HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 9/25/2008 J'. t,t Date Rec61ivf, City of Spril!gfield ,. Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street " Sp'ringfield, OR 97477, ' r, j IIii: "1 SEP25 2008 .<-.-.' ,. \ Original S~bm\ttal ;: Master Plan Amendment, Type I ~ Applicant Name: I C1T'1t7F SfeIN6Ff(2...,,-----rPhone: r ' ,," Company: 'I Da:II{3L(Yf'I'/IGNr' SGY.lVI~~S DePr' 1Fax:I' Address: I). J-s,-: ,nF'i11 S'rJ2~' ~()t2"Jbt=lra.-tJ OQ., 'f7Jf7; ,', Applicant Sign~ture: ,';;';;':':';'::);; Property Owner: ;1-' ," Company: Address: I" " .' '" ,'," ownej-signatu~e:1 ' ;i: 'J ~i(th~e :~a PRlf~,~'~t,,(~:;-~tK~~',:th~B:i-th~,,:9~:~'er;~'fh~~q'~~riet'::~:~'r_~.hy.;gf~6t~::p~fffi!s~Jorlf9r/tHit~PPJica-nt :t6:'att;IJ ~{g'i'S~9K:K~;{~~~ha'If.~~~:~'~~k~i~~~: ,';;;~;~~;;;;~~'~o~*'/:ro;3"4"'q'it. ':'ROiP,"FRANK<i-A~X;L<<l~6(~)';"'71)7A"~"'~""~""'~"-" Prope;tYAddress: INTer2.ScC.7!lil\! of" A2Ar./VL.'I"'f6i,..IIO +;t1~ VA,0 ~11611'WAl P t 5, ' 5 F t '1,I,ft, :,' A."c.r,~."s""",."",.','N".!"",, , ,E.oP~!'L.,~,::"quare ee:' IV _ '" ,:1 !.:~t,"";~I'i'.]f",.''''i"~",,.-~,''-:''''):0,~'~--,:},-';hi.':--~''''''"-"'--0""'" C.- <'".,"-....,,-- ..". '-"'''-' ...,'."~, ,~,.,. , , Approved Use' .1 ofProperty:p~6/""f(a.IGkj:OF 'WA" , "., ' . l, .. Description of. Ame~dm'ent:". , '., ,('~/1f'JG~ .tIF' 'coNC@}O(vk<-:/~~~ec"i7~iJ 'OG~\~' G:{J iO' 'O' . ,< . L .~ , , j, ii '-'. ,,' .., " ;, . ',~ ''',. . " "'9~'25:~~OD(.. ~I~~~::Qd BY:':J!'!(/;;(~' .,: . .,. C~S~N'O.':. " L~ PZf:x)~~'OOOI2- "~",.",.o' . --' - . - , ' , '. , Date: '~- " ..' .' . e"" , ' '. . "'...., -', .... ". ' " I .... ':' :.' ."',. ". }..., .~, .. ,--'.,', " , ' .... , , ',. ~, J,' .. . ..::. ~ ~, C'." :/\J t , .'.., ,.';>~. ~- j ". ,MASTER PLAN ELEMENTS. t. I : ~. . ~ . ,~..it.... . "-. . A MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT SHALL CONTAIN ALL OF THE ELEMENTS PREPARED IN A . CLEAR AND, LEGIBl:E MANNER'NECESSAR1':T0 DEMONSTRATE THA TTHE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE ARE BEING FULFILLED AND SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: (1) (2) (3) (9) (11) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (10) (12) , Existing Metro Plan Designation and Zone Classification. A vicinity map. drawn to scale on a street base map.', A legal description of the property together with a map drawn to scale depicting the legal boundaries of the subject property. . . Topography map and narrative depicting presen~ uses of the I~nd, existing structures, roads, . significant vegetation, wetlands, drainage ways and other relevant natural and man-made features. . . A site plan showing location and type of all land uses proposed, approximate acreage and approximate number of units or square footage of uses, adjacent property uses and 'relevant feature~ 'The density or intensity of proposed uses., . \~..,..~""."'._,.:, ~~."A." -i.;._... The maximum height and size of proposed structures. A public facilities plan showing existing and proposed streets, utilities, sanitary sewer, natural and prop6sedstonn drainage system, wat~r service, bike and pedestrian ways and transit locations. - . . . . . Maps and narrative showing off-site p~bl;c improvements necessary to serve the proposed development and/or to. mitigate impacts to adjacent property or public facilities. The director may require additional infonnation necessary to evaluate the ptoposed development. including but not limited to an.ESEE analysis, geology, soils, storm water, sanitary, tree' . preservation, historical, archaeology, floodplain, and traffic impact, All related maps' except ' vicinity and detailmaps shall be at the same scale. I .' .' ..' , , ' .' " .' Provisions, if any, reservation, dedication, or use of land for public purPoses, including rights-of- . way, easements, parks, open spaces, and school sites.: . '.' . , . All overall schedule ordescripti6i1 ofphasil)g; and the development to occur i!l each phase. If . phasing alternatives are, contemplated, these alternatives should be described.' . . . ' " . . , .' . (13) Where off-site or other infrastructure imp~ovements are required, the applicant shall specify the . . .,. timing and method of securing the improvement, inCluding bond,' letter of credit, joint" deposit and . \ :other security satisfactory for said improvement construction. .' . .... .....' . . f\ ~ J . .... ":-' ': - - .' _ ;,"~': ..".:C': .;'~l:",::t~,:~~1.~'...:\. . (14) Designation ofrespon.sibility for providing infrastructure arid servic~.s.", .' "'" ','. _ - , " '~"'. . :', ::. _":,.\:,..'i.J. '. (15) A gener~1 schedule of annexatio~ consistent with thephasingpl~n ;hipplicable.' i. . .," , .(16) . 11114105, Note: A Pre-Application Report may be required prior to submittal of the Master Plan amendment . (37.020). '. .., .. .,' .' ".. . ". '. .Page 2 00 ..... .:: ' ,;;-., J. - . q.. S E 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 34 T.17S. R.3 W WM. LANE COUNTY JI , 111= loot .~,..~:;.. ------::..~< ,..c. .... ..,.1'" If~' .."".~.. ~ . r\\Gr\'-J'J t>: ..~,. . , .,j;' ::':.~:ti.~:~.' _ /. c.... ..r'" 0 ..r. ....~I .. .".,., 0"1':<..1 ~ O'l' ./ ~ "y" /c. /... ",'r~", ........ ,.'. .,:.",A " . ,. ...~..... .. c ..." ,..,0 ".- ~"'> _ : :;.[~9.~ _ _ _ , . .~ / .....~~-:.. :::;' ................ ....~~ ..~~~:~:: '0"" ,,~ 'M KE ~ 1/(6'E&~. t C NZ/E '---z. ,-' ""--'-' f.'t.... \. ~~::~:,..."..r ::::;; "... .u...~,.._.d~. '''4 1000 (. :J 900 . '" .11800 '" ~ oj 't'. M ~ II ~\~ t~t<;, "~\~I ~ \ ,!>,?>o'l'll' C-" : .~. . =6' ~JT:S" \ ...;:-:;''10". ..~~~:.. .U..U'5~l:J ~?"0'2- \ c." a:1.'1o'" "'" C? q~'!.? "" 1.-" 151'1.:?> :.ill c" 11:)..00,\ I.-~ 1-l1l~ , . .. . '. " IY'._.'I..'I; .__ )' /"I.~" -l',i - ~ /~"'~...'J.._ ~~L-~ ~', ~...........' ""S"' C'":~~. .~..!.f 1.7,1 , q1/ ~ t:':> ~-, o1'''t.c.... 0,- -'~'r - I ,. .. " .. i... .:.j ~ )0 ~~ ~ ',. 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RIVER OPPORTUNITY AREA (Refer to the Plan diagram on Page 20) The River Opportunity Area encompasses the parcels between the river and Franklin Boulevard, extending from Ponderosa Manufactured Dwelling Park east to the Springfield Bridge and continuing south just past the railroad crossing. This is an area of mixed uses. It includes commercial u'ses such as a veterinary clinic; commercial-industrial uses such as tractor sales; industrial uses such as warehousing; and residential uses. This subarea contains approximately 47 acres, a significant portion of which is vacant or underutilized property, especially along the riverfront. , This is the last vacant! und~r-developed land along the Willametre; River in the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area, and is central to, the entrances to Springfield and Eugene. The opportunity to create a special 'place' on this site is enhanced by the amount of vacant land with river frontage, the potential for consolidation of parcels under ~ few ownerships, the recent ins'tallation of sanitary sewer in Franklin Blvd., and the creation of the Glenwood Urban Renewal District. This is considered an area that could provide an opportunity for new development. The opportunities for a signature development are enhanced by the Riverfront Plan, the Urban Renewal District, and future transportation improvements to Franklin Blvd. This development could includeariy mixture of office developments. retail commercial uses, quality residential development, and public plazas and space for public riverfront parkland that would promote public enjoyment of and access to the river. " In recognition of the mixed development pattern of the area, the River Opportunity Area is designated Mixed Use (MU) in the Metropolitan Plan. T(lis area is identified asa Node in TransPlan because of its location between the downtowns of Springfield and Eugene, along the first phase of L TD's Bus Rapid Transit system. Because of Subarea 8's identification for Nodal Development. the NodalDevelopment Overlay (iND) applies to all property within Subarea 8. Under the MUI ND Plan Designation, within Subarea 8, the following zoning districts are permitted: Medium and High Density Residential (MDR and HDR), Community Commercial. (CC), Mixed Use Residential (MUR), Mixed Use Commercial (MUC), Mixed Use Employ~ent (MUE), and Public Land and Open Space (PLO). These zoning districts are designed to work together to. result in development that is an attractive place to live, work, shop, and recreate, with less reliance on the automobile than is found elsewhere in the community. In addition to these zoning districts, the Nodal Development (ND), Willamette Greenway CWG) and Floodplain (FP) overlay Districts also. apply in Subarea 8. Glenwood Riverfront Plan- Backaround, Shortly following the transfer of jurisdiction of Glenwood frpm Eugene to Springfield in late 1998, the Springfield City Council identified the area known as "Subarea 8: The River OppoCtunity Area" as an area suited for redevelopment into a vibrant, residentiall office! commercial mixed use center, that would take advantage of the location along the riverfr,qnt, and become an asset to the comm~nity. . ;,. t ,In order to develop and ultimately adopt a plan that would guide redevelopment of Subarea 8 in a manner consistent with the policy direction from the Glenwood Refinement Plan, the City of Springfield' . ,was awarded multi-year Transportation Growth 'Management (TGM) grants from 'the Departr'nent of , Land Conservation and Development (DLCD). Project consultants' Were retained to assist in the ' . , 'l,;",~ . , ". Date Received: SEP t5 2008 . 1 Original Submitta' ' ,~lJ!;~' , \. .' j,:j....'-l , ' development of a plan that achieved the following objectives, established by the project's Citizen Advisory Committee in October 2000: . Riverfront Plan' Project Objectives 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ." 7. 8. 9. 10. I. Propose a mixed use development pattern and accomp~nying design guidelines that will enhance and complement the adjacent riverfront and that are consistent with the Neighborhood Center Node designation; Provide transportation linkages between the Study Area' and the surrounding neighborhoods; Establish design and streetscape standards for the Study Area, including provision of sidewalks.. bike lanes, and pedestrian amenities; Establish the most appropriate location and. design for an east~west bike path along the riverfront, to strengthen local and regional connections; Implement the objectives of TransP/an to increase densities in areas identified for nodal development;' ' , I , Reduce reliance on State Highway 126 for local east,west traffic through a strategy to resolve and reduce access issues within the Study Area; Plan for a connected'street pattern within the Study Area that facilitates internal circulation, promotes walking, and. that minimizes conflicts on Franklin Boulevard; Identify, the most appropriate location for a new transit stati.on; .' Protect and enhance the Willamette River's water quality and habitat for endangered species through environmentally sensitive development; and ' Present the Riverfront Plan for adoption. The Riverfront Plan was developed with guidance from the Springfield City Council, city staff, agency staff such as Willamalane and the Oregon Department of Transportation, DLCD, the Technical Advisory Committee, and the Citizen Advisory Committee. The Riverfront Plan envisions that the planning area is deveio'ped in a manner that maximizes it's location along the riverfront, and that becomes an asset to the community by providing a high quality mix of housing, commercial, and office uses, through design that reflects the Riverfront Plan Project Objectives. , ' , Copies of the full Glenwood Riverfront Plan and supporting documents can be obtained at the Development Services Division, or online at www.cLspringfield.or.us. ..' ), Substantial public resources have been expended to develop the Riverfront Plan including extensive citizen involvement, research. and development of design guidelines that were completed to ensure " that this plan met the expectations of the City Council and ultimately benefited the community in '. terms of added value and quality development. However, recognizing that there could be a single purchaser of the land within 'the plan area who may have a development proposal not anticipated by the Riverfront Plan, the City is providing a flexible two track development review process for development proposals within Subarea 8. These development review, processes are describe'd in detail in Article 44 of the SDC, the GR Plan District. ' ",- "".- .' . I. ,~ ". '.' ,I:;;,. I t ,j:. ' !t.. ~','~' Date Received: 'SEP 25 2008 :-', nrl"I",,1 Slllbl'l'lltlal <,. ", 2 ;; Offering two processes for development review within Subarea 8 allows the city to react to unanticipated future development scen~rios, using adopted master plan objectives and design guidelines to ensure that development meets spec(fic criteria that will assist in meeting the Riverfront Plan Project Objectives, described above, " Development proposals within Subarea 8 must meet the requirements of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) Article 44, GR Plan District. Proposals using the Riverfront Plan as framework, or those proposals using an alternative framework through the Master Plan process will use the development standards outlined in the GR Plan District for project design of buildings and ~arking areas, ' " POLICIES I. This subarea shall ~e con~idered appropriate for mixed use. " 2. The City shall allow for a mixture of zoning districts in order to facilitate development of a mixed-use area. 2.1 Consider zone changes that would allow for park development, office, and medium- and high- density residential development and commercial uses that would provide public enjoyment of and access to the river, such ~s restaurants, outdoor recreation, and plant nurseries. 2,2 Within Subarea 8, allow rezoning of land to Mixed Use Commercial (MUC). Community Commercial (CC), Medium Density Residential (MDR), High Density Residential (HDR), Mixed Use Residential (MUR), Mixed Use Employment. (MUE),and Public Land and Open Space (PLO), with development applications consistent with the Riverfront Plan, through ,the Master Plan process, and during the City's nodal implementation project. , ' 2.3 The presence of existing zoning other than' those listed in 2,2 above, may remain until such as time that the property is annexed or a development proposal is submitted, at which time, ' the developer shall request zoning consistent with the districts listed in 2,2, During the interim period, die existing zoning shall not constitute a plan.zone conflict. 3. All development proposals within the GR Plan' District shall include an app,lication for annexation a-nd annexation agreement, wherenecessary, as determined by the Director. ' ' , , , , " , ' , , , ' '. . - 4. The following range of land use allocations shall be allowed within the GR Plan District: , . Residential: 30-60 percent. with an overall net residential density of at least 12 units! . acre, based on the definition of a node contained in the Metro .Plan; . Commercial! Office! Employment: 10-30 percent ,. Open Space, drainage facilities, the riparian setback area, and public right of way normally will be25-35 percent ofth~ Glenwood Riverfront Plan area. A request to increase or decrease the limits of any of the above allocation's, i.e. commercial development of 35% of the GR Plan District, ~hall require' an amendment to the text of this refinement plan to correspond to the proposed allocations, ~ ' ' consistent with,the requirements in SDC Article 44.; , ' pate Received: 'SEP 2 5 2008 , 'OriginalSubmitlal, 3 .' , " '. 5, The City shall encourage development proposals that consolidate parcels into cohesive deveio'pment sites, including office and industrial parks, civic centers, high tech manufacturing firms, government and institutional uses, hospital and medical facilities, and other similar uses. These uses may need to invoke a Type IV Master Plan Modification application, consistent with the requirements of SDC Article 44. . ." . . '. , 6. T~e City shall defer to Willamalane to investigate the potential for acquiringl developing ri.verfront parkland in this area. 7. The City shall investigate the possibility of partnering with a housing provider to provide housing within Subarea 8 for low and low! moderate income residents. 8. The City shall allow for continued commercial use of smaller parcels with highway frontage, where such commercial uses already exist. 9. In addition to all applicable standards and provisions regulating development in Springfield, ,all development adjacent to the Willamette River or the Willamette River riparian setback shall provide public access to the Willamette River or the Willamette River riparian setback. Surface parking ar~as shall not be visible from the Willamette River corridor and shall be 'screened from public streets. ' 10. All development within the Subarea 8 shall meet the provisions of SDC Article 44, the GR Plan District. " II. Developme~t proposals within Subarea 8 shall comply with the 'setback requirements for Water Quality limited Watercourses in SDC Article 32 and as mapped on the Water Quality Limited Watercourses Map contained on file in the Development Services Department, unless a Willamette Greenway delineation in accordance with SDC Article 25 identifies areas that warrant additional setback protection. 12. Development proposals within the GR Plan District shall be consistent with the Glenwood Rive'rfront Plan regarding access, circulation, pedestrian and transit amenities, and allocation of commercial, residential, 'and public uses. Proposals' which seek to amend these elements of the Riverfront Plan shall be subject to the MaSter ' Plan Modification requirements in Article 44 of the SOC. 13., The Franklin Blvd, design' and alignment shown in the Glenwood Riverfront Plan is conceptual only and not an adopted alignment. Development proposals along Franklin Blvd. shall adhere to the existing setback standards outlined in SDC Articles 31 and 32, , ' , until such a time that an alignment and streetscape design for Franklin Blvd. is adopted by the City Council. ' , 14. The Franklin! McVay Highway intersection illustrated in the Glenwood Riverfront Plan is conceptual and not an adopted alignment. Development proposals that affect the intersection shall <;oordinate with ODOT and the City, until such a time that an '" inters,:ctiol1 design is adopted by the City Council. , ' , 15. Design of storl!'water systems shall ,comply with that proposed in the Glenwood', ' . Riverf~on't PIi1n;md the Storm Drainage System Master Plan compl~a1melcMIWa: ~.,;~ . . SEP2 5 2008 . ':~~ l-( ,.; Original Submittal, 4 0" . . , . . study, until such a time that the City completes the Storm Water MasterPlan for Glenwood. ' 16. All new publicly financed improvements within the GR Plan District shall provide one (I) percent of the project cost towards an art feature, .is' approved by the. Springfield Economic Development Agency.. ' '. l,' .. Date Received: :. \ SEP 2 5 2008 ,:1''', Original Submittal J.. ; " :.~ . : I" ~ . ';,. ....' 11" "{, . 5' '. '. , Glenwood Riverfront Project Area Glenwood RiverfrontPlan Land Use Plan " " . ~, ; PHA!oEONE ""---- : -';~'- I~lh ~,_ tH,-~d.. l',nh ....,~,,' ..,.~~...,"", hI.Il",nOlll. f,.~...f;'''''''''; ~. ~.\t _ ;rt' .or- .1 " 1 . P+lA SE TWO !. )r ~~,"" -\ ~ i . . \ ](1 \ j\, \ \ .. \...-1" \ 4i~ " . -j...~' .J~""; "".,"""';'. ~~ D'at~ Received: ", " LE(,f'~r. _ tom~It...P1iln .IHlr ;:1 'i :t .,-- I ,\It\lr~ ;N<.;rd,l...mlnl1 ;.P:~-_.; ", tul'llo" ,__I '-'>'I'('I1\""I~ , ., MlJH , . ..l....l,;I'" lnU:,"'. !I".U",' :."".,::....., ";':"\Ln SEP2 5 2008 i , " ) .,1 'i!:' :1 . A.'~I','''Il''''~:~1 f"""I~I" ')1"'" ~"",.. I;l: \\1 P"H".(~I~1oI sr~\U,' ~".;r";'l1ll""'" . . . ....,.. l':IlJ,-ill<II<Jf~ ", ; . Note: "RT' st3llds for Residential Type. and refers to different types of multi~family resjdenti~jg,~j S,~IJllliL~ClI contained in the Glenwood R.iverfront Plan document. The alignment shown for Franklin Blvd.. ,the frontage road along Fran~;n Blvd., and the McVay Highway Intersection are conceptu:a.l only. Development proposals should use existing setback sttndards for guidance. A Franklin BI....d. and McVay Highway Alignment. will be developed and adop~d by the Cit.y (ounel in the next few years, and will guide development proposals at that time. . ATTACHMENT I Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Pbone No: Estimated Time: March 17, 2008 Work Sessiou ()~., Public Works .l(!O') , Tom BoyaIt ~ 744-3373 30 minutes AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUN'CIL ITEM TITLE: ACTION REQUESTED: ISsuE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSIONI FINANCIAL IMPACT: Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008' Original Submittal " FRANKLIN BOULEVARD STUDY UPDATE Provide staff with direction regarding moving ahead to amend local plans to include the Franklin Study Design Concept for Franklin Boulevard and the McVaylFranklin intersection. Staff is seeking COWlcil direction to advance the Franklin Study Design Concept by amending TransPlan (fSP) and the Glenwood Refmement Plan to include the concept, and to seek'funding for NEPA docwnentation (EIS or EA), Attachment A - DRAFT Franklin Boulevard Concept Study Report Attachment B - Franklin Boulevard Study PowerPoint Materials Attachment C - Franklin Boulevard Concept Map The Council has placed a priority on realizing the redevelopment potential of the Glenwood Riverfront area, It is generally understood thaI attracting higher density, high quality, mixed use Riverfront redevelopment depends in large part on an associated overhaul of Franklin Boulevard, The adopted 2004 Glenwood Riverfront Plan includes placeholder concepts for Franklin'Boulevard and the Franklin/McVay intersection, These concepts tend to isolate the Riverfront Opportunity Area from Franklin Boulevard, as well as propose a 'double one way couplet' of four traffic signals to address the travel demand on the Franklin/McVay intersection, The current Franklin Study refmes the qriginal concepts by bringing the edge of the Riverfront Area onto Franklin Boulevard using modem multi-way boulevard design, and by replacing the four signal "square about", with a modern two lane roWldabout at McVaylFranklin, The next step in the process of project refmement planning is to go to the Planning Commission then the City Council this Spring to amend the Glenwood Refinement Plan and TransPlan to refleci the evolution of design, It is important to Wlderstand that actual design will be further refined with subsequent project development steps like'NEPA evaluation, detailed traffic analysis, more refined project cost estimates, , and value engineering, Attachment A - DRAFT Franklin Boulevard Study Concept Report provides a good summary of the 10 month refinement planning process, Attachment B - Franklin Boulevard Study PowerPoint Materials, is a slide presentation of the planning process and the design concepts being forwarded, Attachment C is a strip map of the Franklin Boulevard, Study Hybrid Concept .,. . , " ~.,' DRAFT FRANKLIN BOULEVARD STUDY CONCEPT DESIGN REPORT ~".i'.;;..i: '., F...,...T.,F...r....a. n....~....i i:i..... Boulevard Study Concept , .'. .....~' .,."....~. ., .p' . ....', ...<.....~."........... . ;, 'HI ~', ," '1.', port '. ".' ....'.." '".-' "',. ," ... .J'........ .' . . - : . . . .~". " . ... . . .... ".;." j .:.:...j Introduction Between May 2007 and March 2008, the City of Springfield and its consUltant team led by CH2M HILL considered and evaluated improvements to Franklin Boulevard from 1-5 to Nugget Way and to the intersections. The improvements included arterial and mu1tiway boulevard options. The project's study area extended from 1-5 to the west, the Springfield bridges to the east; the Willamette River to the north, and Nugget Way to the south. The process of developing and evaluating options relied on input gathered from a 17-member Stakeholder Advisory Committee, project open houses, and meetings with the Springfield City Council. This report documents the alternatives considered, the screening process, and the development of a preferred alternative as well as the public and agency involvement. process. For clarity, the north-south section of Franklin Boulevard/McVay Highway is referred to as the McVay Highway in this report. Concept d~velopment and selection rked together to develop a rk for comparing concepts. The and evaluation framework is atta'ched to this criteria in the following categories: Project purpose and evaluation fram The project team and Stakeholder Advis statement of project purpose ati Franklin Boulevard Study te report. The eva1uatio' . Cost (proj uisition)' . Natural envi stainability, relationship to the river, environmental impacts) . Community va a economic development (multimodaJ access, development potential, impac to the existing business community) . Transportation performance (freight, intersection performance, local and regional traffic) The project team developed measures for criteria 'developed by the Stakeholder Advisory Committee. . Concept development workshop In August 2007, the project team held a three-day concept development workshop aimed at generating a complete universe of improvement concepts for: . ':' .. Franklin Boulevard from 1-5 to the Springfield bridges. " . , , ; f Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 311212008 CH2M Hill ATTACHMENT A - 1 of Original Submittal ~~'~~[',' ':'.~"'~{~:7';;;~:.'~'t.; r~ '" , _ .'. ';' .t" -. ',.. , ~",~,:','.:~ .f' ~t. ," !"",{:,' , r\: t', C~" ~" r ~""t . " t,;;2~1;']z;:'~ . i:":-<~ ':~. ,1::~;.~ r~" " ~I>' I~ii:'!+' . .~, ' , t~,' . r' ~~~':' -:- ~i>i l~:.~:;': ~, \kf'" .;.:.;: ~)~'~:~'i.:: . ",. ',' ri~ .'.... .'.e , t~:;U.~;:t-:: . ~t:" i,.. " f ~( " r;l / ~.: . ~; 'tl., t';""" ~" ,Y'... t;,~:;' .~ ~ ~,,;'.x.: ~'/'" " ~~~:~:::;' ' '1; .I, ""~ , '::il", ~J~'i' ~; "'C~:'i:t ~.~... . 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The "brown" concept would have required development on four frontages of the Franklin/14th couplet to create an activated district and would have reduced traffic flow on Franklin Boulevard creating a less attractive retail environment. . The "red" concept would have impacted residential areas and would have created a bypass that would compete with Franklin Boulevard for retail development. Comments from Stakeholder Advisory Committee membe 'S and the general public , supported the team's 'recommendation to set these concepts aside. . Concepts advanced at design workshop . The project team developed concepts to realign Franklin Bou1eva!'.d~'4th Avenue, and to widen Franklin Boulevard on its existing alignment either ~.$."'-or both to the north , and to the south. These concepts, 14th Avenue alignmen ~jffi~ed south, and Franklin widened north and south, were advanced , e .study'~er the concept development workshop. lin Boulevard/McVay Highway option, a signalized option and a couplet- 1. 14th Avenue Multiway Boulevard 2. 14th Avenue Arterial 3. 14th Avenue Hybrid (half mu1tiway boulevard/half arterial) 4. Franklin Boulevard Arterial, widened to the south 5. Franklin Boulevard Multiway Boulevard, widened to the south 6. Franklin Boulevard Hybrid (half multiway boulevard/half arterial), widened to the sou th 7. Franklin Boulevard Arterial, widened to the north and south 8. Franklin Boulevard Multiway Boulevard, widened to the north and south 9. Franklin Boulevard Hybrid (half multiway boulevard/half arterial), widened to the north and south . City Council also directed the project team to continue studying a three-lane enhanced arterial concept for McVay Boulevard. They also directed the team to continue considering a roundabout option and signalized option at the intersection of Franklin Boulevard and the McVay Highway.' Concept evaluation and narrowing The project team then evaluated the nine concepts against the agreed-upon criteria. Some criteria or criteria categories were not used in this process as they did not help differentiate between concepts. The detailed concept evaluation matrix is attached to this report. CH2MHILl Date Receivecr.2I1OO8 3 ATTACHMENT A' - 3 of 6 ". :- ~ SEP 2 5 2008 ;..J ill Original submittal- DRA~T FRANKLIN BOULEVARD STUDY CONCEPT DESIGN REPORT The criteria that best differentiated between alternatives included: . M,inimize project costs . Minimize right-of-way acquisition . Minimize impacts to businesses and residences . Minimize impacts to private property There were some trade-offs between the multiway boulevard and arterial options. The multi way boulevard options all created abetter pedestrian environment than arterial options because sidewalks were adjacent to low-traffic roadways. The multi way boulevard options also separated local and regional traffic. better i:h~n arterial options. The arterial options typically had lower project costs (excluding right-of-way) than the fIlultiway boulevard options'. . The 14th Street alignment option would be more difficult t of the existing alignment options. The existing alig south had more impacts to businesses and priva widened south concept: uct in phases than either d to both the north and e existing alignment The existing alignment widened sou boulevard had more benefits ew could not be compared project team and Stake combined sec' te widened to the improved arterial and multi way the other options. .The hybrid options ul way options at this stage of design. The mmittee agreed that a hybrid design that :.. tiway boulevard based on the existing aligru"ent eel for further design. The project tearn compared the costs, benefits and impactS of a roundabout and a signal treatm~nt at the corner of Franklin Boulevard and the McVay Highway. The signal and roundabout options had similar construction costs, right-of-way impacts and building displacements. With the current level of transportation analysis, both treatments are expected to accommodate future traffic demands. The Stakeholder Advisory Committee preferred the roundabout treatment because it provided an opportunity to create a gateway site as you enter Glenwood from downtown Springfield. ' Date Received: SEP.25 2008 Original Submittal 4 311212008 . :r CH1M HILL ATTACHMENT A - 4 of 6 DRAFT Signal treatment FRANKLIN BOULEVARD STUDY CONCEPT DESIGN REPORT Roundabout treatment Preferred .concept The project team developed a.hybrid option that included segments of the improved arterial . and multiway boulevard cross-sections. This preferred concept inc an improved arterial segment, a segment with multi way boulevard treatme th sides of Franklin Boulevard, and. a hybrid segment with multiway boulevar n the north side of Franklin Boulevard and enhanced arterial treatments uth si ranklin Boulevard. The Stakeholder Advisory Committee una y endorsed this concept The Stakeholder Advisory Committee prefer cause it advances the. riverfront plan and community goals ed hiIe reflecting the input of stakeholders. The Stakeholder m requested that the design be identified as a concept that can be m d' . ~Iopment.." Next steps The Stakeholder Adv work continues on Fra mittee requested that the following items be addressed as ouIevard and the Franklin/McVay intersection: . Seek to minimize right-of-way and business impacts. . Provide a,continuous bike route and safe pedestrian crossings. . Ensure that the roundabout provides adequate truck access. . Ensure that the roundabout provides enough iraffic capacity. CH2M Hill , r ,. " Date Received: SEP 2 5 1008 Original submittal- 3/\212008 ATTACHMENT A - 5 of 6 ~, ". ~ , "i' j~~. I~J ~" "'":+:. ;::-~~~~'tl'~;, :1~<> ~3:- .~ l_l?~ r~'S;~: ;~b:' ..",,'; ::" . '~'~~i:lj ~~,j~~!'; l~:'>,l, ;l~l/ w. :.,: '~.;'.'~ ~,.J;;' ;.i :fI> A~&rJ ,(ign@'3 .'. . '. " ~.o.~~.~~:".'~~.;..';.~.~:A~~.~~..~,~:n~~.t~.,.1:7~}f~.f)~~.., ~-"~~ :;?t ~'.'~:"',:: ~~,,~V' q:~J'li"~:~ ';~\i I. .'''':.:1 J ~lij;'I'L";:'~ . " .', ' .. .i!GlI'.. . .~.It: 1<1,.....' ',J ",'.. ,I..' '~, .." "~t:...-!: ::~, c. ,'~ ,.'\'\.'.' 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" .,~. . ~ 1-']' tj (1 ,~ t<:l Z I-'] tJj Franklin Boulevard Study Study report and recommendation I-' ~"'"7"'""'" ~ , uO' , -5' .!!!.. C/l c: a- 3 f.f t:J ~ ~ -0 :;0 ,..., (I) <.n 0 (I) ~ -- = <: co (I) 0- . . . . . . a~ ,;i:.: ~"~,~" "'!,~j'~''''.:''''i~~ilt~ _ , I' ::>ro.ec.~'overview . - ". · Franklin Boulevard ~ .>-'1 ;J> Il I · McVay Highway >-'I. tJj - improvements from Franklin Boulevard to raiJroad trestle' '- improvements from 1-5 to the Springfield bridges ~ .' 0 "J ~ · Intersection of Franklin and McVay Date Received: . SEP 2 5 2008 Originai Submittal '.' .~ . .. ' . . , . y - .. '; .'. . . . ,co. . .' .' . . ".' ~".11 ' : .. < . . . . ~ . , . .. .. . . . t. .. .. . - ,~~ ~. >-'3 >-'3 ~ () ~ t':I Z >-'3 .trJ w o "l W -.J . . ~ . ;. . " ',1' ". .- :;.' ..;l';;.". . '. ,I. 'H~' . .. 'I .',." .... . .'. ...., ~'.l ", . ~. :: ';': '.' . ~ -. ".: " Dec~~~o[(l) puoce~~ f.... '., .,.' ,; ~'1?~;Li':''TJ1 : 0".' _..-_..O,_~~V:~ ..;; ',:'.~,; .' ,}/i";r@ . / 'r '05;; ..~' ,;"~',;.. ,_~,,~"'~ . ~ w, ,.JJi#m C.L'.'':', ,SJ <fr.')' , ;~.';1 I ~ la1fuuiJ]' " '@0ul;'-~ " ~, ,em,. '_' f ;:: >~p~#O'I~ltorn'_';;.' i L~.6-':"~,:, -,~JL\J~.r.._,. .,.. ,.~~\W~~~ ',,' '-. -'1.-;..~-~:.--"~~ ~~~ : ':. .' ; -.:..J . i ,~.~~.' ~_~1j.fl~~,1 f.~~~~.;:...,..! 1'--,~':,..,;?'-.;O'_,.O,).;-)~:,;i':i>!-:;}:{;::j.-,~j. _I!~j~=.=~_:.'. _-, 'I" ~@\~~'iil@l~ .' '- . - '..- [_:.1 ~~J(@j'~~~~. ~~ .;., --' . Date Received: .....'.~, -.- -- , . ~<<~v~~~~~'.:i , ,l. ~~:" .h______ ____~____~___________,~ SEP 2 5 2008 ~i .~ Original Submittal -~ Tllnv ,. . i i"~ I~;~ I.'~ ~ i .U ,..< Ii":': ,V '.' u.t r~a rPi ,:a.; ; . . ;;1> 10-'] .0-'] 1'.;1> . .n :~ I.t<:! I~ ,. I~ i'~'" 10 - ! "J' i,w: :'i- 10 Q. ,Z , - :'" '::J I~ '0 :0. JULY 2007 . Establish com mittees . Develop evaluation framework o Understand' existing and future conditions ~;;:~~~'::i~' . .~.... ,} t1m'.:'"', ~~0,' ,_, AU.GUST 20,07, L (" ""',.. , , . f Hold design, . ; . I;. workshop . !. " . Identify .' " .;: illternafives. 'i : i . , . "I". '1 I' I: , . /i~C\,.' . ....r'~~c..~.,\o... ';'L ,,,,.,' , , 1\J ~ .:.i-:..;v ; ~~~;.:~/~.: ~: . ,-f , I , , FALL 2007 . Analyze and evaluate. alternatives Select preferred concept for further refinement :-:;..~-., n ; .'..... r ~ ,~ ~,.~:,j _.~l.-...;;...:J /' .--:--, I ..rV~ "'-. { C:i:'::,C, , . ,..'~--.r::-.....-:-'t . 'J-"i.4i"D1 . \ '.;,8 I ........:....-/ , ... WlNTER20.01,....lCll).'L i' h.'" --: -;-': --I I .:- . , ~ Q .' .' DeVel,op .~,,:. !.' 'i , . preferr~d: '. I ,'conqc;!pt to a:: I i" ..,hlgh~r!~~~I.J I .:ofdetad",.j I . . ," .: .-' "j I I' .1 i . ., Evaluate'.", intersection, I I types i I . ?~:::i'~..:.,. i I(~~:,.:: '. ~~.~;~.::- ; ., SPRING 2008 Planning 'Commission recommen- dation ,.City Council decision -~-:-'''F~'it-.-t-,.--::';'''r i;i..,t~:.f :.- ~ ~ ".... -,::' ., ~. " '.. "\ :............-. "":.-'---."""":'-"':" l'-__~~."'''''';.~, _;. ~~ ,., . .... , . ., . - . ~.. i. , I' Hb!:/J.~\' . ':Ga::~~.}\; ! -\ '<~lt..v ~? '. / ''\ . ..-........: / (.v?XS l I -:- \(J-lJffil1L0. ! . . '~''', \(;,'iJ / " " IT~~~i \' '~~ H....... I .\It\J~' 0, ~;, Date Redeived:",~:;'),/' Original Submittpl . ; '; i. .. ~ r - . " , 'j '_';"~", . ',' zB..l....~'-\!.,... .. '~. ";"''f~C;'\' ..' . 1',1 "I"_~;:ll . \'H'V,1'./",7. . .~~;!:. . ".1 I . ..j 1 I /-'^\ ' . I "/~. "- ,/ ,o~~u ',,_ .,,~'o / '"L1.......!"I~,_ '-', ~'. ~~/. ::>ro.ect Jur.)ose .. .Promoteth'e'implementation of the city's ' ' ~ ,~ land use plans and community development ~ ~ goals for the Glenwood community to (J1 o '%J' ~ .Provide for safety and convenience of those walking, biking, driving, using transit and' delivering freight Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 Original Submittal, , .' :~ ~~ " ~ ~.~ ,~~~; g~ ~ ,~>4 "1' f~~ i ~ i; ~~f; '@'f. iZ\tlt~\ii!!~Yi;"~~~~~i{l).,\':1I'il!l"~'l1"~'~fiiJ~'~j;~l;;'fJ.lr~:iill~il!~1it"~i;'Iil\\iI!1l1il,.,,,-~;!!i);!Ji!i~!:IIt'!'ll2'Jt;!Ji,t""!; :~K~~f.~/.t'~~;.~~~~Jft;~;~}--.:t:;~~~~~~~i;)~Tf~~~~~it'ii~i;t~.~~~t~t~~7!~:-?~~~k~~!~' ;J> >-'I ~ n ::r: 3: tr1 Z >-'I tIJ Development matches street design . _, '.1 I ~. , . , ,. . - . t. - ~ . '. . . ;~. ..." " . "Dev~l9pA:1enlis. .. ~... ,. ... ... . .... 'I... . " '. . ~'i,mhl~piah~ly:a'qi~~~~~fto .: . " .... .....~" ,., , _"'1 ,_ _ .'" ';a'rt~rifll ,~'ip~~~Jk,s~r~, ,'. ~:';ri~;r:fQ~,;qr.: h:~n.~*~~tf~rit"""'1 :',_~'}-.-.;'-i' :~,':'t."",~,,'''". :~-.(~:.:. ;.'~;,". :.: . ;~: ;~f- ..J '0 ":I UJ ..J Date Receiv Original Submitta' Franklin Boulevard today De~e,l.opment matches street design ~~~ ~ . ~ 0 ..., ~ ..... us' n of :r: !!!. 3: en t<l c: Z r:T ..., 3 tJ:I ;:+ - I!!.. 00 0 "l w -.J ;l~J'f5i'~~~;~,j~~T''t~:~j4:~~ :'1'" ".l..,!l,o:..: ".I;~~'!:;'-Io ! "',1.11"-';~l~r" . ~lff~ :":':::;:.:~~::. ~~'::,,':~~'~.;~~,: '~~~~'!':'~~:{f.r~.i1i:~i:~V:~::~i ?~iA.t:i~:L,;..~;iL.;';~~~~. ..: ,~~~\l~~:~::.i~ '.'..-. 't.- , ',~ ""...J,\.' ,,,', c." ,.'It''!ffl'''i:1t,.fI......''''f.::1ii'''J.:...,; -"".""!1"'~~-""''Jj..,.., "-'" .," '.'.\<:1' \;.~:.: .r.~~.. ," ':';~'::{~_.';~:' :.. :....~:':; l{ -'''. ~ :)':)~\" ,', "??;:;',::' ~.~: ~( .:..~.r::~ ~..:~.:;;t."" ,"~~~Lr.',~..~~.::~j~_. -{~'~'i:<(: ~~~;:'~~~~~;~<:~;:t.:~ ~'~:~::lit;;::r.?~ j ~H.J't:~; "~:"::d;":"'i ;.! < ('i:'\ :~;~;, .~H :.\ .:~.l'~r.'!l-~;~~:' ~~t':~Sr '.:~~>>~ ~,,}. '~.1t"~,.~:1~~t,~~~~,~~l-~i... ,~~~~'.::~~~;~.~;..J\i.~,~..i.~~..~~~~1{(:~..'~ .;~:\!;!;~-i:~:i; ':; ');~~ti;,;:;;' ~tl":' ?,r;':. .j~:.';.+;jJ>~,:,,~!~;,.:j;:' -..7~):~:-;:::Q0<;':::\;l.~;;...; ,I.'" ~~. ,',," ~..::.~j .,~:~;~~;;:~ en rr1 ." ::::0 ~ (1) <..n 0 ~ (1) = <: = co (1) 0. '",:', .,..0 _' r ~. . . .... '-'""""" . .,,-. . DeveIQpmeritis" adjacenHo. I,ow-, I"~ . ,,' traffic ~treet" ";.. ~idew~lksar~ wide' and welcoming Through lanes provide arterial function, speed and' capacity .' .".. . ',' ,"- ,'. ,.".... Multiway boulevard . Date Received: SEP 2" 5 2008 -0riginal Submittal " , i I <l -', ", ..~ Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 , IS"b .tt I ~" Origins u ml S _,; ~ ~ .. n :( , , .... ':1 . C . ~--------~.- ); , , Shattuck Avenue in downtown Berkeley, CA, uses a modifiedmultiway boulevard'to serve as the "main street" of its downtown. .':: .' . Date: ReceiVed: SE~ 2 5)008 1 '~ . '~: , !.I, ~'!Drigiri$l Svbmit~<\I . " " :'.'." ".........~. t ';...~r...":t..:..~ .:,.;~_ ~'_"""":~-:.~.. ~';". '.. -~:.j ", . I r .k:' . ~, ."'11.. .;.,.... <-~. :~. .( .' ,.' ....{ ", :i, ,. " r ..... . ", ~,' " .~. ~ .,; - (.," .~ . ...~'. ~'. . " I' .5t-~ .--'-h . ~.. ._':.r.... . "l ~~.- ... '':..;'. . "< ~-'-' :---: .~_...J~....7~ ~f;;f."+:(P.~. .; ~ nl :Q..-,~~ , ~.~- c, J ' , J. '."_. ...,,..~__l,~=___;F ~ . ~ . ~~ .' ~ ..:~~-::/;,1.:: ", '1?Jf.t.. " ~,ci:~~ ",. ." .'(;. 0' ......,~~. " . ." .J~~';.~. _ . . . ',- ",:"..~ ," -;...~~~......;.e;~J.'..:' '_'r-_",' ,.-__~._:8IfI...:_"',,, '-""_'" .~;-.:~~ :~li';o-f,,',;-,:~,., ~- - -'-' .-_"-:- ""':'?)', '\.'~:.,~~,..~,. c- :~'-~~-=='.~ ..,~~~.~ ~:':':;'~.~:~~J~,;".~'."~ ..--.-....~- d '.:; .4t ',' 't. .,. .:-~ ~~~-~~~.:::;'.: -'._~---::-. -c.:;:::...... ..~..:Y';. ':':.~' ~'~\.;.:.-:,.'-~ '.; . .~. . ~ . . ~'P".'" q;' . , " .,.0 '" ~.i>> t,' \ I r. I 1(.,; ~ ;'09,- ~,o' ,." ",.,_ OJ' .t'iiJ' , $~~ - .- ..._...,....--~_. r:'....---r.. :I.-l .I ~':. ,- f .) .. . ~. --~ ~~;~ \{. ~ F~"'."~~' ~'~'l~~f~'~'.;"'~ "._ ~ ..~!l.... .~. i:i-n .. .0.-;,,;. _.' ~~~., . \~.! .,' ",I __...-.a... ~~: ..-..... .'D""_' '.' , " . ~ . f'5 ~ :' ~ ~~I' "' - - ..~.:~: .~,.r. .;.:-:-a- '. ~ ~,; . .... ,t'~'\ . . )!.~ .' . ....<"~ .:.........._.;. " ~ -:--:~_. ~ .; . D ,~~ .~~.:..: II" . ~b . ) . . , t::lQ"' ...p ..J>~...4lo...Pf.~ .. II> ..'" b-' '.. g " 0 ~ J:lJtI!l 0 . v'- '. '. .i ..... ... -<>ooi" 01.0 '4'o~ ," 0 10 . .to . ,~.. .'-.p" . -~ ". " ~ ;;. ~. -.~ ~_:Z~~:~~~~~:' ~~ ;::-- ~::~ ~:J1..."'" ~~--.. ~ -.........- =--..:.. . -:'/ ~>--=~~~te Ret;~iv~d: . SEP 2,5:2.00&>' Original Submittal /' ,,-":. . ~-::::::..-';' ~ _.:.! ra ~ ......-:....- -:-.-. ~.. ,.,- ." : :::"'-Y.~'~- ~ .~... ~~::':~--:' .,~.< ;:;:; r~ ; . .,.:" .,!Il:'",. ~-- - .:.:.;.2~: .- : " --,,- ..::--.,' ....- ~ - t . . . .'" '" 0 '" ~A,.",.,~. , o"~ '0.:' ' ~'~~ ' ~i. ~. . ~~, . . '\?~ ~t i:., Yf?:<~ o~...:t.:.' ... . ." 'a. " '.. ~ ..... ~ ',&cS) . " '.' ,o~'..." ". ~'. .' - v ~ .~ : "'F::-=:-""'- -'.._'~' -.... h'": l:4- ~ n ~ txJ Z \\ .... '. ~ '""" .f'~ '(' t*':~>lI f '-" ;.':a~.~,., '~ .t. ~~~~;--'>....L ~<;:., . i ............,~-f.~~> ,. '... I. . -~ fI' j . -Q,$ , .~c ....'.'~. 0""" ~ .'- J-,~ ~"'" 'i '~~"'_ 1-...._ >- I", . .... -;\1 ..;;.0. __ - ~I r,;: )..".'_ ,'.... . ~r "''"''':,. '--;~'. " ." -;,!l ~<l.-,! . .~, . ;s,...."~, -'-~, c&.At. ~.' ;"}~. .~. ,,"'. U~(':" ~, ~~. ~ '~" o'~:t~' io~', . . '~"\_ :L_ --"",,~______."-"'.."'.-.J , ,......._ .-~"'" .~........_._ <.loo.,.~""", - o ~. ~ ~ () ..~ Z >-'l tD n itia . screening I-' lJ1 o ":I w ..., Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 Original Submittal Jeve 0 Jed a '~erna'jves · Held a design charette in August 2007 - consultant team and city staff . . - Stakeholder Advisory Committee - public workshop ': · Reviewed range of . "-..] . alternatives with City Council in September 2007 ~ I-J ~ n ::r: :;;: , t>:1 Z I-J tIl ..... '" Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 Original submitt"" . · Cost e Natural environment · Community values and economic . development · Transportation performance .w . -.J ~ >-'l 5;l () ~ tz1 ~ tJ:l . .... -.J o "l =vauation '-:ramewor ( Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 Original Submittal . _ . .', o~. - s:~#~~~~:#~.At~~~~- ~~t~-T~~::~~-}:~~::.".'i1..i;~f~;;i2;bf':;;5~i:'!1't~;.~~. ';;~..';';-~;~~:;.::~,~:'-~J..;~:~~~tfj~~.:~';~.:)J'~~~;'.~.~'.~~;~~.~ ':.i;;~'!f~~~. ~..~_ '" ..i;.y,,,,^,J~,,r.,,l.o;1..&.'1!,.,_....~~.,.. J, ~J!t.:..~;,,.-,,,;b;f;',, . '.'H",-_~"/"":'",',,,),,.',,,)!.~:o..;;:>:.1Y:.".,,.J '_,..:I!.'-.<'" ._....~__.._".,v..;.;..~~~,.:z:.t~"...,':...,11U{,;~~~1.'t,r ~m~...~m~~~~; U"~t;:. . ~- . . ;i~:?;'~Et~~;~~t.;;:~;~;~~~,:0i~~j;'i ..;;;.r.;;i;<it~i~i~~;~i~~~~t' '''''1!t,.. . Criteria t lat mattered in evauation -Minimizing cost, property impacts and' ~ ~ business acquisitions 3: t"l ~ -Separating through and local traffic : -Establishing comfortable pedestrian . "l. ... . ~ environment .. - Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 Original Submittal . . . . .. . --- - " v Date Received: - SEP 2 5 2008 1 Qrig;OOIS"bm""'E Va I uationsu m mary ---- ---.------------.-= =- , i I I i ~ -I ~ ~ I z >'3 - - t>l Cos~ Frank~in, widened south Frank~in, widened center 1-- ,~i~~~~r~~~ L Mu~~:~ln I i 'H~f'<\,\\.',' ~ ""~':'t1. ~1Flt~IrOtd1 ~ !Mil OJ] ~~o c - Yl&@'.Jy! </ + <=I mol -~ \D Communi~y ~- I va~ues i Transportation i I performance ~ o "l ~ + + = ./ =IF """ + (+) meets criteria well (v"') meets criteria ~-) does not meet criteria ~~v -I ,.", . '__ __ 14th Street alignment ,<~,_ _-+d;i.!2'H~ ~ - r.\/M n D D<1>n 1,1-'..1 ..~,-",;:.. l'ii'll . U\'7HIYJU l!.uc W~~ -.if' => "'" = .... "'" I _____.-____""""=___________J ~ ----- ; ---- ---,-.- ------- , - !. Franklin al"ternatives advanced .. 3 alignmen~ alternatives - existing alignment: widened to the south ~ . - existing alignment: widened from the center n . ~ ~ 14th Street alignment to ., 3 cross-section alternatives tv ~ . ~ enhanced arterial "l , - multiwayboulevard Original Submittal - hybrid: multiway on one side and arterial on the other . Date Received: . - SEP 2' 5 2008 w ..., ~lKlJfi~TlanY ~ Date Received: ~ SEP2 5 2008 . Original Submitta' ~ ~ n ~ t':I Z >-3 tlJ SAC recommendation '" I-' o ":l W -..J . . , .. , ..... ,Z'; i::::;\:' ,. ". ", . ::>rocess - ' · SAC developed 'draft recommendation p · Draft recommendation was shared at . >'3 . ~ public open house :s: g - oyer 100 people attended tIJ . - comments both supportive Qf the concept and opposed to it ' w -.J . SAC reviewed public comment and Date Received: developed final recommendation SEP 25 2008 IV IV o '<I' Original Submittal . . . - ------ n____ __ _.___n_.__..._,___._ ___u___..__.___ .~~ Tllnv , , ~ >-3 ;;J n :r: 3: t'l Z >-3 tJJ =ran (in 30u evard rv w o '"':I W -.J Date Received: ~. SEP 2 5 2008 Original Submittal . s~ ~~."" ......~..'.".~it:;"..'''''~".''_.- ._.Q.... .. . _~.- ,~ . . I'. " - .. ......~;c<!. "'"1n. _ u. _', -. .' "'.". <.~-:~,_;:~(.-Vi}"~'~" _ . ' ;.' _ ' .- ;~jf/~;' ";';'~~~'!'l.;fr:-;tf'lilt..~4'~"L~.t:;:-"':'~.~f>~.:{"~;:::~~t: "~i~r~i~~1l;t~~:(4 ~~:.r:-;'l'~'1;~"I(;~" :.1-'I:-..;.: .yt?~~~:.fi?~~~~~(;~~:,~~~r,(~ ~ :Jit~~ ,-'" ." ,~~. .' .It. " , r:t.; ." :'t~,: .~>..:: .: :'..~'.-"'~',~ ;~;, ~ ;.'r:. ..:':~'J.<~, ':.~ ';i'~- ,~... "~-:~f..j:::_;'~~;;'if~:,}-.:):.t:tt:' ;~":!:':-1~..;~~. ':r:?'i.~;1',_;,,~::':;.'f: :~: '.'-?~: ~--:,Vi-;w:.~;tJ~'- ~;~~...~'!7'!J::~: +.f.q'~lr" ~>. . .A~ -~ ",--;'::"":~_~;&: .; . ><Zt.o~.~. :~_I. . . .0" . ~...: i9;:~ ~ S.AC recommen,dation Advance a Franklin Boulevard hybrid concept with both multiway, boulevard and arterial segments '. Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 Original Submitta' v IlPAINOPlIlLD , ,..,',..,.,.~~~, . .. .... . ". . -,' ..'.;,~.:.~~~;.:;:,.. '-.'~' ~ . :. ,-". ~':.:::~.- I-:J,--.-l..- I-:J""'''''''''c.... . ~=~~ ()~::. . ~~:' trJ:==Z==, '2l-- "'1'--'-" tJj \ .--""::i. _.~-_._-_.'-' (-.'.' .~~i'_..5.- :'1.\ 'f~- '. '-'~-;~=,'-.-.','.--:---~--"'-'.' "l~L''''"i .. .'\..:' ..l.....; .~,.....::'.. :: .~: :..,.). .. r.... <... .~~ ...; .: '~G:.' '~~\ :;::':". ;: '~ ~ ..' -:. .'~" .' -:~'.~: .;- ,'" l ". :.'-:f"':"",~," ..~," ,~,':OJ-' ';, .,. .~~,~..; ""' ". ~.....:c., c",, ," . ~ .... j. \ '.._' --- ~.... ",,"\1 '.~, -. "''-o-l<'~''.~ " ,.,' '~'rl""~"" _"-,,! \f~";';:;~':;;:'>,-"-,,,~,,,:.,,-;,..,,~::-:;;,:.. .U 4 'il'''':'<-:1, .... '. ~,,"'~,~ l;?1!\~~:':'~.__:'.-_~': -~ 1::'.._i:111.1\~'~_~1;:~'r.,> '~~~:~~\_,~.lr~~;..,~ :~ "/ ,"~~~-:'.," ....~.. ':",\..~\;.'l.. \ .I-:.~. I.," ....,...,.,.:'"l'::.:r._ :...........--..~.~i'..,."i. ',,~"'\..=-') ,~"...:.,".;~..; J. '..I.~ ',/,", :.... . \ ~ .1-"_ ,,"~ ....~. ..'1 ~. ~ : .., I:" ~J '~_-::i: -.......:,...... -. ) 10'\ ..ScfJ It '. .- ~"'~r'~..i;'''''' . sr<' .....".._s,,--,,__- 1- ,~> \l~ ' . " q. p;1 _'\, 1 ~ .', 1 ~ ~ . "I ~~ J,.<I/~t' If':~ .~\., . ~. .,;:: 1-,'-. ....-'1 - .-. \),.".\ 't:t-'~ ~:~ "'\ ,n -. ".... -lij '~.:"",-\' ."...~~.:,'.~':...,.~~....:......:...,....;~.l"....::.~.~_..,_......~.::....:~(_'.:.. "" i.' :t-",,%..... ~.. ~ /' ~ . ~J;. ;1,,\... ;~J'. ---=..- ...~...~ ->;'-.' -,' ~ .,.~' -n....~ -.....,. , : ',-t~-. .". 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'''r--.: L--..... _..~-.s..._':_~~ - 1':.. ':.f ~ __ _ _, __ '.' I Franklin Boulevard , J Sludy , I Glenwood Area r , I I i : HYBRID I CONCEPT . r" . \ ,--,:....', ",'! :~~::~J ~_._. \ i.},. l~,' '-_:. \'" n;' \C -' ~~'1 ~.~.: '~..~,~'(. ~ ;j'. " '" U1 o "J w I !::i"'."'~-"J' Jl:f:.\..._-._/.r~J ...~.;:::--...._, : ,7.",~"" ,. I , , '.1 "";! c:....::7rJlHlI' SEP 2 5 2008 i\ '.~ 1 Date Received: Original Submittal ,. '" J - .;:J.... "f :," Date Received: ,{]~.,:. .. i' "..' .;".,. -, . 'A~d~;t>:;:~ , SEP i 5 2008 5,' ". .~ > ~,,;"i'~::'.. :~,',:: :,1' i~L.,;',,>': R!;,;i.'..-...:...__,Il4....B''"':'".......-'>.......''''''''''''' '""t, ',<' Original Submittal , ' ::em.s' '~or addicjonas':udy The SAC re,quests further work on the following: ~ >-'.I ~ · Seek to minimize right-of-way and . t'l ~ ,business impacts I ~' · 'Identify the design as acqncept that can '>:I' ~ ,be modified to fit with development' .' . ". .. . · Provid'e a continuous bike route , Date Received: '\; , SEP 2 5 2008 .~ = G-el1wo()a'~6- -' encerson ~~~F,D 4 RICiHT Of' WAY :J> '"'l '"'l :J> () ::r:, :;;: .l'l Z '"'l tIl ~."'- 'i'..IL~......r',,,, 1- '/';' . ';f' & -,".:;:J . ~...ti. . .... r 1 !J;~ ~~~.~ (.~r~ 'io~ O;O:'<\',.,,~ -;0- ~ _a. . 7~' . ~ (~~)ff~~-:~~ , "i'/")?~~~~ m. ' p.' , ~ . . - -, ~ 'oIIl.,loIoIlI,llI(' - '- 111~'~I'l'iiIIIII..'1 , I I _ 0 j~ ::;~ i ~n~1 ~ .~ r~, '~n, Ilti~'i:II._II.~llIlOl. IlIljll~P":!I-';'I;~-"""" ~~WC i i ! J. "IS~"jC ." .... ~ ~ ~. ~ . .fiOPOSIlll..: . RlJGHiOfWAYI'; d'~ r '~<k;' '>-!.tl' ~ "l...J:...... l,.- ;)~. ~.~. '-;'I.''}' . ~ ~~.-."' .r- '!::l" .::::::. ,~,' ~' I ~7T5f~' ~t<"., I ~...~ .r'" 'L! . '-'., ~ '.. 'I. i..... J:-' ~ . ::J.-:J I, III ~II.III ! tv CO o 'TJ w ..., , 13' 8' n 13' k 11' 24' ./ 0 ., !.tJ!):;WAlK Mi:AUJE l ul~e fllA""l 1I1!AV!l EMX P.>Jl~IN<O I!..ANE I"AK; !,AN! TiA'yffr" ....,N~~ ~:: IHOROUGHfAlUI uate Kecelvea: -- -'--St:r l 5 mos---12l ;;:'O~H"~<).'" I. -.;, (Q,flnlfl~l Submittal 1i 1f Iii' .. 1 ~1' ll:AVEl TI.~VBl !,ANF, I,ANI; '6' j 8'13' DIK~ ?UAlLEL 2D:;WALK LlJ'{E PARP.:ING .:~ !' r~ ~' III ~. t<JI Z' .I-j~ :J>! I I! . o 'TJ, W' -..JI, .'-oQ'9HP 'lI1l1~:fTOFWA't( --:enderson to' Vlississi) Ji ~ +~ ' ",. " 1" '. ~ : H_, 1 ~~! ". .. ,.=:::-.-:;- :.-~"'l ~T --i If}--:::.i~' .z ~ ~~~ .~ ~~ is~., ~~ ;..~,-:~ -~-~-' ... I _ _ 1111.""",,1... {~:~'- -~ 16' -~J[lfw"1K ~ ....~ 18' " 12' , I~' " oi....QtO ,;g,"'.1.'.1 fl.8Jo.1lI"=C. , """""'" t""'E Sll"P ". }.....4 ~:f :" " ~.~~, ~ ':'t.' 'I.' ~ '; "4. 'ol- ""- '~~[J""" .....;,'. .. ".- " -.... .;~. -~~.P.;!1.(~ r.o. ",;~~....-:J' U.-__~_jL._ I r , 't,',' A~~$$ q.AJN" . , Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 Or; inal Submittal v '~ "-- i': -II ""... ". II I _.., I I J. j, I 1'" t i 13:-- - " .. Il -' 24' , I]' , ~3" rc!.ll.'.'il lp;.l."d"fl (Kf, lAAYll 'jil.I,,'o'a !Rol< LAME r>,o,"€i.t""'f> "'HE tu"'l: ~OD(lIJGH~ I .~ 'J :1 , 7~t n~5C p,::t\"!='". 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SEP 2 5 2008 Original Submittal J SPRINOFlIlLD r ~ 0).~ ;I" 1-3 -1-3 ;I" n ~, tx:l Z 1-3 1Jj I- =ran < in/VlcVay intersection - W f-' o "1 W -.J , Date Received: j '1 l SEP 2 5 2008 .'1 fu-: l"'- " Original Submittal SAC recommenda':ion · Advance-roundabout concept at ~FranklihlMcVay intersection n ::r: 3: l':I Z >-'J tIJ w '" o "l W -..J Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 ;J:< t-3 ;; n ~ t'J z. t-3 I:Jj I . ". - . . . . ,". . . . . . '. terns ':or additiona - study SAC requests work to ensure that the . roundabout: Provides adequate truck access ~ · Provides enough traffic -capacity o. . "1 ~. · Minimizes busines~ and property impacts · Includes safe pedestrian crossings Date Received: ;. SEP 2 5 2008 !t~ .~ v .... .:~~t: .~ ~f' '. .:....,..t......, '. .'-', :'~r ,,::, I -- ,'" C(l)I~ ~,~...\ {""" .-~... -~'~~-'" ,. ~ ,'" r?-:'''>p/;~ '-, / '~ - ,~" . qJ..p. />:-' ."\ - \ " d\~'" / >; ....' ~..... / l ~ en "'-" I, 'i,:.,: Y..... 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'~ "t~~~ .._,~J~~ ", ;'ire:ft:!f,.;;~"tht1i;,t2;1l;:3~fN.":'':~X?~~-:t\!~'i'"tk~~:::;Z-~'SE~2~"~5:""2008~~~ ': _~fr~~'t"'~:"~~~."''''i6';:''';''''''~' '~'j'. '.... -~'-> " .,~, '~:. ;," -. ,.'-," ",' ~,,:>~, - , . " :"? ,.",:::;., Original Submittal , . '. ','-' .'. -' ,', ~~.: ;:t' i '-, ',,-:I: " . W,y t.,is recommendation . Oats Received:. S rt. rf t I . Sf? 2 5 2008 · UppO S rive ron P an)ri9in>)!SUbmitfal .~ · Provides improvements to Franklin that . ~ . wiU. support realization of Glenwood's. >'l nJ . potential w .-.] ~ · Is a plan developed with the help of. stakeholders rather that by a developer · Is a proactive plan that will ensure that. changes to Franklin are done right w -.] Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 Original Submittal . Section. 3-4-200 Subsections: 3.4-205 3.4-210 ' 3.4-215 3.4-220 3.4-225 3.4-230 3.4-235 ' 3.4-240 3.4-245 3.4-250 3.4-255 3.47260 3.4-270 I 3.4-205 Date Received: Glenwood Riveifront Plan District SEP 2 5 2008 , , Original Submittal. Purpose Applicability Review, N~w Master Plan And Master Plan Modifications Criteria of Approval New Master Plan or Master Plan Modifications Conditions of Approval Schedule of Use Categories Prohibited Uses Base Zone Development Standards, Off-Street Parking, and Fence Standards Specific Development Standards . Minimum Density and Gener~1 Development Standards Sumdards Specific to Resid~ntial Development Special Standards for Development Fronting the Willamette River Street, Sidewalk, and Alley Standards Drainage System Standards Purpose A. Purpose. The Glenwood Riverfront (GR) Plan District provides opportunities for an urban level of mixed-use development including commercial, employment, office, higher density housing, institutional, and recreation uses. The specific objectives of the GR Plan District regulations guide both new development and redevelopment in order to strengthen Glenwood's role as a residential, commercial, and'civic center within the Eugene- Springfield Metro Area. The regulations in this Section are intended to: stimulate business and economic vitality; 'promote housing' choices and mixed-use development; ensure functionally coordinated, aestheticallY pleasing and cohesive site planning and design; enhance the pedestrian environment; promote innovative building design through design guidelines; and protect the Willamette Greenway and opportunities to integrate the Willamette River as a unique element of the urban environment. B. Relationship to. the Glenwood Refinement Plan and the Glenwood Riverfront Plan. The GR Plan District regulations encourage the development of a mix of commercial, residential, and office, and employment uses in a pedestrian-oriented environment. The regulations protect the significant environmental features of the area, while accommodating development. The regulations'in the GR Plan District have evolved from the policies contained in Subarea 8: The River Opportunity Area in the Glenwood Refinement Plan, adopted by the Springfield City Council in 1998. The GR Plan Districtregulations also implement the guiding principles of the Glenwood Riverfrol)t Plan. C. GR Plan Designation. In recognition of the policies within the Glenwood Refinement Plan that reflect the desire for mixed use development within SubareaS,'the Metro'Plan and Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 200 I. 1: 'Glenwood Refinement Plan designation forthe GR Plan District is Mixed Use/Nodal. Development. , " . ~ , . D. Permitted zoning and overlay districis. The following zoning and overlay districts are permitted within the GR Plan District: Medium and High DensityResidential (MDR and HDR), Community Commercial (CC), Mixed Use Residential (MUR), Mixed Use Commercial (MUC), Mixed Use Employment (MUE), Public land and Open Space (PlO), and the Willamette Greenway tyVG), Floodplain (FP), and the Nodal Development (ND) Overlay Districts. These zoning and overlay districts are designed to work together to result in development that is an attractive place to live, work, shop, and recreate, with less reliance on the automobile than is found elsewhere in the community. E. Scale and character of development. The scale and character within the GR Plan District is intended to be similar to a traditional "main street" retail and residential district,' with 2- to 4- story buildings placed close to sidewalks, and parking lots located behind or to the side of buildings. However, allowances are made for buiidings that are taller than 4 stories, in order to create an interesting skyline and allow for some higher density residential or office uses with extensive views. Parking structures are encouraged within theGR Plan District, and in some instances, may be required, in order to reduce the impacts of impervious surfaces on water quality in the WiHamette River. The GR Plan District can also accommodate development proposals of all or most of the site by incorporation of these identified objectives and design principles into these proposals. 1 3.4-210 Applicability A. . ,.GR Plan District boundaries. The GR Plan District applies to all property.within the boundaries of "Subarea 8: The River Opportunity Area" in the Glenwood Refinement Plan. . The C?R Plan District is located in northeastern Glenwood. . , . ,~\\-,; i '~'tt2r-'-~,-",_u'-";:...s:r'-.-'-C..l.LW-L-'::;:JL.......: ':>J'.:::;::;'FJii+:~:'\ 1 Hili I' '1trtH "ou~~~.::T~'~1CJ=L:J;"k~}d~4~HIi~:RQ~li~flli gg1\~~f~ft,:;,:~ ~ T....----- \.. ,SJL.L.L:J'C''--'Lc..[JrctJ~'""H-,t~:j! ,.; It....--.:..... ---,:-;;:<.-,-'.- ., ' '\ ~, --\ \--?1Jl _ -~ ICfTT1 ,-~ r ------!. I --", ~_Jc....'....J dtJ l::r"1:t.t:m1 em t .--- 11 I I ~-.\\'-:~, tITll c...==jl i~ iTlf'-' r , I I {C:.~X-..J CiI"i ITI1J.JtiI.uLl cttu:! iJ ! '1/-\- . ' _ .. _J!. .i--7'~I', \~ -''''','" 50 , ' aWl) ~ '_.%,>,p~._":;j DI_J~1..1JJ ~.!.fl_c-',~, .-'----.--;-.::-...f~!l.l"l. j-D ----' 'i ";...:::;2,_,C.~-:=JO::::W""!A..,.~T-=-'"-=- -II-:-i l-_!-c=-=_.=!r-e~- "-.,"tt:;-'-" --"- L.. I '-... I I II i~' , " \~~1~9~O~L)r-lr -.-- . -~ ~~"1 ~-:~---~r-=:-_: ~ j-& I"'---'--'_Jl _llu~ '6----+-'-..1---";: r-:;:;:~~-,~ I1II1 j! I~-- --'F-~~---r~~t-=- -s ~-:::..--/, tlJt1,l [T~ L" "I I~ !'-:-!::= sJ:tt;F+=~ -ii -- \: I [Tr R=RJ. h -, \ --'--- ~ _ I......., iTr11 I , :Tfjl!=:t-:i.:: ,I, \ ---," I iJJD u.!.,-J~_ --li 'i;:JJ~{k~ r.:" I~ $!t~=-i-~;:h'''::-i C~ ' U,J.'o cot! BQJii' 'I I~I~",-I w-+-_ f--IIT]~'I~'" ~__ ~~\.\-l.-[ --J fi.~.,g~i-~ r--1~-----;~! f.----.J J~...--;-~t?~--~"~%,----\ 11t"2J~QIJF)17Ir:.-_ ___~ I -l-==-..,lfA~~--?.-/-e:-:-:cJ: [ 1-, \~ \ ir--J_-i,UJ~~~~::\ ~~ ;--k~// (-- -I I--r~ At+- \' \\:-"lf~"~~~ . ... ,",-, --"------rr-r~ d !--,u'HI ;", ,~\ \ ~\-'~\ /~ '!~i- . Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 , Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 201 Original Submittal B.' Developmentrequiring review. The GR Plan District requirements described in this Section apply to the following: 1. New development on vacant land. 2. New structures on already developed sites, including the conversion of a parking area tl) a structure or demolition of a structure and construction of a new structure. 3. . EXCEPTIONS: a. The GR Plan District .standards in this Section shall not apply to an interior building alteration. b. Single-family dwellings in the GR Plan District for which building permits were filed prior to the designation of the area as Mixed Use/Nodal Development Overlay shall be allowed to remain specified in' Sections 5.8- 120 and 5.8-125. I 3.4-215 Review A. Proposals that are substantially consistent with the Glenwood Riverfront Plan. Developers who use the adopted Glenwood Riverfront Plan as guidance shall not be required to submit an additional application for a new MasterPlan or Master Plan Modification approval. However, the following standards shall be addressed concurrent with other necessary land use applications, including, but not limited to: an annexation application and .annexation agreement,'where applicable; Site Plan Review; and/or a Zoning Map Amendment: 1. Streets, alleys, pedestrian accessways, bike lanes, drainage facilities, open spaces, and riparian corridors shall be located in conformance with those shown in the Glenwood Riverfront Plan; and 2. .The location of land uses may vary from those shown in the Glenwood Riverfront Plan depending on developer preference and market conditions; however, the proposed land use allocations are as follows, based on the findings of "Market Position Analysis for the Glenwood Riverfront, Zimmerman-VolklZHA, June 2001: a. Residential: 30....-B0 percent of the Glenwood RiverfrontPlan area with an overall net residential density of at least 12 units/acre, based on the definition ofa node contained in TransPlan. . b. Commercial Office/Employment: 10--:30 percent of the Glenwood Riverfront Plan area. Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 202 Original Submittal c. Open Space, drainage facilities, the riparian setback area, and public right- of-way normally will be 25-35 percent of the Glenwood Riverfront Plan area. B. Proposals that require modifications to the Glenwood Riverfront Plan. In order to allow flexibility in development options, the Glenwood Riverfront Plan is considered the equivalent of a Master Plan, without the 7-year expiration restriction. A developer may . choose to use the Glenwood Riverfront Plan as adopted, or use a new Master Plan or Master Plan Modification process, to be reviewed as follows:' 1. Type I Review. Those modifications that do not affect the basic underlying assumptions of the Glenwood Riverfront Plan and which are not determined by the Director to be similar to. Subsections B.2. and B.3., below shall be processed under Type I Master Plan Modification, as a decision by the Director. 2. Type II Review. Those modifications that are significant but do not affect the basic underlying assumptions of the Glenwood Riverfront Plan as determined by the Director shall be processed under a Type II Modification procedure as a decision of the Director. Examples of a Type II Master Plan Modification are as follows: a. A change in the street layout that requires a local street, alley, easement, pedestrian/bicycle accessway or utility to be shifted more than 50 feet in any direction, as long as the change maintains the connectivity established by the Glenwood Riverfront Plan; b. A request by the City or applicant for a change to the size or location of public facilities; c. A request to integrate improvements to nearby transportation facilities; d. A request initiated by the City to implement newly adopted State or Federal regulations, or adopted or amended City plans; e. A request by the applicant for a one-time extension. of the approved time limit for up to 3 years. An extension will be granted provided the applicant has made reasonable progress in the implementation of the Master Plan and public services and facilities remain available; and f. Other requests by the applicant that the Director determines to be similar to the modifications specified in Subsections B.2.a.--€., above. 3. Type IV Review. Those modifications that are significant and modifies the basic underlying assumptions of the Glenwood Riverfront Plan as determined by the . Director shall be processed under a Type IV Modification 'procedure. Examples of a Date Received: Type IV Master Plan Modification are as follows: SEP 2 5 2008 Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 203 Original Submittal a. The modification affects an area of 5 ':acres or larger. . b. A request by the applicant to alter significant natural resources, wetlands, and open space areas as prescribed 'in the Glenwood Riverfront Plan; c. A change in the street layout plan that requires a street to be eliminated or to be located in a manner inconsister]t with the Glenwood Riverfront Plan; . d. A change in the GR Plan District building design standards or guidelines; e. Any change not listed under the Type I or Type II Modification in Subsections B.1. and,2., above and" f. The request shall be processed as a hew Master Plan and shall comply with the Master Plan submittal requiremer]ts listed specified in Section 5.13-120 and the following: i. The application shallillustrate;the proposed street layout, open . .' . , . . space, pedestrian connections, riparian protection, and other . ' infrastructure alignments nec~ssary as determined by the Director for the entire 48-acre site. The requirement for written consent from multiple property owners specified in Section 5; 13-11 OB. shall not apply within the GR Plan District. ii. The applicant s.hall address the applicability of the development standards in this Section to the proposed Master Plan. The Planning Commission and/or .City Council may determine that the development standards in this" Section may not apply, if the purpose and intent of the GR Plan Dist~ict is satisfied. iii. 'I The application shall be prepared by a design team that includes, but is not limited to the fplklwing consultants: an architect, a lands~ape architect, a civil e~gineer, a geotechnical engineer, an acoustic engineer, a certified arborist, a transportation engineer and a qualified person to address riparian issues. .. 4. Supplemental Submittal Requirements. In order to allow the Director to determine the correct level of review, the applicant shall, submit findings demonstrating how the proposed modification: I . a. Maintains the transportation 'and multi-modal connectivity established by the Glenwood Riverfront Plan; Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 Original Submittal , '. , .' Qu~lity Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 204 , " "... ..~ . ( b. . Furthers the design and access concepts advocated by the Glenwood , Riverfront Plan, including, but not limited to: pedestrian access, bicycle access, and public access to the Willamette River; C. Demonstrates how the, proposal does not adversely affect the objectives of the GR Plan District as'specified in Section 3.4-220; and d. Avoids physical constraints, or protects significant natural features including, but not limited'to, trees, rock outcroppings, wetlands, or to adjust to existing ,property lines between project boundaries. 5. Review Authority, The Director shall have the authority to raise any review level to a higher review, for example, that a Type II Modification may be raised to a Type IV Modification. . I 3.4-220 New Master Plan And Master Plan Mo'dificationsCriteria of Approval In addition to the Master Plan criteria of approval specified in Section 5,13-125, new Master Plans and Master Plan Modifications within the GR Plan District shall meet the following objectives established during the development of the Glenwood Riverfront Plan. Where an objective does not apply, the applicant shall address why that objective does not apply, A new Master Plan or Master Plan Modification proposal shall: A. Establish a mixed use development pattern that will enhance and complement the adjacent riverfront and that is consistent with the nodal designation for the GR Plan District; B. Provide transportation linkages between the Master Plan area and the surrounding neighborhoods; C. Incorporate access to transit into the design of the Master Plan area; D. Incorporate design and streetscape amenities .into the Master Plan area which promote bicycle and pedestrian transportation opportunities. These amenities include sidewalks, bike lanes, and pedestrian amenities, with a focus on the edges of the Master Plan area, for example, Franklin Boulevard and the vVillamette River; E. Establish a multi-use riverfront path; F. Identify open space and appropriate connections to open space. Public open space shall be designed to provide active and passive recreation opportunities for residents, visitors, employees, and provide visual relief. Streets shall be designed as view corridors, in order to open the site to the Willamette river; Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 205 Original Submittal. G. Implement the objectives of TransPlan to increase densities within the GR Plan District. Average residential density for residential components shall be a minimum of 12 units per acre; H. . Reduce reliance on State Highway 126 (Franklin Boulevard,) for local east-west traffic through a strategy to resolve and reduce access issues within the GR Plan District boundaries; I. Provide a connected street pattern that facilitates internal circulation, promotes walking, and that minimizes conflicts on Franklin Boulevard; J. Facilitate a storm drainage system for the master plan that cleanses and treats the runoff prior to discharging into the Willamette River, and provides adequate drainage solutions as determined through Master Plan review; and K. Protect and enhance the Willamette River's water quality and habitat for endangered species and other indigenous wildlife through environmentally sensitive development. I 3.4-225 New Master Plan or Master Plan Modifications Conditions of Approval New Master Plans or Master Plan Modifications within the GR Plan District shall be subject to the conditions of approval specified in Section 5.13-130 and any additional conditions found necessary by the Approval Authority to grant a new Master Plan or Master Plan Modification approval.. I 3.4-230 Schedule of Use Categories The following uses are permitted within the'GR Plan District: I Aifowed Use Categories; ",,0 I Those uses allowed within Mixed-Use Commercial MUC' District in Section 3,2-610 I Those uses allowed within Mixed-Use Employment MUE District in Section 3.2-610 ' I Those uses allowed within Mixed-Use Residential MUR District in Section 3.2-610 . I Those uses allowed within the PLO zone as described in Section 3.2-710 " ~ _"._':_'- h. ,_ __ ._._<_.:~., '"' , Base Zone.:: CC,MUC MUE MDR, HDR, MUR PLO Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 Original Submittal Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 206 L' . ~ ; I 3.4-235 Prohibited Uses The following uses are prohibited within the GR Plan District: 'f,.~;:~~:;Jt~'~'~~1~~~;/(isiiliJse~atfiqilrT(isf~'fJ:~~';?~', -pc'I;::l~J,:;t.,~-; Aqricultural machinerv rental/sales/service I Auto parts, tires, batteries, and accessories I Car and truck washes I Drive-throuqh facilities Equipment, heavy, rental/sales/service Exterior displav and storaqe Free-standinq wireless communication towers HeaVy industrial uses Key/card lock fuel facilities Manufactured dwellinq sales/service/repair Mini-warehouse storaqe facilities Motor vehicle sales/rental/service Motorized Boats and watercraft sales and service, Movinq and storaqe facilities Recreational vehicle and heavy truck, sales/rental/service Service stations and qas stations, includinq quick servicinq Tires, sales/service Transit park and ride, major or minor, unless under a shared parkinq arranqement with another permitted use Truck and auto repair and paintinq. facilities EXCEPTIONS: 1. Outdoor seating for restaurants and pedestrian-oriented accessory uses, including flower, food, or drink stands shall be permitted. Temporary open-air markets and carnivals shall also be permitted specified in the Springfield Municipal Code, 1997. 2. For the expansion of an outdoor storage facility of less than 50 percent of the total floor area, service yards and outdoor storage areas in the GR Plan District shall be screened from public areas, streets, alleys, and adjacent areas through the use of one or more of the following: walls, fencing, or plantings, addressed during the MDS process specified in Section 5.15-100 or the Site Plan Review process specified in Section 5,17-100. I 3.4-240 Base Zone Development Standards, Off-Street Parking, and Fence Standards Base zone development standards, off-street parking, and fence standards shall be consistent with the underlying zoning district. Date Received:, SEP 2 5 2008 Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 207 Original Submittal EXCEPTION: Any stricter GR Plan District standards shall apply, I 3.4-245 Specific Development Standards Mixed Use development within the GR Plan District shall comply with the development standards as specified in Section 3,2-630. EXCEPTION: The maximum building footprint for a single use shall be 50,000 square feet, unless approved through a Type IV Master Plan Modification. I 3.4-250 Minimum Density and General Development Standards The following standards apply to development within the GR Plan District. The general development standards for Mixed-Use as specified in Section 3.2-630 describe the pedestrian friendly and transit oriented design standards that apply to mixed use and nodal development. The Multi-unit Design Standards specified in Section 3.2-240 promote livability, neighborhood compatibility, and public safety for multi-unit housing as well as promote higher density housing. A. Building Design and Building Form. The intent of the Building Design and Building Form Standards for new development within the GR Plan District is to ensure that development is aesthetically pleasing and provides pedestrian orientation, even with a mix of uses and higher intensity development. New structures and improvements to fayades shall provide . architectural relief and interest, with an emphasis at'building entrances and the appearance along sidewalks, in order to promote and enhance a'comfortable pedestrian scale and orientation, contribute positively to the neighborhood, and create an interesting streets cape, . 1. Development within the GR Plan District shall, incorporate the Building Design Standards specified in Section 3.2-625A., and Multifamily Residential or Mixed Use Residential development shall meet the standards for Building Form specified in Section 3.2-240D.2. 2. Alternatively, development shall satisfy the intent of the Building Design and Building Form Standards listed above and shall comply wiih the following guidelines, as determined during the Site Pla'n Review process: a. Building scale is consistent with the scale of nearby buildings, transition is provided to adjacent buildings, and porches, bays, balconies, and human scale architectural detail are included. b. Multi-story buildings are designed and constructed so the first floor is at a greater height than the upper floors, and architectural detailing that horizontally divides the first and second floors is incorporated in design and construction, Examples include bays windows, decks, or balconies for upper Date Received: . SEP 2 5 2008 Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 208 Ori;ir;al Submittal levels, and awnings, canopies, or other similar treatments for lower levels. Variation in building materials, trim, paint, ornamentation, windows, or other features including public art, may also be used, c. Variations in roof forms, including, but not limited to: gabled; hipped roofs or cornices are provided. d. Views into shops and offices for ground floor fayades along public right-of- way are provided. e. In order to break up vast expanses of single element building elevations, the building design includes a combination of architectural elements and features ,including, but not limited to offsets, windows, entry treatments, wood siding, brick, stucco, or textured concrete block. f. Structures. do not present excessive visual mass or bulk to public view or to adjoining properties. . g. Buildings provide architecturally defined entryways and design which provides a human scale. B. Building Orientation and Maximum Setback Standards. The intent of the Building Orientation and Maximum Setback standards is to create a street presence that is a pleasant, diverse pedestrian experience by connecting activities occurring within a structure to adjacent sidewalk ar~as; to encourage continuity of retail and service uses; to encourage surveillance opportunities by restricting fortress-like fayades at street level; and to avoid a monotonous pedestrian environment. All new buildings in a mixed-use development shall be oriented toward both exterior and internal streets in a manner that frames and defines both streets and pedestrian areas along those streets to the greatest . extent practicable. Buildings in mixed use developments shall not be separated from fronting streets, Parking shall be located behind buildings, internal to development on a site, For existing development sites, out parcel buildings between a large parkihg lot and the street shall be used to help define the streetscape, and lessen the visual impact of the parking lot from the street. 1. Development within the GR Plan District shall incorporate the Building Design Standards specified in Section 3.2-625B" and Multifamily Residential or Mixed Use Residential development shall meet the standards for Building Form specified in Section 3.2-240D.2. 2. Alternatively, development shall satisfy the intent of the Building Orientation and Maximum Setback Standards described above and shall comply with the following ,guidelines, addressed during Site Plan Review: Date Received: SEP 2,5 2008 Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 209 Original Submittal .' a. " Buildings are designed and constructed adjacent to a'public street right-of- way that create safe, pleasant, and active pedestrian, environments. b. Buildings are designed and located to reinforce the pedestrian orientation of . the GR Plan District. c. An urban streetscapealong street right-of-way is created by locating new buildings close to the street and close to one another wherever practical., The streetscapes create a sense of enclosure along sidewalks and provide a variety of. street level fac;:ades. d. Views into shops and offices are provided, Upper building levels incorporate decks and balconies. " e. .To the greatest extent practicable, all new buildings are oriented toward both exterior and internal streets in a manner that frames and defines both ,> streets and pedestrian areas along those streets, f. Where setbacks from the street right!of-way are proposed, pedestrian amenities including publiC seating, court yards or plazas between the building and the street are provided. \ g. New residential development is oriented to a public street, unless buildings cannot meet this requirement due to inadequate street frontage, In this case, buildings are oriented to a private street, alley, or lane, and designed in conformance with the pedestrian circulation standards in this Code, h. For existi,ng development sites, outparcel buildings between a large parking lot and the street are used to help define the streetscape, and lessen the visual impact of the parking lot from the street. C. Weather Protection. Standards. The intent of the weather protection requirement within the GR Plan District is to provide for a pedestrian-oriented environment in inclement or warm weather, to break up long expanses of buildings, arid to create an interesting streetscape. " 1.' Development within the GR Plan District shall incorporate the Weather Protection Standards specified in Section 3,2-625C. .1 2. Alternatively, development shall satisfy the i~tent of the Weather Protection Standards described above and shall comply with the following guideline, addressed during Site Plan Review; weather protection in the form of awnings or canopies is provided appropriate to the design of the structure, r D. Landscaping, Screening, Fences, and Walls Standards, The intent of the Landscaping, . Screening, Fences, and Walls Standards for development in the GR Plan District is to . Date Received: .. ,Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 210 SEP 2 5 2008 O. . ,,1<:.,....'..'I't'~1 ngrn.. ~ul...>1 '.r. _..._~ '., provide shade, erosion control, visual interest, buffering, separation between abutting properties, privacy, open space and pathway identification, shading and wind buffering, noise attenuation, reduction of glare, screen objectionable views, to reduce the rate of storm water runoff, and enhance the visual environment, to establish a sense of place, promote safety, security, and privacy, to help retain the long-term value of properties, minimize the impacts of impervious surfaces and reduce the rate of storm water runoff, and , ensure aesthetics and compatibility with surrounding land uses. 1. Development within the GR Plan District shall incorporate the Landscaping and 'Screening Standards specified in Section 3.2-625D" and Multifamily Residential or Mixed Use Residential development shall meet the standards for Landscaping, : Screening, Fences, and Walls specified in Section 3.2-240D.6. .2. Alternatively, development shall satisfy the intent of the Landscaping, Screening, Fences, and Walls Standards<described above and shall comply with the following guidelines, addressed during Site Plan Review: a. Landscaping is designed and located so that enhances the urban character of the GRPlan District, so that it is visible from public right-of-way, and so that it provides adequate screening and buffering from adjacent uses, Landscaping is distributed in those areas where it provides for visual and acoustical buffering, open space uses, shading and windbreaks, and aesthetic qualities, b. All landscaping is either irrigated or is certified by a registered Landscape Architect that it can be maintained and survive without artificial irrigation. c. Natural vegetation and existing healthy trees are retained to the maximum extent feasible in the design of landscaping, d. The design and development of landscaping retains and conserves the riparian vegetation to the maximum extent practicable, where development is adjacent to the Willamette River setback, e. Pedestrian pathways and open space areas are defined with landscape materials, trees, and shrubs. f. Signature trees (for example, large or unique trees), hedges and flowering plants provide focal points for the development area. g. Trees provide summer shading within common open space areas and within front yards when street trees cannot be provided, h. A combination of plants is provided for year-long color and interest, and a variety of tree types is distributed.throughoutthe site to maximize coverage, Date Recei.ved: SEP 2 5 2008 Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 211 Original Submittal " . ,i. ~andscaping is used to screen outdoor storage and mechanical equipment areas, and to enhance graded areas including berms, swales and detention/retention ponds within the gevelopment area. , 'j. Trash collection, recycling areas, service areas, and loading docks are screened on all sides so that no portion is visible from public streets, alleys, and adjacent properties. Required screening may include new and existing " plantings, walls, fences, screen panels, doors, topographic changes, buildings, horizontal separation, or any combination thereof. k. Landscaping is provided to define and accentuate the primary entry way of a dwelling unit or combination of dwelling units, I. Vertical and horizontal landscape elem'ents are provided along all exterior walls to soften the visual impact of new residential construction, and promote the residential character of t~e site, m. Landscaping or a combination of landscaping and fencing is used to buffer multifamily developments from abutting properties, n. In multifamily developments, landscaping is planted and fencing installed that does not obscure visual surveillance of common open space, parking areas, or dwelling entryways. .0. In multifamily developments, fencing is designed to provide privacy and buffer,sound, but does not create long expanses of uninterrupted walls, E. Street Connectivity and Vehicular Circulation Standards, The intent of the Street Connectivity And Vehicular Circulation requirements within the GR Plan District is to encourage developments that are easily accessible for all modes of transportation, to promote the scale and character of a mixed use retail and residential district, to provide safe, direct, and convenient pedestrian circulation, to provide safe and efficient site access between parking areas and multifamily developments, and to encourage pedestrian and vehicle circulation linkages that will ir]tegr'!te amenities within multifamily developments with the surrounding area, 1. Development within the GR Plan District shall incorporate the Street Connectivity and Circulation standards specified in$ection 3,2-625E., and Multifamily Residential or Mixed Use Residential development shall meet the standards for vehicular circulation specified in Section 3.2-240D.9. 2. Alternatively, development shall satisfy the ir]tent of the Street Connectivity and Vehicle Circulation Standards described above and shall comply with the following guidelines, addressed during Site Plan Review: , Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 212 . .. -. , On!)ins\ Su':\mittl'll a. Public pedestrian access' between streets provides an inter-connected pedestrian circulation system within the'development area and adjacent development. b. - A continuous pedestrian and/or multi-use pathway system is provided within the development area to ensure safe, direct and convenient pedestrian circulation. c. The development is designed so that public and private transportation connections are provided to surrounding areas, d. Block length is consistent with Section 4.2-115. e. An internal circulation plan is provided that promotes accessibility to and from the site for all modes of transportation. f. Access is designed and constructed to consolidate driveways with existing or future adjacent developments. g. Methods that minimize'vehicle and pedestrian conflicts are incorporated into the design ofthe development. h. Driveway access is connected to alleys and local streets, rather than directly onto arterial streets. i. Loading and service areas are located for ease of use and minimal conflict with on-site parking and circulation activities. F. Pedestrian Amenities. The intent of the pedestrian amenity requirements for development within the GR Plan District is to provide comfortable and inviting pedestrian' spaces. Pedestrian amenities serve 'as informal gathering places for socializing, resting, and enjoyment of the Glenwood Riverfront,and contribute to a walkable district. 1. Development within the GR Plan DistriCt shall incorporate the Pedestrian Amenity standards specified in Section 3,2-625G, 2. Alternatively, development shall satisfy the intent of the Pedestrian Amenity Standards described above and shall comply with the following guidelines, addressed during Site Plan Review: a. Pedestrian amenities are visible and accessible to the general public from a fully improved street. Access to 'pocket parks, plazas, and sidewalks are 'provided via a public right-of-way or a public access easement. Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 0, ,Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 213 Original Submittal b. The size and capacity of pedestrian ~menitles is roughly proportional to their expected use, induding use by employees, customers, residents, and other visitors, c. Pedestrian amenities are consistent with the character and scale of surrounding developments. For example, similarity in awning height, bench style, planter materials; street trees, and pavers f,!sters continuity in the design of pedestrian areas, Materials are suitable for outdoor use, easily maintained, and have at least a 10-year expected service life, d. Bus stops, as a pedestrian amenity, are designed to Lane Transit District standards. G. Parking Standards, The intent of the parking stand~rds for development within the GR Plan . District is to minimize the.amount of land, devoted to off'-street parking; develop land so that the primary focus is not the parking areas; to ensure that parking structures and lots are visually pleasing, to minimize the visual and environmental impact of parking areas; to increase Springfield's commercial land inventory by allowing retail uses on the ground floor of parking structures; to provide services for residents of nearby residential developments; and to provide adequate parking to serve developm'ent. 1. Development within the GR Plan District shall incorporate the parking standards specified in Section 4,6-125, and Multifamily, Residential or Mixed Use Residential development shall meet the standards for Parking specified in Section 3.2-240D.8, 2. Alternatively, development shall satisfy the intent of the Parking Standards described above and shall comply with the following guidelines, addressed during Site Plan Review: . , " . a. Parking areas are designed to minimize the expanse of continuous parking and impervious surfaces. . b. Parking areas are designed and located to reinforce the pedestrian orientation of the GR Plan District. c. Parking areas are designed to minimize the impact to abutting properties , and promote the human scale of development. d. Canopy trees are distributed throughout the parking area, including the perimeter of the parking lot. e. Sufficient shade is provided for all surface parking areas, f. Pedestrian pathways are provided that connect parking areas to and Date Re~~elr. buildings, open space areas, and surrounding uses, , SE? 2 5 2008 Q~~lity Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 214 ')rl',"n<'1 ~:ubrnittal ~_ ~, a _ _ . ", , g, Topography, natural contours, and natural features including stands of trees are considered in the design of parking areas and circulation systems: h. Parking area circulation systems are designed to minimize vehicle and pedestrian conflicts. i. Parking areas are located to minimize views from the public right-of-way and abutting properties. j. Parking areas are located to the rear or side of buildings, k. Adequate, pedestrian scale lighting is provided in parking areas, I. Pedestrian scale and orientation that is consistent with a pedestrian"oriented retail and residential district is provided for all parking areas, m. Stormwater treatment techniques, including swales and pervious pavement treatments are included in all'parkingareas, n. Parking lots are sited and designed to mitigate adverse lighting and noise impacts on residents. o. In multifamily developments, pedestrian connections through parking areas are enhanced through scored concrete, striping, landscaping or other identification methods that provide compatibility in design and materials between parking areas and the dwelling units, p. In commercial and mixed use commercial areas, parking structures provide retail storefronts at the ground level at the periphery of parking areas and structures. In residential areas, the street side of residential parking. structures may contain facilities or services for residents, including, but not limited to: laundry rooms, lobbies, or exercise rooms. q. In cases where a parking structure extends to the periphery of a site, the design of the structure reflects the massing, building materials, fenestration and detailing of adjacent and abutting buildings. r. Entries are designed to be subordinate to the pedestrian entry in scale and detailing. If possible, automobile entries to parking structures are located away from the street, to the side or rear of the building, s. Parking structures are sited and designed to mitigate adverse lighting and noise impacts on residents, Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 215 Original Submittal H. Height Standards, The intent of the building height standards for development in the GR Plan District that is not adjacent to the Willamette River is to encourage a built environment that provides compatibility with the surroundings, but also provides opportunities for higher density development and views of the Willamette River, Where a development proposes to exceed the height limitations of the underlying zoning district, the applicant shall illustrate the development meets the intent of the height standards, and satisfies the following guidelines. In no case may a development proposal exceed 90 feet in height within the GR Plan District. See Section 3.4-265 for height standards for development adjacent to the Willamette River. I 3.4-255 , 1. Additional on-site pedestrian amenities are provided where a building exceeds the maximum height standards of the underlying zoning district. 2. When a greater height standard is proposed, a building offset interval along structure fa~des is established, 3. Structures that optimize light and views of the Willamette River and surroundings are provided. 4. Buildings are designed and constructed to take advantage of views to the Willamette River and surrounding natural features, including private open space on upper floors, and building fa~ades with windows. 5. Provide additional setbacks, stepping-down of building elevations, visual buffering, screening, and/or other appropriate measures to create a height transition between the proposed development and adjacent development. Roof equipment and other similar features necessary to a building operation are screened, and may not exceed 8 feet in height. Standards Specific to Residential Development A. Storage. The intent of the storage standards for MUR, MDR, and HDR development is to provide space for trash receptacles, personal storage, and equipment. All new residential and mixed use residential development shall meet the storage standards specified in Section 3,2-240DA. B. Open Space, The intent of the open space requirements in the MUR, MDR, and HDR development is to provide usable common and private open space for residents and centrally located open space for activities; maximize private open space for each dwelling unit; preserve exposure to light, air, and visual access; provide safe children's play areas interspersed and centrally located within multifamily developments; maximize visual relief from structural bulk; promote active recreational opportunities within open space; and provide pedestrian access to all common open space areas to promote active use. Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 Quality.Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 216 Or'lg'I~'" S'J",",,;""'I ' \::;"': ~. 1..'I'lV.t;. 1. All multifamily development within the GR Plan District shall meet the standards for Open Space specified in Section 3.2-240D.5, 2. Alternatively, development shall satisfy the intent of the Open Space standards described above and shall comply with the following guidelines, addressed during Site Plan Review. a. The design and development of open space retains and conserves the riparian vegetation to the maximum extent practicable, where development is adjacent to the Willamette River setback. b. Native trees, shrubs, or other plants adapted for survival and growth in the Eugene-Springfield area are utilized in open space areas. c. Trees proposed are in scale with the proposed development. d: Open spaces and plazas are incorporated into. the development that provide pleasing transitions between uses, soften and buffer utilities and loading areas, and provide variety next to buildings, along walkways, and within pedestrian plazas. e. Open space areas are included which are in scale with the development and sited to invite activity appropriate to adjoining uses. f. Pedestrian amenities, including, but not limited to: seating areas, drinking fountains, low level directional signs, and waste receptacles are provided in open space areas, g. The design provides a cohesive open space and pedestrian network within the development, with appropriate connections to surrounding properties and uses, . C. Pedestrian Circulation, The intent of the pedestrian circulation requirements is to provide separation between vehicles and pedestrians, and to provide clear, direct, safe, and identifiable connections between individual units, parking, storage, common open space areas, public sidewalks, and neighborhood uses. 1. All multifamily development within the GR Plan Districtshall meet the standards for Pedestrian Circulation specified in Section 3.2-240D.7. 2. Alternatively, development shall satisfy the intent of the Pedestrian Circulation Standards described above and shall comply with the following guidelines, addressed during Site Plan Review. Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 . Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 217 Original Submittal a. . Privacy of ground floor residents is considered in the design of pedestrian circulation within the development area, b. Pedestrian linkages integrate amenities, including, but not limited to: open space. areas, walkways, and activity centers within the multifamily developments and with the surrounding area. c. The design of pedestrian pathways considers the natural contours:features, and topography of the site. d. Pedestrian circulation areas include sidewalks, landscaping, crosswalks, and pedestrian-scale lighting. e. Pedestrian pathways are provided that connect to and between buildings, open space, parking areas, and surrounding uses. f. Adequate lighting levels for parking and pedestrian pathways are provided. g. Pedestrian scale lighting is provided within internal blocks and walkways on poles not more than 16 feet high and shielded to light the walkways and open spaces only, h. Clear and identifiable pedestrian connections to and between buildings are provided. I 3.4-260 Special Standards for Development Fronting the Willamette River A. Special Standards. The intent of the special standards relating to development adjacent to the Willamette River is to implement the goals and policies relating to the Willamette River as expressed in the Glenwood Refinement Plan, Subarea 8: The River Opportunity Area and the Willamette River Site Development Guidelines, and to: 1. Recognize and respect the beauty and character of the Willamette River; 2. Conserve and enhance the existing riparian zone along the Willamette River; 3. Conserve and enhance property values; 4. Preserve, protect, and enhance water quality; 5. Encourage development, preservation, and enhancement of reasonable public access to the river for recreational use and visual enjoyment. Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 'Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 218 Original Submittal B. Proposals for development adjacent to the riparian corridor setback area shall consider the following, within a new Master Plan, Master Plan Modification,"or Site Plan Review application: 1. Riparian Setback Area, The setback'for all new buildings, parking lots, and loading areas shall be a minimum of 75 feet from the top of bank, or as identified on the City's Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map in the Development Services Department, unless significant stands of trees or other identified natural resources warrant a greater setback, EXCEPTION: Rebuilding of existing structures, The setback restriction shall not prohibit rebuilding an existing structure provided that the rebuilt structure is comparable in size, profile, use, and location to the structure that previously existed. The term "new development" shall not include rebuilding an existing structure provided that the rebuilt structure is comparable in size, profile, use and location to the structure that previously existed. 2. Conservation of Natural Features, Major outcrops, stands of trees, riparian areas, or other prominent natural features are an important part of the visual character and quality of the community. The impacts of the proposal on these resources will be reviewed, and limitations may be placed on the amount of removal, In order to mitigate adverse impacts, additional screening may be required, or a reduction in the size of the building or structure may be required. 3. Compatibility with Existing Area. The proposed development is similar with the existing surroundings, in terms of building bulk, height, location, separation, shape, parking areas, lighting, fences, landscaping, open space, visual and physical corridors to the river, and adjacent land use. 4. View Protection. a. New development shall preserve and enhance views of the Willamette River and the views across the river to Kelly Butte and downtown Springfield, These regulations are not intended as a guarantee that a view will be preserved or created, only to require special and significant efforts to maintain and provide views. b. New structures shall be designed and located to preserve and enhance views of the Willamette River and across the river. c. Restaurants, outdoor cafes, housing, public gathering places, and hotels shall be oriented to available views, especially views of the Willamette River, where feasible. Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 'Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 219 Original Submittal d. , Development along the Willamette Greenway Boundary or setback' shall be. designed and constructed to take advantage of views to the Willamette River, including private open space on upper floors and building fac;:ades with wind.ows that face the.river. e. Staff may require site sections, photographs, view diagrams, survey spot 'elevations, view easements and other similar tools in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of :;)ection 3.4-265.. 5. Conditions of Approval, For projects proposing development adjacent to the riparian corridor setback area, the degree to which the project provides public access along the riverfront may be evaluated and dedication of public access along the riverfront may be,required, Other conditions of approval for projects may include enhanced landscaping, minimum corridors between buildings, variations in building setbacks, size .or bulk of fac;:ades, limitations on building heights, lighting, the size and shape of windows facing the river, and the locationof.parking areas, C. Proposalsfor development adjacent to the riparian corridor setback area shall not exceed 35 feet in height. I 3.4-265 Street, Sidewalk, and Alley Standards A. Development proposals that utilize the Glenwood Riverfront Plan as a Master Plan shall use the streetscape cross-sections illustrated in theGlenwood Riverfront Plan. B. Development proposals that use the Master Plan Modification process shall design the transit stations according to Lane Transit District standards, and street and sidewalk system using the City's existing street standards specified in Section 4.2-105, the Glenwood Riverfront Plan, or satisfy the criteria of approval listed for Master Plans within the GR Plan District. C. Alley Standards. 1. All blocks or individual sites shall be served by alleys, all vehicular access for on- site parking, services and utilities shall be accessed by alleys. 2. Alley right-of-way shall be a minimum of 22 feet-wide with 14 feet paved for vehicular uses, Within this right-of-way, the alley shall provide visible and direct . pedestrian walkways and connections to the commercial mixed use or central areas of the proposed redevelopment scheme, The pedestrian portion shall be ilistinguished from the vehicular portion of the alleys. The walkways are encouraged to be paved with pervious materials. " Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 .: Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 220 ''';';;:);1131 Submittpl 3. Alleys shall'drain to lined interior "block" swales or from drains then piped to swales as the grades permit. D. Alley Space. Where feasible, outdoor cafe seating, landscaping, signage, lighting and display features shall be included in alley design, Alley space shall be designed to minimize service functions, to screen trash/storage areas and to enhance pedestrian/patron use. I 3.4-270 Drainage System Standards Development proposals within the' GR Plan Distric~ shall use the "Storm Drainage Master Plan for the Glenwood Riverfront Area"" the drainage design standards developed as part of theGlenwood Riverfront Plan, .and the Engineering Design Standards' and Procedures Manual as guidance for designing drainage systems within theGR Plan District, as interim guidance until the City adopts the Stormwater Facilities Master Plan. , Date Received: SEP 2 5 2008 Original Submittal Quality Code Data 4/5/2008, Page 221 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax Description CTY Master Plan Amendment 1 , s:\Tidemark\forms\casefees] .rpt Trans Code 2252 Fees Associated'- . 'h Case #: LRP2008-0",,12 ROW - Franklin CITY OF SPRINGFIEL"fi Revenue Account Number 100-00000-425002 Page 1 of] Date Calculated Original Calculated By Amount 9/25/2008 KAL 0.00 Total Due: 9/25/2008 1 :42:52PM Amount Due 0,00 $0.00