HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 4/19/2007 s '-" ; i. .- AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON } }ss. } Date Received: -4-1 q ~o 7 Planner: GK Du.D /J~ .~ ~ County of Lane I, Brenda Jones, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Secretary for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. . 2. I state that in my 'capacity as Secretary, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of DLCD Notice f Proposed AmendmentLRP2007-00015 SDC Code Reformat Project (See attachment "A") on Apri/19, 2007 addressed to (see Attachment "B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. Brenda Jones Planning Secretary STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane () 11 1,'/ f ~ J q .' ,2007 Personally appeared the above named Brenda Jones~ . ~~re~ary, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their volun~ry act. Before me: ._-------~-~------~~; ~. OFFICIAL SEAL !j ~ SANDRA MARX I " i NOTARY PUBLIC .OREGON i ". / COMMISSION NO. 385725 j ~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV. 12, 20081 (!...: -=- =-=~---~--_...;,=--==. ~~a^J/) My Commission Expires: 1;/ jf zl z 00 ~ . " , . .-' ,I] . 51 .' ,Notice' of Proposed' Amendment l. " .:;.. "." " ,Di:iteReceived: 'f-{'1~oT , Planner:. GK' THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY OLCO 45 DAYS PRIOR TO THE FIRST EVIDE.NTlARY HEARING PER ORS 197.610, OAR CHAPTER 660 - DIVISION 18 AND SENATE BILL 543, EFFECTIVE JUNE 30,1999 For DL~D Use Only Jurisdiction: Sorinafield Lo,:al file number: LRP2007 -00015 D~te First Evidentiary hearing: 6/5/2007, Date of Final Hearing: 7/16/2007 Date this Notice of Proposed Amendment was mailed to DLCD: 7/19/2007 Is this a REVISED Proposal ~reviously submitted to DLCD? ,DYES ~NO .Date Submitted: o Comprehensiv~ Plan Tel't,Am~nclment ,'. 0 Comprehe~sive Plan Map Amendment' ,~' Land Use Regulation Amendment' , ,0 Zoning Map Amendment o New Land Use Regulation 0 Other: " , Briefly Summarize Proposal. Do not use technical terms. Do not write "See Attached". (limit of 500 characters) In 2004. the Citv received a technical assistance arant 'TA-U-05-175\ from DtCD . to oerform an audit of the Sorinafield Develoument Code (SDCl. The City hired Chris Eaton of Eaton' Plannina to oerform the audit in 2005. The Plannina Commission and Council directed staff to revise the structure of the SDC without policy chanaes, The attached revised SDC is aenerallv based uoonthe "Model , Development Code & User Guide for Small Cities". ',' PlanMa~ Changed fr01~: N/A ., ' . to: N/A Zone Map Changed from; N/A" t, , to: N/A .,.: Location: N/ A .' : . . . , " Acres Jnvolved: N/A ,.' , ., ' Specify Density: ,Previous: NIA , ", New: NIA' ',. '. . .' Appli~able S'tate\Vi~e Plab:ni~g .Goals: 1 ' .,' " , " Is ~ Exception Prop'os~d?,:: .' ,DYE'S,,:. ~ ~O:. ,', ".',. > :"">"',' ": .:'~,,':,' '. Affected State or Federal Agencies, Local Governments,or Special Districts:' . c,' , ,OLCO" , " " . .,' '. '" ',:',,', ,:""",., ...'- . \ .:"."",".' . FaX Nunlber: 541-726-3689" Phone: (541) 726-3777' Exten~ion: City: Springfield ." zip:Q1411: Email Address:akarp(!i)cLsprinqfield.or.us. , ,. Locai Contact: Gary M: Karp' . " Address: '225 Fifth Street' . '., . , DLCD File No.: .' " .:;. . ~ .. , ~ I' .' . J " ".... ,- ::'<'..," . - ~ !":~' , ' . ..'~ . . ..;- .-~ .- . ,...." . ',f. ' L, .;" _',. , " ". . ~~-, ~ c. . .... " .. ,.; ,.'. " '.,..' .'-., . . " - . ,,' '". ,.';', ."" ....:,~ I , ~. ,', .' . ... ':7 " I. This for must be submitted by local jurisdictions only. Date Received: '4-['1-01 Planner: GK 2. When submitting, please print this form on gr~en paper., 3. Send this Form and TWO (2) Conies of the Pronosed Amendment to: , .... , ATTENTION: PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST' DEPARTMENT OF LAND CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT '. 635 CAPITOL STREET NE, SUITE 150, _ SALEM, OREGON.97301-2540' ' / " , 4.' Uniess exempt by ORS \97.6\0 (2), proposed amendments must be received at the DLCD'sSALEM OFFICE at least FORTY~FIVE (45) days beforethe first evidentiary hearing on the proposal, The first evidentiary_hearing is usually the first Dublic hearinp; held by the jurisdiction's planning commission on the proposal. ',' ' " , ' .... '.' " ' . ' .., " . 5. Submittal of proposed amendments shall include the text of the amendIDent and any other information . the local government believes is necessary to advise DLCD of the proposal. 'Text means the specific language being added to or deleted from the acknowledged plan or land use regulations. A general' " .' ,description of the' proposal is not adequate.," ,,' . ' ,', , .:' ,~ \.".'.: . ',.- , , 6. Submittal ofpr;posed map 'amendments must include~ ~ap oftlie affected area sho\Vingexisting ~d' , . 'proposed plan and zone designations. The map should be on 8-1/2 x II .inch paper. : A legal description, . . tax accou]]t number, address or general description is not adequate. TeJ{t of background and / or reason' for change request should be included., , . ..\ ,':, ',' .). ',' 'J';.." . < . -~ . ',: " 8:' Need More Copies? Ybu can copy tlus form on to 8-1/2xll 0'een naD~r only; o~ ~all theDLCD ,Office at (503) 373-0050; or Fax your request to:(503) 378-5518; or email your request to" . mara.ulloa@state.or.us- AI:TENTION: PLAN'AMENDMENTSPECIALIST. ". . 'I;'. ,.;~ -,... y .," ~. . '-. " .3' ;'" " " ~. -,". ,....'..-,. '. .1". .. ',; .,', ".r, . '.'i -.' ",. '.';- ,.,' ." .'..' " :,' . ,. ..:.:' i '.... , ;.. t,J, ,. "'r.". .. .~" ,. i ,. ;,'. "" .",., ," ,. '. .,....... , .' " . .' ,,;:.,.. .' .,' ~ ... .', .,,; ',,' <iI'.' .. ,'" ..' ... ,.... .. ."'. . ..,' , ' ..J\pa\paa\fonns\r9~lw~rddoc." ^ , . ., . '"~,.. ;: ~ ., '..," -, ~ . .... .. ., ' ,..,' .,,, .. .~, . ~ revised: 07/0712005 "'. ;~,' ....- " ., ", '.' ' '.,.", " .,,",' . ,..~ . ~,.. . " . C'_ . , . .. ,r.. .,:) '., .'. . .f . ate Received:3-1~-O~ Planner: GK . ,I OVERVIEW . 1:he Springfield Development Code (SDC) was adopted in May, 1986. In the nearly 21 years since its adoption, the City has made piecemeal amendments to the SDC to implement both state and local planning mandates and local planning priorities. Articles have been added or amended to respond to the Clean Water Act, Safe drinking Water Act.and Endangered Species Act. Other amendments have responded to the changing requirements of Statewide Plaiming Goals 5, 6, 9,10,11 and 12. Locally . initiated changes in planning policy and development standards have also resulted in SDC amendments, as the City has sought to improve the character and livability of our neighborhoods while preserving our' economic base. Over time, these SDC amendments have resulted in a document that has become cumbersome and difficult to understand for both staff and potential developers, In order to address these issues, the City contracted with Eaton Planning Services to perform an audit of the SDC in early 2005. That project was funded by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) with a Technical Assistance Grant. The results of the audit were reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council in Spring 2005. At that time, the Planning Commission recommended, and the City Council endorsed, ' proceeding with this SDC .Edit and Reformat Project in order to make the SDC more contemporary and user-friendly. . The reformatted SDC: 1, Is generally based on a format used for DLCD's "Model Development Code for Small Cities" and the recently adopted "Bend Code~ and converts the current 44 articles into 6 chapters; . Chapter 1, Introduction, explains the relationship of this Code to the State-wide Plam;ing Goals and the Metro Plan, ' Chapter 2, General Provisions, explains the Code's purpose and applicability, enforcement regulations a:,d the establishment of application fees. . Chapter 3, Land Use Districts, discusses the City's OfficiarZoning Map and lists all Base Zoning . . Districts, Overlay Districts and Plan Districts. " . Chapter 4, Development Standards', contains both'development standards not listed in Chapter 3 and specific development standards for certain uses. Chapter 5, Land Use Applications, discusses the development review; the public hearing and appeals piocess and lists the procedures for land use, limited land use and other required applications. ' . " '. ;. . '-~ ..-.' _..' ..:"',.> Chapter 6, Definitions, contains definitions for ierms used throughout the Code, 2, Reformats textdescribing various standards into tables; 3,. Combines Subdivision and Partition regulations into one 'Settion; . ", ;-., . Reduces redundant language, for example, "consistency with the Metro Plar1" is placed in one location and deleted from each individual zoning district description, ' , TheSDC Edit and Reformat Project does not include any "p'olicy" changes, such as additions to 'use lists' , or specific development standards. Policy issues and other potential,amendments will be addressed after' adoption of the reformatted SDC, . 4, ..,: :'. ...', , . ~" , , " t.. ,... ....' ,; '. '" ,'.,', i. ".'";,..' " ..,.