HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 8/14/2006 r--- " '- " ~ '.- i AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON) ) 55. County of Lane, ) , I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: , , '1. I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the , ' Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared arid caused to, be mailed copies of51J82Jrk,-ooo<(.g .$atJPt~tnd-,n~ _' SRU+ CR- TN/) c..u/J.b€JL (See attachment "A") on . 'if 1,<1- . 2006 addressed to (see Attachment B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. . ';;v(L1Lu~ ~ ",' 4~N LaFLEU~ ) "" STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane /)"/th-. ,1/', . 2006. Personally appeared the above nam~d Karen LaFle~r, Pro~;~;1Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: AW U My Commission Expires: ~ ' '}1. 'JOlJ i '---~--~~~-~~J'" ~ - - - - -OffiCIAL SEAL , I BRENDA JONES I '. , NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON , ,,' COMMISSION NO, 379218 ' ~,_~~~~~~~~I~E~~~J~~ Date Received: eel tV (DG Planner: LM . -.-.'7" SPR'NGF''''''''' 300-FOOT PUBLIC NOTICE - PENDING SERIAL PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us .Date of Notice: August 14, 2006 Case Number: SUB2006-00048 Aoolicant: Oregon Industrial LumberlWeyerhaeuser Company Nature of the Aoolication: The applicant is proposing to adjust the property lines between Tax Lot 1300 and 2400 easterly to the westerly line of Hayden Bridge Road, and then adjust the new northerly boundary line <if Tax Lot 2400 west to the westerly edge of Tax Lot 3500. Location: The property involved in this request is located north of Marcola'Road and Hayden Bridge Road, in Springfield, Assessor's Map No. 17-02-20-00, Tax Lot(s) 1300, and Assessor's Map No. 17- 02-30-, Tax Lot(s) 2400 and then Assessor's Map No. 17-02-30-00, Tax Lot(s) 2400, and Assessor's Map No. 17-02-19-00, Tax Lot(s) 3500 .' , Aoolicable Criteria: The criteria of approval found at Section 33.060 of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) apply to this application. The, criteria are available at Springfield City Hall weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m: at the Development Services Department or on the City's website at www.ci.sorin!!field.or.us under Springfield Development Code. Your Rieht to Provide Written Comment: Prior to the City making ,any decision on the application; you are provided a fourteen (14) day period for the submission of written comments. Your written " comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on August 29, 2006. Send comments to the attention of the staff contact listed below. You may revie~ the record of this application at City Hall and purchase copies at a reasonable cost. ' . Failure to Raise Issue: Issues which may provide the basis for an appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals shall be raised in writing prior to the expiration of the comment period. Issues shall be raised with sufficient specificity to enable the decision maker to respond to the issue. Staff Contact: Liz Miller City of Springfield Urban Plarming Division Ii-mail: Imiller@ci.springfield.or.us Phone: (541) 726-2301 If YO' _uJd like w '"'" diru1Jy... th. ""'u, .,."",011 @d _ke@ ......,_.. .1 I ~ III; ", , patEl ReceIved. - Planner. LM 1...( :0 'f:. ~', " . 1-= ~CP: , ~. ~ '. . , , ~ " o . ~ ~ -, I /1 ~ r-\ '" V' ~ \ \ ~ . , \ ,:I} 101 \ '\ \j " 15,91 AC,TO' ~.' ,~ ~ ~. \ ,~I 202 , ~. 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OR 97478 170230000 I 920 KINGSFORD PO BOX 24 ATTN DEPT AND, CA 94623 1702300002500 ( ,~ LANE COUNTY 125 E 8TH ST COUNTY OWNED LANDS DEPT EUGENE, OR 97401 1702302300102 CLENDENIN PAUL TE 20220 SW TETON AVE TUALA TIN, OR 97062 1702302300102 GERBER RICHARD TE 20220 SW TETON AVE TUALA TIN, OR 97062 , 1702302300102 JOURNEYMAN TRAINING TRUST FUND 20220 SW TETON AVE TUALA TIN, OR 97062 1702302300102 O'ROURKE P MICHAEL TE 20220 SWTETON AVE TUALA TIN, OR 97062 1702302300102 UNITED ASSNLOCAL 290 APPRENTICESHIP & 20220 SW TETON AVE TUALA TIN, OR 97062 1702302300103 PIERCE ALLAN AR TE 2S15TE VIEW DR EU E, OR 97405 1702300001910, LEA VITT'S F T SERVICE INC 3855 M OLA RD , SP GFIELD, OR 97478 1702300001916,1~1~ GIBSON DENNIS R & MOLLY A 1633 PARNELL DR EUGENE, OR 97404 1702300001939 LANE CO SCHOOLDIST #19 525 MILL ST , SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 170230230010 I, ,0" PIERCE ALLAN HILLAR TE 2515 TERRACE VIEW DR EUGENE, OR 97405 1702302300102 DAVIS MEL TE 20220 SW TETON AVE, TUALATIN, OR 97062' 1702302300102 GORM LEY EDWARD TE 20220 SW TETON AVE TUALA TIN, OR 97062 . 1702302300 I 02 KRUGER JOHN TE 20220 SW TETON AVE TUALA TIN, OR 97062 ',r 1702302300102 ROSENLUND MARK TE 20220 SW TETON AVE . TUALA TIN, OR 97062 1702302300102 WALTERSMATTTE 20220 SW TETON AVE TUALATIN, OR 97062. 1703251403000 COUNTY OW ANDS DEPT LANE C TY COURTHOUSE E E, OR 97401 :'" 1702300001914 KINGSFORD MAN PO BOX 2 A AX DEPT OAKLAN D, CA 94623 RING CO 1702300001919 , GIBSON DENNIS 1633PA DR EU E, OR 97404 YA '1702300002400 WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY PO BOX 9777 FEDERAL WAY, WA 98063 1702302300102 BARNEY JEFF TE 20220 SW TETON AVE TUALA TIN, OR 97062 1702302300102 ENDICOTT JOHN TE '20220 SW TETON AVE TUALA TIN, OR 97062 1702302300102 HARGRA VE JOHN TE 20220 SW TETON AVE , TUALATIN, OR 97962 1702302300102 LUNDE JIM TE 20220 SW TETON AVE. TUALA TIN, OR 97062 1702362300 I 02 SHINN PERRY TE ,20220 SW TETON AVE , TUALA TIN, OR 97062 '1702302300102 WRIGHT MARK TE 20220 SW TETON AVE TUALA TIN, OR 97062 1703251403000 LANE COUNT LANEC TYCOU~T OU , e<CM~a\ lanner: LM 1702200000700100 CHILD CENTER THE INC % WELLARD BILL 3995 MARCOLA RD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702200000901 DIVINE J R E SS5 LI LN ST ENE, OR 97401 1702300000101 O'NEAL MICHAEL R 3835 MARCOLA RD SPRINGFIELD, OR '97477 1702300000500 REYNOSO OLIVIA D 4251 FRANKLIN BLVD EUGENE, OR 97403 170230000060 I HAMLIN ALFRED 3872 VITUS LN SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 I 702300000604 , JANSSEN DEBORAH K & DWIGHT A 3208 LAKESIDE DR EUGENE, OR 97401 , 1702300000802 HAMLIN ALFRED S 3872 VITUS LN SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702300000902 UFFENS SCOTT 90342 HILL RD SPRINGFI ELD, OR 97477 170230000 \ 000 STATE OF OREGON MILITARY DEPARTMENT PO BOX 143S0 SALEM, OR 97309, 1702200000700 CHILDRE I 3995 COLA RD SP NGFIELD, OR 97478 1702200000900 RIVERVIEW MARKET 2288 9TH ST ,SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 1702200001300 WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY PO BOX 9777 FEDEi{AL WAY, WA 98063 1702300000101 O'NEAL THOMAS D & CAROLYN S , 3835 MARCOLA RD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702300000501 OSTERBERG CAMILLE M PO BOX 1034 SISTERS, OR 977S9, 1702300000602 OSTERBERG WILBUR C & SHARON 2764 MAlA LOOP SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702300000700, 'iDO, 'I"" BREEDEN BROS INC 366 E 40TH AVE EUGENE, OR 9740S ., " 1702300000900 BREEDEN S INC 366 E H AVE E ENE, OR' 97405 1702300000903 BROWN GARY & PENELOPE 82864 RATTLESNAKE RD DEXTER, OR 97431 17.02300001900 , SEED INVESTMENTS LLC PO BOX 1053 FALL CREEK, OR 9'(438 ,." 1702200000700 MENTAL H H FOR 3995 COLA RD INGFIELD, OR 97478 170220.0000900,'1.1 ROSCOE DIVINE LLC 555 LINCOLN ST EUGENE, OR 97401 .I 702.100000600 WILLIAM'S ROERT G & LANESIA 3860 VITUS LN SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702300000603 HEFNER K L 717 ROWAN AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 , 1702300000800 BREEDEN S INC 366 HAVE ENE. OR 97405 \ , 170230000090 I DUGDALE ENTERPRISES LLC 466 MANSFI ELD ST S~RINGFIELD, OR 97477 , 1702300000904 HILLER WILLIAM D' 80203 LOST CREEK RD DEXTER, OR 97431 1702300001901 ,ll?tl>, I '1,</ KINGSFORD MANUFACTURING CO PO BOX-2430S ATTN TAX DEPT OAKLAND, CA 94623 ,...A , r I /' . , , Date ReceiVed;.:t..j,J.1,J n0. , . Planner: lM . , 1702190003300 EUGENE 'OF CITY LL ENE, OR 97401 1702190003500 ORE INDUSTRIAL PO BOX I SP FIELD, OR 97477 ROD INC 1702194306200 BRACKETT DAVID W & LINDA M 2296 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702194306500 LARION MICHAEL G & NORA L 2274 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477, 1702194308900 KOCKEN VERNA J 2263 37TH ST 'SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 " 1702194309200 NYEGAARD MARK & SUSAN J 2281 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ' 1702194309500 BARRETT BEVERLY G '2299 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702194309700 ACHESON FRED FLOYD" 3688 OSPREY DR . SPRINGFIEL!?, OR 97477 1702200000407 EUGENE WTR & ELECTRIC BOARD POBOX 10148 EUGENE, OR 97440 \702200000430 SANDGATHE JOHN J &ANNA M 89017 OLD MOHA WK RD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702190003301 PRODUCT C PO B 1442 INGFIELD. OR ,97477 1702190003500;~~OI ' OREG IND LUMBER PROD INC PO BOX 1442 SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477' 1702194306100 TEFFT JAY M & MICHELE L 2298 37TH ST ' SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702194306300 KELLIS RICHARD & JOANN PO BOX 7854 ,EUGENE, OR 97401 . 1702194306400 ALEXANDER KATHY E, 2280 37TH' ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 .,' 1,702194308800 . ' POTTS CASSY L ..Do.... 2257 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1.7021943088 POTT 27 37TH ST PRlNGFIELD, OR 97477 1702194309000 ENDICOTT WAYNE A JR & LISA 2269 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702194309100 MEADOWS JAMESM 227S 37 ST SPRINGFIELD. OR 9747.7 1702194309300 HUTCHESON BRIAN L 2293 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702194309400 WININGS RICHARD L & CAROLYN KA YE 2297 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (', '1702194309500 LETSOM WILLlAMRSR 2299 37TH S:r , "SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1702194309600 MARSONETTE VERN C & SHEILA K 2309 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477' 1702194309700 OLIVER-BAKER RHONDA MARIE ,3688 OSPREY DR , SPRINGFIELD, OR '97477 170220000040 I , SANDGATJ-IE GARY ALLEN , PO BOX 2099 . JASPER. OR 97438 . . 1702200000408 , DIVINE J ROSCOE' 555 LINCOLN ST EUGENE, OR 97401 , 1702200000427 CHRISTIAN INVESTMENTS' 88956 SKY HIGH DR SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702200000600 EWEB 500 EAST 4TH AVE EUGENE, OR 97401 1702200000600,.~;..o EUGENE CITY OF 500 EAST 4TH AVE EUGENE, OR 97401 I . bate Received: t IiI ()(p Planner:LM ' 1(02190003300 Resident 3957 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD Springfield, OR 97477 ' 1702194306200 Resident 2296 37TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 1702194306500 Resident 2274 37TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 \702194309000 Resident 2269 37TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 1702194309300 Resident 2293 37TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 1702194309600 Resident 2309 37TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 1702200000407 Resident 88700 MARCOLA RD Springfield, OR 97478 1702200000800 Resident , 3997 MARCO LA RD Springfield, OR 97477 1702200000901 Resident' 35300 CAMP CREEK RD Springfield, OR 97478 1702300000500 Resident ,3994 VITUS LN APT I Springfield, OR 97477 1702190003500 Resident . 3950 MARCOLA RD Springfield, OR 97477 _:~ 1102194306100 Resident 2298 37TH ST Springfield"OR 97477 1702194306300 , Resident 228837TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 1702194306400 Resident 2280 37THST Springfield, OR 97477 1702194308800 Resident , 2257 37TH ST.' Springfield, OR 97477 1702194308900 Resident 2263 37TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 1702194309100 Resident 2275 37TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 1702194309200 Resident 228137TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 ' 1702194309400 Resident 2297 37TH ST , Springfield, OR 97477 ' , . 1702194309500 Resident" . 229937THST Springfield, OR 97477 , 1702194309700 Resident . 3688 OSPREY DR Springfield, OR 9747] .1702200000401 .Resident 88701 OLD MOHAWK RD Springfield, OR 97478 1702200000408 , Resident , 35298 CAMP CREEK RD , Springfield, OR 97478:, 1702200000700 , Resident 3995 MARCOl.:A RD Springfieid,OR97477 , 1702200000900 Resident 35286 CAMP CREEK RD Springfield, OR 97478 1702200000900, , Resident , 35296 CAMP CREEK RD Springfield, OR 97478 1702300000101, Resident , 3835 MARCOLA RD , Springfield, OR 97477 ,1702300000500 Resident , 3994 VITUS LNAPT 3 Springfield, OR 97477 1702300000500 Resident 3994 VITUS LN APT 2 Springfield, OR 97477" 1702300000500 Resident 3998 VITUS LN springfiel,d, OR 97j.l!II/ . , Date Received: "b. h OU . Planner: ,LM ' . 1702300000500 1702300000500 )'702300000500 Resident Resident Resident 3996 VITUS LN APT I '3996 VITUS LN APT 2 3996 VITUS LN APT 3 Springfield, OR 97477 . Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 ' 1702300000600 , 1702300000601 1702300000604 Resident Resident Resident 3860 VITUS LN 3872 VITUS LN 3878 VITUS LN APT 4 Springfield, OR 97477 ' , Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1702300000604 ,1702300000604 1702300000604 Resident Resident Resident 3878 VITUS LN APT 6 3878 VITUS LNAPT 8 3878 VITUS LN APT 5 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1702300000604 1702300000604 1702300000604 Resident Resident Resident 3878 VITUS LN APT 7 3878 VITUS LN APT I ' 3878 VITUS LN APT 2 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1702300000604 ' , 1702300000900 1702300000901 Resident Resident Resident 3878 VITUS LN APT 3 3590 MARCOLA RD 3570MARCOLA RD Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 ' Springfield, OR 97477 1702300000901 1702300000902 1702300000902 Resident Resident Resident 3574 MARCOLA RD 3492 MARCOLA RD ' 3490 MARCO LA RD Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 , Springfield, OR 97477 _1702300000903 1702300000904 1702300001000 Resident Resident Resident , 3580 MARCOLA RD ' . 3584 MARCOLA RD . 3110 PIERCE PKWY Springfield,OR 9.7477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1702300001000 1702300001000 , i 702300001900 Resident Resident Resident 2020 31 ST ST ' 2022 31ST ST 3555 MARCOLA RD Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 " Springfield, OR 97477 1702300001901 1702300001910 1702300001910 Resident ' Resident Resident 2825 MARCOLA RD 3835 MARCOLA RD I 3855 MARCOLA RD Springfield,. OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1702300001914 1702300001917 1702302300102 Resident ' Resident ' Resident 3411 MARCOLA RD 3315 MARCOLA RD 2861 PIERCE PKWY' Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield,OR:97477 ' , Springfield, O~ 97~ llv b.~ . : Date Received: , Planner: LM 1702302300103 , Resident 2025 31ST ST Springfield, OR 97477. . ~ . " II " ' "DateHeceiVed:~ 'Planner: LM ' SUB2006-00048 Serial PLA - OR Industrial Lmb 17-02-19-00 TL 3500,17-02-20-00 TL 1300,17-02-30-00 TL 2400 I ,1- Springfield Streets - Tooltip is Street Name Springfield Addresses - Tooltip is Address - Vis... Buffer layer Tax Lots - Tooltip is Maplot I-I Snringfield City Limits - - ~""J:;PR '~ ... L,[j ~'9Iene City Limits tJi.iEUG Springfield UGB @ It o 1-' -- imi I;;;' .'M L SCALE 1 : 19,054 /"'LI""I-Jiiioi 1,000 0 -1 1.000 2,000 FEET hltp:llspintraneUmg_mwflspr _main_tide.mwf N I 3.000 j' Date ReceiVed:sJE. olp Planner: LM Tuesday, August 08, 2006 1 :39 PM