HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting CMO 6/21/2004 C'l)' cou~c'- AGE~(A ~ City of Springfield _ 225 Fifth Street _ Springfield - Oregon - 97477 _ (541) 726-3700 Contact - Amy Sowa - City Manager's Office www.ci.springfieid.or.us The meeting location is wheelchair-accessible. For the hearing-impaired, an interpreter can be provided with 48 hours notice prior to the meeting. For meetings in the Council Meeting Room, a "Personal P A Receiver" for the hearing impaired is available. To arrange for these services, call 726-3700. Meetings will end prior to 10:00 p.m. unless extended by a vote of the Council. All proceedings before the City Council are recorded June 21, 2004 6:00 p.m. Work Session Jesse Maine Room CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL - Mayor Leiken _' Councilors Ballew _, Fitch_, Ralston _' Lundberg_, and Woodrow . 1. Springfield's Acknowledgement of National Home Ownership Month and an Allocation of$52,976 in American Dream Downpayment Incentive (ADDI) Funding From Housing and Urban Development (IIDD). [Jodi Peterson] (IS Minutes) 2. Proposed Springfield Development Code Amendments. [Gary Karp] (30 Minutes) 3. Development Code Fees Ordinances and Resolution. [Mel Oberst] (15 Minutes) ADJOURNMENT 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting Council Meeting Room CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL - Mayor Leiken _' Councilors Ballew _, Fitch _' Ralston~, Lundberg_, and Woodrow PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Date Received JUN 2I loel Planner: BJ - Council Agenda June 21, 2004 Page 2 SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Claims 2. Minutes a. June 7, 2004 - Regular Meeting b. June 14,2004 - Work Session c. June 14,2004 - Special Regular Meeting 3. Resolutions a. RESOLUTION NO.1 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT P30370. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN SHADY CREEK SUBDIVISION. 4. Ordinances a. ORDINANCE NO.1 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES PLAN (PFSPl. TABLE 8 AND MAP 4: PLANNED ELECTRICAL FACILITIES TO SHOW A NEW 115KV TRANSMISSION LINE FROM THE MARCO LA SUBSTATION SITE TO THE LAURA STREET SUBSTATION. AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. b. ORDINANCE NO.2 - AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO SIGN STANDARDS. AMENDING CHAPTER 8 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE BY REVISING. ADDING. AND DELETING PORTIONS OF SECTION 8.254. ADDING SECTION 8.267. REVISING MAP NO.2 AND ADDING MAP NO.4. 5. Other Routine Matters a. Award the Bid for One Vehicle for the Land and Drainage Alteration Permit Program with Funds Contained in the FY03-04 Budget and Award a Bid for One Vehicle for the Capital Improvement Program Contingent on th. Adoption of the Proposed FY04-05 Budget for a Total of$43,202.50 to Kendall Ford. b. Award the Subject Contract for Project P20404 to Eugene Sand and Gravel in the Amount of$102,966.50. c. Approval of the Recommended 2.5 Percent Pay Increase for City Non-Unionized Employees for FY2005. d. Approval of Amendment Number One to the Intergovernmental AI,'Teement Providing Housing for Springfield Prisoners in the Lane County Adult Correction Facility. e. Approval ofthe Proposed Management Agreement Between the City of Springfield and the Springfield Museum Board. MOTION: APPROVElREJECT THE CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR .... ..... ~ :. .';", . ,~,. '.., .~. . PuB'LIC'fIEARiNds -.Please limit comments to 3 minutes. Request to speak cards are available at both entrane ,s, ,. . . 'PI~ase present cards to City Recorder. Speakers may not yielD~ieReCerved . 1 ~, ,I I. JUN i I) D~ Phinner: BJ Council Agenda June 21, 2004 Page 3 I. Fiscal Year 2004/05 City Budget Adoption. [Bob Duey] (20 Minutes) RESOLUTION NO.2 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2004/05 SPRINGFIELD CITY BUDGET. MAKING APPROPRIATIONS. LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX. AND APPROVING THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S PARTICIPATION IN THE STATE REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM. MOTION: ADOPTINOT ADOPT RESOLUTION NO.2. 2. Proposed Resolution Establishing a New Regional Wastewater System Development Charge (SDC) Methodology and a New Regional Wastewater SDC Fee Schedule. [Gary Colwell] (20 Minutes) RESOLUTION NO.3 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COMMON COUNCIL ESTABLISHING A NEW METHODOLOGY AND FEE SCHEDULE FOR THE REGIONAL W ASTEW A TER, SYSTEM DEVEI:OPMENT CHARGE AS SET FORTH IN THE SPRINGFIELD CITY CODE.. MOTION: ADOPTINOT ADOPT RESOLUTION NO.3 3. Proposed Springfield Development Code Amendments. [Gary Karp] (20 Minutes) MOTION: CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING UNTIL JULY 6, 2004. 4. An Ordinance Repealing Appendix I of the Springfield Development Code. [Mel Oberst] (05 Minutes) ORDINANCE NO.3 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD REPEALING APPENDIX I. DEVELOPMENT CODE FEE SCHEDULE OF THE SPRINGFIElD DEVELOPMENT CODE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.. Ordinance Enactment and Effective Date: In the event an ordinance contains an emergency clause, the ordinance shall become operative immediate~v upon passage by the council by a two-thirds majority of all members of the council. Ordinances not containing an emergency clause shall not take effect until 30 days after its passage. . MOTION: ADOPTINOT ADOPT ORDINANCE NO.3. 5. An Ordinance Amending Section 1.070 "Fees" ofthe Springfield Development Code. (Me! Oberst] (05 Minutes) ORDINANCE NO.4 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1.070 "FEES" (] \ OF ARTICLE J "GENERAl, PROVISIONS" OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE TO PROVIDE THE CITY COUNCIL TO ESTABLISH FEES BY ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF THE ACTIONS AND REVIEWS REOUIRED BY THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE. AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Ordinance Enactment and Effective Date: In the event an ordinance contains an emergency clause, thAr~cDlai~~~d operative immediately upon passage by the council by a two-thirds majority of all members of Ihe councWat.tia~til V t: containing an emergency clause shall nol take effect until 30 days after its passage. JUN 2 1/ 01 Planner: BJ MOTION: ADOPTINOT ADOPT ORDINANCE NO.4. : " Council Agenda June 21, 2004 Page 4 BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE - Limited to 20 minutes. Please limit comments to 3 minutes. Request to Speak cards are available at both entrances. Please present cards to City Recorder. Speakers may not yield their time to others, COUNCIL RESPONSE CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 1. Correspondence from Andrew H. Stamp, Attorney at Law, 4248 Galewood Street, Suite 2, Lake Oswego, OR Regarding MWMC Regional Sewer SDC Methodology. (see attached memo) 2. Correspondence from Roxie Cuellar, Home Builders Association, 2053 Laura Street, Springfield, OR Regarding Attached Letter from Michael H. Kortenhoff oflhe Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). 3. Correspondence Submitted by Reed Fuel and Trucking, 4080 Commercial Avenue, Springfield, OR Signed by Eight Individuals Representing the Trucking Industry Regarding the Springfield Fuel Tax with Attached Letters of Incuin i Costs Since Three Cent Tax was Implemented. MOTION: ACCEPT FOR FILING AND/OR PROVIDE STAFF DIRECTlONIFOLLOWUP. BIDS ORDINANCES BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL I. Committee Appointments a. Police Planning Task Force Appointments. [Jerry Smith] (05 Minutes) MOTION: APPOINT MARK WATSON TO THE POLICE PLANNING TASK FORCE AS THE SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE WITI-I A TERM EXPIRING JUNE 21, 2008. MOTION: APPOINT DIANA GARCIA, BRUCE WEBBER AND FRED SIMMONS TO THE POLICE PLANNING TASK FORCE AS CITIZEN-AT-LARGE MEMBERS WITH TERMS EXPIRING JUNE 21, 20C 8. 2. Business from Council a. Committee Reports b. Other Business BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. Amend the Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits and Licenses to Include all Fees in tqe.Attached Development Code Use Fee Schedule. D^I".o.l\led ~el Oberst] Oate>~~v JUN 21,0~ Planner: BJ Council Agenda June 21, 2004 Page 5 RESOLUTION NO.4 - A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMENDING THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD MASTER SCHEDULE OF MISCELLANEOUS FEES AND CHARGES. RATES. PERMITS AND LICENSES TO INCLUDE ALL FEES AS SET FORTI.J. IN THE A IT ACHED REVISED DEVELOPMENT CODE FEE SCHEDULE. MOTION: ADOPTINOT ADOPT RESOLUTION NO.4. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY A ITORNEY ADJOURNMENT :>:; _, r;11>1~ ;: ,f~ Date Received JUN 2 1, ()~ Planner: BJ