HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 1/4/2008 01/04/08 FRI 09:49 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 141001 ...,-..-;:<.~'" ********************* ... TX REPORT ... ********************* TRANSMISSION-OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION 10 ST. TIME lISAGE T PGS, SENT RESULT 0182 96876668 01/04 09:47 01'45 3 OK SPRINGFJEL.D n.' ,.,." ! . - -' i~..6 ':~J/.-- .. . 'I. Cit!jdf Springfield , Development Servjc~S Department ,- , i II Facsimile Cover rage - fax: (5+1)72b-5689 _ :i I To: -~f1,d'J / b,i- 1h6fu;WFax; , .. . Compan:J: . ~ ~t-.. from: _ Por~Jnui -1 U. 3&fD &'~1/&&Q ~- Mcssagi::: - - i _ PuMi ~ VrU ~ - ~/ ~4dJ ~K& _ ~- dJffill_iJJ1/i/ Vv iH' - (/JU, J d.MJ))1j-f rr ~ ~ )J~t!~. _., I~A T.4JfDYiM_..hI /Wlrt; II~h;j) ~1J41J~) fi.u/AV ~ ,1dj1l.UViV~r , i _,. ,_ ., ".. J (I1!>.A fAIIo~1A _ ft.1~U1nL- i ~.... ~." CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC NOTICE NATURE OF THE APPLICATION AND PROPOSED USE An application has been submitted to the Development Services Department appealing the, Planning Commission's decision on December 20, 2007 to approve a Master Plan application (LRP 2007-00028) to guide construction of a 100.3 acre residential and commercial development (Marcola Meadows). SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION The property is located at the northwest corner of Marcola Road and 281h/31 'I Streets (Assessor's Map# 17-02-30-00, Tax Lot 01800 and 17-03-25-11, Tax Lot 02300. DATE, TIME, PLACE AND LOCATION OF THE HEARIN.G The Springfield City Council will hold a public hearing on JanuarY 28, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the Springfield City Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477. . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and the applicable criteria are available for a free inspection and copies will be available at a.cost of $0.75 for the first page and $0.25 for each additional page at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. A copy of the.staff report for this request will be available for a free inspection and copies will be available for a fee on January 21, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. at the Development Services Department. CONTACT PERSON For additional information call Gary M. Karp at (541) 726-3759 or e-mail okarolalci.sorin.afield.oLus. . If you are unable to attend the public hearing, you may send a written statement which will be made part of the public record to the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 91477, Attn: Gary M. Karp. . J RECEIVED JAN 42008 <. - By:cfM~. VL~~ toU R 8, . ~ 'l'l:fo1. (/)8;1/1 (/J'f1f!.ntJtv~/L. ;J~M i lit/pi CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LESLIE WILSON - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 225 N. 5TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Legal Notice Advertising~~C~\\I~Q ...~\\~ ~t' ~\C,~. ~ . i(-,\'\I\\"~p..'{~"'\.l .' COU~\S #Bren~qo~es . -:lt4-1tf &~~V~/-IOtJ""I~~o 'if (8 u/~v, Leg.al 30783~~5(? Notice GUARD PUBLISHING COMPANY P.O. BOX.10188 PHONE (541) 485.1234 EUGENE. OREGON 97440 I /1 I ~l .. / I ("VY Subscrib~ and a~ to before me this January 09, 2008 t '\ ~ \n,'Z \--n<"~1\ . Notary Public of Oregon My commission expires: July 24, 2010 Account #: 1000218 INVOICE 3078342 Case: Marcola Meadows Amt Due: $123.38 '~.., 'i,CnY'OFS'PRINGhEiD, ".~' . ,~WJPUBlICNOnCEl.&tA.U J ~TUrifoF'fHfAPpiICAT'laN~ : f~.T t.~t,AN?P!ID~SEDI,I_S_Ett~~: .t,Ar1.appllcation"has':been\'sub' ll)itte~;< to~ the,; Development,' Ser- vices .DePartment~apPt!aJing~the Planning -, C.,mmission's,~ decision OnDecem~r,20,2007.to"apprDve j. a Master:Plan;'~plicatio_n7(LRP . 20~H0028)':to"'gIlide":constlllc! ~ tion-1of;a',1~0.3,-acte(ieside-ntiaJ . and.,.fcoinmercial~;i1evelopi'nent , (Marcola Meadows),"tP,~,;iy{tb1:: i :::1' ,::t.S>UBJECT.PROP~RT'(cil . I .~"'9WlJ tl}{ LOC.A TION .i-l{1'if,i'~'" . ~,The.property,ls.located.at.the northwest;f\~niei'J(of:, Marcj)la Roa~'-'and~28th!315t-Streets (Assessor's t~ Map# ii' 17 ~02- 30-00' I Tax~!lotlOl800!and:HHH5;11: TaxlotOnOO:1ti1'ljl:li!i~:,,'-'. '1;jt:'DATE, TIME,'PLACEAND't..,;,.: I it-lPCATlON OUHEHEARING~: 'i,The.'JSpringfreldJCiM COuncil wr!l~hl)ldta'!:pubJic:'lhearing,!on IJan~ary:2.8;,2008..;at'7:00.'p_m:1in the, ,;: Spnngfreld :,",~ City-, Council ChamberS,"" 2~5 \t1 Fifth 11; Street. _Sprin9field;'Oreglin97,477;'o1iWM d:~ AD0,l110NAl' I_NFORMATioN 1,~,TtIe:appJication,.all:_documents ap~ ,_eV'ide~_~relied uponlby,the ap~llcant''!J:I~: !he"i.aPpll~le >Ci'i- tena aN!,avaJlablefor:a\free in- spegio~ ~imd' copies will; be' avaI11.' 'able at a co5t of $D.75 for the fiiSt - ~age ~ and_: $0.25 ~ foi'.:each"f ad_di- . tion~J pagejat ,tlleJDeveJopmem ! ServJCeS~~Departrnent, ~'225" Afth S,tre~_t,'Springfleld:'OregOn.7;t-':,,:: .;.A\copy'of'the!stafheportifor . thls~equ~st:~f1beaYailablefora ~~ rnsp"et!ll)n:il!!.d~~pi~(y!ilI be avaJlapl_eforfa(ee.on January:21;" 2008 aq:OO_p.m.~at tfJe~Develojj- 1 ment Services Deparbnent..*,m, : tli-.r:~:~CONTACT PERSONr~~". i L~r'ildditlonal,lnfonnationi'taJl '. Gary,.M/Karp"at (S41)726~37Wor , e-mad,gk,up@Ci.spiirigfield~Dr.lis} , .Ufy~u:_areunable;to:attend the ; pu~llc~heanng;>you:may;sen'd.';t wntten' stateme_nt; whIch ~ WIll f be . made.Partof.thepublic i'eCrii'dto .1 theR_DeveIQPme~1~Sel\'!ces ~De:' : parlmem.'o;22S*"Frfth..-:Street, I SP;rlngfr~.!~;,,9~.~?'1?1'-~~: Gal'y I M. Karp. ,4,.,.j., ' '.11, .!It,pv''-\ 17i~.:.-.;,~"J:t;;t';':z:~.t~::~~:h :! No;-3078342 ~janua,.y 8,- 2008:V( AFFlpAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE, } ss. I, Kelly Gant , being first duly affirmed, depose and say that I am the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a n,ewspaper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Public Notice printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for one successive and consecutive Day(s) in the fol/owing issues: January 8, 2008 ~ ~ OfF1CIAL SEAL BABS FORD NIJTARY PUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO. 4117232 IIYCOMMISSlON EXPIRES JULY 24, 2010