HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 1/28/2008 ;-.. .' ~; ';', I...... "j1ijlii= col~~"r3:{b" .':(-- Oi~]r ";'"~~~ ~, Ai:~hil0i:1\.ir.F.!',:"II;~~~ ~\t ~. :;i[:%,:'(:t: ~t:t1: ;~ tions: ,'I,..:,,:~ '. :~~ft~!,f2: ;' u';,.,r,Wei"hingic.n ,: ~I~~~~J~j!;0i;j'~~E ~ ,...."-~,\.x;',,.,.,r<.,,-J 1:;"..,..,. (,,/, '--,. 'iI"" "1 ;'!,'~~;ji~,j':~~::~r':,~,':')~~:'~ ~~,;"-<; :':"1 GRpllP . ' MA eKE N...Z.l.E. January 28, 2008 (Hand Delivery) Springfield City Council Attention: Mayor and City Council 2255"' Street Springfield, Oregon 974 77 Re: Marcola Meadows Master Plan Technical Response #2 Response to Applicant Appeal of Master Plan Condition #27 ' City of Springfield Journal No. LRP2007-00028 City of Springfield Appeal Case No, ZON2008-00002 Group Mackenzie Project Number 2070518:00 Dear Mayor,and City Council: This .letter haS been prepared to support the SC Springfield, LLC appeal of Master Plan Approval Condition #27 of the Planning Commission Decision dated December 20,2007 for the Marcola Meadows Master Plan. In general, to meet adopted mobility standards'at the Martin Drive and Lowe's intersections on Marcola Road in 2015, a fonn oftraffic control ',higher' than STOP control is necessary. As such, the Applicant has proposed installation of traffic signals when warranted and City staff has indicted a preference for installation of roundabouts. In support of the Applicant's proposal, the following issues are more specifically addressed: , 1. City of Springfield Development.Code Requirements 2, Property Impacts 3, Summary 1. CITY OF SPRINGFIEtD DEVEtOPMENT CODE REQUIREMENTS The Villages at Marcola Meadows development proposal complies withCity of Springfield . DevelopmentC~de requirements. As specifically stated on page 35 (Attaclunent 1-36) ofthe Staff Report,. Staff states, "Thus, from a' capacity standpoint existing and proposed transportation facilities would be 'sufficient to meet applicable pi!Jformance standards for roadways impacted by traffic generated by the proposed development at build-out in 2015. " In other words, the Applicant's proposed traffic signal mitigation is, sufficient to meet City' adopted performance standards, ../ H:\PROJECTS\207051800\WP\L TR\080128 Tech Response 2.doc !' Springfield City Council Marcola Meadows Master Plan January 28, 2008 Page 2 It is important to note, the City's adopted performance standards do not specifically identifY a safety criterion needing to be met. Data contained in the Applicant's analysis indicate an extremely low crash history with only one (1) recorded crash in the last five (5)years along the section of Marc 01 a Road adjacent the subject property. City staff has indicated roundabouts are generally a safer fonn of intersection control than traffic signals.but staff has not provided evidence indicating installation ofa traffic signal is unsafe or will create a safety deficiency. Therefore, installation of traffic signals at the Martin Drive and Lowe's intersections with Marcola Road, when warranted, are .an appropriate and acceptable form of traffic control meeting City of Springfield Development Code requirements. 2. PROPERTY IMPACTS It is the goal of the City to create the most efficient transportation system possible, while minimizing impacts and meeting Development Code requirements. Graphical materials submitted in to the record by both the Applicant and the City clearly indicate ioundabouts have greater property impacts than do traffic signals. Overall, traffic signals are the most appropriate form of mitigation to address these issues, Regardless of proportionality, it is not appropriate to create unnecessary property impacts when a more , property-efficient solution is available meeting City standards. 3. SUMMARY This letter h~ been prepared in support of the Applicant's proposal to install traffic signals at the Martin Drive and Lowe's intersections with Marcola Road, when warranted. Installation of traffic signals will meet Springfield Development Code requirements, will not create an unsafe condition, and are more property-efficient, i.e., require less right-of-way than roundabouts. Therefore, we concur with the Applicant's proposal to .install traffic signals when'warranted as the most appropriate form of infrastructure mitigation. Sincerely, ~ r&..or_) Christopher M. Clem ow, P,E.,P.T.O.E. Transportation Engineer . " c: Richard Satre - Satre Associates, PC Stephen Gale - Lowe's HIW H:\PROJECTS\207051800\WP\LTR\080128 Tech Response 2.doc .....ny I IU" Roundabout @ Martin & Signal @ Lowes .. N Additional ROW = 67,327 SF """'=-- o 60 '20 ,FEET 2'" 1 ~ ~ ~ 'f II' I:! I I ~~:J ~ ~ ~ @ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ If 25 . 11 0(1 ~1 I _IIIIII~ I .A,' d \ _ I i Iffl ,i '1 ! i"I: (' ./~.~~= {.~ I ,. =:~~ '. ~ ' ~ L.~M~LARn ~ - I i I -- l~,::_ ~/~~.:- ~ MA~C9~Ro-~~_._~____-~~__ :k=--::--=---~~--_::::~~\~ --- ~-'-r-------:;r-1"",------- FRON~AGEROAD - . - \.~"' --.::o-=~-~-1 - - _:: -~- - - - - - ~ -1- - Tt - -I II - -1- - - tFrt t - -1- t - - -1- ftilFTi- - - -1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ 1 r II I ~;..~t , :~r'j<f;,) '0',_,"- , I I I I I I I I I ,J';';'~. '~ l . ~~... i-='" '1\' Pr/ ~'h. "~. " ..1 1a 'Ef"t~1~""? ,j a,. i ' v .,... ~ . ~ -_. --.;- J~ . ~-,. 'ISQt 1);:'. [' '!~~'~,' ~; ~ ,c i:I .. I ~ . 't. .':II. '1,- I I I I 0:::: r::I ." ,''C .~ ~ '~r'---''''' OUTDOOR DtNING T . , VARIED A"lD NATIJJ'VEGETA ON,"8, ~EENING. A<f1, '~ COMMERqtAl USE;tRc;~ R ~'t ~. WJ ~ MUl TIPlE'PEDESTRIAN CON 9"TIONS , b THROUGI10UT COMMEROIAI?AREA f SETBA~:!SIDEWAllfs AND E>XTRA DEEP ~ 01 LANDSCAPE SETBACK ALONG MARCOLA ROAb ) ~ . - ;'Il1 1;11 I!II I I I ~ . . ': i ::I '.~~, ~~ J r'\ THE VILLAGES AT MARCO LA MEAQ,OWS PHASING PLAN ~ '!I' -8 __-4 I ~ - I ~~ . ~ [I [ Q "''<1. 'c:1te I? 1)1)19".. '/~ .~~~ .... - SATRE ASSOCIATES - - - - - - - - - - - " -, \ -, , ~, !~ .l\ \. .~ ,,_I. ;>1 .....- " ' 'I -' ' . t \ , I , , f~: ~ I j --' 1. ,......, I , 'Y , . ~-, f.u.'\ ... .. - I I f .Ateas ldenlified as nodal dvvelopmenl areas are considered to have potential f()f' 1111, type 01 taml use pattern. Other areas not deslgnaled for nodal development may be. found 10 have potential for nodaldevalopmenl \ - - - \ Legend /VI.kWlO,OlOolhB........., Progr~mmffJ Inleruct/ons $ _Fwy......-...._d>q.Im,.. _e.....l~ .., Unprogrlmmed InttrncUon. ; _....,....l..Ir*..w~ AddodFwyLonooiMlolorW._,"""", ...,.riolC._il)rIm...--". .., Progrlmm.d Project. NNowMarlalLH<or""",,-1 N .....O<l F..., l.ono...... Wotctw-qo Imp. ../MIIIIlC.pedlylmp'...._. NUlblnSlO<ll!Ior<lO N- Unprogrammed ProJICU 1.,.......,.....LH<..lnIormOl>iO /., h1dtdF...,lMlto/......~.....,.. Morit/C.pO<llylmpr........... /V_e....._ I.,=~""" Iv DNo<IIIOevelopm6ll1....... J ~ -=" ... I l""'" ~ I - - - - - . TransPlan Financially-Constrained Roadway Projects Eugene-Springlield Metro Area Thllmaplllullratealheroadwayprojeclaplanrllldss capllslln'llllmenledJonsfOl's2o-yearplannlnghortzon. The map r,,"eel' Ille generalloclllon of programmed and unpragrammedproJeClllcontalnedlnlheCapllallnvfI5lmenl Actionl Roadway Projectl lilt. Thele proJ&ets lira con.idered necellury to Bdequlllely meet regional tllmllpor111UonneedlllorlheTransPlan~yearplannlng hor!zQlland are partofth& ftnanclally conatralned plan. Jur15dicUonsresponslblelorlheaeprojllc1safll!h&Cllies 01 Eugene and 5plinglield. L.aneCounly, andlheOregon Depar1mentofTl1Inspor1allon. NOI", This map la l\Iullr,ll". .nll lhould be usedlOf flferenceonly, Themapdeplct..pproxlm'leloct.llon..of exl..Ung.ndpropolldlran.portllllonlllcilltle.... >. ) ; ~ + Ir-'~ , . '-- ... I ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ .tlf '. I... -dl ~ L,~ --- '==4 - ~ Ir ::: .. I ! ~ I ' _.. "I , ' .:~ --' ~ ~ --..:::J ",'JO~ ~ .... ..J -.... L ~'-I e"... -'- ___ ~ -",~ ;~;~i ~J .=,:i ~ ~ ~. 1::1 i l.-~ I- ( ,-.---' ~ ~ r-r' '~@ '". - .'1-1 ~ ~~ .::"" I, ; : I ,F :')i L ~ D--=n I f ~ ~ ll_ D~ D.-.; " ~):: ;L" '=0' - ~ ~ '.._". -! D ' " I, -~_....... = I~ So. ~ ~~ " \\\ ---- '....----.......- -- -- ~ ------- ....- - (J1En --=-- ~~.c. J ..~~:\ ) ., ! ! , i) ) , " . Q'l J _~r_~ ~- I ~ ~ .l/r. /._", _ ..: .~~;, Vli- o , 1-- .~ I ' << " .'~'" ~r:t~.. ~I :7~' ~), .~tfj" , Gp I I" .........'N ..-...;... , "~ I .~!L. . r .. n_ :;J ..'.....N .",.. ~- . \\ .... - ""'" \;:"\~\ - - " , . , \, '1\ .' < r G \\". ~ \ jJi/i/: 15==7~~ , I , " , j 1 . ,fJ" -- r--- Ii CONCEPTUAL ROAD Adopted: June 30, 1997 Updated: ,~,efrkT./.:':;" :, 1;3&B JU t. Y z. 5, ZOO r; ) 1T .0 J SCALE o :'Err 3000 1500 Scale: 1" = 1500' ~~ ~ - ---;;/c ",- - - . '-'\Z/i" ,.~~f ;,'~--n ,) '- ~l; . "\ ~,." L \' -1, ,..-.~ ~ -:: ~ ~: ? ") ~ ~; b- 'Ii ~0PJlI1J~ ~--1 l ~rl.J / i .:~.O j)"L Fr=h ~~ i ; r t- ti 1 "( ~"' U _L..~ "I.' ~ ~I._ i :p : i~ I i~ Ib .,t:---,-.... , " "" ______"___n. "._ -'--". ~I . << ;~, I I~ ~'.;jl" "":/ 1! " II ---- I . r I I , --~. ~ c: .J 'J -~ - --'''''~', -.- -- , " NETWO~RK ~h ,,... /~ - ,'iyj;~~ --- "~ ;::; ~ "---=.:::::: t ,C'.!.L~', '------ ...... I !! I: I , '. I ...". " : I~, ~~ \ \;:;:... I--=> l ~ ~ 1-j i= , r-' .. . ,._J r-~ , ' ~ " , I L J '" ; , '" D[)~ CfJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~(/ ~1l/ages at MOl'C'ola Meadows - Recommendmions Memo Issue I.) Main Street retail fails to meet fundamental requirements for successful retail. (See Figure 3) Recommendations: A. Locate Main Street retail in western portion of the site, at the intersection of proposed col- lector road and existing Marcola Road. Western location provides greater Main Street retail visibility and drive-by traffic by taking advantage of: . Natural flow of traffic to and from residential development on the site. . High traffic volumes on Marcola Road (existing 10,000 average daily trips). . Trips generated by Big Box retail traveling past - and perhaps being intercepted by - Main Street retail uses. -- L ~ -., o Figure 3: Main Street Retail B. Ensure that Main Street retail area is compact. Main Street ground floor retail uses should: . Extend north from Marcola intersection no more than one block (approximately 200') or two blocks (approximately 450'). . Total ground floor retail of approximately 25,000 SF (one block) to 50,000 SF (two blocks). . I I I .. I I I I I, 3~ I I I I I I I I . . L I I I I I I I I I . I , :1. .- I I I I I I I I ~ - ". J .' SIGNAL PLAN <> ... ... .. .s; .. OlIO OlIO 1O.s; g~ 'l:1(j Marcola Road at Martin Blvd. J ~J 1 NORMAL PHASE ROTATION . FIRE P ,E -EMPTION OPE ,AlION .JL ___.lJ.,"e.Q'.2_ ~t~l/ J~L "t:il if 'til P~ ~~ cfl " ~I p~ -L l- I . II-- ,~ ' Ph.6 -- -- . -- Ph.2 'd-' Ph.2 , , Ph.2 IPM I CHANNEL A CHANNEL B ,CHANNEL C Phases 2&5 Phases' 2 &- '6 Phose 4 &- 8 Phases 2 &- 5 Phose 4 Phose 6 SCALE~. o 10 20 jFEET 40 i /:.-)I\l\ , ;.....-../1--</ . >""',j',, ........ (-.....,( '2,/~ "0 ~6J '" ro ~ , ~ " i\ Llr\ , \ \ .~ _.,.".,._~_._._m_==m ------_._--~-----~- ...._.,--,.,......,"-_._~. . '<J , e v\ 6 \ -. t.-I ,-_______ Cone. Mffi;anBanier ________ /\, '. )'---1'-':.'-,-- C::/ \ e. .,-~~:>~\ . I ~~; <..-.....' , -.-....-.,), Marcola Road /;:~::] /:^.\ \~7c:,:::::/ "'-'~JB ..... 1 -- I /\ I lI' VI il \Note' Field Venfy Measurement Before J '.! I ' I Iz <( ....J 0- ....J ,<( Z <.) - if) 'tl ~ ;:> 0 ....., '" Q:) ~ <:> .: '00 ....., !- ~ ~ l-@ ~ 'tl ~ o ~ ~ ....., o U !- ~ ~ -~.f: .-,'" " 3} ~~ H H ~- . (,.. . . ~ ~J , - " a '-1 1:l ,0; .,., 'Bl ~ .~ J;o , .. ;~ ~ ,; "-i);; '" ~ ~ a ~ ~ q g: l1i '-' i. ", .1 [Note: ;. I See Sheet;.~ 2.5 for ~egend. Hill ~ ~ o 0 ~ ~ o v _.__ ~ __ ._ _,_..:r:l' "UTILlTIESINOT SHOWN" Contractor ,to contact Companies ;for field locations. ~,1 ,. SHEET 12.1 I I I I I I I I I ,~' I I I I I I I I I I SIGNAL PLAN 3-<L- Marcola Road at Lowe's Access. 1 u :::l g. !~ 1:: 1 ~ .... ~.~ J~ t)~ .. "l:1jj i- i~ , .~ , ~~ ;" '" '" '" t/) () () . <( , <ll '" ;3 -", Z :;: Pnle No_ 8 ' 0 0 <r: ....:j ....J !\ .....J @ 1\ 0.... i1 ri .....J !- "tl <r: ~ d 0 U Z ~ C,) d ........ I if1 ....., 1 0 C,) ... d ~ H p~ NORMAL: PHASE ROTATlp.N Hp~6 . =---.-t~~ - ' Ph.'2 - Ph.2 FIRE : PRE-EMPTION OPERATION "1'~"L"1 ' ~: " ~ ~:. ~ :~ -<, d-' , , Iph,8 I Phase 4 &- 8 >-- 'p~ J~L SCALE r--...r-. o . 10 ::jFECT 40 . - Ph2 20 CHANNEL A Phases 2 &- 5 CHANNEL B Phose 4 Phases 2 &- 5 Phases 2 &- 6 ~, I ~ / II '~ .,// I J8 I / / ~ \ . MA~ J DP I -"'-"..\ IS,y , ;ra' , I DC , , --- - -- -- _\_--i- I , , , , I. I I ~ , ~\ GU '\EJ i@! /.1 , I 'G0 . ~{ _;~8~>' ~ . 15 -""'-"''''--'' -~7---- ....I....~.....:....~ Pnlp.r.J'l__~__,~_ _~ ri: 1;='__ -8: :;: /~ ' ' , s3""- - - --','-,.= ~.:- -=--- ~ - --0c- - ~ ~ .:-'- --' p~I;:;;:r,-l-/,:SM , -. ~ - (jj - - - M~ 2 . 2' , ,TC ': '0 ~ 5 456 . ._....__.. 8______...._ '\>~Jf (\J Note: field Verify Measurement Before Construction. I \, I rih.6 I CHANNEL C Phose 6 " , I) ;""'- J ,,:t '.r " [NOle: I S~e Sheet 12.5 ('or Legend. "UTILITIES NOT SHOWN" Contractor to contact C,<:;lmpanies for field locations. ~ o '" ~ ~ o ~ ::; '-1 'tl ~ '., ';; ~ '~ ~ '" SHEET 12.3 I i2(tbjUl -1 ~ C6NbiTb/J'3 I I (two 15-loot lanes) with no on-street parking for the section 01 Belle Boulevard north of the Parcel 6/7 access. I MASTER PLAN CONDITION #24. Prior to the approval of the Final Master Plan, the applicant shall depict a design to the satislaction of the City Engineer that provides a minimum 41-loot wide street width to provide two 15-foot through lanes and an 11-loot wide left-turn lane where needed for the section 01 Belle,Boulevard south of the Parcel 6/7 access, I MASTER PLAN CONDITION #25. Prior to the approval olthe Final Master Plan, the applicant shall comply with all street improvements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer to resolve all identified street width issues in order to comply with SDCTable 4,2-1. ' I MASTER PLAN CONDITION #26. Concurrent with the submittal 01 lhe Subdivision Tentative Plan application lor Phase 1, the applicant shall also submit a Street Name Change application in order to allow the use of the proposed street names in this Master plan application, I MASTER PLAN CONDITION #27. Prior to the approval of the Final Master Plan, the applicant shall: I I , 1) Demonstrate that the improvements specified in the Final Master Plan shall not require any property dedication south of the existing southern -Marcola Road right-ol-way line, 2) Provide preliminary design acceptable to the City Engineer for a roundabout intersection at the arterial/collector intersection of Marcola Road and Martin Drive, and include the dedication of right-of-way necessary to construct the improvements, The intersection improvements as specified by the City Engineer shall be constructed as part of the proposed , Phase 1 infrastructure improvements. Final design shall be approved during the normal, Public Improvement Project (PIP) process associated with proposed Phase 1 inlrastructure Development. 3) Providea preliminary design acceptable to the City Engineer and the Springfield Fire Marshal for a frontage road located within the existing Marcola Road right-of-way that provides safe 'and efficient access for vehicles using residential driveways on the south side 01 Marcola Road opposite the development site. These improvements as specified by the City Engineer shall.be constructed as part of the proposed Phase 1 infrastructure improvements, 4) Staff shall endeavor to work with the applicant to obtain the minimal amount of right-of way necessary. 5) Provide financial security acceptable to the City Engineer in an amount equal to the cost 01 signalized traffi'c control to provide for future traffic control at the arterial/site driveway intersection location. The form and timing of future traffic control will be based on traffic operational and safety n'eeds as determined by the City Engineer. I I I I I MASTER PLAN CONDITION #28. Prior to the approval of the Final Master Plan, the applicant shall coordinate with L TD regarding the location of required bus stops. The conceptual bus stops shall be shown on the appropriate Plan Sheet. I MASTER PLAN CONDITION #29. Direct vehicular driveway access to 28th/31" Streets shall not be shown on the final Marcola Meadows Master Plan, The number, location and design 01 such driveways, if any, shall be determined during the subdivision and/or site plan review process for specific developments within the Marcola Meadows Master Plan area. I MASTER PLAN CONDITION #30. Prior. to the approval of the Final Master Plan, the applicant shall record a deed restriction to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director stating that the applicant and successor owners shall adhere to the approved Street Tree List. I I I ~' (6 . ~,~ . CI:J rLIU1!!.....-:-..,-l,.!:.:.,' , <=~ .::::( 1"--. .......". ':~ ~ <",),. ! ""'" C.;) 1= 0 0') nJ1J1 0-.1 C/) , . ~~:C I"U 0:', 1-- ~'1: . U) u ~ LU Cl IIb[!d]L_ ~-=.iI 1[~;;t~.:::JI '. -- . /' . , " . .. ' " .' .' ,III ------------------- I Attachment 6C .--January 2008 - . I I I I III II II (0 ~ II II II II I .. L I ~ a ,I J I h I I I II :: I~ II ~ a ,;l ,. I L--d . -I .. ~ - - - - - w z ~ :r: u ~ :2 a f- a :r: 0... ~ <( 0:: W <( D- = ;; a Or!"" =- ~ ':1 1.... . JI .. t ",~ - ~ 1 \ - r-*. ~. - . . ... .J ::I f I ~ ~ ~ 1 ] ...~ ~ --, 1 L .~ L I.., _ _ ~ ...... '" - D~J ..lI ~, r. .J ----J.. ~ J 1 . , l ..t..... . -- + 1" = 100' --~-- '. I lor .~. r J C"] , .. ... J i u - . 1'1.... . ... · r SKETCH LEVEL DRAWING NOT DESIGN " .. z- ] '" ~ ~ ., 1 -..... 1 I I I .. ;:, I - , ~ III 1 ~Il ~ ,( 1 ,J 1 l' 1 - I - (..L ~ - -- - - - 56 ., ~ ~ J~N ~ : : ~ ~ SATRE Af!.SOClATES -.-......;; -. , . In '1 ..t v _ I - ~.~ s. ~ l ~"""'J ~ , Attachment 6-3 I. .' . .'- - ',- '. .~.., '.1;'. -"1 . ,,,t.:.'.......- '';H:\~~~''~ "" .~ ._.~~~::."l: .,<;t.;tf;r;;:;~..l:i:,/:"~ ", , ,~~'\Yl".t,p',-~ .~':ti:1!(f.5Z.,< ' " I'....,""i. .~.'" " '.'!~::~ - ~,,_~c:,""r.,~..~,-.., . '. ~S~~/"i/,\'~~.~~;;)"" '. .','.. . '., > . " " "~li'7 ',~-"~ccess Engineering ,LLC.. I...:;~~'. "';"'::," ' , . : '>t:c~' /. ;. f:~' ~', . . '." ",' .~,\-...,;~ "V'~ ,h-.._'~'''''''',. ". '\';'~"'."';':"'Jh':~C?I""'" .JaI)u~,28, 20(j8: ," ~t "\,.~:t",t.,, ""~.:',";"':"" . ,*:.,'.";;i..!l;,~ '\. !~~v~>~~. _ ..' ,'" . ,.. I,.:,,,,,,.,,,,..,," .:d"...,.,... :~F..'{:~<f~..' " ...~;~.:.~,,\. .... : , J~'/;';:'i~'>d~~~~V(' <~'h", 'J.'ff ..f.,~I.y.~,,~ ~-~ : l'i~1:.::~t!~:a.c ..i~f~;;;;::'~. ~~.".'i'~_,."". . . ~..";.1_~ r.' " . ,'. {ifr,'"l,'",,;- :p.,'!\ .1h:~i.;-<J':'<;"':'~ '::, i{~i~?-l{f:~~t'~:' '1~~~~~1f':.~~ I";,,.~P" '"",",w';','I;..: . . " .r~" ;"~ . I.....~ _ 1....: ... ... ...~--., </. "'.l'J"'c134 E. .134 Ave. Salte2.h +JJ~,"~>~~'~'f,"'.:4 Fj~i~'?{;~..~;,'~' ~'ir~Eagen., 'Oregoa,.74D1..... I ~^,1L' ':,,,,;. :. . " ,,,.1" "f!".'~/;t::' . , :..r ~ I,) ,". . '" . ~,,", ." ,1. . ' ;":,,,,~~~'~oae~!.'P';li-: .:..... ' ......'. - , ~", ,'#! :,"",," ..; ".~.'t~ ". . , ,RE: , A'p p' eal of PI ann. ing Comm.. i.ssion De, cision,,','Marcola, Mea. dowsMaster.Plan. . 'IW:"~"f1;"-,~~ .,'t'-~..,.;'f""i{j.'~' ,.. ..' . . .' ;;1~~;\q~Jrt~~;::,~1 ~ ':: . ,'. Appr9Xal; C.ondition #27LegalIs~ue'#2,Disproportion~te.Bi1rden;RebuitaI10 .1 )~l~ft~~~~m;,f.;~~;;'~'>;' .' ,StiffRespons~i' ,. .' , .:;,I~I:'~~..4",'. ~/ftry,~~~:;:~!~?,,::. " . , ' .' " .' grJ(,~':t.'n'tf.i,;.~,,~,:,:.: :~,;~~.'. The staff re,sponse ,10 Legal\I~sue # 2 of i:h~appeaiof Coriditio~ #27. is ~ gross; ..' .' . I ",,({.\"'t.! "," ,. ,. ,." oyersimplification'6f.1he developni,mt's traffic impact on Marcolil Road ,which leads.to . ':,;"...,;,'.:)...;,',;/f.;,..',~,.:.'.,;S.,..~ .f..,..;::,'.' the 11Irrealishc strttement ~at ':1lle,impaciOfnew!ijp~over proj'eCted trips'is a 158p.,r., " .; ,. v,;, .cent ~crease;'or an impact factorofL58":.In fact,"'~ more reaJistic.estllpateofthe ",' '. ,>) '. ',,:.<\?;!{; 'c' impact of the developl!lent ~n M'!fcola Road is a factor that ranges from 0:36 to,O.72. . .1 '" ,,:~~:Oh~~~:.~> ~e~OlIOwillgomi,SSi~~S and oversimPlifi~atio~sbr stiff ~ccount for this discrepancy: I :;,.,'.,',;t;,',',,;;,~b,,;,;, :':i":;:.':',?:K~":' ',.L Stiff failed t, o~ub1iactpass-by trips lh,) in thelDtai trips generate~ by t1i~ development., . ;,~i~t;f't-:"D'""/[;'J;:.t;., . Bydefinition pass-by trips are made ,as mtermediat,e.stopson the way from' an origin to a' . :' ,,;i!,,~;:,:' .: ?::;:!}~'x:"\. . priniary desiiIiatiOll.They are mad\, by traffic alre\ldy 9n the street which decides to , . , . ~:'~p~Vi;-\~r;;.\ ''''~eari ijlterinistopat the.subjeft s\it'Clearlythe pass-by ~pstd aridfromt,1iesi1<<:, . .' I 'i):,i';'~ q);?;:j,';from Mar(;olllR.oad~,n?~:newtri~syn.*arC?l~R,~~..o/i,~the!efore ~ustbe subtracted , i,;:"JI:}::;rwi.t Jromthe to~l trlpsg~n.~rat~d b~tll~s~.te. . ,.:"...~ ..,': : '.: ,<;~ '" . " . I W;~~~~~~l~~:': ,2. Staff.s S1atement that 93%6fiie~ trips gimerated. by the deveJoI?ine~t will use' .' , ..~rr.,D:~~~~1i:1;:~\:: . Mar~ola~oad ~~:gio.s~ly ?ve~~~~Jn,s,~1!:~.~t;~ln~~:.th.~t.,p,~r'i~r.uig~.by aSSuming that. ;,.............-Zt" ;c. allne", trIpS WIth ongms or,'destmatlOns east,.soufil;<and'west o(the sIte useMarco1a ..... /".1"1';;;;:;;;~~.:~',: '. Road betWeen 2S!'a:nd 23"',Streets.This is an o~ersiliipj'ifi~d ~s~umptioiiwhich does 'not . ~-~t{~r,~~1;h;tf;':':-_ ~e.:~to- aCCOtU;lt' t~e.~ip ~{~i~~~~~.~!4~~~~:~p~I6~~J.~!.'~~~~(f int~_~;'~.ep!~~b~r ~~~,t:: .' . ' bf ~~~~ c:..~;Y:\;., . 2007 Traffic ImpactAllalysls.(I)gt!rti..?',o~~~:;T.IA);i.B~~a!lse trlp~from the east, south;~.~ 111 :. : .rk~}~'i:~tf:!,~'. ,and ~\,s1 can acc~ss the site~t ilfre~:m~j(;r ioc'aiio~~: (M,ai1mprivb';.l{?)V~~ Driveway,",,; . : . "', tll:;;>F~"';1 ' .,u,d BdleBlvd:); th~ ac~ar:'1Wi,1~:eriif~i~;((?~'~aIcola Road'~a.ri~s:J:>f,\oc~ti9n. ,In f~ct, :.' h. t..; /ir~".i ~.;,,' ,about14% ,of all new trips (toiu1dfronnhe ea.s1 and south) would,useth'e.Belle Blvd: :;~' :'.. I ''';~lj:,::'~~ ;;r::');~~i",: :a~"ess, 9.02, 8'" ~treetand W~~idIiotbepresen~'bnMa~coia,Rol~~i~:9t2j~.~in;~t.' I;~~';"'o li(;:..-'.' . ;'''0' .;>:;r.1\;,X. :attached ske1ch;based on FIgure 5 of the ,TIA, shows how new, trlp~,\~,<r.e!lS,~lgn~dto,,;, '.:' __"I...(.\, ,"!, ,. <:""'. 'M' 'I"R d"" .,'..., ...l\":i,.;...,."".."--...-".c. ....~1,~i'" : ''''1:t,.'~,..' areoa oa.' . ._~ .~.,..;..,.".. ..1' ....; '1""-':' I,' :~:~"~'.<~~',~\',:',~ ~,;//j~~;if:r~';;.~'~ '. _ . . .'\. "'::~;~~ir,::' " .-' .' ':'~.-~,:~::~~,:?/' ~&~j,:c':;:-r.::.;:t~t~r{(:. . Given 1he'\ 0,683 daily tr~p'son Marc:ola Roa4in20l,5 calcu}ated ~Y.s~V'i~diisihg '.' ';::'.,~t;", . , . . ~f,~\;!/':_.n\";i\i;Wfl'2i;istatr:s meth?~ofconvertI?gpeak hour ~affic toaverl!?e .daJly,p:j.lfficy~!(?~ aJactorof .:t '1~, I.' '1'ii~j"i:;:- .t;t.:t:~i'1':':~ .!,o,thefollowmg calculatlOp~ Will proYlde a .~ore reah~stll,-.e.stlJ!late ofth~'&evelop.l1l"nt~,s .. i ,',;.,;'"L~i ' '," , ;'.d;, '\t"..'t~ i:.--I.~ . lDlp4cton Mar~ola~Rpad.. , ~*;~,,"" ';.' -: ~~;1.W.!~\::" . ", . .. ' - ~t' ," ,. ",)0',' j"'''<t 1- ~~,~j.~~. .,: '[J~';~~~~~~l;: .. v.h"~' ,r':'::, ';t g~~? ~'. ~ . 'lY':r~,.., ," r '.\\i'~'''...~..;:..,L, :v~ ""1" ,p ,'" l,~':;J"~~j...'lt." ,.' .bC/ .' . . Mayor1)Dd City,C6unciI c/oqity MaIiage(s Office . City pf Springfield.' '. . 225 Fifth Stre~t .., ". . ~prinl';fjeld; Oreg6n;974 77 " " ....,. :.:' ;' ,,' ")' '.', I \, " . l I I 1 1 '. ' .'..'. I..'.' . . I.:.... I: '.. I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I ~ . Condition #i7 Legallss~e#i; Disproportionate BurdenRebuttalto S1affResponse . . Calculation of New Site Trips on Marcola Road. Totai Site Trips: : Less Internal Trips: Less Pass-bvTrios':' . Total New Trips from Site ' 'LessR~lIe Blvd. T~iDS East &. South: : Potential New T~ips on Marcola'Road: 21,628 -3510 ' " -3870 14,248 -1.700 12;548 (TIA,page 7, Table 2) . . (TIA,"page 8, Table 3, times 10) (TIA;pageS;Table 3; tim.es 10). . (See attachedsket.c;h) , (West of 28'" street) . " ,New Trips on Marco.la Road by block: (see attached sketch) . .m])otind New Trips: . . Outbound New Trips: . : Total New Trips.:" . ' . . New Trips/(10,683 No-Build Trips) . . West of Martin .Drive:, 3,900 3.770 7,670 0.72, . Martin-Lowes ~: 1,900 2:560 4,460' 0:42 Lowes Dwy-28th St. . 1,780 2.040 '3;820 0;36 , Page 2 , The above calculation shows that the best estimate. of the traffic:impact onMarcola Road from the site varies between the site acce'sses andninges from 0.36 to ;on; This impact is considerably lower than the . ' 1.58 calCulated by staff.' ' " Very truly yours, . Expires 6/30io8 Michael Weishar, PE Access Engineering LLC . Access Engineering LLC January 28, 2008 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Marcola Road INBOUND TRIPS (Peak Hour) Peak Hour X 10 = ADT OUTBOUND TRIPS Peak Hour X 10 = ADT "M" New rrj (Based on Figt:: t'1eMarcola Road p. 28, 2007 rIA) 1 Martin Dr 2 Lowe's Dwy CD CD 245 l45 ,I 96 184 l --- . / 45 . " 390 ,/ 129 145 49 3900 1900 1780 CD CD 1) *55 - 377 1) *82 - 201 "- 67 "'- 55 137 3770 2560 2040 ,r - rf 28th St @ 49 A A@ 86 42 ./ -I ~~34 77 I, 28th St 76 .- @ Jt@ 33, \.(,2 .......... \ 146- 54/'1., 84 /87 28th St ;;u;;;. Acoes ~ s Engineering I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPLICANT'S PROPOSED MASTER PLAN CONDITION #27 'MASTER PLAN CONDITION #27. Prior to the approval of the Final Master Plan, the applicant shall: 1) Demonstrate that the improvements specified in the Final Master Plan shali not require any property dedication south of the existing southern Marcola Road right-of-way line, Provide preliminary design acceptable to the City Engineer for a signalized intersection at the arterial/collector intersection of Marcola Road and Martin Drive, and include the dedication of right-of-way necessary to construct the improvements. The intersection impl"Ovements as specified by theeity Engineer shall be constructed as part ofthe proposed Phase 1 infrastructure improvements. Final design shall be approved during the normal Public Improvement Project (PIP) process associated with proposed Phase 1 infrastructure development. Provide financial security acceptable to the City Engineer in an amount equal to the cost of signalized traffic control to provide for future traffic control at the arterial/Site driveway intersection location, The applicant. may choose to put in place the necessary infrastructure for signalization at the time of construction of the intersection. At such time as warrants are met, signalized traffic controls shall be put into place at the applicant's expense. 2) 3) lft/oB ~ AffLlGtNT$ .AG~\lj? COt-.iDrTfDN I I I I I I II :1 I :1 , I 'I I I 'I I I I I I 7tA OPTION 1 - SIGNALS @ MARTIN & LOWE'S LEGEND [-- ----1 EXISTING NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE [------1 NEW NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE (25,089 SF) ~ I WIDER CENTER REFUGE LANE [ I AREA OF NEW IMPROVEMENTS (50,296 SF) Iii SATRE ASSOCtA TES. P.C. PIanncn.L..ndKapc.An:IIJlcCbInd EllmmunmlalSI""',.hsto ""...-...-... SlJRE ~":"'~''''=:'''I''''''''''-....u._ ASSOC1Al1:S.....__ -~. ] RIGHT TURN ONLY DRIVEWAYS I - ] DRIVEWAYS WITH SIGNALS I'''-''~] RAISED LEFT TURN MEDIAN ~ 2015 QUEUES ~ IE. ACCtJ&I','),-#:,. - ,:.."LLC SC SPRINGFIELD LLC _lfU),v.Nl:COUNTY.OREGOOI THE VILLAGES AT MARCOLA MEADOWS ~ - ~~ ~~ -- """. - - .: 5.1 STREET SOLUTIONS I""'brI . .... - I I I I I I I I I I I I I !I I I I I I I I 71.0 OPTION 2 - ROUNDABOUT @ MARTIN & SIGNAL @ LOWE'S LEGEND t--- -- --l EXISTING NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE t-----~ NEW NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE (25,384 SF) l --.-j WIDER CENTER REFUGE LANE [ I AREA OF NEW IMPROVEMENTS (65.918 SF) I -.. ] RIGHT TURN ONLY DRIVEWAYS I - ] DRIVEWAYS WITH SIGNALS I" ,] RAISED LEFT TURN MEDIAN ~ 2015QUEUES ~ - ~~ .... - ~ - - a - 5.2 ,. SATRE ASSO,CIATES. P.C. PImI1cn,~^n;hltn;lSond [nVlrollmltlluIS!'"1ahstli ,,,...-.-... SA.TRE ::..=.";::,."........,.,.-......_ ASSOC1AID .~.__ /E,Acces.t,Il',."" ,',.LLC SC SPRINGFIELD LLC SPRlNGFlELD,LAHECOUNTY,OREGON THE VILLAGES AT MARCOLA MEADOWS ~ STREET SOLUTIONS ~ . .. -