HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 8/8/2007 .. ~ "'-I- ~ -hr I!ft- @r... f/(/-ry V /~:<(-O {rw CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY COUNCIL ,AilE; KElceivec!' Planner: GK q'~'D7 1-3PT PUBLICATION DATE: September 7,2007 CASE NUMBERS: LRP 2006-40015 APPLICANT: City of Springfield, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 NATURE OF THE APPLICATIONS: Reformatting of the Springfield Development Code (SOC). The proposed reformatted SDC is generally based on the "Model Development Code for Small Cities" and converts the current 44 Articles into 6 Chapters and does not include any "policy" 'changes, such as additions to use lists, or new development standards, , DATE, TIME, PLACE AND LOCATION OF THE PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1, The Springfield City Council will conduct a public hearing on the proposed Ordinance reformatting the SDC on Monday September 17, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth Street. 2. The staff report will be available 7 days prior to the public hearing date. 3. The criteria of approval tor SDC amendments Can be found in current SDC Section 8.030 requiring the adoption of findings which demonstrate compliance with: (1) the Metro Plan; (2) applicable State statutes; and (3) applicable State-wide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules,. 4. The application, all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant are available for inspection at City Hall at no cost and will be provided for a reasonable cost. The proposed reformatted SDC can be viewed at the City of Springfield or on the following web site: htto:l/www.ci.sorinafield.ar.usldsd/Plannina/indexlhtm. 5. The City must receive all written materials no later than 5:00 p.m. on the date of the public hearing. 6. All decisions of the City Council are final unless appealed to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) within 21 days of the City Council's decision. Failure of an issue to be raised at the hearing, in person or in writing, or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the decision-maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals an that issue. CONTACT PERSON: If you have any questions, please call Gary M. Karp at (541) 726.3777. . . '. ,", , ,,';' .\ ,. . . . ,,' . .:-., , ,.,"." , , " SPRINGFIE:LD ~',I'''' ' , " . .,,-,.' L; "1, , , '. . .' . . . . . .... , " C;t~ot 5pri:~gl=ie!d . ' Developm~nt5'erv;ces Department" .'.. :'.. . --------- II '. Facsimile C~ver Fage' .fax: (5+1)726-36,89. , " , , '- \I To: .WtttMI~ ! :k{+! ~(~ Fax:IA1r&lg{;~ Compan::J:~,k From: '&vfJ'lkJv J0NJ '1U/9(P/O ' Mcssacrec, . '=' . , p~~r' ~/JJ1> /Itf/ ~fiOJ 1i1 ~/ NUlJchY '7 )(i~'1, P/iltM , 'fJUMt. 0~V-VV1 ,,~ . 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" U . j1rlI.Mk " :JoA1 rld1M , , 'IJ/.))uL', D~ YV1II. ' I {)II ", '( ~, .. .','- lJ , rxt.P.I/1 pi,. . ..... v tJ/I.)t () ( if Lt N GUARD PUBLISHING COMPANVlo??t!O(- (N) ~f.t;6&o-o P,O. BOX 10188 PHONE (541) 485-1234 EUGENE, OREGON 97440 , Legal Notice Advertising CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LESLIE WILSON - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 225 N 5TH SPRINGFIEL.D, OR 97477 ~"II~r':\'.fE.t l-i.C\.~~\:"" SEP \ 3 2007 # -.. '~Yf'\i' f-h,i ': '\~ '\"'.l';"~~, ':?'i; , '.;.\':)l,.:: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, ) COUNTY OF LANE, } ss, I, Kelly Gant , being first duly affirmed, depose and say that I am the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Public Meeting/Hearing printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for one successive and consecutive Day(s) in the following issues: , September 7, 2007 /vt/~ Subscribed :nd lttirmed to~efore me this September 11, 2007 ~'" ~ '" \---0.; cA Notary Public of Oregon My commission expires: JLJly 24, 2010 Account #: 1000218 INVOICE 9830517 ..",!. (I) Case: Amt Due: $165.17 Leg.al 9830517 Notice CITY. OF SPRINGRELD ,..; ,- PU8UC HEARING NOTICE~ 1~ , - CfTYCOUNCIL..-----'"' t PU8UCATlON OATE;:','Septem- ber 1 2007' " . .. .""'",....~.,....." CASE NUMBERSi1/(RP ,2006- 0001S.~; :'.".-- :'~. ~',:,-?" j~~~ :.P. .APPUCANT:"City. tof.~ spring' field, 225 Ftfth street;'Spnngfleld, OR974n. ~ ....,:d:1~i;.l:1!;::.r NATURE .OF .:T1iElAPPUCA. TlONS: ,IRefonnatting~iOfP1.:.the Springfleld- Oevelopmentl"lCode ICOC). '1he. proposed:,reformat' _ ted SOC IS genel'ally based on the MModel.Oevelopment;;Code;,foi' Small"Cities" .and"converts:'the currint 44'Articles irito 6'ChaP=' ters 'ilnd:.does.'not 'include"'any Ypollcy~ ,~han9es. such ,as ,acldi. tlons',to,:u,sellsts,'orj'new;devel. opment standanls.~'~'::'~:!~'L .DATE,' ,TIME/PLACE :ANO:LOc CA TI?N, OF ~!H~ ' PU.;8U: ~:~,~,R' INGS..t........,. "--:1;1,, 1"'- l1.l;l 1. ThQ;Springfield,;City~Councll ,~wllhconduct a,public:hearlng ~on the proposed Ordinance re- . formatting the. SOC 'on - Mon; 1> day 'SePtember\~17; ~2001"at' , 1:00;:.p:.m.';~inr the "'CounCil Chambers~ of' Springfield City HaI~ 225 FIfthStn!et~I,,,iJl' ~ 2. The.stafU'eporfwill be1>avaIl- . able 7. days prior. to the public ;-hearlngdate."'.l''l1~t 1,Gj;.;,:",:, 3. "The,'crlteria ,of,approvahfor SOC :- amendments l:ti can ..'; be found,in current;SOC'Sect!on 8.0]0 requiring the acloptlon of ~~findlngs;which::ld~onst.rate , compliance \ with: ,,(1) "the Metro: Plan';' '(2) ~ appllcable, State,:.statutes;~andJ])'appll.! cable",State-wide"Planmng Goals"of,-and"'''Adminlstrative ; Rule~:"':"':" q(.1I~":'::'?::~~l~',~ 4. The apphcatlon;a1I'documents . and evidence submitted ,by or onbehalfof;the,appllcantare 'available forinspection at Clty ,Hall at no coSt and,will be p~ vldedfor a 'reasonable'cost. The / propoSed ;" refonnatted .. SDC can be viewed at the City ~ ;01; Sprl~gfield or.;o.n.lh~'~J~ lowing"!.ebslte: ....-~... It!:" http://www.cI.sprlngfleld.or.l , .US/dsd/Plannlng/lndex/htm. S. TheClty must,receive all writ. ten . materials no ~ later. than s:OO,p:m.'on'the date of the .publichearing:::;';'.~""'1 6. All decisions of,the CityCoun. 'cll aretina! unleSs-appealed to -the, Lane:Use Boal'lt;'of Ap. peals (LUBA) within 21 days of the 'Clty:>Council's ..decision: Faillii'eofan lsSuetO beralSed at the,hearing.~in person or in wrtting,or,failure,totProvlde . statements~'or!l!vidence;suffi. cient.,,~.to" ....affonl1j;:.:the 'declslon.mak~r:.:an . opportu~ . nlty to'resjKInd.to-,theJsstie precludes appeal.to.the'Land Use,Boardof Appeals on~that lssUe:~. ..' ":,: :.",~':'.'."~. I CaNT A.CT PERSON: If You have any qUf!Stions, please, call. Gary M. Karp at (S4I) n&-3771.1 " ,"i',,;::.c:,~\--~, '" No. 9830511 ~ 5epteinbe~'!t2007 OFRClAl. SEAl. BABS FORO NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO, 40m2 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUlY 24, 2010