HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 2/20/2007 , , , , -.,' DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT Weyerhaeuser Company, a Washington corporation, ("Weyerhaeuser)" is the owner of two adjoining parcels of property referred to herein as Parcell and Parcel 2. Weyerhaeuser is setting forth this declaration to set an adjusted boundary line between Parcell (Tax Lot 1300) and Parcel 2 (Tax Lot 2400) to comply with Lane County Land Use Regulations and the provisions of ORS 92.190(4). PARCEL 1: The reference to the legal description of the Parcell property prior to this adjustment is contained in the deed recorded in Reel 155D, Instrument No. 3416 of the Lane County, Oregon, Deed Records. The description of said Parcel I is: That portion of the former Southern Pacific Company's one-hundred (100) foot wide railroad right of way (Marcola Branch) located in portions of Sections 19 and 20, both in Township 17 South, Range 2 West, W.M., Lane County, Oregon lying easterly of a line drawn at right angles to and passing through the original Railroad Engineer's Station 144+35.4 (MP 649.36) and westerly of the westerly bank ofthe McKinzie River, LESS AND EXCEPT therefrom, any portion thereof lying within the right of way of Marc 01 a County Road. ADJUSTED P ARCEL I~ Following this property line adjustment, the description of the Parcell (Tax Lot 1300) property is described as follows: A parcel of land located in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 20, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly line of that property as described in said deed dated May 25, 1960, North 0034'43" West 573.21 feet from the section comer common to Sections 19, 20, 29 and 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, said point being on the westerly line of that permanent access easement conveyed from Weyerhaeuser Company to Lane County by document recorded April 25, 1989 on Reel I 569R,.Instrument No. 89177677, Lane County 'Oregon Deed Records, said point being distant 136.00 feet, measured radially, from Marcola Road Engineer's station L6 190+80.35 POC as resurveyed by Lane County in 1988; thence North 59031 '24" East along the northwesterly line of that property described in said deed dated May 25, 1960,480.54 feet, more orless, to a point on the West bank of the McKenzie River; thence South '30028'36" East along said westerly bank 80.40 feet to a point on the northerly line of that property described in that deed recorded on April 25, 1989 from Weyerhaeuser Company to Lane County, on Reel I 569R, Instrument No. 8917676, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, said point being distant 51.86 feet, measured perpendicular to, said Marcola Road Engineer's station L6 195+58.47; Weyerhaeuser Company Lane County OR T2007-3jb Page I of 10 Date Received: Planner: LM ~ 11-~ tLy:- thence South 61018'33" West along said northerly line 89.92 feet to a point, said point being distant 55.00 feet; measured perpendicular to, said Marcola Road Engineer's station L6 194+68.6 I POT; thence South 59018'25" West along said northerly line 96.50 feet to a point, said point being distant 55.00 feet, measured perpendicular to, said Marcola Road Engineer's station L6 193+72.11 PT; thence southwesterly along said northerly line 270.96 feet as it follows the arc of a 22973.31 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 58058'08" West 270.96 feet) to a point, said point being distant 55.00 feet, measured radially to, said Marcola Road Engineer's station L6 191+01.80 POC; thence South 31022'08" East 0.92 feet to a point on the northerly line ofthat property conveyed from Weyerhaeuser Company to Lane County by deed recorded on August 21, 1985 on Instrument No. 8529727, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, said point being distant 60.00 feet, measured radially to, Marcola Road Engineer's station L5 191+00.00 POC; thence southwesterly 45.94 feet along said northerly line as is follows the arc of a 11519.16 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 60016'49' West 45.94 feet) to a point, said point being distant 60.00 feet, measured radially to, Marcola Road Engineer's station L5 190+54.30 POC; thence South 40032'33" West along said northerly line 0.97 feet to a point, said point being distant 59.67 feet, measured radially to, Marcola Road Engineer's station L5 190+53.39 POC; thence leaving said northerlv line North 14015'29" West 84.58 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.89 acres, more or less, all in Lane County, Oregon. The Portion of the legal description which depicts the new adjusted line between Parcell and Parcel 2 is shown underlined. PARCEL 2: Prior to this adjustment the legal description for the property was contained in that Grant Deed, dated May 20,1963, from SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Delaware, to WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY, a corporation of the Sate of Washington, recorded on Reel 245, Instrument No. 59635, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. The description of said Parcel 2 is: A parcel of land located in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 19, the Southwest 1/4 of Section 20, and the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, WilIamette Meridian, County of Lane, State of Oregon, more particularly described as follows; . . :')\JO,Dr Date Recelved,-. . . Planner: LM . Weyerhaeuser Company Lane County OR T2007-3jb Page 2 of 10 COMMENCING at a point in the original located center line of Southern Pacific Company's Marcola Branch main track, distant North:4042'00" West 496.31 feet from the southeast comer of said Section 19, being at Engineer Station 146+49.57; thence South 59031'24" West along said centerline 24.37 feet to Engineer Station 146+28.3 E.C.; . thence southwesterly along said center line on a compoUnd curve to the left (tangent to said compound curve is last described course) having the following radii, central angles, and arc lengths: Radii ~entral Anl!les Arc leiurths 22918.32 feet 0004'30" 30.00 feet 11459.17 feet 0009'00" 30.00 feet 7639.45 feet 0013'30" 30.00 feet 5729.60 feet 0018'00" 30.00 feet 4583.69 feet 0022'30" 30.00 feet 3819.75 feet 0027'00" 30.00 feet 3274.08 feet 0013'33" 12.90 feet to a point in the southwesterly line of the land describ~d in deed dated May 25, 1960 from Southern Pacific Company to Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, recorded June 30, 1960 on Reel I 55-60D, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence South 32016'39" East 50.00 feet along said southwesterly line to a point in the southeasterly line of the land of Southern Pacific Company and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence southwesterly along the southeasterly line of that property described in said deed dated May 20, 1963, being concentric with and distant 50.00 feet southeasterly, measured radially, from said center line of the Southern Pacific Company's Marcola Branch main track, on a compound curve to the left (tangent to said compound curve at last mentioned point bears South 57"56'54" West) having the following radii, central angles, and arc lengths: Radii Central Anl!les 3224.08 feet 0017'57" 2814.72 feet 0036'00" 2496.52 feet 0040'30" 2241.88 feet 0045'00" 2033.53 feet 0049'30" 1859.91 feet 24002'00" 2033.53 feet 0049'30" 2241.88 feet 0045'00" 2496.52 feet 0040'30" 2814.82 feet 0036'00" 3224.08 feet 0031 '30" Arc lenl!ths 16.83 feet 29.48 feet 29.41 feet 29.35 feet 29.28 feet 780.16 feet 29.28 feet 29.35 feet 29.41 feet 29.48 feet 29.54 feet Date Heceived: Planner: LM }\}O Weyerhaeuser Company Lane County OR T2007-3jb bY Page 3 oflO 3769.75 feet 4533.69 feet 5679.60 feet 7589.45 feet 11409.17 feet 22868.32 feet to a point; thence South 25035'24" West tangent to said curve at last mentioned point and continuing along said southeaslerly line 142.70 feet; thence continuing along said southeasterly line on a compound curve to the right (tangent to said curve at last mentioned point is last described course) having the following radii, central angles, and arc lengths: ' Radii Central An!!les Arc len!!ths 5779.61 feet 0018'00" 30.26 feet 2914.82 feet 0036'00" 30.52 feet 1959.91 feet 0054'00" 30.79 feet 1482.47 feet ]012'00" 31.05 feet 1196.0 I feet 1030'00" 31.31 feet 1005.04 feet 12034'12" 220.49 feet to a point being distant 50.00 feet southeasterly, measured radially, from said center line of main line track at Engineer Station 126+65.0; thence North 47020'24" West leaving said southeasterly line, 40.00 feet to a point in a line concentric with and distant 10.00 feet southeasterly, measured radially, from said center line of main track; thence northeasterly along said concentric line on a compound curve to the left (tangent to said compound curve at last mentioned point bears North 42039'36" East) having the following radii, central angles and arc lengths: Radii Central An!!les Arc lenIrths 965.04 feet 2034'12" 211.72 feet 1156.01 feet 030'00" 30.26 feet 1442.47 feet 012'00" 30.21 feet 1919.91 feet 054'00" 30.16 feet 2874.82 feet 036'00" 30.10 feet 5739.61 feet 018'00" 30.05 feet to a point; thence North 25035'24" East tangent to said compound curve at last mentioned point and parallel with said center line 142.70 feet; thence' northeasterly concentric with said center line on a compound curve to the right (tangent to said compound curve at last mentioned point is last described course) having the following radii, central angles, and arc lengths: 0027'00" 0022'30" 0018'00" 0013'30" 0009'00" 0004'30" 29.61 feet 29.67 feet 29.74 feet 29.80 feet 29.87 feet 29.94 feet Radii Central An!!les Arc lell!!lhs Date Received: Planner: LM 1\1D\OY Weyerhaeuser Company Lane County OR T2007-3jb Page 4 of 10 22908.32 feet 11449.17 feet 7629.45 feet 5719.60 feet 4573.69 feet 3809.75 feet 3264.08 feet 2854.82 feet 2536.52 feet 2281.88 feet 2073.53 feet 1899.91 feet to a point; thence North 53022'30" West 60.00 feet to a point in the nOJ1:hwesterly line of that property described in said deed dated May 20, 1963; thence northeasterly along said northwesterly line being concentric with and distant 50.00 feet northwesterly, measured radially, from said center line of main track, on.a compound curve to the right (tangent to said compound curve at last mentioned point bears North 36037'33" East) having the following radii, central angles, and arc lengths: Radii Central Aneles Arc leneths 1959.91 feet 17056'54" 613.96 feet 2133.53 feet .0049'30" 30.72 feet 2341.88 feet 0045'00" 30.66 feet 2596.52 feet 0040'30" 30.59 feet 2914.72 feet 0036'00" 30.52 feet 3324.08 feet 0017'57" 17.36 feet to a point in said southwesterly right of way line of land described in deed dated May 25, 1960; thence South 300 55'03 " East along said southwesterly line, 50.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing an area of 2.641 acres, more or less. 0004'30" 0009'00" 0013'30~' 0018'00" 0022'30" 0027'00" 0031 '30" 0036'00" 0040'30" 0045'00" 0049'30" 6005'06" 29.99 feet 29.97 feet 29.96 feet 29.95 feet 29.94 feet 29.92 feet 29.91 feet 29.90 feet 29.88 feet 29.87 feet 29.86 feet 201.78 feet ADJUSTED PARCEL 2: F:ollowing this adjustment, the legal description for this Parcel 2 (Tax Lot 2400) is as follows: A parcel of land located in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 19, the Southwest 1/4 of Section . - ~ 20, and the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, County of Lane, State of Oregon, more particularly described as follows; Date ReCeiVed:] JJ()~~ Planner: LM Weyerhaeuser Company Lane County OR T2007-3jb Page 5 of 10 COMMENCING at a point in the original located center line of Southern Pacific Company's Marcola Branch main track, 'distant North 4042'00" West 496.31 feet from the southeast comer of said Section 19, being at Engineer Station 146+49.57; thence South 59031 '24" West along said centerline 24.37 feet to Engineer Station 146+28.3 E.e.; thence southwesterly along said center line on a compound curve to the left (tangent to said compound curve is last described course) having the following radii, central angles, and arc lengths: Radii Central Anllles Arc lenllths 22918.32 feet 0004'30" 30.00 'feet 11459.17 feet 0009'00" 30.00 feet 7639.45 feet 0013'30" 30.00 feet 5729.60 feet 0018'00" 30.00 feet 4583.69 feet 0022'30" 30.00 feet 3819.75 feet 0027'00" 30.00 feet 3274.08 feet 0013'33" 12.90 feet to a point in the southwesterly line ofthe land described in deed dated May 25, 1960 from Southern Pacific Company to Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, recorded June 30, 1960 on Reel 155-60D, Lane County Oregon Deed Re~ords; thence South 32016'39" East 50.00 feet along said southwesterly line to a point in the southeasterly line of the land of Southern Pacific Company and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence southwesterly along the southeasterly line of that property described in said deed dated May 20, 1963, being concentric with and'distant 50.00 feet southeasterly, measured radially, from said center line of the Southern Pacific Company's Marcola Branch main' track, on a compound curve to the left (tangent to said compound curve at last mentioned poinl bears South 57056'54" West) having the following radii, central angles, and arc lengths: Radii Central Anllles 3224.08 feet 0017'57" 2814.72 feet, 0036'00" 2496.52 feet 0040'30'" 2241.88 feet 0045'00" 2033.53 feet 0049'30" 1859.91 feet 24002'00" 2033.53 feet 0049'30" 2241.88 feet 0045'00" 2496.52 feet 0040'30" 2814.82 feet 0036'00" 3224.08 feet 0031 '30" 3769.75 feet 0027'00" Arc lenllth~ 16.83 feet 29.48 feet 29.41 feet 29.35 feet 29.28 feet 780.16 feet 29.28 feet 29.35 feet 29.41 feet 29.48 feet 29.54 feet 29.61 feet Date Received;L} )() I D1- Planner: LM Weyerhaeuser Company Lane County OR T2007-3jb Page 6 of 10 4533.69 feet 5679.60 feet 7589.45 feet 11409.17 feet 22868.32 feet 0022'30" 0018'00" 0013'30" 0009'00" 0004'30" 29.67 feet 29.74 feet 29.80 feet 29.87 feet 29.94 feet to a point; thence South 25035'24" West tangent to said curve at last mentioned point and continuing along said southeasterly line 142.70 feet; thence continuing along said southeasterly line on a compound curve to the right (tangent to said curve at last mentioned point is last described course) having the following radii, central angles, and arc lengths: Radii Central Amdes Arc lenIrth~ 5779.61 feet 0018'00" 30.26 feet 2914.82 feet 0036'00" 30.52 feet 1959.91 feet 0054'00" 30.79 feet 1482.47 feet 1012'00" 31.05 feet 1196.01 feet 1030'00" 31.31 feet 1005.04 feet 12034'12" 220.49 feet to a point being distant 50.00 feet southeasterly, measured radially, from said center line of main line track at Engineer Station 126+65.0; thence North 47020'24" West leaving saici southeasterly line, 40.00 feet to a point in a line concentric with and distant 10.00 feet southeasterly, measure.d radially, from said center line of main track; .. thence northeasterly along said concentric line on a compound curve to the left (tangent to said compound curve at last mentioned point bears North 42039'36" Easl) having the following radii, central angles and arc lengths: Radii Cenlral Amdes Arc leneths 965.04 feet 2034'12" 211.72 feet 1156.0 I feet 030'00" 30.26 feet 1442.47 feet 012'00" 30.21 feet 1919.91 feet 054'00" 30.16 feet 2874.82 feet 036'00" 30.10 feet .5739.61 feet 018'00" 30.05 feet to a point; thence North 25035'24" East tangent to said compound curve at last mentioned point and parallel with said center line 142.70 feet; thence northeasterly concentric with said center line on a compound curve to the right (tangent to said compound curve at last mentioned point is last described course) having the following radii, cenlral angles, and arc lengths: Radii 22908.32 feet Central Aneles 0004'30" . Arc lenIrths 29.99 feet lJate Received: ')1 ~I nr- Planner: LM ' Weyerhaeuser Company Lane County OR T2007-3jb Page 7 of 10 11449.17 feet 7629.45 feet 5719.60 feet 4573.69 feet 3809.75 feet 3264.08 feet 2854.82 feet 2536.52 feet 2281.88 feet 2073.53 feet 1899.91 feet 0009'00" 0013'30" 0018'00" 0022'30" 0027'00" 0031 '30" 0036'00" 0040'30" 0045'00" 0049'30" 6005'06" 29.97 feet. 29.96 feet 29.95 feet 29.94 feet 29.92 feet 29.91 feet 29.90 feet 29.88feet 29.87 'feet 29.86 feet 201.78 feet to a point; thence North 53022'30" West 60.00 feet to a point in the northwesterly line of that property described in said deed dated May 20, 1963;. thence northeasterly along said northweslerly line being concentric with and distant 50.00 feet northwesterly, measured radially, from said center line of main track, on a compound curve to . 4 the right (tangent to said compound curve at last mentioned point bears North 36037'33" East) haying the following radii, central angles, and arc lengths: Radii Central Angles Arc lengths 1959.91 feet 17056'54" 613.96 feet 2 I 33.53 feet 0049'30" 30.72 feet 2341.88 feet 0045'00" 30.66 feet 2596.52 feet 0040'30" 30.59 feet 2914.72 feet 0036'00" 30.52 feet 3324.08 feet 0017'57" 17.36 feet to a point in said southwesterly line of land described in deed dated May 25, 1960; thence northeasterly along the northwesterly line of land described in said deed dated May 25. 1960. said northwesterly line being concentric with and distant 50.00 feet northwesterly, measured radially. from said center line of main track. on a comoound curve to the right (tangent to said comoound curve at last mentioned ooint bears North 57043'21" East) haying the following radii. central angles. and arc lengths: Radii Central Angles 3224.08 feet 0013'33" 3869.75 feet 0027'00" 4633.69 feet 0022'30" 5779.60 feet 0018'00" 7689.45 feet 0013'30" 1 1509.17 feet 0009'00" 22968.32 feet 0004'30" Arc len"ths 13.10 feet 30.39 fee~ 30.33 feet 30.26 feet 30.20 feet 30.13 feet 30.06 feet . Date Received: 2/ J.-O I Dr Planner: LM Weyerhaeuser Company Lane County OR T2007-3jb . Page 8 of! 0 to a ooin!: thence North 59031 '24" East alonf!: said northwesterly line. 94.26 feet to a ooint on the westerly line of that oermanent access easement conyeyed from Weyerhaeuser Comoanv to Lane County by document recorded on Avril 25. 1989 on Reel 1569R. Instrument No. 8917677. Lane County Oref!:on Deed Records. said ooint being distant 136.00 feet. measurer! radially. from Marcola Road Engineer's station L6 190+80.35 POC as resurveyed by Lane County in 1988: thence South 14015'29" East 84.58 feet alonf!: said westerly line to a ooint on the northerly line of that orooerty conyeyed from Weyerhaeuser to Lane County by deed recorded on August 21, 1985 on Instrument No. 8529727. Lane County Deed Records_ said ooint being distant 59.67 feet. measured radially to. said Marcola Road Enf!:ineer's station L5 190+53.39 POC; thence South 40032'33" West 56.88 feet along said northerlv line to a ooint being distant 40.70 feet. measured radially to. said Marcola Road Enf!:ineer's station L5 190+00.00 POC:. thence South 30028'36" East 0.29 feet to a ooint on the southeasterly line of land described in deed dated May 25. 1960. said ooint being southerly from and distant 50.00 feet. measured oeroendicular to. said cenler line of Southern Pacific Comoany's main track; thence South 59031'24" West 16.85 feet along said southeasterly line ofIand described in deed dated May 25. 1960 to a ooint. said ooint beinf!: distant 50.00. feet. measured oeroendicular to. said Southern Pacific Cornoany's main track at Engineer Station 146+28.3 E.C.: thence southwesterlv along' said southeasterly line ofIand described in deed dated May 25. 1960 on a cornoound curve to the left (tangent to said cornoound curve at last mentioned ooint is last described course) haying the following radii. central angles. and arc lenlrths: Radii Central Anf!:les Arc lemJths 22868.32 feet 0004'30" 29.94 f,,~t 11409.17 feet 0009'00" 29.87 feet 7589.45 feet 0013'30" 29.80 feet 5679.60 feet 0018'00" 29.74 feet 4533.69 feet 0022'30" 29.67 feet 3769.75 feet 0027'00" 29.61 feet 3224.08 feet 0013'33" 12.71 feet to the True Point of Bef!:inning, containing 3.26 acres, more or less, all in Lane County, Oregon. Dated this day of ,2007. Weyerhaeuser Company By: Its: Attesl: . d JD/~y Date Received: . Planner:LM Assistant Secretary Weyerhaeuser Company Lane County OR T2007-3jb Page 9 of 10 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of ,2007, before me personally appeared and , to me known to be the and Assistant Secretary, respectively, ofWEYERHAEUSER COMPANY, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and pllTposes ther6in mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument. . In Witness Whereof! have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing at W,eyerhaeuser Company Lane County OR T2007-3jb . Page 10 of 101 I D~te Received: J-!){) Or Planner: LM