HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting COUNTY 6/8/2004 '\ '\ IGENUA LANE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Public Service Building, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401 Phone (541) 682-4203 Web site: www.lanecounty.org The meeting location is wheelchair-accessible. Anyone needing special accommodations (hearing impaired, language translation, chemical sensitivity needs, and large print copies of the agenda), please make your request at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. TDD services at (541)682-3995 ,. , Legend PM-Previous Material NBA - Notice of Board Action , # - Sign-Up Sheets Available at Entrance Note: Complete Copy of Agenda Packet Material is available for review in the Commissioners' Office TIME/ TUESDAY. JUNE 8, 2004 - WORK SESSION MIN,* 9:00 a.m, (Commissioners' Conference Room) 1. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA , # 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Maximum time 20 minutes: Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes. If the number wishing to testify exceeds 7 speakers, each speaker's time may be reduced to fit within 20 minutes.) 3. COMMISSIONERS' REMONSTRANCE (2 min. limit) 4. :EXECUTIVE SESSION as ner ORS 192,660 (Commissioners' Conference Room) 5. COMMISSIONERS' BUSINES~ 15 a. ORDER 04-6-8-lfln the Matter of Scheduling a Hearing on the Appeal of the Sheriff's Recommendation on the Liquor License Application of the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians. (David Williams) " 6. COUNTY ADMINISTRATION a. Announcements 7. PUBLIC WORKS 5 a. FIRST READING AND SETTING SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING/ Ordinance No. P A 1209/In the Matter of Amending the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan), Chapter ill, Section G. Public Facilities and Services Element, and Chapter V Glossary; and Amending the Eugene-Springfield Public Facilities and Services Plan; and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (Second Reading & Public Hearing: June 22, 2004, 7:00 pm). (Greg Mott and Susan Smith, City of Springfield) Date Received I ~1.!B04.921/T 101' Planner: BJ 'f f' .'\ >I' TIME/ MIN. * < 8. REVIEW ASSIGNMENTS 9. COMMISSIONERS' ANNOUNCEMENTS 10. EMERGENCY BUSINESS TUESDAY, JUNE 8. 2004 - LANE COUNTY BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING (following Work Session) (Commissioners' Conference Room) 90 1. Debrief on Budget Process. (David Crowell) 5 WEDNESDAY. JUNE 9. 2004 - METROPOLITAN W ASTEW ATER SERVICE DISTRICT MEETING 9:00 a,m. (Commissioners' Conference Room) # 1. PU.J:lT_IC COMMENT~ (Maximum time 20 minutes: Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes. If the number wishing to testify exceeds 7 speakers, each speaker's time may be reduced to fit within 20 minutes.) 2. COMMISSIONERS' REMONSTRANCE (2 min. limit) 3. REGULAR BUSINESS a. ORDER 04-6-9~1M/In the Matter of Reappointing Two Citizen Members to the Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District Budget Committee. (David Gamick) 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION as Der ORS 192,660 WEDNESDAY. JUNE 9.2004 - BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' REGULAR MEETING (following MWSD) (Commissioners' Conference Room) 1. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA # .2.' PUBLIC COMMENTS (M<l('imum time 20 minutes: Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes. If the number wishing to . ....testify exceeds 7 speakers, each speaker's time may be reduced to fit within 20 minutes.) 3,'q; ~MERGENCY BUSINESS . '.~t~ ;,';.:n ; 1;-'\., ; Date Received JUN 0 ~~illag/o402IIT Planner: BJ F~ (, YiUt 2 :( . '".' -. ,.j. ,......iI' I'I'~ ' '.. \( 1'. ~~I ,_I I TIME/ MIN.* 15 10 20 20 2 4. COMMISSIONERS' REMONSTRANCE (2 min. limit) 5. COMMISSIONERS' BUSINESS a. ORAL REPORT/Acknowledgment of Linda Cook for "Oregon Emergency Manager of the Year" by the Oregon Emergency Managers Association. (Jan Clements) (9:30 A,M, TIME CERTAIN) , 6. COUNTY ADMINISTRATION a. Announcements " I b. DISCUSSIONI2004-2005 Lane County Budget, Making Appropriations, and Levying Taxes. (Bill VanVactor and David Gamick) (30 min.) 7. PUBLIC WORKS a. RESOLUTION AND ORDER 04-6-9-IIIn the Matter of Authorizing Safety Improvements and Acquiring Fee or Other Interests in Certain Real Properties or Portions T1hereof for the Royal Avenue (County Road No. 28) at Fisher Road (County Road No. 668) Intersection Improvement Project. (Sonny Chickering) b. DISCUSSION/Status Report and Update on West Cascade Energy LLC, Facility Permit for, Pipelines in County Roads and Land Use Application/Review. (Ollie Snowden)' c. THIRD READING AND DELIBERATION/Ordinance PA I I 99/In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land From "Agricultural Land" to "Nonresource", Rezone That Land From "E-30/Exclusive Fann Use" To "RR-5/ Rural Residential"; and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (File P A 01-5875; prant) (NBA & PM 3/31104, 4/14/04). 8. CONSENT CALENDAR (All items listed here are considered to be routine by the Board of Commissioners and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately.) BEGINNING OF CONSENT CALENDAR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Date Received A. JUN 0 8 I ()~ Planner: BJ Approval.ofMinutes: None. 3 WP giVagl040211T i ~ '~ TlME/ MIN,* 8. CONSENT CALENDAR (CONTINUED) B. Management Services 1) ORDER 04-6-9-2/In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute a 24 Month Lease Agreement at an Expense of$117,019.92 with Heinz and Susan Selig for 7000 Sq. Ft. of Office Space at 1900 W. 7th Ave. for the WIC Program. 2) ORDER 04-6-9-3/In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute a Three-Year Lease Renewal Agreement with the Lane County Extension Service with Revenues of $228,384 for Space at 950 W. 13th Avenue, Eugene. C. Public Works 1) ORDER 04-6-9-4/In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Schnitzer Steel for Scrap Metal Recycling Services. 2) ORDER 04-6-9-5/In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to St. Vincent de Paul in the Amount of $1 00,000 for Mattress Recovery Services at the Glenwood Central Receiving Station. 3) ORDER 04-6-9-6/In the Matter of Awarding a Three Year Requirements Contract to Miles Oil Co., Inc. for the Purchase of Cardlock Fuel and Fueling Services in Florence, Contract No. RFP03/04 FS-03. 4) ORDER 04-6-9-7/In the Matter of Awarding Two-Year Requirements Contracts to Twelve (12) Contractors for the Rental of Heavy Equipment to Supplement County Resources for Ongoing Operations and During Emergencies Caused by Floods, WindstoffilS, and other Disasters, Contract FY03/04 FS-05. D. Workforce Partnership I) ORDER 04-6-9_8/In the Matter of Appointing a Member to the Lane Workforce Partnership Youth CounciL .. ',.:,. ,.:',END.;0F CONSENT CALENDAR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :'~~.'1 ~\t-: ~ ;':..:~"~ ~ ~.~\, ' , ~ i. < '. ,'" Date Received JUN 08,cf Planner: BJ .' " ~l i' , .. .',' .". " "'. "h';.'\"'''' +';' "',. . ,. ,;: .' ,-'."~' 4 WP gil/ag/04021/T TIME/ MIN,* WEDNESDAY. JUNE 9, 2004 - REGULAR MEETING (Continued) 9. MANAGEMENT SERVICES 30 a. REPORT BACK/LCARA Task Force Report. (David Suchart) b. THIRD READING AND DELIBERATION/Ordinance No. 14-04/In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 7 to Revise Non-Commercial Kennel and Dangerous Dog License/Fee Requirements (LC 7.075, 7.085, 7.135) (NBA & PM 5118/04 & 6/2/04). (David Suchart and Mike Wellington) c. ORDER 04-6-2-13/ln the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 60 to Revise Animal Regulation Authority Fees (LM 60.825). (David Suchart and Mike Wellington) 10. CORRESPONDENCE TO THE BOARD 11. COMMISSIONERS' ANNOUNCEMENTS 12. REVIEW ASSIGNMENTS 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION as uer ORS 192,660 (Commissioners' Conference Room) 14. OTHER BUSINESS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 2004 - BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND LANE J'RANSIT DISTRICT BOARD JOINT MEETING 12:00 noon (Hanis Hall Main Floor) 1. Call to Order. 2. Martin Luther King Junior Parkway Design. 3. EmX Update. 4. Rural Transit Service Update. Date Received JUN 0 8 (Of PI::lnnor' . BJ 's. Adjournment. 5 WP gil/ag/04021/T TIME/ MIN. * WEDNESDAY. JUNE 9. 2004 - BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' REGULAR MEETING 1 :30 p.m. (Harris Hall Main Floor) #15. PUBLICHEARIN(;S a. PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 04-6_9_9/In the Matter ofMWMC Facilities Plan and 20- Year Project List. (Susan Smith) b. PUBLIC HEARING AND FINAL ORDER 04-6-9-1O/In the Matter of the Surrender ofa Portion of West lOth Avenue, County Road Number 98, From Oaklea Drive, Easterly to Rose Street, to the City of Junction City. (NBA & PM 4/28/04). (Bill Robinson) 16. PUBLIC WORKS a. CONTINUED DISCUSSION AND ORDER P4-4-14-14/In the Matter of Approving the Alignment, Right-Of-Way Widths and Other Design Features for the Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway, Previously Known as the Pioneer Parkway Exten~ion, as Adopted arid Recommended by the City of Springfield (NBA & PM 4/13/04,4/14/04 & 5/19/04). (Sonny Chickering) 17. COMMISSIONERS' ANNOUNCEMENTS 18 CORRESPONDENCE TO THE BOARD 19. OTHER BUSINESS *NOTE: Estimated Times *NOTE: Next scheduled Board of Commissioners' Meeting Tuesday, June 15 and/or Wednesday, June 16,2004. /--;-", I :!:r" II'. -.(':"I~ <. ':r!.r! tV: Date Received JUN 0 8 flJf Planner: BJ . ." . ':'\:.'-:,_\ .~!; ./ ~', 'V~\:.~;:}, ~',' 6 WP gil/agl040211T Lane County MEETINGS NOTICE Harris Hall and Conference Rooms are located in the Public Service Building/Courthouse, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene. Date: JLme 2, 2004 SPECIAL MEETINGS: PUBLIC SAFETY COORDINATING COUNCIL - COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS COMMITTEE: Thursday, June 3 3:00 - 5:00 p.m., LCOG, 4th Floor, Large Conference Room. Staff Person: Malinda Dodson (682-3692) (More than two Lane County Commissioners may attend this meeting) LANE COUNTY REGIONAL TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE STRATEGY TASK FORCE: Friday, June 4 1 :00 p.m., Bob Straub Conference Room, PSB. Staff Person: Peter Thurston (682-4062) Agenda: I. Task Force Member Introductions 2. Review and Approve Minutes 3. Task Force Public Relations 4. Consultant RFQ Process and Selection Materials 5. Role of Technology in Tourism Infrastmcture 6. Community Surveys 7. Review and Discussion of Em ail Briefings on Room Tax, Customer Service Training, and the January Tourism Summit Proceedings 8. Set Time and Date of next Meeting PUBLIC SAFETY COORDINATING COUNCIL - FT AT ASK FORCE: Tuesday, June 8 3:00 - 5:00 p.m., LCOG, 4th Floor, Large Conference Room. Staff Person: Susan Sowards (682-7493) (More than two Lane County Commissioners may attend this meeting) ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETINGS: WP ca/mi/mtg/04022/m 1 Date Received JUN 0 8,.O~ Planner: BJ HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Tuesday, June 8 5:30 -7:00 p,m., WIC Building, 1900 W. 7th Avenue, Eugene. , Staff Person: Rob Rockstroh (682-4035) .J ";' VEGETATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Wednesday, June 9 5: 15 p.m. Dinner, 5:30 p.m. Meeting, 3040 North Delta Highway. Staff Person: Sonny Chickering, County Engineer (682-6990) COMMUNITY ORGANTZA nONS: SANTA CLARA COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION: Thursday, June 3 7:30 p.m., 2615 River Road, Santa Clara Civic Center. Contact Person: Jerry Finigan (688-1406) ALV ADORE COMMUNITY GROUP: Tuesday, June 8 7:30 p.m., Alvadore Fire Station. Contact Person: John Rosselli (689-8885) McKENZIE WATERSHED COUNCIL: Thursday, June 10 5:30 p.m., call for location. Contact Person: Megan Finnessy (687-9076) .l.._ ':' . \' . . wi calmi/mtil04022/m 2 Date Received JUN 0 810~ Planner: BJ ,t~,__