HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work PLANNER 6/27/2008 " 'pty of Springfield '[, Development Services Department ' 225 Fifth Street ' Springfield, OR 97477 I ' LAND DIVISION PLAT PRE~SUBMITT~L CHECKLIST , Partition ',I: ;!, Project Name: Br~ndt-Drury Partition I " ' , Project Proposal: 'Partition ,one lot (4 acres) to create three parcels Case Number: PRE2008-00040 l ' Project Address: ,6595 Main Street . ~' Assessors Map anCl Tax Lot Number(s): 'I' " Zoning: Medium Density Residential (MDR) I, " Overlay District(s): Hillside Development (HD) :1' ," , Applicable Refinement Plan: NjA' 'I' . III Refinement Plan o,esignation:.' N/A '[ Metro Plan Desigriation: Medium Density Residential (MDR) 1 ' ' Tentative Decision Date: April 11, 2008 Pre-Submittal Metting Date: June 27, 2008 1 Application Submittal Deadline: December 24,2008 ';' I ' 'I' ..' '\'. - Associated Applications: SUB2008-00016 (Tentative), DRC2005-00007 (SPR) I!' 1{(?Iffi\ticrO::JSelHlII~~rEl!!ml).EMEl!oeMEl\liUlREM~EW:&TE~M~;fbll1!billll~ -'_~Ill., rpOSHION J REVIEW OF . NAME , PHONE I I Project Planner Land Use Planninq Molly Markarian 726-4611 1 , Trarisportation Engineer in Training Transportation Jon Driscoll 726-3679 I I Public Works Civil Er;,qineer Utilities I EriC Walter I 736-1034 I I Public Works Civil Enqineer Sanitary & Storm Sewer I Eric Walter I 736-1034 I I Deputy Fire Marshal,', Fire and, Life Safetv I Gilbert Gordon 1726-2293 I Community Services Manaqer Buildinq I Dave Puent 726-3668 I ,L . lf~eeI!IGA"NT~SJDEMEl!oeMEI\ITIiREM~EW.'1iE~M_lhiIIJi_II.II..lIIi:li~iit__-.wi Applicant/Owner I Applicant's Representative . Michael Brandt-Druijy Renee Clough, PE, PLS 7906 Thurston Road Branch Engineering, Inc. Springfield, OR 97478 310 Fifth Street Sprinqfield, OR 97477 17-02-34~44, rRECEIVED, JUN 2 7 Z008 . BY.:\k/~~~~ , 6/20/2008 1 of 5 .. The items needed 'to make the application complete for review are incorporated below. NOTE: . . Conditions of Approval - taken from Notice of Decision dated: 4/11/2008 . Applicant Response - taken from: Applicant's Written Statement for PRE2008-00040 Condition #1: Exca'vation or filling in the vicinity of the existing street trees, as well as any future removal of tHese trees, must conform to the standards of the SDC and EDSPM. Since these street trees ar,e located on private property, maintenance of the trees shall be performed by the property owner as per SDC 4.2-140 C.2. Applicant Response: Any excavation, filling, removal, or maintenance of the existing street trees will conform to' the standards of the SDC and EDSPM as applicable. Staff Finding: No further action is required at this time. I Conditio'!Jt~: prior to plat approval, the applicant shall record and document on the plat all Utilit~ an~:~t'a!~I1j9,ritt~'r~nEs;f..f9fjS~~ on the T~ntative Plan. Applicant RespoIJse:'AIl1proposed utility and drainage easements are shown on the final plat. A proposed private easement document is included with this submittal and will be recorded concurrently with {nl~:'fi'n~llplat. Staff Fin~~lJg:. Th.e :req~iredd~c.~m,f!nts and citations have been submitted. Survey will confirm that adequate documentation hils\been submitted during their review of the plat. . I . Condition #3: Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall record and document on the plat all joint use and access easements proposed on the Tentative Plan. In addition, the applicant shall . include in such easement documents joint maintenenace agreements. Applicant Response: The proposed joint use access easement is shown on the final plat. A proposed private easement document and joint maintenance agreement is included with this submittal and will be recorded concurrently with the final plat. Staff Finding: The [required documents and citations. have been submitted. Survey will confirm that adequate documentation has been submitted during their review of the plat. Condition #4: Visibn clearance areas shall be maintained at each access to a public street as per SDC 4.2-130. : I Applicant Response: A note with this restriction is included on the plat. Staff Finding: The I note is listed on the plat. Survey will confirm that adequate documentation has been submitted during their review of the plat. Heads Up Comme:hts: 1. N/A. 6/20/2008 2 of 5 . THIS APPLICATION IS: , , o COMPLETE FOR PROCESSING .. [g] INCOMPL~~E AND NEEDS MISSING INFORMATION NOTED ABOVE . . [. I. !I; ;;;~ 1112 -rl rff Date \. Ci~ner I, THIS IS NOT A DECISION ON THE PLAT. The plat pre-submittal meeting shall be held within. one year of the dat& of the Land Division Tentative approval. A complete Land Division Plat ,. application shall be "Submitted within 180 days of the pre-submittal meeting. If the applicant has not submitted the L1md Division Plat application within these time frames, the Land Division , . Tentative approval shall become null and void and re-submittal of the Land Division Tentative application shall be 'required per SDC 5.2-140. I . , I, the owner/applicant, intend to submit all missing items indicated herein to the City within the 180-d~y timeline. . . . t . . i' ~t/AV1: O~~APPlicaf,t's 5,ignature . [ ILJI'Z1/08 Date -I' I I . . I;, " I, 6/20/2008 3 of 5 ". " , I Land Division Plat Application Process (see next page for a diagram of this process) , " 1. Applicant Subrl1its a Land Division Plat Application for Pre-Submittal I ' . The applicat{on must conform to the Land Division Plat Pre-Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 5& 6 of this application packet. ' , I: . . . The purp~~~.of.gre-,submittal is to ensure the applican~ has aH items n~cessary for a complete,submlttal.. ' , .' ", " ' . I, _,' - . . '. . A pre-submittal meeting to discuss completeness is mandatory, ,[ . Pre-submittal meetings are conducted every Tuesday and Friday, from 10:00am - !. . noon.' i . , I . We strivei:to conduct the pre-submittal meetings within five to seven working days of receiving the application. ' il . I' , 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting . The apPli~ant, owner, and design team are strongly encouraged to attend the pre- submittal j,meeting. , ' [ . . The meet!hg is held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and ' Transport~tion, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division. I I!; . , . The meetijng is ~~~l1?~~F~f for 30 to 60 minutes. ,.,.,-; .l-"';~;~\ . The Planner provides th'e applicant with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the 'end of the " , meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete if it is not I,r already cqmplete. . . The apPliclant will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. l - . 3. Applicant sub~its a Complete Land Division Plat Application . When the:[:apPlicant has addressed all items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist and the City Surveying Section has notified the applicant's surveyor that the plat and other documents are sufficiently refined; the applicant can submit a complete application to the City Survey Section located in the NW Quad of City Hall. . The apPli6ation must c~nform to the Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements Checklist ,bn page 6 of this application packet, . If the sub:mittal is deemed complete, the City Survey Section will sign-off on the City Survey a8proval sheet and send the applicant to the Development Services Departm~nt for application submittal and fee coHection. . Planning staff checks and signs the mylars. 4. Applicant Records Plat at Lane County &. Submits Plat and Documents to City " · After Plan':ning staff checks and signs the mylars, the plat may then be recorded by the applicant'~ surveyor at Lane County. i . After plat [has been recorded at Lane County, applicant submits five (5) recorded, ", roHed pa8er copies of the plat and three (3) copies of required documents to the Developrrient'Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits. I , , I :1 , . LAND DIVISION PLAT APPLICATION PROCESS " _I' Apblicant submits land division plat application for pre-submittal I' (See Land Division Plat Pre-Submittal Requirements Checklist) .I, ! J City departmeljlts review application for completeness'and hold pre-submittal meeting to discuss ,completeness issues with applicant and applicant's representatives. . I . . ~~ Applicant addresfes incomplete items. I 1 I!' City Surveyor checks application and returns comments to applicant's surveyor. ':~ Applicant's surveyor corrects plat I. and retur~s to City Surveyor. 1- ~ City Surveyor conducts field check and returns comments to applicant's surveyor / Applicant's surveyor sets new monuments and flags existing ones. 1 I Once no errors appear on the plat and a current title report is submitted, applicant's surveyor is given ok to submit complete land division plat application. I, I 1 After ok givJn from City Surveyor and applicant has addressed all incomplete items 'from pre-subf.nittal, applicant submits complete application to the City Survey Section 'I: (See Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements Checklist) -- 1 City Survey Section signs-off on City Survey approval sheet and sends the applicant to the Developrl'lent Services Department for application submittal and fee collection. 1 Planning staff checks and signs mylars and notifies applicant's surveyor of approval. , I, 1 'I' , I Applicant t:akes plat and accompanying documents to Lane County for recording. " 1 Applicant brings copies qf recorded plat and documents to Development Services Department. Revised 9/26/07 Molly Markarian 5 of 5