/ACTION: DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL Date Received . JUN 1 4, (j~ .I. MlNU1}3S- Eugene Pla~ingCommission " i.. . ..~. Planner:' BJ' Page 1 ' "". . June! 4, 2004' /j, 1~1' ""14A' ~ .. ': '-', IV, ',. . '1 " " ' . , < .~' ~ """.; . ;.;. . . . !. . -' :,,' , ,,' ,- ",.,.','; Mr. Duncan, moved, seconded by Ms. McMillan, to forward the proposed ~ '.. .: ,:. ~~, -. ' ';' ' , amendments to.the Downtown DR Plan tothe ,Urban Renewal Agency Board andth~ Eugene City COlincil. The motion passea3: 1, with Ms. Colbath voting . . '. ." -' . against the motion. !TEMS tROM COMMISSION AND STAFF :~ . A. Subcommittee Reports B. Other Items from Conimission'and Staff '.,; " :.': .. " " , ",', ,I. ". .' (., t II" ',. Ii _ ~, . ,I' ... ~l ," 'I, r .; j.' "" f'r>. ", ~ ,f d' ;, ~ ~. '. MINYTES - Eugene Planning Commission . ';" - ..',.....J, 'June ]4,2004 .0; '. F -:. . ,',> . , ". Date Received JUN 1 4 16~ Plann~!; BJ . " ( i , " <I! ", " 'i. .r. " "'1 . Regular Public Meeting, ~ Eugene Platining Commission , ' Saul Room~The Atrium Building~99 West lO'h Av~nue . .... ~ h r ','! ;J, '1' , ' June 14, 2004 Il:30a.'m. PRESENT: Charles Rusch, President; Mitzi Colbath, Rick Duncan, f..rine Marie Levis, Adell . . . '. I. ,." .:~ .. . . McMillan, members;, Tom Coyle':iEx officio mernber; Denny Braud, S}le Cutsgeorge, Susan Muir,'Iviike Sullivan, Richie Weinman, Kurt Yeiter;Planningand Development -- '.', " . .. ;, " Department staff; GregMott; Cit~ of Springfield staff; Susie Smith"qrry iThi'm, Met- ropolitan Wastewater Managemei\i Commissionstaf(Da.v~ Jewett, Metropolitan, Wastewater Management Commission atto'in~y;,Cllarles Biggs, Terry Connolly, guests" 'I' '! , ., ABSENT: ' Jon Belcher,Johll Lawl~ss, m~mbers, , " .)' ,If" I. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Charles Biggs" 540 Antelope Way, Mr. Biggs thahked the P13lmins Commission fo~ the recent tour of the nodes. ,i~ " ,I,,' . . ,,' , ~ II. DISCUSSION/ACTION: METROPOLITAN,WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT " .. - . ..' _' il', _ -. -.. . - ,': COMMISSION METRO PLAN/PUBLIC FACILITIES PLAN AMENDMENTS, ',' ,. ., . ' .' _ ". ~r Ms. Muir introduced,tlle item,'noting that there was not a quorum p;esentat the May 24,2004 Eugene " ,"., ,,-.., .': Planning Commission 1l1eeting when the vote was taken on the Metropoliian'W'astewater Management .. ,,:' "': ...". .'...,.... r" ~ \1 Commissio'n-Metr9 Plan/Public Facilities Plan Arilendments, thus necessitating placing the item on the '. ..: . , -;1 June 14, 2004 agenda. She,noted ,that Greg Matt, City of Springfiel,d st~ff and SusieSihith, Metropolitan " Wastewater Man~gemerit "Commission staff, we available to answer any questions. "';" . ':' 1(, ., . "." ':' . Mr. Rusch stated that according to the Planning Commission by:laws; a quoruin consisted of five . '. .' .' '-. ",', 'J, 'j members rather than a siinple majority,. ," "MiNuTES -'Eugen~'PlanningCommission , June, 14, 2004 Date Received J~g1. /ex{ Planner: BJ ) ., , , . :r '". Mr. Rusch opened the floor for discussion. He saiel that Mr. Duncan and Ms. Levis had not been present fortne discussi~n and vote at tlie May 24, 2004nleeting, and asked them if they had any questions. Both , ' , . ' I indicatedthatlhey had read the.backgroundmaterials and the minutes from the May 24, 2004 meeting, ." 1 and that tliey had no questions. , .Ms.McMillan, moved, seconded by Ms.'Levis, to recommendJo the City Coun- cilt1;e amendments to the Metro Plan to include the waste water elements in - ,- " .1 . , Cha"pter G and "the Glossary for Definitions.Themotion passed unanimously,' . . ~ 5:0.' r I;" ., Ms. McMillan, moved, secoiideel by Ms: Levis, toreconlluend.to the City Coun- . . ';~."" i' .-, " . ' . cirthe;ame'ndmenls to the!Public FacilitiesPlan including the amend~lent proc- ,," . . 'I ess. .The motion passed unanimously, 5:0. :I ,- . ,'~ I' ~ , ,,' Ms. Levis.expressed.appreciatiori to staff for respdnding'to her questions about the proposed amend- .' I mcnts. " , , Nlr.Mott, Ms. Smith and Mr. ;n101"P left at II :44 a.m. .' ,-_. . ", '1" III, WORK SESSION/ACTION: DOWNTOWN URBAN RENE.W AL ,~ .' J- , ,. . ~~ ..-'" . Mr. Weinman, Planning and Development Departll1ent, Community D.evelopment Division introduced . ' . . . '. 1 th~topic. Heprovide4 a staff.presentati?n based upon the staffriot~ included in theag~nda packet. . " .\,' " ''f I. Mr.. Weimnan.said the Planni~g Com~ission was~sked'torecotrimbnd'amendl;lents to;:the Central . Eugene (Downtown) Urban Renewal Plan (Dowut~wn.uR Plan). 'He reported that on March 8,'2004, the " ' "). " " City Council, acting as the, Urban Renewal Agency Board of Directors, app~oved initial draft amend- ". :, -- , - " " '-". a ments to the' downtown UR Plan. He added that the proposed projects and.amendment~ were reviewed .. I' :", j" . . by the Planning Comm~ssion in'2003, and that the:Eugene RedevelqpmentAdvisory Conlmittee (ERAC) reco,mmended.specific amendments to the Downtown UR Plan. '( Mr. Weinman said in Jariuary 2003, the City Council began a mtliti:~tepprocess to implement the vision .. . ".. , I' ..... MINUTES - Eugene Planning Commission ',l June 14,2004 .' .il " Date Received ~mn. 4, o~ Planner: BJ ,r . ;; -"'-"" for a Greater Downtown Eugene. He said that an updated Downtown Plan included ad6pting impl~men- tat ion toals identifying Urban Renewal as a fInand'ing taal. He noted that since that tin:e a new Downtown Plan had been adopted, two property tax exemptian pragrams been put in place, and the Riverfront Urban Renewal Plan had been updated. Mr. Weinman stated that improving the viability qf downtown had been a community and a City Cauncil . , gaal in some form for decades. He added that the adopted Growth Management PaliCies, the Visian for Greater Downtown Eugene, the Council's 2001-2002 Vision and Goals Statement, and"the new Downtown Plan all included policies or strategies to crate a more vital dawntown. . He noted there was a clase relationship between urban renewal goals and those policies. The Downtown Plan included a policy to "use downtown development tools and incentives to encourage development \hat provided character and density downtawn." . . Mr. Weinman said the proposed Downtown UR Plan did not recommend a change in the boundary area nor reflect any changes to the "maximum indebtedness. " Mr. Weimnan said staff recommended farwarding the proposed dawntown UR Plan amendments to the " City Council far a public hearing and adoption. Mr. Duncan indicated that he was the Planning Commission representative on the ERAC. In response to a question from Ms. Levis, Mr. Weinman identified the ERAC members as: .Sarah , Garrett, Greg Brokaw, Daniel Herbert, Alexis Garrett, Ginerva Ralf, Rick Duncan, and Hugh Pritchard. . , . Mr. Weinman said the proposedDowntown UR Plan did not recammend a change in the baundary area nor reflect any changes to the "maximum indebtedness. ,. He added the proposal recommended extending the expiration date of the district to 2029, with reviews scheduled in 2009 and 2019. Mr. Weinman reviewed the Goals and Objectives cited in Section 400 of the June 3, 2004 Draft Urban Renewal Plan for Central Eugene Project, a copy of which was included in the agenda packet. A discussion regarding the meaning afthe terms blight, developer and redeveloper followed. " Ms. Levis left at 11 :50 a.m. MINUTES - Eugene Planning Commission June 14,2004 Date Received " JUNp!g~ j cxf Planner: BJ In response to a question fromMr. Rusch regarding Section 1000, Non-discrimination, Mr. Weinman 'noted the statement in the docnment that said the City Attorney would review the langu~ge prior to the Plan going to the City Council to determine if it reflected current law and practice. < Mr. Braud said the URA was a separate legal entity from the City of Eugene, and may be required to have its own legal language. Mr. Coyle noted that many of the changes.were housekeeping issues. . . Ms. Cutsgeorge provid~d a brief historic perspective of the plan, and described the manner in which bonds were repaid, saying that the maximum indebtedness would be reviewed in 2009 and 2019. She explained how the financing for the Eugene Public Library was done through urban renewal funding. Mr. Weinman explained the manner in which the UR District would be expanded and tlie potential, .. . impacts of such action. ,.. Mr. Weinman said staff recommended forwarding,the proposed downtown. UR Plan amendments to the City Council fora public hearing and adoption. Mr. Duncan, moved, seconded by Ms. McMillan, to forward tlie proposed amendments to the Downtown UR Plan to the Urban Renewal Agency Board and the Eugene City Comiei!. The motion passed 3: 1, with Ms. Colbath voting against the motion. Mr. Braud, Ms. Cutsgeorge, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. 'Weinman left at 12: 10 p.m. Ms. McMillan reported that the City Club would' conduct a discussion on urban renewa1 in the near future. IV. ITEMS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF A. Items from Commission and Staff MINUTES -Eugene Planning Commission Jun.e 14,2004 Date Received JlJJljgJ J I ()~ Planner: BJ -' i Ms, Muir asked Planning Commission members to:check their summer schedules and let her know when they would not be available for Platming Commission business, and said she would send a schedule to thel], via e-mail. She said election of officers would take place at the June 28, 2004 Pla~1l1ing Conunis- ,sian meeting, and the Historic Review Board (HRB) would join the Planning Commission for a joint meeting. She added that a definite date had not been scheduled for a joint meeting with, the City Council. B. Subcommittee.Reports Ms. McMillan reported that the HRB approved deSignating the Jolmson-Moody house ~s a Historic , . . Landmark and approved its workplan for the next year at its last meeting. Ms. Muir said a walking tour would be included as part of the June 28, 2004 joint meeting with the Planning Commission. Mr. Duncan reported on several refill projects he wasworking on in the campus area. Mr. Rusch adjourned the meeting at 12:30 p.m. (Recorded by Linda Henry) .' m:\2004\planning and developillcllI deparfmelJt\planlling divisionlplo/Jlfillg commissiolllpc040614.doc r . MINUTES":' Eugene Planning Commission June 14, 2004 , Date Received , JUN I 41 6f Page 5 Planner: BJ /