HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting Miscellaneous 5/27/2004
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, June 22,2004, at 7:00 p.m. in the
Library Meeting Room of Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR, the
Springfield and Eugene City Councils and the Lane County Board of Commissioners will
conduct a joint public hearing on the following p.vpvsals:
Amendments to the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan, Chapter
III, Section G. Public Facilities and Services Element and Chapter V Glossary:
Modifying the introductory text, pages 111-0-1 and 1II-0-2; modifying Policy 0.2 at page
111-0-4; modifying Finding 6, page 111-0-4; modifying Policy 0.3 at page 111-0-4;
inserting new heading "Services to Development Within the Urban GroWth Boundary"
following Policy 0.8 at page I1I-0-5; adding new Findings 11 and 12 after Policy 0.8 at
page III-G-5; adding new Policy 0.9 at page 111-0-6; subsequent renumbering of
remaining policies and findings in Chapter 111-0; Modify Chapter V Glossary, by
modifying the definition of Public Facilities Projects at page V -4: "Wastewater" Chapter
V Glossary. (For exact language contained in this proposal see additional information
included with this notict;)
Amendments to the Eugene-Springfield Public Facilities and Services Plan (PFSP):
Modify text preceding existing Table 3 at page 28; insert new Tables 4a and 4b at page
28; modify Map 2 at page 35; insert. new Map 2a after page 35; modify Chapter IV,
Wastewater System Condition Assessment at page 82; modify text "Long-term Service
Availability Within Urbanizable Areas atpage 97; add Table l6a following existing
Table 16 at page 101; add new Chapter IV. Amendments to the Plan. This new chapter
includes descriptions of modifications to existing, identified projects which require, or do
not require, amendment to the Public Facilities and Services Plan. (For exact language,
maps and tables contained in this proposal see additional information included with this
The Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC). The Springfield
City Council initiated these amendments on February 17, 2004. )
Descriotion of the Relluest
The applicant is proposing to modify text in the Metro Plan to more accurately describe
the role ofthe.MWMC; to include local capital improvement plans as a means to
implement policy in the PFSP; add information to Tables and Maps identif)ii.Qg,MYlMC .
projects and facilities; expand the definition of Wastewater; revise descnptihlale HeCelVed
Wastewater System Condition Assessment; and adding a new chapter that governs
. 'MAY 2 7 'O~ .
Planner: BJ
amendments to the PFSP. (See additional descriptions above for page, table and map
Criteria of ADDroval
Criteria to be used to evaluate a Metro Plan Text Amendment is found in Springfield
Development Code, Section 7.030(3)(a&b), Eugene Code Section 9.128(3)(a&b), and
Lane Code Section 12.225(2)(a&b) and reads as follows:
(a) The amendmenl must be consistent with the relevant statewide planning goals
adopted by the Land Conservation and Development Commission; and
(b) Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent.
Additional Information - Staff ReDort. Providinl! Testimonv
Anyone wishing to testify on this matter may do so in person, in writing, or both by
appearing at the hearing or sending written correspondence, including e-mail, to the
Development Services Department, c/o Greg Mott, Planning Manager, 225 Fifth Street,
Springfield, OR 97477, or gmott@ci.springfield.or.us
The application, supporting documents submitted by the applicant and the staff notes will
be available for viewing or purchase by 3:00 p.m., on Friday, June 11,2004 in the
Springfield Development Services Department.
The joint elected officials will conduct a work session discussion of these proposed
amendments at 5:30 p,m. in the Library Meeting Room the same evening as the public
hearing. The work session meeting is open to the public, but no public testimony will be
accepted until the public hearing begins at 7:00 p.m.
Date Received
MAY 2 7 (Of
Planner: BJ
Planning & Development
City of Eugene
99 West 10" Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97401
(541) 682-5377
(541) 682-5572 FAX
Date: June 15,2004
To: Eugene Mayor and City Council
From: Kurt Yeiter, Principal Planner
Subject:. Planning Commission Recommendation:
Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission Metro Plan and Public Facilities
Services Plan Amendments (file MA 04-1)
After the Planning Commission's May 24, 2004 ~ote to recommend approval of the ptoposed Metro Plan
and PFSP amendments, it was discovered that, at the time of the actual vote, a quorum was no longer
present in the room. When subsequently inform~d of this error, the Planning Commission revisited the
topic at its June 14,2004 meeting. They had all been provided the response to comments available at the
previous meeting and draft minutes of the May 24, 2004 meeting.
On June 14,2004, with a legal quorum present, the Planning Commission voted 5:0 to recommend to the
City Council approval of the proposed amendments to the Metro plan to include the wastewater elements
in Chapter G and the Glossary for Defmitions. The Commission also voted 5:0 to recommend to the city
Council the amendments to the Public Facilities Services Plan, including the amendment process.
Date Received
MAY 2 7( Dt
Planner:', BJ