HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance COUNTY 12/5/2007 ,. ~ IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON. ) ORDINANCE NO. 16-07 IN THE MATTER OF AMENDING CHAPTER 10 OF lANE CODE TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS TO THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT REGUlATIONS FOR APPLICATION TO URBANIZABLElANDS WITHIN THE SPRINGFIELD URBAN GROWTH AREA (LC 10.600-15) AND ADOPTING SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY ClAUSES . : .~ ..:~ WHEREAS, on November 24, 1986 the Lane County~Board of Commissioners enacted Ordinance No. 16-86 to adopt the City of Springfield land use regulation for application to urbanizable lands within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary in accordance with i:m urban transition agreement with the City af Springfield; and WHEREAS, that urban transition agreement provides for joint development 'and adoption of land use regulations applicable to urbanizable lands within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary; and WHEREAS, the Springfield Planning Commission held a public hearing and after further ' deliberation, recommended approval of the amendments of the Springfield Development Code; and WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council l1eld hearings and. adopted the amendments to. the Springfield Development Code and has requested adoption of the proposed changes by the Lane county Board of Cammissioners far application to the urbanizable lands within the Springfield Urban Growth Area; and . " ( ') WHEREAS, the Board af County Commissianers has conducted a public hearing, reviewed the record, and is ready to take action. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners of Lane County ORDAINS as follows: Section 1.' The provisions of the Springfield Development Code, as' adapted by Lane county Ordinance No. 16-86 and amended by Lane County Ordinance Nos. 5-89, 18-9Q." 9-91, 13-91, 14-2, 5- 93, 13-94, 3-97, 7-99, 10-00, 13-04, 2-05 and 12-06 are hereby further amended to. include the amendments and refonnatting as specified in the attached Exhibit "A," (Ordinance No. 6206) incorparated by this reference. These amendments are adopted and incorparated herein by this reference for application on the urbanizable lands within the Springfield Urban Growth Area and shall nat be codified into Lane Code.' . .Sectian 2. Chapter 10 of Lane Code is hereby amended by removing and inserting the fallowing sections: REMOve THIS SECTION. 10.600-15 as located an page 10-814 (a total of 1 page) . INSERT THIS SECTION 10.600-15 as located on page 10-814 (a tatal of 1 page) o Said section is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The purpose' of this .substitution and addition is to amend Lane Code Chapter 10 to include specific reference to this Board of County Commissianers action adopting amendments to the City of Springfield land use regulations to. 1:\Leg&I\LEGAL\Code and Manu8I\Code Changes\eHAPTER IO\ORDrNANCE IO.600-15_2001_NoVt:mba- ~ 1J.00c Page I of2 Date Received: 1:{-5-07 Planner: GK. I o-f I ( ~a./ C) 0' be applied by the City of Springfield on urbanizable lands within the Springfield Urban Growth Nea. ) Section 3. Ordinances and regulations amended by this Ordinance shall remain in force to authorize a punishment, penalty or forfeiture incurred, or a suit, prosecution or proceeding pending when the amendment takes effect, for an offense or violation committed under the amended Ordinance or regulation prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. Section 4. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction; such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. . While not part of this Ordinance, the findings attached as Exhibit "8" and incorporated here by this reference are adopted in support of this decision. . , --:'71:> 1\...,-7-,' I~ ENACTED this ::';:>. . day of I..Aa.'dA ~2007, . ' ~ .Qt:;t- Chair, Lane County Board of Commissioners ~s~ a2~ Recording SecretarY for this ~g of the Board , , APPROVED AS TO FORM f!:;1!-;H - r71L~unry ~~ [EGALqlUNSEL " 1:\LegalIUKiAL\Codl!: and MalluJll\Code Challges\CHAI',l'hK 1U\UR1.lINANc.;~ IO.WQ..t.5 _2001_NovembcU3.doe Page 2 of2 5hlbA- "A'l +0 D,.J),'...-c( No. I (q--t)~ ORDINANCE NO. 6206 (General) . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND'REFORMA TTING THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FINDS THAT: WHEREAS, the Springfield Development Code (SDC) was adopted by the Springfield City Council on May 5, 1986, and amendments thereto were subsequently adopted by Ordinance; and WHEREAS, in the 21 years since the adoption of the SDC, the City has made.numerousminor amendments to the SDC to implement both State and local planning mandates and local planning priorities; and WHEREAS, over.time, these SDC amendments have resulted in a document that has become cumbersome and difficult to understand for both staff and potential developers; and WHEREAS, in order to address these issues, the City contracted with Eaton Planning Services' to perform an audit of the SDC in early 2005 funded by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) with a Technical Assistance Grant; and . WHEREAS, the results of the audit were reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council in Spring 2005 and staffwas authorized to proceed with the SDC Edit and Reformat Project in order to make theSDC more contemporary and user-friendly; and F) (J WHEREAS, the proposed amended and reformatted SDC is generally based on a layout used for the "Model Development Code for Small Cities" and converts the current three Chapters and 44 Articles into 6 Chapters; and WHEREAS, the proposed amended and reformatted SDC does not include any "policy" changes; and WHEREAS, the, proposed amended and reformatted SDC does not create new land use regulations that may give rise toBallot Measure 37 claims, or claims under proposed Ballot Measure 49; and WHEREAS, Article 7 of the current SDC sets forth procedures for the amendment of this document; and . WHEREAS, on' June 5,2007, the Springfield Planning Commission held a work session and. conducted a public hearing on thisSDC reformat and amendment application (Case Number LRP 2007- 00015) voting 5 to 0, with 2 'absent to recommend approval of the proposed Ordinance to the City Council based upon findings in support of adoption of these amendments to the SOC' as set forth in the Staff Report and the Recommendation to the Council incorporated herein by reference; and . WHEREAS, on July 16, 2007, staff prepared and distributed a copy of the propose~amended . and reformatted SDC for Council review and comment. . () WHEREAS, on September 17, 2007, the Springfield Common Council held a work session and conducted a public hearing and is now ready to take actioil'on this application based upon findings in . suppOrt of adoption of these amendments to the SDC as set forth in the aforementioned Staff Report to . the Council incorporated herein by reference and the evidence and testimony already in the record as well as the evidence and testimony presented at this public hearing held in the matter of adopting this Ordinance amending the SOC. \ ) NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The most-recent version of the Springfield Development Code, including: the Title Page; Table of Contents; Chapter I Procedures, including Articles 1-15, Chapter II Zoning and Overlay Districts, including Articles 16-30; Chapter III Development Standards, including Articles 31-44; and the Appendix 1-3 are hereby amended and reformatted as follows: the Title Page is revised; Table of Contents which complies with the new formal; Chapter 1, Introduction, which explains the relationship of the SDC to the State-wide Planning Goals and the Metro Plan; Chapter 2, General Provisions, which contains the SDC's purpose and applicability, enforcement regulations and a discussion of applicabon fees; Chapter 3, Land Use Districts, which discusses the City's Official Zoning Map and lists all Base Zoning Districts, Overiay Districts and Plan Districts and base development standards; Chapter 4, Development Standards, which contains both development standards not listed in Chapter 3 and specific development standards for certain uses; Chapter 5, land Use Applicabons, which discusses the development review, the public hearing and appeals processes, and lists the procedures for land use, limited land use and other required applications; and Chapter 6"Definitions, which contains definitions for terms used throughout the Code. /"-...., l) ,...J Section 2: The amended and reformatted Springfield Development Code, a true copy of which is . attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is herby adopted. Section 3: Severability Clause. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdicbon, such portion shall be deemed a separate, disbnct and individual provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof . Section ,4: Construction/lnterpretation. In amending and re-formatting the Springfield Development Code it is not the intent of the City of Springfield to create new land use regulations which may give rise to 'Ballot Measure 37" claims or similar claims. In the event that a land use regulation re-formatted as described herein as a result of thereformatting is capable of two interpretabons, one which may give rise to a claim for compensabon pursuant to Ballot Measure 37, or proposed,Ballot Measure 49, or other similar claims, and one which does not, the land use regulabon should be interpreted in a way which does not give rise to the Ballot Measure 37, 'or proposed Ballot Measure 49 claim. SectionS: Declaration of Emergency. It is hereby fciund and declared that matters pertaining to this amendment of the Springfield Developmerit Code regarding the reformat affect the public health, safety and welfare of the City of Springfield and that this Ordinance shall, therefore, take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield by a vote of ~ for and ~against, ' , this J2!bday of Seotember ,'2007. . APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield, this 17 thday of ,ATTEST: Seotember ,2007. v~ ..cr ~ /_-,'-" '. City Recor ,~~ REVIEWED & APPROVED N' TO FORM' ~..,,~",... ~ ~,~, DATE: q \ ID\ 01 OFFICE OF CiTY ATTORNEY () 10.600-10 Lane Code 10.600-25 SPRINGFIELD URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY/EUGENE URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY 10.600-10 Springfield Urban Growth Bonndary. The City of Springfield shall have the responsibility and the authority to administer its land use regulations on urbanizable land within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. For the,purpose of this subsection, the following words and phrases shall mean; (I) Sorin~field Urban Growth Boundarv. All land within the Urban Growth Boundary, as defined by the Eugene-Springfield. Metropolitan Area General Plan. on November 21, 1989, or as amended thereafter on the effective date of any Plan amendment enacted by Lane County, east ofl-5. (2) Urbanizable Lam!. Urbanizable lands, as defined by the Eugene- Springfield Metropolitan Area Plan, are those unincorporated lands between the Springfield City Limits and the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. (Revised by Ordinance No. 16_86.11.24.86; 11-89, 11.21.89; 3-99, 8.27.99) ('J 10.600-15 Applicable Land Use Regnlations. Lane County has adopted the following land use regulations to be applied by Springfield on urbanizable land within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. (I) The Springfield Development Code adopted by the Lane County Board of Commissioners as part of Ordinance No. 16-86, and amended by Ordinance Nos. 5-89, . , 18-90,9-91,13-91, 14-92,5-93,13-94,3-97,7-99, 10:00, 13-04,2-05,2-06, and 16-07. (2) Copies of these applicable land use regulations shall be on file at the Lane County Land Management Division. (Revised by Ordinance No. 16-86, EfJective 11.24.86; 5-89, 5.31.89; 11-89, 11.21.89; 18-90, 12.19.90; 9.91, 9.20.91; 13.91, 9.25.91; 14.92, 1.8.93; 5.93, 8.26,93; 13. 94, 1.11.95; 3-97, 4.18.97; 7c99, 12.8.99; 10-00, 12.13.00; 13-04,7.1.04; 2-05, 9.9.05;2-06, 4.14.06) 10.600-20 'Engene Urban Growth Boundary; The City of Eugene shall have the responsibility and the authority to administer ils land use regulations on urbanizable land within the EugeneUrban Growth Boundary. For Ihe purpose of this subsection, the following words and phrases shall mean; (1) Eu<!ene Urban Growth Boundarv. All urbanizable land within the urban growth boundary, as defined by the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan, on November 21, 1989, or as amended thereafter on the effective date of any Plan amendment enacted by Lan~ County, which is wesl ofl-5'- . (2) Urbanizable Land. Urbanizable lands are those unincorporated. lands between the Eugene City Limils and the Eugene Urban Grown Boundary. (Revised by Ordinance No. 18c86, EfJectiv~ 4.27.87; 21-87. 11.25.87; 11-89, 11.21.89; 3-99, 7.28.99) 10.600-25 Applicable Land Use Regulations. Lane County has adopted the following land use regulations to be applied by Eugene on urbanizable land' within the Eugene Urban Growth Boundary. . (I) The Eugene Land Use regulations as adopted ,by the Lane County Board of Commissioners as part of Ordinance No. 18-86 as amended in Ordinance Nos. 16-87,5- 88,6'88; 7-88,1-89,2-89,13-89,2-90,2-91,12-91,14-91,7-92, 10-00,2-02 and 3-02. (2) Copies of these applicable land use regulations shall be on file at the Lane County Land Management Division. (Revised by Ordinance No. 18-86, EfJective 4.27.87,21.; 13.89,1.12.90; 2-90.7.2090; 2.91, 329.91; 12-91, 9.20.91; 14-91, 9.25.91; 7-92,828.92; 10- . 00,12.13.00: 2-02. 2./3.02; 3-02,2.13.02) () . LCIO.Scc600.00002LEGREV IOc814 LCIO.345.600 , At right margin iru<, < <oJes changes Bold indicates maf{}11i1 being added Sa-ikethroHgh indicates material being deleted LEGISLATIVE FORMAT 10.600-10 Lane Code 10.600-25 SPRINGFIELD URBAN.GROWTH BOUNDARY/EUGENE URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY .10.600-10 Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. , The City of Springfield shall have the responsibility and the authority to administer its land use regulations on urbanizable land within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. For the purpose of this subsection, the following words and phrases shall mean: (I) .sorinllfield Urban Growth Boundarv. All land within the Urban Growth Boundary, as defined by the Eugene-Springfield Metropolilan Area General Plan on November 21, 1989, or as amended thereafter on the effective date of any Plan amendment enacted by Lane County; east ofl-5. (2) Urbanizable Land. Urbanizable lands, as defined by the Eugene- Springfield Metropolitan Area Plan, are those unincorporated lands between the Springfield City Limits and the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. (Revised by Ordinance No. /6-86, / /.24.86; /1-89, 11.2/.89; 3-99, 8.27.99) , . ( 10.600-15 Applicable Land Use Regulations. Lane County has adopted the following land use regulalions to be applied by Springfield on urbanizable land within the Springfield Ur:ban Growth Boundary. (I) The Springfield Development Code adopted by the Lane County Board of Commissioners as part of Ordinance No. 16-86, and amended by Ordinance Nos. 5-89, 18-90,9-91,13-91,14-92; 5-93,13-94,3-97,7-99,10-00,13-04,2-05, aHd-2-06, and 16- 07. (2) Copies of these applicable land use regulations shall be on file al the Lane County Land Management Division. (Revised by Ordinance No< /6-86, Effective /1.24.86; 5-89'- 5.31.89; /1-89, /1.21.89; 18-90, 12./9.90; 9-91, 9.20.9/; 13-9/, 9.25.9/; /4-92, /.8.93; 5-93, 8.26.93; /3- 94, /.1l.95; 3-97,4./8.97; 7-99, /2.8.99; /0-00, /2./3.00; 13-04,7./.04; 2-05,9.9.05; 2-06, 4./4.06) 10.600-20 Eugene Urban Growth Boundary. The City of Eugene shall have the responsibility and the authority to administer its land use regulations on urbanizable land within the Eugene Urban Growth Boundary. For the purpose of this subsection, the following words and phrases shall mean: (I) EUllene Urhan Growth Boundarv, All urbanizable land within'lhe urban growth boundary, as defined by the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan, on November 21,1989, or as amended thereafter on the effective date of any Plan amendinent emicted by Lane County, which is west of 1-5. . (2) Urbanizable Land. Urbanizable lands are those unincorporated lands between the Eugene City Limits and the Eugene Urban Grown Boundary, (Revised by Ordinonce No. /8-86, EfTeclive 4.27.87; 2/-87, 1l.25.87; /1-89. 1l.2/.89; 3-99, 7.28.99) o 10.600-25 Applicable Land Use Regulations. Lane County has adopted the following land use regulations to be applied by Eugene on urbanizable land within the Eugene Urban Growth Boundary. (I) The Eugcne Land Use regulations as adopted by the Lane County Board of Commissioners as part ofOrdinanec No. 18-86 as amendea in Ordinance Nos, 16-87,5- 88,6-88,7-88,1-89,2-89,13-89,2-90,2-91, 12-9i, 14-91,7-92,10-00,2-02 and 3-02, (2) Copies of these applicable land use regulations shall be on file at the Lane CountY Land Management Division. (Revised by Ordinance No. /8-86, EfTective 4.27.87; 2/- 87,1/.25.87; /3-89.1./2.90; 2-; 2-9/, 3.29.9/; /2-9/, 9.20.9/; /4-9/. 9.25.9/; 7-92, 8.28.92; /0- 00, 12.13.00; 2.02, 2.13.02; 3-02, 2.13.02) . LC I O.See600.00002.LEGREV 10-814 LC10.J45_600 -' :' 'I , Ordinance No./b-07 Exhibit B SPRrnGFffiLDDEVELOPMENTCODEREFORMAT FINDINGS OF COMPLIANCE Amendment and refonnat of the Springfield Development Code (SDC), to be co-adopted by the Lane County Board through reference in Lane Code Chapter 10 for application within the urbanizable area of Springfield, LANE COUNTY CRITERIA FOR ADOPTION OF SDC AMENDMENTS Lane Code 10.315-20 establishes criteria that must be met in order to approve this request "Zonings, rezonings, and changes in the requirements of this chapter shall be enacted to achieve the general purpose of this chapter and shall not be contrary to the public interest. In addition, zonings and rezonings. shall be consistent with the. specific purposes of the Zone District classification proposed, applicable Comprehensive Plan elements and components, and Statewide Planning Goals for any portion of Lane County which has not been acknowledged for compliance with the Statewide Planning Goals by the Land Conservation and Development Commission. Any zoning or rezoning may be . effected by Ordinance or Order of the Board of County Commissioners, the Planning Commission or the Hearings Official in accordance with the procedures in this section." The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) is the applicable Comprehensive Plan, The Springfield Development Code has been refonnatted from 44 articles to 6 chapters following the layout in the Model Development Code for Small Cities, providing consist and clear guidelines for development of urban lands in Springfield. Adoption of the amendments for application to urbanizable lands that are transitioning into urban uses is not contrary to the public interest, as it provides clear guidelines for urban development in Springfield. Therefore, the adoption of the SDC Amendments and Refonnatted layout by Lane County for application to the urbanizable area of Springfield meets the general pwpose of this chapter, and will be specifically referenced in Lane Code 10.600-20. . EUGENE-SPRrnGFlELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN "The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan [Metro Plan] is the official long-range general plan (public policy document) of metropolitan Lane County and the cities of Eugene tmd Springfield. Its policies and land use designations apply. only within the area under the jurisdiction of the Plan. The Plan sets forth general planning policies and land use allocations and serves as the basis for the coordinated development of programs concerning the use and conservation of physical resources, furtherance of assets, and development or redevelopment of the metropolitan area." P. 1-1 Findinl!;: This is an amendment and refonnat of an existing specific regulation, the SDC. The SCD was adopted by the City and County in 1986, and amended several times since then. All of these historical amendments have complied with the policies contained in the Metro Plan. There is a tenninology change from "day care" to "child care" based on an a recent amendment to ORS 657A.250, which regulates child care facilities in Oregon. This use is found on various use lists in proposed Chapter 3 and requires ~'Pecial siting standards. This terminology change is not apolicy issue, it is definition language used for consistency with the terminology contained in the applicable ORS. ' The intent of the refonnatted SDC is to make the document more contemponuy and user-friendly, there are no Metro Plan policy changes included in this amendment to the development regulations. Therefore, Findings of CompliancelLC Chapter 10 Amendment Springfield Development Code ) Page I ) .) .. ,-~. the proposed amended and refonnatted SDC has no effect on Metro Plan policies, and is fully consistent with the criteria for coordinated development of programs within the Metro Plan boundary by the applicable local jurisdictions. Statewide Planninp Goals and Orepon Administrative Rules GOAL 1: CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT - OAR 660-015-0000(1) "To develop a citizen involvement program that insures the opportunity for citizens to bdnvolved in all phases oflhe planning process." The citizen involvement goal includes notice to the Department of Land Conservation and Development, and opportunities for affected parties to participate in the consideration and development of an updated SDC. The city conducted extensive public involvement, including public hearings and referral and consideration by a local technical advisory committee in developing the updated SDC that was adopted by Springfield Common Council through Ordinance No. 6206 on September 17, 2007. Springfield Development Services submitted Ordinance No. 6206 and the refonnatted SDC to Lane County Land Management on October October 15, 2007 for co-adoption under the Metro Plan and Intergovernmental Agreement for coordinated jurisdictional approval of al'l'.vp.:ate guiding regulations. On October 19, 2007, staff mailed notice of the proposed action to the Department of Land Conservation and Development announcing the public hearing before the Board of Commissioners. On November 7,2007, a newspaper notice!legal ad announcing the Board of Commissioners public hearing was published in the Register Guard, a newspaper of general circulation in the urbanizable area of Springfield. On December 5,2007, the Lane County Board of Commissioners held a public hearing on the proposal to adopt the refonnatted S'DC and amendments for applicaiion to urbanizable lands and adopted Ordinance No. -07. GOAL 2: LAND USE PLANNING OAR 660-015-0000(2) "To establish a land use planning process and policy framework as a basis for all decision and actions related to use of land and to assure an adequate factual base for such decisions and actions. " ., The cO-adoption of the SDCby the Lane County Board of Commissioners for application to urbanizable lands outside the city limits of Springfield and within the Springfield UGBimplements the established land use planning process and policy framework in the Metro Plan is implemented in compliance with Statewide Goal 2. GOAL 3: AGRICULTURAL LAND OAR 660"015-0000(3) "To preserve and maintain agricultural lands. " GOAL 4: FOREST LANDS OAR 660-015-0000(4) "To preserve and maintain forest lands. " Finding: These goals do not apply within adopted, acknowledged urban growth boundaries. GOAL 5: NATURAL RESOURCES, SCENIC AND mSTORIC AREAS, AND OPEN SPACES OAR 660-015-0000(5) ,"To'protect natural resources and conserve scenic and historic areas and open spaces. " Findings of CompliancdLC Chapter 10 Amendment , Springfield Developmenl Code Page 2 , ~, ). GOAL 6: AIR, WATER AND LAND RESOURCES QUALITY OAR 660-015-0000(6) "To maintain and improve the quality of the air, water and land resources of the state. " GOAL 7: AREAS SUBJECT TO NATURAL HAZARDS "To protect people and property from natural hazards. " GOAL 8: RECREATIONAL NEEDS OAR 660-015-0000(8) To satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the state and visitors and, where appropriate, to provide for the siting of necessary recreational facilities including destination resorts. " GOAL 9: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OAR. 660-015-0000(9) "To provide adequate opportunities throughout the state for a variety of economic activities vital to the health, welfare, and prosperity of Oregon ~s citizens." ' GOAL 10: HOUSING OAR 660-015-0000(10) "To provide for the housing needs of citizens of the state." GOAL 11: PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES OAR 660-015-0000(11) "To plan and develop a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement of public facilities and services to , senie as a framework for urban and rural development" ' GOAL 12: TRANSPORTATION OAR 660-015-0000(12) "To provide and encourage a safe, convenient and economic transportation system. " GOAL 13: ENERGY CONSERVATION OAR 660-015-0000(13) "To conserve energy. Land and uses developed on .the land shall be managed and controlled so as to maximize the conservation of all forms of energy, based upon sound economic principles. " Goal 14: Urbanization OAR 660-015-0000(14) "To provide for an orderly and efficient transition from rural to urban land use. " GOAL 15: WILLAMETIE RIVER GREENWAY OAR 660-015-0005 "To protect, conserve, enhance and maintain the'natural, scenic, historical, agricultural, economic and recreational qualities of lands along the Wdlamette River as the Willamette River Greenway. " Finding: The amendment and reformat of the Springfield Development Code is for clarity and to make the existing specific regulation docwnent more user-friendly and contemporary. Over 60 amendments since the initial adoption of the SDC led to 44 Articles that are now structured under 6 general chapters. No policy changes occurred with the updated SDC. Therefore, the above listed goals are not affected by the reformat of the development regulation docwnent, and the policies remain in effect in the Metro Plan. Goals 16 through 19 - Estnarine Resources, Coastal Sho'relands, Beaches and Dunes, and Ocean Resources. Findin<>:: These' goals do not apply because there are no coastal, ocean, estuarine, or beach and dune resources within the urbanizable area of Springfield. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ,Staff finds that the reformatted and amended Springfield Development Code complies with the criteria of approval listed in SDC 8.030 and LC 10.315-20; applicable Metro Plan policy; and applicable Statewide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules. Findings of Complianco'LC Chapter 10 Amendment Page3 Springfield Develop~ent Code / t .j "---, ( ) '--.....,. Staff recommends the Board of Commissioners adopt the reformatted and amended SDC presented in this Ordinance (No. _ '()7) for application to land within the urbanizable area of the city of Springfield. ',/" Findings of ComplianceILC Chapter 10 Amendment '( Springfield Development Code Page 4 December 5, 2007 agenda Page 1 of 5 ~UbUC S,<V~?~ ~~ffi~~~S~~?:::!~: AGEND~,. Dste Received: Plal'lner: GK 1;).-5 -07 ~___.__-=:t I 00 to fI~ 6824203 L1?gend: PM- Previous Material # - Sign-up Sheets Available at Entrance NBA- Notice of Board Action TDD services at (541) 682-3995 Note: Some (View Material) is in PDF format To view POF {Adobe Acrobat) documents, you need the free reader. If you don't have it, click here to download FREEl !mlGefA(ro~atn . Absolutety no ObligatiOn!.~~~"Ob~~~aeaaer~1 or, if you want to read how to install first before you go to ADOBE, 'clickJle.r.el The meeting location is wheelchair-accessible. Anyone needing special accommodations (hearing impaired, language translation, chemical sensitivity necods, ete.), please make your request at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. , NOW A V AILABLE: Webcasts to view Board Meetings from yonr computer. Click here to 00 to webcasls! TlJESDAY,J1ECEMBEIL4, 2007 - W_ORK S_ESSIill! 9:00 a.m. -(Commissioners' Conference Room) (Please turn off all cell phones) 1. ADJIISTMFNT" To...THF.Ar.ENUA I # 2. PIlBLW ('OMMENTS (MaximUlll time 20 minutes: Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes. If the nUlllber wishing to testifY exceeds 7 speakers, each speaker's time may be reduced to fit within 20 minutes.) 3. ffiMMISSTONERS' RE1\WNS_TRANCE (2 min. limit) 4. EXEC.DTIYF "F.""T()JlLa.s_per QRS 192.660 (Commissioners' Conference Room) 5. rOTJNTV_ADMII'IIS.TRATJ(~N a. REPORT BACK/Phone Poll and Focus Groups. (Tony Bieda and Amber Fossen) (40 min.) b. DISCUSSION/Service Priority GuidelineslReduction Criteria Options. (Bill VanVactor and David Garnick) (40 min.) 6. PTJRLlC W_QRKS... a. DISCUSSION/Ordinance No. 17-071B0undary Change Process Issues. (Kent Howe) (40 min.) b. DISCUSSION/Measures 37 and 49 Transitions/Pending Measure 37 Claims. (Kent Howe) (40 min.) c. WORK SESSION/Groundwater Issues in Development Application Reviews. (Kent Howe) (11:45 A.M. TIME CERTAIN) ~15 min.) (View Materian http://www.lanecounty.orgJBCC_Info/Meeting_Info/2007/ Agenda07 -12-5 .htril 12/4/2007 . December 5, 2007 agenda Page 2 of5 7. ImVIEW Assrc.NMEN.TS 8. CHMMISSIONRRS' ANNOITNCEMRNTS 9. CQRRF.SPONDRNCE_TO THR.BOARD 10. COMl\IIISSJONRR$' RTJSfflESS 11. FMFRGENCV Rl!SINRSS WRDNESQAY,JlECEMIlEK5JM7 - JOINT RCClHQUSINC. ANTl CHMMTJlIi{[fV sF,gVTrF.g AGENrv/]tQARD OF HRALJRMEEI~G 9:00 a.m. (Commissioners' Conference Room) (Please turn off all cell phones) #1. prrnuc CQMME~IS (MaximUlll time 20 mim}tes: Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes. If the number wishing to testifY exceeds 7 speakers, each speaker's time may be reduced to fit within 20 minutes.) WRDNESIlA V. DECEMIlEg 5. Z007_=_HOUSI~r. AND CQMMTJNTTV SRIWWFS_AGENCY (following Joint Meeting) (Comniissioners' Conference Room) (Please turn off all cell phones) 1. COMMrSSIOJ'mRS' RRMO~STJlANCF. (2 min. limit) .?' llEGULAR_IlTTSTNESS . a. REPORT/Diversity Update. (Dorothy Cummings) (10 min.) (View Materia]) b. ORDER 07-12-5-1 H/In the Matter of Granting a Sabbatical Personal Leave to the HACSA Executive Director. (Larry Abel) (10 min.) (View Material} . 3. C!)~S_ENT CALE~DAR BEGINNING OF CONSENT CALENDAR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a. Approval of Minutes END OF CONS~NT CALENDAR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4. EXECTTTTVJi; SEssrON a~eLQRS 192.660 5. OTHER RUSINESS http://www.lanecounty .org/BCC _ Info/Meeting_Info/2007/ Agenda07 -12- 5 .htrn 12/4/2007 . December 5, 2007 agenda Page 3 of5 . WRDNESDA Y,J!ECFMBERS.._200.7 - ROARD_OUIEALJ:J-I ]\1F.FllNG (following HAC SA) (Commissioners' Conference Room) I. N>Jl!STMEl'n:S_T_O_TJIE..AGENIt~ 2. !U:{mLARRUSINESS a. ORDER 07-12-5-1/In the Matter of Approving the Lane County Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management Program Annual Report (2007). (Orin SchUlllacher) (40 min.) (View Materia]) 3.0THFRBlISINESS WEDNESDAY,J!ECEMaER_5,.2Q0.7~!U:G.ULAR.MEETIN_G (following Board of Health) (Commissioners' Conference Room) (Please turn off all cell phones) I. AllJUSTMF.NJ:S_T_O_THEAGENDA 2. C.ONSENT CALENDAR (All items listed here are considered to be routine by the Board of Commissioners and will be enacted by. one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately.) BEGINNING OF CONSENT CALENDAR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A. Approval of Minutes B. Health and HUIllan Services I) ORDER 07-12-5-2I1n the Matt~r of Amending Chapter 3 ofthe Lane Manual to Correct Citations Regarding Mental Health Advisory Committee, Rename the Public Health Advisory Committee, and Revise the Description of the Community Health Council (LM 3.524, LM 3.528, LM 3.534). (Rob Rockstroh) (View Materia]) C. Public Works I) ORDER 07. 12.5.3/In the Matter of Ratifying an Application Submitted by Public Works for Grant Funding Under the Forest Highway Enhancement Project for Schindler Landing Project and/or Tide Wayside Enhancement and Delegating Contract Signature Authority to the County Administrator Upon the Award of One or Both Applicants. (View Material) END OF CONSENT CALENDAR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WEDNESDAY.J!EC.EMlJER5,-20m~!U:G.ULAR MEEUNG_(C!mtinued) 3. EMERGENCY RITSINESS http://www.lanecounty.org/BCC_Info/Meeting_Info/2007/Agenda07-12-5.htm 12/4/2007 . , December 5, 2007 agenda Page 4 of5 4. COMMISSIO~ERS' REMONSIRANCF, (2 min. limit) 5. CO_U1l/TXADMJNTSTRA TTOJll a. Announcements 6. HEALIRAND_HUMAKSERVlCES a. ORDER 07-12-5-4/1n the Matter of Creating 1.0 FTE Community Health Center Division Manager, 2.0 FTE Office Assistants 2, 1.0 FTE Medical Assistant 2, 1.0 FTE Chief Financial Officer and Increasing Existing .5 FTE Bilingual Community Service Worker 2 by .50 FTE (Position # 50336) and Appropriating Revenue and Expense in the Amount of $201,008 in Fund 288, Department of Health' & HUIllan Services..(Rob Rockstroh) (5 min.) (View Material) 7. M"ANAC-F.MF.NTSERVlCE.s. a. ORDER 07-12-5-5/1n the Matter of Amending Chapter 60 of the Lane Manual to Update the Fees Relating to a Marriage License or Registering a Declaration of Domestic Partnership(LM 60.812). (Annette Newingham) (5 min.) (View Material) 8. PTJRTIC..s.AE.ED': a. REPORT BACK/Adult Work Crew. (Sheriff Burger) (15 min.) (View Material) 9. C.ORRESPjlI'iDE~.cE T_O_THKROARn' I o. CnMMISs.lO~ERS'_RUSI~_ES.s a. REPORT BACK/Population Forecasts. (20 min.) II. RE~IEW ASSIG~MEm:.S 12. EXE.clLTI~E..SESSIO~_as_per QRS_I9Z.660 (Commissioners' Conference Room) 13. OTHER_RliSIl'iESS 1:30 n.m. (Commissioners' Conference Room) #14. ~UIlLIC._HEARING...s a. SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING/Ordinance No. P A 1245/1n the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) by Revising Goal-2, Policy 25; to Establish Provisions for a Private Use Airport Overlay Zone; by Adopting an Official Private Use Airport Overlay Zone Map; by Applying the Overlay Zone to Five Private Use Airports and Surrounding Properties and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (NBA and PM 11/20/07). (Keir Miller) b. SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING/Ordinance 15-07/1n the Matter of Amending the Lane Count Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) and Lane Code Chapter 16 to Establish a Private Use Airport Overlay Zone (LCI6.012, LCI6.296) (NBA and PM 11/20/07). (Keir Miller) http://www.lanecounty .org/BCC _Info/Meeting_ Info/2007 / Agenda07 -12-5 .htrn 12/4/2007 December 5, 2007 agenda Page 5 of5 c. SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING/Ordinance No_ 16-07/In the Matter of Amending Chapter 10 of Lane Code to Adopt Amendments to the Springfield Development Regulations for Application to Urbanizable Lands Within the Springfield Urban Growth Area (LC 10.600-15) and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (Applicant: City of Springfield) (NBA and PM 11/20/07). (Stephanie Schulz) d. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING AND FINAL ORDER 07-1 1-20-1 I/In the Matter of the Vacation of Certain _ Blocks, Lots, and Rights of Way in the Plats of Glenada (Vol. W, P.26l), the South Florence Addition to Glenada (BK.2, P.9) and the Amended Map of South Florence Addition to Glenada (BK.2, P. 13), as Platted and Recorded in Lane County, Oregon Plat Records (18-12-34-13, 41, 42). (Mike Jackson) (View Materia]) 15. mMMISSIONERS~BJrsINF.s.s a. Evaluation of County Counsel. (Commissioner Stewart) (10 min.) 16. C.OMMISSIOl'oIERS' ANNOITNCF,MRNTS 17. CnRRESPONDENCR TO THR ROA.RD J 18. OTHERRUSIl'IESS WEDNESIMY.J1E.cEMBER5J007 - JOINT HOARD OLCQMMISSIDNERSLCQMMISSIOl'oI.-ON CHILDRE~AND_F:AMILIES_MEE:nlSG 5:30 p.m. (JOM Serbu Youth Campus, 2727 MLK Jr. Blvd., Eugene) ~lSDTE: Estimated Times - ------ ~I"lOTE: Next scheduled Board of Commissioners' Meeting Tuesday, December II and/or: Wednesday, December 12,2007. - http://www.lanecounty .org/BCC _ Info/Meeting_Info/2007/ Agenda07 -12- 5 .htrn 12/4/2007 ~. Vacant Results Sum of ACRES STATCL PROPCl 107 130 140 150 160 190 199 307 (blank) Grand Total . 100 0.13 2.28 6.75 5.25 1.01 0.7 140.79 156.91 101 4.37 0.24 3.85 8.46 106 0.24 0.25 0.49 109 3.69 0.87 19.33 2.87 26.76 190 51.68. 51.68 196 0.59 0.59 . 200 23.81 23.81 210 021 0.21 300 8.42 8.42 400 158.67 158.67 401 7.04 2.88 4 0,35 14.27 409 1.18 5.53 6.88 13.59 540 . 80.19 80.19 541 0.46 0.79 1.25 640 181.39 181.39 641 5.44 5.44 689 113.21 113.21 700 21.65 21.65 Grand Total 135.3 2.74 9.87 5.25 1.01 1.57 19.33 13.38 , 678.54 866.991 .~ Memo Date: October 29, 2007 , First Reading Date: November 21 ,,2007 Second Reading/Public Hearing, Date: December 5, 2007 , i.e,' Received" , 2 -5 - 07 . .~nner: GK 1-4 fJO-fr TO: DEPARTMENT: PRESENTED BY: AGENDA ITEM TITLE,: Board of County Commissioners Public Works, land Management Division, Planning Department Stephanie Schulz, Planner ,ORDINANCE NO. _-07 /IN THE MATTER OF AMENDING LANE CODE CHAPTER 10 TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS TO THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR APPLICATION TO URBANIZABLE LANDS WITHIN THE SPRINGFIELD URBp,.N GROWTH AREA (LC 10.600-15) AND ADOPTING SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES , (Applicant: City of Springfield)' I. . MOTION: For November 21. 2007: I move approval of the first reading and setting the second reading and public hearing on Ordinance No. _ -07 for December 5, 2007 at 1 :30 p.m. For December 5.2007: I move approval ofprdinance No. _ -07. , II.. ISSUE/PROBLEM: The Board is being asked to amend Lane Code Chapter 10 to 'adopt an updated and reformatted Springfield Development Code (SDC) for application within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). 1/1. DISCUSSION. A. Background The Springfield Development Code (SDC) was adopted by the City in May, 1986. In the nearly 21 yellrs since its adoption, the City has made piecemeal amendments to the SDC to implement both state and local planning mandates and local planning priorities. Over time, these SDC amendments have resulted in a document that had become cumbersome and difficult to understand for both staff and potential developers. In order to address these issues, the City hired a consultant in early 2005 and proceeded with an editing and reformatting study in order to make the SDC more contemporary and user- friendly. The Springfield City Council adopted the updated SDC by Ordinance after an extensive public involvement process on September 17,2007. B. Policy 'Issues The delivery of effective and efficient urban services by the cities within the urbanizable area of the Metro Plan is supported by the coordination agreement between the County and the metro cities. The applicable Comprehensive Plan policies are found in the Metro Plan, and are elaborated in the Findings, Attachment B to this Ordinance. Approval of this Ordinance adopting an amendment to LC Chapter 10 will ensure consistency for the updated land use regulations guiding development in the Springfield urbanizable area. Ordinance No. _-07 Hearing: December 5,2007 Springfield Development Code Update Page 1 The proposed amended and reformatted SDC does not include any policy changes, such as additions to use lists or new development standards, . . Notice and Referral Notice of Board co-adoption was mailed to DLCD on October 19, 2007, A legal ad was published in the Register Guard, a newspaper of general circulation, on November 28, 2007, As the City and consultant developed the updates, they established a technical .advisory committee to review and comment on the documen~, and they conducted an extensive public review process including two public hearings.prior to the city adopting the more contemporary and user-friendly SDC and forwarding it to the Board for co- adoption. C. Board Goals Adoption of this ordinance after conducting a public hearing supports the following Lane County Strategic Goals adopted by the Board: . . Provide opportunities for citizen participation in decision making, voting, volunteerismand civic and community involvement. . Contribute to appropriate community development in the areas of transportation and telecommunications infrastructure, housing, growth management and land , development. D. Financial and/or Resource Considerations No direct financial or resource considerations apply to co adoption of the development code by Lane County, Co-adoption of a consistent development code for the entire Springfield urbanizable area does eliminate duplication and greatly enhances the efficiency of development permit processing, leading to higher levels of customer satisfaction and more efficient provision of government services. E. Analysis The proposed amended and reformatted SDC is generally based on a layout used for the Model Development Code for Small Cities and converts the current 44 articles into 6 chapters: . . Chapter 1, Introduction, explains the relationship of the SDC to the State-wide Planning Goals and the Metro Plan; Chapter 2, General Provisions, contains the SDC's purpose and applicability, enforcement regulations and a discussion of application fees; Chapter 3, Land Use Districts, discusses the City's OfficiaI Zoning Map and lists all Base Zoning Districts, Overlay Districts and Plan' Districts and base development standards; Chapter 4, Development Standards, contains both development standards not listed in Chapter 3 and specifiC development standards for certain uses; Chapter 5, Land Use Applications, discusses the development review, the public hearing and appeals processes, and lists the procedures for land use, limited land use and other required applications; . Chapter 6, Definitions, contains definitions for terms used throughout the Code. The proposed amended and reformatted SDC also places current text describing various standards into tables, combines Subdivision and Partition regulations into one Section and reduces redundant language, for example, "consistency with the Metro Ordinance No. _-07 Springfield Development Code Update Hearing: December 5, 2007 Page 2 .-" Plan" is placed in one location and deleted from each individual zoning district description. The proposed amended and 'reformatted SDC does not include any "policy" changes, such aS,additions to use lists or new deV/310pment standards. Criteria: Lane Code 10.315-20 Zonings, rezonings, and changes in the requirements of this chapter shall be enacted to achieve the general purpose of this chapter and shall not be contrary to the public interest. In addition, zonings and rezonings shall be consistent with the specific purposes of the one District classification proposed, applicable Comprehensive Plan elements and components, and Statewide Planning Goals... The applicable Comprehensive Plan for the SDC Amendments is the Metro Plan. Having the development regulations apply to the urbanizable areas of Springfield provides consistency' and clear guidelines for development as land uses transition from rural to urban uses in the Metro Home City of Springfield. Lane Code 10.600-10 adopts these implementing regulations for application by Springfield on urbanizable lands, which is consistent with the Metro Plan and is not contrary to the public interest. The Ordinance Exhibit 'B' includes findings of compliance with applicable Metro Plan policies. IV. ACTION: A. Alternatives/Options . Option 1. Approve the Ordinance as presented, . Option 2. Revise the Ordinance as directed by the Board and return for a third reading . and approval of a revised Order on a date certain set by the Board. . Option 3. Do not approve the Ordinance and deny the application. Direct staff to write findings to support the denial and return on a date certain for a third reading and action, . B. Recommendation Staff recommends Option 1, Under Ordinance No. 16-86, Order No. 85-3-13-1, Article IV, Section 3., the legislative' land use authority for the urbanizable portion of the' Springfield UGB is exercised by the Springfield Planning Commission. Therefore, the City has submitted this application directly to the Board of Commissioners for co-adoption, with a positive recommendation from the Springfield Planning. Commission and the Springfield City Council. c. Timing/Implementation . Application of the amended SDC in the urbanizable area of Springfield is dependent on adoption by the Board. If not adopted, the old SDC would remain in effect, and two different codes could be confusing and inefficient. 'fhere are no policy changes in this amendment, implementation will commence upon adoption. V. FOllOW-UP: Notice of Board action will be provided to the city of Springfield, DLCD, and all interested parties notified throughout the project. Adoption of the SDC Amendment (Option 1) will provide consistency of development regulations for properties on the land that lies outside the Springfield City Limits and within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, under CountylCity Metro Plan coordination agreements. Ordinance No. -07 Hearing: December 5, 2007 Springfield Development Code Update Page 3 .. Should the Board choose Option 2 or Option 3, an Order with findings setting forth the Board's amendments for adoption, or reasons for denial would be prepared and returned to the Board for a third reading and adoption on a date certain set after the hearing. VI. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance No. - 07 City Ordinance No. 6206 Exhibit A: Springfie,ld Development Code Exhibit B: Findings l Ordinance No. -07 Hearing: December 5, 2007 Page 4 Springfield Development Code Update jNovember 20, 2007 Agenda .~ . Page I of4 , " -. , - ~OARD OF COMMISSIONERS' AGENDA ) Public serv~f;' ::.: =...... ~'.:... "y"~~ =~bw..w,':K S14&: ~: 682-4203 Date Received: Planner: GK 11-20-07 '-:':LP.~ Legend: PM- Previous Material # - Sign-up Sheets Available at Entrance NBA- Notice of Board Action TDD services at (541) 682-3995 Note: Some (View Material) is in PDF fonnat. To view PDF (Adobe Acrobat) documents, you need the fr.~te reader. If you don't have it, click here to download FREEl. i~~~;GetYA(:robafl . F":' ="4< '1"'"" ",W< Absolutely no obligationl.'~'dobt~:liReader' or, if you want to read how to install first before you go to ADOBE, ~li.ck.heLel The meeting location is wheelchair-accessible. Anyone needing special accommodations (hearing impaired, language translation, chemical sensitivity needs, etc.), please make your request at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. NOW A V AILABLE: Webctists to view. Board Meetings from your computer. Click here to 00 to webcasts! TUESIM.X, NO.YEM8ER2Q,_2Q..I!.7_:JJ.OARILOF C0l\1MISSI01~IERSLLEG.ISLA_1JYEJlREAKF:ASI 7:30- 9:00 a.m. (Downtown Athletic Club) BCC Legislative Breakfast with Lane County Delegation. TUESllAX,J~OVEM8ER2Q,.2007 - JU:G_ULARMEE1J~G 9:15 a.m. (Commissioners' Conference Room) (Please turn off all cell phones) I. AD-"l!S.TMENTS_T_O THE~AGE~DA # 2. ~UBLILCOMMFNIS . (MaximUlll time 20 minutes: Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes. If the nUlllber wishing to testify exceeds 7 speakers, each speaker's time may be reduced to fit within 20 minutes.) 3. C.QNSE~T CAI.E~DAR (All items listed here are considered to be routine by the Board of Commissioners and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately.) BEGINNING OF CONSENT CALENDAR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (2 min.) A. Approval of Minutes B. Children and Families '. I) ORDER 07-11-20-I/In the Matter of Approving the Submittal and, if Awarded, Acceptance ofa Grant to the http://www.lanecounty .orglBCC _Info/Meeting_lnfo/2007/ Agenda07 -11-20.htrn II /16/2007 November 20, 2007 Agenda Page 2 of :k Oregon Commission on Children and Families in the Amount of Up to $250,000 Over Eighteen Months for the Runaway an? lf9.Tele~s Y !?~J!1.y,u~atiY!l' .~-;<.==-==""'._"'"'.'. ...>- w. .- ,.t. '} .....f'..l-l~ C C ty A~=-.. . 'I~ .0<"'" '" . ollI! . WllllllstratlOn . I) ORDER 07-11-20-2/1n the Matter of Awarding Contracts to Pacific Excavation for $62,706; Schnieder Equipment for $97,400; and H&J Construction for $53,000, in Response to a Bid for the Improvement of the Water Treatment System for the Blue River Wa~er District, Using CDBG Funds. D. Management Services I) ORDER 07-11-20-3/1n the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of Surplus County Owned Real Property for $6,000 to Curtis J. Hubele arid Deanna R. Hubele (Map No. 18-012-15-00-01200, East of the Mariners Village P.U.D. Common Area Off Rhododendron Drive, Florence.) E. Public Works I) ORDER 07-11-20-4/1n the Matter of Authorizing.Ratification of Federal Financial Assistance Grant-No. NFS 07- DG-Il 061800-0 14, and Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute Intergovernmental Agreements with . Seven Rural Fire Protection Districts. . 2) ORDER 07-11-20-5/1n the Matter of Appointing the Investment Manager of the Oregon State Excess Fund as Attorney-in-Fact for Lane County in a limited Capacity and Auiliorizing the County Administrator to Sign the Power of Attorney. 3) ORDER 07~ 11-20-6/1n,the Matter of Amending a Revenue Agreement with the City of Eugene for Engineering and Materials Testing Services for an Additional Not-to Exceed Amount of $100,000. 4) ORDER 07-11-20-7/1n the Matter ofImplementing a Plan forIncreased Usage of 5% and 20% Blends of Biodiesel for the Lane County Vehicle and Equipment Fleet. F. Youth SerVices I) ORDER 07-11-20-8/1n the Matter of Authorizing the creation of 1.0 FTE Employment Specialist II Position, 1.0 FTE Employment Specialist II Bilingual Spanish Speaking Position, 1.0 FTE Professional/Technical Services Supervisor, and .5 .office Assistant I Position to Youth Services. . IUESOAY. NOVF,MBER20,.:2007 - tmG.ULAR M1<'.F.T1NG.(Co'ntinued) 4. EMERGRNf:Y BUSINESS 5. mMMISSlO~RRS' tmMONSTRANCE (2 min. limit) 6. COMMlSSlO~ERS~B.USI~ESS 7. CO.Ul'!T.Y.AOMlNIS.:rJU:nO~ . a. Announcements b. ORDER 07-11-20-9/1n the Matter of Approving an Additional Title III Project (Lane County Amateur Radio Field Communications Upgrade) and Increasing Funding for an Existing Title III Project (Community WildfIre Protection http://www.lanecounty.org/BCC.lnfo/Meeting_Info/2007/Agenda07-11-20.htm 11/16/2007 .,November 20, 2007 Agenda '. . Page 3 of 4 . Plan Public Education and Outreach Campaign) Under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000, P.L. 106-393 for FY 07-08. (Christine Moody) (10:00 A.M. TIME CERTAIN) (10 min.) . 8. PllBLIC_WnRKS , . a. FIRST READING AND SETTING SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING/Ordinance No. PAI245/In the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) by Revising Goal -2, Policy 25; to Establish Provisions for a Private Use Airport Overlay Zone; by Adopting an Official Private Use Airport Overlay Zone Map; by Applying the Overlay Zone to Five Private Use Airports and Surrounding Properties and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (Second Reading and Public Hearing: 12/5/07,1:30 p.m.) (Keir Miller) (5 min.) b. FIRST READING AND SETTING SECOND READING AND PVBLIC HEARING/Ordinance 15-07/In the Matter of Amending the Lane Count Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) and Lane Code Chapter 16 to Establish a Private Use Airport Overlay Zone (LCI6.012, LCI6.296).(Second Reading and Public Hearing: 12/5/07, 1:30 p:m.). . (Keir Miller) c.FIRST READING AND SETTING SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING/Ordinance No. PA 16-07./In the Matter of Amending Chapter 10 of Lane Code to Adopt Amendments to the Springfield Development Regulations for Application to Urbanizable Lands Within the Springfield Urban Growth Area (LC 10.600-15) and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (Applicant: City of Springfield) (Second Reading and Public Hearing: )2/5/07, I :30 p.m.). (Stephanie Schulz) (5 min.) . 9. MANAGRMF.NT SF,RVICES a. DISCUSSION/Oak Street Child Development Center. (David Suchart) (15 min.) 10. CORRES~Q~nRNc.R TO THE BQARn I L COMMISSlONFRS~^NNOlJNC.RMRNTS 12. REYlFW ASSIGNl\1E.N.TS 13. EXECUTIVE_SESSION.as_per_OR8... (Commissioners' Conference Room) 14. O_l:IJER BUSINESS . 1;3Jlp~m~ (Commissioners' Conference Room) #15.l'lII1U.c.HEARINr.S a. PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 07-11-70-1 OlIn the Matter of Ordering the Adoption of the Benton, Lane, Lincoln, Lilli! Regional Investment Board 2007-2013 Regional Investment Strategy and Recommending that the Strategy and Recommending that the Strategy be Submitted to the Governor for ApprovaL (Milo Mecham) b. PUBLIC HEARING/FrNAL ORDER 07-11-20-11IIn the Matter of the Vacation of Certain Blocks, Lots, and Rights of Way in the Plats of Glen ad a (VoL W, P.26l), the South Florence Addition to Glenada (BK.2, P.9) and the Amended Map of South Florence Addition to Glenada (BK.2, P. 13), as Platted and Recorded in Lane County, Oregon Plat records (18-12-34-13, 41, 42). (Mike Jackson) #15,'~l1BLlC_HRARING_S. . http://www.lanecounty.org/BCC_Info/Meeting~Info/20m/Agenda07-11-20.htm 11/16/2007 November 20, 2007 Agenda Page 4 of4,: '~~ c, PUBLIC HEARING AND FINAL ORDER 07-11-20-12/In the Matter of the Vacation ofa Portion of Latta Road, a Public Road, Located in the Northwest Quarter (NW \I.) of Section 23, ToWnship 17 South, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, with a Public Heating, and Adopting Findings of Fact (l7-01-23-20) (Mike Jackson) #16, J>UBLIC WORKS a. DEDICATION AND ORDER 07-11-20-13/In the Matter of Accepting a Deed of Land to Be Used as a Public Road Easement for Latta Road, a Public Road (17-01-23-32) (Mike Jackson) , 16, COMMTSSTONF.RS' ANNOTTNCF.MF.NTS 17. CQRRESP_Q~nE~_CE_T_O_TlfF, ROARn 18. m:HERRUSINESS . .":~!nE: Estimated Times ---- ~NO..IE: Next scheduled Board of Commissioners' Meeting Tuesday, November 27 and/or Wednesday, November 28,2007. .- " http://ww,w.lanecounty.org/BCC_Info/Meeting_Info/2007/ Agenda07 -11-20.htrn 11/16/2007