HomeMy WebLinkAboutAIS PLANNER 9/17/2007 AGENDA ITEM 'SUMMARY Meeting Date: September 17, 2007 Meeting Type: W ork/Regular Session Department: Development Services StatTContact: Gary M, Karp S P R I N G FIE L D StatTPhone No: 726-3777 C I T Y C 0 U N C I L Estimated Time:- 15 minutes/I 0 minutes ITEM TITLE: PROPOSED AMENDMENT AND REFORMAT OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE. ACTION REQUEST,ED: ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSION: Conduct a work session and hold a public hearing and adopt or not adopt: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REFORMATTING THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, The Council directed staff to proceed with the Springfield Development Code (SDC) Edit and Reformat Project in Spring 2005, The attached amended and reformaned SDC is the result of ,that project Attachment I: Staff Report, Findings and Order Anachment 2: Proposed Reformaned SDC Anachment 3: Ordinance Amending and Reformaning the SDC The SDC was adopted in May, 1986, In the 2 I years since its adoption, the City has made piecemeal amendments to the SDC to implement both State'and local planning mandates and local planning priorities, Over,time, these SDC amendments have resulted in a document that has become cumbersome and difficult to understand for both staff and potential developers, In order 'to address these issues, the City contracted with Eaton Planning Services to perform an audit of the SDC in early 2005, That project was funded by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) with a Technical Assistance Grant The, results of the audit were reviewed by the Planning Commission and Council in Spring 2005, Staff was authorized to proceed with the SDC Edit and Reformat Project in order to make the SDC more contemporary and user-friendly, Staff established a technical advisory comminee to assist with the project The proposed reformaned SDC is generally based on a layout used for the "Model' 'Development Code for Small Cities" and converts the current 44 articles into 6 chapters, The ,proposed reformaned SDC also places current text describing various standards into tables, combines Subdivision and Partition regulations into one Section and reduces redundant 'language, for example, "consistency with the Metro Plan" is placed in one location and ' deleted from each individual zoning district description, The proposed reformatted SDC does not include any "policy" changes, such as additions to use lists or new development standards, These issues will be addressed later this year or early , next year, in work sessions with the Planning Commission and Council. On June 5, 2007, the Planning Commission held a work session and public hearing on this matter. There was no puhlic testimony, The Planning Commission voted 5-0, with 2 absent to , advise the Council to approve the proposed SDC amended and refonoatted Ordinance, , In July, due to the size ofthedocument, staff provided the Council an opportunity to become familiar with the reformatted SDC in advance ofthis scheduled public hearing, Staff is 'requesting the adopting Ordinance include an emergency clause for this reason and in order to meet the time line for Lane County adoption, which is scheduled in October. Lane County must adopt amendments to the SDC as specified in the Intergovernmental Agreement which gives the City zoning authority between the city limits and the urban growth boundary, Date Received: q -17 -07 Planner: GK A I 5