HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 9/17/2007 (2) " ,.' CitY of SpringfieJd Work Session Meeting . _.,' . 0-11-D7 _,_,.C. .. ..~t;elved Planner:GK w()rk.~/'tJVI CG ~ . 1- (p .~ :'; . MINUTES OF TIlE WORK SESSION MEETING OF TIlE SPRINGFIELD CJTY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 200.7 .The City of Springfield Council met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room. 225 Fifth Street, Spripgfield, Oregon, on Monday, September 17, 2007.at 6:00 p.m."with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATfENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken and Councilors Lundberg (6:07pm), Wylie,. Ballew, Ralston, Woodrow and Pishioneri. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe , . Leahy, City Attorney Matt Cox, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. . 1. Downtown Urban Renewal: Prorrress Reoort, . . Community Development Manager John Tamulonis presented the staff report on this item. On. July 23"', Council approved a ballot title and description'for the November 6 ballot that would authorize the C~uncil to allocate taxes to a downtown urban renewal district. Council directed staff to develop ilie initial draft of the urban renewal plan and report, based on a boundary that would extend e"lit to 23"' street along the Main Street/South A corridor. The DRAFT DoWntown Urban Renewal Plan and Plan Report provide the information and analysis required by ORS 457 to establish an urban renewal district. The DRAFT plan seeks to !:Jalance the,cost:'ofpotential projects that are envisioned for the urban renewal district with the potential revenues that would be generated to pay for those projects over the life of the renewal district. .' Staff is working:on various tasks that must be completed to establish an, urban renewal district for downtoWn Springfield. Attachment 2 summarizes milestones and key events related to .the . public presentation,ldiscussion of DRAFT DoWntown Urban Renewal Plan and its formal review by the Planning Commission and Council, as required by. state law. A "town hall" event kicking oft the public discussion of renewal district formation.was held on August 7"' and .~as well attended, An addilional town hall event is scheduled for September 20. ., That meeting has been advertised as an event open to the general public,but a mailed notice of the event was also sent to residents and property oWners within the DRAFT plan's renewal district boundarY. Staff has also scheduled presentations to commimity organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce and civic groups. Additional media releases/events are. planned, Presentations and discussion with the elected officials for affected taxing bodi~s including Lane County, School ])istrict 19, Lane ESD, Willamalane and Lane Community College are also being scheduled:: These, agencies have been contacted at the staff level and Lane County and Willamalane have already submitted comments. ....... Attachment 3 inCludes tables showing urban renewal project costs and anticipated revenues that would accrue to "the district from increased property values and new development over the durntion of the DRAFT plan. These tables are based on the worl' of Charles Kupper, a ~ "- ' , . . ..' ==~7'.(';ity ~fspririgfiel<F' .. :, ;:~:' Coiii1ci1.Work'i'S~isi6n:Miiiu:&s . k::. . Septem!)er 17, 2007 "., c I Page 2 :~,' .._1; . -. , ~ consultant hired to complete the complex calculations related to projections of cost, inflation of costs and the reasonable estimate of new development/redevelopment in the district.. The tables compare three different levels of project cost and the projected district duration required to pay for the projects. Please keep in mind that these computations are largely a planning exercise. mtimately SEDA selects the projects and would not <<}'}'.v}'.;ate funds to proceed if a project could not be supported by tangible revenues. Staff will seek direction on final figures and time frameSfor the district when the DRAFT plan and report are brought before the Council for. formal approval in November. Attachment 4 is the Citizen Involvement Plan that was reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission in its role as the Committee for Citizen Involvement. Mr. .Tamulonis reviewed the plan report. He acknowledged the numb'; of staff that had worked on this plan. He reminded Council that the Downtown plan and the Glenwood plan would rem~ separate, although there would be just one urban renewal agency. A number of people had been involved in providing input on this plan, including stakeholders from downtown, civic leaders, citizens and others. The plan related directly to other plans for the downtown area, such as the DowntoWn Refinement .Plan and Metro Plan. Most of the developmeni projects envisioned were projects that came from earlier studies and categorized. He discussed the investment . contemplated in the plan. . Mr. Tamulonis ~aid the City did not anticipate acquiring any properties through eminent domain, but if that changed, there would need to be approval by the City CounciL Any change up to one percent in the boundary of the uroan renewal district plan would be a minor adjustment and . would not require voter approvaL The plan going forward at this time did require voter approval .and was scheduled to be on the November 6, 2007 ballot. He said relocation was not anticipat~d. . He referred. to Table 6 in the plan which showed the different projects in the plan and Table 7 showing the cash flow. (Mr. Tamulonis distributed Table 7 to the Mayor, Council and other interested parties in the audience.) Mr. Tamulonis noted a .~:~.~uce in the report that listed the wrong table. He explained the correction. He referred to page 21, which showed the funds that other agencies would give up if redevelopment did occur in tbe downtown urban renewal district. Mr. Tamulonis discussed the process for adoption of this plan. He referred to a chart on the wall with a schedule of meetings and projects for this process. Until it was adopted, the plan could be changed according to Council's desire. The plan would go to the SEDA Board in late October. Councilo~ Ralston referred to page 21. He a~k(,d about the money the City would be foregoing if . this district was in place. He askedifWillamalane and the School District were 'o.k. with this as it would also affect them. Mr. Twulonis said City staff would be meeting with folks from Willamalane, Lane Community College (LCe) and the School District. . . . . . Mr. Metzger explained the process u~ed to disburse taxes to the school district, and noted that the . urban renewal district would not have a significanfimpact on the school district. Councilor Ralston referred to Table 9 on page 23. He asked for clarification on the figures. . Mr. Tamulonis explo;"QA He discussed other sources of funding. . . ., '. .j 'I City of Springfield Council W ork Ses~ion Minutes September 17, 2007 - Page 3 Mr. Metzger said another funding source for some of the projects could be Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. Councilor Ballew said she didn't see blight in a public park and she felt it was inappropriate to include it in the urban renewal district. She noted that good information was included on the census tract, but she would like to see a map showing the location of the .census tracts. Mr. Metzger said he could provide that map. Councilor Ballew discussed debt fmancingreferred to in the report in f\ttachment 3. She said it was confusing and there was no totaL Mr. Tamulonis s~d in July staff brought forward diffe~ent boundaries for the district. The chart. in Attachment 3 ~howed other ways to address the project Ijst for different boundaries. He explained the,different project lists for the different boundaries. , j; ,- Councilor Balle", asked about SEDA's project cost share and maximum debt.. Mr. Tamulonis explained. Councilor Ballew again referred to blighted areas in parks and open space. " Mr. Taml\l~nis e~plained how open space and parks could be part of the urban renewal plan to make the area better and safer. . , Mr. Metzger.added that some of the projects included in the proposed plan included downtown. amenities, such as pedestrian lev"llighting, etc. The purpose of including parks was for upgrades and other improv~ments that could make the parks better. Councilor Ballew said she feltimprovements to the parks should be the park district's job. ,- - 'it -, . II Mr. Tamulonis noted that a consideration when creating an urban renewal plan was the amount of revenue the .other agencies were foregoing and including projects to offset some of that loss and leverage their investments. " Councilor Wylie said the park onWillametteHeightshad no amenities. She asked if the urban renewar district would affect the resale value of her home because she lived in the area. Mr. Tamulonis fu!ther explained how additional improvements in the area would benefit the existing homes. and businesses. . Councilor Wylie said her neighbors were her constituents and would haye questions. - . Mayor Leiken suggested. Councilor Wylie ask a long time Springfield realtor for information on the affect of the district on home values. . .. '. . Councilor Ralston1asked if Meadow P';'k ";"as included in the PropO~edplan. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes September 17,2007 Page 4 t Mr. Metzger said it was not included in this boundary. Councilor Ralston asked if that park would be considered in the future. Mr. Grimaldi said it could be considered in the future. Mr. Tamulonis said if it were not included in the area, the SEDA Board would not be able to use, tax increment funds to make improvements in that park. If Counci!" wanted staffto include it, they could. Councilor Ralston said going all the way out to 23"' Street was too far in his opinion. He considered downtown only went'out to about 16" Street. Council had to balance public int~rest with benefit and losing that tax revenue was too much. He agreed with the urban renewal district concept. Councilor Ballew said the urban renewal district was not a cure all. She asked if SEDA wonld continue to include the two County Commissioners as SEDA board members. Mr. Tamulonis said they would .still be on the board and would be making decisions. There could only be one urban renewal agency for Springfield and. one urban renewal agency board. Council could decide whether or not to change the board members. . . Councilor Ballew asked if another board could be formed. She didn't understai1d why the County would be interested in downtown. Mr. Leahy said this had been discussed with Harvey Rogers, counsel in Portland. The City had . one urban renewal agency, arid couldn't have multiple boards. The County representatives may be interested in downtown because of the interconnection between. downtown and Glenwood. Mayor Leiken noted that all decisions were by a majority vote. Councilor Lundberg referred to the chart showing the advisory committee members. She would like to see someone from the Police Planning Task Force (pPTF).on this list and also a . representative from one of the Hispanic businesses downtoWn. She said downtown had been made a priority. and the urban renewal district would set aside funds to help make investments. All of the taxing agencies had properties and interests in the downtown. She said the plan was very useful and included practical information. .. Councilor Pishioneri asked about inclhding Lane Council of Govemments (LCOG) .representation to communicate how the district was working to surrounding smaller communities. Mr. Tamulonis said they could do outreachJothe smaller outlying communities. He distrihuted a draft letter that would be sent to the different taXing bodies for the Mayor's signature regarding the urban renewal district. Staff would be gathering input from those agencies regarding the impact to them. . . s. , City of Springfield Council Work Ses~ion Minutes September 17, 2007 Page 5 Mayor Leiken said in 2011 or 2012, Enterprise Zone businesses such as Symantec, Royal Caribbean and Franz Bakery would be back on the tax roles. That could provide additional revenue to the City at that time. Mr. Tamulonis said Mr. Duey had already calculated those figures. He noted that Councilor . Hatfield had envisioned this when the first companies were allowed under the Enterprise Zone. 2. Prooosed Aniendment and Reformat of the Sorin"fleld Develooment Code. I City Planner GarY Karp presented the staff report on this item. The SDC was adopted in May, 1986. In the 21 years since its adoption, the City has made piecemeal amendments to the SDC to implement both State and local planni~g mandates and local planning priorities. Over time, these SDC amendments have resulted in.a document that has become cumbersome and difficult to understand for bOth staff and potential developers. In order to addrds 'these issues, the City contracied with Eaton Planning Services to p~.:v.~ an audit of the SDC:'in early 2005. That project was funded by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Oevelopment (OLCO) with a Technical Assistance Grant. The results of tile auditwere reviewed by the Planning Commission and Council in Spring 2005. Staff was authorized to proceed with the SOC Edit and Reformat Project in order to make the SDC more contemporary and user-friendly. Staff established a technical advisory committee to assist with the project. :1 .. ;i' The proposed reformatted SOC is generally based on a layout.used for the "Model Development Code for Small Cities" and converts the current 44 articles into 6 chapters, The proposed reformatted SDC,'also places current text describing various standards into tables, combines. Subdivision aild Partition regulations into one Section and reduces redundant language, for example, "consistency with the Metro Plan~' is placed in one location and deleted from each " individual zoning district description. . . . The proposed ref~rmatted SDC does not include any "policy" changes, such as ~dditions to use lists or new development standards. These issues will be addressed later this year or early next year, in work ses~ions with the Planning Commission and Council. On June 5, 2007, the Planning Commission held a work session and public bearing on this matter. There w<i's no public testimony. The Planning Commission voted 5-0, with 2 absent to advise the Council to approve the proposed SDC amended and reformatted Ordinance. , ... . In July, due to the size of the document, staff provided the Council an opportunity to become familiar with the reformatted SOC in advance of this scheduled public hearing. Staff is requesting the adopting Ordinance include an emergency clause for this reason and in order to . meet the time lin~ for Lane County adoption, which is scheduled in October. Lane County must adopt amendments to the SDC as .specified in the Intergovernmental Agreement which gives the City zoning authority between the city limits and' the urban growth boundary. '/ , Mr. Karp noted one additional item that was added. There was an iss!!e raised recently of a development prop'osal where someone wanted to put apartments above an existing commercial use. Currently, that change would require a site plan review process which was very expensive. City of Springfield Council Wark Session Minutes September 17, 2007 Page 6 , Staff wanted to add another exception in the Code under the site plan review process to address this issue. He read the new exception that should have been on page 370 of the Development. Code. He explained the change and how it would make the process for this case more efficient. There was also a legislative action that would affect the Code. With the dissolution of the Lane County Boundary Commission (LCBC), there would need to be amendments to the SDC for the annexation process. Councilor Ballew said it would be nice to have headers or footers for each page listing the appropriate section. Mr. Karp said they would include those in the final version. Mayor Leiken asked about the hillside development issue. He said it was goOd to insure,safety, but he was hopeful that it wouldn't carry over into the extreme on areas already developed: He referred to Ambleside O~velopment and issues he had been made aware of in that development. The City would continue to do hillside developmimt until the urban growth boundary (UGB) was able to be expanded. He said he hoped the issues in Mountaingate wouldn't carry over into areas that were seasoned. Safety was.certainly important and needed to be a priority. He thanked staff for all their work on this revision. Staff should be commended for keeping up with the new regulations that come from the Federal and State government.. Councilor Wylie referred to restaurants being oriented to a view. She suggested that consideration be made to have parking areas face a view. She noted the number of disabled or elderly people that often just wanted to park their cars and watch the view. Councilor Ballew recalled the SDC getting rewritten during her tenure as Councilor. . . . Mr. Karp said updates had often been made. He explained how the SDC had been previously set up and why it had reached a point that needed total refonnatting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:56 pm; . Minutes Recorder ~ Amy Sowa v~ . Sidney."w. Letin Mayp(. . Attest: . ..~ Jinm-.. Amy Sowa(j . City Recorirer . , ,;, City of Springfield Regular Meeting Date Received: q -11-D7 Planner. GK ~ ib-~ f~ . tc.- t-11~ .-/ MINUTES OFTIIE REGULAR MEETING OF TIIE SPRINGFIELJ) CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,2007 The City of Springfield Council met in regular session in the Council Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, September 17,2007 at 7:05p.m., .with Ml'yor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE' Present were Mayor Leiken and Councilors Lundberg, Wylie, B;illew, Ralston, Woodrow and Pishioneri. A1so,present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Attorney Matt Cox, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ,. . The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Leiken. " . SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT I. American Concrete Pavement Association (ACP A) Excellence in Concrete Pavement Award. Public Works Director Dan Brown presented this item. He introduced Jim Powell, Executive Director ofthe NorthWest Chapter of the ACPA and Jim Tobin, Director of Construction Services of the NorthWest Chapter of the ACPA. He noted those in attenmince who would be receiving recognition from ACPA during tonight's presentation. Mr. Brown said staff would ask that Mayor Leiken accept the award on behalf of the City. . Mr. Powell con~tulated the City on an outstanding project It was a fme example of what could be done when two government agencies cwpv.~.e, working with local contractors and materials suppliers. -This project was submitted from a four state region and it was a beautiful project In addition to winning the NW Chapter award, this project won the silver medal in the same category at the National level. They were competing with projects from all of the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. He hoped the City could send a representative tothe award ceremony in Tucson, Arizona in December to receive the silver medal. Mr. Tobin brought the plaques forward. Mr. Powell prese~ted the first plaque to the City of Springfield and askiod Mayor Leiken to come. forward to accept the award. . - Mayor Leiken ask~d Project Manager Steve Rodolf from the City of Springfield to also ~ome forward to accept ,this award_ He said he had a lot of admiration fot the project managers and staff members that worked .on these projects. . . Mr. Powell presented a plaque to Sonny Chickering from the Lane County Public Works Departmel\t, Engrneering Division. .. ' Mr. Chickering s~d the County was very happy to have been a part of the project. " "--:.I;.:y' . '., City of Springfield .. .. . =.';';:Council-Rcgt!lar ~MJctihg--Minutes" ~1 -Sept~~~.1;, 205i~) :-;:z~~!~~i'::' Page 2 r t. ~ . , : .....~t ' Mr. Powell presented a plaque to the materials supplier for the project, Eugene Sand and Gravel. Mr. Ben Brown accepted the plaque. . . . . . . Mr. Powell presented a plaque to the prime contractor for the project, Delta Constniction Company. Mr. Lee Babb and Mr. Robert Cooper accepted the award. Mr. Babb said Delta had been proud to have been the contractor. The roundabout at MLK . Parkway was the largest multi-lane roundabout built in the state of Oregon. He mentioned their construction superintendent, Sue Parmer-Boyd and the concrete superintendent, Frank Horn, and . Robert Cooper who made all of this happen. He said they were proud to be here. He remarked that the Mayor and Council were smiling and said it was vel)' nice to see. Mayor Leiken noted that during the tour of Springfield by the Oregon Business Magazine last week, there were a lot of positive comments about Springfield and this project. The people froin . the magazine asked a lot of questions. He told them this was one of the best examples of a public/private partnership. He thanked City staff, County staff, Delta Sand and Gravel, Eugene Sand and Gravel and PeaceHealth. The award was an honor. . . .. 2. National Save a Life Month Proclamation. . Mayor Leiken proclaimed September "Save a Life Month". He read from the proclamation. He. noted that the U.S. Conference of Mayor's supported this proclamation. CONSENT CALENDAR IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR LUNDBERG WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR . WOODROW TO APPROVE THKCONSENT CALENDAR. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAlNST. 1. Claims a. ApprovaloftheJuly 2007, Disbursements for Approval. b. Approval of the August 2007, Disbursements for Approval. 2. Minutes a. July 9,2007 - Work Session b.. July 16, 2007 - Work Session c. July 16, 2007 - Regular Meeting d. . July 23, 2007 - Special Regular Meeting 3. Resolutions a. RESOLUTION NO. 07-40 - A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY OF SPRINGFIELQ RATIFYING THE CIlY MANAGER'S AMENDMENT OF TIlE CIlY OF. SPRIN(IPTPT_D. OREGON RETIRPMENT PLAN. 4. Ordinances 'l " City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 17, 2007 Page 3 ,a. 9RDINANCENO. 6205 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE 7 OFTIIE . SPRINGFIELD MUNlCIP AL CODE REPEALING EXISTING SECTIONS 7.100, 7.102.7,104.7.106 AND 7.108 AND ADDING SECTIONS , AND 7.1 08. 5. Other Routirie Matters .~: a. Authorize the Mayor to Sign a ContraCt with the Firm of Leahy & Cox for General Counsel 'Services. b. Approval of Liquor License Endorsement for. Hole in the Wall BBQ, Located at 1807 Olympic',Street, Springfield, Oregon... .. . c. ApprovaJ of Liquor License Endorsement for South.Side Grille, Locaied atA71 South A Street, Springfield, Oregon. . . d. Approval of Liquor License Endorsement for Gateway Chinese Buffet, Located at 3198 Gateway Street, Springfield, Oregon. e. Approval of Liquor License Endorsement for Deerhom Country Gift Baskets, Located at 3~2 N l6'h Street, Springfield, Oregon. . f. Approval,ofLiquor License Endorsement for Sharky's Pub and Grub, Located at 4221 . Main Street, Springfield, Oregon. g. Approval of Liquor License Endorsement for Mohawk Chevron, Located atllll Mohawk"BouJevard, Springfield, Oregon. . . ITEMS REMOVED . . PUBLIC HEARINGS - Please limit c~=ents to 3 minutes. Request to speak cards are available at both entrances. Please present cards to City Recorder. Speakers may !lot yield their time to others. L Proposed Amendment and Reformat of the Springfield Development Code~ ORDINANCE NO. 6206 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REFORMATTING TIIE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE. ADOP11N9.A SEVERADILITY CLAUSE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. CityPhinnerGlll)', Karp presente~ the. staff report on this item. The SDC ~as adopted in May, 1986. In the 21 yearssinc.e its adoption, the City has made piecemeal amendments to the SDC to implement both state and local planning mandates and local planning priorities. Over time, these SDC amendments,have resulted in a'document.that has become cumbersome and difficult to understand for both staff and potential developers. ;' .. " . . . In order to address these issues, the City. contraCted with Eaton Planning S.ervices to perform an audit of the SDC m early'2005. That project was funded by the Oregon DePartment of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) with a Technical. Assistance Grant. The results of the . audit were reviewed by the Planning Commission and Council in Spring 2005. Staff was authorized to proceed with the SDC Edit and Reformat Project in order. to make the SDC more . . contemporary and'user-friendly. Staff established a technical advisory committee to assist with the project. . . City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting.Minutes September 17,2007 Page 4 . '. . . . . . The proposed reformatted SDC is generally based on a layout used for the ';Model Development . Code for Small Cities" and.converts the current 44 articles into 6 chapters. The proposed . .duw.atted SDC also places current text describing various standards into tables, combines. Subdivision and Partition regulations into one Section and reduces redundant language. for example, "consistency with the Metro Plan" is placed in one location and deleted from each individual zoning district description. The proposed reformatted SDC does not include any "policy" changes, such as additions to use lists or new development standards. These issues will be addressed later this year or early next year, in work sessions with the Planning Commission and Council. . On June 5, 2007, the Planning Commission held a work session and public hearing on this matter.. There was no public" testimony. The Planning ComiIiission voted 5"0, with 2 absent to advise the Council to approve the proposed SDC amended and reformatted Ordinance. .. In July, due to the size of the document, staff provided the Council an uppu,;dnity to become familiar with the reformatted SDC in advance of this scheduled public hearing: Staff is . requesting the adopting Ordinance include an emergency clause for this reason aild in order to meet the time line for Lane County adoption, which is scheduled in October. Lane County must adopt amendments to the SDC as specified in the Intergovernmental Agreement which gives the City zoning authority between the city limits and the urban growth boundary. Mr. Karp said this was discussed during the work session and asked if Council had further questions. He said adding headings to the document. would not affect the ordinance. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. . . Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR LUNDBERG WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 6206. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. Mayor Leiken noted the .amount of information in this code and acknowledged the positive . . feedback he received from a citizen who commended staff on their quick. response to their call. 2. . Public Hearing and Adoption of Resolution ~endingFees for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. RESOLUTION NO: 07-41 - A RESOLUTION OF TIIE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ADOPTING AN, AMENDE!) MASTER SCHEDULE OF RATES. PERMITS: LICENSES. AND OTIIER FEES AND CHARGES AS ESTABLISHED BY THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE. Budget Officer Bob Brew presented the staff report on this item. At the May 21,2007 City Council meeting, Council adopted an amended Master Schedule of Rates, Permits, Licenses, and Other Fees and Charges as Established by the Springfield Municipal Code. The Grading Plan 'I City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes SeptemberI7,2007. . Page 5 Check Fee for other than Single Family/Duplex, and the Grading Permit Fee for other than Single Family/Duplex in Exhibit I contained typographical errors resulting in fees being adopted at a . much higher rate than was intended.' The attached resolution corrects those typographical errors. Councilor Ballew asked what !he error included. Mr. Brew explained. Mr. B~w said staff would be coming back io Council for new fees and charges at a later date. , . Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. . Noone appeared to speak. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR LUNDBERG WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 07-41. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. . BUSINESS FROM TIffi AUDIENCE I. . Curtiss Greer. 35755'" Street. Sorin!!field. OR. Mr. Greer discussed the position posted on Craig's List for a Latino Liaison in the Library. He discussed the issue of people speaking. . their own language and not learning the English language. He noted the cost of this position' and disagreed with encouraging people to speak their native language rather than learning. English. He made reference to a higher power on which this country was based and the book inspired by that greater power. The founders created. a nation of one language, one culture . and one loyalty, which he felt was based on Genesis 11:6 from the Bible. He quoted that verse. He recited from four quotes froIJ1 President James Madison, President Theodore Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Vaclav Havel. He said he could only surmise that staff and Council felt the citizens were more powerful than the government. . .. . . . . . . . 2. Fred Simmons. 312 South 52"" Place. Sorimmeld. Ore!!on. Mr. Simmons spoke on the Downtown Urban Renewal District. He referred to the July meeting and said there seemed to be a difference in opinion regarding the direction from that meeting. Staff said they were directed to include the largest boundary out to 23"' Street, but he didn't recall it that way; . . There was a substantial avoidance of the financial reality of the urban renewal 'district. The . numbers were confusing. There had been no public hearing on this process since the data had been presented. The boundaries didn't include the south portion of the Booth Kelly property, .. yet the SEDABoard would still include two County Commissioners. He felt the boundary .should expand to the south because it could be beneficial to them in the future. He was not sure ifhe should support the urban renewal district because of the validity to the conimunity or oppose it due to thelack of information and facts. Citizens deserved to hav.e the facts. . .3. Jeff Thurn. North Star Coin and Jewelrv. 643 Main Street. Sorin!!field. OR. Mr. Thurn said he understood Council was voting,and indeed had already voted, on the Used Merchandise ordinance tonight. He said he sent an email to the Council today with his feelings about that ordinance. Hesaid it was a fme thing that they were doing and he commended everyone on . .. their professionalism. He did have concerns about the second hand ordinance and the fees. He . .. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 17, 2007 . Page 6 . . said it was tough to raise taxes these days, but it was easy to raise fees and service charges. He didn't feel fees and charges were a.permanent way to run the government. 4. . Julian Walker. 15818th Street. SorlnRfield. Or. Mr. Walker said he had a business called Numbers Aglow, a curb painting service. He felt his business was being discriminated against . by Developmenial Services, which refused to grant a solicitor's license. He said his business was a service that aided the ambulance, fire and police department. He said the police knew him well and called him their curb painter. He said if there was a law against helping police . .and fire, he would like to know what it was. He discussed the history of curb painting. He said he started in this business in California following a fire at an apartment building. He said he was a responsible business operator, offered guarantees for his work and asked only for donations. His business was the first to have fluorescent nlimbers. He said he was a solicitor and wanted a solicitor's license and would like to be treated in a democratic fashion. Mr..Grimaldi said staff would look into this issue and report back to Council: 5. Norm LeComote. 180 East 11th Avenue. EURene. OR. Mi. LeCompte was an attorney with Herschner Hunter and represented the prospective purchaser of the Weyerhaeuser Springfield Plywood Mill. As part of the proceeding for closing that sale, some old real estate restrictions were discovered that affected the use and operation of that property and that would derail this transaction unless the City was willing to waive the restrictions. Both Weyerheauser and he had been in contact with City Attorney Joe Leahy over the last couple of weeks to discuss this. Mr. Leahy suggested Mr. LeCompte come to Council to give background on the people buying that mill and their plans for the milL Assuming the limitations were released and the sale closed, the mill would become part of Pacific States Industries companies. That was a privately owned group of forest product companies headquartered in San Jose, California. The original business was called Redwood Enterprises. This company was founded in 1971. He described some of the products manufactured by the different divisions and noted that they owned timberland in northern. California. The first entry into Oregon was Bald Knob Veneer in Creswell about three years ago. Since ownership by Pacific States, production and jobs had increased and they had been a good citizen of CreSwelL The company hoped to . acquire Weyerhaeuser's Springfield Plywood Mill. . . . Although the three minute time limit was up, Mayor Leiken invited Mr. LeCompte to continue and asked that he remain for the rest of the Council meeting in case questions came up when they discussed this item. Mr. LeCompte said he would be glad to stay. . Mr. LeCompte continued with his presentation. He said Pacific States had an excellent reputation and fit well with their other operations. Initially, their plan was to start up the drying facility and employ 25-50 people. Longer term, they planned to restart plywood production and would expeCt to employ 80-85 people, which was about the number of employees Weyerhaeuser had when it owned the milL Pacific siates had no expansion plans, although they did plan to open a sales office .at that site which would service that site as :well. . as the Bald Knob site and another mill in northeni California. Mr. LeCompte said his association with the company went back to 2004, and he had been very impressed with them . . as individuals and business people. He felt they would be good corporate citizens for . . Springfield. COUNCIL RESPONSE. .,. City of Springfield . Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 17, 2007 Page 7 . CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 1. Correspondence from O.B. Biggs, Best Cash, 1840 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon Regarding the Second Hand Dealers Ordinance (see attached staff .~.t'v~se)... 2. Correspondence from Tami Metzger, Springfield, Oregon Regarding Fireworks' Sales in Springfield. ... 3. Correspondence frOm Greg and Linda Shaver, Springfield, Oregon Regarding Downtown Renewal/Reyitalization. . 4. Corre~ondence from Pat Hocken, President, League cifWomen Voters of Lane County, 338 W. II Ave, Ste. 10 I, Eugene, Qregon Regarding the Draft Ridgeline Area Open Space Vision and Action Plan. 5. Correspond~ce from Charley and Ruby ~rcell, 1029 Oak Me~dows Place, Springfield, Oregon Regarding the CentenniaI/Mohawk Shopping Center. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR LUNDBERG WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO ACCEPT CORRESPONDENCE FOR FILING. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BIDS ). ORDINANCES . . . . . . . I. Vacation of One Block Segment ofB su.;et Public Right-of-Way Between 4th Street and . Pioneer Parkway East, Case No. LRP2007-00019. . . ". . . . . '. , . . . . ORDINANCE NO. 6207 ~ AN ORDINANCE V ACA TIN"G A 66 FOOT WIDE BY 264 FOOT LONG PORTION OF PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY SHOWN IN BOOK 1. PAGE I OF PLAT RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY OREGON. DATED APRil- 5.1872. .. . . . '. . . . CitY Planner Andy Limbird presented the staff report on this item. On July 16, 2007, City Council concluded a public hearing on a request to vacate public right-of-way for the segment ofB Street between 4th Street and Pioneer Parkway East. City Council accepted the recommendation of the Planning Commission and gave second reading to the vacation ordinance (Attachment 2). City Council directed staff to prepare findings and conclusions in support ofthe vacation action. Test.imony submitted opposing the vacation action and staff responses are addressed in the final fmdings. If approved by Council, the findings and conclusions will be appended to the vacation ordinance that will effect the vacation action. The subject right-of-way is a 66-foot wide by 264-foot long, one-block segment of public street running east-west along the northern edge of the existing police and courts parking lot. The City owns all abutting tax lots that have frontage on the public right-Of-way proposed for vacation. .. Vacation of the one-block segment of public right-of-way is required to achieve full construction .ofthe Justice.Center site option selected by City Council on February 28, 2006. Mr. Limbird explained the attachments outlining the fmdings. . . . City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 17, 2007 . Page 8 IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR WOODROW WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR. PISmONERI TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 6207 THE MOTION PASSED WTH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 2 AGAINST (Ballew and Lundberg). BUSINESS FROM TIlE CITY COUNCIL 1. . Business from Council a. Committee Reports 1. .Councilor Pishioneri asked that staffbe directed to look at waiving the fees for non- . profit organizations that have Fireworks Stands and Christmas Tree Lots. He would . like to look at setting a window of tiDle for legal fireworks to be set off, such as two week prioi.and'two weeks after national holidays. Special events coUld still have pennits. Councilor Ralston asked if that would inClude. New Years. . Councilor Pishionen said it would - any national holiday. . . 2. Councilor Lundberg said she attended the Fiesta Latina on behalf of the City. It was a great event with great food and was well attended. She said they had great fireworks. . . . . . . . 3. Councilor Woodrow reported on the recent concert held at the Wildish Theater. He complimented the Springfield Renaissance Development COIporation (SRDC) and noted that the three downtown restaurants that stayed open that evening were ful1. He said the concert was full with about 250 people attending. It was great to see the . Springfield downtoWn so ful1 with people from this event as wel1 as the Fiesta Latina. . .. 4.. Councilor Bal1ew referred to Councilor Pishioneri's suggestion to waive fees for non- . . profits for Fireworks Stands and Christmas Tree Lots. Sbe said she would not be .. ..supportive of not charging non-profits. The City needed to treat everyone equally. Councilor Pishioneri said he would like this discussion brought back to Council in time for a decision to be made before the Christmas Tree season. Mayor Leiken asked staff to bring this to council leadership arid then.schedule it on the .Council ",genda. . .. .. . 5. Mayor Leiken spoke regarding the Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC) Meeting. .It was Clear that Springfield needed to be on our toes. There were different issues coming forWard and changes. There would be debate on how the funds would be used: for projects or maintetlll!lce. He discussed federal funding that should. have . gone to the counties from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODCH) that was already committed to projects. Overal1 Springfield's goals had been strongly identified. It was helpful to have the Council united on transportation projects. . . . Councilor Bal1ew added that there was an effort to intermingle larid use planning and . transportation. When it came to federal requirements, however, it. didn't apply. There City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 17, 2007 Page 9 :. . seemed to be an effort to tangle Federal requireme~ts with state requirements, which was not a good thing. . . i ..6. Mayor Leiken spoke on the Oregon Business Magazine tour and said they had a blog on the internet, with very positive comments about Springfield. It was fun to see people from outside the area come to Springfield: They were very impressed With the RiverBend Hospital, Glenwood and other areas of our City. They toured BRING Recycling and saw that Springfield was practicing sustainability. The tour was. . outstanding. He thanked Niel Laudati and Courtney Griesel for coordinating the tour and John Tanullonis for his expertise as they took the people on the tour. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER . J. Declaration of Real Property as Surplus. RESOLUTION NO 07-42 - A RESOLUTION DECLARING CERTAIN REAl, PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SURPLUS AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO OFFER SUCH PROPERTY FOR SALE. Assistant Public Works Director Len Goodwin presented the staff report on this item. In 1993, the City acquired property which had been abandoned railroad right of way from the Sycan B Corp. The principal purpose of the acquisition was to facilitate the improvement of Pioneer Parkway, including the ultimate expansion of the parkway to connect with Beltline Road. .The extension,. Martin Luther King, Jr., Parkway, has now been constructed. The alignment of the Parkway followed the right of way for a substantial portion, but did not use this parcel of approximately 0:45 acres at the northern end of the property acquired from Sycan B. The parcel is burdened by a . number of easements and is not suitable for construction or for any other. public use. One owner of abutting property has expressed an interest in acquiring the property. The interested party is now constructing the Women; s Care facility and intends to use this parcel, if acquired, for additional parking. . . Staff recommends that the property be offered for public sale consistent with the provisions of Municipal Code Section 2.714 and the relevant provision of Oregon Revised Statutes regulating the disposal of public property. Councilor Pishionen asked if this property abutted. commercial t'out'w' ~/. . . . '.' . . . '. .. . . .. Mr. Goodwin said it bo~dered the Women's Care pavilion on the north imd a private residence on the south. C~uncilor Pishioneri asked if thai site could be .u~ed for a billboard. Mr: Goodwin said if there were no code restrictions, it cmild. . ~ . Mr. Leahy said Council eQuid make a reservation that no billboards could b~ piaced on this ... property. Council could, make that decision during their public hearing on this subject. . . , ' . Councilor Ballew asked if the easements would he accessible. yes.... . City of Springfield .. Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 17, 2007 Page 10 Mayor Leiken asked what the original cost was for this piece of property. Mr. GoodWin Said it cost $83,000 for the full 8 acres. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCn..OR LUNDBERG WITH A SECOND BY COUNCn..OR . WOODROW TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 07-42. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A. VOTE OF6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. J3USINESS FROM TIIE CITY AITORNEY . I.. Release of Deed Restriction. . . . City Attorney Joe Leahy presented this item. Mr. Leahy noted that the City had originally own~ this property in 1937 and 1941 and had a restriction that a sawmill had to be placed on one of the . parcels and there could be no mortgage. Pacific States now wanted to purchase this property from Weyerheauser and discovered these restrictions. There was now zoning.and the zoning on that . t',ut'~"f was heavy industrial which would allow a, sawmill, plywood mill or any other heavy. industrial use: Mr: Leahy said he talked with Development Services Director Bill Grile arid found that this was consistent with what should be done in this case. Staff recommended that the City: . release the condition. Councilor Ballew referred to the original costs of that property. . . . . . Mayor Leiken thanked Mr. U;Compte for staying and for the information h~ shared. He appreciated Pacific States making the investment to buy this facility and bring jobs back to Springfield. . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . Co~cilor Pishio~eri asked about the safety records for the 'other pl'-"ts this company had . purchased. . . .. . ." . . . . . Mr. LeCompte said he didn't know. He was not a full time employee, but served as Co~sel. His observations about Pacific States were that they were good operators and he knew they were concerned about safety in. their plants. They had asked for all of Weyerhaeuser safety records and . policies for this site.. . Councilor Pishioneri asked if the labor unions were in favor of this purchase. . Mr. LeCompte said he did not know. . . . . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCn..OR LUNDBERG WITH A SECOND BY COUNCn..OR WOODROW TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A RELEASE OF THE RESTRICTIONS DESCRIBED IN EXCEPTION NO. 14 OF THE PRELlMINARY TITLE REPORT OF CASCADE TITLE COMPANY DATED MARCH 22, 2007, TITLE REPORT NO. 0253881. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 . AGAINST. . ',. .... . - . .' . ".' . . '.'. . . ."... . . . . . ". . . On a personal note, Mr. Leahy said he aild his wife arrived home.iast Tuesday evening to find a burglary in process. He said they phoned the Springfield Police Department, and Officer ,. " . I' . . '.. City of Springfield . Council Regular Meeting Minutes . Sepuonber 17, 2007 Page II Umenhofer and several other officers arrived and were able to catch the burglars. He thanked the Police Department for promptly responding and for. recovering his wife's mother's wedding ring.. ADJOURNMENT . :::-::':::-'~'7;7Ph 0/2_ Sidney)N. Leikr . Mayol . Attest: ~hw~ City Rec0:Ier ,.